3 Reasons Why Cells Need To Divide: To Grow They Die Reproduce Asexually

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3 reasons why cells need to divide:

 to grow
 they die
 reproduce asexually
cell specialisation

the process by which a cell changes into a specialise cell is called differentiation.

Totipotent- can differentiate into any type of cell (found in the embryo)
multi potent- can differentiate into a certain range of cell types (found in adults)

Adult stem cells are found in brain, bone, marrow, shin and liver.

ciliated cells

they are in your Airways and produce sticky mucus which traps dirt and bacteria. The cilia
hairs on the top of your throat sweep the mucus from the lungs.

stem cells are taken from the bone marrow they can be turned into pancreatic beta cells
and pancreas in liver cells.

Surface area to volume ratio

the surface area to volume ratio compares how big the surface area is compared to the
SA: vol= surface area(cm2) / volume (cm3)

The circulatory system

Double circulatory system: a system where blood travels through the heart twice in one
circuit of the body.



red blood cells (erythrocytes)

function: to carry oxygen around the body from the lungs to respiring cells.
Description: they have a distinct bi-concave shape.
SA: Vol ratio for increase diffusion of oxygen. they contain haemoglobin. they do not have a
nucleus or mitochondria.

white blood cells

function: they'd are responsible for defending your body from pathogens (microorganism
that causes diseases).
Description: Phagocytes seek out invading pathogens. Phagocytes engulf the microbes and
then destroy them using powerful enzymes. Lymphocytes make antibodies. antibodies are
chemicals that can bind so they can be destroyed by phagocytes.


Function: acts as transport medium for nutrients and waste

Description: plasma is the liquid portion of the blood between the cells. it contains the
solved molecules Eg. Salt, glucose, amino acids, urea, CO2. plasma also contains hormones
and antibodies.


Function: they can respond when a blood vessel is damaged by starting the blood clotting
Description: platelets are made from the small fragments of other cells. they do this by
producing a chemical which initiates a chain of reaction.

how does haemoglobin work?

Oxygen+ haemoglobin oxyhaemoglobin

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