Jesus P. Morfe, vs. Amelito R. Mutuc Facts

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G.R. No.

L-20387 January 31, 1968 On the otherhand, the defendants Secretary opportunities for official corruption and
of Justice and Executive Secretary contended maintaining a standard of honesty in the
JESUS P. MORFE, vs. AMELITO R. MUTUC that it was a legitimate exercise of police public service. It is intended to further promote
power, and that Morfe, having accepted a morality in public administration. A public
public position, voluntarily assumed the office must indeed be a public trust.
One of the specific provisions of the Anti-Graft obligation to give information about his
personal affair, not only at the time of his The State’s inherent police power enables it to
and Corrupt Practices Act of 1960 is that
assumption of office but during the time he prohibit all things hurtful to the comfort, safety,
every public officer, either within thirty (30)
continues to discharge public trust. and welfare of society. However, if the police
days after its approval or after his assumption
power extends to regulatory action affecting
of office “and within the month of January of
Lower court: Law is unconstitutional. persons in public or private life, then anyone
every other year thereafter”, as well as upon
with an alleged grievance can invoke the
the termination of his position, shall prepare Issue: protection of due process which permits
and file with the head of the office to which he
deprivation of property or liberty as long as
belongs, “a true detailed and sworn statement Whether or not the required periodical
such requirement is observed.
of assets and liabilities, including a statement submission of sworn statement of assets and
of the amounts and sources of his income, the liabilities is unconstitutional on the grounds of If due process mandate is not disregarded,
amounts of his personal and family expenses it being an unlawful invasion of right to even a public official, to protect the security of
and the amount of income taxes paid for the privacy, and an insult to the personal integrity tenure which is analogous to property, can
next preceding calendar: . . .” and official dignity of public officials. protect himself from an infringement of his
liberty. However, liberty, in the interest of
In relation to Morfe’s alleged accumulation of Held:
public health, public order, or safety, of
assets grossly disproportionate to his reported
No. SC said that such provision of Anti-Graft general welfare, in other words through the
incomes after his assumption to office, plaintiff
and Corrupt Practices Act is constitutional. It proper exercise of the police power, may be
Morfe alleged that the periodical submission
is within the State’s police power, and is not regulated.
of such sworn statement of assets is violative
of due process as an oppressive exercise of violative of due process and liberty. It is also
In here, the reasonableness of the law makes
police power and as an unlawful invasion of not a violation of guarantee against
the prohibition valid and within the ambit of
the constitutional right to privacy, implicit in unreasonable search and seizure, and is not
police power.
the ban against unreasonable search and against the non-incrimination clause.
seizure construed together with the prohibition Furthermore, it is not an insult to the personal It would be to dwell in the realm of
against self-incrimination.. integrity and official dignity of public officials. abstractions and to ignore the harsh and
compelling realities of public service with its
The Anti-Graft Act of 1960 was precisely
ever-present temptation to heed the call of
aimed at curtailing and minimizing the
greed and avarice to condemn as arbitrary “If the liberty involved were freedom of the Under the Constitution, the challenged
and oppressive a requirement as that imposed mind or the person, the standard for the provision is allowable as long as due process
upon public officials and employees to file validity of governmental acts is much more is observed.
such sworn statement of assets and liabilities rigorous and exacting, but where the liberty
every two years after having done so upon curtailed affects the most rights of property, The standard for due process is
assuming office. There was therefore no the permissible scope of regulatory measure REASONABLENESS. Test: Official action
unconstitutional exercise of police power. is wider.” (Ermita-Malate Hotel v. Mayor of must not outrun the bounds of reason and
Manila) result in sheer oppression.
A periodical submission of sworn statement of
assets and liabilities after assumption of office Exercise of Police power and the defense “It would be to dwell in the realm of
is within the power of the government to provided by the Due Process Clause abstractions and to ignore the harsh and
impose, even if it will affect the public officer’s compelling realities of public service with its
liberty, for as long as due process is “Inherent and plenary power in the state which ever-present temptation to heed the call of
observed. In subjecting the public officer to enables it to prohibit all things hurtful to the greed and avarice to condemn as arbitrary
such a further compulsory revelation of his comfort, safety and welfare of society” (Justice and oppressive a requirement as that imposed
assets and liabilities, including the statement Malcolm) upon public officials and employees to file
of the amounts and sources of income, the such sworn statement of assets and liabilities
The power of sovereignty, the power to every two years after having done so upon
amounts of personal and family expenses,
govern men and things within the limits of its assuming office.  There was therefore no
and the amount of income taxes paid for the
domain (Justice Taney, going beyond unconstitutional exercise of police power.”
next preceding calendar year, there is no
curtailment of rights)
unconstitutional intrusion into what otherwise
Right to privacy or Right to be left alone
would be a private sphere. Anyone with an alleged grievance regarding
the extension of police power to regulatory “It cannot be said that the challenged statutory
Other Notes:
action affecting persons in public or private life provision calls for disclosure of information
Presumption of validity can invoke the protection of due process. which infringes on the right of a person to
It has been held that due process may be privacy. It cannot be denied that the rational
Plaintiff asserted that the submission of SAL relied upon by public official to protect the relationship such a requirement possesses
was a reasonable requirement for security of tenure which in a limited sense is with the objective of a valid statute goes very
employment so a public officer can make of analogous to property. Therefore he could far in precluding assent to an objection of
record his assets and liabilities upon also use due process to strike down what he such character. This is not to say that a public
assumption of office. Plaintiff did not present considers as an infringement of his liberty. officer, by virtue of position he holds, is bereft
evidence to rebut the presumption of validity. of constitutional protection; it is only to
emphasize that in subjecting him to such a
further compulsory revelation of his assets G.R. No. 174340             October 17, 2006 ISSUE:
and liabilities, including the statement of the
amounts of personal and family expenses, IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR Whether or not Section 4(b) of E.O. No.1
and the amount of income taxes paid for the
ISSUANCE OF WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS limits power of legislative inquiry by exempting
next preceding calendar year, there is no
unconstitutional intrusion into what otherwise OF CAMILO L. SABIO,  vs. HONORABLE all PCGG members or staff from testifying in
would be a private sphere.” SENATOR RICHARD GORDON any judicial, legislative or administrative
Unreasonable Search and Seizure FACTS:
The constitutional guarantee against HELD:
unreasonable search and seizure does not Pursuant to Senate Resolution No. 455,
give freedom from testimonial compulsion. Senator Gordon requested PCGG Chairman No. Article VI, Section 21 of the 1987
Sabio and his Commissioners to appear as Constitution grants the power of inquiry not
Right against self-incrimination only to the Senate and the House of
resource persons in the public meeting jointly
Representatives, but also to any of their
We are not aware of any constitutional conducted by the Committee on Government
respective committees.  Clearly, there is
provision designed to protect a man’s conduct Corporations and Public Enterprises and a direct conferral of investigatory power to
from judicial inquiry, or aid him in fleeing from Committee on Public Services. the committees and it means that the
mechanism which the Houses can take in
Insult to personal integrity and official Chairman Sabio declined the invitation order to effectively perform its investigative
dignity because of prior commitment, and at the functions are also available to the
same time invoked Section 4(b) of EO No. 1: committees. 
Only congressional power or competence, not
“No member or staff of the Commission
the wisdom of the action taken, may be the It can be said that the Congress’ power of
basis for declaring a statute invalid. shall be required to testify or produce inquiry has gained more solid existence and
evidence in any judicial, legislative or expansive construal.  The Court’s
administrative proceeding concerning high  regard  to  such power is rendered more
matters within its official cognizance.” evident in Senate v. Ermita, where it
categorically ruled that  “the power of
inquiry is broad enough to cover officials
of the executive branch.”  Verily, the Court
reinforced the doctrine in Arnault  that  “the
operation of government, being a
legitimate subject for legislation,  is a Sec. 21), the principle of  public accountability
proper subject for investigation” and  that (Art. XI, Sec. 1), the policy of full disclosure  Corollarily, Sec. 4(b) also runs counter to
“the power of inquiry is co-extensive with (Art. II, Sec. 28), and the right of  access to the following constitutional provisions: Art.
the power to legislate.” public information (Art. III, Sec. 7). II, Sec. 28 (policy of full public disclosure),
Art. III, Sec. 7 (right of the people to
Considering these jurisprudential instructions, Certainly, a mere provision of law cannot pose information on matters of public concern)
Section 4(b) is directly repugnant with Article a limitation to the broad power of Congress, in
VI, Section 21. Section 4(b) exempts the the absence of any constitutional basis.  Right to Privacy
PCGG members and staff from the
Congress’ power of inquiry.  This cannot be NOTES:
countenanced.  Nowhere in the Constitution is  One important limitation on the
any provision granting such exemption.   The Congress' power of inquiry is that "the
Power of inquiry rights of persons appearing inor affected
Congress’ power of inquiry, being
broad,  encompasses everything that by such inquiries shall be respected."
concerns the administration of existing laws  The Court's high regard to such power is This means that the power of inquiry
as well as proposed or possibly needed rendered more evident in Senate v.
must be "subject to the limitations
statutes. It even extends “to government Ermita, where it categorically ruled
that "the power of inquiry is broad placed by the Constitution on
agencies created by Congress and officers
whose positions are within the power of enough to cover officials of the government action." (i.e. Bill of Rights)7.
Congress to regulate or even abolish.” executive branch." Verily, the Court
PCGG belongs to this class. reinforced the doctrine in Arnault  The Bill of Rights guarantees the right
that "the operation of government, to privacy. In evaluating a claim for
A statute may be declared unconstitutional being a legitimate subject for
violation of the right toprivacy, a court
because it is not within the legislative legislation, is a proper subject for
investigation" and that "the power of must determine whether a person has
power to enact; or it creates or establishes
methods or forms that infringe constitutional inquiry is co-extensive with the exhibited a reasonable expectation of
principles; or its purpose or effect violates power to legislate." privacy and,if so, whether that
the Constitution or its basic principles. expectation has been violated by
 The power of inquiry is inherent in the unreasonable government intrusion.
Moreover, Sec. 4(b) of E.O. No. 1 has been power to legislate. The power of inquiry
repealed by the Constitution because it is – with process to enforce it- is an
 The legislative inquiry focuses on acts
inconsistent with the constitutional provisions essential and appropriate auxiliary to the
legislative function. committed in the discharge of duties as
on the Congress’ power of inquiry (Art. VI,
officers and directors of the said  That this right may possibly be violated pendency of any prosecution of
corporations. Consequently, the or abused is no ground for denying the criminalor administrative action should
directors of POTC, Philcomsat have no Senate Committeestheir power of not stop or abate any inquiry to carry
reasonable expectationof privacy over inquiry. When this power is abused, out a legislative purpose.
matters involving their offices in a such issue may be presented before the
corporation where the government has courts.
interest.Certainly, such matters are of
public concern and over which the Contempt Power of the Legislative
people have the right to information.
 The exercise by the legislature of the
 The right to privacy is not absolute contempt power is a matter of self-
where there is an overriding compelling preservation as that branchof the
state interest. government vested with the legislative
power, independently of the judicial
 The right of the people to access branch, asserts itsauthority and
information on matters of public punishes contempts thereof.
concern prevails over the right toprivacy
of financial transactions  The contempt power of the legislature is,
therefore, sui generis.
Right against Self-Incrimination
Sub Judice
 The right against self-incrimination may  It is contended that the Senate is barred
be invoked by the said directors and from inquiring into the same issues
officers of Philcomsat only when the being litigated before the Court of
incriminating question is being asked, Appeals and the Sandiganbayan.
since they have no way of knowing in
advance thenature or effect of the  Suffice it to state that the Senate Rules
questions to be asked of them. of ProcedureGoverning Inquiries in Aid
of Legislation provide that the filing or
G.R. No. 180906 October 7, 2008 to conduct the summary hearing and decide and security is violated or threatened
the petition. with an unlawful act or omission. The
Secretary of National Defense and Chief of right to security of person is “freedom
Staff of Armed Forces of the Philippines v. ISSUES: from fear.” In The Universal Declaration
RAYMOND MANALO and REYNALDO of Human Rights (UDHR) states that “a
MANALO 1. Whether or not statements from the world in which human beings shall enjoy
victims is sufficient for amparo petitions. freedom of speech and belief and
FACTS: freedom from fear and want has been
2. Whether or not actual deprivation of proclaimed as the highest aspiration of
The brothers Raymond and Reynald Manalo, liberty is necessary to invoke the right to the common people.”
farmers from Bulacan were abducted, security of a person
detained in various locations, tortured by Moreover, the right to security of person is a
Citizen Armed Forces Geographical Unit HELD: guarantee of protection of one’s rights by the
(CAFGU) on the suspicion that they were government. As the government is the chief
members and supporters of the New People’s 1. Yes. Much of the information and guarantor of order and security, the
Army (NPA). evidence of the ordeal will come from Constitutional guarantee of the rights to life,
the victims themselves, and the veracity liberty and security of person is rendered
After eighteen (18) months of restrained of their account will depend on their ineffective if government does not afford
liberty, torture, and other dehumanizing acts, credibility and candidness in their written protection to these rights especially when they
were able to escape. Ten days after their and oral statements. Their statements are under threat.
escape, they filed a Petition for Prohibition, can be corroborated by other evidence
Injunction, and Temporary Restraining Order such as physical evidence left by the NOTE:
before the Supreme Court to prevent military torture they suffered or landmarks they
officers and agents from depriving them of can identify in the places where they Writ of Amparo
their right to liberty and other basic rights. were detained.
Existing petition was treated as Amparo  1987 Constitution does not explicitly
petition. The Supreme Court granted the Writ 2. Yes. Covered by the privilege of the writ, provide for the writ of Amparo, several of
of Amparo and ordered the Court of Appeals respondents must meet the threshold the above Amparoprotections are
guaranteed by our charter. The second
requirement that their right to life, liberty
paragraph of Article VIII, Section 1 of the evidence, or administrative responsibility balance sheets and profit and loss statements
1987 Constitution, the Grave Abuse requiring substantial evidence that will and Bobbins(cigarette wrappers)” as the
Clause, provides for the judicial power require full and exhaustive proceedings. subject of the offense for violations of Central
"to determine whether or not there has
Bank Act, Tariff and Customs Laws, Internal
been a grave abuse of discretion G.R. No. L-19550 June 19, 1967
amounting to lack or excess of Revenue Code, and Revised Penal Code.
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
instrumentality of the Government."  The documents, papers, and things seized
under the alleged authority of the warrants in
 The writ of Amparo serves both question may be split into (2) major groups,
preventive and curative roles in FACTS:
addressing the problem of extralegal (a) those found and seized in the offices
killings and enforced disappearances. It Stonehill et al, herein petitioners, and the
is preventive in that it breaks the of the aforementioned corporations and
corporations they form were alleged to have
expectation of impunity in the committed acts in “violation of Central Bank
commission of these offenses; it is (b) those found seized in the residences
curative in that it facilitates the Laws, Tariff and Customs Laws, Internal
of petitioners herein.
subsequent punishment of perpetrators Revenue (Code) and Revised Penal Code.”
as it will inevitably yield leads to Petitioners averred that the warrant is null and
subsequent investigation and action. In Respondents issued, on different dates, 42
void for being violative of the constitution and
the long run, the goal of both the search warrants against petitioners
preventive and curative roles is to deter the Rules of court by:
personally, and/or corporations for which they
the further commission of extralegal (1) not describing with particularity the
are officers directing peace officers to search
killings and enforced disappearances. documents, books and things to be
the persons of petitioners and premises of
 The remedy provides rapid judicial relief their offices, warehouses and/or residences to
as it partakes of a summary proceeding search for personal properties “books of
(2) money not mentioned in the
that requires only substantial evidence accounts, financial records, vouchers,
warrants were seized;
to make the appropriate reliefs available correspondence, receipts, ledgers, journals,
to the petitioner; it is not an action to portfolios, credit journals, typewriters, and
determine criminal guilt requiring proof (3) the warrants were issued to fish
other documents showing all business
beyond reasonable doubt, or liability for evidence for deportation cases filed
damages requiring preponderance of transactions including disbursement receipts,
against the petitioner;
The constitution protects the people’s right Tariff and Customs Laws, Internal Revenue
(4) the searches and seizures were against unreasonable search and seizure. It (Code) and Revised Penal Code,” — as alleged
made in an illegal manner; and provides; (1) that no warrant shall issue but upon in the aforementioned applications — without
probable cause, to be determined by the judge in reference to any determinate provision of said
(5) the documents paper and cash
the manner set forth in said provision; and laws or codes.
money were not delivered to the issuing (2) that the warrant shall particularly describe the
courts for disposal in accordance with things to be seized. In the case at bar, none of The warrants authorized the search for and
law. these are met.  seizure of records pertaining to all
business transactions of petitioners regardless of
The prosecution counters that the search The warrant was issued from mere allegation that whether the transactions were legal or illegal.
warrants are valid and issued in accordance petitioners committed a “violation of Central Bank
Laws, Tariff and Customs Laws, Internal Thus, openly contravening the explicit command
with law; The defects of said warrants were
Revenue (Code) and Revised Penal Code.”  of the Bill of Rights — that the things to be seized
cured by petitioners consent; and in any be particularly described — as well as tending to
event, the effects are admissible regardless of In other words, no specific offense had been defeat its major objective: the elimination of
the irregularity. alleged in said applications. The averments general warrants. 
thereof with respect to the offense committed
The Court granted the petition and issued the were abstract.  However, SC emphasized that petitioners cannot
writ of preliminary injunction. However, by a assail the validity of the search warrant issued
As a consequence, it was impossible for the against their corporation because petitioners are
resolution, the writ was partially lifted
judges who issued the warrants to have found the not the proper party. 
dissolving insofar as paper and things seized existence of probable cause, for the same
from the offices of the corporations. presupposes the introduction of competent proof The petitioners have no cause of action to assail
that the party against whom it is sought has the legality of the contested warrants andof the
ISSUE:  performed particular acts, or committed specific seizures made in pursuance thereof, for the
omissions, violating a given provision of our simple reason that said corporations have their
WON the search warrant issued is valid. criminal laws.  respective personalities, separate and distinct
from the personality of herein petitioners,
HELD:   As a matter of fact, the applications involved in regardless of the amount of shares of stock or of
this case do not allege any specific acts the interest of each of them in said corporations,
NO. The search warrant is invalid. The SC performed by herein petitioners. It would be a and whatever the offices they hold therein may
ruled in favor of petitioners.  legal heresy, of the highest order, to convict be.8 Indeed, it is well settled that the legality of a
anybody of a “violation of Central Bank Laws, seizure can be contested only by the party whose
rights have been impaired thereby and that the distribution of the said newspapers, as well as to the truth of the facts within the personal
objection to an unlawful search and seizure is numerous papers, documents, books and knowledge of the petitioner or his witnesses,
purely personal and cannot be availed of by third other written literature alleged to be in the because the purpose thereof is to convince
possession and control of petitioner Jose the committing magistrate, not the individual
G.R. No. L-64261 December 26, 1984 Burgos, Jr. publisher-editor of the "We Forum" making the affidavit and seeking the issuance
newspaper, were seized. of the warrant, of the existence of probable
JOSE BURGOS, SR., JOSE BURGOS, JR., cause." As couched, the quoted averment in
BAYANI SORIANO and J. BURGOS MEDIA ISSUE: said joint affidavit filed before respondent
SERVICES, INC. vs. THE CHIEF OF STAFF judge hardly meets the test of sufficiency
WON the search warrants issued by the CFI established by this Court in Alvarez case.
FACTS: Judge Cruz-Pano valid.
Assailed in this petition for certiorari HELD: Warrants Nos. 20-82[a] and 20-82[b] issued
prohibition and mandamus with preliminary by respondent judge on December 7, 1982
mandatory and prohibitory injunction is the No. The search warrants issued by the are hereby declared null and void and are
validity of two [2] search warrants issued on respondent judge is invalid. accordingly set aside. The prayer for a writ of
December 7, 1982 by respondent Judge mandatory injunction for the return of the
Ernani Cruz-Pano, Executive Judge of the In mandating that "no warrant shall issue seized articles is hereby granted and all
then Court of First Instance of Rizal [Quezon except upon probable cause to be determined articles seized thereunder are hereby ordered
City], under which the premises known as No. by the judge, ... after examination under oath released to petitioners. No costs.
19, Road 3, Project 6, Quezon City, and 784 or affirmation of the complainant and the
Units C & D, RMS Building, Quezon Avenue, witnesses he may produce; the Constitution Notes:
Quezon City, business addresses of the requires no less than personal knowledge by
"Metropolitan Mail" and "We Forum" the complainant or his witnesses of the facts  Laches is failure or negligence for an
newspapers, respectively, were searched, and upon which the issuance of a search warrant unreasonable and unexplained length of
office and printing machines, equipment, may be justified. time to do that which, by exercising due
paraphernalia, motor vehicles and other diligence, could or should have been
articles used in the printing, publication and In Alvarez v. Court of First Instance, this done earlier. It is negligence or omission
Court ruled that "the oath required must refer to assert a right within a reasonable
time, warranting a presumption that the
party entitled to assert it either has G.R. No. 82585 November 14, 1988
abandoned it or declined to assert it. ISSUE:
 In the determination of whether a search FREDERICK K. AGCAOLI, and Whether or not respondent committed a grave
warrant describes the premises to be GODOFREDO L. MANZANAS vs. THE HON. abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
searched with sufficient particularity, it RAMON P. MAKASIAR excess of jurisdiction when the warrant of
has been held "that the executing arrest was issued.
officer's prior knowledge as to the place Facts:
intended in the warrant is relevant. This HELD:
would seem to be especially true where The case at bar is a petition raised by one of
the executing officer is the affiant on the petitioners, Beltran, who wants to call for No. The Court did not find any grave abuse of
whose affidavit the warrant had issued, an interpretation of the constitutional provision discretion amounting to lack or excess of
and when he knows that the judge who on the issuance of warrants of arrest. jurisdiction on the part of the respondent
issued the warrant intended the building judge.
described in the affidavit, And it has also The petitioner assailed that his constitutional
been said that the executing officer may right was violated when respondent RTC Article III, Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution:
look to the affidavit in the official court judge issued a warrant for his arrest without
file to resolve an ambiguity in the personally examining the complainant and the “The right of the people to be secure in
warrant as to the place to be searched." witnesses, if any, to determine probable their persons, houses, papers and
cause. effects against unreasonable searches
 Probable cause for a search is defined and seizures of whatever nature and for
as such facts and circumstances which Beltran's interpretation of the words any purpose shall be inviolable, and no
would lead a reasonably discreet and "determined personally" convinced him that search warrant or warrant of arrest shall
prudent man to believe that an offense the judge is solely responsible to personally issue except upon probable cause to be
has been committed and that the objects examine the complainant and his witnesses in determined personally by the judge after
sought in connection with the offense his determination of probable cause for the examination under oath or affirmation of
are in the place sought to be searched. issuance of warrants of arrest. the complainant and the witnesses he
may produce, and particularly
describing the place to be searched and warrants of arrest. They contended that the
the persons or things to be seized.” fiscal’s certification in the informations of the
existence of probable cause constitutes
What the Constitution requires is that the G.R. No. L-60349-62 December 29, 1983 sufficient justification for the judge to issue
issuing judge must satisfy himself first with the warrants of arrest.
criteria in finding probable cause. And to CITY FISCAL NESTORIO M. PLACER,
satisfy himself doesn't mean to he is required vs. HON. JUDGE NAPOLEON D. Issue:
to personally examine the complainant and his VILLANUEVA
witnesses. The Constitution mandates that he Whether or Not respondent city judge may, for
shall: Facts: the purpose of issuing warrants of arrest,
compel the fiscal to submit to the court the
(1) personally evaluate the report and the Petitioners filed informations in the city court supporting affidavits and other documentary
supporting documents submitted by the and they certified that Preliminary evidence presented during the preliminary
fiscal regarding the existence of Investigation and Examination had been investigation.
probable cause and, on the basis conducted and that prima facie cases have
thereof, issue a warrant of arrest; or been found. Upon receipt of said informations, Held:
respondent judge set the hearing of the
(2) if on the basis thereof he finds no criminal cases to determine propriety of Judge may rely upon the fiscal’s certification
probable cause, he may disregard the issuance of warrants of arrest. After the for the existence of probable cause and on the
fiscal's report and require the hearing, respondent issued an order requiring basis thereof, issue a warrant of arrest. But,
submission of supporting affidavits of petitioners to submit to the court affidavits of such certification does not bind the judge to
witnesses to aid him in arriving at a prosecution witnesses and other documentary come out with the warrant. The issuance of a
conclusion as to the existence of evidence in support of the informations to aid warrant is not a mere ministerial function; it
probable cause. him in the exercise of his power of judicial calls for the exercise of judicial discretion on
review of the findings of probable cause by the part of issuing magistrate.
Wherefore, the petition is dismissed. petitioners.
Under Section 6 Rule 112 of the Rules of
Petitioners petitioned for certiorari and Court, the judge must satisfy himself of the
mandamus to compel respondent to issue existence of probable cause before issuing a
warrant of arrest. If on the face of the complainant which he may not have been
information, the judge finds no probable furnished’ (Section 3[b], Rule 112 of the Rules Sen. Estrada claims that the denial of his
cause, he may disregard the fiscal’s of Court) and to ‘have access to the evidence Request for the counter-affidavits of his co-
certification and require submission of the on record’ (Section 4[c], Rule II of the Rules of respondents violates his constitutional right to
affidavits of witnesses to aid him in arriving at Procedure of the Office of the Ombudsman).” due process. Sen. Estrada, however, fails to
the conclusion as to existence of probable The Ombudsman denied Sen. Estrada’s specify a law or rule which states that it is a
cause. Request, which is not the subject of the compulsory requirement of due process in a
present certiorari case. preliminary investigation that the Ombudsman
Petition dismissed. furnish a respondent with the counter-
ISSUE: affidavits of his co-respondents. Neither
Estrada v. Ombudsman (2015) Section 3(b), Rule 112 of the Revised Rules of
WON petitioner Estrada was denied due Criminal Procedure nor Section 4(c), Rule II of
FACTS: process of law the Rules of Procedure of the Office of the
Ombudsman supports Sen. Estrada’s claim.
Sometime in November and December 2013, HELD: What the Rules of Procedure of the Office of
the Ombudsman served on Sen. Estrada two the Ombudsman require is for the
(2) criminal complaints for plunder, among NO. The denial did not violate Sen. Estrada’s Ombudsman to furnish the respondent with a
others. Eighteen (18) of Sen. Estrada’s co- constitutional right to due process. copy of the complaint and the supporting
respondents in the two complaints filed their affidavits and documents at the time the order
counter-affidavits between 9 December 2013 First. There is no law or rule which requires to submit the counter-affidavit is issued to the
and 14 March 2014. the Ombudsman to furnish a respondent with respondent. This is clear from Section 4(b),
copies of the counter-affidavits of his co- Rule II of the Rules of Procedure of the Office
On 20 March 2014, Sen. Estrada filed his respondents. of the Ombudsman when it states, "[a]fter
“Request to be Furnished with Copies of such affidavits [of the complainant and his
Counter-Affidavits of the Other Respondents, The SC cited in its decision Sections 3 and 4, witnesses] have been secured, the
Affidavits of New Witnesses and Other Filings” Rule 112 of the Revised Rules of Criminal investigating officer shall issue an order,
(the “Request”). Sen. Estrada’s request was Procedure, as well as Rule II of Administrative attaching thereto a copy of the affidavits and
made “[p]ursuant to the right of a respondent Order No. 7, Rules of Procedure of the Office other supporting documents, directing the
‘to examine the evidence submitted by the of the Ombudsman, for ready reference. respondent to submit, within ten (10) days
from receipt thereof, his counter-affidavits x x determining whether there is sufficient ground we find no compelling justification for a strict
x." At this point, there is still no counter- to engender a well-founded belief that a crime application of the evidentiary rules.
affidavit submitted by any respondent. Clearly, cognizable by the Regional Trial Court has
what Section 4(b) refers to are affidavits of the been committed and that the respondent is Fourth, the quantum of evidence in
complainant and his witnesses, not the probably guilty thereof, and should be held for preliminary investigations is not akin to those
affidavits of the co-respondents. Obviously, trial. The quantum of evidence now required in in administrative proceedings as laid down in
the counter-affidavits of the co-respondents preliminary investigation is such evidence the landmark doctrine of Ang Tibay. The
are not part of the supporting affidavits of the sufficient to “engender a well-founded belief” quantum of evidence needed in Ang Tibay, as
complainant. No grave abuse of discretion can as to the fact of the commission of a crime amplified in GSIS, is greater than the
thus be attributed to the Ombudsman for the and the respondent’s probable guilt thereof. A evidence needed in a preliminary investigation
issuance of the 27 March 2014 Order which preliminary investigation is not the occasion to establish probable cause, or to establish
denied Sen. Estrada’s Request. for the full and exhaustive display of the the existence of a prima facie case that would
parties’ evidence; it is for the presentation of warrant the prosecution of a case. Ang Tibay
Second, it should be underscored that the such evidence only as may engender a well- refers to “substantial evidence,” while the
conduct of a preliminary investigation is only grounded belief that an offense has been establishment of probable cause needs “only
for the determination of probable cause, and committed and that the accused is probably more than ‘bare suspicion,’ or ‘less than
“probable cause merely implies probability of guilty thereof. We are in accord with the state evidence which would justify . . . conviction’.”
guilt and should be determined in a summary prosecutor’s findings in the case at bar that In the United States, from where we borrowed
manner. A preliminary investigation is not a there exists prima facie evidence of the concept of probable cause, the prevailing
part of the trial and it is only in a trial where an petitioner’s involvement in the commission of definition of probable cause is this:
accused can demand the full exercise of his the crime, it being sufficiently supported by the
rights, such as the right to confront and cross- evidence presented and the facts obtaining In dealing with probable cause, however, as
examine his accusers to establish his therein. the very name implies, we deal with
innocence.” Thus, the rights of a respondent probabilities. These are not technical; they are
in a preliminary investigation are limited to Third, the technical rules on evidence are not the factual and practical considerations of
those granted by procedural law. binding on the fiscal who has jurisdiction and everyday life on which reasonable and
control over the conduct of a preliminary prudent men, not legal technicians, act. The
A preliminary investigation is defined as an investigation. If by its very nature a preliminary standard of proof is accordingly correlative to
inquiry or proceeding for the purpose of investigation could be waived by the accused, what must be proved.
well as the counter-affidavits of some of other were never intended to comply, with Ang
Thus, probable cause can be established with co-respondents. In the 4 June 2014 Joint Tibay, as amplified in GSIS. Preliminary
hearsay evidence, as long as there is Order, the Ombudsman even held in investigations do not adjudicate with finality
substantial basis for crediting the hearsay. abeyance the disposition of the motions for rights and obligations of parties, while
Hearsay evidence is admissible in determining reconsideration because the Ombudsman administrative investigations governed by Ang
probable cause in a preliminary investigation granted Sen. Estrada five days from receipt of Tibay, as amplified in GSIS, so adjudicate.
because such investigation is merely the 7 May 2014 Joint Order to formally Ang Tibay, as amplified in GSIS, requires
preliminary, and does not finally adjudicate respond to the claims made by his co- substantial evidence for a decision against the
rights and obligations of parties. However, in respondents. The Ombudsman faithfully respondent in the administrative case.In
administrative cases, where rights and complied with the existing Rules on preliminary investigations, only likelihood or
obligations are finally adjudicated, what is preliminary investigation and even probability of guilt is required. To apply Ang
required is “substantial evidence” which accommodated Sen. Estrada beyond what the Tibay, as amplified in GSIS, to preliminary
cannot rest entirely or even partially on Rules required. Thus, the Ombudsman could investigations will change the quantum of
hearsay evidence. Substantial basis is not the not be faulted with grave abuse of discretion. evidence required to establish probable
same as substantial evidence because Since this is a Petition for Certiorari under cause. The respondent in an administrative
substantial evidence excludes hearsay Rule 65, the Petition fails in the absence of case governed by Ang Tibay, as amplified in
evidence while substantial basis can include grave abuse of discretion on the part of the GSIS, has the right to an actual hearing and to
hearsay evidence. To require the application Ombudsman. cross-examine the witnesses against him. In
of Ang Tibay, as amplified in GSIS, in preliminary investigations, the respondent has
preliminary investigations will change the The constitutional due process requirements no such rights.
quantum of evidence required in determining mandated in Ang Tibay, as amplified in GSIS,
probable cause from evidence of likelihood or are not applicable to preliminary investigations Also, in an administrative case governed by
probability of guilt to substantial evidence of which are creations of statutory law giving rise Ang Tibay, as amplified in GSIS, the hearing
guilt. to mere statutory rights. A law can abolish officer must be impartial and cannot be the
preliminary investigations without running fact-finder, investigator, and hearing officer at
Actually, the Ombudsman went beyond legal afoul of the constitutional requirements of due the same time. In preliminary investigations,
duty and even furnished Sen. Estrada with process as prescribed in Ang Tibay, as the same public officer may be the
copies of the counter-affidavits of his co- amplified in GSIS. The present procedures for investigator and hearing officer at the same
respondents whom he specifically named, as preliminary investigations do not comply and time, or the fact-finder, investigator and
hearing officer may be under the control and ground, prompting Tangcoy to frisk him
supervision of the same public officer, like the resulting in the recovery of a knife. Thereafter,
Ombudsman or Secretary of Justice. This Tangcoy conducted a thorough search on the
explains why Ang Tibay, as amplified in GSIS, petitioner’s body and found and confiscated a
does not apply to preliminary investigations. plastic sachet containing what he suspected
To now declare that the guidelines in Ang as shabu. Tangcoy and Tan executed a
Tibay, as amplified in GSIS, are fundamental sinumpaang salaysay on the incident. The
and essential requirements in preliminary Homar v. People (2015) petitioner was the sole witness for the
investigations will render all past and present defense. He testified that he was going home
preliminary investigations invalid for violation FACTS: at around 6:30 p.m. after selling imitation
of constitutional due process. This will mean sunglasses and other accessories at the
remanding for reinvestigation all criminal The petitioner was charged for violation of BERMA Shopping Center.
cases now pending in all courts throughout Section 11, Article II of RA 9165. The
the country. No preliminary investigation can Information states that on or about August 20, After crossing the overpass, a policeman and
proceed until a new law designates a public 2002, the petitioner was found to possess one a civilian stopped and frisked him despite his
officer, outside of the prosecution service, to heat-sealed transparent plastic sachet refusal. They poked a gun at him, accused
determine probable cause. Moreover, those containing 0.03 grams of as shabu. The him of being a holdupper, and forced him to
serving sentences by final judgment would petitioner pleaded not guilty during go with them. They also confiscated the
have to be released from prison because their arraignment. kitchen knife, which he carried to cut cords.
conviction violated constitutional due process. He was likewise investigated for alleged
PO1 Eric Tan (Tan) was the lone witness for possession of shabu and detained for one
Thus, petition dismissed for being premature the prosecution. he testified that on August day. He was criminally charged before the
and it constitutes forum shopping. 20, 2002, at around 8:50 in the evening, while Metropolitan Trial Court of Parañaque City,
proceeding to the area onboard a mobile Branch 77 for the possession of the kitchen
hunter, they saw the petitioner crossing a “No knife but he was eventually acquitted. CA
Jaywalking” portion of Roxas Boulevard. They affirmed the decision.
immediately accosted him and told him to
cross at the pedestrian crossing area. The Petitioner’s Contention:
petitioner picked up something from the
The shabu, which was allegedly recovered the part of the other to submit, under the belief inadmissibleas evidence when the police
from the petitioner, is inadmissible as and impression that submission is necessary. officer who flagged him for traffic violation had
evidence because it was obtained as a result no intent to arrest him. Due to the lack of
of his unlawful arrest and in violation of his To constitute a valid in flagrante delicto arrest, intent to arrest, the subsequent search was
right against unreasonable search and two requisites must concur: unlawful.
seizure. The petitioner has not committed,
was not committing and was not attempting to (1)The person to be arrested must execute
commit any crime at the time of his arrest. In an overt act indicating that he has just
fact, no report or criminal charge was filed committed, is actually committing, or is
against him for the alleged jaywalking. attempting to commit a crime; and
Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968)
ISSUE: (2) such overt act is done in the presence of
or within the view of the arresting officer. The
WON there was a valid warrantless arrest. prosecution has the burden to prove the A Cleveland detective (McFadden), on a
legality of the warrantless arrest from which downtown beat which he had been patrolling
HELD: the corpus delicti of the crime -shabu- was for many years, observed two strangers
obtained. For, without a valid warrantless (petitioner and another man, Chilton) on a
NO. Arrest is the taking of a person into arrest, the alleged confiscation of the shabu street corner. He saw them proceed
custody in order that he or she may be bound resulting from a warrantless search on the alternately back and forth along an identical
to answer for the commission of an offense. It petitioner’s body is surely a violation of his route, pausing to stare in the same store
is effected by an actual restraint of the person constitutional right against unlawful search window, which they did for a total of about 24
to be arrested or by that person’s voluntary and seizure. As a consequence, the alleged times. Each completion of the route was
submission to the custody of the one making shabu shall be inadmissible as evidence followed by a conference between the two on
the arrest. Neither the application of actual against him. a corner, at one of which they were joined by
force, manual touching of the body, or a third man (Katz) who left swiftly.
physical restraint, nor a formal declaration of The indispensability of the intent to arrest an
arrest, is required. It is enough that there be accused in a warrantless search incident to a Suspecting the two men of "casing a job, a
an intention on the part of one of the parties to lawful arrest. The Court held that the shabu stick-up," the officer followed them and saw
arrest the other, and that there be an intent on confiscated from the accused in that case was them rejoin the third man a couple of blocks
away in front of a store. The officer had cause to believe that petitioner and 2. The issue in this case is not the
approached the three, identified himself as a Chilton were acting suspiciously, that their abstract propriety of the police conduct, but
policeman, and asked their names. The men interrogation was warranted, and that the the admissibility against petitioner of the
"mumbled something," whereupon McFadden officer, for his own protection, had the right to evidence uncovered by the search and
spun petitioner around, patted down his pat down their outer clothing having seizure. P. 392 U. S. 12.
outside clothing, and found in his overcoat reasonable cause to believe that they might
pocket, but was unable to remove, a pistol. be armed. 3. The exclusionary rule cannot properly
The officer ordered the three into the store. He be invoked to exclude the products of
removed petitioner's overcoat, took out a The court distinguished between an legitimate and restrained police investigative
revolver, and ordered the three to face the investigatory "stop" and an arrest, and techniques, and this Court's approval of such
wall with their hands raised. He patted down between a "frisk" of the outer clothing for techniques should not discourage remedies
the outer clothing of Chilton and Katz and weapons and a full-blown search for evidence other than the exclusionary rule to curtail
seized a revolver from Chilton's outside of crime. Petitioner and Chilton were found police abuses for which that is not an effective
overcoat pocket. He did not put his hands guilty, an intermediate appellate court sanction. Pp. 392 U.S. 13-15.
under the outer garments of Katz (since he affirmed, and the State Supreme Court
dismissed the appeal on the ground that "no 4. The Fourth Amendment applies to "stop
discovered nothing in his pat-down which
substantial constitutional question" was and frisk" procedures such as those followed
might have been a weapon), or under
involved. here. Pp. 392 U. S. 16-20.
petitioner's or Chilton's outer garments until he
felt the guns. The three were taken to the (a) Whenever a police officer accosts an
police station. individual and restrains his freedom to walk
1. The Fourth Amendment right against away, he has "seized" that person within the
Petitioner and Chilton were charged with
unreasonable searches and seizures, made meaning of the Fourth Amendment. P. 392 U.
carrying concealed weapons. The defense
applicable to the States by the Fourteenth S. 16.
moved to suppress the weapons. Though the
Amendment, "protects people, not places,"
trial court rejected the prosecution theory that (b) A careful exploration of the outer
and therefore applies as much to the citizen
the guns had been seized during a search surfaces of a person's clothing in an attempt
on the streets as well as at home or
incident to a lawful arrest, the court denied the to find weapons is a "search" under that
elsewhere. Pp. 392 U. S. 8-9.
motion to suppress and admitted the weapons Amendment. P. 392 U. S. 16.
into evidence on the ground that the officer
5. Where a reasonably prudent officer is petitioner and his companions. P. 392 U. S. hypothesis that they were contemplating a
warranted in the circumstances of a given 22. daylight robbery and were armed. P. 392 U. S.
case in believing that his safety or that of 28.
others is endangered, he may make a (d) An officer justified in believing that an
reasonable search for weapons of the person individual whose suspicious behavior he is (b) The officer's search was confined to
believed by him to be armed and dangerous investigating at close range is armed may, to what was minimally necessary to determine
regardless of whether he has probable cause neutralize the threat of physical harm, take whether the men were armed, and the
to arrest that individual for crime or the necessary measures to determine whether intrusion, which was made for the sole
absolute certainty that the individual is armed. that person is carrying a weapon. P. 392 U. S. purpose of protecting himself and others
Pp. 392 U. S. 20-27. 24. nearby, was confined to ascertaining the
presence of weapons. Pp. 392 U. S. 29-30.
(a) Though the police must, whenever (e) A search for weapons in the absence
practicable, secure a warrant to make a of probable cause to arrest must be strictly 7. The revolver seized from petitioner was
search and seizure, that procedure cannot be circumscribed by the exigencies of the properly admitted into evidence against him,
followed where swift action based upon on- situation. Pp. 392 U. S. 25-26. since the search which led to its seizure was
the-spot observations of the officer on the reasonable under the Fourth Amendment. Pp.
(f) An officer may make an intrusion short 392 U. S. 30-31.
beat is required. P. 392 U. S. 20.
of arrest where he has reasonable
(b) The reasonableness of any particular apprehension of danger before being Affirmed.
search and seizure must be assessed in light possessed of information justifying arrest.
of the particular circumstances against the Pp. 392 U. S. 26-27.
standard of whether a man of reasonable
6. The officer's protective seizure of
caution is warranted in believing that the
petitioner and his companions and the limited
action taken was appropriate. Pp. 392 U. S.
search which he made were reasonable, both
at their inception and as conducted. Pp. 392
(c) The officer here was performing a U. S. 27-30.
legitimate function of investigating suspicious
(a) The actions of petitioner and his
conduct when he decided to approach
companions were consistent with the officer's

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