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Programming with Matlab

Course for B.Tech. I year

7th June 2021
Taught by
Dr. A. Saksena
National Rail Transport Institute
MATLAB Data Types
● MATLAB does not require any type declaration or dimension statements.
● Whenever MATLAB encounters a new variable name, it creates the variable
and allocates appropriate memory space.
● If the variable already exists, then MATLAB replaces the original content with
new content and allocates new storage space, where necessary.
● Every data type stores data that is in the form of a matrix or array. The size of
this matrix or array is a minimum of 0-by-0 and this can grow up to a matrix or
array of any size.
MATLAB Data Types
List of Data Types
List of Data Types

Sr.No. Data Type Description

1 int8 8-bit signed integer
2 uint8 8-bit unsigned integer
3 int16 16-bit signed integer
4 uint16 16-bit unsigned integer
5 int32 32-bit signed integer
6 uint32 32-bit unsigned integer
List of Data Types

Sr.No. Data Type Description

7 int64 64-bit signed integer
8 uint64 64-bit unsigned integer
9 single single precision numerical data
10 double double precision numerical data
11 logical logical values of 1 or 0, represent true and false
List of Data Types

Sr.No. Data Type Description

12 Complex numbers with both a real and an imaginary
13 char character data (strings are stored as vector of
Complex Number
Complex Number
● Most elementary mathematical functions are defined for complex values.
● These functions include exponential functions, logarithms, trigonometric
functions, and square roots.
● The functions sin, cos, log, sqrt, and so forth will work as well with complex
data as they will with real data.
● MATLAB string is an array of type char.
● Each character is stored in two bytes of memory.
● A character variable is automatically created when a string is assigned to it.
Data Type Conversions
Data Type Conversions

S. No. Function Purpose

1 char Convert to character array (string)

2 int2str Convert integer data to string

3 mat2str Convert matrix to string

4 num2str Convert number to string

5 str2double Convert string to double-precision value

6 str2num Convert string to number

Data Type Conversions

S. No. Function Purpose

7 native2unicode Convert numeric bytes to Unicode characters
8 unicode2native Convert Unicode characters to numeric bytes
9 base2dec Convert base N number string to decimal number

10 bin2dec Convert binary number string to decimal number

11 dec2base Convert decimal to base N number in string

12 dec2bin Convert decimal to binary number in string

Data Type Conversions

S. No. Function Purpose

13 dec2hex Convert decimal to hexadecimal number in string

14 hex2dec Convert hexadecimal number string to decimal

15 hex2num Convert hexadecimal number string to
double-precision number
16 num2hex Convert singles and doubles to IEEE hexadecimal
Determination of Data Types
Determination of Data Types

S. No. Function Purpose

1 isa Determine if input is object of specified class

2 iscellstr Determine whether input is cell array of strings

3 ischar Determine whether item is character array

4 isfloat Determine if input is floating-point array

5 isinteger Determine if input is integer array

6 islogical Determine if input is logical array

Determination of Data Types

S. No. Function Purpose

7 isnumeric Determine if input is numeric array

8 isreal Check if input is real array

9 isscalar Determine whether input is scalar

10 isstr Determine whether input is character array

11 isvector Determine whether input is vector

12 whos List variables in workspace, with sizes and types

Data Type Check
Determination of types in String
String Manipulation Function
String Manipulation Function
String Manipulation Function
String Manipulation Function
List of Special Data Types

Sr.No. Data Type Description

1 cell array array of indexed cells, each capable of storing
an array of a different dimension and data type
2 structure C-like structures, each structure having named
fields capable of storing an array of a different
dimension and data type
3 function handle pointer to a function
4 user classes objects constructed from a user-defined class
Special Data Type Conversions

S. No. Function Purpose

1 mat2cell Convert array to cell array with potentially different sized cells

2 num2cell Convert array to cell array with consistently sized cells

3 struct2cell Convert structure to cell array

4 cell2mat Convert cell array to numeric array

5 cell2struct Convert cell array to structure array

6 cellstr Create cell array of strings from character array
Determination of Data Types

S. No. Function Purpose

1 iscell Determine whether input is cell array

2 isfield Determine whether input is structure array field

3 isobject Determine if input is MATLAB object

4 isstruct Determine whether input is structure array

5 class Determine class of object

6 validateattributes Check validity of array

Cell Arrays
Cell Arrays
Preallocating Cell Arrays
Common Cell Functions
Sparse Matrices
● A sparse matrix is a large matrix in which the vast majority of the elements
are zero.
● Storing and working with large matrices, most of whose elements are zero,
is a serious waste of both computer memory and CPU time.
● Unfortunately, many real-world problems naturally create sparse matrices,
so we need some efficient way to solve problems involving them.
● MATLAB has a special version of the double data type that is designed to
work with sparse arrays.
● In this special version of the double data type, only the nonzero elements of
an array are allocated memory locations, and the array is said to have the
“sparse” attribute.
Sparse Attributes
● An array with the sparse attribute actually saves three values for each
nonzero element: the value of the element itself and the row and column
numbers where the element is located.
● Even though three values must be saved for each nonzero element, this
approach is much more memory efficient than allocating full arrays if a
matrix has only a few nonzero elements.
Common Sparse Matrix Functions
Common Sparse Matrix Functions
● An array is a data type in which there is a name for the whole data structure, but
individual elements within the array are known only by number. All elements of array
are of same type.
● A cell array is a data type in which there is a name for the whole data structure, but
individual elements within the array are known only by number. However, the
individual elements in the cell array may be of different types.
● In contrast, a structure is a data type in which each individual element has a name.
The individual elements of a structure are known as fields, and each field in a
structure may have a different type. The individual fields are addressed by
combining the name of the structure with the name of the field, separated by a
● A structure can be build one field at a time using assignment statements. Each time
data is assigned to a field, that field is automatically created.
● A second student can be added to
the structure by adding a subscript
to the structure name
● Note that all of the fields of a
structure are created for each
array element whenever that
element is defined, even if they are
not initialized.
● The uninitialized fields will contain
empty arrays, which can be
initialized with assignment
statements at a later time.
Adding Field from Structure
Removing Field from Structure
Get Field
Set Field
Nesting Structure
Function Handles
Function Handles
Calling Function using Function Handles
Calling Function using Function Handles
Function Evaluation
Advantages of Function Handle
● Passing Function Access Information to Other Functions.
● Improved Performance in Repeated Operations.
● Allow Wider Access to Subfunctions and Private Functions.
● Include More Functions per M-File for Easier File Management.
● Each function handle created for a function has its own independent
workspace. If we create two different handles for this function, each one will
have its own local data, and they will be independent of each other.
Future Discussions
File read write

Excel file read write

Frequency plot - semi log plot


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