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RADIOSS 10.0 Release Notes

RADIOSS is a state-of-the-art finite element solver uniting implicit and explicit integration schemes for the solution of a
wide variety of engineering problems, from linear statics and linear dynamics to complex nonlinear transient dynamics
and mechanical systems. This robust, multidisciplinary solver enables designers to maximize performance related to
durability, NVH, crash, safety, manufacturability, and fluid-structure interaction, in order to bring innovative products to
market faster.
RADIOSS 10.0 again brings much advancement over previous versions, with emphasis in the areas of performance,
frequency response analysis, acoustic response analysis, fatigue analysis, and contact modeling.


Resolved Issues

License stacking • The licensing mechanism on Windows and Linux operating systems
no longer stacks licenses when they should be leveled.

RADIOSS Bulk Data Format

New Features

Parallel solution (SPMD) on • A parallel solution has been implemented on Linux platforms for
Linux linear static, linear buckling, and direct frequency response

Models containing only these subcase types may be solved in

parallel across multiple nodes. If other subcase types are present
in the model, all subcases will be solved in series on one node.

The parallelization technique is Single Program Multiple Data

(SPMD), and uses the message passing interface, HP-MPI.

Sensitivities related to these subcase types are also solved in


Iterative solver (PCG) • An iterative Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PCG) method is

now available for the solution of linear static problems.

This solver may be selected at the subcase level using the

SOLVTYP selector.

This iterative solver may provide significant performance gains over

the traditional direct solver for large solid models.

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Fluid super-elements • Component Mode Synthesis (CMS) may now be used to generate
external superelements (DMIG) for combined fluid-structure

Free convection • The linear steady-state heat-transfer solution is enhanced with a

free convection boundary condition.

The boundary condition (CONV) may be defined on thermal surface

elements (CHBDYE) allowing thermal communication between a
structure and the ambient environment.

Internal heat generation • The linear steady-state heat-transfer solution has been enhanced
to consider internal heat generation.

A volumetric rate of heat generation (QVOL) may be defined for a

list of heat conduction elements.

Strain-life fatigue analysis • A strain-life solution has been implemented for fatigue analysis.

The implementation uses the Neuber correction together with a

cyclic stress-strain curve and a hysteresis loop equation to get
stress/strain under cyclic loading. An equivalent strain approach is
applied to query life from strain-life curve.

Contact interface definition • A new contact interface definition (CONTACT) has been
implemented for quasi-static non-linear analysis.

The definition is a master-slave type.

Frequency dependent • A new frequency dependent damping element (PBUSHT) is

damping element available.

Grid participation output • For acoustic analysis, it is now possible to output grid participation

Output of flexbodies in mnf • .mnf files are now output directly.



Porting • The solver is now ported on Sun x86_64 platform.

MIO support for AIX • MIO file caching can now be used on AIX computers.

Memory management • On 64-bit platforms, RADIOSS does not impose any limitation on
the allocation of RAM available on the computer. In previous
versions, the maximum memory was limited to 32GB.

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Quasi-static non-linear • Speed improvements were made for quasi-static non-linear

analysis analysis.

The speed-up is most noticeable for models with a small number of

gaps or a small contact area (where the new contact interface
definition is used).

Result output for transient • Result recovery and output for transient analysis is now faster.

Coordinate systems for • For solid and shell elements, the default output coordinate system
stress, strain, and force for stress, strain, and force results has been changed to be the
results material system, whenever defined.

For shell elements, PARAM,OMID may be used to switch between

the material and elemental system for these results.

Fluid-structure interface • For acoustic analysis using the AMLS eigensolver, developed by
matrix for AMLS the University of Texas, a more efficient method of calculating the
fluid-structure interface matrix has been implemented.

Hyper3D 10.0 • Hyper3D libraries have been upgraded to the latest version.

PENTA15 element • The element formulation for PENTA15 elements has been
formulation improved.

Results may differ from previous versions because of these


XYPUNCH output • Results output via the XYPEAK, XYPLOT, and XYPUNCH controls
are now output in the same order as they are specified in the input

Resolved Issues

License stacking • The licensing mechanism on Windows and Linux operating systems
no longer stacks licenses when they should be leveled.

RAM allocation on Windows • A problem on Windows XP 32-bit, where the operating system was
XP 32-bit limiting the amount of RAM available to OptiStruct to 1.4GB has
been resolved. OptiStruct 10.0 can now use up to 1.9GB RAM.

General • The stiffness matrix for CBUSH elements with the 2nd grid left
blank is now properly transformed back to the local coordinate
system from the basic coordinate system.
• The rotational DOF of rigid elements can now be removed when
there are mass inertial terms associated with the grid.
• When the total strain energy is zero, division by zero is avoided.

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Frequency response • The message regarding activation of inertia relief for residual
analysis vector calculation is only written to the .out file when applicable.
• When the RHO field on the MAT10 bulk data entry is left blank, the
derived value has been corrected.

Transient analysis • For direct transient analysis, the CDAMP1 label is now output to
the PUNCH format when SORT2 is the selected output order.

Component mode synthesis • DMIG output now includes WTMASS scaling.

Licensing for • On UNIX/Linux platforms an issue related to license handling when

suspend/resume suspending/resuming a job has been resolved.

Available number of CPUs on • The number of CPUs is now determined correctly for CPUs where
AIX SMT is available but disabled.

Grid point force output • Output of grid point force balance table is now correct when more
than one subcase with thermal loading existed in the model.

Thermal analysis • Unused QBDY1 definitions are ignored.

• A WARNING is written to the .out file when unused fields are
present on MAT4, MAT5, and CHBDYE cards.
• An issue with heat transfer analysis, where the presence of rod
elements were causing incorrect results, has been corrected.

Known Limitations

MBD on HPUXia64 platform • The MBD solution sequence is not available for HP-UX on ia64

New I/O Option Entries • MSGLMT - May be used to limit the number of ERROR,
WARNING and INFORMATION messages reported in the .out file
• PFGRID - Requests output of acoustic grid participation factors
• PFMODE - Requests output of modal participation factors
• PFPANEL - Requests output of acoustic panel participation factors

New Subcase Information • SOLVTYP - Indicates type of solver to be used for linear static
Entries analysis

New Bulk Data Entries • CONTACT - Contact interface definition

• CONTPRM - Default contact properties
• CONV - Free-convection boundary condition
• DRAPE - Draping information for ply-based composite definition
• INVELJ - Initial velocity of a joint

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• PARAM, ALPHA1 - Scale factor for structural mass matrix for

additional Rayleigh damping
• PARAM, ALPHA2 - Scale factor for structural stiffness matrix for
additional Rayleigh damping
• PARAM, ALPHAFL1 - Scale factor for fluid mass matrix for
additional Rayleigh damping
• PARAM, ALPHAFL2 - Scale factor for fluid stiffness matrix for
additional Rayleigh damping
• PARAM, AMLSMAXR - Identifies singularities in the stiffness
matrix for AMLS
• PARAM, DUPTOL - Tolerance for recognizing coincident grids
• PARAM, GMAR - Controls accuracy of AMLS solution
• PARAM, GMAR1 - Controls accuracy of AMLS solution
• PARAM, INRGAP - Activates superelement based gap analysis
• PARAM, OMID - Controls reference system used for stress/strain
• PARAM, RBMEIG - Cut-off frequency for rigid body modes
calculated by AMLS
• PARAM, SS2GCR - Controls accuracy of AMLS solution
• PARAM, TPS - Activates fast transient analysis solution (only shell
stress results may be requested)
• PBUSHT - Frequency dependent bushing element
• PCONT - Contact interface property definition
• PCONV - Free-convection boundary property definition
• QVOL - Volumetric heat addition
• SOLVTYP - Indicates type of solver to be used for linear static
• SURF - Surface definition

Enhanced I/O Option • SYSSETTING - Added PLOTELID control, enforcing unique IDs or
Entries allowing automated renumbering of PLOTELs

Enhanced Bulk Data • ACMODL - Added MAXSGRID field to control the maximum
Entries number of structural grids that can be interfaced with one fluid
element face
• CMSMETH - Added options for Fluid CMS
• FATPARM - Updated for strain-life fatigue
• MAT4
 Added free-convection heat transfer coefficient
 Added heat generation capability
• MAT5 - Added heat generation capability
• MATFAT - Updated for strain-life data
• MBSIM - Expanded support of transient MBD simulation

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• PLY - Added reference to a DRAPE definition

• SET - Added GRIDC type, allowing grid/component pairs to be
defined for PFMODE output requests
• STACK - Expanded definition to cover sub-stacks and interfaces

RADIOSS Block Format


SPH and ALE • The analysis now uses 2500 GWU instead of 3800 GWU. The
tracking feature has been changed from RadiossB to RadiossA.

New Features

Contacts • Stamping contact (Type21): penalty contact is optimized for the

metal forming process. Variation of the gap with thickness. Fast and
high parallel performances; easy input: no need to define rigid
bodies on tools, etc.

Elements • For parabolic tetra4: 4 nodes tetra element with 6 DOF per node
has a high time step (same time as the linear tetra4 element) and
high accuracy for crash and quasi-static loadings. It is not adapted
for eigen modes computation; high frequencies might be filtered.
• New specialized shell element for composites with non-linear strain
distribution through the thickness
• Thick shell for composites
• Ply and stack input for composites

Kinematic conditions • RBE3 element: One slave node and different master nodes with
weighting interpolation under defined DOF direction

Materials and failure • Rigid material

• Lee-Tarver
• Failure models for composites:
• XFEM (SMP only)

Input/Output • For single file input, a new format allows merging Starter and Engine
files in a single file.
• A simpler command line can now be used to run RADIOSS. Running
the -input command allows you to skip editing the root-name inside

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the Starter and Engine files.

• Fully automatic memory allocation in Starter
• The readability of Warning/Error messages has been improved.
Kinematic conditions are now grouped in a compact and meaningful
• Application specific Warning/Error messages (Only stamping
available in this version: using /STAMPING keyword, messages
dedicated to stamping application are activated.)
• Composites post-processing capabilities improvements:
 Total number of the ruptured layers
 % of ruptured layers
 Number of ruptured layers in function of rupture type
 Stress and strain expressed in the orthotropic skew related to
the layer
 Plastic work per layer
 Failure level reached for each layer (failure, failure in direction)
• STY files read and write
 For solids
 Orthotropy directions with respect to the orthogonalized local
frame for shells
• Reference frame and skew compatible with RADIOSS Bulk format

Safety • Simplified input for airbags:

 GAS DATABASE: main gases can be referred by name
(properties are automatically defined)
 INJECTOR property
 Higher order equations for heat capacity
 Input user-defined GAS properties per MOLE instead of per
mass unit
• PRETENSIONER (improved Type32 spring)

Implicit • New Nonlinear PCG Solver: takes into account nonlinearities due to
the contact (stiffness and friction)
• BCS (Boeing solver) added for buckling analyses, and new buckling
analysis taking into account pre-stress
• Constraining automatically similar to AUTOSPC of RADIOSS Bulk

Core developments • MODIF option

 Compatibility with SPMD
 Possible to change the number of processors after a restart


Contacts • Contact thickness defined at /PART level for types 7, 8, 10, 11, 18,
19, 20; it overwrites thicknesses values defined in /INTER. When
replacing a shell part with a thicker one by instance, mesh
adjustments and/or contacts cards editing are no longer necessary.

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• Individual elements thicknesses defined in the /SHELL cards is taken

into account for gap computation.
• General contact (Type7):
 Thermal bridge
 Thermal conduction available with adaptivity
• Tied contact (Type2): rupture model enabled
• Type 6 contact: new option to input unloading function

Materials and failure • Composites material (Law25) available for thick shells and solids
• Fabric material (Law58): Courant stability condition is ensured with
a larger time-step.
• Foam material (Law70): generalization to total strain formulation

Input/Output • Mesh independent sections defined by plane

• Definition of Input and working UNIT Systems possible (/BEGIN)
• Additional accelerometer output
 Doubled the list of supported keywords
 Possible to use a complete RADIOSS input deck
 Multiformat support (from version 4.1 block)

Airbags • FVM: Finite Volume Mesh generator improvements; also solves flat
elements cases (zero volume)

Core developments • Automatic memory adjustment by RADIOSS Starter

Implicit • Contacts robustness has been improved in implicit nonlinear solution.

• Default reference residual force changed to improve nonlinear
• Out-of core for BCS solver

Performances • Domdec=3 Multilevel Kway domain decomposition by default to

improve parallel performance
• Improvement of the search algorithm criterion (Bumult) for contact

New Starter Keywords • /CONVEC - Describes the imposed convective flux

• /FAIL/LAD_LAMA (also in 9.0.1) - Describes the Ladeveze failure
• /FAIL/HASHIN (also in 9.0.1) - Describes the Hashin failure model.
• /FAIL/PUCK (also in 9.0.1) - Describes the Puck failure model.
• /FAIL/XFEM - Describes the XFEM (eXtended Finite Element
Method) failure model.
• /FRAME/MOV2 - Moving reference frame compatible with RADIOSS

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bulk format
• /IMPTEMP - Imposed temperature
• /INIBRI - Describes the initial state for a brick
• /INISHE/ORTH_LOC - Initialization of orthotropy direction on each
• /INTER/TYPE21 - Specific interface between a non-deformable
master surface and a slave surface designed for stamping
• /INTTHICK/V5 - shell thickness defined in /SHELL, /SH3N cards is
not taken into account by interfaces type 7 and type 10, 11, 18, 19,
20. It restores contact behavior of previous versions for gap and
contact stiffness computation.
• /LEVSET - Definition of the levelset for XFEM: it describes initial
cracks in shells.
• /MAT/3D_COMP (law 12) - This law describes the composite solid
• /MAT/GAS/MASS - Gas molecular weight and specific heat
coefficients. Coefficients are given per mass unit.
• /MAT/GAS/MOLE - Gas molecular weight and specific heat
coefficients Coefficients are given per mole.
• /MAT/GAS/PREDEF - Predefined gas
• /MAT/LEE_T - Lee Tarver material law
• /MAT/RIGID (law 13) - This law models rigid material.
• /MONVOL/AIRBAG1 - Describes the airbag monitored volume type.
• /PROP/INJECT1 - Describes mass injected for each constituent gas.
• /PROP/INJECT2 - Describes molar fraction injected for each
constituent gas and total mass injected.
• /PROP/PLY (TYPE19) - This property set is used to define the ply
property set (/PROP/TYPE17) used in ply-based composite
• /PROP/SH_STACK (TYPE17) - stack property (composites)
 Up to 200 layers
 Any material law can be assigned for each layer
 Available for HSEPH, PENTA6, and HA8 thick shell
• /RBE3 - Defines the motion of a reference (slave) node as the
weighted average of the motions of sets of master nodes
• /SKEW/MOV2 - Moving skew compatible with RADIOSS bulk format
• /STAMPING - Generates application specific output messages
• /THERM_STRESS - This option is used to add thermal expansion
property for RADIOSS material (shell and solid).

New Engine Keywords • /ANIM/GPS1 - Generates animation files containing simple average
GPS data
• /ANIM/GPS2 - Generates animation files containing volume based

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averaged average GPS data

• /END/ENGINE - This keyword must be set at the end of the engine
input deck only when using single file input.
• /IMPL/AUTOSPC - A Zero stiffness degree-of-freedom will be
constrained automatically.
• /IMPL/BUCKL/1 - Euler buckling modes will be computed.
• /IMPL/BUCKL/2 - Euler buckling modes will be computed based on
actual pre-stress stat.
• /IMPL/DTINI (also in 901) - Initial time step for non-linear implicit
• /IMPL/DT/2 (also in 901) - Automatic time step control: arc-length
and line-search are used with this method to accelerate and to
control the convergence.
• /IMPL/DT/STOP (also in 901) - Sets minimum and maximum
time-step for implicit analysis
• /IMPL/INTER/KNONL - Defines including some contact non-linearities
in PCG linear solver
• /STATE/BRICK/AUX/FULL - A block /INIBRI/STRS_F is written into
each state file for each part declared into /STATE/DT option.
• /STATE/BRICK/STRAIN/FULL - Describes the strain state for solid
• /STATE/BRICK/STRES/FULL - Describes the stress state for solid
• /STATE/SHELL/ORTHL - Describes the orthotropy direction for shell

New Modif Keywords • /SPMD - Sets parameters for a Single Program Multiple Data
(SPMD) computation

Modified Starter • /BEGIN - Working Unit System (Line 4) and Input Unit System (Line
3) are used instead of unit system defined previously in card
/UNIT/name for input format previous to 10
• /DEF_SOLID - Flag Istrain added to compute strains for
• /EIG - A new method for eigenvector normalization is available;
activated by Inorm flag.
• /INIBRI - Describes the initial state for bricks
 Tied contact includes several rupture criteria
 Master segment curvature is taken into account
• /INTER/TYPE6 - Unloading function has been added.
• /INTER/TYPE7 - Thermal flags added for heat exchange between
pieces in contact
• /INTER/TYPE8 - New incremental formulation
• /PROP/TYPE14 (SOLID) - Irot=1 activates new 4 nodes tetra
element with parabolic formulation
• /PROP/TYPE32 (SPR_PRE) - Locking feature for SPR_PRE
• /SECT - Mesh independent section output specifying the FRAME_ID

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• /SPMD - Default value is now set to 3 (Multilevel Domain

Decomposition) – it was set to 2, RSB (Recursive Symmetric
Bisection) decomposition in 90.
• /SUBMODEL - Additional keywords supported
• /TH - Updated documentation to include the improved composites
post-treatment plus additional variables for output in /TH/ACCEL

Modified Engine • /IMPL/BUCKL - Input format changed (conforming to RADIOSS

Bulk) by /IMPL/BUCKL/1

Suppressed Starter • /UNIT/name - Now described in /BEGIN (see /BEGIN in modified

Keywords starter keyword section)
• /MEMORY - This card is skipped, as the memory is automatically
• /IBVEL - Imposed body velocities is no longer supported.

Resolved Issues

Contacts • Contact stiffness definition when using automatic external surface

• Type11: Truss + RBE + Idel=2

Elements • QEPH: stability and second order correction

Materials and failure • LAW 33, 35 and 38: second order correction
• LAW35 + reference metrics
• LAW24: rupture criteria

Implicit • Imposed displacement or boundary condition in local system

• Nonlinear convergence issue with finite rotation (rigid bodies)
• Possible wrong nonlinear force output (rigid body or contact
• Several issues using mult-procs (SPMD versions)

Known Limitations

RADIOSS job hangs up • Workaround: re-run the RADIOSS job either through the launch script
without printing a message or after setting the variable RADFLEX_PATH to <install_dir>\

See also
HyperWorks 10.0 Release Notes

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