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Paladin 2 / Sorcerer 4 / Spellsword 3 / Eldritch Knight 7 / Master of the Unseen Hand 4

4 ataques, nível efetivo 12 para magias de feiticeiro
Use uma Spiked Chain. Pegue um monte de feats táticas do Complete Warrior. Entre manobras telecinéticas,
as feats e a sua arma, você vai ter soluções pra tudo. Controle de campo é isso aí!

Ranger 1 / Sorcerer 4 / Nentyar Hunter 4 / Divine Disciple 1 / Verdant Lord 10

Meu favorito: se transforme em uma árvore gigante, empunhe uma Spiked Chain e impressione os amigos
com alcance de 30'', 4 ataques, magias de 7º círculo e +13 de armadura natural. Ajuda bastante se a campanha
for em Forgotten Realms e usarem a versão 3.5 do Verdant Lord.

Runic Knight
Race: Dwarf
Ftr 1/Wiz 6/Eldritch Knight 10/Runecaster 2/Dragonslayer 1
BAB: +16
CL: 18

Arch slayer
Race:Human (requires:Militia)
Wizard 6/Eldritch Knight 10/DragonSlayer 1/Spellsword 1/Archmage 2
BAB: +16
CL: 19

Eldritch Archer
Fighter 1/Wiz 3/Elf Paragon 3/Arcane Archer 2/Spellsword 1/Eldritch Knight 10
BAB: +18
Caster Level: 15 (8th level Wiz spells)
Saves: +16/+10/+9
Special: Familiar, Scribe Scroll, Fighter Feat, Elfsight, resist enchantments, Weapon Focus, +2 Int, Bonus Feat,
Enhance Arrow +1, Imbue Arrow
Requirements: Elf, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus(bow), Able to cast 2nd level arcane spells, all
Armor Proficiencies, BAB +6
Books: Unearthed Arcana, Complete Warrior

The Quintessential Gish

Ftr 2/Wiz or Sor 4/Spellsword 5/Eldritch Knight 9
BAB: 18
Caster level: 15 (19 with Practiced Spellcaster)
Saves: +14/+5/+11
Special: A bit lower CL than other popular gish builds but with plenty of feats and Channel Spell included,
which more than compensates. ASF -20%. A solid build all the way.
This build is in my experience best done as a human wielding a Spiked Chain or a Dwarf wielding a Greatsword.
Fighter 1/Wizard 4/Runesmith 4/Spellsword 1/Eldritch knight 10
BAB: +16/+11/+6/+1
Caster Level: 18
Saves: +16/+5/+13
Special: Must be a Dwarf, Familiar, Rune magic.
The con bonus helps to offset the low HD. Grab some Mechanus gear armor, an Animated Tower shield, and
go wild!!

Arcane Fighter
Fighter 1/Wizard 5/Eldritch knight 10/Archmage 4
BAB: +15/10/5
Caster Level: 18 (20 with Practised Spell Caster or 2 Spell Powers)
Saves: +12/+5/+11
Special: 4 High Arcanas, 2 Fighter Feats, 1 Wizard Feat, completely core.
Requirements: All Martial Weapons, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), 2 Spell Focus of creators choice.
Books: Players Handbook, Dungeon Master Guide.
I like this build because although it doesn't have the 4th attack, it has a lot of versatility, (with 4 High Arcanas
you can do a lot), second I feel that is option is a Wizard that can fight, rather than a Fighter that can cast
spells, which is the concept i had set up to create, third there is no flavour conflict, finally it would be difficult
for any DM to disallow this build, since is Core.
Note: If you are really interested on the last attack than you could give up the last 2 levels of Archmage and
take one lvl of Dragon Slayer and one lvl of Spellsword, and still keep 9th lvl spells.

submit two builds for charge-tastic and skirmisher:

Monk 1 Sorc 4 Enlightened Fist 10 EK 5

BAB +14
CL 16
L11 Monk abilities (greater flurry, 1d10 unarmed damage, +2 AC bonus, 50ft speed, CHA to AC, Dex to AC)
Arcane Fist (cast a touch spell as part of a full attack by spending one Stunning Fist attempt)
Hold Ray (convert a ray spell into a touch spell - can be combined with Arcane Fist)

His mission in life is to rapidly engage people and disable them with his numerous special-effect touch attacks.
Much like a normal monk, but he can become a cave troll and wail on them for big damage with Arcane Strike
enhancing all his natural attacks and unarmed strikes.

This guy can be used with or without Vow of Poverty. With Vow of Poverty, he gains a suite of really nasty
bonuses that work in and out of polymorph form, but at the downside of having said improvements locked
into place. Its effectiveness is left to the reader to determine.
Fighter 1 / Sorcerer 6 / Spellsword 4 /Sacred Exorcist 2 / Knight Phantom 7

BAB 16
CL 16 (8th level spells)
Channel Spell 3/day
Aspect of the Phantom 8 rounds/day
Countenance of the Phantom 8 rounds/day
Turn Undead
ASF - 15%

This more traditional armored gish focuses on polymorphing into a war troll for pounce and rake, then leaping
onto his foes with Wraithstrike, Shock Trooper and Divine Might active for hideous damage. As if this were not
enough, at level 20 the build gains its 8th level spell. While many might choose mind blank, I suggest prismatic
wall, channelled through the gish's weapon. The reason is simple - channelling spells changes their area to only
affect the target, and hitting opponents with a prismatic wall that only affects them and which lasts 10 minutes
/ level, is immune to everything short of disintegrate or a sequence of carefully timed spells, is pretty much a
guaranteed win in my book.

There are several variants of this:

Replacing Knight Phantom with Eldritch Knight nets you an extra 2 feats (KP requires one, EK grants one) and
frees up a spell slot (KP requires phantom steed), at the cost of KP abilities and a better hit die.

Replacing Fighter 1 / Sorcerer 6 with Paladin 2 / Sorcerer 4 yields divine grace, which really shores up that poor
reflex save which, in combination with resistance items and Ruin Delver's fortune can make the gish virtually
invulnerable to all but a concerted attempt tos screw him over with a Ref save spell, which most people will
reserve for things like disintegrate instead. It also nets an extra point of BAB. The price is one less feat and one
less caster level (no 8th level spells), though the caster level thing only affects 8th level spells and not the
number of level 7 spells you will know, for instance.

Here is my favorite Gish build. It has more spells daily than any other gish build I have seen while maintaining
combat effectiveness. I hope you enjoy!
Duskblade 8/Wizard 1/Abjurant Champion 5/Ultimate Magus 6

-Final Bab +16
-Saves of +9/+5/+17
-8d8+5d10+7d4 HD averages same as 1d7 per level
-Spell casting progression of a level 15 Duskblade at a caster level of 17
-Spell casting progression of a level 9 Wizard at a caster level of 18
-Ability to quicken 7 spells per day without increasing casting time or spell level
-Added Shield, Wraithstrike, and Haste to Duskblade spells known
-Wraith strike/Power attack/Arcane Strike on 7 attacks per round at 20th
-All abjuration spells are automatically extended and abjuration spells of 3rd level and lower are automatically

1. Duskblade 1
2. Duskblade 2
3. Duskblade 3
4. Duskblade 4
5. Duskblade 5
6. Wizard 1
7. Abjurant Champion 1 (+1 wiz casting)
8. Abjurant Champion 2 (+1 wiz casting)
9. Ultimate Magus 1 (+1 wiz casting)
10. Ultimate Magus 2 (+1 dusk/wiz casting)
11. Ultimate Maguc 3 (+1 dusk/wiz casting)
12. Ultimate Magus 4 (+1 wiz casting)
13. Ultimate Magus 5 (+1 dusk/wiz casting)
14. Ultimate Magus 6 (+1 dusk/wiz casting)
15. Abjurant Champion 3 (+1 dusk casting)
16. Abjurant Champion 4 (+1 dusk casting)
17. Abjurant Champion 5 (+1 dusk casting)
18. Duskblade 6
19. Duskblade 7
20. Duskblade 8

1. Power Attack
1. Two-Weapon Fighting
2. Combat Casting
3. Somatic Weaponry
6. <Any Metamagic>
9. Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
12. Arcane Strike
13. Quicken Spell
15. Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
18. Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting

I like this build the best as a generic awesome gish:

Human Paragon 1/Fighter 1/Wizard 2/Human Paragon +2/Spellsword 1/Abjurant Champion 5/Eldritch Knight 8

BAB 18
CL 17 wizard (9th level spells, cast as 18th level from AbjCh ability)
UMD as a class skill with adaptive learning (if you're smart...this means healing yourself if you want to, along
with lots of other goodies)
Ability Boost
3 bonus feats
Ability to cast in full mithral plate (with thistledown suit and twilight enchantment) with no ASF
All of the Abjurant Champion goodies
Decent HP

Obviously, this can be tweaked to desire, but I think it's the best generic gish build out there. Just so much
OK, let's get ridiculous!

See that? I have preemptively stated that this post is a ridiculous abuse of the rules and situations available in
D&D 3.5. This situation would never happen in a real campaign, and if it did, someone should shoot the DM
and the player.

Still, just for fun, here's how a player could go from 9th level to 19th level in a single combat round.

This method does not assume impossible sequences of die rolls or a ridiculous combination of magic items.
The die rolls are within reason, as are the magic items. It's the SITUATION that is just plain stupid! ;-)

The character is a min/maxxed cleric. He has the following setup:

Human, Cleric of Kord taking the Strength Domain and Luck Domain
Relevant stats:
STR - 20 (bumped twice from 18 at 4th and 8th)
CHA - 18

1st - Power Attack, Cleave
3rd - Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Spiked Chain
6th - Great Cleave
9th - Divine Might (Defenders of the Faith)

The cleric casts the following spells on himself in preparation for combat (some of these aren't needed to be
successful, but why not fully min/max?):

*Divine Favor - granting +3/+3 attack/damage (luck bonus)

*Divine Power - +6 enhancement bonus to str, BAB becomes +9/+4
*Righteous Might - size becomes large (tall), +8 size bonus to str, spiked chain becomes large dealing 2d6,
other good effects
*Magic Weapon, Greater - spiked chain becomes +2 (or, hell, this level 9 cleric HAS a +2 spiked chain)
*Haste - from potion, extra attack
*Good Hope - from potion, +2 morale bonus to attack/damage
*Rage - from potion, +2 morale bonus to str

Activate your Divine Might feat - an extra +4 to weapon damage for 4 rounds (but we only need one!)

At the appropriate time, the cleric would pull a Feat of Strength, per his domain ability, granting another +3 to
str (+9 enhancement, but already have +6 from Divine Power, so only goes up 3).

[You could get some competence bonuses from a Bard using Inspire Greatness, but that would mean you'd
have to share XP, so forget the bard, heh.)
Let's take a look at damage...

I'm using the spiked chain, which is two handed, so I'm going to pump my entire BAB of +9 into Power Attack.
That grants +18 to damage.

Your new str is 39, granting a +14 ability modifier. With the spiked chain, that's +21 to damage.

+21 str
+18 power attack
+2 magic weapon
+4 Divine Might
+3 Divine Favor
+2 Good Hope
2d6 + 49 (minimum of 51 damage)

Lets take a look at attack bonus...

You have no more BAB because it all went into power attack, but you still get extra attacks from haste and
having the high BAB to begin with. So we start with 0/0/-5.

+14 to-hit in melee from strength

+3 from Divine Favor
+2 magic weapon
+2 Good Hope
+1 to attack from Haste
-1 for being large

Ok - this cleric is a virtual avatar of his god right now... serving up death and justice in monstrous portions.
Let's put him in a FUN spot!

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