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Okay, I am working on two separate character builds right now (each will have its own


Theme: Two Weapon fighting gone nuts. (ie. large number of attacks and/or great

Rules for this build:

1.) 32 point buy

2.) No psionics or incarnum.

3.) No use of a race with LA greater than +1.

4.) *MUST* be playable by progression in most campaigns (ie. no infinite loops or

other cheese that a DM would ban, must be playable at low levels as well as at 20).

5.)CANNOT be gear reliant (due to odd magic item constraints placed by the DM,
please calculate damage and effectiveness using Masterwork gear only, with no
wondrous items) [Item recommendations for what to buy if it become available are
alright, but the build cannot be dependent on it]

My basic thoughts:
Dervish Level 10 for A Thousand Cuts. With Greater TWF and a BAB of at least 16, you
could get 14 attacks in a round (15 with haste or frenzy if you get FB). However, this
means that we need a movement speed of *at least* 40ft (Dervish 10 grants a total of
+15, so this is okay).

Skirmish grants extra damage dice on attacks when you move more than 10 feet in a
round. Since a Dervish can get a full round attack plus a move, that means 14 attacks
with the skirmish damage, so even Scout 1 adds 14d6 to the potential damage of this.
Possible optimization leads me to think that finding ways to get more skirmish dice
without losing the Dervish 10 or dropping BAB below 16 is a good way to go. Although
this would mean that we need a movement of *at least* 50 feet (10 to trigger
skirmish, 40 to get full attack benefits, need at least 5 more movement over Dervish
10, assuming base of 30ft).

My best concept so far is Human Fighter 1 / Scout 1 / Ranger 6 / Dervish 10 / Highland

Stalker 2. With the feat Swift Hunter from Complete Scoundrel, this should get 3d6
Skirmish and have a BAB of +19. With dual (normal) Scimitars (count as light weapons
thanks to Dervish) and a +0 strength mod, assuming all attacks hit that is 28d6 (98
average) per round using the dance ability, or 56d6 (196 average) using A Thousand

SO: builds that go nuts with TWF, can you come up with a better base build than what
I have?

Hmm...I assume you are using the Combat Rhythm option?

So if we make 7 touch attacks in round 1, round 2 would get a total of +35 to each
Round 2 trigger A Thousand Cuts, and let loose with 14 shots for a total of 14d6 (avg
49) + 490. Average damage of 539, but since it takes two rounds, that makes it about

Without using A Thousand Cuts, you could do 7 touch attacks round 1, and then 7
attacks round 2 for 25 (dice avg w/ scimitar) + 245. 260 damage every other round or
130/round average.

That beats my previous build by a good bit. Can we get the prereqs for the
Stormguard Warrior feat in with all the prereqs for Dervish and make Derv 10 still?
[Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Focus (a slashing weapon, I think
Scimitar is a good bet) all before level 10 to qualify for Dervish, but also need to pick
up TWF, ITWF, and GTWF to get the maximum number of attacks a round.] [Ironheart
Aura and two Ironheart maneuvers for Stormguard]. (I admit to not being as familiar
with Tome of Battle as I should be.

Ranger 6 / Warblade 4 / Dervish 10?

Punishing Stance would get an extra 1d6 per attack, so the current best damage looks

With A Thousand Cuts: 49 (avg from weapons) + 49 (Punishing Stance) + 490

(Stormguard) = 588 damage or 294 damage/round (strength not included)
Without A Thousand Cuts: 24.5 (avg from weapons) + 24.5 (Punishing Stance) + 245
damage (Stormguard) = 294 damage or 147 damage/round feat just blew what I could think of out of the water.

Would Blood in the Water (+1 to attack rolls and damage for each critical hit, stacks,
all bonuses last until you don't score a crit for a full minute) work better than Punishing
Stance? (Scimitars will have a 15-20 crit range with Keen or Improved Crit, and there
are ways to get short-term auto-confirm crits [dolorous blow comes to mind], which
would mean that statistically, you would crit at least once often twice with each full-
round attack.) I'm not sure at what point the extra (multiply-able) damage from Blood
in the Water would be better than using Punishing Stance (which won't multiply on a

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