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Running head: ASSIGNMENT 3 1

Assignment 3: Successful Interaction with Students


American University of the Middle East (AUM)



People tend to value teachers based on their academic certification and they are

convinced that a teacher is defined by the qualifications. Research however shows that a teacher

needs more than just academic certifications. In this essay, I will discuss some of the elements

that helps a teacher interact with students. A good interaction with student is a guarantee for a

teacher to offer successive lessons and students will perform better.


Successful Interaction with Students

Effective classroom management depends on the way that teachers interact with students.

Even the most well prepared and knowledgeable teachers might fail to help students to learn if

that interaction is not working well. Successful interaction with students depends on three key

characteristics: recognizing, respecting and motivating students.

First of all, a teacher should be able to recognize her students. “Students want their

teachers to know who they are. They would like their teachers to know their names, but they also

appreciate when teachers have some understanding of their character” (Harmer, 2007, p.114).

Knowing students’ names also involves knowing about students. They are always pleased when

they realize that their teacher has some understanding of who they are. Hence, addressing

students by their names creates positive teacher-student rapport.

For an effective classroom management, teachers should respect her students. Teachers

who respect their students do their best to see them from the positive side. This kind of teachers

are always respectful and use professionalism to solve the problems. Students need to know that

they are treated with respect. Respectful attitude towards students will create trustworthy

atmosphere in the classroom.

Lastly, teachers should be able to motivate students. Motivating students enables students

to persist longer, make efforts to achieve, and learn with passion. The end result of motivation is

a good performance in the classes and on regular standardized course tests (Harmer, 2007, p.99).

Indeed, successful interaction with students depends on three key characteristics;

teacher's ability to recognize, respect, and motivate students. For an effective classroom

management, teacher’s ae obligated to ensure there is a healthy interaction with the students. A

successful teacher is defined by not only the academic qualifications but also one’s ability to

interact with students.



Harmer, J. (2007). The Practice of English Language Teaching. Pearson Education.

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