ESS Paper 1 Case Study Breakdown

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ESS Paper 1 Past Papers - Case Study Topics

Year Location Areas of Focus

2010 May Borneo deforestation

Nov Plains Bison species conservation, soil

2011 May Sweden, Skane region toads, ozone

Nov Gulf of Fonseca, C.America mangrove, shrimp farming

2012 May Iraq, marshlands wetlands, human impact

Nov Danube R delta fish, fishing

2013 May Pacific Ocean gyres, climate, El Nino, Albatross

Nov Kenya, L. Naivasha ecology

2014 May Oil Sands, Alberta oil issues

Nov Niger Delta, Ogoniland oil, ecology

2015 May Myanmar, Inle L. ecology, people

Nov California condor species conservation

2016 May Zambia mining, conservation

Nov Swakop R, Namibia invasives

2017 May Brazil biodiversity, energy, ecological footprint

Nov Iceland climate, biodiversity, energy etc.

2018 May Madagascar conservation area, biodiversity

Nov Algonquin Prov Park beavers, wolves, food webs

2019 May Coral Triangle, SE Asia coral reefs, mangroves, biodiversity threats

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