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Regular Expressions

Find the longest match
Deterministic, fast, state machine must be built
Leftmost, longest (in order)
ordering of RE changes pattern matched.
“longest of the leftmost”
for multiple matches starting at the same (leftmost)
position, return the one matching the most text.

See table of systems & uses

Regular Expressons
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Lecture 14
EECS 498 Winter 2000

M = (Q, S, d, q0, F ) where Q = q0..3, S = { 0, 1 }, F = { q0 }

start q0 q2

0 0 0 0
q1 q3

This DFSA M accepts all strings with ...

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Lecture 14
EECS 498 Winter 2000
An FSA to accept decimal strings:


S ‘-’ A H
‘.’ 0...9

Trace through “-34.76” and “-17.-56”

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EECS 498 Winter 2000

What’s the structure for the DFA engine?

state = 0;
state = TBL[ state, input ];
until FINAL[ state ] && EOF(input);

The DFA engine serves as the basis for some language parsing
engines ...

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Lecture 14
EECS 498 Winter 2000
Structuring Elements for REs

Meta Meaning
. (period) Match any single character
* (kleene star) Match zero or more REs
[] Match any character within brackets
0-9 matches digits
a-z matches lower case characters
“-” in first position matches “-”
“^” in first position inverts set
^ matches beginning of line
$ matches end-of-line
{a,b} Match count of preceding pattern (from ‘a’ to
‘b’ times). ‘b’ optional

If “a” is a word, this invokes a substitution from

the definition section.

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EECS 498 Winter 2000

\ escape for metacharaters

+ matches 1 or more REs
? matches 0 or 1 REs
| alternation
“##” matches literal between quotes
() grouping of RE
• Alphabet Elements
character class is more efficient
• Concatenation, Alternation, grouping
• intervals {low,high}
• anchors
• (F)lex model
set of patterns is Alternation
• Perl Model
scan string for match

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Construction of NFA from RE

general machine empty string transition

S F S E1 A E2 F

alphabet symbol transition

Concatenation: (E1 E2)

λ E1 λ
λ λ
λ λ S
λ A λ F
Alternation: (E1 | E2) Closure (E*)

DFA can be always be constructed from NFA (state expansion)

with potential exponential increase in state space.

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EECS 498 Winter 2000

Example: Develop an NDFSA from RE

( + | - | λ ) d+ ≡ ( + | - | λ ) d d*

(+|-|λ) d d*

- d d*

- d d*

+ d

- d λ λ

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EECS 498 Winter 2000
Perl Operators & Operands

• $_, $ARG
default input, string pattern matched.
string preceding last successful match
• $&, $MATCH
string matched by last successful pattern match
string following last successful pattern match
last bracket matched by last search

/Version: (.*) | Revision: (.*)/

$num = $+;

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EECS 498 Winter 2000

Any program that uses these variables (or calls functions that
do), forces the match engine to make copies of text string used
for matching. This can be VERY expensive for large strings.

Copying required for parenthesized capture.

• “=~” and “=!”: By default, pattern matched against content

of variable “$_”. Can use these operators to change this:

$a = “hello world”;
$a =~ /^he/ # true
$a =! /^help/ # also true.

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EECS 498 Winter 2000
Regex Operators and their Precedence

Parentheses ( PATTERN)

Multipliers ? + * {m,n}
?? +? *? {m,n}?

Sequencing and abc ^ $ \A \Z

anchoring (?=PATTERN) (?!PATTERN)

Alternation |

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EECS 498 Winter 2000

Pattern Matching

• match: m/PATTERN/
• substitution: s/PATTERN/REPLACE/mods
• split: split PATTERN

returns list of places where pattern didn’t match


Modifier Meaning

g Global: find all occurances

i match case insensitive

m treat string as multiple lines

o optimize: compile pattern once

s treat string as single line

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Lecture 14
EECS 498 Winter 2000
Traditional NFA
Matching Strategy
We’re given a string and a regular expression (RE). The
processing “engine” will establish if the string is a member of the
language defined by the RE.

The engine will match: left-most, longest (first) match.

a) Match as far left as possible
The match only has to reach the end of RE, doesn’t have
to reach the end of the string.

Consider /x*/ applied to “fox”.

b) RE is set of alternatives (possible singleton).
Stop on first match that allows successful completion of
entire regular expression.

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EECS 498 Winter 2000

Upon failure, backtrack

c) An alternative matches if every item (assertion or atom)

If ordered matching fails, engine backtracks.

Consider /x*y*/

Match an “x”, try all possible y’s.

Try next “x”, try all possible y’s.

(second pattern varies faster due to backtracking)

d) Assertions

^ beginning of string (line)

$ end of string (line)

\b word boundary (between \w and \W)

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EECS 498 Winter 2000
\B non word boundary (inverse of \b)

beginning of string
matches only once if /m specified

end of string
matches only once if /m specified

end of previous global pattern


Lookahead assertion
Matches if PATTERN follows

Matches if PATTERN does NOT follow

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EECS 498 Winter 2000

e) Quantified Atom
The atom is matched some number of times

Maximal Minimal
Expected Range
greedy lazy

At least n, by no more than m

{n,m} {n,m}?
m, n < 216

{n,} {n,}? At least n times

{n} {n}? Exactly n times

* *? {0,}

+ +? {1,}

? ?? {0,1}

x* = xxx...xx | xxx...x | xxx... | ... | x | λ

x*? = λ | x | xx | ... | xxx...x | xxx...xx | ...

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The maximal (or greedy) form can cause LOTS of backtracking.

This is further complicated if one uses parentheses to group

references (since recovery is thereby required). (pg 150).

f) Match items according to their type

(PATTERN) grouped regular expression

with backreference ($1, \1, $2, \2, etc.)

(?:PATTERN) grouped regular expression

without backreference
simplifies backtracking

“.” (period). Matches everything except \n.

[...] character classes

[aeiou], [fee|fie|foe] == [feio|]

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\d,\D digit, non-digit
\w,\W word ([a-zA-Z_0-9]), non-word
\s,\S whitespace, non-whitespace

\[0-7]{1,3} octal value

\x[0-9a-f]{1,2} hexidecimal value

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RE Extensions for Perl

• Comment: (?#text)
• No Backreference: (?:PATTERN)

Nothing saved in $1 ($n)

• Zero Width lookahead assertion: (?=PATTERN)
• Negated lookahead assertion: (?!PATTERN)
• Embedded Pattern Match Modifier: (?imsx)

$pattern = “testString”;
if (/$pattern/i)
same as
$pattern = “(?i)testString”;
if (/$pattern/)

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EECS 498 Winter 2000

Must examine ALL cases to find the longest left-most match
(not just first match)

Pattern to determine if DFA, NFA or POSIX NFA


• instant failure on 1: DFA

• More than short time on 1 but fails on 2: NFA
• Doesn’t return on 2: Posix NFA

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Lecture 14
EECS 498 Winter 2000

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