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CANDIDATE ID NUMBER: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| GROUP NO.

[ ]



PRINT your student ID and GROUP number in the space provided at the top of each page.

Each question or partial statement is followed by five suggested answers or completions. Select the best
answer and clearly mark the corresponding bubble on the answer sheet attached.


0. The SI unit of mass is

A. N.
B. kg.
C. g.
D. J. 0 [ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ] [ E ]
E. W.

Values of Physical Constants

Acceleration due to gravity 𝑔 = 9.81m s−2
Avogadro’s number 𝑁𝐴 = 6.02 × 1023 mol−1
Coulomb force constant 𝑘 = 9.00 × 109 N m2 C−2
Electron charge 𝑒 = 1.60 × 10−19 C
Electron mass 𝑚𝑒 = 9.11 × 10−31 kg
Proton mass 𝑚𝑝 = 1.67 × 10−27 kg
Neutron mass 𝑚𝑛 = 1.67 × 10−27 kg
Permeability of free space 𝜇𝑜 = 4π × 10−7 T mA−1
Permittivity of free space 𝜀𝑜 = 8.85 × 10−12 C2 N−1 m−2
Electron-volt 1 eV = 1.60 × 10−19 J

PHYS 144 Page 1 of 15

Examiners: R. Abugri, A. Amankwah, S. A. Atarah, G.B. Hagan, A. F. Hughes, H.A. Koffi
CANDIDATE ID NUMBER: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| GROUP NO. [ ]

Table of formulas

PHYS 144 Page 2 of 15

Examiners: R. Abugri, A. Amankwah, S. A. Atarah, G.B. Hagan, A. F. Hughes, H.A. Koffi
CANDIDATE ID NUMBER: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| GROUP NO. [ ]

1. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The electric force between two point charges is not an inverse-square force.
B. The magnitude of the electric force between two point charges is directly proportional to
the sum of the charges.
C. The electric force between two point charges is not a central force.
D. The electric force between two point charges obeys Newton’s third law.
E. The electric force between two point charges is a non-conservative force.

Use the following information to answer questions 2 and 3.

Two identical charges of magnitude 3.0 C lie 3.0 m apart.

2. What is the magnitude of the electric force experienced by each charge if they are in vacuum?
A. 9.0 𝜇N
B. 6.0 𝜇N
C. 9.0 nN
D. 6.0 nN
E. 3.0 nN

3. What is the magnitude of the electric force experienced by each charge if they are in a large
barrel of olive oil? Take the relative permittivity (dielectric constant) of olive oil to be 3.1.
A. 0.97 nN
B. 1.94 nN
C. 2.90 nN
D. 1.94 𝜇N
E. 2.90 𝜇N

4. The electric field between two charged metal plates in vacuum, 15 cm apart, is 3000 N C−1 .
How long will it take to an electron released from rest at the negative plate to reach the positive
A. 2.4 × 10−8 s
B. 5.3 × 10−8 s
C. 4.3 × 10−7 s
D. 5.4 × 10−7 s
E. 2.8 × 10−6 s

PHYS 144 Page 3 of 15

Examiners: R. Abugri, A. Amankwah, S. A. Atarah, G.B. Hagan, A. F. Hughes, H.A. Koffi
CANDIDATE ID NUMBER: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| GROUP NO. [ ]

5. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The algebraic sum of all electric charges in a closed system is always non-zero.
B. When a dipole is placed in a uniform external electric field, there is a torque that tends to
rotate the molecule so that the dipole is anti-parallel with the field.
C. The direction of the electric force experienced by a test charge opposes the direction of the
electric field if the test charge is positive.
D. The net force on an electric dipole in a uniform external electric field is non-zero.
E. The potential energy of a dipole in a uniform external electric field, 𝑬 ⃗⃗ , is maximum when
the direction of the dipole moment, 𝒑⃗ , is anti-parallel to the direction of ⃗𝑬.

6. Positive charge is uniformly distributed around a semi-circle (Figure 1). The electric field that
this charge produces at the centre of curvature 𝐶 is in the
A. +𝑥 direction.
B. −𝑥 direction.
C. +𝑦 direction.
D. −𝑦 direction.
E. −𝑧 direction (inward the 𝑥𝑦 plane)
−𝒚 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝟏

7. A particle of charge 𝑞1 = 5.5 × 10−8 C is 3.5 cm away from a particle of charge

𝑞2 = −2.3 × 10−8 C. The potential energy of this two-particle system, relative to the potential
energy at infinite separation is
A. −3.3 × 10−4 J
B. −9.3 × 10−3 J
C. 0
D. 3.3 × 10−4 J
E. 9.3 × 10−3 J

8. Positive charges are distributed uniformly throughout a non-conducting sphere. The highest
electric potential occurs
A. far from the sphere.
B. just outside the surface of the sphere.
C. at the surface of the sphere.
D. half-way between the centre and the surface of the sphere.
E. at the centre of the sphere.

PHYS 144 Page 4 of 15

Examiners: R. Abugri, A. Amankwah, S. A. Atarah, G.B. Hagan, A. F. Hughes, H.A. Koffi
CANDIDATE ID NUMBER: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| GROUP NO. [ ]

9. If 50 µJ of work is required to move a charged particle of 125 nC in a uniform electric field of

magnitude 20 kN C −1 , the distance covered by the particle along the field is
A. 8 cm
B. 6 cm
C. 4 cm
D. 2 cm
E. 1 cm

10. The equipotential surfaces associated with charged point particles are
A. radially outward from the particle.
B. concentric spheres centred on the particle.
C. vertical planes.
D. horizontal planes.
E. concentric cylinders with the particle on the axis.

11. An electron is accelerated from rest through a potential difference 𝑉. Its final speed, 𝑣, is
proportional to
A. 𝑉
B. 𝑉2
C. √𝑉
D. 1⁄
E. ⁄

12. Points 𝑅 and 𝑇 are each a distance 𝑑

from each of two particles with charges
of equal magnitudes and opposite signs
as shown in Figure 2. The work
required to move a particle with a
negative charge −𝑞 from 𝑅 to 𝑇 is
A. 0

B. 𝑑2

𝑘𝑞𝑄⁄ Figure 2
C. 𝑑

D. ⁄

E. 2𝑑

PHYS 144 Page 5 of 15

Examiners: R. Abugri, A. Amankwah, S. A. Atarah, G.B. Hagan, A. F. Hughes, H.A. Koffi
CANDIDATE ID NUMBER: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| GROUP NO. [ ]

13. A positive charge 𝑞 = 4 𝜇𝐶 is located at the centre of a sphere of diameter 0.5 m. Calculate the
electric field through the surface of the sphere due to the charge.
A. 5.8 × 105 N C −1, directed inwards.
B. 5.8 × 105 N C −1, directed outwards.
C. 4.1 × 105 N C −1, directed outwards.
D. 4.1 × 105 N C −1, directed inwards.
E. 0.

14. Which of the following statements is/are true of Gauss’s law for electric flux?
I. Charges outside of an enclosed surface have a net flux on the surface.
II. The net flux is independent of the size of the enclosed surface.
III. Net flux out of a sphere has an inverse square law relation with the radius of the sphere.
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and III only
E. II and III only

15. In Figure 3, a plane surface of sides 5 cm and 38 cm

intercept an electric field of magnitude 103 V m−1 at an
angle of 25o. What is the electric flux out of the surface?
A. 26.4 N m−1 C−2
B. 27.8 N m−1 C−2
C. 28.0 N m−1 C−2
D. 30.8 N m−1 C−2 Figure 3
E. 34.3 N m−1 C−2

16. The network of capacitors with capacitances

as given in Figure 4 is to be replaced with a
single capacitor. Determine the amount of
energy that is stored in the equivalent 5V 3 nF
2 nF 4 nF
capacitor if a potential of 5 V is applied
across its terminals.
A. 5.2 × 10−10 J
B. 2.7 × 10−10 J 1 nF
C. 1.3 × 10−10 J
D. 9.2 × 10−9 J Figure 4
E. 8.7 × 10−9 J

PHYS 144 Page 6 of 15

Examiners: R. Abugri, A. Amankwah, S. A. Atarah, G.B. Hagan, A. F. Hughes, H.A. Koffi
CANDIDATE ID NUMBER: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| GROUP NO. [ ]

17. Figure 5 shows a steady electric current passing through a wire with a narrow region. What
happens to the drift velocity of the moving charges as they go from 𝐴 to 𝐶?

Figure 5
A. It decreases from 𝐴 to 𝐵, and increase from 𝐵 to 𝐶.
B. It increases throughout.
C. It remains constant.
D. It decreases throughout.
E. It increases from 𝐴 to 𝐵, and decreases from 𝐵 to 𝐶.

18. If a current of 2.4 A is flowing in a cylindrical wire of diameter 2.0 mm, what is the average
current density in the wire?
A. 7.6 × 105 A m−2
B. 3.6 × 105 A m−2
C. 1.9 × 105 A m−2
D. 5.2 × 10−6 A m−2
E. 2.1 × 10−6 A m−2

19. A certain electric furnace consumes 24 kW when it is connected to a 240 V socket. What is the
resistance of the furnace?
A. 100 Ω
B. 10 Ω
C. 2.4 Ω
D. 0.8 Ω
E. 0.5 Ω

20. Two wires made of different materials have the same uniform current density. They carry the
same current only if
A. their lengths are the same.
B. their cross-sectional areas are the same.
C. both their lengths and cross-sectional areas are the same.
D. the potential differences across are the same.
E. the electric fields in them are the same.

PHYS 144 Page 7 of 15

Examiners: R. Abugri, A. Amankwah, S. A. Atarah, G.B. Hagan, A. F. Hughes, H.A. Koffi
CANDIDATE ID NUMBER: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| GROUP NO. [ ]

21. The emf and the internal resistance of a battery are as

shown in Figure 6. If a current of 8.3 A is drawn from
the battery when a resistor 𝑅 is connected across the
terminals 𝑎𝑏 of the battery, what is the power
dissipated by the resistor 𝑅?
A. 440 W
Figure 6
B. 530 W
C. 620 W
D. 700 W
E. 790 W

22. A platinum wire is used to determine the melting point of indium. The resistance of the platinum
wire is 2.0 Ω at 2.0o C, and it increases to 3.1o C as the indium starts to melt. What is the melting
point of indium? The temperature coefficient of resistance of platinum is 3.9 × 10−3 (o C)−1.
A. 126o C
B. 144o C
C. 161o C
D. 245o C
E. 353o C

Use the circuit in Figure 7 to answer questions 23 and 24.

23. Calculate the unknown emf 𝜀 in the circuit.

A. 12 V
B. 20 V
C. 50 V
D. 75 V
E. 93 V

24. Calculate the unknown resistance between

D and E. Figure 7
A. 3.2 Ω
B. 8.1 Ω
C. 13.7 Ω
D. 20.3 Ω
E. 27.4 Ω

PHYS 144 Page 8 of 15

Examiners: R. Abugri, A. Amankwah, S. A. Atarah, G.B. Hagan, A. F. Hughes, H.A. Koffi
CANDIDATE ID NUMBER: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| GROUP NO. [ ]

25. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The magnetic field created by a moving charge cannot exert a force on a current in its
region of influence.
B. A charge particle at rest does experience magnetic force.
C. The magnetic force on a charge moving with velocity 𝑣 in a magnetic field 𝐵⃗ is always
parallel to the plane of 𝑣 and 𝐵
D. A charge moving parallel to a magnetic field experiences zero magnetic force.
E. A charge moving perpendicular to a magnetic field experiences a minimal magnetic force.

26. A cathode ray beam (an electron beam) is bent in a circle of radius 2.0 cm by a uniform
magnetic field of flux density 𝐵 = 4.5 × 10−3 T. Calculate the speed of the electrons.
A. 1.6 × 107 km s −1
B. 3.2 × 106 km s −1
C. 2.4 × 105 km s −1
D. 1.6 × 104 km s −1
E. 1.0 × 103 km s −1

27. In a velocity selector device, the uniform electric field of magnitude 𝐸 = 8.0 × 104 V m−1 is
directed downwards (relatively to the page). Perpendicular to 𝐸⃗ is a magnetic field of magnitude
𝐵 = 0.4 T directed into the page. What should be the speed of a particle of charge 𝑞 such that it
goes through these crossed electric and magnetic fields without being deflected?
A. 250 km s −1
B. 200 km s −1
C. 150 km s −1
D. 120 km s −1
E. 100 km s −1

28. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The magnetic flux through a closed surface is non-zero.
B. The net force on a current loop in a uniform magnetic field is zero.
C. The magnetic moment, 𝜇, of a current loop is given by 𝜇 = 𝐼⁄𝐴, where 𝐼 and 𝐴 are the
current and cross-sectional area, respectively.
⃗ are parallel or antiparallel, where 𝜇
D. The torque on a current loop is greatest when 𝜇 and 𝐵
⃗ are the magnetic moment and the magnetic field, respectively.
and 𝐵
⃗ , where 𝜇 and 𝐵
E. The potential energy 𝑈 for a magnetic dipole is given by 𝑈 = 𝜇 ∙ 𝐵 ⃗ are the
magnetic moment and the magnetic field, respectively.

PHYS 144 Page 9 of 15

Examiners: R. Abugri, A. Amankwah, S. A. Atarah, G.B. Hagan, A. F. Hughes, H.A. Koffi
CANDIDATE ID NUMBER: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| GROUP NO. [ ]

29. In a Cartesian coordinate system, a uniform magnetic field, 𝐵 = 3.0 × 10−4 T is directed along
the +𝑥-direction. A proton shoots through the field in the +𝑦-direction with a speed of 5.0 ×
106 m s −1 . Determine the magnitude and direction of the force on the proton.
A. 2.4 × 10−16 N, along the −𝑧-axis.
B. 5.4 × 10−16 N, along the +𝑦-axis.
C. 2.4 × 10−16 N, along the −𝑦-axis.
D. 5.4 × 10−16 N, along the +𝑧-axis.
E. 2.4 × 10−16 N, along the −𝑥-axis.

30. Faraday’s law states that the induced emf in a closed loop is proportional to the rate of change
of the
A. magnetic field.
B. electric field.
C. distance between the loop and the prevailing field.
D. magnetic flux.
E. electric flux.

31. A vertical magnet is dropped through the centre of a horizontal loop wire, with its north pole
leading. At the instant when the midpoint of the magnet is in the plane of the loop, the induced
current at a point, viewed form the top, is
A. maximum and clockwise.
B. maximum and counterclockwise.
C. minimum and clockwise.
D. minimum and counterclockwise.
E. zero.

32. A magnet moves inside a coil. Which of the following factors can affect the emf induced in the
I. The strength of the magnet
II. The number of turns in the coil
III. The speed at which the magnet moves
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and III only
E. I, II and III

PHYS 144 Page 10 of 15

Examiners: R. Abugri, A. Amankwah, S. A. Atarah, G.B. Hagan, A. F. Hughes, H.A. Koffi
CANDIDATE ID NUMBER: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| GROUP NO. [ ]

33. A rectangular loop of wire (Figure 8) is placed

midway between two long straight parallel
conductors as shown. The conductors carry currents
𝑖1 and 𝑖2 , as indicated. If 𝑖1 is increasing and 𝑖2 is
constant, then the induced current in the loop is
A. zero
B. clockwise
C. counterclockwise Figure 8
D. depends on 𝑖1 − 𝑖2
E. depends on 𝑖1 + 𝑖2

34. Figure 9 shows the magnitude of a uniform

magnetic field 𝐵 that is perpendicular to the
plane of a conducting loop. Rank the five
regions indicated on the graph according to
the magnitude of the emf induced in the loop,
from smallest to largest.
A. 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 2, 4, 3, 1
C. 4, 3, 1, 2 Figure 9
D. 1, 3, 4, 2
E. 4, 3, 2, 1

35. Two long parallel conducting wires placed side-by-side on the x-y plane carry identical current
in the same direction. Which of the following statements best describes the magnetic field at a
point midway between the wires?
A. The field points into the plane.
B. The field points out of the plane.
C. The field is parallel to the –x-axis.
D. There is no magnetic field at the point.
E. The field is parallel to the –y-axis.

36. A toroidal solenoid with radius 5 cm has 125 turns wound on a nonmagnetic core. A current in
the toroid increases at the rate of 5 × 105 A s −1. What is the magnetic flux density in the core
of the toroid at 3 ms after the current is switched on?
A. 0.83 T
B. 0.75 T
C. 0.64 T
D. 0.52 T
E. 0.47 T

PHYS 144 Page 11 of 15

Examiners: R. Abugri, A. Amankwah, S. A. Atarah, G.B. Hagan, A. F. Hughes, H.A. Koffi
CANDIDATE ID NUMBER: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| GROUP NO. [ ]

37. Which of the following actions can induce current in a conducting loop?
I. Moving the loop parallel to a uniform magnetic field.
II. Placing the loop so that its area is perpendicular to a changing magnetic field.
III. Rotating the loop so that it cuts across a magnetic field.
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and III only
E. II and III only

38. Which of the following best summarises Ampere’s law?

I. The line integral of the magnetic field is inversely proportional to the current enclosed.
II. The closed line integral of the current in any closed loop is equal to the magnetic field.
III. The closed line integral of the magnetic field is directly proportional to the current
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and III only
E. II and III only

Use the following information to answer questions 39 and 40.

Two coils have mutual inductance 𝑀 = 3.25 × 10−4 H. The current in the second coil increases
at a uniform rate of 830 A s−1 .
39. What is the magnitude of the induced emf in the first coil?
A. 0.27 V
B. 0.38 V
C. 0.45 V
D. 0.54 V
E. 0.72 V

40. If the second coil has 100 turns, what is the rate of change of the flux through the second coil?
A. −0.0027 Wb s −1
B. −0.0038 Wb s −1
C. −0.45 Wb s−1
D. 0.27 Wb s −1
E. 0.45 Wb s −1

PHYS 144 Page 12 of 15

Examiners: R. Abugri, A. Amankwah, S. A. Atarah, G.B. Hagan, A. F. Hughes, H.A. Koffi
CANDIDATE ID NUMBER: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| GROUP NO. [ ]

41. How is the energy stored in a current-carrying inductor related to its self-inductance 𝐿?
A. It is directly proportional to 𝐿2
B. It is directly proportional to √𝐿
C. It is directly proportional to 𝐿
D. It is inversely proportional to 𝐿
E. It is inversely proportional to 𝐿2

42. How is the energy stored in a current-carrying inductor related to the current value 𝐼.
A. directly proportional to 𝐿2 .
B. directly proportional to √𝐿.
C. directly proportional to 𝐿.
D. inversely proportional to 𝐿.
E. inversely proportional to 𝐿2 .

43. Lenz’s law states that an induced

F. magnetic flux always acts to oppose the change in the emf causing it.
G. current flux always acts to oppose the change in the emf causing it.
H. current flux always acts in accordance to Faraday’s law.
I. emf always acts to oppose the change in current flux causing it.
J. emf always acts to oppose the change in magnetic flux causing it.

44. A circular coil of radius 13.8 cm, consists of 100 turns of wire. Determine the current in the
coil if the magnetic field at the centre of the coil is 2.5 mT.
A. 7.8 A
B. 7.2 A
C. 6.9 A
D. 6.4 A
E. 5.5 A

PHYS 144 Page 13 of 15

Examiners: R. Abugri, A. Amankwah, S. A. Atarah, G.B. Hagan, A. F. Hughes, H.A. Koffi
CANDIDATE ID NUMBER: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| GROUP NO. [ ]

45. Figure 10 shows six wires perpendicular to the page and carrying currents as indicated.
If 𝐼 = 2 A, find the magnitude of the magnetic field for the path.

Figure 10
A. 10𝜇o 𝐼
B. 8𝜇o 𝐼
C. 6𝜇o 𝐼
D. 4𝜇o 𝐼
E. 2𝜇o 𝐼

PHYS 144 Page 14 of 15

Examiners: R. Abugri, A. Amankwah, S. A. Atarah, G.B. Hagan, A. F. Hughes, H.A. Koffi
CANDIDATE ID NUMBER: |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| GROUP NO. [ ]




SIGNATURE: _____________

1 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 16 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 31 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

2 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 17 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 32 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

3 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 18 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 33 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

4 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 19 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 34 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

5 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 20 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 35 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

6 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 21 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 36 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

7 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 22 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 37 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

8 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 23 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 38 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

9 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 24 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 39 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

10 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 25 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 40 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

11 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 26 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 41 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

12 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 27 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 42 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

13 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 28 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 43 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

14 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 29 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 44 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

15 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 30 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] 45 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]

PHYS 144 Page 15 of 15

Examiners: R. Abugri, A. Amankwah, S. A. Atarah, G.B. Hagan, A. F. Hughes, H.A. Koffi

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