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Baseball Bat Length Data

Observations (width in inches)

Sample Shift Operator 1 2 3 4 5 X-bar Max Min R
1 1 1 30.046 29.978 30.026 29.986 29.961 29.999 30.046 29.961 0.085
2 2 2 29.972 29.966 29.964 29.942 30.025 29.974 30.025 29.942 0.083
3 3 3 30.046 30.004 30.028 29.986 30.027 30.018 30.046 29.986 0.060
4 1 1 29.997 29.997 29.980 30.000 30.034 30.002 30.034 29.980 0.054
5 2 2 30.018 29.922 29.992 30.008 30.053 29.999 30.053 29.922 0.131
6 3 3 29.973 29.990 29.985 29.991 30.004 29.989 30.004 29.973 0.031
7 1 1 29.989 29.952 29.941 30.012 29.984 29.976 30.012 29.941 0.071
8 2 2 29.969 30.000 29.968 29.976 29.973 29.977 30.000 29.968 0.032
9 3 4 29.852 29.978 29.964 29.896 29.876 29.913 29.978 29.852 0.126
10 1 1 29.987 29.976 30.021 29.957 30.042 29.997 30.042 29.957 0.085
11 2 2 30.028 29.999 30.022 29.942 29.998 29.998 30.028 29.942 0.086
12 3 3 29.955 29.984 29.977 30.008 30.033 29.991 30.033 29.955 0.078
13 1 1 30.040 29.965 30.001 29.975 29.970 29.990 30.040 29.965 0.075
14 2 2 30.007 30.024 29.987 29.951 29.994 29.993 30.024 29.951 0.073
15 3 3 29.979 30.007 30.000 30.042 30.000 30.006 30.042 29.979 0.063
16 1 1 30.073 29.998 30.027 29.986 30.011 30.019 30.073 29.986 0.087
17 2 2 29.995 29.966 29.996 30.039 29.976 29.994 30.039 29.966 0.073
18 3 3 29.994 29.982 29.998 30.040 30.017 30.006 30.040 29.982 0.058
19 1 1 29.977 30.013 30.042 30.001 29.962 29.999 30.042 29.962 0.080
20 2 2 30.021 30.048 30.037 29.985 30.005 30.019 30.048 29.985 0.063
21 3 4 29.875 29.882 29.990 29.971 29.953 29.934 29.990 29.875 0.115
22 1 1 30.043 30.021 29.963 29.993 30.006 30.005 30.043 29.963 0.080
23 2 2 30.065 30.012 30.021 30.024 30.037 30.032 30.065 30.012 0.053
24 3 4 29.899 29.875 29.980 29.878 29.877 29.902 29.980 29.875 0.105
25 1 1 30.029 30.011 30.017 30.000 30.000 30.011 30.029 30.000 0.029
29.9897 0.07504

for n = 5
A2 = 0.577
Shift Average Bat Length
30.075 UCL = 30.033
LCL = 29.946
29.995 Some comments on the graph. Notice
removed excessive background color a
Width (in)

29.955 that detract from the message. I've a

the values on the y-axis to better cent
29.915 the graph. Nearly all graph properties
changed by either rightclicking over th
29.875 want to change, or by hitting the Char
dropdown menu after you've clicked in
border. The centerline and control lim
0123456789012345 using the Draw toolbar.

29.999 30.046 29.961 0.085
29.974 30.025 29.942 0.083
30.018 30.046 29.986 0.060
30.002 30.034 29.980 0.054 Problem: A baseball bat manufacturing process produces
29.999 30.053 29.922 0.131 a souvenir bat with a nominal length of 30 inches.
29.989 30.004 29.973 0.031 Five bats are drawn from the production line each shift
29.976 30.012 29.941 0.071 for 30 shifts. The length of each bat is measured in inches.
29.977 30.000 29.968 0.032 Is the process in control?
29.913 29.978 29.852 0.126
29.997 30.042 29.957 0.085
29.998 30.028 29.942 0.086
29.991 30.033 29.955 0.078
29.990 30.040 29.965 0.075
29.993 30.024 29.951 0.073 30.050
30.006 30.042 29.979 0.063
30.019 30.073 29.986 0.087
29.994 30.039 29.966 0.073
30.006 30.040 29.982 0.058
29.999 30.042 29.962 0.080
30.019 30.048 29.985 0.063

Length (inches)
29.934 29.990 29.875 0.115 29.950
30.005 30.043 29.963 0.080
30.032 30.065 30.012 0.053
29.902 29.980 29.875 0.105 29.900
30.011 30.029 30.000 0.029
29.990 0.075


Solution: The process is out of control. 29.800

Check operator 4's shift. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
e comments on the graph. Notice that I've
oved excessive background color and gridlines
detract from the message. I've also specified
values on the y-axis to better center the data on
graph. Nearly all graph properties can be
ged by either rightclicking over the area you
to change, or by hitting the Chart Options
down menu after you've clicked inside the graph
er. The centerline and control limits were drawn
g the Draw toolbar.
ocess produces

easured in inches.

Figure 1: Bat Length






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Shift Number
Weigh Station Data
Moving Absolute
Range Value Problem: An inspector at an interstate
Truck Weight MR MR for unusually heavy trucks. The inspec
1 32175 x bar 32013.0 24 trucks that have been weight (in po
2 33978 1803 1803 r bar 4036.87 concern?
3 28657 -5321 5321
4 29388 731 731 UCL 42751
5 34227 4839 4839 LCL 21275
6 32723 -1504 1504
7 27831 -4892 4892 Solution: This process is in control. No
8 30543 2712 2712 from usual.
9 31945 1402 1402
10 36757 4812 4812
11 28544 -8213 8213
12 29993 1449 1449
13 34745 4752 4752
Truck Weight
14 30418 -4327 4327
15 29487 -931 931 60000
16 32145 2658 2658 55000
17 41764 9619 9619
18 29872 -11892 11892
19 35378 5506 5506 45000
20 29856 -5522 5522 40000
Weight (lbs)

21 32114 2258 2258 35000

22 34115 2001 2001
23 30023 -4092 4092
24 31635 1612 1612 25000
32013.0 4036.87 20000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Problem: An inspector at an interstate weigh station is looking
for unusually heavy trucks. The inspector examines the last
24 trucks that have been weight (in pounds). Is there cause for

Solution: This process is in control. Nothing appears different

k Weight

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Late Arrivals to Class
Student Arrivals
1 4 Problem: An instructor is concerned about stud
2 1 c-bar = 4.9 The instructor counts number of late arrivals by
3 0 sigma = 2.20 Is the arrival process in control?
4 11
5 0 3 sigma 2 sigma
6 2 UCL 11.5 9.3
7 9 centerline 4.9 4.9
8 2 LCL -1.8 0.5
9 5
10 13
11 1
12 4 Late Arrivals by Student
13 6 18
14 5 16
Number of Late Arrivals

15 0 14
16 0 12
17 1 10
18 3 8
19 15 6
20 13 4
21 3 2
22 4 0
23 1 123456789111111111122222222223333333
24 2 012345678901234567890123456
25 3
26 16 Student
27 4
28 8
29 2 Solution: The process is out of control. A numb
30 6 are apparent.
31 8
32 0
33 9
34 5
35 9
36 0
avg 4.9
or is concerned about students coming late to class.
number of late arrivals by each of the 36 students.

s is out of control. A number of special causes

Dirt Check Data
number of daily observations = 100
Fraction number of samples = 20
Sample Errors Defective
1 3 0.03 Problem: 100 sheets of paper were
2 1 0.01 p-bar = 0.023 Inspectors reported the number of s
3 0 0.00 sigma = 0.01499 standard. Twenty days worth of da
4 0 0.00
5 2 0.02 3 sigma 2 sigma
6 5 0.05 UCL 0.068 0.053
7 3 0.03 centerline 0.023 0.023
8 6 0.06 LCL -0.022 -0.007
9 1 0.01
10 4 0.04
11 0 0.00
12 2 0.02
13 1 0.01 Daily Dirt Check Data
14 3 0.03
15 4 0.04 Solution: This process is
16 1 0.01
Fraction with Dirt

17 1 0.01
18 2 0.02
19 5 0.05
20 2 0.02
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920
Daily Sample
100 sheets of paper were inspected each day for dirt contamination.
s reported the number of sheets containing more dirt than a minimum
Twenty days worth of data were obtained. Is dirt content under control?

Solution: This process is in control.


Process Capability Assessment

Baseball Bat Problem (X Bar Chart Data) Problem: Refer to the Baseball Bat x-bar char
The length specification for the souvenir bats
plus or minus 1/8 inch. Is the process capable
Bin Frequency nominal specification: 30 this specification?
29.855 1 plus or minus: 0.125
29.875 2
29.895 4 USL = 30.125
29.915 2 LSL = 29.875
29.935 1
29.955 7 # observations nonconforming = 1
29.975 17 percent nonconforming = 0.80%
29.995 29
30.015 28 process capability index = (USL-LSL)/(6*sigma)
30.035 19 sigma estimated = R-bar/d2
30.055 13
30.075 2 from previous work, R-bar = 0.07504
30.095 0 from App B, for n=5, d2 = 2.326
30.115 0 sigma = 0.0323 Solution: Percent nonconforming, histogram,
30.135 0 process is marginally capable of meeting spec
More 0 Cp = 1.29
Count 125

Histogram of Length Measurements













Length (in)

Process Capability

Refer to the Baseball Bat x-bar chart example.

h specification for the souvenir bats is 30 inches
nus 1/8 inch. Is the process capable of meeting


Percent nonconforming, histogram, and Cp suggest

s marginally capable of meeting specified requirements.

Process Capability

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