FCE - Vocabulary - Arts and Entertainment

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FCE – Vocabulary: Entertainment and the arts

For each question, circle the correct answer


1. watches a film? audience / crowd / mob

2. watches a sports event? observers / viewers / spectators
3. looks at tourist attractions? onlookers / inspectors / sightseers
4. watches a TV programme? watchers / viewers / witnesses
5. sees a crime or accident happen? sightseers / witnesses / watchers

What do you do when you...

6. look at sb for a long time? glimpse / stare / notice

7. look at sth quickly? view / glimpse / glance
8. watch sth carefully? see / observe / search
9. see sth for a moment? catch view of / catch sight of / catch vision of
10. see sth for a moment? glimpse / watch / inspect

Complete eache sentence with one word from the box. Use each word only once.

Current – dull – gripping – humorous – live – modern – popular – public – readable – special

1. No recording can be as good as a .................................... concert in my opinion.

2. It was a very .................................... story and made me laugh a lot.
3. I couldn’t put that book down; it had such a .................................... plot.
4. Most people find it difficult to understand .................................... art.
5. My favourite TV programmes are about .................................... affairs.
6. Of course it’s possible like both classical and .................................... music.
7. Everyone enjoyed the.................................... effects in The Lord of the Rings films.
8. I don’t buy books because there’s a good .................................... library nearby.
9. We both found it a very .................................... film, I’m afraid.
10. It was an interesting book, and very .....................................

Choose the best option to complete each sentence.

1. Susan’s first painting was a / an (self – own – selfish – auto) portrait.

2. We all enjoyed the play so much that we (booed – screamed – applauded – handed) for ten minutes.
3. Peter sings every Sunday in the local church (concert – chorus – opera – choir).
4. I bought this book mainly because it has a very attractive (folder – cover – coat – wrapping).
5. The play was a success and had very good (reviews – critics – advertisements – notes) in the papers.
6. If you can’t find what you are looking for in the book, use the (preface – directory – list – index).
7. The average (viewer – audience – spectator – observer) watches television for about 15 hours a week.
8. First we see their faces from the far away, and then we see a (side by side – foreground – replay – close-up).
9. Please note that the next programme is (unusual – unsuitable – unmistakable – unreasonable) for children.
10. All the members of the (scene – cast – circle – drama) had a party after the play was over.

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