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Q.1. Define
i. Atmosphere – The earth is surrounded by a layer of air is called atmosphere.
ii. Humidity – The amount of water vapours in the air is called humidity.
Q.2.Why humidity is more during summers ?
Ans. In summers , humidity is more as compared to winters because water gets vaporised to
more extent in summers due to increase in temperature.
Q.3.Give uses of nitrogen.
Ans. a) Nitrogen is necessary for the proper growth of plants .
b) It is filled in the packets of chips to keep them fresh.
c) It is also used in electric bulbs.
Q.4. Write two uses of carbon di oxide.
Ans. a) Carbon di oxide is important for plants to carry out photosynthesis.
b) Carbon dioxide is responsible for trapping the sun’s heat.
Q.5.Why we should wear masks in hospitals ?
Ans .We should wear masks in hospitals because the percentage of micro -organisms like
bacteria, fungi , virus etc. is more in or near hospitals as compared to other places.

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