Promo08 TJC H2 (QN)

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JC One
Promotion Examination 2008
Higher 2

26 Sep 2008
Additional Materials: Answer paper 3 hours
List of Formulae (MF15)


Write your Civics Group and Name on all the work that you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all the questions.

Give non-exact numerical answers correct to 3 significant figures, or 1 decimal place in the case of
angles in degrees, unless a different level of accuracy is specified in the question.

You are expected to use a graphic calculator.

Unsupported answers from a graphic calculator are allowed unless a question specifically states

Where unsupported answers from a graphic calculator are not allowed in a question, you are required
to present the mathematical steps using mathematical notations and not calculator commands.

You are reminded of the need for clear presentation in your answers.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.

This document consists of 6 printed pages.

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Answer all questions

1 Without using a graphic calculator, show that x 2  2 x  3  0 for all real values of x. [1]
2 1
Hence solve the inequality 2  2 , leaving your answers in exact form. [3]
x  2x  3 x 1

n 20
2 Given that  r2 
r 1 6
n( n  1)(2n  1) , evaluate  3  r
r 1
 2r 1  without using a graphic

calculator. [4]

3 Using the digits from 1 to 9 with repetition allowed, how many 6-digit codes can be formed
if the middle two digits must be identical while the remaining digits, none of which are
identical to the middle two,
(i) are all identical? [2]
(ii) have exactly one pair of identical digits? (For example, 235513, 215533) [3]

4 The ABC Garment Company manufactures men’s shirts, women’s blouses and children’s
T-shirts for Giant Store. The production process includes cutting, sewing and packaging.
The following table gives the time requirements in minutes and profits in dollars for
making each garment:

Garment Time required (min) Unit Profit ($)

Cutting Sewing Packaging
Men’s shirts 30 70 12 2.50
Women’s blouses 60 60 4 3.20
Children’s T-shirts 20 20 3 1.50

A total of 100 garments were made and packaged in a time span of 7990 minutes. In
particular, the total amount of time spent on packaging was 590 minutes. Let x, y and z
denote the number of men’s shirts, women’s blouses and children’s T-shirts manufactured

(i) Write down three distinct equations involving the unknowns x, y and z. [2]
(ii) Find the values of x, y and z. [2]
(iii) Find the total profit made by ABC company. [2]

5 A curve C is defined by the parametric equations x  2 , y  t 3  1 where t  0 .
1 t
(i) Find in terms of t. [2]
(ii) Find the value of t at the point P where curve C cuts another curve y  2. [2]
(iii) Without using a graphic calculator, find the equation of the tangent to the curve C
at the point P. [2]
6 Two functions f and g are defined by

f : x  2  e x , x   ,
g : x  ln( x  2), x  , x  2 .
(i) Show that the function fg is not defined. [2]
(ii) Find the maximal domain of g such that fg can be defined. [1]
Hence, define fg in its simplest form and find its range. [4]

7 Due to environmental pollution, the amount of edible fish that is captured each year from a
river shows a decrease of 2% on the previous year’s yield. Initially, there was an annual
yield of 5000 tons of edible fish.

(i) By setting up an appropriate inequality, find the minimum number of years it will
take for the annual yield to drop below 700 tons. [3]

(ii) Calculate the total possible yield up to the time when the amount of edible fish
becomes negligible. [2]

When the annual yield has dropped to 200 tons, a special treatment program is carried out
to control pollution, resulting in an annual increase in yield of x tons of edible fish. Find the
value of x such that total yield for 15 years (including the first year of treatment)
is 5100 tons. [2]

d3 y 2
 dy  d y
8 Given that y  4  sin 2 x , show that y 3  3   2  4 cos 2 x . [3]
dx  dx  dx
(i) Find the series expansion of y in ascending powers of x up to and including the term
in x3 . [3]

(ii) When x = 0.5, the value of y correct to 5 decimal places, is 2.20033. Verify that, in
this case, the series expansion up to and including the term in x3 gives an estimate of
that has an error of approximately 0.258 %. [2]

9 (a) Use the substitution y  u cos x to find the general solution of the differential
equation  y tan x  1 . Hence, find y in terms of x, given that y  1 when x  0 .[6]

(b) Patients warded in a particular hospital were infected by an air-borne virus at a rate of
c patients per day. The hospital introduced the use of a vaccination that can cure those
infected at a rate proportional to the number of infected patients. It was also found
that the number of infected patients remains constant when it reaches 4c. By denoting
x as the number of infected patients after the vaccination was introduced for t days,
find (without solving) a differential equation relating x, t and c only.
State an assumption that is needed for the differential equation to be valid. [3]

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y = f(x)

2 y=2
(2, 1) x
−2 O 1

The diagram above shows the graph of y = f(x). The curve has asymptotes x  2 , x  1
x  2 x 1
and y  2 . It has a stationary point of inflexion at the origin and a minimum point at (2, 1).

Sketch the following graphs on separate diagrams, showing clearly the asymptotes,
intercepts on the axes and the coordinates of the stationary points (whenever identifiable).
1 
(i) y = f  x, [2]
2 
(ii) y , [3]
f( x)
(iii) y = f '( x). [3]

Given that a, b and c are positive constants, identify which of the following expressions is
that of f(x), and state the value of a.
ax 3 ax 3 ax 3 ax 3
(A) , (B) , (C) , (D) . [2]
(b  x)( x  c) 2 ( x  b)( x  c) 2 ( x  b)( x  c) 2 ( x  b) 2 ( x  c )

11 Find
(a)  cot 3 x dx . [3]

(b) Find  x sin

 x  dx .

(c) Given that 3  2 x  A  2 x  4   B for all values of x, find the constants A and B.

3  2x
Hence or otherwise, find  x2  4 x  6 dx . [4]

12 The sequence u1, u2, u3, … is such that and

for all positive integers n .

It is given that .
(i) Use mathematical induction to prove that for all positive integers n. [4]
(ii) Hence or otherwise, find in terms of N. [3]

(iii) Give a reason why the series in part (ii) is convergent and state the sum to infinity. [2]
N 2
 n  1
(iv) Show that     for all positive integers N. [2]
  n  2   n  1 4
n 1  

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3 3.
13 By using the substitution x  12 cos  , show that
 12  x2 dx    [5]
The diagram below shows the region A bounded by the curve y  x 2 and a minor arc of the
circle x 2  y 2  12 .

y  x2

x 2  y 2  12

(i) Find the exact area of region A. [4]

(ii) Find the exact volume of the solid of revolution formed when region A is rotated
through  radians about the y-axis. [3]

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