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August 23, 2021

Governor Andy Beshear

700 Capitol Avenue, Suite 100
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601

U.S. Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul

U.S. Representatives John Yarmuth, James Comer, Brett Guthrie,
Andy Barr, Thomas Massie and Hal Rogers
Russell, Cannon and Rayburn buildings
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Governor Beshear and members of Kentucky’s Congressional delegation:

We are writing to urge you to offer Kentucky as a permanent home for Afghan refugees as they
resettle in our country following the United States’ departure this month from their country.

Kentucky has long had a reputation of accepting people from around the world, particularly when
they have been displaced due to political or military reasons. This welcoming nature is part of
who we are, and we have the opportunity to be leaders in this regard once again. We are heartened
that a bipartisan group of elected officials in other states is seeking to take similar steps so that this
effort could be shared more evenly.

For nearly two decades, many in Afghanistan fought alongside our own troops and served with
others from our country who were there in diplomatic or humanitarian roles. There are families
with small children and others who are fleeing because of conditions that are especially dangerous
for women and those in the LGBTQ+ community.

Whatever the reason they are leaving, we have a moral obligation to protect them. They want what
we all want: a brighter future that embraces the democratic ideals of liberty, justice, equality,
diversity, and the pursuit of happiness. It would be needlessly tragic if they had nowhere else to
turn, no one else who could provide them the safety and kindness they truly deserve.
Our hope is that we, as state and federal leaders, can send a firm message that refugees are welcome
here and that we are united in believing they would add value to our communities and provide a
brighter future for all of Kentucky. We want to thank Congressman John Yarmuth for already
offering his support.

Let us all take this opportunity to show once again our indelible commitment to the values we hold
dear, the goodwill that defines us, and the belief we share when it comes to protecting the humanity
and dignity of all people. We stand ready to do all we can to help make this worthy goal a reality.

With that in mind, please let us know if there is anything further we can do to help.


House Minority Floor Leader Joni Jenkins Senate Minority Floor Leader Morgan McGarvey

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