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Project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the

Award of the degree of




Under the Guidance Of




Bangalore University



AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY” is the result of the project work carried out by me under the guidance of Mr.Girish
R in partial fulfilment for the award of Master’s Degree in Business Administration by Bangalore University.

I also declare that this project is the outcome of my own efforts and that it has not been submitted to any
other university or Institute for the award of any other degree or Diploma or Certificate.

Place: Name:

Date: Register Number:



This is to certify that the dissertation titled “A DETAILED STUDY ON PROMOTION AND
REWARD POLICY IN AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY ” is an original work of Ms Neha Sarkar; bearing
University Register Number 19YUCMD121 and is being submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of
the Master’s Degree in Business Administration of Bangalore University. The report has not been submitted
earlier either to this University /Institution for the fulfilment of the requirement of a course of study.



I would like to express my gratitude towards all the people who have helped me with the successful
completion of this project. Without their encouragement, active guidance and cooperation this project
would not have been a success.

I would like to gratefully acknowledge Bangalore University, this opportunity, Acharya Bangalore B-
School, for facilitating the completion of this project, Our Director, Dr. H.R VENKATESHA, for his
support and my guide, professor, for him active guidance in successfully completing this project

I also express my deep gratitude to all who have contributed for the timely completion of this project.


Date: Register Number: 19YUCMD121










06 58-59

07 ANNEXURE 61-62

Figure No. Questions Page no.

4.1 I am aware of the various rewards 37

and non monetory reward
schemes of the company.
4.2 Performance linked monetary 38
rewards are reasonable at the
4.3 I am aware about the basic 39
criteria on which various awards
are based.
4.4 Do you own any automobile? 40

4.5 Rewards and promotion are given 41

as per criteria.
4.6 Which is your favourite car 42
4.7 What do you think of the 43
advertising promotion and reward
of the car companies in the
4.8 What element do you think are 44
most important when you are
buying cars?
4.9 Do you think deserving people 45
are rewarded?

4.10 Good performance is appreciated 46
and recognized by top
4.11 Favoritism prevails when it 47
comes to giving away rewards or
4.12 Seniors share the credit of good 48
work with their subordinates.


Figure No. Questions Page no.

4.1 I am aware of the various rewards 37

and non monetory reward
schemes of the company.
4.2 Performance linked monetary 38
rewards are reasonable at the
4.3 I am aware about the basic 39
criteria on which various awards
are based.
4.4 Do you own any automobile? 40

4.5 Rewards and promotion are given 41

as per criteria.
4.6 Which is your favourite car 42
4.7 What do you think of the 43
advertising promotion and reward
of the car companies in the
4.8 What element do you think are 44
most important when you are
buying cars?
4.9 Do you think deserving people 45
are rewarded?

4.10 Good performance is appreciated 46
and recognized by top
4.11 Favoritism prevails when it 47
comes to giving away rewards or
4.12 Seniors share the credit of good 48
work with their subordinates.



AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY” is based on the surveys and after studying the current scenario.

Employees are motivated by both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. To be effective, the reward
system must recognize both sources of motivation. Representatives are spurred by both
characteristic and outward rewards. To be compelling, the reward system should perceive the
two wellsprings of inspiration. All prize frameworks depend on the assumptions of drawing
in, holding and spurring individuals. Monetary prizes are an important component of the
award framework, yet there are different variables that inspire workers and influence the
degree of execution. Truth be told, a few investigations have discovered that among
employees surveyed, cash was not the main spark, and in some instances managers have
found money to have a demotivating or negative effect on employees.

To ensure the reward system is effective and motivates the desired behaviors, it is essential to
consider carefully the rewards and strategies utilized and ensure the rewards are linked to or
based on performance. To be effective, any performance measurement system must be tied to
compensation or some sort of reward. Reward performance should be an ongoing managerial
activity, not just an annul pay-linked ritual.


Method through this any respondents can easily respond to the given questions.

The data is collected to complete the project is both primary as well as secondary data is used
then it is such as journals, business magazines, newspapers, and books from library and
through websites of the different airlines.

There are some suggestions and feedbacks about the automobiles in my projec


Promotion is upward development of a representative inside the association. As such,
advancement alludes to the vertical development of a representative starting with one
occupation then onto the next higher one, with pay raise, status and duties. Promotion might
be transitory or perpetual, contingent on the necessities of the association.

As per Pigours and Myers, 'Promotion will be progression of a worker to a superior work –
better as far as more noteworthy obligation, more notoriety or status, more prominent ability
and particularly expanded pace of pay or pay". Arun Monappa and Mirza S Saiyadain
characterized advancement as "the vertical reassignment of a person in an association's chain
of command, joined by expanded duties, upgraded status and as a rule with expanded pay
however not generally so."
To use the representative's expertise information at the suitable level in the authoritative
progressive system. To foster serious soul and instill the energy in the workers to get the
ability, information and so on needed by more elevated level positions. To foster skilled
inside wellspring of representatives prepared to take up positions at more elevated levels in
the evolving climate. To advance representatives' self turn of events and cause them to
anticipate their chance of advancements. It lessens work turnover.

To advance a sensation of satisfaction with the current states of the organization and a
feeling of belongingness. To advance interest in preparing, improvement programs and in
group advancement regions. To construct dedication and to support resolve. To compensate
submitted and steadfast representatives. To dispose of the issues made by the heads of
laborers' associations by elevating them to the officials' levels where they are less successful
in making issues. Advancement puts the workers in a position where a representative's
abilities and information can be better used.

It makes and expands the interest of different workers in the organization as they accept that
they will likewise get their turn. It makes among representatives a sensation of content with
the current states of work and business. It expands interest in obtaining higher capabilities, in
preparing and in self improvement so as to meet the necessities of advancement. It further
develops confidence and occupation fulfillment At last it works on hierarchical wellbeing.

Legitimacy as a premise of Promotion: expertise, information, capacity, productivity as

fitness as estimated from instructive, preparing and past work record. Benefits: The
resourced of higher request of a representative can be better used at more elevated level It
brings about most extreme use of HR in an association. Competent representatives are
propelled to apply every one of their assets and contribute them to the authoritative
proficiency and adequacy. It fills in as brilliant binds in regards to representative turnover. It
constantly urges the workers to get Faults. Estimation or deciding of legitimacy is profoundly
troublesome. Numerous individuals, especially worker's organization chiefs, doubt the
administration's trustworthiness in making a decision about merit. The procedures of
legitimacy estimation are emotional. Legitimacy signifies generally the previous
accomplishments, productivity yet not the future achievement. Henceforth, the motivation
behind promotion may not be served if merit is taken as the sole models for advancement.

Status as a Premise of Promotion: alludes to relative length of administration in a similar

work and in a similar association. The rationale behind this as a premise of advancement is
that there is a positive connection between the length of administration in a similar work and
the measure of information and the degree of ability obtained by a representative is an
association. Benefits: It is somewhat simple to gauge the length of administration and judge
the status. There would be full help of the worker's organizations to this framework. Each
gathering trust.

Openings for headway in help are probably all that motivation an association can give to its
representatives. For all intents and purposes, in all associations, there are a couple of workers
who are constantly happy with their current positions. The longing to progress and build one's
status is an essential inclination in every person.

Fulfillment of that want keeps the vast majority taking a stab at higher status and better
compensation, which thus works on their way of life, resolve and occupation fulfillment. In
this manner, headway is probably the best type of motivators, which produces a feeling of
dedication towards the association and keeps the representatives occupied in putting their
earnest endeavors in the desire for getting further progression.

For a representative, a task might be better regardless of whether it has more positive working
hours, better area or working conditions. Representatives improve occupations in these terms
also. However, such arrangements can't be called advancements. Just the progression of a
current worker to a task which includes more prominent expertise or obligations and more
significant compensation is considered as Promotion.
It will be seen that promotion is the method of perceiving and fostering the capacities of
present representatives by filling the gifted and mindful situations from inside as opposed to
from outside.

In any case, everything promotion don't have every one of the previously mentioned
attributes, for instance, there might be no salary raise in an promotion. Once in a while it
might happen that the promotion might be a 'dry promotion. A dry promotion alludes to an
increment in obligation and status without a salary raise.

An organization may have a formal just as a casual advancement framework, an open or a

shut limited time framework, etc. promotion is recognizable from move additionally as in the
last alludes to changes in positions that includes almost no adjustment of status, duty and pay.

Topic of research
The research is to study promotion implies the progression of a worker to a higher occupation
including more work, more prominent obligation and higher status. It might be related with
the addition in promotion. Here and there, compensation of the representative additionally
increments with the advancement. Some of the time it isn't the case. At the point when a
worker is advanced yet his compensation doesn't expand it is known as dry advancement.
Advancement implies the arrangement of a representative on a higher post including more
noteworthy measure of duty, better status, more compensation and more advantages.

A few group believe that advancement implies the augmentation in pay. The fact of the
matter isn't so. On the off chance that the compensation of a representative increments or the
compensation scale changes to a higher one, it is just known as up reviewing or pay increase.
Be that as it may, it would now be able to be viewed as advancement. For the most part,
advancement is related with the pay raise, status, offices, obligations and work.

Execution evaluation shapes a reason for HR choices on preparing, compensation increment,

advancement, move and partition. Of these, advancement, move and division capacities are
successful strategies to change the size of the labor force of an association. Advancement,
move and partition give labor force adaptability and versatility needed to address the issues of
the association.

Promotion is perhaps the best type of motivations and it gives higher duties, better
compensation, high assurance and occupation fulfillment to the workers. Basically, every one
of the representatives yearn for professional success and advancement is a headway of the
worker in the authoritative progressive system.

The main purposes of promotion are:

(a) To recognize and reward the efficiency of an employee.

(b) To attract and retain the services of qualified and competent people.

(c) To increase the effectiveness of the employee and of the organisation.

(d) To motivate employees to higher productivity.

(e) To fill up higher vacancies from within the organisation.

(f) To impress upon those concerned that opportunities are available to them also in the
organisation if they perform well.

(g) To build, loyalty, morale and sense of belongings in the employees.

Promotion might be arranged into the accompanying kinds:

1. Flat Promotion:

At the point when a representative is moved in a similar classification with salary raise, duties
and change in assignment, it is called level advancement. For instance Second Division Right
hand is advanced as First Division Colleague. This sort of advancement may occur inside a
similar office or starting with one office then onto the next or starting with one plant then
onto the next plant.

2. Vertical Promotion:
At the point when a worker is moved from a lower classification to higher class with salary
raise, status and obligation it is called vertical Promotion. For instance a team lead is
advanced as Head supervisor in the organization.

3. Dry Promotion:

At the point when Promotion is made without pay raise or compensation, it is classified "dry
advancement". For instance a school teacher advanced as Top of the Office without pay raise.
In dry Promotion there will be an adjustment of assignment and duty without relating change
in remuneration. Promotion might be arranged into the accompanying sorts.

A complete reward methodology is a framework executed by a business that gives money
related, gainful and formative awards to representatives who accomplish explicit business
objectives. The procedure joins pay and advantages with self-improvement openings inside
an inspired workplace.

Planning and carrying out a complete prizes methodology requires a huge scope approach
that drives authoritative change. Top leader and the board purchase in are basic for the
accomplishment of a complete prizes system. Your task group ought to be comprised of
chiefs just as bleeding edge workers to guarantee that your methodology is balanced and fits
the necessities of everybody at the table. On the off chance that you work in an association
climate, comprehend that aggregate dealing may influence the execution of your system.

Fostering an absolute rewards procedure is a four-venture measure comprising of:

Appraisal: A task group surveys your present advantages and pay framework and decides the
adequacy of those frameworks in aiding your organization arrive at their objectives.
Exercises that occur during the evaluation period of the interaction remember studying your
representatives for their feelings and convictions in regards to their compensation, advantages
and openings for development and improvement just as inspecting your present approaches
and practices. The main result of the appraisal stage is the venture group evaluation report,
which incorporates your suggestions for the new all out remunerations framework. The
evaluation report ought to incorporate proposed answers for questions, for example
Plan: The senior supervisory crew recognizes and investigates different award methodologies
to figure out what might work best in their work environment. It chooses what will be
remunerated and what rewards will be offered to representatives for those accomplishments.
In an all out remunerations technique, pay awards for accomplishment of objectives won't be
the solitary thought. HR tacticians will likewise decide extra advantages (adaptable plan for
getting work done, extra downtime) or self-improvement openings (preparing or limited time)
that representatives will get because of meeting the set up organization destinations.

Execution: The HR office carries out the new rewards framework. It courses materials that
impart the new system to workers. Preparing likewise starts with the goal that supervisors and
chiefs can viably gauge the accomplishment and workers can get what they need to acquire to
get the prizes.

Assessment: The viability of the new arrangement should be estimated and the outcomes
imparted to organization chiefs. In view of this, adjustments can be proposed to the technique
for future execution.

The rewards can be divided into three main categories-

1.Intrinsic versus extrinsic rewards.

2.Non-financial versus financial rewards.

3.Membership versus performance-based rewards.

Characteristic versus Outward Rewards

Inborn rewards are the rewards that are impalpable however yet brings about more elevated
levels of occupation fulfillment. A few models are-a great work title, vocation development,
individual accomplishments, acclaims, and so on

Outward rewards are unmistakable prizes that representatives get after accomplishing great
work. It incorporates rewards, raises, endowments, and so on
Natural rewards cause workers to feel esteemed in an organization. Additionally, outward
rewards center around working on representatives' presentation through appreciation. It's
important to discover a harmony between extraneous (execution) and natural (inspiration).

You can likewise peruse: Extraneous Inspiration: All You Need To Know

2. Non-monetary versus Monetary rewards

Monetary rewards work by decidedly adding to the general representatives monetary

prosperity. It incorporates rewards, compensation raises, and so on.

Non-monetary sorts of remunerations don't give any monetary benefit to the worker. All
things considered, it centers around liking workers through representative advantages. Rec
center participations, parking spots, gift vouchers are a couple of models.

Non-monetary rewards are more plausible for organizations to compensate representatives

predominantly on the grounds that:

Long haul impacts when contrasted with monetary rewards: Representatives are bound to
continue to appreciate the advantages. In any case, monetary prizes give one-time fulfillment.

Representatives feel more good about examining their compensations with their companions.

For a similar exhibition, monetary motivations require higher speculation.

It's a more moderate alternative for private ventures and new businesses.

3. Participation versus Execution based rewards

Execution put together rewards are distributed based with respect to the exhibition of a
worker in an organization. Execution based rewards are given in pay plans, motivator
frameworks, bunch rewards, or commissions.

Participation based rewards are given as advantages and administrations gave to the
organization's workers. For instance, it very well may be as the yearly Christmas reward,
organization retreat, updated office outfitting, and so on.
Review of literature

Ndungu, D. N. (2017). The Effects of Rewards and Recognition on Employee Performance in

Public Educational Institutions: A Case of Kenyatta University, Kenya. Global Journal of
Management and Business Research.

Investigations have investigated the idea of staff award and acknowledgment plans and the
impact they have on staff inspiration and execution. Consideration has likewise been given to
how these projects add to the general acknowledgment of hierarchical objectives. This
examination was led to decide the impacts of remuneration and acknowledgment on worker
work execution in Kenyatta College. Besides, the connection between different components
influencing execution (working climate and administration styles) and execution was likewise
investigated with the assistance of reactions gathered from representatives working in
Kenyatta College principle grounds, Nairobi. An unmistakable exploration configuration was
utilized in the examination of the impacts of remunerations and acknowledgment on Kenyatta
College staff execution. Defined irregular testing and purposive arbitrary inspecting were
utilized in examining plan.

Chawla, D., Dokadia, A., & Rai, S. (2017). Multigenerational differences in career
preferences, reward preferences and work engagement among Indian employees. Global
Business Review, 18(1), 181-197.
The purpose of the present study is to empirically examine the multigenerational differences
in career preferences, reward preferences and work engagement among three generations
(senior generation, generation X and generation Y). Data were collected with the help of an
online questionnaire from 653 working executives working in different Indian public and
private organizations. Significance of differences in career preference, reward preference and
work engagement among generations was analyzed with the help of analysis of variance
(ANOVA) followed by post hoc Tukey test. Findings of the present study indicate that there
is a significant difference in career preferences and work engagement among the three
studied generations. Additionally, there is no significant difference in reward preferences
among the three studied generations. The present article describes and discusses these
findings and the global implications of the same for managers.
Mihardjo, L. W., Jermsittiparsert, K., Ahmed, U., Chankoson, T., & Hussain, H. I. (2020).
Impact of key HR practices (human capital, training and rewards) on service recovery
performance with mediating role of employee commitment of the Takaful industry of the
Southeast Asian region. Education+ Training.

current investigation plans to look at key HR rehearses (human resources, preparing and
compensates) that impact representative responsibility and administration recuperation
execution (SRP) of Takaful industry specialists in Southeast Asian district. The Takaful
business is confronting firm rivalry with ordinary protection industry in Malaysia and
Indonesia as the Southeast Asian locale has a huge Muslim populace. SRP is vital in
protection industry explicitly in the Islamic Protection (Takaful) industry and assumes an
imperative and key part in reasonable upper hand for esteem expansion for firms in future to
gain market.

Pauwels, K., Silva-Risso, J., Srinivasan, S., & Hanssens, D. M. (2018). New products, sales
promotions, and firm value: The case of the automobile industry. In LONG-TERM IMPACT
OF MARKETING: A Compendium (pp. 287-324).

Aging of the workforce is a growing problem. As workers age, their physical, physiological
and psychosocial capabilities change. Keeping older workers healthy and productive is a key
goal of European labor policy and health promotion is a key to achieve this result. Previous
studies about workplace health promotion (WHP) programs are usually focused on the entire
workforce or to a specific topic. Within the framework of the EU-CHAFEA ProHealth65+
project, this paper aims to systematically review the literature on WHP interventions
specifically targeted to older workers (OWs).
Pauwels, K., Silva-Risso, J., Srinivasan, S., & Hanssens, D. M. (2018). New products, sales
promotions, and firm value: The case of the automobile industry. In LONG-TERM IMPACT
OF MARKETING: A Compendium (pp. 287-324).

After quite a long time after year, administrators endeavor to work on monetary execution
and firm worth through showcasing activities like new item presentations and special
motivating forces. This examination explores the short-and long haul effect of such
advertising activities on monetary measurements, including top-line, primary concern, and
securities exchange execution. The creators apply multivariate time-series models to the
vehicle business, in which both new item presentations and special motivations are viewed as
significant execution drivers. Eminently, while both showcasing activities increment top-line
firm execution, their drawn out impacts unequivocally contrast for the reality. In the first
place, new item presentations increment long haul monetary execution and firm worth, yet
advancements don't. Second, financial backer response to new item presentation develops
over the long haul, showing that valuable data unfurls in the initial two months after item
dispatch. Third, item section in another market yields the most elevated top-line, primary
concern, and securities exchange benefits. Chiefs may utilize these outcomes to legitimize
new item endeavors and to gauge short-and long haul results of special motivators.

Hailekiros, Y., & Koskei, L. (2019). Effects of Reward Policy on the Performance of
Employees of Humanitarian organization: The Case of Hope International Ethiopia, Addis
Ababa. Africa Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training, 4(1), 243-252.

The human resource of any given organization is a determinant of its success or failure. The
success of an organization comes in with the performance of its workforce and with sustained
financial status. Humanitarian organizations play a significant role in society. A proper
human resource (HR) policy in the humanitarian organizations helps it in achieving
organizational goals in terms of recruiting the right people, training and developing them,
rewarding employees based on performance and making sure there is equal opportunity in the
organization. The policy also facilitates a fair reward system that motivates employees to help
the organizations meet its goal thereby addressing the societal needs. Most Humanitarian
organizations have the policy to guide them achieve their goal but there has been a challenge
in terms of following through and implementing HR Policies. The study, sought to determine
the effects of reward policy on the performance of employees of Hope International Ethiopia,
Addis Ababa. The scope of the study was the head-quarter of Hope Ethiopia, which is located
in the capital city Addis Ababa. The study adopted a descriptive research design using a
target population of 50 employees. Data was collected by use of a questionnaire and analyzed
through regression analysis and ANOVA. The results showed significant relationship
between reward policy and employee performance at 0.01 percent level of significance. The
employees affirmed that the reward policy is fair and transparent. The study recommended a
broader review of reward policy for it to be more effective in motivating employees at Hope
International for the purpose of attaining a positive employee performance. The study further
recommended clear communication of salary scales and grades so that employees in each job
grade knew what is expected of them to move to the higher level.

Neog, B. B., & Barua, M. (2015). Factors affecting employee’s retention in automobile
service workshops of Assam: An empirical study. The SIJ Transactions on Industrial,
Finance & Business Management (IFBM), 3(1), 9-18.

The Vehicle business assumes a huge part in the supporting of financial advancement of
thecountry. Fundamental target of this investigation endeavors to discover the relationship of
various elements with maintenance ofrepresentatives working in the Vehicle administration
workshops of Assam. This paper intends to contemplate connections in between Professional
stability and worker maintenance, Occupation fulfillment and representative maintenance,
Balance between serious and fun activities and worker maintenance and Pay with
representative maintenance in the Auto help workshops. Another point is to have a Relative
investigation of effect in worker's maintenance in the work contingent upon the
representative's residency with the current association and distinctive age gathering of the
representatives working in the Car administration workshops of Assam. The outcome
uncovered that Professional stability is the main factor for worker's maintenance in their
current work. Information gathered with the assistance of an all around organized survey
from 100 respondents by visiting the approved assistance workshops of ten vehicle
producers. Information was investigated through Pearson's connection and Anova test
utilizing SPSS programming.
Tushabe, R. (2021). Influence of reward policy on employee turnover intention: a case study
of private companies in Kampala central division (Doctoral dissertation, Makerere

This examination zeroed in on exploring the impact of remuneration rehearses on worker's

turnover aim in privately owned businesses in Kampala focal division. The examination
depended on various targets that included; analyzing the impact of occupation advancement
on representative turnover expectation; to build up what compensation means for worker
turnover goal; and to look at the impact of representative acknowledgment on worker
turnover aim in privately owned businesses in Kampala The quantitative investigation
utilized a very much planned poll to gather information from an example of 90 workers of
privately owned businesses in Kampala Focal division. The examination uncovered that
larger part of representatives in privately owned businesses are male (80.0 %). Furthermore,
the time of 36.7% of representatives are in the scope of 31 - 40 years and 47.8% of the
workers have 5-10 years working experience. 58.9% of the representatives are had a four year
certification. It was set up that there are critical negative connections between work
advancement, compensation, and worker acknowledgment and turnover aim of
representatives. The general connections of various acts of remuneration framework showed
that representative acknowledgment has the most grounded negative relationship with
turnover aim. Examination of the gathered information uncovered that reward framework or
practices altogether affects the workers' turnover.

OBOREH, L. E., & ARUKAROHA, J. (2021). Reward Management And Organizational

Performance: A Study Of Universities In Edo State.

Interdisciplinarity and cooperation are catchphrases for change in the 21st century. Both,
nonetheless, face difficulties across the whole scholarly framework, from regulatory
strategies and spending equations to disciplinary societies of exploration and instruction. This
Exploration Note is the principal combination of discoveries from writing and models for
practices and strategies that perceive interdisciplinary and communitarian work in the
advancement and residency (P&T) measure, united in a table of suggestions.
Morrisette, S., Oberman, W., & Hunt, I. (2021). Comparative suitability for promotion:
ethical transgressions, culture and a third dimension of appraisal. Management Research

This paper takes a gander at the connection between decisions of moral conduct and
hierarchical advancement possibilities. The motivation behind this investigation is to look at
if an autonomous element of moral execution ought to be perceived. When directors and
others in associations analyze possibility for advancement or other association rewards,
which job is played by data about the applicants' past moral conduct? Are on the whole
earlier moral offenses seen in a similar light or do a few kinds convey more weight for
authoritative prizes? What's more, how do hierarchical qualities impact these assessments.

Meacham, H., Cavanagh, J., Bartram, T., Pariona-Cabrera, P., & Shaw, A. (2021). Workplace
health promotion interventions for Australian workers with intellectual disability. Health
Promotion International, 36(2), 321-333.

Workplace health promotion (WHP) and the general wellbeing of workers in the Australian
workforce should be a priority for all management. Our study argues that management
support for workers with an intellectual disability (WWID) can make a difference to their
health promotion and ultimately their participation in the workforce. We adopt a qualitative
approach, through semi-structured interviews with 22 managers, across various organization.
Kibria, A., Kazi, D., Subhan, A., Banbhan, D., Ali, A., Shahani, A. K., & Junejo, I. (2021).
BANKING SECTOR OF PAKISTAN. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and
Government, 27(2), 3749-3757.
This exploration researched the relationship between execution evaluation, representative
advancement work fulfillment with worker execution in the financial area of Pakistan. The
SEM examination approach was used in Savvy PLs on 280 examples of bank officials. It has
been uncovered by the outcomes that presentation evaluation has a valuable relationship with
worker advancement, fulfillment, and execution. Besides, prizes and appreciations are not
founded on the quantity of assignments or responsibility. Also, research explained and
communicated the value of human asset rehearses according to the point of view of the
private financial area of Pakistan. The exploration suggestions recommend that specialists of
private banks should give huge consideration to acknowledgment and award rehearses as
laborers expecting rewards likewise to their endeavors.

Mahdy, F., & Alhadi, A. (2021). The effect of high-performance work systems according to
AMO model on HRM performance outcomes: An analytical study on the banking
sector. Management Science Letters, 11(6), 1755-1764.
Interdisciplinarity and cooperation are catchphrases for change in the 21st century. Both,
nonetheless, face difficulties across the whole scholarly framework, from regulatory
strategies and spending equations to disciplinary societies of exploration and instruction. This
Exploration Note is the principal combination of discoveries from writing and models for
practices and strategies that perceive interdisciplinary and communitarian work in the
advancement and residency (P&T) measure, united in a table of suggestions.
Mihardjo, L. W., Jermsittiparsert, K., Ahmed, U., Chankoson, T., & Hussain, H. I. (2020).
Impact of key HR practices (human capital, training and rewards) on service recovery
performance with mediating role of employee commitment of the Takaful industry of the
Southeast Asian region. Education+ Training.
current investigation plans to look at key HR rehearses (human resources, preparing and
compensates) that impact representative responsibility and administration recuperation
execution (SRP) of Takaful industry specialists in Southeast Asian district. The Takaful
business is confronting firm rivalry with ordinary protection industry in Malaysia and
Indonesia as the Southeast Asian locale has a huge Muslim populace. SRP is vital in
protection industry explicitly in the Islamic Protection (Takaful) industry and assumes an
imperative and key part in reasonable upper hand for esteem expansion for firms in future to
gain market.

Pauwels, K., Silva-Risso, J., Srinivasan, S., & Hanssens, D. M. (2018). New products, sales
promotions, and firm value: The case of the automobile industry. In LONG-TERM IMPACT
OF MARKETING: A Compendium (pp. 287-324).

Aging of the workforce is a growing problem. As workers age, their physical, physiological
and psychosocial capabilities change. Keeping older workers healthy and productive is a key
goal of European labor policy and health promotion is a key to achieve this result. Previous
studies about workplace health promotion (WHP) programs are usually focused on the entire
workforce or to a specific topic. Within the framework of the EU-CHAFEA ProHealth65+
project, this paper aims to systematically review the literature on WHP interventions
specifically targeted to older workers (OWs).
Ndungu, D. N. (2017). The Effects of Rewards and Recognition on Employee Performance in
Public Educational Institutions: A Case of Kenyatta University, Kenya. Global Journal of
Management and Business Research.

Investigations have investigated the idea of staff award and acknowledgment plans and the
impact they have on staff inspiration and execution. Consideration has likewise been given to
how these projects add to the general acknowledgment of hierarchical objectives. This
examination was led to decide the impacts of remuneration and acknowledgment on worker
work execution in Kenyatta College. Besides, the connection between different components
influencing execution (working climate and administration styles) and execution was likewise
investigated with the assistance of reactions gathered from representatives working in
Kenyatta College principle grounds, Nairobi. An unmistakable exploration configuration was
utilized in the examination of the impacts of remunerations and acknowledgment on Kenyatta
College staff execution. Defined irregular testing and purposive arbitrary inspecting were
utilized in examining plan.

Chawla, D., Dokadia, A., & Rai, S. (2017). Multigenerational differences in career
preferences, reward preferences and work engagement among Indian employees. Global
Business Review, 18(1), 181-197.
The purpose of the present study is to empirically examine the multigenerational differences
in career preferences, reward preferences and work engagement among three generations
(senior generation, generation X and generation Y). Data were collected with the help of an
online questionnaire from 653 working executives working in different Indian public and
private organizations. Significance of differences in career preference, reward preference and
work engagement among generations was analyzed with the help of analysis of variance
(ANOVA) followed by post hoc Tukey test. Findings of the present study indicate that there
is a significant difference in career preferences and work engagement among the three
studied generations. Additionally, there is no significant difference in reward preferences
among the three studied generations. The present article describes and discusses these
findings and the global implications of the same for managers.
Khuong, N. T. D. (2021). Influence of reward system polices on human resources outcomes a
case study of deloitte Vietnam (Doctoral dissertation).

Human asset the board (HRM) is a framework planned by associations to oversetheir work
(Rihan, 1998) as people are a significant immaterial resource in any field(Brummet, et al.,
1968) and to boost worker's presentation and from that point, reach the particular goal of
association. Going for more detail, Shmailan (2016) has expressed that worker fulfillment
assumes a critical part in their work execution at the working environment, so associations
ought to have approaches that fulfill their work.

Icarte, R. T., Klassen, T. Q., Valenzano, R., & McIlraith, S. A. (2020). Reward Machines:
Exploiting Reward Function Structure in Reinforcement Learning. arXiv preprint

Aiming at examining the ideas od the AMO theory, the roles of autonomy, reward, training &
development impact on IWB (Innovative Work Behavior) in a Vietnamese university. the
results from SEM (structural equation modeling) support the hypotheses. A test based upon a
sample of 413 university lectures in the southern of Vietnam reveals that reward has positive
impacts on both Innovative Work Behavior and training & development. Besides, autonomy
and training & development also underlie Innovative Work Behavior.
Mihardjo, L. W., Jermsittiparsert, K., Ahmed, U., Chankoson, T., & Hussain, H. I. (2020).
Impact of key HR practices (human capital, training and rewards) on service recovery
performance with mediating role of employee commitment of the Takaful industry of the
Southeast Asian region. Education+ Training.
current investigation plans to look at key HR rehearses (human resources, preparing and
compensates) that impact representative responsibility and administration recuperation
execution (SRP) of Takaful industry specialists in Southeast Asian district. The Takaful
business is confronting firm rivalry with ordinary protection industry in Malaysia and
Indonesia as the Southeast Asian locale has a huge Muslim populace. SRP is vital in
protection industry explicitly in the Islamic Protection (Takaful) industry and assumes an
imperative and key part in reasonable upper hand for esteem expansion for firms in future to
gain market.

Statement of the problem

1:Behavior is rewarded, which one would expect to occur any way in accordance with the
employment contract. Here good performance is expected and provision is made for it and
where there is a poor performance it is job of the management to sort it out.
2:Open communication between managers and subordinates could be discouraged ,because
subordinates are less likely to divulge information on personal note coming just in case such
disclosures act to their disadvantages.
3:The reward of self-centered individualism can undermine the co-operation and term work,
which are necessary for coping with today’s climate.
Need of the study
The study is to research the current promotion and reward policies maintained by the
automobile companies and its impact on employees’ productivity. The study will enumerate
the importance of the Reward and Recognition and its effectiveness in developing the
organizational effectiveness.

Objectives of the study

1. To study the current market scenario and the reward and recognition program and its
effectiveness among the employees.
2. To study the factors which can motivate the employees to perform to the fullest extent of
the capabilities.
3. To study the employee needs about their needs and promotions.
4. To study the employee incentives.
5. To study the level of satisfaction employees have towards the current reward and
recognition program in the organization.


Organizations in today‘s environment seek to determine the reasonable balance between

employee commitment and performance of the organization. The reward and promotion
programs serve as the most contingent factor in keeping employees self esteem high and

passionate.The study was conducted to know the reward and promotion strategies and
policies made by by the automobile industry for their employees and for their organisation.
This study help us to know what are the factors that a company look into before making their
promotional strategies. We will also see how these strategies helps the employees for their
betterment and what is the current situation of the the reward and promotional policies used
buy the automobile industries.

Research Methodology
An investigation structure is well thought-out as outline for learning that direct and aids the
information gathering & scrutinizing of documents. In this investigation structure to
preparing a well prearranged plan outlining primary and secondary data required in
conducting research. After deciding the research approach and instruments research much
design the sample from which the data is to be collected. Thus, the research has to decide
whether he will conduct an opinion poll or sample survey to collect the data needed for his
study. In this project sample survey method has been taken.

Sources Of The Study

The data needed for this investigation will be acquired fundamentally through two sources.

 Primary Data: Primary Data will be accumulated by a study through an organised


 Secondary Data: Secondary Data involves data which will be acquired from various
sources such as, yearly reports, reference books, journals, research-papers, manuals,
web-sites and so on.

B) DATA COLLECTION METHOD: Convenience sampling technique will be used. The

sample size of the study will be more than 70.

C) PLAN OF ANALYSIS: The data collected was analysed on various parameters identified
as below:
Descriptive analysis: Tabulated the obtained responses which is calculated in percentages and
pie chart is shown for the same.
Inferential analysis: Cross Tabulation is calculated and Chi – Square test is performed.

Automobile Industry
The automobile (automotive companies) sector has mushroomed over the years into a mature
and well established industry. Innovation and manufacturing of vehicles has helped the
industry to grow into a profitable one. Automobile companies have contributed significantly
to the development of the world’s economy by creating jobs paying lots of taxes and earning
loads of foreign exchange. There are several automobile manufacturing companies in the
world that produces vehicles in a large quantity.
Creation volumes in vehicle organizations have developed by around 2% each year in the
course of the most recent 20 years; in any case, its general significance as far as market
esteem contrasted with other industry areas has diminished altogether. Today the car business
addresses under 2% of the all out European market capitalisation, while 20 years prior.
The area was practically twofold in relative size. Just around 1/4 of more than 50 vehicle
producers who were working 40 years prior have had the option to hold their .In spite of this
solidification, overcapacity in the business is a consistent issue, continuing to cost
furthermore, the profit from contributed capital under tension when the expense of capital can
regularly not be covered. A high fixed expense base guarantees that organizations follow a
development methodology. Notwithstanding, this doesn't mean more positions in the area,
but instead that less representatives in cheaper nations need to deliver more.
Because of extreme contest, item cycles have become more limited which makes a packed
commercial center with more current and fresher items. This additionally implies that 1) the
upper hand time of a model, or innovation, diminishes, and 2) research and improvement
costs must be covered all the more rapidly. Perceiving market developments first, or in any
event, making them, is a key achievement factor for vehicle organizations. For model, early
recognition of the rising interest for mixtures was a significant advertising move for Toyota,
while other organizations might be dispatching their mixtures when contest is very
extraordinary. The business is adult, particularly in the European and American business
sectors, while some Asian business sectors (for example China and India) actually offer some
development. Generally, request development is probably going to remain underneath the
ostensible Gross domestic product (GDP) development rate.

Maruti Suzuki

The unrivaled victor of auto makers in India is Maruti Suzuki. It holds about 53% of the
portion of the overall industry in the Indian traveler vehicle market. During the year 2017-18,
Maruti Suzuki produced somewhat more than 1.6 million arranged vehicles for both fare and
homegrown business sectors. The organization has 3 assembling plants in India. The top
selling models offered by Maruti Suzuki are Swift Dzire, Suzuki Vitara, Suzuki Grand Vitara,
and Suzuki Alto, among others. Maruti Suzuki has two assembling offices in India, and one
completely claimed auxiliary Suzuki Motor Gujarat's assembling complex which supplies its
whole creation to Maruti Suzuki. All assembling offices have a joined creation limit of
2,250,000 vehicles yearly (1.5 million from Maruti Suzuki's two plants and 750,000 from
Suzuki Motor Gujarat). The Gurgaon producing office has three completely incorporated
assembling plants and is spread more than 300 sections of land (1.2 km2). The Gurgaon
offices additionally fabricate 240,000 K-Series motors yearly. The Gurgaon office makes the
Alto 800, WagonR, Ertiga, XL6, S-Cross, Vitara Brezza, Ignis and Eeco. The Gurgaon office
likewise collects the Jimny beginning from January 2021 exclusively for trade markets. It
was accounted for the Indian-gathered Jimny will be traded to African business sectors and
nations in the Middle East.
The loyalty programme – Maruti Suzuki Rewards- will cover all passenger vehicle customers
from Arena, Nexa and True Value outlets, MSI said in a statement.
Under the programme, customers would get a range of benefits on purchase of additional car,
service, Maruti Insurance, accessories, customer referrals, and several other association
benefits with the company, it added.

Hyundai India

Hyundai Motor is the second biggest auto maker in India. It is even India's main traveler
vehicle exporter to nations across Africa and the Middle East. Hyundai's lead model Santro
was a hit and aided the organization approach the hearts of the Indian auto darlings. During
the year 2017-2018, Hyundai Motors produced around 527,320 vehicles and different
vehicles for the homegrown and fare markets. Hyundai has two assembling plants in Chennai
with the most developed creation, quality, and testing abilities. The top selling models offered
by Hyundai Motor India are Eon, Santro, i10 and i10 Grand, Elantra, Xcent,
Verna, Creta, and Tucson. Hyundai Motor India Ltd is a completely possessed
auxiliary of the Hyundai Motor Company settled in South Korea. It is the second biggest auto
maker with 16.2% piece of the pie as of February 2019 and US$5.5 billion turn-over in India.

Hyundai Santro Xing (original) was fabricated simply by Hyundai Motor India Limited.

Hyundai Motor India Limited was shaped on 6 May 1996 by the Hyundai Motor Company of
South Korea. At the point when Hyundai Motor Company entered the Indian vehicle market
in 1996 the Hyundai brand was practically obscure all through India. During the passage of
Hyundai in 1996, there were just five significant vehicle makers in India, for example Maruti,
Hindustan, Premier, Tata and Mahindra. Daewoo had entered the Indian car market with
Cielo only three years back while Ford, Opel and Honda had entered not exactly a year back..
Hyundai Motor America today announced the launch of Hyundai Rewards, a comprehensive
engagement program that rewards owners for shopping online and servicing their vehicles at
participating dealerships. The free Hyundai Rewards program offers members points for
every dollar spent shopping online through the Hyundai Rewards site or every time they visit
a participating dealer’s service department. Points can be applied towards the purchase or
lease of a new Hyundai vehicle or future service visit.

Tata Motors

Tata Motors is another auto-goliath in India. It is among the main four vehicle brands in
India. The organization's items incorporate transports, trucks, mentors, business vehicles and
vehicles. Tata Motors traveler vehicles division produces various sorts of vehicles including
hatchback, car, SUV and MUV. The top selling models offered by Tata Motors are Sumo,
Indica, Tiago, Safari, Zest, Nexon, Hexa, Storme, and Bolt.

Tata Motors Limited is an Indian worldwide car producing organization, settled in Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India, and part of Tata Group. The organization produces traveler vehicles,
trucks, vans, mentors, transports, sports vehicles, development gear and military vehicles.[4]
Once in the past known as Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company (TELCO), the
organization was established in 1945 as a producer of trains. The organization made its first
business vehicle in 1954 in a cooperation with Daimler-Benz AG, which finished in 1969.
Goodbye Motors entered the traveler vehicle market in 1988 with the dispatch of the
TataMobile followed by the Tata Sierra in 1991, turning into the principal Indian maker to
accomplish the capacity of fostering a serious native automobile.[5] In 1998, Tata dispatched
the primary completely native Indian traveler vehicle, the Indica, and in 2008 dispatched the
Tata Nano, the world's least expensive vehicle. Tata Motors gained the South Korean truck
maker Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Company in 2004 and bought Jaguar Land Rover from
Ford in 2008.

Mahindra & Mahindra

With regards to being the biggest work vehicle makers, Mahindra and Mahindra lead the
outline both in India and the world across. Aside from this, a piece of the Mahindra Group -
M&M is the biggest SUV creator in the country. The top leader model of Mahindra in India
incorporates Mahindra Bolero, Mahindra Scorpio, Mahindra XUV500 and Mahindra Thar.
Mahindra Group is an Indian global combination settled in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It
has tasks in more than 100 nations all throughout the planet. The gathering has a presence in
aviation, agribusiness, reseller's exchange, car, segments, development hardware, safeguard,
energy, ranch gear, money and protection, modern hardware, data innovation, relaxation and
neighborliness, coordinations, land, retail, training and bikes. It is viewed as quite possibly
the most legitimate Indian modern houses[3] with market initiative in utility vehicles[4] just
as farm trucks in India.
Mahindra and Mahindra have found a way different ways to advance their vehicles all
through the world. It has chosen to utilize customary media which comprises of TV Ads and
print advertisements to create more prominent mindfulness around the brand. Ads
highlighting alluring models with its items have been taken care of nimbly so Mahindra and
Mahindra become a commonly recognized name.

Under extra exercises for deals advancement, it has coordinated shows where inventories are
conveyed and challenges are held. The organization has likewise started different projects
where they reward the best ability in the business with money and bids for employment. This
has additionally end up being a decent limited time and advantageous move which has given
generosity to the organization.

Honda Cars

Honda Cars Ltd is a joint endeavor between Siel restricted an Indian organization and a
Japanese organization - Honda Motor Co Ltd. Honda entered the Indian car market in the
year 1995. The top lead model of Honda Cars Ltd. incorporates Honda City, Honda Jazz,
Honda Accord, Honda CR-V and Honda Brio, among others. During the year 2017-2018, this
auto organization made around 178,755 vehicles. The organization's cars are additionally
traded to close nations.
Honda has been the world's biggest bike producer since 1959,[2][3] arriving at a creation of
400 million before the finish of 2019,[4] just as the world's biggest maker of inward burning
motors estimated by volume, delivering in excess of 14 million inside ignition motors each
year.[5] Honda turned into the second-biggest Japanese car maker in 2001.[6][7] Honda was
the eighth biggest car producer on the planet in 2015.[8]

Honda was the principal Japanese auto maker to deliver a devoted extravagance brand,
Acura, in 1986. Beside their center auto and cruiser organizations, Honda additionally
fabricates garden hardware, marine motors, individual watercraft and force generators, and
different items. Since 1986, Honda has been engaged with man-made reasoning/mechanical
technology research and delivered their ASIMO robot in 2000. They have additionally
wandered into aviation with the foundation of GE Honda Aero Engines in 2004 and the
Honda HA-420 HondaJet, which started creation in 2012. Honda has two joint-adventures in
China: Dongfeng Honda and Guangqi Honda.

Ashok Leyland Ltd 

Ashok Leyland Ltd is a main Indian Automobile producing organization. It is situated in
Chennai, India. It was established in the year 1948. The top vehicle organization is a main
maker of trucks and transports. It likewise makes motors for Industrial and marine
applications just as extra parts. The organization is a main advertiser of medium to hefty
vehicles. It is an innovator in the transport business. Ashok Leyland is an Indian global auto
producer, settled in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. It is claimed by the Hinduja Group. It was
established in 1948 as Ashok Motors and became Ashok Leyland in the year 1955. Ashok
Leyland is the second-biggest producer of business vehicles in India, the third-biggest maker
of transports in the world, and the 10th biggest makers of trucks. With the corporate office
situated in Chennai, its assembling offices are spread the nation over specifically Ennore
(Tamil Nadu), Bhandara (Maharashtra), Hosur (two units), Alwar (Rajasthan) and Pantnagar

Ashok Leyland likewise has fabricating units spread across the globe with a transport
producing office in Ras Al Khaimah (UAE), one at Leeds, United Kingdom and a joint
endeavor with the Alteams Group for the assembling of high-press pass on projecting
expelled aluminum segments for the auto and broadcast communications sectors.[8] Ashok
Leyland has as of late been positioned as 34th best brand in India. In 2019, the organization
was granted the AON Best Employers for India award. A US $2.3 billion organization, and
an impression that reaches out across 50 nations, the organization is perhaps the most
completely incorporated assembling companies. Ashok Leyland has an item range from 1T
GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) to 55T GTW (Gross Trailer Weight) in trucks, 9 to 80-seater
transports, vehicles for safeguard and extraordinary applications, and diesel motors for
mechanical, genset and marine applications. Ashok Leyland dispatched India's first electric
transport and Euro 6 consistent truck in 2016. In 2019, Ashok Leyland professed to be in the
main 10 worldwide business vehicle creators.
SWOT Analysis of Automobile Industry

Strength- Across the world, auto is an equivalent word for improvement. Vehicles have been
expanding the personal satisfaction for as long as century by giving portability, solace, and
safety.This industry is additionally adding to work creation and ability improvement. It brings
both immediate and roundabout work which straightforwardly associates with financial turn
of events. It's giving offices in each part of the present enlightened society.

Weakness- The shortcomings or regions to be improved are examined next in the Vehicle
Business swot investigation. Further developing the inadequacy can assist them with having a
strategic position over their adversary in the cutthroat market. For any organization, it is
essential to zero in on its inadequacies. First in class Enterprises like Car Ventures moreover
have a couple of weaknesses and flaws, and they forestall the organization's improvement

Opportunities- Car Industry swot investigation offers the most splendid piece of the chances
offered by the Vehicle Business. For enormous organizations around here, it is less complex
to recognize and use these odds for their turn of events. They can use these odds for their
development. Seeing the odds that line up with the organization's improvement is a colossal
piece of its fundamental orchestrating. Since they have a very few centers, it is
straightforward for them to consider the odds. How about we take a gander at them.

Threat- Each swot examination that has been considered useful, accompanies an
unprecedented viewpoint for danger concern. As of now, the business in the innovation area
is changing as often as possible. In the present circumstance, stagnation and no-improvement
can be alarming for any organization. There are explicit dangers for Vehicle Enterprises, yet
appropriate arranging can assist them with getting by through the circumstan
I am aware of the various rewards and non monetory reward schemes of the company.

Table no. 1

Yes 61.4%
No 12.9%
Maybe 25.7%

Analysis: From the above table we can observe that 61.4% are aware of the various rewards
and monetary reward schemes and 12.9% are not aware and 25.7% of them are maybe.

Graph no.1

Interpretation: From the above analysis of the data ,it can be seen that majority of the
respondents are aware of the various rewards and monetary reward schemes.

Performance linked monetary rewards are reasonable at the company?

Table no. 2

Strongly disagree 5.3%

Disagree 0
Neutral 40%
Agree 41.4%
Strongly agree 12.9%

Analysis:From the above table we can observe that 5.3% are strongly disagree and 41.4% are
agree,40% of them are neutral and 12.9% are atrongly agree.

Graph no.2

Interpretation:From the above data we can observe that 41.4% are agree that Performance
linked monetary rewards are reasonable at the company.

I am aware about the basic criteria on which various awards are based .
Table no.3

Strongly disagree 4%
Disagree 2.7%
Neutral 34.3%
Agree 47.1%
Stronly agree 11.4%

Analysis:From the above table we can observe that 4% are strongly disagree,2.7% are
disagree,34.4% are neutral,47.1% are agree and 11.4% are strongly agree.

Graph no 3:

Interpretation: From the above analysis of data, it can be seen that majority of the
respondents are strongly agree about the basic criteria on which various awards are based.

Do you own any automobile car?

Table no 4:

Yes 31.4%
No 62.9%
Maybe 5.7%

Analysis: From the above table we can observe that 31.4% are having automobile car, 62.9
are not having and 5.7 are maybe.

Graph no 4:

Interpretation:From the above analysis 62.9% are not having automobile cars.
Rewards and promotion are given as per criteria.

Table no 5:

Agree 62.9%
Disagree 6.7%
Strongly agree 11.4%
Strongly disagree 1.3%
Sometimes 17.1%

Analysis:From the above table we can observe 62.9% are agree, 6.7% are disagree, 11.4%
are strongly agree, 1.3% are strongly disagree and 17.1% are sometimes.

Graph no 5:

Interpretation:From the above analysis of the data, it can be seen that 62.9% are agree with
the reward and promotion are given as per criteria.
Which is your favourite car company.

Graph no 6:

Interpretation: From the above analysis of data, it can be seen that majority of the
respondents have choosen audi as their favourite car company.
What do you think of the adversiting promotion and reward of the car companies in the

Table no 7:
Excellent 30%
Very good 41.4%
Good 28.6%
Average 10%
Bad 7.1%

Analysis: From the above table we can observe 30% are excellent, 41.4% have chosen very
good, 28.6% are good, 10% are average and 7.1% have chosen bad.

Graph no 7:

Interpretation:From the above analysis, it can be seen that majority of the respondents have
chosen very good.

What element do you think are most important when you are buying cars?
Table no. 8
Brand 55.7%
Price 48.6%
The position of distributor 5.7%
Advertising and promotion 21.4%
Discounts 27.1%
Design and performance 70%
After sale services 32.9%
Safety and reliability 50%
Additional complementary service 21.4%
Others 11.4%

Graph no. 8

Interpretation: From the above analysis of the data, it can be seen that majority of the
respondents said that design and performance is most important when you are buying cars.

Do you think deserving people are rewarded?

Table no 9:
Yes 50%
No 8.6%
Maybe 20%
Sometimes 21.4%

Analysis: From the above table we can observe that 50% of respondents have said yes, 8.6%
of them said no, 20% of them said maybe and 21.4% of them said sometimes.

Graph no 9:

Interpretation: From the above analysis of the data, it can be seen that majority of the
respondents have marked yes.

Good performance is appreciated and recognized by top management.

Table no 10:
Disagree 5.8%
Neutral 27.1%
Agree 47.1%
Strongly agree 20%

Analysis: From the above table we can observe that 5.8% are disagreed, 27.1% are neutral,
47.1% are agreed and 20% are strongly agreed.

Graph no. 10

Interpretation: From the above analysis of the data, it can be seen that majority of the
respondents are agreed.

Favoritism prevails when it comes to giving away rewards or promotions.

Table no 11.
Strongly disagree 10%
Disagree 12.9%
Neutral 41.4%
Agree 27.1%
Strongly agree 8.6%

Analysis: From the above table we can observe that 10% are strongly agree, 12.9% are
disagree, 41.4% are neutral, 27.1% are agree and 8.6% are strongly agree.

Graph no 11:

Interpretation: From the above analysis of the data, it can be seen that majority of the
respondents are neutral.

Seniors share the credit of good work with their subordinates.

Table no 12:
Yes 42.9%
No 11.4%
Maybe 31.4%
Sometimes 14.3%

Analysis: From the above table we can observe that 42.9% are yes, 11.4% are no, 31.4% are
maybe and 14.3% are sometimes.

Graph no 12:

Interpretation: From the above analysis of the data, it can be seen that majority of the
respondents have chosen yes.

The hypothesis is created using the chi-square analysis.

This hypothesis is based on the following 2 aspects:

 Good performance is appreciated and recognized by automobile industry

 Is deserving people are rewarded according to their work.

Null hypothesis(H0):There is no significant relation between good performance and the

responses of the respondents.

Alternative hypothesis(H1):There is a significant relation between the good performance and

responses of the respondents.

Reward and Agreed Neutral Disagreed

Good performance is 32 4 14
appreciated and
recognized by
automobile industry

Is deserving people 42 5 3
are rewarded
according to their
Grand total 74 9 17

Formula to calculate Chi – Square Test is


Where ∑ is the sigma

O is the observed frequency
E is the expected frequency

To calculate the chi – square test we need expected frequency. This can be calculated with
the formula
Where RT is the Row Total
CT is the Column Total
N is the Grand Total








Reward and Agreed Neutral Disagreed


Good performance is
appreciated and recognized 37 4.5 8.5
by automobile industry

Is deserving people are

rewarded according to their 37 4.5 8.5
ROW O E (O-E)^2 (O-E)^2/E

1,1 32 37 25 0.67

1,2 42 37 25 0.67

1,3 4 4.5 0.25 0.05

2,1 5 4.5 0.25 0.05

2,2 14 8.5 30.25 3.55

2,3 3 8.5 30.25 3.55

Degree of freedom= (columns-1)(rows-1)

Significant level 0.05

Tabular value 9.49

Calculated value 8.51

The above table shows that ,calculated value is less than tabular value.
Therefore, we reject that null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

This shows that:

Good performance is appreciated and recognized by automobile industry also think that
employee should give there best. Employees will be rewarded and promoted.
Summary of findings:

1.During the survey, it is found that reward and promotion for each department is

2. 65% of majority of the respondents are aware of the various rewards and monetary reward

3. 41.4% are agree that Performance linked monetary rewards are reasonable at the

4.47.1%. majority of the respondents are strongly agree about the basic criteria on which
various awards are based.

5. 50% are agree reward and promotion should be given to them who are doing best in their

6.As per survey, it is found that most of the reward activities in the organization are
conducted internally and externally.

7.The training policies are updated on a frequent basis.

8.It is found that there are very few cancellations or delays in reward activities.

1. The responses obtained indicate that the employees were fairly satisfied with the reward
system. Although a small sample size was taken to analyze it, every proportion of population
was represented by the sample appropriately. The questions were designed using basic
principles into consideration i.e. fairness, openness, timeliness etc. The responses thus
obtained were then analyzed to arrive at the conclusion. Surveys should be conducted
frequently in order to judge satisfaction level of the employees.

2 .Majority of the responses obtained were that of ―agree i.e. approximately 30 to 40% 0f
the employees responded ―agree.

3 .The questions like rewards are given as per criteria that indicates that etc., indicating that
organization had been fairly successful in keeping the reward system schemes balanced and
satisfactory. Also it was observed that most of the executives took a lot of time in responding
and were less cooperative and open as compared to the non executive employees, also the
satisfaction level was high in the higher grade above.

Surveys should be conducted frequently in order to judge satisfaction level of the employees.

Suggestions and discrepancies regarding the various reward schemes should be openly
invited from the employees and should be materialized into action as soon as possible should
not be dumped as paperwork.

Formal and Informal meetings: should be conducted to judge the employee satisfaction,
regarding various services & new way out should be searched to tackle the same.

Websites and Image references:

Impact of key HR practices (human capital, training and rewards) on service
recovery performance with mediating role of employee commitment of the Takaful
industry of the Southeast Asian region.

Multigenerational Differences in Career Preferences, Reward Preferences and Work

Engagement among Indian Employees, First Published February 1, 2017.

An Effective Attendance Reward Policy that's Easy, Inexpensive by Dan Vincent,

Ken Bostdorff.

Balancing the Reward Structures of Promotion, Tenure, and Merit Peters, John G.;
Brinkerhoff, David B.

Promotion Reactance: The Role of Effort-Reward Congruity by Ran Kivetz

Published: 01 March 2005.

1. I am aware of the various rewards and non monetory reward schemes of the

o Yes

o No

o Maybe

2. Performance linked monetary rewards are reasonable at the comapny? *

o Strongly disagree

o Disagree

o Neutral

o Agree

o Strongly agree

3. I am aware about the basic criteria on which various awards are based *
o Strongly disagree

o Disagree

o Neutral

o Agree

o Strongly agree

4. Do you own any automobile (car)? *

o Yes

o No

o Maybe

5. Rewards and promotion are given as per criteria *

o Agree

o Disagree

o Strongly agree

o Strongly dsagree

o SOmetimes

6. Which is your favourite car company ? *

Your answer
7. What do you think of the adversiting promotion and reward of the car
companies in the market? *
o Excellent

o Very good

o Good

o average

o Bad

8. What element do you think are most important when you are buying cars? *
o Brand

o Price

o the position of distributor

o Advertising and promotion

o discounts

o Design and performance

o After sale Services

o safety and reliability

o Additional complementary services

o others

9. Do you think deserving people are rewarded? *

o Yes

o No

o Maybe

o Sometimes

10.Good performance is appreciated and recognized by top management *

o Strongly disagree

o Disagree

o Neutral

o Agree

o Strongly agree

11.Favoritism prevails when it comes to giving away rewards or promotions *

o Strongly disagree

o Disagree
o Neutral

o Agree

o Strongly agree

12.Seniors share the credit of good work with their subordinates *

o yes

o no

o maybe

o Sometimes

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