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Work It

The fashion
time and I was turning up to do these internships for your CV?
these internships for free, in any Very essential. I was advised by CAREER DILEMMA

spare days and any half days that my course that you go off and
I could. get additional experience to meet n alternative way to get close to

food chain
What’s the worst internship people. the catwalk is to make a career in
you’ve done? There’s a lot of networking, fashion journalism. Advice from
I finished one internship early seeing how people work, getting industry experts is that work experience
and I left it in tears. help from them with the work we is essential. Marie Claire’s Fashion Di-
When I do. rector, Jess Wood, admits that the six dull

‘I finished one
was there You get to months she spent in a fashion cupboard
The fashion industry is famed for I think just know more kickstarted her career. We talked to one

internship early
about eve- people and fashion intern to learn what life was re-
its glamour and glitz, but what’s it ry mem-
ber of staff
then the jobs
will come to
ally like interning on the fashion desk.

really like if you’re starting out at the that were

paid to be
and I left it in tears’ you if they
want to keep
I was stuck in a window-
less box room made even
bottom of the fashion food chain? there, I you in their smaller by accessories
saw them crying at least once and studio. and clothes stacked to the
We talked to fashion intern, Stephanie I was there for 2 months and even You start to shadow a machinest ceiling and crammed in
though they were being paid to or a cutter and then maybe that’s every corner and centime-
Price, for a behind the scenes look... be there, a lot of them were being the kind of job you can get into ter of space. It was stuffy
paid less than minimum wage. but it’s a really difficult process from the summer heat and

It was the tasks they give you because there are so many people the only people who ever
ou’ve done multiple in- afford to do that and live that way there’s a level of maturement in that sort of wear it down. I felt and then there are so many grad- entered would be one of the fashion team
ternships across the sec- that it narrows it down. There are the things you do. under a lot of pressure there in uates that are working in studios looking in the mirror to see how big a spot
tor, what type of jobs so many creative individuals that But in terms of me doing an in- that I was asked to do some tasks for free. had grown on their foundation-caked faces.
did you have to do? can’t even be in the industry be- ternship now, I’ve got a degree, so that I hadn’t done before, Do you there think intern- I walked in with expectations higher
Generally it’s things like helping cause they can’t afford to - I was I was doing it as a bit more expe- so I put my best effort in ships are useful or too ex- than my heels to work on a fashion desk
cutting out fabric, bits of hand quite lucky that I’ve had some rience to get to know a few more to learn how to do what ploitive these days? for a national publication, little did I
sewing. Depend- people in the industry, and they’re asking me to A bit of both. To a certain know that I would be paying hundreds of

‘It made me really hate

ing on the studio the kind of tasks I was being do – things like hand extent they are useful to be pounds in travel and wasting two weeks
they might give you asked to do I wasn’t learning embroidery, and then able to see what the industry of my life to sort a fashion cupboard.

the fashion industry that it

slightly more inter- anything new. I was literally I didn’t quite do it is like, to work in a studio I couldn’t eat a sandwich because
esting tasks to do. just going there to help them right and then that and see how things are run, they’d look at me in disgust as if to say
At the last intern- out, to do the jobs that ap- ‘do you know how many calories are
treats people that way’
made me feel awful and that side of it is quite a
ship I did, it was en- parently they don’t want to that I hadn’t done it nice part of the experience, in that?’ They sipped their soup and
tirely interns cutting pay anyone to do. right. you do learn from that. gave me elevator eyes every morning.
out fabrics, there What are the hours like? To be honest, I I just think that the thing They thinly disguise it under the word
was never a paid employee doing inheritance that I’m currently liv- They are ridiculous, as is the pres- volunteered my- about the fashion indus- ‘work experience’, but it’s far from it. It’s
that and in that sense they just use ing off. sure you get put under. self to do these in- try is that it goes about just work and it’s the work that no one else
their interns as free labour. Although it’s not just the interns When it’s getting nearer to ternships because it in a very exploitive wants to do. You don’t learn how the desk
I’ve heard of other studios where who aren’t getting paid properly. fashion week and the shows then I had a spare few manner. works, you just learn who to return items to
they’ve had to walk the dog, there There were two people who there’s a lot more to get done and days to do it, so They do take advan- and yet there are so many of us willing to fall
are other places where you’ll just were actually on a wage in one it’s much longer days. I brought it on tage that people will victim to the fashion industry. Adverts are
be there to make tea. You’re not studio, aside from the designer, I was doing 12 hour days and myself but at work for free and frequently placed online looking for fash-
really learning anything from be- and everyone else who was paid then you have your travelling on- the same time if someone was ion interns, many of which are open about
ing there, apart from eventually was on a freelance wage. top of that. it made me a bit to stand up and you spending the week in the wardrobe.
you get to put a name on a CV. What’s your experience of the You don’t get proper breaks ei- angry. say no I don’t Why do we do it then? Because it
How many other interns were fashion industry and its use of ther, you don’t get a designated It made me want to do this looks great on our CV, so we smile and
you working with? interns? 15 minutes after 4 hours, you really hate the and work for pour the money out from our savings.
There were roughly 10 interns; There are a ricidulous amounts don’t get an hour for your lunch, fashion in- free, then they I used to take the two-hour journey home
none of them paid. They didn’t of studios, not just in London, you get time to eat your lunch and dustry that it would just be every day and as my body would slump
pay for travel expenses and they where there will always be un- then it’s back to work again. treats people like well that’s into any available seat, it felt like they had
didn’t cover any food either, so it paid interns. I was already pretty tired any- that way. fine we’ll get sapped a bit more of my will from me.
was all entirely self-funded. I think you can get a lot out way because I was doing a mas- How es- someone else Now not only was my bank balance zero,
There are so few people that can of them when you’re young and ters part-time and working part- sential are to do it. but so was my enthusiasm for the industry.

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