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— owe name: af period. f Directions: Watch the 20 minut te vid 7 Beyond” Then answer the false ink 8 MUDI] and carefully read the Study Packet entitled “he Cold War and lowing questions, 1. Whyis it called the “Cold War"? Why not the “hot war"? Because no dfect wat What was the objective under the Truman Doctrine: oA0 Aiding coun resin Communist uprising? 3. What was the name of the program that helped to rebuild Europe and Japan after WWII? Malshall Plan How did this war approach to Germany rr from the approac! n after 2 ' ane Mars all "Dla gave os { ‘ebaihl Germany while the Trealy of Vetsailles madé Germany help others. Blockades 2 the Forln wall By 1950, there wee ‘global competition between which 2 countries? usa FS = 7. What is NATO? . i sale gual western Eulipe from Soviet attack wal ne oy ake ual ob then So fouere allo# them, 4. The USbecame very samme inthe 850 when thy reaie hat the USSR hat ype ffapene] AlomiC bombs 9. How long did the nuclear arms race last between the US and the USSR? 40 years TPS eM Oye Communit & the cay Lec \agely CommulSt, 11. Name 2 wars that were fought by the US to save the country from falling to communism. *kofean wat scold Wa x i 2. What did the US do in an attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro of Cuba? Were they successful? What happened? Sent Cuban briles to dtack, byt weren't succesful because the qit support was Stopaed at the last second to hide USA invelvemen 13, What marked the csest we have comet a nuclear confontaton between the US and another country? The Cuban misdle crisis 14, What is meant by the “domino theory of communism”? Give an example where the US thought it was going to se TF one county Fell to communis, pegghboring ones waull ty. The US applied this 4 Vielnam which was F4ffounded by Commqunist States. 15, What is meant by the “détente” under Nixon? What did he propose sony telations with img 4 thaw ig in The Cold wa> Nixon proposed alms corte] agpeenents 16. What historic trip to Nixon take during his presidency? What did he do during this trip? Why is this significant? Went to communist China ; paving the way for (ece ising its This (5 big Since the US fefused {odo this Since 1949 17. What was Reagah’s approach to USSR? How was it different than Nixon's? Reftoled to it as the Evil Empife™ 6 45 different from Nixon wallting to stop cenrlict. 48, What was Raega’s slogan that suremarze his foreign policy approach? Dayyou think tls sa good poley? “Pind peace. through Strength’ This (sn't a geod policy Since violence doesn't make long term peace 19. Why was the Raegan administration criticiedd for being hypocritical about some ofits foreign policy? 20. What problem do the Soviets face regarding its efforts to match the US with nuclear arms? Theif economy was sttaggling Unde Communism & 21. How did Gorbechev differ from prior Soviet rulers? He instituted glasnost ae Folieyot political openess 23. What is perestroika? Limited Free ehitelprise > in Russia P 24. Did Gorbechev intend to cause the downfall of the USSR? No he didn’ 2S. What happened that caused the downfall of communism in the USSR and the rest of Eastern Europe? / The pitt of Glasnos4 8 Rfestroika stiffed the pepe fo end communism Pere "Pua nell Bina gyn Pte Ton Glin. 27. inwhat year does the USSR cease to exist? 197 28, Despite calls for “never again’ sesh wer have at east 2 genocides ocurred since WHI 4) eEtnnic condlict in Rwanda between Hutus 8 Tulsis causes gee «Sel bian$ folce d Besnian muslims itto camps & killed more. . 29. What is a principal reason why so many countries in the Middle East and Africa struggle to successfully implement democracy? Sali «Lack of experiene in democlacy — » Author fap "Tribalism May vecur (N voting dent make it easy RO eee pcealeimksas Cua sal seta ements emnteaeeee tate tee an vortices Wher do they ean? Whidone does the US pemote ght nom? sunipolar World: USA as the singh sup power afflfi-polat atl wer shated! anongst stongest counties The US supports a Multi-polar wolld,

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