AQ Examples 1

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Singapore Data Bank

Regardless of the topics you would like to ‘specialise’ on for paper 1 questions, everyone must be a specialist on your society – Singapore. This is important for
the AQ too.

● For categories without any specific questions on your society / Singapore – it doesn’t mean the category is unimportant.
● The P1 questions may be sorted in this way but many P1 questions on your society may need knowledge from across many categories. For example, a
question on equality in Singapore may require a discussion of gender, the elderly and also poverty.

Categories Questions – Fill in your responses below each question. Please limit each category to one page and under.
1. Young people ● What is the population of young people (25 and under) in Singapore?

2014 Singapore demographics statistics :

0-14 years :(male ~400k > female ~360k)
15-24 years :(male ~480k < female ~500k)

● What is the ratio of young people to adults in Singapore?

1 : 2.3

● Name 3 notable outstanding young persons in Singapore recently recognized

Chester Tan ( The most famous Singaporean musician you never know ). He is Singapore’s composer and
instrumentalist released seven albums — his Piano Spa series — in the past 10 years and sold more than 70,000
units across Asia, including Japan and copies across Asia, including Japan and South Korea, which is quite a feat
for any local musician. He has also been awarded some of the most prestigious prizes in the Singapore music
community: At the annual COMPASS Awards, he has bagged gongs for Top Local Instrumental Contemporary
– Instrumental for four years running (2011 to last year) and took the Young Composer Of The Year award in

Tosh Zhang – Part of casting for Ah Boys to Men films, fifth-highest grossing film of 2012 in Singapore., he has
won The New Paper 's 2012 Breakout Star award, a subcategory of the newspaper's annual Flame Awards.

Shared by Estee Tey

 What are the latest trends amongst young people in Singapore now?
1. Emerging drug abuse trends among the young, particularly those that see youths ordering drugs online
and experimenting with narcotic substances while travelling overseas.
○ CNB statistics showed that last year, two-thirds of new drug abusers arrested were below 30
years old. In 2013, those in the same age group made up half of new drug abusers.Over the past
five years, the number of cannabis abusers have increased by 50 per cent, he added. Out of the 184
cannabis users arrested last year, a majority were under 30 years old.
2. Rising suicides rate
○ In the statistics from Samaritans of Singapore (SOS), an organisation dedicated to suicide
prevention, states that the suicide rate rose from 8.1 per 100,000 population in 2011 to 10.3 per
100,000 in 2012. In 2012, of the 298 male suicides, 22% were below 30 years of age. Among the
169 female suicides, 21.7% were below 30 years of age. Within this category, about one-fifth of the
suicides were committed by teens. This is often linked to difficulty in coping with stress as well as
depression and loneliness.
3. Focusing on academic and neglecting exercising and sports
○ Singaporeans are not exercising enough. The 2011 National Sports Participation Survey revealed
that only 42% of Singaporeans exercised at least once a week, down from 50% in 2005. (8%
decrease after 6 years) Compare this with Finland’s enviable 76% in 2005. Participation levels fell
amongst Singaporeans below 60 years of age, particularly those in their teens, which fell by 16% to
68%. - See more at:

 What support is there for young people in Singapore and which government or non-governmental groups in
particular take care of young people’s needs?

(1) MOE has launched a ‘Singapore Academic and Research Talent Scheme’ to give young Singaporeans
who have a passion for academic career the jumpstart to join Autonomous Universities.
They aim to offer over 1500 scholarships at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels over the next 15

 Crime What are some significant youth criminals and what are their offences?

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Two Singaporean youths ( one 19 and one 17 years old ) are arrested under the Internal Security Act for
terrorism-related activities for making plans to join the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and if they were
unable to join ISIS, they would plan an attack in Singapore.
What are the crime rates for various crimes in Singapore? (Murder, shoplifting, underage sex & online sexual grooming of underage
teens, rape, molest, theft, drug trafficking, drug consumption etc) Find notable examples for each

15k crime cases reported in 2014.

Info Sources: Singapore Police Force (SPF), Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB).
1.1. Murder rate is 0.38 per 100,000 inhabitants.
1.2. Motor Vehicle Theft and Snatch Theft both registered 20 year lows in 2013.
1.3. 1,325 Outrage of Modesty cases reported in 2013
1.4. Rape rate is 4.00 for every 100 000 people
1.5. In 2014, there is 425% increase in E-commerce scams from last year. Multiple payment online purchase
scams and PayPal email scams and Internet love scams also registered a significant increase.
■ Romance Scams led to biggest financial fraud losses in 2014
■ Australians were scammed out of almost $82 million (90,000 cases) last year, with romance-based
schemes accounting for the biggest losses, a report from the Australian Competition and Consumer
Commission (ACCC) has found.
1.6. 3,581 Drug abusers are arrested in 2013. [CNB]
■ Repeat abusers constituted 69% of it.
■ Heroin and methamphetamine continue to be the two most commonly abused drugs, with about 92%
of all drug abusers arrested having abused either of these 2 drugs.
■ Cannabis abusers arrested increased by 31%, from 142 in 2012 to 186 in 2013.

 How many crimes were committed by juveniles in Singapore in any of the previous years? (Anything before 2012 is quite

~1,400 crimes in 2014 (about 1/10) and recidivism rate 18.9% based on 3years frame in 2009.

 What is the most common family profile of juvenile delinquents in Singapore?

1. Singapore Youths-at-risk come from low-income and/or broken families / intact and even well-to-do families, with
foreign domestic helpers & possess a higher degree of resistance, arrogance and feel that the world owes them a
2. 3/10 come from blended families, and have to deal with cope with inconsistent parenting/discipline styles.
3. Mothers of juvenile offenders, be it boys or girls, tend to exercise minimal control over their children.

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4. In addition, there is a high incidence of authoritarian fathering with male delinquents.

 What are the most common crimes committed by juveniles in Singapore?

Shop theft, violent crimes including murder, rioting, unlawful assembly.

 Laws &  What is the punishment (mandatory or otherwise) for various crimes? (Drug related crimes, murder, carrying firearms, rape,
Punishme robbery, shop-lifting, statutory rape) Find notable examples.
❖ Under Misuse of Drugs Act, anyone caught with:
➢ more than 15 grams of heroin (diamorphine)
➢ 30 grams of cocaine diamorphine
➢ 250 grams of methamphetamine
➢ 500 grams of cannabis
➢ faces mandatory capital punishment, as they are deemed to be trafficking in these substances

❖ Under the Penal code, Murder/Manslaughter would result in the death penalty
❖ Under the Arms offences act:
➢ Any person who is in unlawful possession of any arm or ammunition shall be guilty of an offense and shall on
conviction be punished with imprisonment for a term of 5<x<10 years, and shall also be punished with caning
with not <6 strokes.
➢ A person convicted of using or attempting to use any arm while committing or attempting to commit any
scheduled offense shall be punished with death, regardless of whether he intended to cause physical
injury to any person or property
❖ Rape
➢ Punished with imprisonment for not less than eight years and not more than 20 years and shall also be
punished with not less than 12 strokes of the cane.
❖ Robbery
➢ Imprisonment for 2<x<10 years, and caning of not less than six strokes
➢ if the robbery is committed after 7:00 p.m. and before 7:00 a.m [night robbery]. the offender shall be punished
with imprisonment of 3<x<14 years, and also caning with not less than 12 strokes.
❖ Gang Robbery (committed with five people or more conjointly commit / attempt )
➢ Imprisonment for 5<x<20 years, and also caning with not less than 12 strokes
❖ Shoplifting (legally known as theft in dwelling)
➢ Imprisonment of up to seven years, and also a fine.
❖ Criminal Breach of trust (When a person is entrusted with property or has dominion over property, and dishonestly
misappropriates or converts to his own use that property.)

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➢ The penalty is imprisonment for up to three years, or a fine, or both.

 How are juveniles punished and for what crimes? How do their punishments differ from those meted out on adults?

Instead of Death Sentence, life imprisonment for the crimes that were listed above.

Article 314 of the Criminal Procedure Code states: “A sentence of death must not be passed or recorded against an
accused convicted of an offence if the court has reason to believe that, at the time the offence was committed, he was below
the age of 18 years, but instead the court must sentence him to life imprisonment.” In relation to children aged 7-15, the
Children and Young Persons Act states that for certain grave crimes, including culpable homicide not amounting to murder,
attempted murder, and voluntarily causing grievous hurt, the court may sentence the offender to be detained for the duration
specified in the sentence.The Penal Code punishes culpable homicide and attempted murder with life imprisonment.
Persons aged 16-17 are tried as adults, for which a wider range of crimes are punishable by life imprisonment under the
Penal Code.

 What is our stance with regards to the death penalty?

1. Public debate in the Singaporean news media on the death penalty is almost non-existent, although the topic does
occasionally get discussed in the midst of major, well-known criminal cases e.g.:
a. Flor Contemplacion, a Filipino domestic worker executed in 1995 for murdering another Filipino domestic
worker and a four-year-old boy. Her execution severely strained relations between Singapore and the
Philippines and caused many Filipinos to vent their frustration at their own government and the Singaporean
government over the helplessness, abuse, and mental stresses that many Filipino overseas workers face
around the world.
b. Toa Payoh ritual murders took place in Singapore in 1981, purportedly as blood sacrifices to the Hindu
goddess Kali. The mastermind of these murders is Adrian Lim, a man who conned many women into offering
him money and sex for his ‘supernatural powers’, and killed children in an attempt to stop police
investigations against him.
2. In October 2007, Senior Minister of State for Law and Home Affairs Ho Peng Kee said in Parliament that "In a survey
done two years ago, reported in the Straits Times, 95% of Singaporeans feel that the death penalty should stay.”
3. The Permanent Representative of the Republic of Singapore to the United Nations wrote a letter to the Special

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Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions in 2001 which stated: it is the duty of societies and

governments to decide how to balance competing rights against each other. → e.g. Drug traffickers & users’ right to
life infringes on the rights of others to enjoy a safe society. Therefore it is inevitable for the government to carry out
capital punishment against the the drug traffickers to fulfill their duty of ensuring internal security.
4. In 2012, U.S. elected officials and office-seekers have stated that Singapore's success in combating drug abuse
should be examined as a model for the United States. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg also said that
America could learn a thing or two from nations like Singapore when it came to drug trafficking, noting that
“Executing a handful of people saves thousands and thousands of lives."

 What are the crimes punishable by death in Singapore (ie death penalty)?

Crimes and Offences listed Under the Penal Code, Kidnapping Act and Misuse of Drugs Act. relevant e.g. from penal code :

- Abetting the suicide of a person under the age of 18 or an "insane" person → No to assisted suicide

- Piracy that endangers life → No to Edward Snowden

 Education  In Singapore, education is compulsory up till which level?

Under Compulsory Education Act, a child of ‘compulsory school age’ is one who is above the age of 6 years and who has
not yet attained the age of 15 years.
Compulsory education should be up to Primary 6 as this is considered the minimum period of education for all Singaporean

 How much does Singapore spend on education?

$11.72 billion in 2014
 What % of the national budget is spent on education?
3.0% of the GDP
 How much are school fees at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels (both polys, ITEs and universities) for Singaporean
citizens, PRs and foreigners?

Primary School: Singapore/PR $100

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Secondary School Singapore/PR $140

Tertiary Education: Singapore/PR $190 - Foreigner 3-5 times more for all 3
Polytechnic: Singapore $2,500 , PR $ 5,000, International $8,000

Universities SG $7,000 , PR $10,000 , Foreigner $23,000 annually

 What are the literacy rates in Singapore, and for both genders?
- Male: 96.8% in 2014
- Female: 94.9% in 2014
 How do we rank on international rankings for education? [Hint: look up the latest PISA rankings]

2nd in Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Rankings.

 Mass  What do the Singaporean authorities censor?
Media & - Homosexual and sexually explicit themes
Social - Political film
- Films that promote and justifies the act of terrorism
- Films that promote ill feeling of religion and races
 What is the specific name of the Act that governs media coverage and censorship?
Film Act
 Name the government agency in charge of censorship in Singapore.
Media development authority (MDA)

 What laws/rules are in place for censorship of websites and for other media platforms?
1. Media Development Authority of Singapore Act (Cap. 172)
An Act to establish and incorporate the Media Development Authority of Singapore, to provide for its functions and powers,
and for matters connected therewith.

2. Broadcasting Act (Cap. 28)

An Act to regulate dealing in, the operation of and ownership in broadcasting services and broadcasting apparatus, and for
matters connected therewith.

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3. Films Act (Cap. 107)
An Act relating to the possession, importation, making, distribution and exhibition of films.

4. Newspaper and Printing Presses Act (Cap. 206)

An Act for the licensing of newspaper companies and for matters connected therewith.

5. Public Entertainments and Meetings Act (Cap. 257)

An Act to provide for the regulation of public entertainments and meetings.

6. Undesirable Publications Act (Cap. 338)

An Act to prevent the importation, distribution or reproduction of undesirable publications and for purposes connected

 Find 3 significant examples of censorship that took place in Singapore in the recent 5 years.
Tan Pin Pin’s film, ‘To Singapore, With Love” was banned in 2014 because it “undermined national security" on
the basis that it contained interviews with political exiles, whose accounts, the government said, were "distorted
and untruthful". → This principle being asserted by the government is inimical to freedom of expression,
positioning the government as the final arbiter of truth.

Martyn See's film “Dr Lim Hock Siew” was banned in 2010 because it is against the public interest
The Real Singapore was ordered to shut down in 2015 because it had broken the rules under the Internet Code of
Practice under the Broadcasting Act, by publishing articles that were against public interest and national harmony.

On 12 June 2015, the MDA banned the screening in cinemas of a promotional video for Pink Dot, a gay-pride
Han Hui Hui’s protest to demand transparency and accountability from the government was halted by the police.
Protesters involved include Han and Roy Ngerng, who are charged for public nuisance and charged with holding
a demonstration without a permit under the Parks and Trees Act. They are also banned from using Hong Lim Park
(the only place in Singapore where events do not need express permission by the authorities) until their case is
 Name the 3 most popular social media platforms used in Singapore and the number of people using them in Singapore.
- 1st: Whatsapp (46%)

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- 2nd: Facebook (39%)
- 3rd: Twitter (15%)

 Name 5 examples of popular websites in Singapore that are used to engage Singaporeans politically or socially.
- Youtube
- AsiaOne
- Stomp
- The Real Singapore (already closed down)
 Family What are the singlehood, marriage and divorce rates for Singapore in recent years? [Try to get statistics after 2012]

 Singlehood rates: The median age at first marriage among Singapore residents in 2010 was 30.0 for males
and 27.7 for females (Singapore Department of Statistics, 2011).

 While high and still on the rise if measured by the proportion of females single at ages 25-29,
Marriage Rates: (~27k) total marriages in 2013
Divorce Rates: (~8k, almost ⅓ of marriages!) total divorces in 2013

 Single - 32.2% , Married- 59.55% (twice of single), Windowed- 4.9%, Divorced/Separated- 3.4%]

 20-24 year old men that undergo civil marriage 2 times more likely to dissolve marriage than 25 years old
and above.

 What is the latest TFR (Total Fertility Rate) for Singapore? How does our TFR rank as compared to other countries?
TFR 2014 is 1.25 ( total birth in 2014 is 42,232 )
Rank position 224 amongst the world.

 In which year was our TFR the lowest ever? How low?
In 2013 TFR was 1.19

 What policies have been introduced by the Singapore government to reverse low fertility rates? Give a brief description of all of

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Singapore's government spends $1.3bn per year on policies to encourage citizens to have more children.
The government's marriage and parenthood package has doled out as much $15,000 for each child,
extended maternity leave and handed out tax breaks. But all of these have had little effect.

(1) Increase cash bonuses for parents of newborn babies.

Parents of Singaporean babies born since Aug 26 2012 will receive cash gift of SG$6000.This applies to
each of a couple’s first two children. And financial initiative will rise to SG$8000 for a couple’s third and
fourth babies.

(2) Introduced paternity leave as part of a package of measures to boost population

subsidise one week of paternity leave for fathers of babies born in 2013. New fathers are eligible to stay off work
for a second week by taking a chunk of the standard 16-month maternity leave of theirs wives.

(3) Reduce dependence on foreigners.

Numbers were reduced following a social backlash, with foreigners blamed for problems including overcrowding,
straining public services and driving up housing costs.

(4) Housing Issues

Couples with at least one child below 16 will be given priority to buy government-built apartments, where most
Singaporeans live. Many couples keep their families small until they get their own flats.

 Gender  Compare male vs female literacy rates in Singapore.

(Males : 98.6% Females : 94.9%)
Those with secondary or higher qualifications is 69.5% (Males : 72.3%, Females : 67.1%)
[Mean years of studying is 10.6 ( for males : 11.1, for females 10.1 )]

 Compare the average female’s salary to the average male’s salary in Singapore.

 What is the percentage of CEO positions held by females in Singapore? What is the percentage of boardroom positions held by
females in Singapore?

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15.0% of CEO positions held by females in Singapore.
7.9% of boardroom positions held by females in Singapore
 How many female Members of Parliament and Ministers are there in the Singapore government presently? What proportion is
this of the entire parliament and Cabinet respectively?
16 female MOP (16/76 ) in 2014

 Name 2 examples (in each category) of successful female:

a. CEOs
(1) Lyn Lee, the founder of Awfully Chocolate cake shop. She has also branched out to other F&B
establishments like chain restaurant Everything With Fries and twelve muffins.

(2) Elim Chew, the founder of teenager street-wear chain 77th street.
Now 77th street comprises of 13 local outlets and a whole shopping mall in Beijing known as 77th street
Plaza. She is first fashion retailer to win the Most distinctive brand of Singapore promising brand award

(3)Indra Nooyi (Indian-born) She is a naturalized American, business executive and current chairperson
and CEO PepsiCo ( 2nd largest food and beverage business in the world by net revenue ) Ranked 13 in
the list of Forbes world’s 100 most powerful woman

(4) Usula M.Burns serves as a chairwoman and CEO of Xerox. As such she is the first African-American
woman CEO to head a fortune 500 company. Forbes rates sher to be 22nd most powerful woman in the

b. political leaders
(1) Angela Merkel , Germany. She was the first female Chancellor to hold position since 2005.
(2) Hillary Clinton, US.
(3) Sonia Gandhi, India.
(4) Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma
(5) Yingluck Shinawatra , Thailand. She is the first Thailand female prime minister when she led
pheu thai party to victory in 2011

c. influential role models in Singapore

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(1) Ho Ching - The executive director and CEO of temasek holdings, one of the largest sovereign
wealth funds in the world
(2) Anastasia Tjendri - Liew - Founder of Bengawan Solo
(3) Colonel Gan Siow Huang, one of the first female recipients of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Merit
Scholarship in 1993, became the first woman to attain the rank of brigadier-general in the SAF in june 2015.

 What Act in Singapore takes care of women’s rights?

(1)Women Charter Act 2011 - facilitate marriages, mitigate impact of divorce and enhance enforcement of
maintenance orders.
(2) Employment Act - step up to protect women at work. Providing support for women to work, and making
the workplace a safe, conducive environment for them, is critical to building a sustainable workforce and a
mature society, where women have an equal voice and fair opportunities in the public sphere.

 What organization/NGO takes care of female or gender related issues in Singapore? Describe briefly.
AWARE (Association of women for action and research). Aims to create a society where there is true gender
equality (where women and men are valued as individuals free to make informed and responsible choices
about their lives)
 Ageing &  What is the breakdown of numbers for the elderly? [65 – 69 how many? 70-74 how many?]
Elderly ~30k (65 years old to 74 years old)
~20k (75 years old and above)
 What percentage of the total population do the elderly constitute?
12.4% of Singapore’s population in 2014
*WHO estimated that 2 billion of the world population will be aged 60 and above by 2050 (⅕).

 What are the various Singapore policies which engage the elderly in active ageing? Name all of them and what they do in
various areas.
(1) Central Provident Fund (CPF). This ensure that the elderly are financially secure for their old age by
urging individual to take responsibility in their own living and finance. CPF has been a useful platform for
people to pay for medical services, through Medisave and MediShield. This ensure that savings and
insurance schemes under the CPF are sufficient to provide for a major portion of their expenses.
(2) Build new acute and community hospitals and step down care facilities, as well as recruit and train
sufficient doctors, nurses and carers. We will provide more resources. Despite the spending, services are
kept at an affordable rate.

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(3) Elderly-friendly facilities like ramp up the slope instead of stairs. This eases elderly way of life,
especially those disabled or restricted in movement.

What are the various forms of help offered to the poor/destitute elderly?

-Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) : one of the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s programmes to help
provide accessible and affordable medical and dental care to Singapore Citizens.

-Interim Disability Assisted Programme for Elderly : provides financial help to need and disabled
Singaporeans, who were not eligible to join ElderShield due to their age and pre-existing conditions

-Foreign Domestic Worker Grant :provides a monthly grant of $120 for families who hire foreign domestic
workers to care for an elderly person or person with at least moderate disabilities. This Grant will help alleviate the
cost of care for families, and support ageing-in-place and caregiving at home

-Senior’s Mobility and Enabling Fund : provides even more holistic and comprehensive support for seniors to
remain mobile and to live independently in the community. It also offers greater support to caregivers in caring for
their seniors at home.

 An ageing-friendly labour market requires increased recruitment of older adults and elimination of
promotion barriers and retirement regulations that neglect older adults’ wishes and competencies.

(2)Happy People Helping People (HPHPF), an independent non-profit organisation. The main aim of this
organisation is to generate awareness among the public about the needy all around the world. They also aim to
be able to help those less fortunate and at the same time provide volunteers a chance to participate and be of
service to the disadvantaged as well.
They set up a Facebook Page and initiated an online fundraising project and had their first “Feed the Homeless”
project in Jakarta. The money was used to purchase ready-to-eat food and drinks.
They organized its first ‘Extend the Feast’ in Toa Payoh (food rationing programme) as a pre-Christmas event. In
the spirit of Christmas, the event was meant to spread joy amongst the lonely, as well as to give assistance to the

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It is typical of Nordic tradition that the federal government assumes responsibility for the welfare of the elderly.
This means that the state, regional council districts, and the municipalities are responsible for organizing efforts
that cover the elderly's needs.

-The public health nurse offers free around-the-clock services including patient education, care, and
-"Seniors Help Seniors" Program : Volunteer work is a new phenomena in Denmark. The intention is to fight
loneliness by creating a network for senior citizens. The perspective is to broaden the volunteer profile by
integrating volunteer work into the senior citizen's daily life regardless of the volunteer's age, profession, or ethnic
background, thus developing a "shared social understanding" that hopefully will strengthen Denmark's social
welfare profile

-The "Roedovre project" from 1984 created the basis for the new law on Preventive Home Visits to the
Aging (July 1996), documenting the effect of prevention on illness, weakness, and psychological and social
problems. All persons over 75 years of age are entitled to receive at least two home visits annually. The goal of
these visits is to secure safety and well-being

 Populatio  What is the average life expectancy in Singapore?

n issues - 82.5 (as of 2013)
– pro-  For males and females?
natalist - Males:80.2 (as of 2013)
policies; - Females: 84.6 (as of 2013)
 What statistics to prove that our population is ageing rapidly? [Hint: What proportion of the population will be above 60 years old
by which year?]
- By 2030 18.4% of the population will be age 65 and above
 What measures have the Singapore government put in place to deal with the challenges brought about by an ageing population?
- Special Employment Credit (SEC) encourages employment of older workers
- CPF LIFE provides lifelong monthly payouts
- Help seniors unlock their property savings with Lease Buyback Scheme And Silver Housing Bonus
- By 2020: 6 new polyclinics, 4 new community hospitals, 25 new and replacement nursing homes
- MediShield Life from 2015 for all Singaporeans with enhanced benefits

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- Higher subsidies (up to 80%) for intermediate and long-term care for lower- and middle-income Singaporeans
- Lift-upgrading programme
- MOH will be developing a total of 10 new nursing homes by 2016
- MCYS will be developing 39 new Senior Care Centres by 2016
- MCYS will be developing 56 new Senior Activity Centres by 2016

 How many Singaporeans emigrated overseas in recent years? Which are the top countries where Singaporeans are migrating
About 1200. Australia, Britain, the United States and China
 How many Singaporeans are living/working/studying overseas at any one time? Where are they?
- 212,000 Singaporeans were living overseas
- Australia, Britain, the United States, China, United Kingdom
 How have we tried to maintain ties with Singaporeans living/working/studying overseas?
- Singapore Day
- Singapore speaker series
- Singapore buzz
- Camp@home
 How dense (crowded) is Singapore? [Numbers please!]
- 7,615 people per square kilometre

 Foreigner  How many foreigners are there in Singapore and what % of the total population do they constitute? [These are non-citizens and
s& also NOT Singaporean PRs]
Migration 1.60million (as of 2014)
–  How much has the population of foreigners grown in the last 10 years?
classificat 1.39m to 1.6m from 2011 to 2014
ion of
foreigners while locals only increased from 3.26 to 3.34 million in same time period
 How many PRs in Singapore?
~520k (as of 2014)

 How do foreigners qualify for Permanent Resident (PR) status in Singapore?

The following categories of foreigners are eligible to apply for permanent residence:
(a) Spouse and unmarried children (below 21 years old) of a Singapore Citizen (SC)/ Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR)

(b) Aged Parents of a SC

(c) Employment Pass/ S Pass holders

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(d) Investors

Three ways to become a PR:

● Professional, Technical Personnel and Skilled Workers scheme (PTS scheme)

● Global Investor Program scheme (GIP Scheme)
● Foreign Artistic Talent scheme (FAT For Arts)
 How have Singaporeans shown their displeasure with the increase in numbers of foreigners in Singapore? How has the
government reacted?
- Mayday protest at Hong Lim Park
- We have come down from a high of 79,000 new PRs in 2008 to about 30,000 each year currently.

 What is the 2014 White Paper on Population? Sum up the White Paper to show how we are coping with the population increase
brought about through immigration.
This White Paper sets out the key considerations and roadmap for Singapore’s population policies to address this demographic
challenge. It outlines the Government’s policies to maintain a strong Singaporean core in the population, regulate how many new
Singapore citizens (SCs) and permanent residents (PRs) we take in, create jobs and opportunities for Singaporeans, build a hi gh quality
living environment, as well as strengthen our identity and society.
 Work,  What is the current unemployment rate in Singapore?
pace of 1.8% of labour force
life,  What is the latest official retirement age in Singapore?
labour and
62 years old. Offer re-employment for workers to age of 65
 What policies do we have in place to encourage the reemployment of older workers in Singapore?
(1)Government offers Grants like Job Redesign Grant, which gives employers up to $300,000 to defray
the cost of redesigning their workplace so as to improve productivity. By doing so, it can recruit and retain

(2) Raise the skills of older workers, through grants and subsidies for continual education and
training, and will help to reinforce positive perceptions of older workers, by conducting advisory sessions
and training workshops to encourage employers to tap on their expertise.

(3)Singapore’s tripartite partners – government, employers and unions – have collectively released a
Tripartite Advisory to help employers understand and prepare for re-employment.

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(4) Workfare Income Supplement – in effect a negative income tax – is also weighted in favour of older

(5) Tripartite Workgroup on Enhancing Employment Choices for Women which was formed last year
has successfully matched over 2,000 women with jobs in administration, childcare, security, retail and
hospitality sectors. By adopting more flexible work arrangements, this encourages older female workers
to re-join workforce. The rate for females rose significantly from 50.9% in 2003 to 58.1% in 2013, though this was
still below the 75.8% for men.

 What are the top 5 highest paid jobs in Singapore? Bottom 5 lowest paid jobs? How much are their salaries?
Its 2015 Singapore Salary Guide also highlighted several jobs as particularly high-paying.
Network and systems engineers can make up to $4,000 to $7,000, while application development
consultants can earn up to $5,000 to $7,000 and financial accountants can earn up to $4,500 to $9,500.
Supply chain managers can earn up to $5,000 to $14,000 and compliance managers can make up to
$10,000 to $12,500. These figures apply to experienced professionals.


1. F&B INDUSTRY - service crew. Earning an hourly wage of $8-9. Full time wage ranging from $1,300 to
2. Hospitality Industry - Room attendants/receptionists. Room attendants earning around $1,200 a month,
receptionist earns $1,800+ a month.
3. Cleaner. $700 for half a day, and to $1,500 for full time work
4. Construction workers. Earning $450 to $1,500 depending on experience.
5. Nail technician. Typically earn from $1,200 to $1,500. With commission, it can become $2,000+

 What is the average annual salary in Singapore [NOT GDP per capita]

Gross Monthly Income from Work (including CPF contributions) of Full Time employed resident in 2014 -
$3,770 (50th percentile) $1,972 (20th Percentile)

 How do we rank with other cities with regards to cost of living?

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According to Mercer’s 2015 Cost of Living Survey, Asian and European cities – particularly Hong Kong (2),
Zurich (3), Singapore (4), and Geneva (5) – top the list of most expensive cities for expatriates.

 How do we rank with other cities with regards to livability?

Singapore is ranked as the fourth livable country in Asia according to the Global Liveable Cities Index. The
index, designed to help international firms work out how much to pay employees to live and work in a given
city, ranks cities based on measures such as stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and

 How to quantify that Singapore’s pace of life is much faster than in other countries?

the Pace of Life project, a joint effort by professor Richard Wiseman and the British Council, tried to answer
those questions by measuring life in 32 world cities and contextualizing the speed of life around the globe.
Singapore has the fastest pace of life as we take the shortest time of 10.55s to move 60ft

 Environm  What are the specific environmental issues Singapore faces? [NB. Not the generic ones please]
ent - seasonal smoke/haze resulting from forest fires in Indonesia
problems - climate change
and - limited natural freshwater resources
policies - limited land availability presents waste disposal problems
- industrial pollution

 Recent examples of environmental pollution / loss of biodiversity in Singapore.

- Haze
 Give 3 examples of birds/animals/marine life which are endangered in Singapore
- black-headed collar snake

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- Javan green magpie

- dugong

 Give 3 examples of local efforts to conserve biodiversity / forests / animals [Either initiated by NGOs, individuals or together with
government agencies]
- Marine Rehabilitation Programme by NParks
- Active, Beautiful and Clean (ABC) Waters Programme by NParks
- Earth Day Clean Up by wildlife reserve singapore

 What policies do we have in place to prevent pollution?

NEA adopts an integrated approach in the planning control of new developments.
Rigorous Laws and Regulations:

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6. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT ACT (Cap 94A). The Act covers pollution control,
hazardous substances control and licensing of industrial plant works among others.
7. ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC HEALTH ACT (Cap 95). The Act lists out regulations for public services such as general
waste collection, swimming pools and food hygiene among others.
movement of hazardous wastes among others.
9. RADIATION PROTECTION ACT (Cap 262). The Act controls the import and export of radioactive materials and
other related apparatus as well as the disposal, accumulation and transport of radioactive .

 What is our stance with regards to the Kyoto Protocol? Have we ratified it?
Yes, Singapore has ratified the Kyoto Protocol in April 2006. Singapore's climate change policy underwent an apparently
significant shift in 2006, when the country announced that it would accede to the Kyoto Protocol of the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change.
 Defence,  We are a member of which regional/international organisations?
security ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), host of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
and Secretariat, and a member of the East Asia Summit, the Non-Aligned Movement, and the Commonwealth of
c links
Nations. [REGIONAL]
United Nations, UNESCO, WHO, WMO, WTO, WCO (many worh.. )
 Who do we conduct military exercises with? Give 2 – 3 examples
Singapore is hosting a major Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) joint exercise involving air maritime
and land forces from Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore and United Kingdom.

 Give an example of a diplomatic spat that we have had with Indonesia in the last 10 years. What happened and how was it
Haze Crisis in 2013. Singapore is facing its worst pollution crisis in more than a decade, after forest fires in
Indonesia caused air quality in the neighbouring city - usually relatively pollutant-free - to plunge into the
hazardous zone, reaching readings of up to 400 on the "Pollutant Standards Index".
According to the National Environmental Agency, air becomes "very unhealthy" when it hits the 200 mark and is
"hazardous" at 300.
However, Indonesia has refused to apologise for the haze crisis, insisting instead its government would do

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everything it could to tackle the problem.
"The Singaporean government must be aware that we have done all we can to tackle this haze problem" - Foreign
Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa. "Indonesia has been dealing with the haze for years and improvements have
been made”.
"Singapore shouldn't be like children, in such a tizzy," said coordinating Minister Agung Laksono.
Indonesia also blamed the eight palm oil companies (Including 2 from Singapore firms).
No measures taken to resolve this situation, it depends on wind direction.

In 2015 The Haze Returns. Indonesia has again put forth same excuses and even said that:
“Firstly, we wanted to try and do it on our own. Secondly, we didn’t realise the process would be so long. Thirdly,
(Singapore) offered only one aircraft. It was insulting.”
Indonesian Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung also said that Jakarta earlier refused help for fear that Singapore
would take all the glory in putting out the fires.

Indonesia naming navy ships after executed commandos who took part in 1965 bombing of MacDonald
House on Orchard Road which killed 3 people and injured 33. Singapore believed that it will have an impact
on the feelings of Singaporeans especially the families of the victims.
This was resolved with PM Lee Kuan Yew visited and scattered flowers on the grave of the two marines.
 Terrorism  Give 3 examples of terror groups who pose a threat to South East Asia and to Singapore. Who are the leaders of the groups?
– threats [Specific names please]
and (1) ISIS The organisation is led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Little is known about him, but it is believed he was
policies born in Samarra, north of Baghdad, in 1971 and joined the insurgency that erupted in Iraq soon after the
2003 US-led invasion.
(2) Jemaah Islamiyah. It is a transnational organisation with cells in Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and
Philippines. It is also called a mini Al-Qeada and has links to Moro Islamic Literation Front and Jamaah
Ansharut Tauhid. It was established as a loose confederation of several Islamic groups. Sometime around
1969, three men, Abu Bakar Bashir, Abdullah Sungkar and Shahrul Nizam 'PD' began an operation to
propagate the Darul Islam movement, a conservative strain of Islam
(3) Boko Haram. Its founding leader is Mohammed Yusuf and was killed in 2009.

 Name all previous terror attacks [even from those in the 60s] that have ever occurred in Singapore.
(1) MacDonald House bombing by Indonesia saboteurs killed 3 people [ 10 March 1965 ]
(2) Laju incident [ 31 Jan 1974 ]
(3) Four Pakistan hijacked Singapore Airlines Flight 117 and demanded the release of Pakistan peoples party

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members from Pakistan jails [ 26 March 1991 ]

e.g. of simulation : 18 November 2013- Exercise Heartbeat 2013 was conducted, placed at random locations
like greenview secondary school, ITE college central, plaza singapura, one-north and raffles place SSWG
buildings. In this exercise, two “gunmen” car-jacked the police care after opening fire at Raffles place, and then
drove away. They were later shot dead by police officers at Queenstown Secondary School and police officers
later confiscated explosive devices

 What laws do we have against terrorists and extremists? Describe them.

(1) Anti-terrorism regulations

- Prohibit a person from buying or collecting funds, economic resources and financial related services to
-The Schedule to the Anti-terrorism Regulations contains a list of 120 persons and organisations that are
identified as terrorists. Persons subject to the Anti-terrorism Regulations may check against the list to
ensure that they do not have any direct or indirect dealings with property owned by any of these persons or
-impose a positive duty on a person to inform the police if he is in possession of property belonging to any
terrorist or has any information about any transaction in respect of property belonging to any terrorist.
-Section 27A of the Monetary Authority of Singapore Act (Cap 186) ('MAS Act') was amended in 2000 to
empower the MAS to issue directions to financial institutions to discharge the government's international
obligations. This would include giving directions to financial institutions to freeze the funds of certain
persons, to give information to the UN on whether funds of terrorists have come into Singapore, etc.
Section 27A(2) of the MAS Act further provides that a financial institution that acts in compliance with the
directions of the MAS under s 27A will not be treated as being in breach of any rule of law, written law or
contract, such as the banking secrecy rule.
[a person who is convicted of an offence under the Anti-terrorism Regulations shall be liable for a maximum
fine of S$100,000 or imprisonment for a maximum term of five years or both.]

(2) Practical cooperation between countries, especially between the front-line law-enforcement and
security agencies. This is the effective means of achieving tangible progress in countering terrorism.
(3)Investing in rehabilitation of terrorist detainees.

 When have we used these laws and against who? Give the background please. [Hint: Recent arrest of wannabe ISIS members]

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(1) Arrest of 2 Singaporean youths, one (M. Arifil Azim Putra Norja’i 19) of them is detained under ISA for
planning terrorist attack and even thought of assassinating leaders.

(2) In 2004, Singapore had claimed it had successfully removed local branch of Jemaah Islamiyah through
detaining suspects without trial. Most are alleged members of the JI regional terrorist group and all are
being held under the controversial Internal Security Act (ISA), which allows for people deemed a national
security threat to be detained for two years without trial. The power of preventive detention in the ISA is
used when prosecution is not practical and the threat is real and must be dealt with.

The government also is adamant the ISA has contributed to what it rates as a highly successful campaign
against JI, which was behind the Bali bomb blasts in October 2002 and is regarded as the major Southeast
Asian affiliate of al-Qaeda.
This is shown in the ability to cripple local JI and Moro Islamic Liberation Front Networks.

 Arts  How much does Singapore spend on the arts?

❖ Arts and Heritage Programme → allocated $144.30 million(~$150mil) budget in FY2015

➢ ~$20 million higher than the FY2014 revised expenditure mainly due to funding provided to the National
Gallery Singapore.
➢ Its mission is to build a distinctive cultural capital that Singaporeans can be proud of through developing the
arts and heritage sectors. It also seeks to enhance the contribution of culture towards Singapore’s social and
economic development.

❖ National Arts Council (NAC) → An operating budget of $109.84 million (~$110mil) will be provided for this purpose in
FY2015. → provides support to develop and professionalise the entire arts value chain, including artists and arts
professionals in the supporting industries.

 How much did the Esplanade cost to build? Who designed the Esplanade?

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● Completed in October 2002 at a cost of S$600 million

● The building was designed by two architectural firms working in conjunction: by DP Architects (DPA) of Singapore
and the London-based Michael Wilford & Partners (MWP)

Note: For its last financial year ending March 2014, the Esplanade incurred a loss of S$2.3 million, the first operating
deficit since its opening, compared with its previous financial year’s income of S$136,874.This loss was despite the
Esplanade racking up relatively similar numbers in terms of audience attendance and activities from the previous year and
was attributed primarily to the drop in sponsorship and donations.

 What are the famous arts events in Singapore? How many visitors to these events?

❖ Art Stage Singapore, an international arts fair which is in its fourth year, attracts some of the world’s most influential
private arts collectors and corporate buyers, and saw 28 countries participating in the arts event. During Art Stage
2014, it welcomed a record 45,700 visitors to the fair.
➢ During the VIP Preview, all nine works from Singapore Abstract Art painter Ruben Pang were sold within an
hour + Milenko Prvacki's 12-square metre artwork also closed the biggest sale for $120k. → Local
paintings have also been enjoying a higher demand from international arts collectors and investors.

❖ Affordable Art Fair Singapore saw 13,400 visitors to the 74 galleries that were involved.

❖ Singapore Night Festival, a nocturnal extravaganza that includes aerial performances, music, dance and installation
artworks in the heart of the Bras Basah and Bugis precinct, one of Singapore’s most well-known arts and heritage
districts. The festival’s main events take place on the public green spaces of SMU, with late-night openings at
cultural venues such as the National Museum of Singapore, the Peranakan Museum and Singapore Art Museum,
among others.

 What famous art exhibitions have showcased in Singapore? Artists? Ticket sales?

❖ The Wetterling Teo Gallery is one of the first international contemporary art galleries to operate in South-East Asia,

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exhibiting some of the best works of the Abstract Expressionist era.
➢ It represents top American artists — such as Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, James Rosenquist, Robert
Rauschenberg and Frank Stella — and pioneers of the Pop Art generation such as the British artists David
Hockney, Allen Jones and Richard Hamilton.

 Who are our own successful/famous dancers?

❖ Goh Soo Khim is a Singaporean ballerina and a highly respected doyen in Singapore’s dance scene. She is also the
co-founder / Artistic Director of Singapore Dance Theatre. She was awarded the prestigious Cultural Medallion in
1981 and the National Day Public Service Medal in 1989 for her outstanding contributions to the
development of dance in Singapore. In 2008, she also won Woman of the Year award.

 What foreign famous drama performances have been showcased in Singapore?

❖ The most successful Chinese-American playwright David Henry Hwang’s Golden Child
❖ Ekachai Uekrongtham’s Chang and Eng

 Who are our drama production houses?


A contemporary theatre company committed to creating Set up in the year 2000 by Selena Tan, Dream Academy

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original works that marry bold experimentation with the has produced a series of stand-up comedies including
traditions of theatrical convention. Maybe Knot, Report Cuts, Medi Cares, PS21 Positive
Signs, Wanton Me and Revenge of the Dim Sum Dollies.
Some of their Productions include Versus, Decimal
Points, The Comedy of the Tragic Goats


Company Info: PANGDEMONiUM! is Singapore’s most

kick-ass theatre company, dedicated to bringing stories
to life on the stage in the most dynamic way.


Nine Years Theatre aim to create works that are

essentially actor-centred, that challenge the nature of the
actor’s art in productions, and ultimately, question the
notion and the state of the Mandarin theatre.

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Some of their productions include An Enemy of the
People, Twelve Angry Men, and the Lower Depths.


Company Info: Created to promote cultural exchange,

Sing’theatre is the first local company to produce shows Company Info: The Finger Players is one of Singapore’s
in English with Singapore-based artists drawing on the leading theatre companies with a focus on both adult
French cultural heritage. and young audiences using a fusion of puppet theatre
and other art disciplines. Won Singapore Youth
Award(Team) 2008.

● What successful local plays? What themes?

❖ Stella Kon’s Emily of Emerald Hill → family life; finding power and fulfilment in the role of wife and mother.
❖ Ekachai Uekrongtham’s Chang and Eng → first English Language Musical to be ever performed in the People's
Republic of China between 9th - 11 December 1997 at the Century Theatre, Beijing about the trials a Siamese twins
faced as they were stigmatised by society.

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 What foreign famous music performances have been showcased in Singapore? (Both pop and classical)

Yiruma, Haruki Murakami, Tommy Emmanuel

 Who are our own successful local musicians?

JJ Lin, Stephanie Sun

 Name some iconic old buildings that have been conserved and restored in Singapore. How much did conservation efforts cost?

Based on annual Urban Redevelopment Authority(URA)’s Architectural Heritage Awards (AHA), which recognise the efforts
of owners, architects, engineers, and contractors who have gone the extra mile to undertake high quality and sensitive
restoration of National Monuments and conservation buildings:
1. St James Power Station → 3 Sentosa Gateway. (SG’s first coal-fired power plant in 1927→ cluster of multi-themed
after-hours entertainment complex) 2005
2. Clifford Pier Building and Customs Harbour Branch building, once facilitated the arrival of leisure seekers and traders
to and from Singapore → Fullerton Bay Hotel. 2011
3. Yueh Hai Ching temple built in the 1820s → 30B Philip street 2014

 Race,  What is the racial breakdown of people living in Singapore? [% of each race + absolute numbers]
National Racial Groups Based on 2014
heritage and
Chinese 74.3
Malays 13.3

Indians 9.1

Others 3.3

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 What are the 5 most commonly practiced religions in Singapore? [% of believers + absolute numbers]

 Give 3 incidences of racial/religious conflict that has taken place in Singapore’s modern history (ie from 1965 – now). One of the
examples should be from the last 5 years. [Hint: NO, the Little India riots is NOT a racial riot]

Charged by Sedition Act ( anyone found guilty of promoting feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races or classes
of the population of Singapore faces a fine of up to $5,000, or up to three years' jail, or both):
❖ Ello Ed Mundsel Bello 28-year old Filipino arrested, charged under Sedition Act for his comments in one post, where
he allegedly vowed to "evict" Singaporeans from their country and wrote that "Pinoy better and stronger than
❖ A couple allegedly published seditious articles on sociopolitical website The Real Singapore (TRS) between October
2013 and March this year, which promoted ill will and hostility between different classes of the Singapore population
➢ e.g saying that it was a Filipino who complained to police about noise from drummers during the Thaipusam
➢ Link : Thaipusam procession on 3Feb 2015
■ Organisers asked a group to stop playing drums at the junction of Serangoon Road and Desker Road,
as it was not allowed according to the police permit for the event.
■ Lam Pin Min a MP then responded by sharing the article and captioning it with “An example of how
alcohol intoxication causes rowdiness and public nuisance” → Offended the Indians as they think he is
being racist and did not get his facts right (but the police did report it that way… or should u doubt the
police?) → Filmmaker Martyn See then filed police complaint using the Sedition Act against him
❖ In 2011 where a Young People’s Action Party (YP) member Jason Neo implied that a bus full of Malay
schoolchildren were terrorist trainees and quits the YP therafter.
❖ Leslie Chew’s Demon-cratic Singapore facebook page once featured a satirical comic where it depicts a politician

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addressing a crowd and praising the talents of expatriate Indian, Chinese and Caucasian communities. A character
in the audience asks, "What, no mention of Malay talents?", to which another responds "Damn! Racist government".

 Technolo  How much has Singapore invested in technological research facilities? Where are our research facilities situated? What are
gical they?
scientific The government has invested over $5billion in building up industrial, human and intellectual capital in technological
discoveri research facilities such as Biopolis and Fusionopolis. Co-located at one-north, they are home to the Agency for Science,
es. Technology and Research (A*STAR)’s research institutes, consortia and centres spanning multiple research disciplines from
bioimaging to microelectronics.

 What is the size of the pharmaceutical industry in Singapore? How much income generated and how many jobs created?

[Singapore Economic Development Board]

Singapore has a 13,000-strong biomedical workforce and biomedical companies manufacture about S$23 billion worth of
medicines, nutritional products and medical devices for global markets from Singapore annually.

Healthcare expenditure in Singapore was over $12 billion in 2013, representing 6% of GDP. Per-capita healthcare
expenditure has increased almost 300% over the past decade to more than $2,400 in 2013, second only to Japan in the
Asian region.

 Name 3 notable scientific discoveries made by researchers in Singapore. Name 3 medical discoveries/cures/test kits made by
researchers in Singapore. Name 3 technological innovations made by scientists/researchers [Can be ICT, defence,
environmental technology etc] Also name the researcher/scientist.

❖ Laser cooling, also known as optical refrigeration, had only been demonstrated in glass or crystal materials doped
with rare-earth metals. However, Singapore scientists has demonstrated for the first time, the ability to cool
semiconductors using this technique. → may even lead to the development of computer chips that cool on their
own, minimizing heat and thus prolonging battery life for portable devices like tablets and smart phones. [Nature,
AsianScientist 2013]
➢ In their experiment, they cooled the semiconductor from 20 degrees Celsius down to minus 20 degrees

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Celsius, achieving a temperature reduction of 40 degrees Celsius.
❖ Web-based system of retinal vascular imaging, an accurate diagnosis tool, similar to the MRI scan and, with
more research, can lead to preventative screening for strokes, particularly diabetic retinopathy. - Professor Wong
Tien Yin

 Health  Name all of our hospitals in Singapore. Which are private, which are public hospitals?
and Private Hospitals:
Medical - ● Farrer Park Hospital
● Gleneagles Hospital
● Mount Alvernia Hospital
● Mount Elizabeth Hospital
● Parkway East Hospital
● Raffles Hospital
● Thomson Medical Centre
● Westpoint Hospital
Public Hospitals:
● Alexandra Hospital
● Changi General Hospital
● Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
● National University Hospital
● Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
● Singapore General Hospital
● Tan Tock Seng Hospital
● KK Women's and Children's Hospital

 Describe all of the medical subsidy schemes in Singapore.

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- Medisave → A national medical savings scheme which helps individuals put aside part of their income into their
Medisave Accounts to meet their future personal or immediate family's hospitalization, day surgery and certain
outpatient expenses.
- MediShield→ A low cost basic medical insurance scheme. Introduced in 1990, the government designed MediShield
to help members meet large Class B2/C hospitalisation bills, which could not be sufficiently covered by their
Medisave balances.
- Medifund → An endowment fund set up by the Government to help needy Singaporeans who are unable to pay for
their medical expenses, an endowment fund set up by the Government in April 1993 to help needy Singaporeans
who are unable to pay for their medical expenses. This fund acts as a safety net for those who cannot afford the
subsidised bill charges despite Medisave and MediShield coverage. Medifund was established with an initial capital
of S$200 million and capital injections will be made when budget surpluses are available. The capital sum currently
stands at S$1.7 billion.
- ElderShield → An affordable severe disability insurance scheme which provides basic financial protection to those
who need long-term care, especially during old age. It provides a monthly cash payout to help pay the out-of-pocket
expenses for the care of a severely-disabled person
- The Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) → A scheme by the Ministry of Health (MOH) that enables Singapore
Citizens from lower- to-middle income households to receive subsidies for medical and dental care at participating
General Practitioner (GP) and dental clinics near their homes.
- Patients receive drug subsidies based on their paying status and the scheme under which the drug is covered (e.g.
Standard Drug List, Medication Assistance Fund, inpatient drug subsidy, etc). Some drugs are subsidised only for
specific clinical indications.
- Interim Disability Assistance Programme For The Elderly is a government assistance scheme providing financial help
to needy and disabled elderly Singaporeans, who were not eligible to join ElderShield when it was launched in 2002
because they had exceeded the maximum entry age or have pre-existing disabilities

 Top 5 Leading causes of death in Singapore? [Note the different causes for both genders]
Cancer, Pneumonia, Cardiovascular Heart Disease, Strokes and Diabetes.

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 How many suffer from mental illness in Singapore?
- one in six people in Singapore suffering from some form of mental illness
 What are the leading causes of mental illness in Singapore?
- Stress
- Unhelpful thinking patterns
- Family history
 How many people commit suicide in Singapore a year?
- A total of 422 people died by suicide in Singapore in 2013
 What are leading causes of suicide for those who commit suicide in Singapore?
- Family relationship issue
- unemployment
- stress over studies or work
- financial worries
- struggles with social interaction
- feelings of loneliness.

 Economy  What is the annual GDP of Singapore?

– size - 390.1 billion
and key  What is the annual GDP per capita of Singapore? [Give 2014 statistics if possible]
sectors - $71,318
 What is the Gini Coefficient in Singapore?
- 0.464
 Name the top 5 richest men/women in Singapore, how much is their net worth and how they made their wealth [eg in property
development? Banking?]
- Goh Cheng Liang -US$8.2 billion → founder of Nippon Paint South-East Asia
- PHILIP NG - US$4.5billion → Chief Executive Officer of a family-owned property development and investment group operating
in Singapore and Malaysia, the Far East Organization
- ROBERT NG - US$4.4billion → chairman of Hong Kong property development conglomerate Sino Group
- WEE CHO YAW - US$3.4billion → Banking stalwar
- KWEK LENG BENG - US$2.4billion → Property and hotel magnate
 What are our 5 most important/largest industries? How much do they contribute to the annual GDP? How many people are
employed in each sector? Which industries are seen as sunrise or sunset industries?
Manufacturing industries: 18.4%

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Wholesale and retail trade: 17.5%
Business Service: 15.8%
Finance and Insurance: 12.5%
Transport and storage: 6.8%

Industries that are expected to grow in 2015 are banking & finance, life sciences, supply chain, procurement and
logistics and advanced manufacturing.

 What % of our GDP is contributed by SMEs?

- 40% of GDP
 Name 5 notable SMEs from Singapore.
SME One Asia Awards 2013 Awardees:
- Nastrac, financial & banking (+Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards 2015)
- Adred Creation Holdings Pte Ltd, creative services e.g. Marketing
- House of Seafood (S) Pte Ltd
- Vobis Enterprise Pte Ltd, largest dormitory operator for foreign workers  7 dormitories for 39,500 workers
(attained BCA Green Mark and Biz Safe Star)
- Asia Charts Pte Ltd
 Poverty  Name every single financial assistance scheme offered by the government in various areas for the poor. [Hint: eg how does the
and Workfare scheme actually work? Don’t just discuss FAS in schools. Everybody knows about that.]

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financial - Workfare income supplement scheme(WIS) → 40% of your WIS payment in cash, and 60% in CPF contributions
e - Workfare training support scheme (WTS) → if you are a 35 years old and above Singaporean and earn not more than
$1,900 per month, you can benefit from the Workfare Training Support (WTS) scheme. WTS encourages you to
attend training to upgrade your skills and improve your chances of being employed.
- Financial Assistance scheme
 What is means testing?
Means-test is a method to calculate the subsidies you will receive from the government when you use eldercare services
 For which subsidies is means testing carried out in Singapore?
Medifund, Medishield and Medisave
 What is the profile of the poor in Singapore? [Old, young, unemployed, single mothers, what?]
Old, low income earners/unemployed, low education level
 Leadershi  Name the 4 founding fathers of modern Singapore. What were their portfolios and how long did they serve?
governan 1. Tony Tan
a. In the late 1980s, Lee Kuan Yew mentioned Tan as his first choice to succeed himself as Prime Minister of
Singapore, but he declined.
b. 7th President of SG
2. Toh Chin Chye
a. ~30 years of service
b. Chairman of the People's Action Party (PAP) from 1954 to 1981 when he was dropped from cabinet.
3. Lee Kuan Yew
a. In total, Lee held successive ministerial positions for 56 years
b. Lee eschewed populist policies in favor of pragmatic long-term social and economic measures. With
meritocracy and multiracialism as the governing principles, Lee made English the common language to
integrate its immigrant society and to facilitate trade with the West. However, Lee also mandated bilingualism
in schools for students to preserve their mother-tongue cultural identity.
4. S. Rajaratnam, is probably best known to most Singaporeans as the author of the Singapore pledge
a. ~40 years of service
b. “Singaporeans were in danger of becoming a people who knew the price of everything and the value of
nothing “
 Name the current serving ministers in every ministry in Singapore

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Deputy Mr Tharman Minister for Mr GAN Kim Minister for Mr TAN Minister for Mr LUI Tuck
Prime SHANMUGA Health Yong Social and Chuan-Jin Transport Yew
Minister and RATNAM Family
Minister for Development

Minister for Mr LIM Minister for Mr HENG Minister for Mr

Manpower Swee Say Education Swee Keat Culture, Lawrence
Community WONG
and Youth

 What statistics / study / ranking can you cite to show that the Singapore government is not corrupt?

Corruption Perceptions Index 2014 - Rank 7th out of 175 countries with Control of Corruption 2010 being 99% percentile.

 What illustrations can you cite to show that the Singapore government and civil service are highly respected overseas for good
governance? [Hint: which countries have come to Singapore to learn from us?]
 Sports –  Name 5 of our more successful sports and what awards have been won at which international/regional competitions.
sportsme 1) Silat
n a) Sheik Farhan, the 17-year-old son of two-time world champion Sheik Alau’ddin, also became a world champion at the 2015 Pencak
Silat World Championships in Phuket.
2) 2011 World Netball Championships
3) Football
a) 24 times Champion in Malaysia Cup & the champion of the Tiger Cup, the premier football competition in
South-East Asia in 2012.
4) Swimming
a) Joseph Schooling won SG’s first swimming medal at the Commonwealth Games by being 2nd in the 100m
b) Tao Li 2-time Asian Games Gold Medalist

Shared by Estee Tey

c) Zheng Wen won Spanish Open.
5) Billards
a) Peter Gilchrist won the WPBSA World Championships in 1994, 2001 and in 2013. On valentine’s 2014, he
is the only player of the modern era who scored more than one 1000 points in tournament break at Irish
Open. Set the world record for highest break in billiards, at the New Zealand Open Billiards Championships
b) Aloysius Yapp first SG winner in 9-ball pool category at the under-19 world junior championships in

 How much did Singapore spend on the new Sports Hub in Kallang? S$1.3bil

 How much did Singapore spend on the YOG in 2010? How much is Singapore spending on the SEA Games in 2015?

YOG → S$387 mil

SEA Games → $324.5 mil despite scale larger.

 How much does Singapore invest in its sportsmen a year?

Sponsorship value currently around ~US$90M for sportsmen

 Tourism  How many tourists visited Singapore last year? Name the top 5 countries these tourists come from.
Travel Top 5 countries are Indonesia (300k), China (120k) , Australia (100k), Malaysia (150k) and India (80k)

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 How much did we earn from tourist revenue in the last 4 years? Rising or declining trend?

Rising trend

 What are the 3 most popular tourist attractions in Singapore? How many visitors?

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(1)Sentosa attracting 19 million visitors in 2011. It is estimated to have over 20 million visitors per year.
Furthermore with the new infrastructure built over the years ( Resort World Sands featuring theme park
Universal Studio and Adventure Cove and many more sites ) attract even more visitors

(2)Night Safari - about 1.1 million visitors per year ( on May 2007, it received 11 millionth visitor )

(3)Orchard Road - Shopping heaven for tourists.

(4) Marina Bay Sands - an integrated resort fronting Marina Bay in Singapore which has the world’s most
expensive Casino property at $8billion. It was officially opened on 2011

(5) Gardens By The Bay

 What are upcoming challenges/threats to our tourist industry? What is the industry doing to prepare itself for it?

[Singapore’s tourism development has grown from 900,000 visitors is 1964 to 15.5 million in 2013]

(1) Ensure Tourism industry in Singapore to grow every year. According to UNWTO’s forecast, the
strongest tourism growth will be seen in Asia and the Pacific, and arrivals to Asia are expected to increase
at about 5% per year to 2030.
1. adopting a yield-driven marketing approach
2. Enhancing destination attractiveness to continue attract tourists to visit or revisit Singapore
3.Supporting industry competitiveness to ensure sustainable growth

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(2) To keep Singapore special and to keep tourists coming. Grow tourism by raising quality of the
experience and value of every tourists rather than solely increasing the numbers of tourists. Singapore will
also continue to bring in new attractions or events like Women’s tennis association finals and spruce up old
attractions. For example develope Mandai and replace Jurong Bird park with a new bird park.

Shared by Estee Tey


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