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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves

Pokémon Alphabetical Index

a-D Chatot ........................441 Espeon ......................196 Hoppip .......................187
Abomasnow ............ 460 Cherrim .....................421 Exeggcute ................102 Horsea .......................116
Abra ............................063 Cherubi ......................420 Exeggutor .................103 Houndoom . ..............229
Absol ..........................359 Chikorita ...................152 Exploud .....................295 Houndour . ................228
Aerodactyl . ..............142 Chimchar ..................390 Farfetch’d .................083 Huntail . .....................367
Aggron .......................306 Chimecho . ................358 Fearow . .....................022 Hypno ........................097
Aipom . .......................190 Chinchou . .................170 Feebas . .....................349 Igglybuff ...................174
Alakazam ..................065 Chingling ...................433 Feraligatr ..................160 Illumise .....................314
Altaria ........................334 Clamperl . ..................366 Finneon .....................456 Infernape ..................392
Ambipom . .................424 Claydol . .................... 344 Flaaffy .......................180 Ivysaur ......................002
Ampharos .................181 Clefable .....................036 Flareon ......................136 J-n
Anorith . .....................347 Clefairy . ....................035 Floatzel .....................419 Jigglypuff .................039
Arbok . ........................024 Cleffa .........................173 Flygon . ......................330 Jirachi . ......................385
Arcanine . ..................059 Cloyster . ...................091 Forretress ................205 Jolteon ......................135
Arceus........................493 Combee .....................415 Froslass ....................478 Jumpluff ...................189
Ariados ......................168 Combusken ..............256 Furret . .......................162 Jynx ...........................124
Armaldo . .................. 348 Corphish . ..................341 Gabite ....................... 444 Kabuto . .....................140
Aron . ..........................304 Corsola ......................222 Gallade ......................475 Kabutops ..................141
Articuno ....................144 Cradily ...................... 346 Garchomp .................445 Kadabra ................... 064
Azelf ...........................482 Cranidos . ................. 408 Gardevoir ..................282 Kakuna ......................014
Azumarill . .................184 Crawdaunt . ............. 342 Gastly ........................092 Kangaskhan ............115
Azurill . .......................298 Cresselia .................. 488 Gastrodon ................423 Kecleon .....................352
Bagon ........................371 Croagunk ..................453 Gengar ...................... 094 Kingdra . ....................230
Baltoy ........................343 Crobat ........................169 Geodude . ..................074 Kingler .......................099
Banette .....................354 Croconaw . ................159 Gible .......................... 443 Kirlia . .........................281
Barboach ..................339 Cubone ......................104 Girafarig ....................203 Koffing . .....................109
Bastiodon .................411 Cyndaquil . ................155 Giratina .....................487 Krabby . .....................098
Bayleef ......................153 Darkrai.......................491 Glaceon .....................471 Kricketot . .................401
Beautifly ...................267 Delcatty ....................301 Glalie ..........................362 Kricketune ...............402
Beedrill ......................015 Delibird ......................225 Glameow ...................431 Kyogre .......................382
Beldum ......................374 Deoxys ......................386 Gligar . ........................207 Lairon ........................305
Bellossom ................182 Dewgong ...................087 Gliscor . ......................472 Lanturn .....................171
Bellsprout . ...............069 Dialga .........................483 Gloom . ...................... 044 Lapras .......................131
Bibarel ...................... 400 Diglett . ......................050 Golbat ....................... 042 Larvitar .....................246
Bidoof ........................399 Ditto ...........................132 Goldeen .....................118 Latias . .......................380
Blastoise . .................009 Dodrio ........................085 Golduck .....................055 Latios . .......................381
Blaziken ....................257 Doduo ....................... 084 Golem . .......................076 Leafeon .....................470
Blissey ......................242 Donphan ...................232 Gorebyss ..................368 Ledian . ......................166
Bonsly .......................438 Dragonair ..................148 Granbull . ...................210 Ledyba ......................165
Breloom . ...................286 Dragonite . ................149 Graveler . ...................075 Lickilicky ..................463
Bronzong ..................437 Drapion . ....................452 Grimer . ......................088 Lickitung . .................108
Bronzor .....................436 Dratini . ......................147 Grotle .........................388 Lileep .........................345
Budew . ..................... 406 Drifblim .....................426 Groudon ....................383 Linoone .....................264
Buizel .........................418 Drifloon .....................425 Grovyle ......................253 Lombre ......................271
Bulbasaur .................001 Drowzee . ..................096 Growlithe ..................058 Lopunny . ..................428
Buneary ....................427 Dugtrio ......................051 Grumpig ....................326 Lotad . ........................270
Burmy . ......................412 Dunsparce . ..............206 Gulpin . .......................316 Loudred . ...................294
Butterfree ................012 Dusclops ...................356 Gyarados ..................130 Lucario ..................... 448
Cacnea . .....................331 Dusknoir ...................477 Happiny . .................. 440 Ludicolo ....................272
Cacturne ...................332 Duskull ......................355 Hariyama ..................297 Lugia ..........................249
Camerupt . ................323 Dustox .......................269 Haunter .....................093 Lumineon .................457
Carnivine ..................455 E-H Heatran .....................485 Lunatone ..................337
Carvanha ..................318 Eevee .........................133 Heracross . ...............214 Luvdisc . ....................370
Cascoon ....................268 Ekans .........................023 Hippopotas ..............449 Luxio ......................... 404
Castform . .................351 Electabuzz ...............125 Hippowdon ...............450 Luxray .......................405
Caterpie ....................010 Electivire ................. 466 Hitmonchan .............107 Machamp ..................068
Celebi .........................251 Electrike ...................309 Hitmonlee . ...............106 Machoke ...................067
Chansey ....................113 Electrode ..................101 Hitmontop ................237 Machop . ....................066
Charizard ..................006 Elekid .........................239 Honchkrow . .............430 Magby ........................240
Charmander ............ 004 Empoleon .................395 Ho-Oh .........................250 Magcargo . ................219
Charmeleon .............005 Entei . .........................244 Hoothoot . .................163 Magikarp ...................129

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Magmar .....................126 Palkia ........................ 484 Seadra .......................117 Taillow . ......................276
Magmortar ...............467 Paras . ....................... 046 Seaking .....................119 Tangela ......................114
Magnemite ...............081 Parasect ...................047 Sealeo ........................364 Tangrowth ................465
Magneton .................082 Pelipper .....................279 Seedot .......................273 Tauros ........................128
Magnezone ..............462 Persian ......................053 Seel . ...........................086 Teddiursa . ................216
Makuhita . .................296 Phanpy ......................231 Sentret ......................161 Tentacool ..................072
Mamoswine .............473 Phione ...................... 489 Seviper ......................336 Tentacruel ................073
Manaphy ...................490 Pichu ..........................172 Sharpedo ..................319 Togekiss . ................. 468
Manectric .................310 Pidgeot ......................018 Shaymin.....................492 Togepi ........................175
Mankey .....................056 Pidgeotto ..................017 Shedinja ....................292 Togetic .......................176
Mantine .....................226 Pidgey .......................016 Shelgon .....................372 Torchic .......................255
Mantyke ....................458 Pikachu .....................025 Shellder .....................090 Torkoal . .....................324
Mareep ......................179 Piloswine ..................221 Shellos . .....................422 Torterra .....................389
Marill ..........................183 Pineco . ......................204 Shieldon ....................410 Totodile . ....................158
Marowak ...................105 Pinsir . ........................127 Shiftry .......................275 Toxicroak ..................454
Marshtomp . .............259 Piplup . .......................393 Shinx ..........................403 Trapinch ....................328
Masquerain ..............284 Plusle .........................311 Shroomish ................285 Treecko . ....................252
Mawile .......................303 Politoed .....................186 Shuckle .....................213 Tropius . .....................357
Medicham . ...............308 Poliwag . ....................060 Shuppet . ...................353 Turtwig ......................387
Meditite . ...................307 Poliwhirl ....................061 Silcoon . .....................266 Typhlosion ................157
Meganium . ...............154 Poliwrath ..................062 Skarmory ..................227 Tyranitar ...................248
Meowth .....................052 Ponyta .......................077 Skiploom ...................188 Tyrogue .....................236
Mesprit ......................481 Poochyena ...............261 Skitty .........................300 u-z
Metagross ................376 Porygon ....................137 Skorupi ......................451 Umbreon ...................197
Metang ......................375 Porygon2 ..................233 Skuntank ..................435 Unown . ......................201
Metapod . ..................011 Porygon-Z .................474 Slaking . .....................289 Ursaring ....................217
Mew ............................151 Primeape ..................057 Slakoth ......................287 Uxie ........................... 480
Mewtwo ....................150 Prinplup . ...................394 Slowbro .....................080 Vaporeon ..................134
Mightyena ................262 Probopass ................476 Slowking ...................199 Venomoth .................049
Milotic ........................350 Psyduck ....................054 Slowpoke ..................079 Venonat . .................. 048
Miltank ......................241 Pupitar . .....................247 Slugma ......................218 Venusaur . .................003
Mime Jr. .....................439 Purugly . ....................432 Smeargle . .................235 Vespiquen . ...............416
Minun .........................312 Quagsire . ..................195 Smoochum ...............238 Vibrava ......................329
Misdreavus ..............200 Quilava ......................156 Sneasel .....................215 Victreebel .................071
Mismagius ................429 Qwilfish .....................211 Snorlax ......................143 Vigoroth ....................288
Moltres ......................146 Raichu . ......................026 Snorunt .....................361 Vileplume . ................045
Monferno ..................391 Raikou . ......................243 Snover .......................459 Volbeat ......................313
Mothim ......................414 Ralts . .........................280 Snubbull ....................209 Voltorb .......................100
Mr. Mime . ..................122 Rampardos . ............ 409 Solrock ......................338 Vulpix .........................037
Mudkip . .....................258 Rapidash . .................078 Spearow ....................021 Wailmer .....................320
Muk . ...........................089 Raticate . ...................020 Spheal . ......................363 Wailord ......................321
Munchlax ................. 446 Rattata ......................019 Spinarak . ..................167 Walrein ......................365
Murkrow . ..................198 Rayquaza .................384 Spinda . ......................327 Wartortle ..................008
N-r Regice . ......................378 Spiritomb ................. 442 Weavile . ....................461
Natu ...........................177 Regigigas ................. 486 Spoink . ......................325 Weedle . .....................013
Nidoking . ..................034 Regirock . ..................377 Squirtle . ....................007 Weepinbell . ..............070
Nidoqueen ................031 Registeel . .................379 Stantler .....................234 Weezing ....................110
Nidoran 1...................029 Relicanth ..................369 Staraptor . .................398 Whiscash ................. 340
Nidoran 6 . .................032 Remoraid ..................223 Staravia . ...................397 Whismur . ..................293
Nidorina ....................030 Rhydon ......................112 Starly .........................396 Wigglytuff . .............. 040
Nidorino ....................033 Rhyhorn ....................111 Starmie . ....................121 Wingull . .....................278
Nincada .....................290 Rhyperior . ............... 464 Staryu ........................120 Wobbuffet . ...............202
Ninetales ..................038 Riolu .......................... 447 Steelix ........................208 Wooper ......................194
Ninjask ......................291 Roselia . .....................315 Stunky .......................434 Wormadam . .............413
Noctowl .....................164 Roserade ..................407 Sudowoodo ..............185 Wurmple . ..................265
Nosepass .................299 Rotom ........................479 Suicune .....................245 Wynaut ......................360
Numel ........................322 s-T Sunflora ....................192 Xatu ............................178
Nuzleaf ......................274 Sableye .....................302 Sunkern . ...................191 Yanma . ......................193
Octillery ....................224 Salamence ...............373 Surskit .......................283 Yanmega ...................469
Oddish .......................043 Sandshrew ...............027 Swablu .......................333 Zangoose ..................335
Omanyte ...................138 Sandslash . ...............028 Swalot ........................317 Zapdos . .....................145
Omastar ....................139 Sceptile .....................254 Swampert .................260 Zigzagoon . ...............263
Onix ............................095 Scizor .........................212 Swellow .....................277 Zubat . ........................041
Pachirisu . .................417 Scyther . ....................123 Swinub . .....................220

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves

How to Use the National Pokédex

No. 019 Mouse Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
4 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
7 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
2 10
Physical 60 100
Physical 40 100

16 Hyper Fang Normal Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
19 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
22 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
25 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
28 Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○
31 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
34 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
3 ● HEIGHT: 1’00”
● WEIGHT: 7.7 lbs. 7 BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Chilan Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○

5 Snore
Last Resort
Special 40 100 15
Physical 130 100 5

Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Longer whiskers 6 Shorter whiskers Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○

8 ● Run Away

● Guts 9 DEFENSE


10 Field
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
11 POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM12
Ice Beam
Status — 100 20
Special 95 100 10

TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Route 29 TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 29 TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Route 225 TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Route 225 TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum Route 225 TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
It eats anything. Wherever Living wherever there is TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
food is available, it will
settle down and produce 12 food available, it
ceaselessly scavenges
Rock Smash
Physical 50 95 30
Physical 40 100 15

offspring continuously. for edibles the entire day.


13 Lv. 20

Rattata Raticate EGG MOVES 19

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Flame Wheel Fire Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Me First Normal Status — — 20 Depends —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves

Basic Data 12 Pokédex Entry

It’s the Pokémon summaries given in the
1 National Pokédex Number Pokédex. Both the Pokémon HeartGold and
SoulSilver Version entries are included.
The National Pokédex number of the Pokémon.
13 Evolution
2 Type
The course of Evolution for the Pokémon, as well
The Pokémon’s type. Some Pokémon have two as any conditions governing its Evolution.

3 Height and Weight How to Obtain

The height and weight of the Pokémon.
14 Main Ways to Obtain
4 Held Item One main method to obtain the Pokémon is
shown. The ways to obtain in Pokémon Diamond,
The item that is sometimes held by the Pokémon
Pearl, and Platinum Versions are also shown.
when you encounter it in the wild in places such as
tall grass, caves, and the ocean.
Moves It Can Learn
5 Gender
It shows whether the Pokémon has two genders. 15 Level-Up Moves
Some Pokémon’s gender is unknown.
A list of the moves the Pokémon can learn by
leveling up.
6 Male and Female Forms
Some Pokémon look a little bit different between 16 Move Maniac
male and female. Comments describe the
differences between the two forms. If they share A list of the moves that the Move Maniac can
the same form, the common form is shown. teach the Pokémon.

7 Size Comparison 17 BP Moves

The size of the Pokémon is compared to that of A list of the moves that can be learned in
the hero/heroine. exchange for BP (Battle Points) obtained in the
Battle Frontier.
8 Ability
18 TM & HM Moves
The Pokémon’s Ability. If two Abilities are listed,
each individual Pokémon will have one A list of the moves the Pokémon can learn by
of the two. using a TM or an HM.

9 Stats 19 Egg Moves

For each of the six key Pokémon stats, the These moves are occasionally learned by the
number of dots (maximum of 6) indicates how Pokémon upon hatching from an Egg, as long as
readily that stat increases in comparison to other they are known by the male Pokémon you leave
Pokémon. at the Pokémon Day Care.

10 Egg Group Chart Key

The Egg group the Pokémon belongs to. Some Lv. ���������The level at which the move can be
Pokémon belong to two groups. learned

11 Performance No. ���������The TM’s number

These are stats that affect how well a Pokémon Type ������The move’s type
performs in the Pokéathlon sports competition. Kind ������Whether the move is a physical, special,
The number of orange stars indicates the base or status move
Performance level, and white stars indicate how
much further each Performance stat can be raised Pow. ������The move’s attack power
(maximum is five stars). For example, ★★☆
means that the Pokémon’s standard Performance Acc. �������The move’s accuracy
is 2, but can go up to 3. Performance level varies PP ����������How many times the move can be used
depending on the day of the week, the Pokémon’s
Nature, and what kinds of Aprijuice you use. Range ���The number and type of targets that the
move affects
DA ����������Whether the move is a direct attack that
makes physical contact with the target

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves

Type Matchup Chart

Types are assigned both to moves and to the Pokémon receiving them. These types can greatly
affect the amount of damage dealt or received in battle, so learn how they stand up against one
another and give yourself an advantage in battle.

Defending Pokémon’s Type

Normal △ × △
Fire △ △ ◎ ◎ ◎ △ △ ◎
Water ◎ △ △ ◎ ◎ △
Grass △ ◎ △ △ ◎ △ △ ◎ △ △
Electric ◎ △ △ × ◎ △
Attacking Pokémon’s Move Type

Ice △ △ ◎ △ ◎ ◎ ◎ △
Fighting ◎ ◎ △ △ △ △ ◎ × ◎ ◎
Poison ◎ △ △ △ △ ×
Ground ◎ △ ◎ ◎ × △ ◎ ◎
Flying ◎ △ ◎ ◎ △ △
Psychic ◎ ◎ △ × △
Bug △ ◎ △ △ △ ◎ △ ◎ △
Rock ◎ ◎ △ △ ◎ ◎ △
Ghost × ◎ ◎ △ △
Dragon ◎ △
Dark △ ◎ ◎ △ △
Steel △ △ △ ◎ ◎ △

◎ Very effective △ Not too effective x0.5

“It’s super effective!” x2 “It’s not very effective...”

× No effect x0 (No Icon)

“It doesn’t affect...” Normal damage

• Fire-type Pokémon cannot be afflicted with the Burned condition.

• Grass-type Pokémon are immune to Leech Seed.
• Ice-type Pokémon cannot be afflicted with the Frozen condition, and take no damage from the
Hail weather condition.
• Poison-type Pokémon cannot be afflicted with a Poison or a Badly Poisoned condition, even when
switching in with Toxic Spikes in play. Poison-type Pokémon nullify Toxic Spikes (unless these
Pokémon are also Flying type or have the Levitate Ability).
• Ground-type Pokémon are immune to Thunder Wave and to damage from the Sandstorm
weather condition.
• Flying-type Pokémon cannot be damaged by Spikes when switching in, or become afflicted with a
Poison or Badly Poisoned condition due to switching in with Toxic Spikes in play.
• Rock-type Pokémon are immune to damage from the Sandstorm weather condition.
• Steel-type Pokémon are immune to damage from the Sandstorm weather condition.

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves

How to obtain Pokémon

In order to succeed on your adventure, you’ll have to partner up with Pokémon and use their powers to
help you. For that reason, you’d better get acquainted with the various methods of obtaining Pokémon.

How to obtain Pokémon

Catch wild Pokémon Evolve them through battle

Most Pokémon As Pokémon build
inhabit places like up their strength
fields, caves, and by battling, some
bodies of water. of them will evolve.
Go discover and After Evolution, the
catch them. Pokémon’s name and
appearance will change.

Get them through story events Link trade with friends

You can get Some Pokémon
Pokémon or are especially
Pokémon Eggs as hard to obtain.
the story unfolds, The easiest way
so be sure to talk to get them is by
to townspeople. trading with a

Pokémon Distributed in Events

Not all Pokémon can be obtained through regular gameplay.
To get certain rare Pokémon, you’ll have to attend a
Pokémon event or connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.
The Legendary Pokémon below are only available through
special events and not through regular gameplay—check
the official Pokémon website at for updates
on how to obtain these Pokémon.

Pokémon Distributed in Events So Far

Celebi can be transferred from Pal Park once
acquired in Pokémon FireRed, LeafGreen,
Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald version.
Notes Jirachi
If you fulfill certain conditions in the WiiWare game
My Pokémon Ranch, Hayley will trade you a Mew.
Note that My Pokémon Ranch is only compatible with Jirachi can be transferred from Pal Park once acquired
Pokémon Diamond or Pearl Version, and can’t be used in Pokémon FireRed, LeafGreen, Ruby, Sapphire, or
with Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver Version. Emerald version.

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves

Deoxys Manaphy is only available through
distribution at special events.*
Deoxys can be transferred from Pal Park once acquired
in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald version.

Darkrai Notes Arceus
Shaymin is only available through
Notes distribution at special events.
Darkrai is only available through Arceus is only available through
distribution at special events. distribution at special events.

*Since Phione can be obtained by hatching Eggs, it is not classified as a Legendary Pokémon.

Battling makes Pokémon stronger

A Pokémon grows and becomes Earn Exp. Points
stronger by battling. If it wins a to level up.
battle, it gains Exp. Points
(Experience Points). Once it
accumulates enough Experience
Points, it levels up and gets a stat
increase. Take care in training your
Pokémon to make it powerful.

Pokémon evolve by leveling up

Some Pokémon can evolve into new Pokémon with different
names, appearances, or moves. There are several ways
to evolve Pokémon, but the most basic method is through
battling and earning Experience Points to level up.

Don’t blink, or you’ll miss the magical

moment when Evolution occurs.

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves

Evolution example: Hoppip


Skiploom Evolution



Key Evolution methods

Use special stones Strengthen your friendship

Special stones, Take good care of
such as the Moon a Pokémon and it’ll
Stone or Dusk return the favor.
Stone, have the Some Pokémon
power to instantly evolve if they level
trigger a Pokémon up while they’re
Evolution. on friendly terms
with you.

Fulfill certain conditions Link trade

Some Pokémon can only Some Pokémon
evolve once you fulfill evolve when
certain conditions. You they’re traded.
may need to have them Many of these
learn a particular move Pokémon also
or set up your party in need to be holding
the right configuration, a certain item
for example. during the trade.

Learn how to catch wild Pokémon

You can’t catch wild Pokémon without
a Poké Ball. Even so, Pokémon won’t You want HP to be
just hop into a Poké Ball—they can be as low as possible.
hard to catch unless you tire them out
first. Increase your odds of success by
knocking down their HP to the lowest
possible amount.

How to make catching Pokémon easier

1 Inflict status conditions

Some Pokémon moves inflict status conditions
Sleep and Frozen are
on their targets. A Pokémon saddled with a effective.
status condition is easier to catch. Out of the
six status conditions, Sleep and Frozen are the
most effective. Lower the target’s HP and use
status conditions to maximize your chances
of success.

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves

2 Use the right Poké Ball

There are many different kinds of Poké Balls,
each specialized for a certain use. For instance,
the Net Ball excels at catching Water- and
Bug-type Pokémon. Always use a Poké Ball
that’s effective for the type of Pokémon you
want to catch—it’s a basic Pokémon-catching

Teach your party useful

Pokémon-catching moves
As explained above, lowering a wild Pokémon’s HP and using status conditions makes it easier to catch
Pokémon. To do this, use moves like False Swipe and Spore—these moves are more convenient for
catching wild Pokémon than other moves. You’ll want your team to include Pokémon capable of using
these moves.

Examples of moves good for catching Pokémon

False Swipe Always leaves the target with at least 1 HP, even if the move would have KO’d it
Spore 100% chance of inflicting Sleep status

 xample: a useful Pokémon that can learn both False Swipe

and Spore
Catch a Paras in Ilex Forest or the Safari Zone, and raise it to Lv. 17 to teach it Spore.
Then raise it to Lv. 24 to evolve it into Parasect, and use TM54 to teach it False Swipe.

Tricks to increase your Pokémon

encounter rate
In fields, inside caves, or wherever Pokémon are found,
there are tricks you can use to increase your chance of
encountering wild Pokémon. If you’re hoping to run into a
particular Pokémon, try techniques from the list below. On
the other hand, there are ways to lower your wild Pokémon
encounter rate, too. Use those tricks if you’d rather avoid
meeting any wild Pokémon, such as when your team is injured.

How to increase your wild Pokémon encounter rate

1 Ride your Bicycle

2 Turn the radio dial to Pokémon Music and play the Pokémon march

3 Walk through the tall grass

4 Use the White Flute

Put a Pokémon with the Arena Trap, Suction Cups, Sticky Hold, No Guard, or Illuminate
5 Ability at the head of your party

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves

How to lower your wild Pokémon encounter rate

1 Walk, don’t run (avoid using the Running Shoes)

2 Turn the radio dial to Pokémon Music and play the Pokémon lullaby

3 Have your lead Pokémon hold the Cleanse Tag

4 Use the Black Flute

Put a Pokémon with the Stench, White Smoke, Sand Veil, Quick Feet, or Snow Cloak Ability at the
5 head of your party

Pokémon can learn various moves

Pokémon can learn all kinds of
moves, which are useful both in
battle and on your adventure in
general. There are many different
moves, each with its own unique A Pokémon can learn up
to four moves.
effects. If you put some thought into
developing move sets, your Pokémon
will stand out as an individual.

Three fundamental kinds of moves

Attack Moves Defense Moves Status Moves

These moves do damage When your opponent has These moves strengthen the
by attacking the enemy. you in a tight spot, defense user or weaken an opponent.
There are many variations moves are a good idea. These They can do anything from
on the basic attack move. moves can restore HP or cure raising a Pokémon’s stats to
Some moves also inflict status conditions. There inflicting status conditions
status conditions, while are also defense moves that gradually drain an
others let your Pokémon that do everything from opponent’s HP. There’s even
take the first attack. leeching an opponent’s HP to a move that forces the other
regenerating HP each turn. Trainer to swap out Pokémon.

How to teach moves to Pokémon

Level them up Use a TM

Pokémon can learn A TM (Technical
various moves at Machine) is an item
predetermined that teaches a move
levels. Once they to a single Pokémon.
reach a certain level, There are 92 different
they can learn the TMs, and each TM is
appropriate move. only good for one use.

Use an HM Have an expert teach them

Each HM (Hidden During your travels,
Machine) is you’ll meet people
programmed with a who can teach moves
special move. An HM to Pokémon. There
can teach that move are several different
to an unlimited moves that can be
number of Pokémon. learned this way.

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 001 Seed Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
3 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
7 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
9 Vine Whip Grass Physical 35 100 15 Normal ○
Grass Poison 13 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
13 Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
15 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
19 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
21 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
25 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
27 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
31 Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
33 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
37 Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’04”
● WEIGHT: 15.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Overgrow ATTACK ●●

Grass No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Receive from Professor TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Oak in Pallet Town TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
(after defeating Red) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Receive from Professor TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Oak in Pallet Town TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
(after defeating Red) TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Diamond — TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl — HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon Platinum —

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

The seed on its back is It carries a seed on its
filled with nutrients. back right from birth.
The seed grows steadily As it grows older, the
larger as its body grows. seed also grows larger.


Lv. 16 Lv. 32 EGG MOVES

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Bulbasaur Ivysaur Venusaur Skull Bash Normal Physical 100 100 15 Normal ○
Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Petal Dance Grass Special 90 100 20 1 Random ○
Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
GrassWhistle Grass Status — 55 15 Normal —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
Nature Power Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —
Power Whip Grass Physical 120 85 10 Normal ○
Sludge Poison Special 65 100 20 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 002 Seed Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
3 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
7 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal — Grass Poison
9 Vine Whip Grass Physical 35 100 15 Normal ○
13 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
13 Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
15 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
20 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
23 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
28 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
31 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
36 Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
39 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
44 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 28.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●●
● Overgrow ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Grass
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Level up Bulbasaur to Lv. 16
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Bulbasaur to Lv. 16
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Diamond —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self
Pokémon Pearl —

HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum —

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Exposure to sunlight adds If the bud on its back
to its strength. Sunlight starts to smell sweet, it
also makes the bud on its is evidence that the large
back grow larger. flower will soon bloom.


Lv. 16 Lv. 32

Bulbasaur Ivysaur Venusaur

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 003 Seed Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
1 Vine Whip Grass Physical 35 100 15 Normal ○
Grass Poison 3 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
7 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
9 Vine Whip Grass Physical 35 100 15 Normal ○
13 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
13 Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
15 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
20 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
23 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
28 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
31 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
32 Petal Dance Grass Special 90 100 20 1 Random ○
39 Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
45 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
53 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● SIZE COMPARISON Frenzy Plant Grass Special 150 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 6’07”
● WEIGHT: 220.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
No pistil Pistil protruded Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Overgrow ATTACK ●●●

Grass No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Ivysaur to Lv. 32 TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Level up Ivysaur to Lv. 32 TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond — TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl — TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum — TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
By spreading the broad It is able to convert
petals of its flower and sunlight into energy. As a
catching the sun’s rays, it result, it is more powerful
fills its body with power. in the summertime.


Lv. 16 Lv. 32

Bulbasaur Ivysaur Venusaur

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 004 Lizard Pokémon
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
7 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
10 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
16 Dragon Rage Dragon Special — 100 10 Normal — Fire
19 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
25 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
28 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
34 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
37 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 18.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —

HP ●
● Blaze ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Dragon
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★☆☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★☆☆☆☆ JUMP ★★★
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ SKILL ★★★☆
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Receive from Professor
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal
Oak in Pallet Town

TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
(after defeating Red)
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ Receive from Professor
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Oak in Pallet Town
— (after defeating Red)
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — Pokémon Pearl —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ The flame on its tail shows The flame on its tail
the strength of its life indicates CHARMANDER’s
force. If it is weak, the life force. If it is healthy,
flame also burns weakly. the flame burns brightly.


Lv. 16 Lv.32
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Belly Drum Normal Status — — 10 Self — Charmander Charmeleon Charizard
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Beat Up Dark Physical 10 100 10 Normal —
Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —
Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Dragon Rush Dragon Physical 100 75 10 Normal ○
Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
Flare Blitz Fire Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 005 Flame Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
7 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
Fire 10 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
17 Dragon Rage Dragon Special — 100 10 Normal —
21 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
28 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
32 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
39 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
43 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’07”
● WEIGHT: 41.9 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —

HP ●●
● Blaze ATTACK ●●●

Dragon No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Charmander TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
to Lv. 16 TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Charmander TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
to Lv. 16 TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond — TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl — TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum — TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
It is very hotheaded by It has a barbaric nature. HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
nature, so it constantly In battle, it whips its fiery HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
seeks opponents. It calms tail around and slashes
down only when it wins. away with sharp claws.


Lv. 16 Lv.32

Charmander Charmeleon Charizard

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 006 Flame Pokémon
1 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
1 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
1 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes — Fire Flying
1 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
1 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
7 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
10 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
17 Dragon Rage Dragon Special — 100 10 Normal —
21 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
28 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
32 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
36 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal ○
42 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
49 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —
59 Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
66 Flare Blitz Fire Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Blast Burn Fire Special 150 90 5 Normal — ● SIZE COMPARISON
● HEIGHT: 5’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 199.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
HP ●●●
● Blaze ATTACK ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Dragon
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon HeartGold Level up Charmeleon to
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Lv. 36
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Charmeleon to
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Lv. 36
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond —
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ If CHARIZARD becomes Breathing intense,
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — furious, the flame at the hot flames, it can melt
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — tip of its tail flares almost anything. Its
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — up in a light blue shade. breath inflicts terrible
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — pain on enemies.
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ EVOLUTION
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Lv. 16 Lv.32

Charmander Charmeleon Charizard

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 007 Tiny Turtle Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
4 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
7 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
10 Withdraw Water Status — — 40 Self —
Water 13 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
16 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
19 Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal
22 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
25 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
28 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
31 Skull Bash Normal Physical 100 100 15 Normal
34 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
37 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
40 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
● WEIGHT: 19.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

HP ●●
● Torrent ATTACK ●●

Water 1 No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
Receive from Professor TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Oak in Pallet Town TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
(after defeating Red) TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Receive from Professor TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Oak in Pallet Town TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
(after defeating Red) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond — TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl — TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum — HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal
The shell is soft when it The shell, which hardens
is born. It soon becomes soon after it is born, is
so resilient, prodding resilient. If you poke it, it
fingers will bounce off it. will bounce back out.


Lv. 16 Lv. 36
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Squirtle Wartortle Blastoise Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —
Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal
Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Muddy Water Water Special 95 85 10 2 Foes —
Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
Aqua Jet Water Physical 40 100 20 Normal
Water Spout Water Special 150 100 5 2 Foes —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 008 Turtle Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
4 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
7 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes — Water
10 Withdraw Water Status — — 40 Self —
13 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
16 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
20 Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal
24 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
28 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
32 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
36 Skull Bash Normal Physical 100 100 15 Normal
40 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
44 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
48 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 49.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

HP ●●
● Torrent ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Water 1
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★☆☆☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★☆☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
SKILL ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Level up Squirtle to Lv. 16
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Level up Squirtle to Lv. 16
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal It is a well-established It cleverly controls its
symbol of longevity. If its furry ears and tail to
shell has algae on it, that maintain its balance
WARTORTLE is very old. while swimming.


Lv. 16 Lv. 36

Squirtle Wartortle Blastoise

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 009 Shellfish Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
Water 1 Withdraw Water Status — — 40 Self —
4 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
7 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
10 Withdraw Water Status — — 40 Self —
13 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
16 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
20 Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal
24 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
28 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
32 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
39 Skull Bash Normal Physical 100 100 15 Normal
46 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
53 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
60 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● SIZE COMPARISON Hydro Cannon Water Special 150 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 5’03”
● WEIGHT: 188.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

HP ●●●
● Torrent ATTACK ●●●●

Water 1 No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Pokémon HeartGold TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Level up Wartortle to Lv. 36 TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Level up Wartortle to Lv. 36 TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Diamond — TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl — TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
Pokémon Platinum — TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
It deliberately makes The rocket cannons on TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
itself heavy so it can its shell fire jets of water TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
withstand the recoil capable of punching TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
of the water jets it fires. holes through thick steel. HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
EVOLUTION HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal

Lv. 16 Lv. 36

Squirtle Wartortle Blastoise

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 010 Worm Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
15 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 6.4 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —


HP ●●
● Shield Dust ATTACK ●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
SKILL ★★★★


Bug-Catching Contest at
Pokémon HeartGold the National Park
(after obtaining the
National Pokédex/Tuesday)

Bug-Catching Contest at
Pokémon SoulSilver the National Park
(after obtaining the
National Pokédex/Tuesday)

Route 204 (after obtaining

Pokémon Diamond the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon FireRed into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Route 204 (after obtaining

Pokémon Pearl the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon FireRed into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Route 204 (after obtaining

Pokémon Platinum the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon FireRed into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

For protection, it releases Its feet have suction
a horrible stench from the cups designed to
antennae on its head to stick to any surface. It
drive away enemies. tenaciously climbs trees
to forage.


Lv. 7 Lv. 10

Caterpie Metapod Butterfree

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 011 Cocoon Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
7 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’04”
● WEIGHT: 21.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —


HP ●●
● Shed Skin ATTACK ●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆


Bug-Catching Contest at
Pokémon HeartGold the National Park
(after obtaining the
National Pokédex/Tuesday)

Bug-Catching Contest at
Pokémon SoulSilver the National Park
(after obtaining the
National Pokédex/Tuesday)

Eterna Forest (after obtaining

Pokémon Diamond the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon FireRed into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Eterna Forest (after obtaining

Pokémon Pearl the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon FireRed into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Eterna Forest (after obtaining

Pokémon Platinum the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon FireRed into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Inside the shell, it is soft It prepares for evolution
and weak as it prepares by hardening its shell
to evolve. It stays as much as possible to
motionless in the shell. protect its soft body.


Lv. 7 Lv. 10

Caterpie Metapod Butterfree

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 012 Butterfly Pokémon
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
10 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
12 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
12 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
12 Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal — Bug Flying
16 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
18 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
22 Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
24 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
28 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
30 Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
34 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
36 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
40 Bug Buzz Bug Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 70.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: SilverPowder
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes — Lower parts of wings Lower parts of wings have
are white a black spot

HP ●●
● Compoundeyes ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★


Bug-Catching Contest at
Pokémon HeartGold the National Park
(after obtaining the
National Pokédex/Tuesday)

Bug-Catching Contest at
Pokémon SoulSilver the National Park
(after obtaining the
National Pokédex/Tuesday)

Pokémon Diamond Level up Metapod to Lv. 10

Pokémon Pearl Level up Metapod to Lv. 10

Pokémon Platinum Level up Metapod to Lv. 10

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It collects honey every Water-repellent powder
day. It rubs honey onto the on its wings enables it
hairs on its legs to carry it to collect honey, even in
back to its nest. the heaviest of rains.


Lv. 7 Lv. 10

Caterpie Metapod Butterfree

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 013 Hairy Bug Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
1 String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
15 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal

Bug Poison

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’00”
● WEIGHT: 7.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —


HP ●
● Shield Dust ATTACK ●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★
SKILL ★★★☆


Bug-Catching Contest at
Pokémon HeartGold the National Park
(after obtaining the
National Pokédex/Tuesday)

Bug-Catching Contest at
Pokémon SoulSilver the National Park
(after obtaining the
National Pokédex/Tuesday)

Route 204 (after obtaining

Pokémon Diamond the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon LeafGreen into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Route 204 (after obtaining

Pokémon Pearl the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon LeafGreen into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Route 204 (after obtaining

Pokémon Platinum the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon LeafGreen into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Its poison stinger is very It attacks using a two-inch
powerful. Its bright- poison barb on its head.
colored body is intended It can usually be found
to warn off its enemies. under the leaves it eats.


Lv. 7 Lv. 10

Weedle Kakuna Beedrill

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 014 Cocoon Pokémon
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
7 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —

Bug Poison

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 22.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —


HP ●●
● Shed Skin ATTACK ●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆


Bug-Catching Contest at
Pokémon HeartGold the National Park
(after obtaining the
National Pokédex/Tuesday)

Bug-Catching Contest at
Pokémon SoulSilver the National Park
(after obtaining the
National Pokédex/Tuesday)

Eterna Forest (after obtaining

Pokémon Diamond the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon LeafGreen into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Eterna Forest (after obtaining

Pokémon Pearl the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon LeafGreen into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Eterna Forest (after obtaining

Pokémon Platinum the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon LeafGreen into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Although it is a cocoon, it From this form, it will
can move a little. It can grow into an adult. As its
extend its poison barb if body becomes softer, the
it is attacked. external shell ardens.


Lv. 7 Lv. 10

Weedle Kakuna Beedrill

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 015 Poison Bee Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal
10 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal
13 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
16 Twineedle Bug Physical 25 100 20 Normal —
Bug Poison 19 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal
22 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
25 Toxic Spikes Poison Status — — 20 2 Foes —
28 Pin Missile Bug Physical 14 85 20 Normal —
31 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
34 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
37 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
40 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 65.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Poison Barb Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal

HP ●●
● Swarm ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
POWER ★☆☆☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Bug-Catching Contest at TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
the National Park TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
(after obtaining the TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
National Pokédex/Tuesday) TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Bug-Catching Contest at TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
the National Park TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
(after obtaining the
National Pokédex/Tuesday) TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Kakuna to Lv. 10 TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Kakuna to Lv. 10 TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Kakuna to Lv. 10 TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
It can take down any It has three poison barbs. HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
opponent with its The barb on its tail
powerful poison secretes the most
stingers. It sometimes powerful poison.
attacks in swarms.


Lv. 7 Lv. 10

Weedle Kakuna Beedrill

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 016 Tiny Bird Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
5 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
9 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
13 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
17 Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Normal Flying
21 Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
25 FeatherDance Flying Status — 100 15 Normal —
29 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
33 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal
37 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
41 Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
45 Mirror Move Flying Status — — 20 Depends —
49 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 4.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —

HP ●
● Keen Eye ATTACK ●●
● Tangled Feet DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal SKILL ★★★☆
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Route 29 (morning and
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — afternoon only)
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal Pokémon SoulSilver Route 29 (morning and
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self — afternoon only)
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Diamond Route 229 (mass outbreak)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon Pearl Route 229 (mass outbreak)
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal

Pokémon Platinum Route 229

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It usually hides in tall Common in grassy areas
grass. Because it dislikes and forests, it is very
fighting, it protects itself docile and will chase off
by kicking up sand. enemies by flapping
up sand.


Lv. 18 Lv.36
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Pidgey Pidgeotto Pidgeot
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —
Brave Bird Flying Physical 120 100 15 Normal
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 017 Bird Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
1 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
5 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
Normal Flying 9 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
13 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
17 Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
22 Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
27 FeatherDance Flying Status — 100 15 Normal —
32 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
37 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal
42 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
47 Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
52 Mirror Move Flying Status — — 20 Depends —
57 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’07”
● WEIGHT: 41.9 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —

HP ●●
● Keen Eye ATTACK ●●●
● Tangled Feet DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★☆ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Route 43 (morning and TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
afternoon only) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 43 (morning and TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal
afternoon only) TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Pidgey to Lv. 18 TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Pearl Level up Pidgey to Lv. 18 TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal

Pokémon Platinum Level up Pidgey to Lv. 18

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It has outstanding vision. It renders its prey
However high it flies, it immobile using well-
is able to distinguish the developed claws, then
movements of its prey. carries the prey more than
60 miles to its nest.


Lv. 18 Lv.36

Pidgey Pidgeotto Pidgeot

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 018 Bird Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
1 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
5 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal — Normal Flying
9 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
13 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
17 Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
22 Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
27 FeatherDance Flying Status — 100 15 Normal —
32 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
38 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal
44 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
50 Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
56 Mirror Move Flying Status — — 20 Depends —
62 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 4’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 87.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Keen Eye ATTACK ●●●
● Tangled Feet DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Level up Pidgeotto to Lv. 36
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Pidgeotto to Lv. 36
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal Pokémon Diamond Level up Pidgeotto to Lv. 36
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Level up Pidgeotto to Lv. 36
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal Pokémon Platinum Level up Pidgeotto to Lv. 36

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Its well-developed chest It spreads its beautiful
muscles make it strong wings wide to frighten its
enough to whip up a gusty enemies. It can fly at
windstorm with just a Mach 2 speed.
few flaps.


Lv. 18 Lv.36

Pidgey Pidgeotto Pidgeot

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 019 Mouse Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
4 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
7 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Normal 10 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
13 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
16 Hyper Fang Normal Physical 80 90 15 Normal
19 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
22 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
25 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
28 Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal
31 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
34 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’00”
● WEIGHT: 7.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Chilan Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
Longer whiskers Shorter whiskers Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal

HP ●
● Run Away ATTACK ●●
● Guts DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
SKILL ★★★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Route 29 TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 29 TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Diamond Route 225 TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Pearl Route 225 TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum Route 225 TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
It eats anything. Wherever Living wherever there is TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
food is available, it will food available, it HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
settle down and produce ceaselessly scavenges HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
offspring continuously. for edibles the entire day.


Lv. 20

Rattata Raticate EGG MOVES

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Flame Wheel Fire Physical 60 100 25 Normal
Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal
Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self
Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Me First Normal Status — — 20 Depends —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 020 Mouse Pokémon
1 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
1 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self — Normal
4 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
7 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
10 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
13 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
16 Hyper Fang Normal Physical 80 90 15 Normal
19 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
20 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
24 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
29 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
34 Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal
39 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
44 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 40.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Chilan Berry
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal
Longer whiskers Shorter whiskers

HP ●●
● Run Away ATTACK ●●●
● Guts DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SKILL ★★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Route 38
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon SoulSilver Route 38
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 225
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 225
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal Pokémon Platinum Route 225
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Gnaws on anything with Its whiskers help it to
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal its tough fangs. It can maintain balance. Its
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — even topple concrete
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal
fangs never stop
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
buildings by gnawing growing, so it gnaws to
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — on them. pare them down.
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal EVOLUTION

Lv. 20

Rattata Raticate

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 021 Tiny Bird Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
5 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
9 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal
Normal Flying 13 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
17 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
21 Mirror Move Flying Status — — 20 Depends —
25 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
29 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
33 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
37 Drill Peck Flying Physical 80 100 20 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’00”
● WEIGHT: 4.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —

HP ●
● Keen Eye ATTACK ●●●

Flying TM & HM MOVES

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
JUMP ★★★☆☆ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★☆☆ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Route 33 (morning and TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
afternoon only) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 33 (morning and TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal
afternoon only) TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Diamond Route 225 TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Pearl Route 225 TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal

Pokémon Platinum Route 225

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It flaps its short wings to Very protective of its
flush out insects from tall territory, it flaps its short
grass. It then plucks them wings busily to dart
with its stubby beak. around at high speed.


Lv. 20

Spearow Fearow EGG MOVES

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal
Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
Tri Attack Normal Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —
Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
FeatherDance Flying Status — 100 15 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 022 Beak Pokémon
1 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal
1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal Normal Flying
5 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
9 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal
13 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
17 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
23 Mirror Move Flying Status — — 20 Depends —
29 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
35 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
41 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
47 Drill Peck Flying Physical 80 100 20 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 83.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Sharp Beak
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —

HP ●●
● Keen Eye ATTACK ●●●●

TM & HM MOVES Flying

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
JUMP ★★★★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★☆☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Route 47
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal Pokémon SoulSilver Route 47
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal Pokémon Diamond Route 225
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 225
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal Pokémon Platinum Route 225

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It shoots itself suddenly It cleverly uses its thin,
high into the sky, then long beak to pluck and eat
plummets down in one fell small insectsthat hide
swoop to strike its prey. under the ground.


Lv. 20

Spearow Fearow

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 023 Snake Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
4 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
9 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
Poison 12 Glare Normal Status — 75 30 Normal —
17 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
20 Acid Poison Special 40 100 30 2 Foes —
25 Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
25 Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
25 Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
28 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
33 Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
36 Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
41 Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 6’07”
● WEIGHT: 15.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —


HP ●
● Intimidate ATTACK ●●●
● Shed Skin DEFENSE ●●


Dragon No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Goldenrod Game Corner prize TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
(700 Coins) TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 32 TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Route 212, Pastoria City side TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
(after obtaining the National TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Diamond Pokédex, insert Pokémon TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
FireRed into your Nintendo TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
DS’s Game Pak slot) TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Route 212, Pastoria City side TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
(after obtaining the National TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Pokédex, insert Pokémon TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
FireRed into your Nintendo TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
DS’s Game Pak slot) TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Route 212, Pastoria City side
(after obtaining the National
Pokémon Platinum Pokédex, insert Pokémon
FireRed into your Nintendo
DS’s Game Pak slot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It can freely detach its It always hides in grass.
jaw to swallow large prey When first born, it has
whole. It can become too no poison, so its bite is
heavy to move, however. painful, but harmless.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Beat Up Dark Physical 10 100 10 Normal —
Lv. 22 Poison Fang Poison Physical 50 100 15 Normal
Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
Poison Tail Poison Physical 50 100 25 Normal
Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
Ekans Arbok Switcheroo Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 024 Cobra Pokémon
1 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes — Poison
1 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
4 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
9 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
12 Glare Normal Status — 75 30 Normal —
17 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
20 Acid Poison Special 40 100 30 2 Foes —
22 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
28 Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
28 Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
28 Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
34 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
42 Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
48 Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
56 Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● SIZE COMPARISON
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 11’06”
● WEIGHT: 143.3 lbs.
● ITEMS: None
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●●
● Intimidate ATTACK ●●●●
● Shed Skin DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Level up Ekans to Lv. 22
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 27
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pastoria Great Marsh
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — (after obtaining the National
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Pokédex, insert Pokémon
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal FireRed into your Nintendo
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends — DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal Pastoria Great Marsh
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — (after obtaining the National
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Pokédex, insert Pokémon
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — FireRed into your Nintendo
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pastoria Great Marsh
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — (after obtaining the National
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal Pokémon Platinum Pokédex, insert Pokémon
FireRed into your Nintendo
DS’s Game Pak slot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Transfi xing prey with the With a very vengeful
face-like pattern on its nature, it won’t give up the
belly, it binds and poisons chase, no matter how far,
the frightened victim. once it targets its prey.


Lv. 22

Ekans Arbok

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 025 Mouse Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
5 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
10 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Electric 13 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
18 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
21 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal
26 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
29 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
34 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
37 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
42 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
45 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’04”
● WEIGHT: 13.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Oran Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Light Ball ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Flat tail Notched tail

HP ●
● Static ATTACK ●●


Fairy No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Viridian Forest TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Viridian Forest TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Trophy Garden at the Pokémon TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
Mansion on Route 212
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Trophy Garden at the Pokémon TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Mansion on Route 212
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Trophy Garden at the Pokémon TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Platinum TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Mansion on Route 212
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
This intelligent Pokémon It raises its tail to check
roasts hard berries with its surroundings. The tail
electricity to make them is sometimes struck by
tender enough to eat. lightning in this pose.

Use Thunderstone
high friendship
Level up with

Pichu Pikachu Raichu

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 026 Mouse Pokémon
1 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
1 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 66.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — Pointy tail end Flat tail end

HP ●●
● Static ATTACK ●●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Fairy
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Use Thunderstone on
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal Pokémon HeartGold
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Use Thunderstone on
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon SoulSilver
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Use Thunderstone on
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal Pokémon Diamond
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — Use Thunderstone on
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — Use Thunderstone on
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — If the electric pouches in
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal When its electricity builds,
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal its muscles are stimulated, its cheeks become fully
and it becomes more charged, both ears will
aggressive than usual. stand straight up.

Use Thunderstone
high friendship
Level up with

Pichu Pikachu Raichu

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 027 Mouse Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
3 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
7 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
9 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
Ground 13 Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal
15 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
19 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal
21 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
25 Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
27 Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
31 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
33 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 26.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Quick Claw Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal

HP ●●
● Sand Veil ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★☆☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Union Cave 1F TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Safari Zone (Desert Area) TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Wayward Cave (after obtaining TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond the National Pokédex, insert TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon LeafGreen into your TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
Wayward Cave (after obtaining TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
Pokémon Pearl the National Pokédex, insert TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pokémon LeafGreen into your TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Wayward Cave (after obtaining TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Platinum the National Pokédex, insert TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon LeafGreen into your TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Disliking water, it lives HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
If it fell from a great HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
height, this Pokémon in deep burrows in arid
could save itself by rolling areas. It can rollitself
into a ball and bouncing. instantly into a ball.


Lv. 22 Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal
Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self
Sandshrew Sandslash Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal
Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Crush Claw Normal Physical 75 95 10 Normal
Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal
Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 028 Mouse Pokémon
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
1 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
3 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
7 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal — Ground
9 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
13 Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal
15 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
19 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal
21 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
22 Crush Claw Normal Physical 75 95 10 Normal
28 Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
33 Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
40 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
45 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
52 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 65.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Quick Claw
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●●●
● Sand Veil ATTACK ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Safari Zone (Desert Area)
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Safari Zone (Desert Area)
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Route 228 (after obtaining
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond the National Pokédex, insert
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon LeafGreen into your
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Route 228 (after obtaining
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal Pokémon Pearl the National Pokédex, insert
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal Pokémon LeafGreen into your
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal — Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — Route 228 (after obtaining
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum the National Pokédex, insert
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Pokémon LeafGreen into your
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — If it digs at an incredible
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — In an attempt to hide
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal itself, it will run around pace, it may snap off its
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal at top speed to kick up a spikes and claws. They
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal blinding dust storm. grow back in a day.
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal

Lv. 22

Sandshrew Sandslash

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 029 Poison Pin Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
7 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
9 Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal
Poison 13 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
19 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal
21 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
25 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
31 Toxic Spikes Poison Status — — 20 2 Foes —
33 Flatter Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
37 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
43 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
45 Poison Fang Poison Physical 50 100 15 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’04”
● WEIGHT: 15.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal


HP ●●
● Poison Point ATTACK ●●
● Rivalry DEFENSE ●●

Field No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
SKILL ★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Route 35 TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 35 TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 201 (use Poké Radar) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Route 201 (occasionally TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl appears when you use TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
Poké Radar) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 201 (use Poké Radar) TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Although not very HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
The poison hidden in its
small horn is extremely combative, it will torment
potent. Even a tiny its foes with poison
scratch can have fatal spikes if it is threatened
results. in any way.

Use Moon Stone


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
Nidoran♀ Nidorina Nidoqueen Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self
Beat Up Dark Physical 10 100 10 Normal —
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
Skull Bash Normal Physical 100 100 15 Normal

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 030 Poison Pin Pokémon
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
7 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
9 Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal
13 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal — Poison
20 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal
23 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
28 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
35 Toxic Spikes Poison Status — — 20 2 Foes —
38 Flatter Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
43 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
50 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
58 Poison Fang Poison Physical 50 100 15 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 4.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal


HP ●●●
● Poison Point ATTACK ●●●
● Rivalry DEFENSE ●●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Route 13
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 13
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 221 (use Poké Radar)
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal Route 221 (occasionally
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl appears when you use
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal Poké Radar)
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Valor Lakefront (use Poké
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal When feeding its young, it It has a calm and caring
first chews the food into a nature. Because its horn
paste, then spits it out for grows slowly, it prefers
the offspring. not to fight.

Use Moon Stone

Lv. 16

Nidoran♀ Nidorina Nidoqueen

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 031 Drill Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal
1 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
Poison Ground 23 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal
43 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
58 Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 4’03”
● WEIGHT: 132.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
● FEMALE FORM Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random
ABILITIES STATS Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
HP ●●● Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal
● Poison Point ATTACK ●●●
● Rivalry DEFENSE ●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Use Moon Stone on Nidorina TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Use Moon Stone on Nidorina TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Diamond Use Moon Stone on Nidorina TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Use Moon Stone on Nidorina TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Use Moon Stone on Nidorina TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Its body is covered with It uses its scaly, rugged TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
needle-like scales. It body to seal the entrance TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
never shows signs of of its nest and protect its TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
shrinking from any attack. young from predators. TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
EVOLUTION TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
Use Moon Stone

TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal

TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Lv. 16 TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Nidoran♀ Nidorina Nidoqueen TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 032 Poison Point Pokémon
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal
7 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
9 Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal
13 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal — Poison
19 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal
21 Horn Attack Normal Physical 65 100 25 Normal
25 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
31 Toxic Spikes Poison Status — — 20 2 Foes —
33 Flatter Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
37 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
43 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
45 Horn Drill Normal Physical — 30 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 19.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal


HP ●●
● Poison Point ATTACK ●●
● Rivalry DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Field
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Route 35
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 35
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Route 201 (occasionally
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond appears when you use
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal Poké Radar)
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Pearl Route 201 (use Poké Radar)
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Route 201 (use Poké Radar)
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
It is small, but its horn It raises its big ears to
is filled with poison. It check its surroundings. It
charges then stabs with will strike first if it senses
the horn to inject poison. any danger.

Use Moon Stone


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self
Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal — Nidoran♂ Nidorino Nidoking
Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
Beat Up Dark Physical 10 100 10 Normal —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Head Smash Rock Physical 150 80 5 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 033 Poison Point Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal
7 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
9 Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal
Poison 13 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
20 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal
23 Horn Attack Normal Physical 65 100 25 Normal
28 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
35 Toxic Spikes Poison Status — — 20 2 Foes —
38 Flatter Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
43 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
50 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
58 Horn Drill Normal Physical — 30 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’11”
● WEIGHT: 43.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal


HP ●●
● Poison Point ATTACK ●●●
● Rivalry DEFENSE ●●

Field No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
SKILL ★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Route 13 TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 13 TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Route 221 (occasionally TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond appears when you use TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Poké Radar) TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
Pokémon Pearl Route 221 (use Poké Radar) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Valor Lakefront TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Platinum TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
(use Poké Radar)
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
It raises its big ears to Quick to anger, it stabs
check its surroundings. enemies with its horn to
If it senses anything, inject a powerful poison
it attacks immediately. when it becomes agitated.

Use Moon Stone

Lv. 16

Nidoran♂ Nidorino Nidoking

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 034 Drill Pokémon
1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal
1 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal
1 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
23 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random Poison Ground
43 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
58 Megahorn Bug Physical 120 85 10 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 4’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 136.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally — ● MALE FORM
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal — ABILITIES STATS
HP ●●●
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ● Poison Point ATTACK ●●●●
● Rivalry DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Field
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SKILL ★★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Use Moon Stone on Nidorino
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon SoulSilver Use Moon Stone on Nidorino
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal Pokémon Diamond Use Moon Stone on Nidorino
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Use Moon Stone on Nidorino
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Use Moon Stone on Nidorino
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal It swings its big tail Its tail is thick and powerful.
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — around during battle. If its If it binds an enemy, it can
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — foe flinches, it will charge render the victim helpless
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — with its sturdy body. quite easily.
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal — EVOLUTION
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal
Use Moon Stone

TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —

TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Lv. 16
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Nidoran♂ Nidorino Nidoking
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 035 Fairy Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
4 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
7 Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
Normal 10 DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal
13 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
16 Follow Me Normal Status — — 20 Self —
19 Minimize Normal Status — — 20 Self —
22 Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
25 Cosmic Power Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
28 Lucky Chant Normal Status — — 30 2 Allies —
31 Metronome Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
34 Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
37 Moonlight Normal Status — — 5 Self —
40 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
43 Meteor Mash Steel Physical 100 85 10 Normal
46 Healing Wish Psychic Status — — 10 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 16.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Leppa Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Moon Stone Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
ABILITIES STATS Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
HP ●●●
● Cute Charm ATTACK ●● Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
DEFENSE ●● Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
● Magic Guard
SP. ATTACK ●●● Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
SP. DEFENSE ●● Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
EGG GROUPS SPEED ●● Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆☆ TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
POWER ★☆☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
JUMP ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Mt. Moon TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Mt. Moon TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Diamond Mt. Coronet 2F, 3F TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Pokémon Pearl Mt. Coronet 2F, 3F TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Mt. Coronet (morning and TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
night only) TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
The moonlight that it stores Its adorable behavior and TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
in the wings on its back cry make it highly popular. TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
apparently gives it the However, this cute TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
ability to float in midair. Pokémon is rarely found. TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
EVOLUTION TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Use Moon Stone
high friendship
Level up with

TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —

TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Cleffa Clefairy Clefable TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 036 Fairy Pokémon
1 Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
1 DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal
1 Minimize Normal Status — — 20 Self —
1 Metronome Normal Status — — 10 Depends —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 4’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 88.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies — ABILITIES STATS
HP ●●●●
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● Cute Charm ATTACK ●●●
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ● Magic Guard DEFENSE ●●●
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal SP. ATTACK ●●●●
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — SP. DEFENSE ●●●●
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal EGG GROUPS SPEED ●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆☆
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — POWER ★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
JUMP ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Use Moon Stone on Clefairy
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Use Moon Stone on Clefairy
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon Diamond Use Moon Stone on Clefairy
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal Pokémon Pearl Use Moon Stone on Clefairy
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Use Moon Stone on Clefairy
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends — With its acute hearing, it Its very sensitive ears
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — can pick up sounds from let it distinguish distant
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — far away. It usually hides sounds. As a result, it
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — in quiet places. prefers quiet places.
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self — EVOLUTION
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Use Moon Stone
high friendship
Level up with

TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —

TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — Cleffa Clefairy Clefable
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 037 Fox Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
4 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
7 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
11 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
Fire 14 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
17 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
21 Imprison Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
24 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
27 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
31 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
34 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —
37 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
41 Grudge Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
44 Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —
47 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 21.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Rawst Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●
● Flash Fire ATTACK ●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 36 TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
Route 209 (after obtaining TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
the National Pokédex, insert TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
Pokémon LeafGreen into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Route 209 (after obtaining TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
the National Pokédex, insert TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon LeafGreen into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Route 209 (after obtaining

Pokémon Platinum the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon LeafGreen into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

As it develops, its single If it is attacked by an
white tail gains color and enemy that is stronger
splits into six. It is quite than itself, it feigns
warm and cuddly. injury to fool the enemy
and escapes.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Use Fire Stone

Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal

Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
Vulpix Ninetales Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Flare Blitz Fire Physical 120 100 15 Normal
Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —
Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Power Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 038 Fox Pokémon
1 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
1 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
1 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
1 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies — Fire

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 3’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 43.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●●●
● Flash Fire ATTACK ●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal Pokémon HeartGold —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon SoulSilver Use Fire Stone on Vulpix
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Use Fire Stone on Vulpix
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal Pokémon Pearl Use Fire Stone on Vulpix
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Platinum Use Fire Stone on Vulpix
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
Some legends claim that Its nine beautiful tails
each of its nine tails has are filled with a wondrous
its own unique type energy that could keep it
of special mystical power. alive for 1,000 years.

Use Fire Stone

Vulpix Ninetales

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 039 Balloon Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
5 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
9 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
13 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
Normal 17 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
21 DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal
25 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
29 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal
33 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
37 Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
41 Mimic Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
45 Hyper Voice Normal Special 90 100 10 2 Foes —
49 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
● WEIGHT: 12.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
ABILITIES STATS Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
HP ●●●●
● Cute Charm ATTACK ●● Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
DEFENSE ● Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal
SP. ATTACK ●● Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
JUMP ★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★☆☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Pokémon HeartGold Route 3 (morning and TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
night only) TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 3 (morning and TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
night only) TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Trophy Garden at the Pokémon TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Mansion on Route 212 TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
(after obtaining the National TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot) TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Trophy Garden at the Pokémon TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Mansion on Route 212 TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
(after obtaining the National TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Trophy Garden at the Pokémon TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
Mansion on Route 212 TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
(after obtaining the National
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot) TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
If it inflates to sing a lullaby, Looking into its cute, TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
it can perform longer and round eyes causes it to TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
cause sure drowsiness in sing a relaxing melody, TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
its audience. inducing its enemies TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
to sleep. TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
EVOLUTION TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Use Moon Stone
high friendship
Level up with

HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal

Igglybuff Jigglypuff Wigglytuff

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 040 Balloon Pokémon
1 Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
1 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
1 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
1 DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 26.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ABILITIES STATS
HP ●●●●●
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ● Cute Charm ATTACK ●●●
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal DEFENSE ●●
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal — SP. ATTACK ●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
JUMP ★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — Pokémon HeartGold Use Moon Stone on Jigglypuff
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Use Moon Stone on Jigglypuff
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Use Moon Stone on Jigglypuff
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — Pokémon Pearl Use Moon Stone on Jigglypuff
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon Platinum Use Moon Stone on Jigglypuff
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Their fur feels so good that It has a very fine fur. Take
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — if two of them snuggle care not to make it angry,
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — together, they won’t want or it may inflate steadily
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal to be separated. and hit with a body slam.
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — EVOLUTION
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
Use Moon Stone
high friendship
Level up with

TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —

TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal Igglybuff Jigglypuff Wigglytuff
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 041 Bat Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Leech Life Bug Physical 20 100 15 Normal
5 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
9 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
13 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
Poison Flying 17 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal
21 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
25 Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
29 Mean Look Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
33 Poison Fang Poison Physical 50 100 15 Normal
37 Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
41 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’07”
● WEIGHT: 16.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Bigger fangs Smaller fangs Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal

HP ●
● Inner Focus ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
SKILL ★☆☆☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Route 32 (morning and TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
night only) TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 32 (morning and TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
night only) TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Oreburgh Gate 1F TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Oreburgh Gate 1F TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Platinum Oreburgh Gate 1F TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
While flying, it constantly Capable of flying safely HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal
emits ultrasonic waves in dark places, it emits
from its mouth to ultrasonic cries to check
check its surroundings. for any obstacles.

high friendship
Level up with

Lv. 22

Zubat Golbat Crobat EGG MOVES

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Brave Bird Flying Physical 120 100 15 Normal

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 042 Bat Pokémon
1 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
1 Leech Life Bug Physical 20 100 15 Normal
1 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
5 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal — Poison Flying
9 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
13 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
17 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal
21 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
27 Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
33 Mean Look Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
39 Poison Fang Poison Physical 50 100 15 Normal
45 Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
51 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 5’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 121.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal Bigger fangs Smaller fangs

HP ●●●
● Inner Focus ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★☆☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Union Cave B2F
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Union Cave B2F
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Lost Tower 5F
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Lost Tower 5F
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum Lost Tower 5F
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal However hard its victim’s It can drink more than 10
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — hide may be, it punctures ounces of blood at once.
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal with sharp fangs and If it has too much, it gets
gorges itself with blood. heavy and flies clumsily.

high friendship
Level up with

Lv. 22

Zubat Golbat Crobat

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 043 Weed Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
5 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
9 Acid Poison Special 40 100 30 2 Foes —
13 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
Grass Poison 15 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
17 Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
21 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
25 Lucky Chant Normal Status — — 30 2 Allies —
29 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
33 Moonlight Normal Status — — 5 Self —
37 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
41 Petal Dance Grass Special 90 100 20 1 Random

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’08”
● WEIGHT: 11.9 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —


HP ●●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★☆ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Ilex Forest (night only) TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Ilex Forest (night only) TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Route 229 TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Pearl Route 229 TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal

Pokémon Platinum Route 224 (night only)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Awakened by moonlight, If exposed to moonlight, it
it roams actively at night. starts to move. It roams
In the day, it stays far and wide at night to
quietly underground. scatter its seeds.



Vileplume EGG MOVES

Use Sun Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Lv. 21 Stone Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Oddish Gloom Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
Bellossom Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Teeter Dance Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes/1 Ally —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 044 Flower Pokémon
1 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
1 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
1 Acid Poison Special 40 100 30 2 Foes —
5 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
9 Acid Poison Special 40 100 30 2 Foes — Grass Poison
13 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
15 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
17 Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
23 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
29 Lucky Chant Normal Status — — 30 2 Allies —
35 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
41 Moonlight Normal Status — — 5 Self —
47 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
53 Petal Dance Grass Special 90 100 20 1 Random

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 19.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —


Smaller spots on petals Larger spots on petals

HP ●●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★☆☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Route 48
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 48
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 229
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 229
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal Pokémon Platinum Route 229

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

What appears to be drool It secretes a sticky,
is actually sweet honey. drool-like honey. Although
It is very sticky and clings sweet, it smells too
stubbornly if touched. repulsive to get very close.



Use Sun
Lv. 21 Stone

Oddish Gloom


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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 045 Flower Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
1 Aromatherapy Grass Status — — 5 All Allies —
1 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
1 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
Grass Poison 53 Petal Dance Grass Special 90 100 20 1 Random
65 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 41.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —


Smaller spots on petals Larger spots on petals

HP ●●●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Use Leaf Stone on Gloom TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Use Leaf Stone on Gloom TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Use Leaf Stone on Gloom TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Use Leaf Stone on Gloom TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Platinum Use Leaf Stone on Gloom TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It has the world’s largest The bud bursts into bloom
petals. With every step, with a bang. It then starts
the petals shake out heavy scattering allergenic,
clouds of toxic pollen. poisonous pollen.



Use Sun
Lv. 21 Stone

Oddish Gloom


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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 046 Mushroom Pokémon
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
6 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
6 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
11 Leech Life Bug Physical 20 100 15 Normal
17 Spore Grass Status — 100 15 Normal — Bug Grass
22 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
27 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
33 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
38 Aromatherapy Grass Status — — 5 All Allies —
43 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 11.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: TinyMushroom
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal Big Mushroom
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●
● Effect Spore ATTACK ●●●
● Dry Skin DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Grass
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SPEED ★★☆☆☆ STAMINA ★★★
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal SKILL ★★★☆
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Ilex Forest
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Ilex Forest
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal Pastoria Great Marsh
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond (after obtaining the National
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokédex/changes daily)
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pastoria Great Marsh
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl (after obtaining the National
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal Pokédex/changes daily)
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal Pastoria Great Marsh
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal Pokémon Platinum (after obtaining the National
Pokédex/changes daily)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It is doused with As its body grows, large
mushroom spores when mushrooms named
it is born. As its body tochukaso start
grows, mushrooms sprout sprouting out of its back.
from its back.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self Lv. 24
Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal
Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — Paras Parasect
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Cross Poison Poison Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 047 Mushroom Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Cross Poison Poison Physical 70 100 20 Normal
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
1 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
Bug Grass 1 Leech Life Bug Physical 20 100 15 Normal
6 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
6 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
11 Leech Life Bug Physical 20 100 15 Normal
17 Spore Grass Status — 100 15 Normal —
22 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
30 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
39 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
47 Aromatherapy Grass Status — — 5 All Allies —
55 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 65.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: TinyMushroom Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Big Mushroom Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Effect Spore ATTACK ●●●●
● Dry Skin DEFENSE ●●●

Grass No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Cerulean Cave TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Cerulean Cave TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Diamond Level up Paras to Lv. 24 TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
Pokémon Pearl Level up Paras to Lv. 24 TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Pokémon Platinum Level up Paras to Lv. 24 TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
It stays mostly in dark, The larger the mushroom HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
damp places, the on its back grows, the HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
preference not of the bug, stronger the mushroom
but of the big mushroom spores it scatters.
on its back.


Lv. 24

Paras Parasect

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 048 Insect Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
1 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
5 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
11 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal — Bug Poison
13 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
17 Leech Life Bug Physical 20 100 15 Normal
23 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
25 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
29 Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
35 Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
37 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
41 Poison Fang Poison Physical 50 100 15 Normal
47 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 66.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —


HP ●●
● Compoundeyes ATTACK ●●
● Tinted Lens DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Route 43 (morning and
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal night only)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 43 (morning and
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal night only)
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Route 229 (occasionally
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond appears when you use
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Poké Radar)
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Route 229 (occasionally
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl appears when you use
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Poké Radar)
Route 229 (occasionally
Pokémon Platinum appears when you use
Poké Radar)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Its eyes also function as Poison oozes from all over
radar units. It catches its body. It catches and
and eats small bugs that eats small bugs at night
hide in darkness. that are attracted by light.


Lv. 31
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Venonat Venomoth
Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
Morning Sun Normal Status — — 5 Self —
Toxic Spikes Poison Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 049 Poison Moth Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
1 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Bug Poison 1 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
5 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
11 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
13 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
17 Leech Life Bug Physical 20 100 15 Normal —
23 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal
25 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
29 Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
31 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
37 Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
41 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
47 Poison Fang Poison Physical 50 100 15 Normal
55 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
59 Bug Buzz Bug Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 4’11”
● WEIGHT: 27.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Shed Shell Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —

HP ●●●
● Shield Dust ATTACK ●●●
● Tinted Lens DEFENSE ●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
JUMP ★★★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★★ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Route 25 (night only) TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 25 (night only) TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Diamond Route 229 (use Poké Radar) TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Route 229 (use Poké Radar) TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum Route 229 (use Poké Radar) TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

When it attacks, it flaps The powder on its wings

its large wings violently is poisonous if it is dark in
to scatter its poisonous hue. If it is light in hue,
powder all around. it causes paralysis.


Lv. 31

Venonat Venomoth

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 050 Mole Pokémon
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
4 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
7 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
12 Magnitude Ground Physical — 100 30 2 Foes/1 Ally — Ground
15 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
18 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
23 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
26 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
29 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
34 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
37 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
40 Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 0’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 1.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Soft Sand
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —


HP ●
● Sand Veil ATTACK ●●
● Arena Trap DEFENSE ●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — SKILL ★★★☆
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — Pokémon HeartGold Route 48
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 48
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Route 228
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Pokémon Pearl Route 228
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum Route 228
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Its skin is very thin. If it is If a DIGLETT digs through
exposed to light, its blood a field, it leaves the soil
heats up, causing it to perfectly tilled and ideal
grow weak. for planting crops.


Lv. 26

Diglett Dugtrio
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
Beat Up Dark Physical 10 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 051 Mole Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal
1 Tri Attack Normal Special 80 100 10 Normal —
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
Ground 1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
4 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
7 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
12 Magnitude Ground Physical — 100 30 2 Foes/1 Ally —
15 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
18 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
23 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
26 Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
28 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
33 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
40 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
45 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally
50 Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’04”
● WEIGHT: 73.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Soft Sand Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —


HP ●
● Sand Veil ATTACK ●●●
● Arena Trap DEFENSE ●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★☆ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold DIGLETT’s Cave TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver DIGLETT’s Cave TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Diamond Route 228 TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 228 TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Platinum Route 228 TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
Its three heads bob Extremely powerful, they
separately up and down can dig through even the
to loosen the soil nearby, hardest ground to a depth
making it easier for it to of over 60 miles.


Lv. 26

Diglett Dugtrio

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 052 Scratch Cat Pokémon
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
6 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
9 Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal
14 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal Normal
17 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
22 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
25 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
30 Pay Day Normal Physical 40 100 20 Normal —
33 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
38 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
41 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
46 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
49 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal
54 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 9.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Quick Claw
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●
● Pickup ATTACK ●●
● Technician DEFENSE ●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal Pokémon HeartGold —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal Pokémon SoulSilver Route 38
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Trophy Garden at the Pokémon
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Mansion on Route 212
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond
(after obtaining the National
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot)
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal Trophy Garden at the Pokémon
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Pearl Mansion on Route 212
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — (after obtaining the National
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot)
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Trophy Garden at the Pokémon
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Mansion on Route 212
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — (after obtaining the National
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot)
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
It is fascinated by round It loves anything that
objects. It can’t stop shines. It especially
playing with them until it adores coins that it picks
tires and falls asleep. up and secretly hoards.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Lv. 28
Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Assist Normal Status — — 20 Depends — Meowth Persian
Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Punishment Dark Physical — 100 5 Normal
Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 053 Classy Cat Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Switcheroo Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
Normal 1 Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal
6 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
9 Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal
14 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal
17 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
22 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
25 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
32 Power Gem Rock Special 70 100 20 Normal —
37 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
44 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
49 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
56 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
61 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal
68 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 70.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Quick Claw Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Limber ATTACK ●●●
● Technician DEFENSE ●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
JUMP ★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★☆☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold — TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 7 TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Meowth to Lv. 28 TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Meowth to Lv. 28 TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Meowth to Lv. 28 TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Many adore it for its Its lithe muscles allow it TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
sophisticated air. However, to walk without making TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
it will lash out and a sound. It attacks in an TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
scratch for little reason. instant. TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
EVOLUTION TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal

Lv. 28

Meowth Persian

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 054 Duck Pokémon
1 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
5 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
9 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
14 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal — Water
18 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
22 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
27 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal
31 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
35 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
40 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
44 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
48 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 43.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Damp ATTACK ●●
● Cloud Nine DEFENSE ●●

TM & HM MOVES Water 1

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Field
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★☆☆☆ STAMINA ★★☆☆☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★☆☆☆ JUMP ★★☆☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★☆☆☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Ilex Forest (water surface)
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Ilex Forest (water surface)
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Oreburgh Gate B1F
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Oreburgh Gate B1F
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum Oreburgh Gate1F
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal It has mystical powers but If its chronic headache
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — doesn’t recall that it has peaks, it may exhibit odd
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal used them. That is why it powers. It seems unable to
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal always looks puzzled. recall such an episode.


Lv. 33
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal — Psyduck Golduck
Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Cross Chop Fighting Physical 100 80 5 Normal
Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 055 Duck Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Aqua Jet Water Physical 40 100 20 Normal
1 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
Water 1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
5 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
9 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
14 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
18 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
22 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
27 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal
31 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
37 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
44 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
50 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
56 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 5’07”
● WEIGHT: 168.9 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
ABILITIES STATS Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
HP ●●●
● Damp ATTACK ●●●
● Cloud Nine DEFENSE ●●●

Water 1
Field No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Ilex Forest (water surface) or TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Safari Zone (Wetland Area: if TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
Rock objects are placed, may TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
appear in tall grass) TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal —
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal —
Ilex Forest (water surface) or TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self
Pokémon SoulSilver Safari Zone (Wetland Area: if TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal —
Rock objects are placed, may TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
appear in tall grass) TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Lake Verity (water surface) TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Lake Verity (water surface) TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Lake Verity (water surface) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
When it swims at full It appears by waterways HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
speed using its long, at dusk. It may use HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
webbed limbs, its forehead telekinetic powers if HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
somehow begins to glow. its forehead glows HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal
mysteriously. HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal


Lv. 33

Psyduck Golduck

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 056 Pig Monkey Pokémon
1 Covet Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self — Fighting
9 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal
13 Karate Chop Fighting Physical 50 100 25 Normal
17 Seismic Toss Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
21 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
25 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
33 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
37 Cross Chop Fighting Physical 100 80 5 Normal
41 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random
45 Punishment Dark Physical — 100 5 Normal
49 Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 61.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Payapa Berry
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal — ABILITIES STATS
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal — HP ●
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ● Vital Spirit ATTACK ●●●
● Anger Point DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Route 42
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Route 225 (occasionally
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal Pokémon Diamond appears when you use
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Poké Radar)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Route 225 (occasionally
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl appears when you use
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal Poké Radar)
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — Route 225 (occasionally
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum appears when you use
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Poké Radar)
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — It is extremely It’s unsafe to approach if
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — ill-tempered. Groups of it gets violently enraged
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal them will attack any for no reason and can’t
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — handy target for no reason. distinguish friends
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal from foes.
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal EVOLUTION

Lv. 28
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Mankey Primeape
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Meditate Psychic Status — — 40 Self —
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self
Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal
Beat Up Dark Physical 10 100 10 Normal —
Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
SmellingSalt Normal Physical 60 100 10 Normal
Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 057 Pig Monkey Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
Fighting 1 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
9 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal
13 Karate Chop Fighting Physical 50 100 25 Normal
17 Seismic Toss Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
21 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
25 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
28 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal
35 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
41 Cross Chop Fighting Physical 100 80 5 Normal
47 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random
53 Punishment Dark Physical — 100 5 Normal
59 Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 70.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Payapa Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random
ABILITIES STATS Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
HP ●● Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
● Vital Spirit ATTACK ●●●● Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
● Anger Point DEFENSE ●●
SPEED ●●●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Cerulean Cave TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 225 (use Poké Radar) TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Route 225 (use Poké Radar) TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 225 (use Poké Radar) TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
If approached while It becomes wildly furious TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
asleep, it may awaken if it even senses TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
and angrily give chase someone looking at it. TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
in a groggy state of It chases anyone that TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
semi-sleep. meets its glare. TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
EVOLUTION HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal

Lv. 28

Mankey Primeape

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 058 Puppy Pokémon
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
1 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
6 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
9 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
14 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal — Fire
17 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
20 Flame Wheel Fire Physical 60 100 25 Normal
25 Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal
28 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal
31 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
34 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
39 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
42 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
45 Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
48 Flare Blitz Fire Physical 120 100 15 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 41.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Rawst Berry
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —


HP ●●
● Intimidate ATTACK ●●●
● Flash Fire DEFENSE ●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal SKILL ★★★☆
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Route 36
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal — Route 201 (after obtaining
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — the National Pokédex, insert
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon FireRed into your
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Route 201 (after obtaining
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — the National Pokédex, insert
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal Pokémon Pearl
Pokémon FireRed into your
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Route 201 (after obtaining

Pokémon Platinum the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon FireRed into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It has a brave and Extremely loyal, it will
trustworthy nature. It fearlessly bark at any
fearlessly stands up to opponent to protect its
bigger and stronger foes. own Trainer from harm.

Use Fire Stone

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal
Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random
Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —
Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self — Growlithe Arcanine
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
Flare Blitz Fire Physical 120 100 15 Normal
Morning Sun Normal Status — — 5 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 059 Legendary Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
1 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
1 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal
Fire 1 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
39 ExtremeSpeed Normal Physical 80 100 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 6’03”
● WEIGHT: 341.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —


HP ●●●
● Intimidate ATTACK ●●●●●
● Flash Fire DEFENSE ●●●
SPEED ●●●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Use Fire Stone on Growlithe TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Use Fire Stone on Growlithe TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Use Fire Stone on Growlithe TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Platinum Use Fire Stone on Growlithe TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
This legendary Chinese Its magnificent bark
Pokémon is considered conveys a sense of
magnificent. Many people majesty. Anyone hearing
are enchanted by its it can’t help but grovel
grand mane. before it.

Use Fire Stone

Growlithe Arcanine

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 060 Tadpole Pokémon
1 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
5 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
8 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
11 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
15 DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal Water
18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
21 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal
25 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
28 Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —
31 Belly Drum Normal Status — — 10 Self —
35 Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
38 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
41 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 27.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —


HP ●
● Water Absorb ATTACK ●●
● Damp DEFENSE ●●
SPEED ●●●●
TM & HM MOVES Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★☆☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Route 30 (water surface)
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 30 (water surface)
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Diamond Route 227 (water surface)
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Route 227 (water surface)
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Pokémon Platinum Route 227 (water surface)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Because it is inept at The direction of its belly
walking on its newly spiral differs by area.
grown legs, it always The equator is thought to
swims around in water. have an effect on this.

EGG MOVES Poliwrath
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Have
Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies — it hold
Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self — King’s
BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal — Lv. 25 Rock and
Haze Ice Status — — 30 All — trade it
Mind Reader Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All — Poliwag Poliwhirl Politoed
Ice Ball Ice Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —
Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 061 Tadpole Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
1 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
5 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
Water 8 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
11 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
15 DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal
18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
21 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal
27 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
32 Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —
37 Belly Drum Normal Status — — 10 Self —
43 Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
48 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
53 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 44.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: King’s Rock Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —


HP ●●
● Water Absorb ATTACK ●●●
● Damp DEFENSE ●●●
SPEED ●●●●
Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon HeartGold Route 30 (water surface) TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 30 (water surface) TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Route 225 (water surface) TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Route 225 (water surface) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 225 (water surface) TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal
The swirl on its belly The skin on most of its
subtly undulates. Staring body is moist. However,
at it may gradually the skin on its belly spiral
cause drowsiness. feels smooth.

it hold
Lv. 25 Rock and
trade it
Poliwag Poliwhirl Politoed

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 062 Tadpole Pokémon
1 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
1 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
1 DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal
1 Submission Fighting Physical 80 80 25 Normal
43 DynamicPunch Fighting Physical 100 50 5 Normal Water Fighting
53 Mind Reader Normal Status — — 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 4’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 119.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Water Absorb ATTACK ●●●●
● Damp DEFENSE ●●●●
Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self — POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Use Water Stone on Poliwhirl
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Use Water Stone on Poliwhirl
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon Diamond Use Water Stone on Poliwhirl
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal Pokémon Pearl Use Water Stone on Poliwhirl
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal Pokémon Platinum Use Water Stone on Poliwhirl
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal This strong and skilled Although an energetic,
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — swimmer is even capable skilled swimmer that
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — of crossing the Pacific uses all of its muscles,
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — Ocean just by kicking. it lives on dry land.
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal EVOLUTION
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal Use
it hold
Lv. 25 Rock and
trade it
Poliwag Poliwhirl Politoed

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 063 Psi Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Teleport Psychic Status — — 20 Self —


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’11”
● WEIGHT: 43.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: TwistedSpoon Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●
● Synchronize ATTACK ●
● Inner Focus DEFENSE ●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

Human-Like TM & HM MOVES

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
PERFORMANCE TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
SPEED ★☆☆☆☆ STAMINA ★☆☆☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
JUMP ★★★☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
Pokémon HeartGold Route 34 TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 34 TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 203 TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Route 203 TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Platinum Route 203 TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
It senses impending If it decides to teleport TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
attacks and teleports randomly, it evokes the TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
away to safety before the illusion that it has created TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
actual attacks can strike. copies of itself. TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
EVOLUTION TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Trade it

TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Lv. 16 TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Abra Kadabra Alakazam EGG MOVES

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
Barrier Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Power Trick Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Guard Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 064 Psi Pokémon
1 Teleport Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
1 Kinesis Psychic Status — 80 15 Normal —
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
16 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
18 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal — Psychic
22 Miracle Eye Psychic Status — — 40 Normal —
24 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
28 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
30 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
34 Psycho Cut Psychic Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
36 Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
40 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
42 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
46 Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 4’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 124.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: TwistedSpoon
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Longer whiskers Shorter whiskers
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●
● Synchronize ATTACK ●●
● Inner Focus DEFENSE ●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

TM & HM MOVES Human-Like

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★☆☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
JUMP ★★☆
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Cerulean Cave
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Cerulean Cave
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 215
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 215
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal —
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Route 215
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self — It possesses strong If it uses its abilities, it
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — spiritual power. The more emits special alpha waves
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — danger it faces, the that cause machines to
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — stronger its psychic power. malfunction.
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — EVOLUTION
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Trade it

TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All — Lv. 16

Abra Kadabra Alakazam

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 065 Psi Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Teleport Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
1 Kinesis Psychic Status — 80 15 Normal —
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
16 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
Psychic 18 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
22 Miracle Eye Psychic Status — — 40 Normal —
24 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
28 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
30 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
34 Psycho Cut Psychic Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
36 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
40 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
42 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
46 Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 4’11”
● WEIGHT: 105.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Longer whiskers Shorter whiskers Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Synchronize ATTACK ●●
● Inner Focus DEFENSE ●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★ JUMP ★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Pokémon HeartGold Link trade Kadabra TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Link trade Kadabra TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
Pokémon Diamond Link trade Kadabra TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Link trade Kadabra TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Link trade Kadabra TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Closing both its eyes Its brain cells multiply TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal
heightens all its other continually until it dies. TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
senses. This enables As a result, it remembers TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
it to use its abilities to everything. TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
their extremes. TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
EVOLUTION TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
Trade it

TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal

Lv. 16 TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Abra Kadabra Alakazam

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 066 Superpower Pokémon
1 Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
7 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
10 Karate Chop Fighting Physical 50 100 25 Normal
13 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal — Fighting
19 Seismic Toss Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
22 Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
25 Vital Throw Fighting Physical 70 — 10 Normal
31 Submission Fighting Physical 80 80 25 Normal
34 Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
37 Cross Chop Fighting Physical 100 80 5 Normal
43 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
46 DynamicPunch Fighting Physical 100 50 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 43.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal

HP ●●●
● Guts ATTACK ●●●
● No Guard DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★☆☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Mt. Mortar
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Mt. Mortar
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Route 207
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 207
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum Route 207
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal Always brimming with It loves to work out and
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal power, it passes time by build its muscles. It is
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal lifting boulders. Doing so never satisfied, even if it
makes it even stronger. trains hard all day long.

Trade it

Lv. 28

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Machop Machoke Machamp
Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Meditate Psychic Status — — 40 Self —
Rolling Kick Fighting Physical 60 85 15 Normal
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
SmellingSalt Normal Physical 60 100 10 Normal
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Bullet Punch Steel Physical 40 100 30 Normal
Power Trick Psychic Status — — 10 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 067 Superpower Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
7 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Fighting 10 Karate Chop Fighting Physical 50 100 25 Normal
13 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
19 Seismic Toss Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
22 Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
25 Vital Throw Fighting Physical 70 — 10 Normal
32 Submission Fighting Physical 80 80 25 Normal
36 Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
40 Cross Chop Fighting Physical 100 80 5 Normal
44 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
51 DynamicPunch Fighting Physical 100 50 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 4’11”
● WEIGHT: 155.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal

HP ●●●
● Guts ATTACK ●●●●
● No Guard DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Cliff Cave TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Cliff Cave TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 210, Celestic TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Town side TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 210, Celestic TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Town side TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum Route 210, Celestic TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Town side TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
It always goes at its full The muscles covering its HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
power, but this very tough body teem with power. Even HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
and durable Pokémon when still, it exudes an HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
never gets tired. amazing sense of strength.

Trade it

Lv. 28

Machop Machoke Machamp

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 068 Superpower Pokémon
1 Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
7 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
10 Karate Chop Fighting Physical 50 100 25 Normal Fighting
13 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
19 Seismic Toss Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
22 Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
25 Vital Throw Fighting Physical 70 — 10 Normal
32 Submission Fighting Physical 80 80 25 Normal
36 Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
40 Cross Chop Fighting Physical 100 80 5 Normal
44 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
51 DynamicPunch Fighting Physical 100 50 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 5’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 286.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal

HP ●●●
● Guts ATTACK ●●●●●
● No Guard DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self — SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Link trade Machoke
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Link trade Machoke
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Link trade Machoke
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Link trade Machoke
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal Pokémon Platinum Link trade Machoke
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal It quickly swings its four It uses its four powerful
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — arms to rock its opponents arms to pin the limbs of
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — with ceaseless punches its foe, then throws the
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal and chops from all angles. victim over the horizon.
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
Trade it

Lv. 28

Machop Machoke Machamp

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 069 Flower Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Vine Whip Grass Physical 35 100 15 Normal
7 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
11 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal
13 Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
Grass Poison 15 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
17 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
23 Acid Poison Special 40 100 30 2 Foes —
27 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
29 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
35 Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
39 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
41 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal
47 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’04”
● WEIGHT: 8.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Route 31 TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 31 TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Route 229 TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Pearl Route 229 TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Route 224 (morning and TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
afternoon only)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Even though its body It plants its feet deep
is extremely skinny, it underground to replenish
is blindingly fast when water. It can’t escape
catching its prey. its enemy while it’s rooted.

Use Leaf Stone

Lv. 21

Bellsprout Weepinbell Victreebel
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Leech Life Bug Physical 20 100 15 Normal
Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Weather Ball Normal Special 50 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 070 Flycatcher Pokémon
1 Vine Whip Grass Physical 35 100 15 Normal
1 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
1 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal
7 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
11 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal Grass Poison
13 Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
15 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
17 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
23 Acid Poison Special 40 100 30 2 Foes —
27 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
29 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
35 Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
39 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
41 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal
47 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 14.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Route 44
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 44
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 224
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 224
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal Pokémon Platinum Route 224

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Even though it is filled If its prey is bigger than its
with acid, it does not melt mouth, it slices up the
because it also oozes a victim with sharp leaves,
protective fluid. then eats every morsel.

Use Leaf Stone

Lv. 21

Bellsprout Weepinbell Victreebel

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 071 Flycatcher Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
1 Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
1 Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
1 Vine Whip Grass Physical 35 100 15 Normal
Grass Poison 1 Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
1 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
1 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
47 Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —
47 Leaf Blade Grass Physical 90 100 15 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 5’07”
● WEIGHT: 34.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
SPEED ★ STAMINA ★★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Use Leaf Stone on Weepinbell TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Use Leaf Stone on Weepinbell TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Use Leaf Stone on Weepinbell TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Use Leaf Stone on Weepinbell TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Platinum Use Leaf Stone on Weepinbell TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
Acid that has dissolved This horrifying plant
many prey becomes Pokémon attracts prey
sweeter, making it with aromatic honey,
even more effective at then melts them in
attracting prey. its mouth.

Use Leaf Stone

Lv. 21

Bellsprout Weepinbell Victreebel

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 072 Jellyfish Pokémon
1 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
5 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
8 Constrict Normal Physical 10 100 35 Normal
12 Acid Poison Special 40 100 30 2 Foes —
15 Toxic Spikes Poison Status — — 20 2 Foes — Water Poison
19 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
22 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal
26 Barrier Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
29 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
33 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
36 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
40 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
43 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 100.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Poison Barb
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —


HP ●
● Clear Body ATTACK ●●
● Liquid Ooze DEFENSE ●●

TM & HM MOVES Water 3

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★★☆☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal New Bark Town
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal — (water surface)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — New Bark Town
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — (water surface)
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Route 205 (water surface)
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Pearl Route 205 (water surface)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum Route 205 (water surface)
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
When the tide goes out, It drifts aimlessly in
dehydrated TENTACOOL waves. Very difficult to
remains can be found see in water, it may not be
washed up on the shore. noticed until it stings.


Lv. 30
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Tentacool Tentacruel
Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —
Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal
Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Acupressure Normal Status — — 30 1 Ally —
Muddy Water Water Special 95 85 10 2 Foes —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 073 Jellyfish Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
1 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
1 Constrict Normal Physical 10 100 35 Normal
5 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
Water Poison 8 Constrict Normal Physical 10 100 35 Normal
12 Acid Poison Special 40 100 30 2 Foes —
15 Toxic Spikes Poison Status — — 20 2 Foes —
19 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
22 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal
26 Barrier Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
29 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
36 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
42 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
49 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
55 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 6’03”
● WEIGHT: 341.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —


HP ●●●
● Clear Body ATTACK ●●●
● Liquid Ooze DEFENSE ●●●
SPEED ●●●●
Water 3 TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Route 36 TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 224 (water surface) TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Route 224 (water surface) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Platinum Route 224 (water surface) TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
It has a brave and In battle, it extends all 80 HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal
trustworthy nature. It of its tentacles to entrap
fearlessly stands up to its opponent inside a
bigger and stronger foes. poisonous net.


Lv. 30

Tentacool Tentacruel

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 074 Rock Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
4 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
8 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
11 Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90 15 Normal — Rock Ground
15 Magnitude Ground Physical — 100 30 2 Foes/1 Ally —
18 Selfdestruct Normal Physical 200 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
22 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
25 Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
29 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
32 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
36 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
39 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 44.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Everstone
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —

HP ●
● Rock Head ATTACK ●●●
● Sturdy DEFENSE ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Union Cave
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Union Cave
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Oreburgh Gate 1F
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self — Pokémon Pearl Oreburgh Gate 1F
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum Oreburgh Gate 1F
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal Most people may not It uses its arms to steadily
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal notice, but a closer look climb steep mountain
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal should reveal that there paths. It swings its fists
are many GEODUDE around. around if angered.

Trade it

Lv. 25

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Geodude Graveler Golem
Mega Punch Normal Physical 80 85 20 Normal
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90 10 Normal
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 075 Rock Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
1 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
1 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
Rock Ground 4 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
8 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
11 Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90 15 Normal —
15 Magnitude Ground Physical — 100 30 2 Foes/1 Ally —
18 Selfdestruct Normal Physical 200 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
22 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
27 Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
33 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
38 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
44 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
49 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 44.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: King’s Rock Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —

HP ●●
● Rock Head ATTACK ●●●●
● Sturdy DEFENSE ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Route 45 TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 45 TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Route 214 TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon Pearl Route 214 TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum Route 214 TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
With a free and uncaring A slow walker, it rolls to TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
nature, it doesn’t mind if move. It pays no attention HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
pieces break off while it to any object that HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
rolls down mountains. happens to be in its path.

Trade it

Lv. 25

Geodude Graveler Golem

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 076 Megaton Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
1 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
1 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
4 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All — Rock Ground
8 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
11 Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90 15 Normal —
15 Magnitude Ground Physical — 100 30 2 Foes/1 Ally —
18 Selfdestruct Normal Physical 200 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
22 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
27 Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
33 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
38 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
44 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
49 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 661.4 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○ ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
HP ●●●
● Rock Head ATTACK ●●●●●
● Sturdy DEFENSE ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○ PERFORMANCE
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Link trade Graveler
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — Pokémon SoulSilver Link trade Graveler
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Link trade Graveler
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Link trade Graveler
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self — Pokémon Platinum Link trade Graveler
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — It sheds its skin once a It is capable of blowing
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — year. The discarded shell itself up. It uses this
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — immediately hardens and explosive force to jump from
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — crumbles away. mountain to mountain.
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○ EVOLUTION
Trade it

Lv. 25

Geodude Graveler Golem

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 077 Fire Horse Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
6 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
10 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
Fire 15 Flame Wheel Fire Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
19 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
24 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —
28 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
33 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
37 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
42 Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
46 Flare Blitz Fire Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 66.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Shuca Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —


HP ●●
● Run Away ATTACK ●●●●
● Flash Fire DEFENSE ●●
SPEED ●●●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
POWER ★★ JUMP ★★★★ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
SKILL ★★ TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Route 26 TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 26 TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Diamond Route 206 TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Route 206 HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon Platinum Route 206

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It is a weak runner Its hind legs, which have
immediately after birth. hooves that are harder
It gradually becomes than diamond, kick back
faster by chasing after at any presence it senses
its parents. behind it.


Lv. 40
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Flame Wheel Fire Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
Ponyta Rapidash Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○
Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal ○
Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
Horn Drill Normal Physical — 30 5 Normal ○
Morning Sun Normal Status — — 5 Self —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 078 Fire Horse Pokémon
1 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
1 Megahorn Bug Physical 120 85 10 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes — Fire
1 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
6 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
10 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
15 Flame Wheel Fire Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
19 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
24 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —
28 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
33 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
37 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
40 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
47 Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
56 Flare Blitz Fire Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 5’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 209.4 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Shuca Berry
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —


HP ●●
● Run Away ATTACK ●●●●
● Flash Fire DEFENSE ●●●
SPEED ●●●●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — PERFORMANCE
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ SKILL ★★
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Route 28
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 28
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Level up Ponyta to Lv. 40
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl Level up Ponyta to Lv. 40
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Level up Ponyta to Lv. 40

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

At full gallop, its four With incredible
hooves barely touch the acceleration, it reaches
ground because it moves its top speed of 150
so incredibly fast. mph after running just
10 steps.


Lv. 40

Ponyta Rapidash

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 079 Dopey Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
1 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
6 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
Water Psychic 11 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
15 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
20 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
25 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
29 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
34 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
39 Slack Off Normal Status — — 10 Self —
43 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
48 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
53 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
57 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 79.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Lagging Tail Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Oblivious ATTACK ●●●
● Own Tempo DEFENSE ●●●

Water 1 No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★ JUMP ★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★☆☆☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Pokémon HeartGold SLOWPOKE Well TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon SoulSilver SLOWPOKE Well TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal —
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal —
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond — TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 205, Eterna City side TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
(use Poké Radar) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 205, Eterna City side TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
(use Poké Radar) TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
It lazes vacantly near A sweet sap leaks from TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
water. If something bites its tail’s tip. Although not TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
its tail, it won’t even nutritious, the tail is TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
notice for a whole day. pleasant to chew on. TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
EVOLUTION TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Lv. 37 HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —


Have it hold Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Slowpoke King’s Rock Slowking Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
and trade it Belly Drum Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Me First Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 080 Hermit Crab Pokémon
1 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
1 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
6 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes — Water Psychic
11 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
15 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
20 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
25 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
29 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
34 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
37 Withdraw Water Status — — 40 Self —
41 Slack Off Normal Status — — 10 Self —
47 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
54 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
61 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
67 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 5’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 173.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: King’s Rock
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — ABILITIES STATS
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self — HP ●●●●
● Oblivious ATTACK ●●●
● Own Tempo DEFENSE ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Water 1
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★☆☆☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold SLOWPOKE Well B2F
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — (water surface)
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver SLOWPOKE Well B2F
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — (water surface)
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Level up Slowpoke to Lv. 37
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum Level up Slowpoke to Lv. 37
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — If the tail-biting SHELLDER Naturally dull to begin
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○ is thrown off in a harsh with, it lost its ability to
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self — battle, it reverts to being feel pain due to SHELLDER’s
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ an ordinary SLOWPOKE. seeping poison.
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — EVOLUTION
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Lv. 37
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Slowbro
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Have it hold
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All — Slowpoke King’s Rock Slowking
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
and trade it
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 081 Magnet Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Metal Sound Steel Status — 85 40 Normal —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
6 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
11 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
Electric Steel 14 SonicBoom Normal Special — 90 20 Normal —
17 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
22 Spark Electric Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
27 Lock-On Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
30 Magnet Bomb Steel Physical 60 — 20 Normal —
33 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
38 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
43 Mirror Shot Steel Special 65 85 10 Normal —
46 Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
49 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
54 Zap Cannon Electric Special 120 50 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’00”
● WEIGHT: 13.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Metal Coat Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

HP ●
● Magnet Pull ATTACK ●●
● Sturdy DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Route 38 TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 38 TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Fuego Ironworks TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
(mass outbreak) TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Fuego Ironworks TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
(mass outbreak) TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Fuego Ironworks TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It is attracted by electro- The units at the sides of
magnetic waves. It may its body generate anti-
approach Trainers if they gravity energy to
are using their Pokégear. keep it aloft in the air.

Level up at Mt. Coronet*

Lv. 30

Magnemite Magneton Magnezone

* Unable to evolve in Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver Version. Transfer from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum Version.

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 082 Magnet Pokémon
1 Tri Attack Normal Special 80 100 10 Normal —
1 Metal Sound Steel Status — 85 40 Normal —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
1 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal — Electric Steel
6 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
11 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
14 SonicBoom Normal Special — 90 20 Normal —
17 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
22 Spark Electric Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
27 Lock-On Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
30 Magnet Bomb Steel Physical 60 — 20 Normal —
34 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
40 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
46 Mirror Shot Steel Special 65 85 10 Normal —
50 Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
54 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
60 Zap Cannon Electric Special 120 50 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 132.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Metal Coat
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●●
● Magnet Pull ATTACK ●●●
● Sturdy DEFENSE ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

TM & HM MOVES Mineral

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Safari Zone (Peak Area)
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Safari Zone (Peak Area)
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon Diamond Level up Magnemite to Lv. 30
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Level up Magnemite to Lv. 30
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Victory Road 2F
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
linked by a strong magnetic united by a magnetism
force. Earaches will occur so powerful, it dries all
if you get too close. moisture in its vicinity.

Level up at Mt. Coronet*

Lv. 30

Magnemite Magneton Magnezone

* Unable to evolve in Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver Version. Transfer from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum Version.

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 083 Wild Duck Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
1 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
Normal Flying 1 Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
7 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
9 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
13 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
19 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
21 Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
25 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
31 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
33 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
37 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —
43 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
45 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’07”
● WEIGHT: 33.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Stick Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —

HP ●●
● Keen Eye ATTACK ●●●
● Inner Focus DEFENSE ●●

Flying TM & HM MOVES

Field No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
SKILL ★★☆ TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Route 38 or Safari Zone TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold (Wetland Area: if Forest TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
objects are placed, may TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
appear in tall grass) TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
Route 38 or Safari Zone TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
(Wetland Area: if Forest TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
objects are placed, may
appear in tall grass) TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Diamond Route 221 (mass outbreak) TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Route 221 (mass outbreak) TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Route 221 (mass outbreak)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

If anyone tries to disturb If it eats the plant stalk
where the essential plant it carries as emergency
stalks grow, it uses its rations, it runs off
own stalk to thwart them. in search of a new stalk.


Does not evolve Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Mirror Move Flying Status — — 20 Depends —
Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
FeatherDance Flying Status — 100 15 Normal —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Covet Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Leaf Blade Grass Physical 90 100 15 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 084 Twin Bird Pokémon
1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
5 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
10 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
14 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○ Normal Flying
19 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
23 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
28 Acupressure Normal Status — — 30 1 Ally —
32 Double Hit Normal Physical 35 90 10 Normal ○
37 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
41 Drill Peck Flying Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
46 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 14.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Black necks Brown necks

HP ●
● Run Away ATTACK ●●●●
● Early Bird DEFENSE ●●

TM & HM MOVES Flying

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ SKILL ★★☆
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Route 28 (morning and
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — afternoon only)
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 28 (morning and
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — afternoon only)
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 201 (mass outbreak)
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Route 201 (mass outbreak)

Pokémon Platinum Route 201 (mass outbreak)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

By alternately raising and It races through grassy
lowering its two heads, it plains with powerful
balances itself to be more strides, leaving footprints
stable while running. up to four inches deep.


Lv. 31
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Doduo Dodrio
Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Mirror Move Flying Status — — 20 Depends —
Brave Bird Flying Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 085 Triple Bird Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
Normal Flying 1 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
5 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
10 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
14 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
19 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
23 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
28 Acupressure Normal Status — — 30 1 Ally —
34 Tri Attack Normal Special 80 100 10 Normal —
41 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
47 Drill Peck Flying Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
54 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 5’11”
● WEIGHT: 187.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Sharp Beak Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —
Black necks Brown necks

HP ●●
● Run Away ATTACK ●●●●●
● Early Bird DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★★ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
SKILL ★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Route 28 (morning and TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
afternoon only)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Route 28 (morning and TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
afternoon only)
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Doduo to Lv. 31 TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Doduo to Lv. 31 TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Level up Doduo to Lv. 31 TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It collects data and plans If one of the heads gets
three times as wisely, but it to eat, the others will be
may think too much and fall satisfied, too, and they
into a state of immobility. will stop squabbling.


Lv. 31

Doduo Dodrio

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 086 Sea Lion Pokémon
1 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
3 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
7 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
11 Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
13 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal — Water
17 Ice Shard Ice Physical 40 100 30 Normal —
21 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
23 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
27 Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 Normal —
31 Aqua Jet Water Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
33 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
37 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
41 Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
43 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
47 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
51 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 100.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Poison Barb
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —


HP ●●
● Thick Fat ATTACK ●●
● Hydration DEFENSE ●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Field
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Whirl Islands
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Whirl Islands
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Route 226 (water surface)
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Find its Egg at the Pokémon
Day Care and hatch it

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Although it can’t walk well In daytime, it is often
on land, it is a graceful found asleep on the
swimmer. It especially seabed in shallow waters.
loves being in frigid seas. Its nostrils close while
it swims.



Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal ○
Perish Song Normal Status — — 5 All — Seel Dewgong
Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
Horn Drill Normal Physical — 30 5 Normal ○
Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Icicle Spear Ice Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 087 Sea Lion Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
1 Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Water Ice 3 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
7 Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
11 Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
13 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
17 Ice Shard Ice Physical 40 100 30 Normal —
21 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
23 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
27 Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 Normal —
31 Aqua Jet Water Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
33 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
34 Sheer Cold Ice Special — 30 5 Normal —
37 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
41 Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
43 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
47 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
51 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 5’07”
● WEIGHT: 264.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Thick Fat ATTACK ●●●
● Hydration DEFENSE ●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Pokémon HeartGold Seafoam Islands B3F TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Seafoam Islands B3F TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Route 226 (water surface) TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl — TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Platinum Victory Road 1F (Route 224 TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
side, water surface) TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Its streamlined body has It loves frigid seas with
little drag in water. The ice floes. It uses its long
colder the temperature, tail to change swimming
the friskier it gets. direction quickly.


Lv. 34

Seel Dewgong

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 088 Sludge Pokémon
1 Poison Gas Poison Status — 55 40 Normal —
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
4 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
7 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
12 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal — Poison
17 Minimize Normal Status — — 20 Self —
20 Sludge Poison Special 65 100 20 Normal —
23 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
28 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
33 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
39 Acid Armor Poison Status — — 40 Self —
44 Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
49 Memento Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 66.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Nugget
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Stench ATTACK ●●●
● Sticky Hold DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Safari Zone (Marshland Area)
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Safari Zone (Marshland Area)
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 212, Pastoria City side
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — (use Poké Radar)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Route 212, Pastoria City side
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — (use Poké Radar)
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum Route 212, Pastoria City side
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally — (use Poké Radar)
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — As it moves, it loses bits Wherever GRIMER has
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○ of its body, from which passed, so many germs
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — new GRIMER emerge. are left behind that no
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — This worsens the stench plants will ever grow again.
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ around it.


Lv. 38
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Haze Ice Status — — 30 All — Grimer Muk
Mean Look Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal ○
Imprison Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Shadow Punch Ghost Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 089 Sludge Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Poison Gas Poison Status — 55 40 Normal —
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Poison 4 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
7 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
12 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
17 Minimize Normal Status — — 20 Self —
20 Sludge Poison Special 65 100 20 Normal —
23 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
28 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
33 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
44 Acid Armor Poison Status — — 40 Self —
54 Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
65 Memento Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 66.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Nugget Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●●●
● Stench ATTACK ●●●●
● Sticky Hold DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★☆☆☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★☆☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★☆☆☆☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Route 17 TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 17 TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Grimer to Lv. 38 TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Grimer to Lv. 38 TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Grimer to Lv. 38 TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
They love to gather in Its body is made of a TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
smelly areas where powerful poison. Touching TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
sludge accumulates, it accidentally will cause TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
making the stench around a fever that requires TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
them worse. bed rest. TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
EVOLUTION TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Lv. 38

Grimer Muk

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 090 Bivalve Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
4 Withdraw Water Status — — 40 Self —
8 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
13 Icicle Spear Ice Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
16 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — Water
20 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
25 Clamp Water Physical 35 75 10 Normal ○
28 Ice Shard Ice Physical 40 100 30 Normal —
32 Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 Normal —
37 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
40 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
44 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
49 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 8.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Pearl
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Big Pearl
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —


HP ●
● Shell Armor ATTACK ●●●
● Skill Link DEFENSE ●●●●

Water 3
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold New Bark Town (Good Rod)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver New Bark Town (Good Rod)
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Route 205 (Super Rod)
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 205 (Super Rod)
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 205 (Super Rod)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It swims facing backward Grains of sand trapped
by opening and closing in its shells mix with its
its two-piece shell. It is body fluids to form
surprisingly fast. beautiful pearls.

Use Water Stone

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Shellder Cloyster
BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
Barrier Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal ○
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Icicle Spear Ice Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —
Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 091 Bivalve Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Toxic Spikes Poison Status — — 20 —
1 Withdraw Water Status — — 40 —
1 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 —
1 Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 —
Water Ice 1 Protect Normal Status — — 10 —
28 Spikes Ground Status — — 20 —
40 Spike Cannon Normal Physical 20 100 15 —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 4’11”
● WEIGHT: 292.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —


HP ●●
● Shell Armor ATTACK ●●●●
● Skill Link DEFENSE ●●●●●●

Water 3
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Use Water Stone on Shellder TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Use Water Stone on Shellder TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Use Water Stone on Shellder TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Use Water Stone on Shellder TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Use Water Stone on Shellder TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
Once it slams its shell CLOYSTER that live in seas
shut, it is impossible to with harsh tidal currents
open, even by those with grow large, sharp
superior strength. spikes on their shells.

Use Water Stone

Shellder Cloyster

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 092 Gas Pokémon
1 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
1 Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal ○
5 Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
8 Mean Look Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
12 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self — Ghost Poison
15 Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —
19 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
22 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
26 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
29 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
33 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
36 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
40 Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
43 Nightmare Ghost Status — 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 4’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 0.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○ ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
HP ●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●
SPEED ●●●●
TM & HM MOVES Amorphous
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — PERFORMANCE
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★ JUMP ★★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★★
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Sprout Tower (night only)
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Sprout Tower (night only)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Old Chateau
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Old Chateau
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum Old Chateau
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — With its gas-like body, it Its body is made of gas.
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — can sneak into any place Despite lacking substance,
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — it desires. However, it can it can envelop an opponent
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All — be blown away by wind. of any size and cause

Trade it


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Psywave Psychic Special — 80 15 Normal —
Perish Song Normal Status — — 5 All — Gastly Haunter Gengar
Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
Grudge Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 093 Gas Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
1 Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal ○
1 Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
5 Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Ghost Poison 8 Mean Look Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
12 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
15 Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —
19 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
22 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
25 Shadow Punch Ghost Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
28 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
33 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
39 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
44 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
50 Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
55 Nightmare Ghost Status — 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 5’03”
● WEIGHT: 0.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
HP ●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●
SPEED ●●●●
Amorphous TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★ JUMP ★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Safari Zone (Forest Area) TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Safari Zone (Forest Area) TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Turnback Cave TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Turnback Cave TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Turnback Cave TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
In total darkness, Its tongue is made of gas. TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
where nothing is visible, If licked, its victim starts TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
shaking constantly TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
HAUNTER lurks, silently
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
stalking its next victim. until death eventually TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
comes. TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Trade it

Lv. 25

Gastly Haunter Gengar

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 094 Shadow Pokémon
1 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
1 Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal ○
1 Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
5 Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
8 Mean Look Normal Status — — 5 Normal — Ghost Poison
12 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
15 Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —
19 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
22 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
25 Shadow Punch Ghost Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
28 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
33 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
39 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
44 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
50 Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
55 Nightmare Ghost Status — 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 89.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○ ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
HP ●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●●
SPEED ●●●●●
TM & HM MOVES Amorphous
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★★★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Link trade Haunter
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Link trade Haunter
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — Old Chateau 2F, 2nd room
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
from right (after obtaining the
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
National Pokédex, insert
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Ruby into your
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends — Old Chateau 2F, 2nd room
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — from right (after obtaining the
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl National Pokédex, insert
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Ruby into your
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal — Old Chateau 2F, 2nd room
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — from right (after obtaining the
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon Platinum National Pokédex, insert
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon Ruby into your
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○ Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — It steals heat from its To steal the life of its
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — surroundings. If you feel a target, it slips into the
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○ sudden chill, it is certain prey’s shadow and
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — that a GENGAR appeared. silently waits for an
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — opportunity.
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ EVOLUTION
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Trade it

Lv. 25

Gastly Haunter Gengar

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 095 Rock Snake Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Bind Normal Physical 15 75 20 Normal ○
Rock Ground 6 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
9 Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90 15 Normal —
14 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
17 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
22 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
25 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
30 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
33 DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal —
38 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
41 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
46 Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
49 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
54 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 28’10”
● WEIGHT: 463.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —

HP ●
● Rock Head ATTACK ●●
● Sturdy DEFENSE ●●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★ JUMP ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Union Cave (night only) TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Union Cave (night only) TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Oreburgh Mine B1F TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon Pearl Oreburgh Mine B1F TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Oreburgh Mine B1F TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
It twists and squirms It rapidly bores through TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
through the ground. the ground at 50 mph by TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
The thunderous roar of squirming and twisting its TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
its tunneling echoes a massive, rugged body. HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
long way. HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Have it hold Metal Coat
and trade it

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Onix Steelix Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 096 Hypnosis Pokémon
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
7 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
9 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
15 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○ Psychic
18 Poison Gas Poison Status — 55 40 Normal —
21 Meditate Psychic Status — — 40 Self —
26 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
29 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
32 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
37 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
40 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
43 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
50 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
53 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 132.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Metal Coat
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal —

HP ●●
● Insomnia ATTACK ●●
● Forewarn DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★☆
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Route 34
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Route 34
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Route 215 (mass outbreak)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl Route 215 (mass outbreak)
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum Route 215 (mass outbreak)
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — If you think that you had a It remembers every dream
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — good dream but you can’t it eats. It rarely eats the
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — remember it, a DROWZEE dreams of adults because
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — has probably eaten it. children’s are much tastier.
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All — EVOLUTION

Lv. 26
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Drowzee Hypno
Barrier Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
Assist Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
Flatter Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Psycho Cut Psychic Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Guard Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 097 Hypnosis Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Nightmare Ghost Status — 100 15 Normal —
1 Switcheroo Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
Psychic 1 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
7 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
9 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
15 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
18 Poison Gas Poison Status — 55 40 Normal —
21 Meditate Psychic Status — — 40 Self —
28 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
33 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
38 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
45 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
50 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
55 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
64 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
69 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
● SIZE COMPARISON Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 5’03”
● WEIGHT: 166.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Shorter mane Longer mane Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●●
● Insomnia ATTACK ●●●
● Forewarn DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★ TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Safari Zone (Swamp Area, TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
night only) TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Safari Zone (Swamp Area, TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
night only) TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Drowzee to Lv. 26 TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Drowzee to Lv. 26 TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Drowzee to Lv. 26 TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
When it is very hungry, it Always holding a TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
puts humans it meets to pendulum that it swings TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
sleep, then it feasts on at a steady rhythm, it TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
their dreams. causes drowsiness in TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
anyone nearby. TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
EVOLUTION TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Lv. 26

Drowzee Hypno

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 098 River Crab Pokémon
1 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
1 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
5 ViceGrip Normal Physical 55 100 30 Normal ○
9 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
11 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self — Water
15 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
19 Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —
21 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
25 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
29 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
31 Guillotine Normal Physical — 30 5 Normal ○
35 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
39 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
41 Crabhammer Water Physical 90 85 10 Normal ○
45 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 14.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

HP ●
● Hyper Cutter ATTACK ●●●●
● Shell Armor DEFENSE ●●●●
TM & HM MOVES Water 3
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★☆☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Whirl Islands
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Whirl Islands
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Route 226 (mass outbreak)
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — Pokémon Pearl Route 226 (mass outbreak)
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Platinum Route 226 (mass outbreak)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ If it senses danger The pincers break off
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — approaching, it cloaks easily. If it loses a pincer,
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ itself with bubbles it somehow becomes
from its mouth so it will incapable of walking
look bigger. sideways.



Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Haze Ice Status 30 All —
Amnesia Psychic Status 20 Self — Krabby Kingler
Flail Normal Physical 100 15 Normal ○
Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Swords Dance Normal Status 30 Self —
Tickle Normal Status 100 20 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Agility Psychic Status 30 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 099 Pincer Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
1 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
1 ViceGrip Normal Physical 55 100 30 Normal ○
5 ViceGrip Normal Physical 55 100 30 Normal ○
Water 9 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
11 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
15 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
19 Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —
21 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
25 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
32 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
37 Guillotine Normal Physical — 30 5 Normal ○
44 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
51 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
56 Crabhammer Water Physical 90 85 10 Normal ○
63 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 4’03”
● WEIGHT: 132.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

HP ●●
● Hyper Cutter ATTACK ●●●●●
● Shell Armor DEFENSE ●●●●●
Water 3
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
SKILL ★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Cliff Cave TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Cliff Cave TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Level up Krabby to Lv. 28 TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Krabby to Lv. 28 TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Krabby to Lv. 28 TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
It can hardly lift its Its pincers grow HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
massive, overgrown peculiarly large. If it HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
pincer. The pincer’s lifts the pincers too HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
size makes it difficult to fast, it loses its balance HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
aim properly. and staggers.


Lv. 28

Krabby Kingler

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 100 Ball Pokémon
1 Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self —
5 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
8 SonicBoom Normal Special — 90 20 Normal —
12 Spark Electric Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
15 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○ Electric
19 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
22 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
26 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
29 Selfdestruct Normal Physical 200 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
33 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
36 Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
40 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
43 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
47 Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 22.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●
● Soundproof ATTACK ●
● Static DEFENSE ●●

TM & HM MOVES Mineral

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Route 10
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 10
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Route 218 (mass outbreak)
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Pearl Route 218 (mass outbreak)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Route 218 (mass outbreak)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It rolls to move. If the It was discovered when
ground is uneven, a sudden Poké Balls were introduced.
jolt from hitting a bump It is said that there is
can cause it to explode. some connection.


Lv. 30

Voltorb Electrode

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 101 Ball Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 SonicBoom Normal Special — 90 20 Normal —
1 Spark Electric Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
Electric 5 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
8 SonicBoom Normal Special — 90 20 Normal —
12 Spark Electric Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
15 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
19 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
22 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
26 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
29 Selfdestruct Normal Physical 200 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
35 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
40 Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
46 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
51 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
57 Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 146.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Soundproof ATTACK ●●
● Static DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Team Rocket’s HQ TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
(story event) TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Team Rocket’s HQ TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
(story event) TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Level up Voltorb to Lv. 30 TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Level up Voltorb to Lv. 30 TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Voltorb to Lv. 30 TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It is dangerous. If it has too It stores an overflowing
much electricity and has amount of electric energy
nothing to do, it amuses inside its body. Even a small
itself by exploding. shock makes it explode.


Lv. 30

Voltorb Electrode

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 102 Egg Pokémon
1 Barrage Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal —
1 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
1 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
7 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
11 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal — Grass Psychic
17 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
19 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
21 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
23 Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
27 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
33 Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
37 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
43 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
47 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 5.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — SKILL ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold New Bark Town
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — (use Headbutt)
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver New Bark Town
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — (use Headbutt)
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Pastoria Great Marsh
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond (after obtaining the National
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal — Pokédex (changes daily)
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — Pastoria Great Marsh
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl (after obtaining the National
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokédex (changes daily)
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
Pastoria Great Marsh
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum (after obtaining the National
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokédex (changes daily)
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
Their shells are very Using telepathy only they
durable. Even if they crack, can employ, they always
they can survive without form a cluster of six
spilling their contents. EXEGGCUTE.

Use Leaf Stone

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Moonlight Normal Status — — 5 Self —
Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self — Exeggcute Exeggutor
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Nature Power Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
Lucky Chant Normal Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —
Power Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 103 Coconut Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
1 Barrage Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal —
1 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
Grass Psychic 1 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
17 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
27 Egg Bomb Normal Physical 100 75 10 Normal —
37 Wood Hammer Grass Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
47 Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 6’07”
● WEIGHT: 264.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●●●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Use the Leaf Stone TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
on Exeggcute TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Use the Leaf Stone TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
on Exeggcute TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Use the Leaf Stone TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
on Exeggcute TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Use the Leaf Stone TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
on Exeggcute TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Use the Leaf Stone TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
on Exeggcute TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
Its three heads think If a head drops off, it TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
independently. However, emits a telepathic call in TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
they are friendly and search of others to form TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
never appear to squabble. an EXEGGCUTE cluster. TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Use Leaf Stone

Exeggcute Exeggutor

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 104 Lonely Pokémon
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
3 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
7 Bone Club Ground Physical 65 85 20 Normal —
11 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
13 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes — Ground
17 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
21 Bonemerang Ground Physical 50 90 10 Normal —
23 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
27 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
31 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○
33 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
37 Bone Rush Ground Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
41 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
43 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 14.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Thick Club
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
HP ●●
● Rock Head ATTACK ●●
● Lightningrod DEFENSE ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆☆☆ JUMP ★★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Safari Zone (Desert Area,
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
morning and afternoon only)
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Safari Zone (Desert Area,
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — morning and afternoon only)
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Route 203 (mass outbreak)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 203 (mass outbreak)
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum Route 203 (mass outbreak)
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — If it is sad or lonely, the It always wears the skull
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — skull it wears shakes of its dead mother, so no
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — and emits a plaintive and one has any idea what its
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ mournful sound. hidden face looks like.
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Lv. 28
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Cubone Marowak
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Belly Drum Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Skull Bash Normal Physical 100 100 15 Normal ○
Perish Song Normal Status — — 5 All —
Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Detect Fighting Status — — 5 Self —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 105 Bone Keeper Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Bone Club Ground Physical 65 85 20 Normal —
1 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Ground 3 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
7 Bone Club Ground Physical 65 85 20 Normal —
11 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
13 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
17 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
21 Bonemerang Ground Physical 50 90 10 Normal —
23 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
27 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
33 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○
37 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
43 Bone Rush Ground Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
49 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
53 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 99.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Thick Club Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal —
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal ○
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
ABILITIES STATS Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
HP ●●
● Rock Head ATTACK ●●●
● Lightningrod DEFENSE ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Desert Area, TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon HeartGold TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
morning and afternoon only)
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Desert Area, TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
morning and afternoon only)
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Cubone to Lv. 28 TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Cubone to Lv. 28 TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Level up Cubone to Lv. 28 TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
It has been seen pounding It collects bones from an TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
boulders with the bone it unknown place. Some TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
carries in order to tap out whisper that a MAROWAK TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
messages to others. graveyard exists TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
somewhere in the world. TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
EVOLUTION HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Lv. 28

Cubone Marowak

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 106 Kicking Pokémon
1 Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
1 Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal ○
5 Meditate Psychic Status — — 40 Self —
9 Rolling Kick Fighting Physical 60 85 15 Normal ○
13 Jump Kick Fighting Physical 85 95 25 Normal ○ Fighting
17 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
21 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
25 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
29 Hi Jump Kick Fighting Physical 100 90 20 Normal ○
33 Mind Reader Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
37 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
41 Blaze Kick Fire Physical 85 90 10 Normal ○
45 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
49 Mega Kick Normal Physical 120 75 5 Normal ○
53 Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
57 Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 109.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE FORM
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Limber ATTACK ●●●●●
● Reckless DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○ PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Make Tyrogue’s Attack higher
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold than its Defense, then level it
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ up to Lv. 20
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Make Tyrogue’s Attack higher
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver than its Defense, then level it
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — up to Lv. 20
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Make Tyrogue’s Attack higher
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond than its Defense, then level it
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal — up to Lv. 20
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Make Tyrogue’s Attack higher
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl than its Defense, then level it
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — up to Lv. 20
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○ Make Tyrogue’s Attack higher
Pokémon Platinum than its Defense, then level it
up to Lv. 20

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

This amazing Pokémon If it starts kicking
has an awesome sense repeatedly, both legs will
of balance. It can kick in stretch even longer to
succession from any strike a fleeing foe.

Attack is
Lv. 20 higher than Hitmonlee

Defense is
Lv. 20 higher than Hitmonchan
Attack and
Lv. 20 Defense are Hitmontop
the same

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 107 Punching Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
1 Comet Punch Normal Physical 18 85 15 Normal ○
6 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
11 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
Fighting 16 Mach Punch Fighting Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
16 Bullet Punch Steel Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
21 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
26 Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
31 ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
31 Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
31 Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
36 Sky Uppercut Fighting Physical 85 90 15 Normal ○
41 Mega Punch Normal Physical 80 85 20 Normal ○
46 Detect Fighting Status — — 5 Self —
51 Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
56 Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’07”
● WEIGHT: 110.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
● MALE FORM Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Keen Eye ATTACK ●●●●
● Iron Fist DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★ TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Make Tyrogue’s Defense TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon HeartGold higher than its Attack, then TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
level it up to Lv. 20 TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Make Tyrogue’s Defense TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver higher than its Attack, then TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
level it up to Lv. 20 TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
Make Tyrogue’s Defense TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond higher than its Attack, then TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
level it up to Lv. 20 TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Make Tyrogue’s Defense TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Pearl higher than its Attack, then TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
level it up to Lv. 20 TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Make Tyrogue’s Defense HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum higher than its Attack, then
level it up to Lv. 20

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Its punches slice the air. Its punches slice the air.
However, it seems to need They are launched at such
a short break after high speed, even a slight
fighting for three minutes. graze could cause a burn.

Attack is
Lv. 20 higher than Hitmonlee

Defense is
Lv. 20 higher than Hitmonchan
Attack and
Lv. 20 Defense are Hitmontop
the same

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 108 Licking Pokémon
1 Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal ○
5 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
9 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
13 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
17 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○ Normal
21 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
25 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
29 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
33 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
37 Me First Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
41 Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
45 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
49 Power Whip Grass Physical 120 85 10 Normal ○
53 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 144.4 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Lagging Tail
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○

HP ●●●
● Own Tempo ATTACK ●●
● Oblivious DEFENSE ●●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA SPEED ●
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — Monster
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon HeartGold Route 44
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Route 44
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — Pokémon Diamond Lake Valor (mass outbreak)
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Lake Valor (mass outbreak)
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Route 215
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Its tongue has well- Its long tongue, slathered
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — developed nerves that run with a gooey saliva,
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — to the very tip, so it can be sticks to anything,
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — deftly manipulated.
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
so it is very useful.
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — EVOLUTION
teach it Rollout. Or, level it
up once it knows Rollout.
Level it up to Lv. 33 and

HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Belly Drum Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Magnitude Ground Physical — 100 30 2 Foes/1 Ally — Lickitung Lickilicky
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
SmellingSalt Normal Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90 10 Normal ○
Muddy Water Water Special 95 85 10 2 Foes —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 109 Poison Gas Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Poison Gas Poison Status — 55 40 Normal —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
6 Smog Poison Special 20 70 20 Normal —
10 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Poison 15 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
19 Selfdestruct Normal Physical 200 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
24 Sludge Poison Special 65 100 20 Normal —
28 Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
33 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
37 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
42 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
46 Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
51 Memento Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 2.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Smoke Ball Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —


HP ●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●●
Amorphous TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Burned Tower TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Burned Tower TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Find its Egg at the Pokémon TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Day Care and hatch it TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Find its Egg at the Pokémon TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
Day Care and hatch it TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Stark Mountain interior 2
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
In total darkness, The poisonous gases it TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
where nothing is visible, contains are a little bit
HAUNTER lurks, silently lighter than air, keeping it
stalking its next victim. slightly airborne.



Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Koffing Weezing Psywave Psychic Special — 80 15 Normal —
Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
Grudge Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 110 Poison Gas Pokémon
1 Poison Gas Poison Status — 55 40 Normal —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Smog Poison Special 20 70 20 Normal —
1 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
6 Smog Poison Special 20 70 20 Normal — Poison
10 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
15 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
19 Selfdestruct Normal Physical 200 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
24 Sludge Poison Special 65 100 20 Normal —
28 Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
33 Double Hit Normal Physical 35 90 10 Normal ○
40 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
48 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
55 Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
63 Memento Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 20.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Smoke Ball
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —


HP ●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●●●
TM & HM MOVES Amorphous
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — PERFORMANCE
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Safari Zon e (Marshland Area,
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — morning and afternoon only)
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Safari Zon e (Marshland Area,
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — morning and afternoon only)
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 227
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
Route 227
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 227
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — If one of the twin KOFFING
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Top-grade perfume is
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — inflates, the other one made using its internal
deflates. It constantly poison gases by diluting
mixes its poisonous gases. them to the highest level.


Lv. 35

Koffing Weezing

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 111 Spikes Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Horn Attack Normal Physical 65 100 25 Normal ○
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
9 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
13 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
Ground Rock 21 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
25 Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
33 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
37 Horn Drill Normal Physical — 30 5 Normal ○
45 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
49 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
57 Megahorn Bug Physical 120 85 10 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 253.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Longer horn Shorter horn AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Lightningrod ATTACK ●●●●
● Rock Head DEFENSE ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆☆☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Victory Road TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Victory Road TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pokémon Diamond Route 227 TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 227 TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Route 227 TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
It is inept at turning It doesn’t care if there is TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
because of its four short anything in its way. It just TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
legs. It can only charge charges and destroys all TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
and run in one direction. obstacles. TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
EVOLUTION HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Protector and trade it

HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
Have it hold

Lv. 42
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Rhyhorn Rhydon Rhyperior Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
Magnitude Ground Physical — 100 30 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Crush Claw Normal Physical 75 95 10 Normal ○
Dragon Rush Dragon Physical 100 75 10 Normal ○
Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
Skull Bash Normal Physical 100 100 15 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 112 Drill Pokémon
1 Horn Attack Normal Physical 65 100 25 Normal ○
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
1 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
9 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○ Ground Rock
13 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
21 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
25 Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
33 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
37 Horn Drill Normal Physical — 30 5 Normal ○
42 Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90 10 Normal ○
45 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
49 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
57 Megahorn Bug Physical 120 85 10 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 6’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 264.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — Longer horn Shorter horn
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○ ABILITIES STATS
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○ HP ●●●●
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○ ● Lightningrod ATTACK ●●●●●
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal — ● Rock Head DEFENSE ●●●●●
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal — SP. ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ Safari Zone (Savannah Area:
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold if Rock objects are placed,
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Safari Zone (Savannah Area:
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver if Rock objects are placed,
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — may appear in tall grass)
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 227
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Route 227
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Victory Road 1F
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self — Its rugged hide protects it Its brain developed when it
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal — from even the heat of lava. began walking on hind legs.
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○ However, the hide also Its thick hide protects it
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — makes it insensitive. even in magma.
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — EVOLUTION
Protector and trade it

TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —

TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
Have it hold

TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —

TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Lv. 42
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — Rhyhorn Rhydon Rhyperior
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 113 Egg Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
5 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
9 Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Normal 12 Softboiled Normal Status — — 10 Self —
16 DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal ○
20 Minimize Normal Status — — 20 Self —
23 Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
27 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
31 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
34 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
38 Egg Bomb Normal Physical 100 75 10 Normal —
42 Healing Wish Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
46 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
● HEIGHT: 3’07” ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
● WEIGHT: 76.3 lbs. Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
● ITEMS: Oval Stone Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Lucky Egg Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● FEMALE FORM Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○

STATS No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
HP ●●●●●● TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
● Natural Cure ATTACK ● TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
● Serene Grace DEFENSE ● TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
SP. ATTACK ● TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SP. DEFENSE ●●●● TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
EGG GROUPS SPEED ●● TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
Fairy TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
PERFORMANCE TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★☆☆☆ JUMP ★★★ TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
SKILL ★☆☆☆ TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Route 13 or level up TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Happiny while it holds the TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Oval Stone between 4:00 A .M. TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
and 8:00 P.M. TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Route 13 or level up TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Happiny while it holds the TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Oval Stone between 4:00 A .M.
and 8:00 P.M. TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Route 13 or level up TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Happiny while it holds the TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Oval Stone between 4:00 A .M.
and 8:00 P.M. TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Route 13 or level up TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Pearl Happiny while it holds the TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Oval Stone between 4:00 A .M. TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
and 8:00 P.M. TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Route 13 or level up TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Happiny while it holds the TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Oval Stone between 4:00 A .M. TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
and 8:00 P.M. TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
It walks carefully to Being few in number and TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
prevent its egg from difficult to capture, it is TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
breaking. However, it is said to bring happiness TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
extremely fast at to the Trainer who TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
running away. catches it. TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
then level it up between
4:00 A .M. and 8:00 P.M.

Level up with high
Oval Stone and

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

Have it hold


Present Normal Physical — 90 15 Normal —

Metronome Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Aromatherapy Grass Status — — 5 All Allies —
Happiny Chansey Blissey Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 114 Vine Pokémon
1 Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
1 Constrict Normal Physical 10 100 35 Normal ○
5 Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
8 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
12 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self — Grass
15 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
19 Vine Whip Grass Physical 35 100 15 Normal ○
22 Bind Normal Physical 15 75 20 Normal ○
26 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
29 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
33 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
36 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
40 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
43 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
47 Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
50 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal ○
54 Power Whip Grass Physical 120 85 10 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 77.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●
● Leaf Guard DEFENSE ●●●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★★
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Route 44
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Route 44
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Pearl
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —

TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Pastoria Great Marsh
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ The vines that cloak its It tangles any moving
entire body are always thing with its vines. Their
jiggling. They effectively subtle shaking is ticklish
unnerve its foes. if you get ensnared.

teach it AncientPower. Or,
level it up once it knows
Level it up to Lv. 33 and


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Tangela Tangrowth
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
Nature Power Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —
Power Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 115 Parent Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Comet Punch Normal Physical 18 85 15 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
7 Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
10 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
Normal 13 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
19 Mega Punch Normal Physical 80 85 20 Normal ○
22 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
25 Dizzy Punch Normal Physical 70 100 10 Normal ○
31 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
34 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
37 Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
43 Double Hit Normal Physical 35 90 10 Normal ○
46 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
49 Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● SIZE COMPARISON Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 7’03” Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
● WEIGHT: 176.4 lbs. ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
● ITEMS: None Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● FEMALE FORM Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○


HP ●●●●
● Early Bird ATTACK ●●●● No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
● Scrappy DEFENSE ●●● TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
SP. ATTACK ●● TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
SP. DEFENSE ●●● TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
EGG GROUPS SPEED ●●●● TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
Monster TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
PERFORMANCE TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
SKILL ★★☆☆
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon HeartGold Safari Zone (Wasteland Area, TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
morning and afternoon only) TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Safari Zone (Wasteland Area, TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
morning and afternoon only) TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pastoria Great Marsh TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond (after obtaining the National TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokédex / changes daily) TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pastoria Great Marsh TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl (after obtaining the National TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Pokédex / changes daily) TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
Pastoria Great Marsh TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum (after obtaining the National TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokédex / changes daily) TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
If it is safe, the young gets To protect its young, it will TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
out of the belly pouch to never give up during HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
play. The adult keeps a battle, no matter how HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
close eye on the youngster. badly wounded it is. HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
Does not evolve Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
Crush Claw Normal Physical 75 95 10 Normal ○
Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90 10 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 116 Dragon Pokémon
1 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
4 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
8 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
11 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
14 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self — Water
18 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
23 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
26 Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
30 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
35 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
38 Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —
42 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 17.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Dragon Scale
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○ ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●●
● Sniper DEFENSE ●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Dragon
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★☆☆☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Whirl Islands (water surface)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Whirl Islands (water surface)
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Diamond Route 226 (Good Rod)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 226 (Good Rod)
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Route 226 (Good Rod)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

If attacked by a larger Its big, developed fins
enemy, it quickly swims move rapidly, allowing it
to safety by adeptly to swim backward while
controlling its well- still facing forward.
developed dorsal fin.

Have it hold Dragon Scale
and trade it


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○ Horsea Seadra Kingdra
Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Octazooka Water Special 65 85 10 Normal —
Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Dragon Rage Dragon Special — 100 10 Normal —
DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Razor Wind Normal Special 80 100 10 2 Foes —
Muddy Water Water Special 95 85 10 2 Foes —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 117 Dragon Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
1 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
Water 4 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
8 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
11 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
14 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
18 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
23 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
26 Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
30 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
40 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
48 Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —
57 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 55.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Dragon Scale Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 20 2 Foes —
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Poison Point ATTACK ●●●
● Sniper DEFENSE ●●●●

Water 1
Dragon No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Whirl Islands, entrance to the TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Waterfall Basin (water surface) TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Whirl Islands, entrance to the TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Waterfall Basin (water surface) TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 226 (Super Rod) TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 226 (Super Rod) TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon Platinum Route 226 (Super Rod) HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

An examination of its cells Its fin-tips leak poison. Its
revealed the presence of a fins and bones are highly
gene not found in HORSEA. valued as ingredients in
It became a hot topic. herbal medicine.

Have it hold Dragon Scale
and trade it

Lv. 32

Horsea Seadra Kingdra

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 118 Goldfish Pokémon
1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
7 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
11 Horn Attack Normal Physical 65 100 25 Normal ○ Water
17 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
21 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
27 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
31 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
37 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
41 Horn Drill Normal Physical — 30 5 Normal ○
47 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
51 Megahorn Bug Physical 120 85 10 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 33.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○ ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
Longer horn Shorter horn

HP ●●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●●●
● Water Veil DEFENSE ●●

Water 2
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold SLOWPOKE Well (Old Rod)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver SLOWPOKE Well (Old Rod)
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 203 (Good Rod)
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon Pearl Route 203 (Good Rod)
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon Platinum Route 203 (Good Rod)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Its dorsal, pectoral and A strong swimmer, it is
tail fins wave elegantly capable of swimming
in water. That is why it nonstop up fast streams
is known as the water at a steady speed of fi ve
dancer. knots per hour.


Lv. 33
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal — Goldeen Seaking
Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 119 Goldfish Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
Water 1 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
7 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
11 Horn Attack Normal Physical 65 100 25 Normal ○
17 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
21 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
27 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
31 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
40 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
47 Horn Drill Normal Physical — 30 5 Normal ○
56 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
63 Megahorn Bug Physical 120 85 10 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 4’03”
● WEIGHT: 86.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
Longer horn Shorter horn

HP ●●●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●●●●
● Water Veil DEFENSE ●●●

Water 2
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Route 42 (water surface) TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 42 (water surface) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Route 203 (Super Rod) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Route 203 (Super Rod) TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 203 (Super Rod) HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Using its horn, it bores
During spawning season, holes in riverbed boulders,
SEAKING gather from all making nests to
over, causing rivers to prevent its eggs from
appear a brilliant red. washing away.


Lv. 33

Goldeen Seaking

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 120 Star Shape Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
6 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
10 Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal ○
15 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self — Water
19 Camouflage Normal Status — — 20 Self —
24 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
28 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
33 Minimize Normal Status — — 20 Self —
37 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
42 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
46 Power Gem Rock Special 70 100 20 Normal —
51 Cosmic Power Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
55 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 76.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Stardust
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Star Piece
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — ● GENDER UNKNOWN
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●
● Illuminate ATTACK ●●
● Natural Cure DEFENSE ●●

Water 3
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Cherrygrove City
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — (Good Rod, night only)
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Cherrygrove City
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — (Good Rod, night only)
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Canalave City (Super Rod)
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Canalave City (Super Rod)
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Platinum Canalave City (Super Rod)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — At night, the middle of its Even if its body is torn, it
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — body slowly flickers with can regenerate as long as
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
the same rhythm as a the glowing central core
human heartbeat. remains intact.

Use Water Stone

Staryu Starmie

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 121 Mysterious Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
1 Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal ○
1 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
1 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Water Psychic 28 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’07”
● WEIGHT: 176.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●
● Illuminate ATTACK ●●●
● Natural Cure DEFENSE ●●●

Water 3
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
POWER ★★☆☆☆ JUMP ★★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Pokémon HeartGold Use Water Stone on Staryu TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Use Water Stone on Staryu TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Use Water Stone on Staryu TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Use Water Stone on Staryu TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Use Water Stone on Staryu TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Regardless of the TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
The middle section of its TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
body is called the core. It environment it lives in, TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
glows in a different color its body grows to form a TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
each time it is seen. symmetrical geometric TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
shape. TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
EVOLUTION HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Use Water Stone

Staryu Starmie

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 122 Barrier Pokémon
Mr. Mime
1 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
1 Power Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
1 Guard Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
1 Barrier Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal — Psychic
4 Copycat Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
8 Meditate Psychic Status — — 40 Self —
11 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
15 DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal ○
18 Mimic Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
22 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
22 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
25 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
29 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
32 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
36 Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
39 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
43 Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
46 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self
50 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’03”
● WEIGHT: 120.1 lbs.
● ITEMS: Leppa Berry
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — STATS
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self — HP ●
● Soundproof ATTACK ●●
TM & HM MOVES ● Filter DEFENSE ●●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA SP. DEFENSE ●●●●●
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○ SPEED ●●●●
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — Human-Like
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — PERFORMANCE
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
SKILL ★★★★☆
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Celadon Game Corner prize
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — (3,333 Coins)
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — Pokémon SoulSilver Celadon Game Corner prize
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — (3,333 Coins)
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Route 218
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Level up Mime Jr. to Lv. 18
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
and have it learn Mimic, or
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — level it up once it knows Mimic
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Route 218
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — A skilled mime from birth,
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — Its fingertips emit a
it gains the ability to peculiar force field that
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
create invisible objects hardens air to create an
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — as it matures. actual wall.
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal —
teach it Mimic. Or, level it

up once it knows Mimic.

TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal

Level it up to Lv. 18 and

TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal — Mime Jr. Mr. Mime
Mimic Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
Teeter Dance Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 123 Mantis Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
5 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Bug Flying 9 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
13 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
17 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
21 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal ○
25 Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
29 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
33 Razor Wind Normal Special 80 100 10 2 Foes —
37 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
41 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
45 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
49 Double Hit Normal Physical 35 90 10 Normal ○
53 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —
57 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
61 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’11”
● WEIGHT: 123.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Shorter abdomen Longer abdomen

HP ●●●
● Swarm ATTACK ●●●●●
● Technician DEFENSE ●●●
SPEED ●●●●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★☆☆ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Bug-Catching Contest at the TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
National Park TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Bug-Catching Contest at the TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
National Park TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Route 229 TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pokémon Pearl — TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 210 TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

It slashes through grass When it moves, it leaves

with its sharp scythes, only a blur. If it hides in
moving too fast for the grass, its protective
human eye to track. coloration makes it

Have it hold Metal Coat
and trade it

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
Scyther Scizor Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Razor Wind Normal Special 80 100 10 2 Foes —
Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Bug Buzz Bug Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 124 Human Shape Pokémon
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal ○
1 Lovely Kiss Normal Status — 75 10 Normal —
1 Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100 25 2 Foes —
5 Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal ○ Ice Psychic
8 Lovely Kiss Normal Status — 75 10 Normal —
11 Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100 25 2 Foes —
15 DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal ○
18 Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
21 Mean Look Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
25 Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
28 Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
33 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
39 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
44 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal ○
49 Perish Song Normal Status — — 5 All —
55 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 89.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Aspear Berry
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — ● FEMALE FORM
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Oblivious ATTACK ●●●●
● Forewarn DEFENSE ●●●●●
TM & HM MOVES Human-Like
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SKILL ★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Ice Path
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Ice Path
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — Pokémon Diamond Level up Smoochum to Lv. 30
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Level up Smoochum to Lv. 30
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Snowpoint Temple B1F
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self — It rocks its body
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
It speaks a language
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — rhythmically. It appears to similar to that of humans.
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○ alter the rhythm depending However, it seems to use
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — on how it is feeling. dancing to communicate.
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — EVOLUTION
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Lv. 30

Smoochum Jynx

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 125 Electric Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
7 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Electric 10 Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
16 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
19 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
25 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
28 ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
37 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
43 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
52 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
58 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’07”
● WEIGHT: 66.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Static ATTACK ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Route 10 TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Phys ical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 10 TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Elekid to Lv. 30 TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Elekid to Lv. 30 TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Route 222 TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Electricity runs across Its body constantly TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
the surface of its body. In discharges electricity. HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
darkness, its entire Getting close to it will make HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
body glows a whitish-blue. your hair stand on end. HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Electirizer and trade it
Have it hold

Lv. 30

Elekid Electabuzz Electivire

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 126 Spitfire Pokémon
1 Smog Poison Special 20 70 20 Normal —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
7 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
10 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Fire
16 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
19 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —
25 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
28 Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
36 Lava Plume Fire Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
41 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
49 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
54 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 98.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Flame Body ATTACK ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○ PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Burned Tower B1F
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Burned Tower B1F
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Level up Magby to Lv. 30
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Level up Magby to Lv. 30
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Platinum Fuego Ironworks
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
It dislikes cold places, so The fiery surface of its
it blows scorching flames body gives off a wavering,
to make the environment rippling glare that is
suitable for itself. similar to the sun.

Magmarizer and trade it
Have it hold

Lv. 30

Magby Magmar Magmortar

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 127 Stag Beetle Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 ViceGrip Normal Physical 55 100 30 Normal ○
1 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
4 Bind Normal Physical 15 75 20 Normal ○
8 Seismic Toss Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Bug 13 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
18 Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
21 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
25 Vital Throw Fighting Physical 70 — 10 Normal ○
30 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
35 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○
38 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
42 Submission Fighting Physical 80 80 25 Normal ○
47 Guillotine Normal Physical — 30 5 Normal ○
52 Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’11”
● WEIGHT: 121.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —


HP ●●
● Hyper Cutter ATTACK ●●●●●
● Mold Breaker DEFENSE ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Bug-Catching Contest at the TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon HeartGold TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
National Park
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Bug-Catching Contest at the TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
National Park
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond — TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Route 229 TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 229 (mass outbreak) TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
With its pincer horns, it It swings its long pincer TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
digs burrows to sleep in at horns wildly to attack. TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
night. In the morning, damp During cold periods, it TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
soil clings to its body. hides deep in forests. HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Does not evolve

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 128 Wild Bull Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
3 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
5 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
8 Horn Attack Normal Physical 65 100 25 Normal ○
11 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal — Normal
15 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
19 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
24 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
29 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
35 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
41 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
48 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○
55 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 4’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 194.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ ● MALE FORM
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○

HP ●●●
● Intimidate ATTACK ●●●●
● Anger Point DEFENSE ●●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆☆☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Route 38
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 38
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 209 (use Poké Radar)
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 209 (use Poké Radar)
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Route 210 in Solaceon Town
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○ (use Poké Radar)
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — They fight each other by After heightening its will
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — locking horns. The herd’s to fight by whipping itself
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — protector takes pride in with its three tails, it
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — its battle-scarred horns. charges at full speed.
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ EVOLUTION
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Does not evolve

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 129 Fish Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
15 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
30 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’11”
● WEIGHT: 22.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○


Yellow barbels White barbels

HP ●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●

Water 2
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

SPEED ★☆☆☆☆ STAMINA ★☆☆☆☆
POWER ★☆☆☆ JUMP ★★☆☆


Pokémon HeartGold Route 43 (water surface)

Pokémon SoulSilver Route 43 (water surface)

Pokémon Diamond Route 203 (Old Rod)

Pokémon Pearl Route 203 (Old Rod)

Pokémon Platinum Route 203 (Old Rod)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

An underpowered, For no reason, it jumps
pathetic Pokémon. and splashes about,
It may jump high on rare making it easy for
occasions, but usually not predators like PIDGEOTTO
more than seven feet. to catch it mid-jump.


Lv. 20

Magikarp Gyarados

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 130 Atrocious Pokémon
1 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○
20 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
23 Dragon Rage Dragon Special — 100 10 Normal —
26 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
29 Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes — Water Flying
32 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
35 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
38 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
41 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
44 Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —
47 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 21’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 518.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○ ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○ Blue barbels White barbels

HP ●●●●
● Intimidate ATTACK ●●●●●

Water 2
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★★★☆
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SKILL ★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Lake of Rage (water surface)
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Lake of Rage (water surface)
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 203 (Super Rod)
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Route 203 (Super Rod)
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Route 203 (Super Rod)
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — They say that during past Once it appears, it goes
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal — strife, GYARADOS would on a rampage. It
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — appear and leave remains enraged until it
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — blazing ruins in its wake. demolishes everything
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — around it.
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — EVOLUTION
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Lv. 20

Magikarp Gyarados

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 131 Transport Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
4 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Water Ice 7 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
10 Ice Shard Ice Physical 40 100 30 Normal —
14 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
18 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
22 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
27 Perish Song Normal Status — — 5 All —
32 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
37 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
43 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
49 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
55 Sheer Cold Ice Special — 30 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 8’02”
● WEIGHT: 485.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●●●
● Water Absorb ATTACK ●●●●
● Shell Armor DEFENSE ●●●

Water 1 No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
Pokémon HeartGold Safari Zone (Rocky Beach TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Area, water surface) TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Safari Zone (Rocky Beach TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Area, water surface) TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Victory Road 1F Back 2 TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
(water surface) TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Victory Road 1F Back 2 TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
(water surface) TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Victory Road 1F Back 2 TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
(water surface) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
They have gentle hearts. It ferries people across TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Because they rarely the sea on its back. It may HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
fight, many have been sing an enchanting cry if it HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
caught. Their number is in a good mood. HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
has dwindled. HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○


Does not evolve EGG MOVES

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Horn Drill Normal Physical — 30 5 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 132 Transform Pokémon
1 Transform Normal Status — — 10 Normal —


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 8.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Quick Powder
Metal Powder


HP ●●
● Limber ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
SPEED ★★☆☆☆ STAMINA ★★☆☆☆
POWER ★★☆☆☆ JUMP ★★☆☆☆
SKILL ★★☆☆☆


Route 34 or Safari Zone

Pokémon HeartGold (Wetland Area: if Water
objects are placed, may
appear in tall grass)

Route 34 or Safari Zone

Pokémon SoulSilver (Wetland Area: if Water
objects are placed, may
appear in tall grass)

Pokémon Diamond Route 218 (use Poké Radar)

Pokémon Pearl Route 218 (use Poké Radar)

Trophy Garden at the Pokémon

Pokémon Platinum Mansion on Route 212
(after obtaining the National
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It can transform into Its transformation
anything. When it sleeps, ability is perfect. However,
it changes into a stone to if made to laugh, it can’t
avoid being attacked. maintain its disguise.


Does not evolve

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 133 Evolution Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
8 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
Normal 15 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
22 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
29 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
36 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
43 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
50 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
57 Trump Card Normal Special — — 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’00”
● WEIGHT: 14.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —


HP ●●
● Run Away ATTACK ●●
● Adaptability DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★☆☆ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Receive from Bill in TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Goldenrod City TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Receive from Bill in TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Goldenrod City TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Trophy Garden at the Pokémon TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Diamond Mansion on Route 212 TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
(after obtaining the National TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot) TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Trophy Garden at the Pokémon
Pokémon Pearl Mansion on Route 212
(after obtaining the National
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot)
Trophy Garden at the Pokémon
Pokémon Platinum Mansion on Route 212
(after obtaining the National
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It has the ability to alter Its irregularly configured
the composition of its DNA is affected by its
body to suit its surroundings. It evolves if
surrounding environment. its environment changes.

Level up Eevee with
Eevee high friendship in the
morning or afternoon
Vaporeon EGG MOVES
Umbreon Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Use Water Stone
Level up Eevee with Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
on Eevee Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
high friendship at night
Jolteon Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Leafeon Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Use Thunderstone Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
on Eevee Level up Eevee in Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Eterna Forest* Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Flareon Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
Covet Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
Use Fire Stone on Eevee Glaceon Detect Fighting Status — — 5 Self —
Level up Eevee on * Unable to evolve in Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver Version. Transfer from
Route 217* Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum Version.

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 134 Bubble Jet Pokémon
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
8 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
15 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal — Water
22 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
29 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
36 Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 Normal —
43 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
50 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
57 Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
64 Acid Armor Poison Status — — 40 Self —
71 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
78 Muddy Water Water Special 95 85 10 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 63.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●●●
● Water Absorb ATTACK ●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — Pokémon HeartGold Use Water Stone on Eevee
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Use Water Stone on Eevee
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Use Water Stone on Eevee
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Use Water Stone on Eevee
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Use Water Stone on Eevee
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — When VAPOREON’s fins It prefers beautiful shores.
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ begin to vibrate, it is a With cells similar to water
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
sign that rain will come molecules, it could melt
within a few hours. in water.

Level up Eevee with
Eevee high friendship in the
morning or afternoon
Vaporeon Umbreon
Use Water Stone
on Eevee Level up Eevee with
high friendship at night
Use Thunderstone
on Eevee Level up Eevee in
Eterna Forest*
Use Fire Stone on Eevee Glaceon
Level up Eevee on
Route 217*
* Unable to evolve in Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver Version. Transfer from
Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum Version.

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 135 Lighting Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
8 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
Electric 15 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
22 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
29 Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal ○
36 Pin Missile Bug Physical 14 85 20 Normal —
43 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
50 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
57 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
64 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
71 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
78 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’07”
● WEIGHT: 54.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Volt Absorb ATTACK ●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Use Thunderstone on Eevee TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Use Thunderstone on Eevee TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Use Thunderstone on Eevee TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Use Thunderstone on Eevee TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Use Thunderstone on Eevee TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
It concentrates the weak Every hair on its body HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
electric charges emitted starts to stand sharply on
by its cells and launches end if it becomes charged
wicked lightning bolts. with electricity.

Level up Eevee with
Eevee high friendship in the
morning or afternoon
Vaporeon Umbreon
Use Water Stone
on Eevee Level up Eevee with
high friendship at night
Use Thunderstone
on Eevee Level up Eevee in
Eterna Forest*
Use Fire Stone on Eevee Glaceon
Level up Eevee on
Route 217*
* Unable to evolve in Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver Version. Transfer from
Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum Version.

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 136 Flame Pokémon
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
8 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
15 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal — Fire
22 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
29 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
36 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —
43 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
50 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
57 Smog Poison Special 20 70 20 Normal —
64 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
71 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
78 Lava Plume Fire Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 55.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●●
● Flash Fire ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Use Fire Stone on Eevee
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Use Fire Stone on Eevee
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Use Fire Stone on Eevee
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl Use Fire Stone on Eevee
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Use Fire Stone on Eevee
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
It stores some of the air It fluffs out its fur collar
it inhales in its internal to cool down its body
flame pouch, which heats temperature, which can
it to over 3,000 degrees reach 1,650 degrees
Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit.

Level up Eevee with
Eevee high friendship in the
morning or afternoon
Vaporeon Umbreon
Use Water Stone
on Eevee Level up Eevee with
high friendship at night
Use Thunderstone
on Eevee Level up Eevee in
Eterna Forest*
Use Fire Stone on Eevee Glaceon
Level up Eevee on
* Unable to evolve in Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver Version. Transfer from Route 217*
Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum Version.

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 137 Virtual Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Conversion 2 Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Conversion Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Sharpen Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Normal 7 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
12 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
18 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
23 Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
29 Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
34 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
40 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
45 Lock-On Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
51 Tri Attack Normal Special 80 100 10 Normal —
56 Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
62 Zap Cannon Electric Special 120 50 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’07”
● WEIGHT: 80.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●
● Trace ATTACK ●●●
● Download DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Celadon Game Corner prize TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
(9,999 Coins) TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Celadon Game Corner prize TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
(9,999 Coins) TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Trophy Garden at the Pokémon TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Mansion on Route 212 TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
(after obtaining the National
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot) TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Trophy Garden at the Pokémon TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Mansion on Route 212 TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
(after obtaining the National
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot) TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Receive from a man in a TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
house in Veilstone City TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
It is a manmade Pokémon. A manmade Pokémon TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Since it doesn’t breathe, that came about as a TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
people are eager to try it in result of research. It is
any environment. programmed with only
basic motions.

Have it hold Dubious Disc
Grade and trade it
Have it hold Up-

and trade it

Porygon Porygon2 Porygon-Z

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 138 Spiral Pokémon
1 Constrict Normal Physical 10 100 35 Normal ○
1 Withdraw Water Status — — 40 Self —
7 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
10 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
16 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○ Rock Water
19 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
25 Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —
28 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
34 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
37 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
43 Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
46 Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
52 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 16.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●●
● Shell Armor DEFENSE ●●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Water 3
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — Have the Helix Fossil
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold restored at the Pewter
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Museum of Science
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self — After obtaining the National
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○ Pokédex, find the Helix Fossil
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Diamond in the Underground and have
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — it restored at the Oreburgh
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Mining Museum
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — After obtaining the National
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokédex, find the Helix Fossil
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl in the Underground and have
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — it restored at the Oreburgh
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — Mining Museum
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
After obtaining the National
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokédex, find the Helix Fossil
Pokémon Platinum in the Underground and have
it restored at the Oreburgh
Mining Museum

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Revived from an ancient This Pokémon from
fossil, this Pokémon uses ancient times is said to
air stored in its shell to have navigated the sea
sink and rise in water. by adeptly twisting its 10
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
Haze Ice Status — — 30 All — Lv. 40
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Spikes Ground Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal ○ Omanyte Omastar
Toxic Spikes Poison Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Muddy Water Water Special 95 85 10 2 Foes —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 139 Spiral Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Constrict Normal Physical 10 100 35 Normal ○
1 Withdraw Water Status — — 40 Self —
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
7 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
Rock Water 10 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
16 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
19 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
25 Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —
28 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
34 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
37 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
40 Spike Cannon Normal Physical 20 100 15 Normal —
48 Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
56 Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
67 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 77.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

HP ●●●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●●●
● Shell Armor DEFENSE ●●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

Water 1
Water 3
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Omanyte to Lv. 40 TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Level up Omanyte to Lv. 40 TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Omanyte to Lv. 40 TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Omanyte to Lv. 40 TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Apparently, it cracked Once wrapped around its HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
SHELLDER’s shell with its prey, it never lets go. It HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
sharp fangs and eats the prey by tearing HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
sucked out the insides. at it with sharp fangs. HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○


Lv. 40

Omanyte Omastar

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 140 Shellfish Pokémon
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
6 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
11 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
16 Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal — Rock Water
21 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
26 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
31 Aqua Jet Water Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
36 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
41 Metal Sound Steel Status — 85 40 Normal —
46 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
51 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 25.4 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●●●
● Battle Armor DEFENSE ●●●●

Water 1
Water 3
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Have the Dome Fossil
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver restored at the Pewter
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Museum of Science
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ After obtaining the National
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal — Pokédex, find the Dome
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Fossil in the Underground and
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self — have it restored at Oreburgh
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — Mine Museum
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — After obtaining the National
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokédex, find the Dome
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Fossil in the Underground and
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — have it restored at Oreburgh
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Mine Museum
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — After obtaining the National
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ Pokédex, find the Dome
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum Fossil in the Underground and
have it restored at Oreburgh
Mine Museum

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

On rare occasions, some This Pokémon lived in
have been found as fossils ancient times.On rare
which they became while occasions, it has been
hiding on the ocean floor. discovered as a living
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA EVOLUTION
BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal ○
Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○ Lv. 40
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes — Kabuto Kabutops
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 141 Shellfish Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
Rock Water 1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
6 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
11 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
16 Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —
21 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
26 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
31 Aqua Jet Water Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
36 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
40 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
45 Metal Sound Steel Status — 85 40 Normal —
54 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
63 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal ○
72 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’03”
● WEIGHT: 89.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
ABILITIES STATS Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
HP ●●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●●●●●
● Battle Armor DEFENSE ●●●●

Water 1
Water 3 No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★☆☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
SKILL ★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold — TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Kabuto to Lv. 40 TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Level up Kabuto to Lv. 40 TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Level up Kabuto to Lv. 40 TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Kabuto to Lv. 40 TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
In the water, it tucks in With sharp claws, this TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
its limbs to become more ferocious, ancient TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
compact, then it wiggles Pokémon rips apart TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
its shell to swim fast. prey and sucks their TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
body fluids. HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
EVOLUTION HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Lv. 40

Kabuto Kabutops

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 142 Fossil Pokémon
1 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
1 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
1 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
1 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal ○
1 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal — Rock Flying
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
1 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
9 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
17 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
25 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
33 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
41 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
49 Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
57 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
65 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
73 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 5’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 130.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —
HP ●●●
● Rock Head ATTACK ●●●●
● Pressure DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ Have the Old Amber
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon HeartGold restored at the Pewter
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Museum of Science
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Have the Old Amber
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver restored at the Pewter
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ Museum of Science
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ After obtaining the National
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokédex, find the Old Amber
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond in the Underground and
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
have it restored at Oreburgh
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
Mine Museum
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self — After obtaining the National
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokédex, find the Old Amber
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl in the Underground and
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○ have it restored at Oreburgh
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Mine Museum
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal — After obtaining the National
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — Pokédex, find the Old Amber
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum in the Underground and
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — have it restored at Oreburgh
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Mine Museum
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
It can transform into Its transformation
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ anything. When it sleeps, ability is perfect. However,
it changes into a stone to if made to laugh, it can’t
avoid being attacked. maintain its disguise.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA EVOLUTION
Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal — Does not evolve
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 143 Sleeping Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
4 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
9 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
12 Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal ○
Normal 17 Belly Drum Normal Status — — 10 Self —
20 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
25 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
28 Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
28 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends ○
33 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal —
36 Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
41 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
44 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
49 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 6’11”
● WEIGHT: 1,014.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
ABILITIES STATS Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
HP ●●●●●● Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
● Immunity ATTACK ●●●●● Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
● Thick Fat DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Wake up the sleeping Snorlax TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Pokémon HeartGold on Route 11 by tuning the TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
radio to the Poké Flute TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Wake up the sleeping Snorlax TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver on Route 11 by tuning the TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
radio to the Poké Flute TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Level up Munchlax with high TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Level up Munchlax with high TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Level up Munchlax with high TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
What sounds like its cry Its stomach’s digestive TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
may actually be its snores juices can dissolve any TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
or the rumblings of its kind of poison. It can even TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
hungry belly. eat things off the ground. TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
EVOLUTION HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Level it up with high

HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal ○
Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Munchlax Snorlax Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —
Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 144 Freeze Pokémon
1 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
1 Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100 25 2 Foes —
8 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
15 Ice Shard Ice Physical 40 100 30 Normal —
22 Mind Reader Normal Status — — 5 Normal — Ice Flying
29 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
36 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
43 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
50 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
57 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
64 Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
71 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
78 Sheer Cold Ice Special — 30 5 Normal —
85 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 5’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 122.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal — ● GENDER UNKNOWN
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Appears in the Seafoam
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — Islands
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Appears in the Seafoam
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — Islands
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — After you obtain the National
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokédex and talk to Professor
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum
Oak in Eterna City, it begins
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○ roaming the Sinnoh region
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
The magnificent, One of the legendary bird
seemingly translucent Pokémon, it chills moisture
wings of this legendary in the atmosphere to
bird Pokémon are said to create snow while flying.
be made of ice.


Does not evolve

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 145 Electric Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
1 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
8 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
15 Detect Fighting Status — — 5 Self —
Electric Flying 22 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
29 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
36 Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self —
43 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
50 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
57 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
64 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
71 Drill Peck Flying Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
78 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
85 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 5’03”
● WEIGHT: 116.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No Egg has ever TM & HM MOVES

been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Appears on Route 10 TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold (after collecting all eight TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Kanto Gym Badges) TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Appears on Route 10 TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver (after collecting all eight TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Kanto Gym Badges) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond — TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl — TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
After you obtain the National TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Pokédex and talk to Professor TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Oak in Eterna City, it begins
roaming the Sinnoh region HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

This legendary bird This legendary bird
Pokémon causes savage Pokémon is said to appear
thunderstorms by flapping only when a thundercloud
its glittering wings. parts into two halves.


Does not evolve

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 146 Flame Pokémon
1 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal ○
1 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
8 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —
15 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
22 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Fire Flying
29 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
36 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
43 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
50 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —
57 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
64 Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
71 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
78 Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —
85 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 6’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 132.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

TM & HM MOVES No Egg has ever

been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Appears at Mt. Silver
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Appears at Mt. Silver
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond —
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — After you obtain the National
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Pokédex and talk to Professor
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○ Oak in Eterna City, it begins
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ roaming the Sinnoh region
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
This legendary Pokémon This legendary bird
scatters embers with Pokémon is said to bring
every flap of its wings. early spring to the wintry
It is a thrilling sight to lands it visits.


Does not evolve

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 147 Dragon Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
5 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
11 Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Dragon 15 Dragon Rage Dragon Special — 100 10 Normal —
21 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
25 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
31 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
35 Dragon Rush Dragon Physical 100 75 10 Normal ○
41 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
45 Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —
51 Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
55 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● SIZE COMPARISON Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 5’11”
● WEIGHT: 7.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Dragon Scale Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —


HP ●
● Shed Skin ATTACK ●●●

Water 1
Dragon No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Dragon’s Den (water surface) TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Dragon’s Den (water surface) TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Mt. Coronet 4F 1(Super Rod) TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Mt. Coronet 4F 1(Super Rod) TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum Mt. Coronet 4F 1(Super Rod) TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
It is born large to start This Pokémon is full of HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
with. It repeatedly sheds life energy. It continually HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
its skin as it steadily sheds its skin and grows
grows longer. steadily larger.


Lv. 33 Lv. 55
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dratini Dragonair Dragonite Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal —
Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —
Dragon Rush Dragon Physical 100 75 10 Normal ○
ExtremeSpeed Normal Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 148 Dragon Pokémon
1 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
1 Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
5 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — Dragon
11 Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
15 Dragon Rage Dragon Special — 100 10 Normal —
21 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal —
25 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
33 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
39 Dragon Rush Dragon Physical 100 75 10 Normal ○
47 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
53 Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —
61 Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
67 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal — ● SIZE COMPARISON
● HEIGHT: 13’01”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 36.4 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Dragon Scale
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —


HP ●●
● Shed Skin ATTACK ●●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Dragon
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Dragon’s Den (Super Rod)
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Dragon’s Den (Super Rod)
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Mt. Coronet 4F 1 (Super Rod)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Mt. Coronet 4F 1 (Super Rod)
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Platinum Mt. Coronet 4F 1 (Super Rod)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — They say that if it emits an Its crystalline orbs appear
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ aura from its whole body, to give this Pokémon the
the weather will begin to power to freely control the
change instantly. weather.


Lv. 33 Lv. 55

Dratini Dragonair Dragonite

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 149 Dragon Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
1 ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
1 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
1 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
Dragon Flying 1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
1 Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
5 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
11 Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
15 Dragon Rage Dragon Special — 100 10 Normal —
21 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
25 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
33 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
39 Dragon Rush Dragon Physical 100 75 10 Normal ○
47 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
53 Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —
55 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal ○
64 Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
73 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
● SIZE COMPARISON Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 7’03” Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
● WEIGHT: 463.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
ABILITIES STATS Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
HP ●●● Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
● Inner Focus ATTACK ●●●●●● Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
DEFENSE ●●●● Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Water 1
Dragon TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
SPEED ★★☆☆☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★★★★ TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
Level up Dragonair to Lv. 55 TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Dragonair to Lv. 55 TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Dragonair to Lv. 55 TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Dragonair to Lv. 55 TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Dragonair to Lv. 55 TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
It is said that this Pokémon This marine Pokémon has TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
constantly flies over the an impressive build that TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
immense seas and rescues lets it freely fly over raging TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
drowning people. seas without trouble. TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
EVOLUTION TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Lv. 33 Lv. 55 TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Dratini Dragonair Dragonite TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 150 Genetic Pokémon
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
1 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
8 Barrier Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
15 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
22 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal — Psychic
29 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
36 Miracle Eye Psychic Status — — 40 Normal —
43 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
50 Psycho Cut Psychic Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
57 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
64 Power Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
64 Guard Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
71 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
79 Me First Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
86 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
93 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
100 Aura Sphere Fighting Special 90 — 20 Normal —
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 6’07”
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● WEIGHT: 269.0 lbs.
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes — ● ITEMS: None
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ ABILITIES STATS
HP ●●●●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA SP. DEFENSE ●●●●
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○ EGG GROUPS SPEED ●●●●●●
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — No Egg has ever
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — been discovered
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — PERFORMANCE
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★★
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Appears at Cerulean Cave
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Appears at Cerulean Cave
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Pokémon Pearl —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — Because its battle abilities It usually remains
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends — were raised to the ultimate motionless to conserve
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — level, it thinks only of energy, so that it may
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal — defeating its foes. unleash its full power
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — in battle.
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○ EVOLUTION
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Does not evolve
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 151 New Species Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Transform Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
10 Mega Punch Normal Physical 80 85 20 Normal ○
20 Metronome Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Psychic 30 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
40 Barrier Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
50 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
60 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
70 Me First Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
80 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
90 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
100 Aura Sphere Fighting Special 90 — 20 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’04”
● WEIGHT: 8.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

Mew can learn all the BP Moves.

HP ●●●●
● Synchronize ATTACK ●●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
POWER ★★☆☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆☆
SKILL ★★★★★


Pokémon HeartGold —

Pokémon SoulSilver —

Receive Mew from Hayley

Pokémon Diamond once certain conditions are
met in My Pokémon Ranch for
the Nintendo Wii*
Mew can learn all the TMs and HMs.
Receive Mew from Hayley
Pokémon Pearl once certain conditions are
met in My Pokémon Ranch for
the Nintendo Wii*

Pokémon Platinum —

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Apparently, it appears
only to those people who Its DNA is said to contain
are pure of heart and have the genetic codes of all
a strong desire to see it. Pokémon, so it canuse all
kinds of techniques.


Does not evolve

*Mew is only available through special distribution events. Check for the latest information on how to catch this Pokémon.

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 152 Leaf Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
6 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
9 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
12 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self — Grass
17 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
20 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
23 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
28 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
31 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
34 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
39 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
42 Aromatherapy Grass Status — — 5 All Allies —
45 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 14.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●●
● Overgrow ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Grass
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★☆☆
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Receive from Professor
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Elm in New Bark Town at the
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — beginning of the adventure
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Receive from Professor
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Elm in New Bark Town at the
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
beginning of the adventure
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Diamond —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○

Pokémon Platinum —

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

A sweet aroma gently Its pleasantly aromatic

wafts from the leaf on its leaf has the ability to
head. It is docile and loves check humidity and
to soak up sunrays. temperature.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Vine Whip Grass Physical 35 100 15 Normal ○ Lv. 16 Lv.32
Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○ Chikorita Bayleef Meganium
Nature Power Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
GrassWhistle Grass Status — 55 15 Normal —
Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —
Aromatherapy Grass Status — — 5 All Allies —
Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal ○
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 153 Leaf Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
1 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
Grass 6 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
9 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
12 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
18 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
22 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
26 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
32 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
36 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
40 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
46 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
50 Aromatherapy Grass Status — — 5 All Allies —
54 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 34.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Overgrow ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Chikorita to Lv. 16 TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Chikorita to Lv. 16 TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond — TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl — TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum — TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
The scent of spices comes A spicy aroma emanates
from around its neck. from around its neck. The
Somehow, sniffing it aroma acts as a stimulant
makes you want to fight. to restore health.


Lv. 16 Lv.32

Chikorita Bayleef Meganium

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 154 Herb Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
1 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
6 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes — Grass
9 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
12 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
18 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
22 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
26 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
32 Petal Dance Grass Special 90 100 20 1 Random ○
34 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
40 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies ○
46 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal —
54 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
60 Aromatherapy Grass Status — — 5 All Allies —
66 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Frenzy Plant Grass Special 150 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 5’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 221.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Longer stamen Shorter stamen

HP ●●●
● Overgrow ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — SKILL ★★★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Bayleef to Lv. 32
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Bayleef to Lv. 32
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Pearl —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ The aroma that rises MEGANIUM’s breath has
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○ from its petals contains the power to revive dead
a substance that calms grass and plants. It can
aggressive feelings. make them healthy again.


Lv. 16 Lv.32

Chikorita Bayleef Meganium

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 155 Fire Mouse Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
6 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
10 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
Fire 13 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
19 Flame Wheel Fire Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
22 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
28 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
31 Lava Plume Fire Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
37 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
40 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
46 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
49 Eruption Fire Special 150 100 5 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
● WEIGHT: 17.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —


HP ●
● Blaze ATTACK ●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
JUMP ★★★ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
SKILL ★★★ TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Receive from Professor TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Elm in New Bark Town at the TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
beginning of the adventure TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Receive from Professor TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Elm in New Bark Town at the TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
beginning of the adventure TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond — TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○

Pokémon Pearl —

Pokémon Platinum —

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It is timid, and always It usually stays hunched
curls itself up in a ball. If over. If it is angry or
attacked, it flares up its surprised, it shoots flames
back for protection. out of its back.


Lv. 14 Lv. 36
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Cyndaquil Quilava Typhlosion Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○
Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Covet Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Crush Claw Normal Physical 75 95 10 Normal ○
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal ○
Flare Blitz Fire Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 156 Volcano Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
6 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
10 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal — Fire
13 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
20 Flame Wheel Fire Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
24 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
31 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
35 Lava Plume Fire Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
42 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
46 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
53 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
57 Eruption Fire Special 150 100 5 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 41.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —


HP ●●
● Blaze ATTACK ●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
JUMP ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Level up Cyndaquil to Lv. 14
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Cyndaquil to Lv. 14
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal — Pokémon Diamond —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Pearl —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Be careful if it turns its Be careful if it turns its
backduring battle. It back during battle. It
means that it will attack means that it will attack
with the fire on its back. with the fire on its back.


Lv. 14 Lv. 36

Cyndaquil Quilava Typhlosion

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 157 Volcano Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Fire 1 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
6 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
10 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
13 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
20 Flame Wheel Fire Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
24 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
31 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
35 Lava Plume Fire Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
42 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
46 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
53 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
57 Eruption Fire Special 150 100 5 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● SIZE COMPARISON Blast Burn Fire Special 150 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 5’07”
● WEIGHT: 175.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●●
● Blaze ATTACK ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Quilava to Lv. 36 TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Quilava to Lv. 36 TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond — TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl — TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
— TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
If its rage peaks, it It has a secret, devastat- TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
becomes so hot that any- ing move. It rubs its TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
thing that touches it will blazing fur together TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
instantly go up in flames. to cause huge explosions. TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
EVOLUTION HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Lv. 14 Lv. 36

Cyndaquil Quilava Typhlosion

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 158 Big Jaw Pokémon
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
6 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
8 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
13 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○ Water
15 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
20 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
22 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
27 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
29 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
34 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
36 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○
41 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
43 Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
48 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 20.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○ ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Torrent ATTACK ●●●

TM & HM MOVES Monster

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Water 1
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Receive from Professor
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Elm in New Bark Town at the
beginning of the adventure
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Receive from Professor
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Elm in New Bark Town at the
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — beginning of the adventure
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Pokémon Pearl —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
Its powerful, well-devel- It is small but rough and
oped jaws are capable of tough. It won’t hesitate to
crushing anything. Even its take a bite out of anything
Trainer must be careful. that moves.


EGG MOVES Lv. 18 Lv. 30

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○
Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal — Totodile Croconaw Feraligatr
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —
Aqua Jet Water Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 159 Big Jaw Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
6 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
Water 8 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
13 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
15 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
21 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
24 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
30 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
33 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
39 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
42 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○
48 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
51 Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
57 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’07”
● WEIGHT: 55.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Torrent ATTACK ●●●

Water 1 No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
SKILL ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Totodile to Lv. 18 TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Totodile to Lv. 18 TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond — TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl — TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum — TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
If it loses a fang, a new one It opens its huge jaws wide HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
grows back in its place. when attacking. If it loses HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
There are always 48 fangs any fangs while biting, HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
lining its mouth. they grow back in. HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○


Lv. 18 Lv. 30

Totodile Croconaw Feraligatr

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 160 Big Jaw Pokémon
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
1 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
6 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal — Water
8 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
13 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
15 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
21 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
24 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
30 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
32 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
37 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
45 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
50 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○
58 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
63 Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
71 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Hydro Cannon Water Special 150 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 7’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 195.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ ABILITIES STATS
HP ●●●
● Torrent ATTACK ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Water 1
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SKILL ★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Level up Croconaw to Lv. 30
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Croconaw to Lv. 30
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — When it bites with its It is hard for it to support
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — massive and powerful its weight out of water,
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — jaws, it shakes its head so it sometimes gets
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — and savagely tears its down on all fours. But it
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — victim up. moves fast.
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — EVOLUTION
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○ Lv. 18 Lv. 30

Totodile Croconaw Feraligatr

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 161 Scout Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
4 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
7 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
Normal 13 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
16 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
19 Follow Me Normal Status — — 20 Self —
25 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
28 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
31 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
36 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
39 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
42 Me First Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
47 Hyper Voice Normal Special 90 100 10 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’07”
● WEIGHT: 13.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Oran Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
ABILITIES STATS Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
HP ● Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
● Run Away ATTACK ●● Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○
● Keen Eye DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Route 29 (morning and TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
afternoon only)
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Route 29 (morning and TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
afternoon only)
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 202 (use Poké Radar) TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 202 (use Poké Radar) TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Route 202 (use Poké Radar) TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
A very cautious Pokémon, It stands on its tail so it TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
it raises itself up using its can see a long way. If it TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
tail to get a better view of spots an enemy, it cries TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
loudly to warn its kind. HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
its surroundings.
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —

Lv. 15
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Sentret Furret
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Assist Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Covet Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 162 Long Body Pokémon
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
1 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
4 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self — Normal
7 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
13 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
17 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
21 Follow Me Normal Status — — 20 Self —
28 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
32 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
36 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
42 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
46 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
50 Me First Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
56 Hyper Voice Normal Special 90 100 10 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 5’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 71.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Oran Berry
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○ Sitrus Berry
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○ ABILITIES STATS
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○ HP ●●●
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○ ● Run Away ATTACK ●●●
● Keen Eye DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○ PERFORMANCE
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — Route 1 (morning and afternoon
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold only) or Safari Zone (Wetland
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — Area: if Grass objects are placed,
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ may appear in tall grass)
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — Route 1 (morning and afternoon
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ only) or Safari Zone (Wetland
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Area: if Grass objects are placed,
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
may appear in tall grass)
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Level up Sentret to Lv. 15
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Level up Sentret to Lv. 15
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Level up Sentret to Lv. 15
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — It makes a nest to suit There is no telling where
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — its long and skinny body. the tail begins. Despite its
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○ The nest is impossible for
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — short legs, it is quick and
other Pokémon to enter. likes to chase RATTATA.
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — EVOLUTION
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Lv. 15

Sentret Furret

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 163 Owl Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
5 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
Normal Flying 9 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
13 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
17 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
21 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
25 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
29 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —
33 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
37 Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —
41 Psycho Shift Psychic Status — 90 10 Normal —
45 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
49 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 23.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —

HP ●●
● Insomnia ATTACK ●
● Keen Eye DEFENSE ●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★★☆☆ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Route 29 (night only) TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 29 (night only) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Route 210, Celestic Town TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
side (night only) TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Route 210, Celestic Town TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
side (night only) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 210 (night only) TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
It always stands on one It has a perfect sense of
foot. It changes feet so time. Whatever happens, it
fast, the movement can keeps rhythm by precisely
rarely be seen. tilting its head in time.


Lv. 20

Hoothoot Noctowl Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Mirror Move Flying Status — — 20 Depends —
Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal ○
Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —
FeatherDance Flying Status — 100 15 Normal —
Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 164 Owl Pokémon
1 Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
1 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal — Normal Flying
5 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
9 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
13 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
17 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
22 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
27 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
32 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —
37 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
42 Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —
47 Psycho Shift Psychic Status — 90 10 Normal —
52 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
57 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 5’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 89.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —

HP ●●●●
● Insomnia ATTACK ●●
● Keen Eye DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Route 43 (night only)
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 43 (night only)
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Route 210, Celestic Town
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond
side (night only)
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal — Route 210, Celestic Town
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl
side (night only)
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Platinum Route 210 (night only)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Its eyes are specially When it needs to think,
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○ adapted. They concentrate it rotates its head 180
even faint light and enable degrees to sharpen its
it to see in the dark. intellectual power.


Lv. 20

Hoothoot Noctowl

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 165 Five Star Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
6 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
9 Comet Punch Normal Physical 18 85 15 Normal ○
14 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Bug Flying 14 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
14 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
17 Mach Punch Fighting Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
22 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
25 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
30 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
33 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
38 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
41 Bug Buzz Bug Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 23.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Longer antennae Shorter antennae String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
HP ●
● Swarm ATTACK ●
● Early Bird DEFENSE ●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★☆☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★☆☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 30 (morning only) TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Find its Egg at the Pokémon TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Day Care and hatch it TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Find its Egg at the Pokémon TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Day Care and hatch it TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Find its Egg at the Pokémon TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Day Care and hatch it TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
It is very timid. It will When the weather turns TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
be afraid to move if it is cold, lots of LEDYBA gather TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
alone. But it will be active from everywhere to cluster TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
if it is in a group. and keep each other warm.


Lv. 18
Ledian Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self ○
Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Bug Buzz Bug Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 166 Five Star Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
1 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
6 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes — Bug Flying
9 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
12 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
18 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
22 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
26 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
32 Petal Dance Grass Special 90 100 20 1 Random ○
34 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
40 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies ○
46 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal —
54 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
60 Aromatherapy Grass Status — — 5 All Allies —
66 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Frenzy Plant Grass Special 150 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 4’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 78.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Longer antennae Shorter antennae

HP ●●
● Swarm ATTACK ●●
● Early Bird DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆☆
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 2 (morning only)
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Route 229 (morning only)
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl Route 229 (morning only)
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Platinum Route 229 (morning only)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ When the stars flicker in The spot patterns on its
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ the night sky, it flutters back grow larger or smaller
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○ about, scattering a glow- depending on the number
ing powder. of stars in the night sky.


Lv. 18

Ledyba Ledian

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 167 String Spit Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
1 String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
5 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
8 Constrict Normal Physical 10 100 35 Normal ○
Bug Poison 12 Leech Life Bug Physical 20 100 15 Normal ○
15 Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —
19 Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
22 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
26 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
29 Spider Web Bug Status — — 10 Normal —
33 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
36 Pin Missile Bug Physical 14 85 20 Normal —
40 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
43 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’08”
● WEIGHT: 18.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○


HP ●
● Swarm ATTACK ●●●
● Insomnia DEFENSE ●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★☆☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
JUMP ★★☆ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Route 30 (night only) TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Find its Egg at the Pokémon TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Day Care and hatch it TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Find its Egg at the Pokémon TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
Day Care and hatch it TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Pokémon Platinum Find its Egg at the Pokémon

Day Care and hatch it

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It lies still in the same pose It spins a web using
for days in its web, waiting fine--but durable--thread.
for its unsuspecting prey It then waits patiently for
to wander close. prey to be trapped.


Lv. 22

Spinarak Ariados EGG MOVES

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
SonicBoom Normal Special — 90 20 Normal —
Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Toxic Spikes Poison Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 168 Long Leg Pokémon
1 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
1 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
1 String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
1 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
1 Constrict Normal Physical 10 100 35 Normal ○ Bug Poison
5 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
8 Constrict Normal Physical 10 100 35 Normal ○
12 Leech Life Bug Physical 20 100 15 Normal ○
15 Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —
19 Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
23 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
28 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
32 Spider Web Bug Status — — 10 Normal —
37 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
41 Pin Missile Bug Physical 14 85 20 Normal —
46 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
50 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 73.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
String Shot Bug Status 95 40 2 Foes —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○


HP ●●●
● Swarm ATTACK ●●●●
● Insomnia DEFENSE ●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — POWER ★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
JUMP ★★☆
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Route 2 (night only)
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Route 229 (night only)
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Pearl Route 229 (night only)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum Route 229 (night only)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It spins string not only A single strand of a special
from its rear but also from string is endlessly spun
its mouth. It’s hard to tell out of its rear. The string
which end is which. leads back to its nest.


Lv. 22

Spinarak Ariados

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 169 Bat Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Cross Poison Poison Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
1 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
1 Leech Life Bug Physical 20 100 15 Normal ○
1 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
Poison Flying 1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
5 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
9 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
13 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
17 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal ○
21 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
27 Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
33 Mean Look Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
39 Poison Fang Poison Physical 50 100 15 Normal ○
45 Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
51 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 5’11”
● WEIGHT: 165.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Inner Focus ATTACK ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
SKILL ★★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Golbat with high TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
friendship TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Golbat with high TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
friendship TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Golbat with high TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
friendship TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Level up Golbat with high TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
friendship TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Level up Golbat with high TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
friendship TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
It flies so silently through The development of wings TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
the dark on its four wings on its legs enables it to TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
that it may not be noticed fly fast but also makes it TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
even when nearby. tough to stop and rest. TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○

high friendship
Level up with

Lv. 22

Zubat Golbat Crobat

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 170 Angler Pokémon
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
6 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
8 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
13 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○ Water Electric
15 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
20 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
22 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
27 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
29 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
34 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
36 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○
41 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
43 Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
48 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 26.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: DeepSeaScale
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○ ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●●
● Volt Absorb ATTACK ●●
● Illuminate DEFENSE ●●

Water 2
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○ PERFORMANCE
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆☆
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ New Bark Town (Good
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold
Rod Super Rod)
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ New Bark Town (Good
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver
Rod Super Rod)
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 220 (Super Rod)
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Route 220 (Super Rod)
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum Route 220 (Super Rod)
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ It shoots positive and nega- On the dark ocean floor,
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — tive electricity between the its only means of commu-
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — tips of its two antennae and nication is its constantly
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ zaps its enemies. flashing lights.


Lv. 27

Chinchou Lanturn
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○
Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —
Aqua Jet Water Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 171 Light Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
1 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
6 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Water Electric 9 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
12 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
17 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
20 Spark Electric Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
23 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
27 Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
27 Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
27 Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
30 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
35 Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
40 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
47 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
52 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
57 Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 49.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: DeepSeaScale Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○

HP ●●●●●
● Volt Absorb ATTACK ●●
● Illuminate DEFENSE ●●

Water 2
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold New Bark Town (Super Rod) TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver New Bark Town (Super Rod) TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Route 220 (Super Rod) TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Route 220 (Super Rod) TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Chinchou to Lv. 27 TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
The light it emits is so It blinds prey with an intense HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
bright that it can illuminate burst of light. With the prey HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
the sea’s surface from a incapacitated, the Pokémon
depth of over three miles. swallows it in a single gulp.


Lv. 27

Chinchou Lanturn

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 172 Tiny Mouse Pokémon
1 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
1 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
5 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
10 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
13 Sweet Kiss Normal Status — 75 10 Normal — Electric
18 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 4.4 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●
● Static ATTACK ●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★☆☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ SKILL ★★★★☆
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Find its Egg at the Pokémon
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold
Day Care and hatch it
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Find its Egg at the Pokémon
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver
Day Care and hatch it
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Trophy Garden at the Poké-
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond
mon Mansion on Route 212
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Trophy Garden at the Poké-
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl
mon Mansion on Route 212
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Trophy Garden at the Poké-
mon Mansion on Route 212

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It is not yet skilled at Despite its small size, it can
storing electricity. It may zap even adult humans.
send out a jolt if amused However, if it does so, it
or startled. also surprises itself.

Use Thunder-
high friendship
Level up with


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self ○
Pichu Pikachu Raichu
Present Normal Physical — 90 15 Normal —
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal ○
Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self —
Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Volt Tackle * Electric Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 173 Star Shape Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
4 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
7 Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
Normal 10 Sweet Kiss Normal Status — 75 10 Normal —
13 Copycat Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
16 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’00”
● WEIGHT: 6.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
ABILITIES STATS Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
HP ●● Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
● Cute Charm ATTACK ●
● Magic Guard DEFENSE ●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Find its Egg at the Pokémon TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Day Care and hatch it TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Find its Egg at the Pokémon TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Day Care and hatch it TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Mt. Coronet 1F 1 TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Mt. Coronet 1F 1 TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Mt. Coronet 1F 1 (morning TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
and night only)
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Because of its unusual, When numerous meteors TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
starlike silhouette, people illuminate the night sky, TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
believe that it came here sightings of CLEFFA TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
on a meteor. strangely increase. TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

high friendship
Level up with

Use Moon

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Cleffa Clefairy Clefable Present Normal Physical — 90 15 Normal —
Metronome Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Belly Drum Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Mimic Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
Covet Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
Aromatherapy Grass Status — — 5 All Allies —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 174 Balloon Pokémon
1 Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
1 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
5 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
9 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
13 Sweet Kiss Normal Status — 75 10 Normal — Normal
17 Copycat Normal Status — — 20 Depends —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 2.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○ ABILITIES STATS
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal — HP ●●●
● Cute Charm ATTACK ●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Find its Egg at the Pokémon
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold
Day Care and hatch it
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Find its Egg at the Pokémon
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — Pokémon SoulSilver
Day Care and hatch it
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — Trophy Garden at the Poké-
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ mon Mansion on Route 212
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond
(after obtaining the National
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot)
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Trophy Garden at the Poké-
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl mon Mansion on Route 212
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — (after obtaining the National
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot)
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Trophy Garden at the Poké-
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — mon Mansion on Route 212
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum (after obtaining the National
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot)
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
It has a very soft body. If it Its extremely flexible and
starts to roll, it will bounce elastic body makes it
all over and be impossible bounce continuously--
to stop. anytime, anywhere.

high friendship

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

Level up with

Use Moon

Perish Song Normal Status — — 5 All —


Present Normal Physical — 90 15 Normal —

Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○ Igglybuff Jigglypuff Wigglytuff
Covet Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 175 Spike Ball Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
6 Metronome Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
10 Sweet Kiss Normal Status — 75 10 Normal —
Normal 15 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
19 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
24 Follow Me Normal Status — — 20 Self —
28 Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
33 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
37 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
42 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
46 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
51 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’00”
● WEIGHT: 3.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
ABILITIES STATS Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
HP ●
● Hustle ATTACK ●
● Serene Grace DEFENSE ●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
SKILL ★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Hatch the Mystery Egg received TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
from Mr. Pokémon on Route 30
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Hatch the Mystery Egg received TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
from Mr. Pokémon on Route 30
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Route 230 (use Poké Radar) TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 230 (use Poké Radar) TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Receive an Egg from Cynthia TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
in Eterna City and hatch it
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
The shell seems to be A proverb claims that hap- TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
filled with joy. It is said piness will come to anyone TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
that it will share good luck who can make a sleeping HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
when treated kindly. TOGEPI stand up.

high friendship
Level up with

Use Shiny

Togepi Togetic Togekiss Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Present Normal Physical — 90 15 Normal —
Mirror Move Flying Status — — 20 Depends —
Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
Psycho Shift Psychic Status — 90 10 Normal —
Lucky Chant Normal Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 176 Happiness Pokémon
1 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
1 Metronome Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
1 Sweet Kiss Normal Status — 75 10 Normal — Normal Flying
6 Metronome Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
10 Sweet Kiss Normal Status — 75 10 Normal —
15 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
19 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
24 Follow Me Normal Status — — 20 Self —
28 Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
33 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
37 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
42 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
46 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
51 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 7.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○ ABILITIES STATS
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal — HP ●●
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — ● Hustle ATTACK ●●
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes — ● Serene Grace DEFENSE ●●●
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes — SP. ATTACK ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Fairy
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆☆☆ JUMP ★★★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Togepi with high
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Level up Togepi with high
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — friendship
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Level up Togepi with high
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — friendship
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Level up Togepi with high
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — friendship
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum Level up Togepi with high
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — friendship
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ They say that it will ap- It grows dispirited if it is
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — pear before kindhearted, not with kind people. It
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — caring people and shower can float in midair without
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — them with happiness. moving its wings.
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — EVOLUTION
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
high friendship
Level up with

TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —

Use Shiny

TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —


HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○

HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Togepi Togetic Togekiss

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 177 Tiny Bird Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
6 Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —
9 Teleport Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Psychic Flying 12 Lucky Chant Normal Status — — 30 2 Allies —
17 Miracle Eye Psychic Status — — 40 Normal —
20 Me First Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
23 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
28 Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
33 Psycho Shift Psychic Status — 90 10 Normal —
36 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
39 Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
44 Power Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
44 Guard Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
47 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 0’08”
● WEIGHT: 4.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
ABILITIES STATS Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
HP ●
● Synchronize ATTACK ●●
● Early Bird DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Ruins of Alph (outside) TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Ruins of Alph (outside) TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 224 (mass outbreak) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Route 224 (mass outbreak) TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 224 (mass outbreak) TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Because its wings aren’t It usually forages for food TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
yet fully grown, it has to on the ground but may, on TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
hop to get around. It is al- rare occasions, hop onto TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
ways staring at something. branches to peck at shoots. TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
EVOLUTION TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Lv. 25
Xatu Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
Drill Peck Flying Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
FeatherDance Flying Status — 100 15 Normal —
Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 178 Mystic Pokémon
1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
6 Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —
9 Teleport Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
12 Lucky Chant Normal Status — — 30 2 Allies — Psychic Flying
17 Miracle Eye Psychic Status — — 40 Normal —
20 Me First Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
23 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
27 Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
30 Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
37 Psycho Shift Psychic Status — 90 10 Normal —
42 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
47 Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
54 Power Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
54 Guard Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
59 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 4’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 78.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — Three stripes on body Two stripes on body
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal — ABILITIES STATS
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal — HP ●●
● Synchronize ATTACK ●●●
● Early Bird DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Trade Haunter to a man at the
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pewter City Pokémon Center
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — or level up Natu to Lv. 25
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — Trade Haunter to a man at the
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Pewter City Pokémon Center
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ or level up Natu to Lv. 25
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Level up Natu to Lv. 25
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Level up Natu to Lv. 25
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Level up Natu to Lv. 25
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○ They say that it stays still In South America, it is said
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — and quiet because it is that its right eye sees
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○ seeing both the past and the future and its left eye
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ future at the same time. views the past.
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○

Lv. 25

Natu Xatu

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 179 Wool Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
5 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
10 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
14 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Electric 19 Cotton Spore Grass Status — 85 40 Normal —
23 Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self —
28 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
32 Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
37 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
41 Power Gem Rock Special 70 100 20 Normal —
46 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 17.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —


HP ●●
● Static ATTACK ●●

Field No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★☆ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Route 32 TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 32 TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Valley Windworks (use Poké TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Radar) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Valley Windworks (use Poké TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Radar) TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Pokémon Platinum Valley Windworks (use Poké


Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

If static electricity builds Its fleece grows continu-
in its body, its fleece ally. In the summer, the
doubles in volume. Touch- fleece is fully shed, but it
ing it will shock you. grows back in a week.


Lv. 15 Lv. 15
Mareep Flaaffy Ampharos Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal
Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self —
Flatter Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 180 Wool Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
5 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
10 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal — Electric
14 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
20 Cotton Spore Grass Status — 85 40 Normal —
25 Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self —
31 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
36 Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
42 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
47 Power Gem Rock Special 70 100 20 Normal —
53 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 29.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Static ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Field
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Route 43
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 43
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Route 222 (use Poké Radar)
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Pearl Route 222 (use Poké Radar)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal Pokémon Platinum Route 222 (use Poké Radar)
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

As a result of storing too Its fluffy fleece easily
much electricity, it devel- stores electricity. Its rub-
oped patches where even bery hide keeps it from
downy wool won’t grow. being electrocuted.


Lv. 15 Lv. 15

Mareep Flaaffy Ampharos

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 181 Light Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Electric 1 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
5 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
10 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
14 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
20 Cotton Spore Grass Status — 85 40 Normal —
25 Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self —
30 ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
34 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
42 Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
51 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
59 Power Gem Rock Special 70 100 20 Normal —
68 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 4’07”
● WEIGHT: 135.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Static ATTACK ●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

Field No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Flaaffy to Lv. 30 TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Flaaffy to Lv. 30 TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Flaaffy to Lv. 30 TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
Pokémon Pearl Level up Flaaffy to Lv. 30 TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Flaaffy to Lv. 30 TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
The tail’s tip shines The bright light on its tail HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
brightly and can be seen can be seen far away. It
from far away. It acts as a has been treasured since
beacon for lost people. ancient times as a beacon.


Lv. 15 Lv. 15

Mareep Flaaffy Ampharos

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 182 Flower Pokémon
1 Leaf Blade Grass Physical 90 100 15 Normal
1 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
1 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
1 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
1 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — Grass
23 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
53 Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 12.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —


HP ●●●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Use Sun Stone on Gloom
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Use Sun Stone on Gloom
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Use Sun Stone on Gloom
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — Pokémon Pearl Use Sun Stone on Gloom
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal Pokémon Platinum Use Sun Stone on Gloom
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
BELLOSSOM gather at Plentiful in the tropics.
times and seem to dance. When it dances, its petals
They say that the dance is rub together and make a
a ritual to summon he sun. pleasant ringing sound.



Use Sun
Lv. 21 Stone

Oddish Gloom


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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 183 Aqua Mouse Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
2 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
7 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
10 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
Water 15 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
18 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
23 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
27 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
32 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
37 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
42 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’04”
● WEIGHT: 18.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal

HP ●●●
● Thick Fat ATTACK ●
● Huge Power DEFENSE ●●

Water 1
Fairy No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Safari Zone (Meadow Area TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
water surface) TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Safari Zone (Meadow Area TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
water surface) TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Pastoria Great Marsh TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Pearl Pastoria Great Marsh TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Route 215 HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal
The tip of its tail, which The end of its tail serves
contains oil that is lighter as a buoy that keeps it
than water, lets it swim from drowning, even in a
without drowning. vicious current.

high friendship
Level up with

Lv. 18
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Azurill Marill Azumarill
Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Present Normal Physical — 90 15 Normal —
Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
Belly Drum Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Perish Song Normal Status — — 5 All —
Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Aqua Jet Water Physical 40 100 20 Normal
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 184 Aqua Rabbit Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
2 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self — Water
7 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
10 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
15 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
20 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
27 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
33 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
40 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
47 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
54 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 62.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal

HP ●●●●
● Thick Fat ATTACK ●●
● Huge Power DEFENSE ●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Fairy
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Level up Marill to Lv. 18
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Marill to Lv. 18
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Level up Marill to Lv. 18
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal Pokémon Pearl Level up Marill to Lv. 18
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal Pokémon Platinum Victory Road 1F Back 2
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — By keeping still and When it plays in water, it
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal listening intently, it can rolls up its elongated ears
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal tell what is in even wild, to prevent their insides
fast-moving rivers. from getting wet.

high friendship
Level up with

Lv. 18

Azurill Marill Azumarill

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 185 Imitation Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Wood Hammer Grass Physical 120 100 15 Normal
1 Copycat Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
1 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal
1 Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
Rock 1 Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90 15 Normal —
6 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal
9 Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
14 Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90 15 Normal —
17 Mimic Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
22 Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
25 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
30 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
33 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
38 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal
41 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
46 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
49 Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90 10 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 0’08”
● WEIGHT: 4.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Larger branches on head Smaller branches on head Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
HP ●●●
● Sturdy ATTACK ●●●●
● Rock Head DEFENSE ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Use the SquirtBottle to water TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
the odd tree on Route 36 TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Use the SquirtBottle to water TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
the odd tree on Route 36 TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Level up Bonsly to Lv. 17 and TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond have it learn Mimic, or level it TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
up once it knows Mimic TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon Pearl Route 221 TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 221 TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Although it always It disguises itself as a tree TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
pretends to be a tree, to avoid attack. It hates HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
its composition appears water, so it will disappear HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
more similar to rock than if it starts raining.
to vegetation.

teach it Mimic. Or, level it
up once it knows Mimic.
Level it up to Lv. 17 and

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Selfdestruct Normal Physical 200 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Sudowoodo Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
Bonsly Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 186 Frog Pokémon
1 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
1 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
1 DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal
1 Perish Song Normal Status — — 5 All —
27 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Water
37 Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal
48 Hyper Voice Normal Special 90 100 10 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 3’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 74.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal


Larger cheek spots Smaller cheek spots

HP ●●●
● Water Absorb ATTACK ●●●
● Damp DEFENSE ●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal PERFORMANCE
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — Link trade Poliwhirl while it
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
holds the King’s Rock
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal Link trade Poliwhirl while it
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
holds the King’s Rock
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Link trade Poliwhirl while it
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
holds the King’s Rock
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal Link trade Poliwhirl while it
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — Pokémon Pearl
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
holds the King’s Rock
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal Link trade Poliwhirl while it
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal Pokémon Platinum
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — holds the King’s Rock
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — If POLIWAG and POLIWHIRL Whenever three or more of
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal hear its echoing cry, they these get together, they
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — respond by gathering from sing in a loud voice that
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal far and wide. sounds like bellowing.
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal




Lv. 25 Have it hold

King’s Rock
and trade it
Poliwag Poliwhirl

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 187 Cottonweed Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
4 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
7 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
10 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
Grass Flying 12 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
14 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
16 Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
19 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
22 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
25 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
28 Cotton Spore Grass Status — 85 40 Normal —
31 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
34 Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
37 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
40 Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal
43 Memento Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’04”
● WEIGHT: 1.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal


HP ●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●
● Leaf Guard DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Route 32 (morning and TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
afternoon only) TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 32 (morning and TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
afternoon only) TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 205, Floaroma Town TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
side (use Poké Radar) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 205, Floaroma Town TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
side (use Poké Radar) TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Route 205, Floaroma Town
side (use Poké Radar)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

To keep from being blown Its body is so light, it must
away by the wind, they grip the ground firmly with
gather in clusters. But they its feet to keep from being
do enjoy gentle breezes. blown away.


Lv. 18 Lv. 27
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Hoppip Skiploom Jumpluff Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Aromatherapy Grass Status — — 5 All Allies —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 188 Cottonweed Pokémon
1 Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
1 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
4 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self — Grass Flying
7 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
10 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
12 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
14 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
16 Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
20 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
24 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
28 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
32 Cotton Spore Grass Status — 85 40 Normal —
36 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
40 Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
44 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
48 Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal
52 Memento Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ● SIZE COMPARISON
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 2.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal

HP ●●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●
● Leaf Guard DEFENSE ●●



No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Route 14 (morning and
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal afternoon only)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 14 (morning and
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal — afternoon only)
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Route 205, Eterna City side
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — Pokémon Diamond (occasionally appears when
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — you use Poké Radar)
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal Fuego Ironworks (occasion-
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl ally appears when you use
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal Poké Radar)
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Pokémon Platinum Level up Hoppip to Lv. 18

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

The bloom on top of its It spreads its petals to

head opens and closes as absorb sunlight. It also
the temperature fluctu- floats in the air to get
ates up and down. closer to the sun.


Lv. 18 Lv. 27

Hoppip Skiploom Jumpluff

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 189 Cottonweed Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
1 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
Grass Flying 4 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
7 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
10 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
12 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
14 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
16 Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
20 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
24 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
28 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
32 Cotton Spore Grass Status — 85 40 Normal —
36 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
40 Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
44 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
48 Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal
52 Memento Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
● SIZE COMPARISON Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’07”
● WEIGHT: 6.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal

HP ●●●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●
● Leaf Guard DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Skiploom to Lv. 27 TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Skiploom to Lv. 27 TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Skiploom to Lv. 27 TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Skiploom to Lv. 27 TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Platinum Level up Skiploom to Lv. 27 TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
Once it catches the wind, it Drifts on seasonal winds
deftly controls its cotton- and spreads its cotton-like
puff spores-- it can even spores all over the world to
float around the world. make more offspring.


Lv. 18 Lv. 27

Hoppip Skiploom Jumpluff

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 190 Long Tail Pokémon
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
4 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
8 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
11 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self — Normal
15 Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
18 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal
22 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
25 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
29 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
32 Double Hit Normal Physical 35 90 10 Normal
36 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
39 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
43 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 25.4 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes — Shorter fur tuft on head Longer fur tuft on head
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal — ABILITIES STATS
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
HP ●●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●●
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal DEFENSE ●●
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ● Leaf Guard

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Azalea Town (use Headbutt)
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon SoulSilver Azalea Town (use Headbutt)
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon Diamond Spread Honey on a sweet-
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — smelling tree
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Spread Honey on a sweet-
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — smelling tree
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Platinum Spread Honey on a sweet-
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — smelling tree
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Its tail is so powerful that It lives atop tall trees.
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — it can use it to grab a tree When leaping from branch
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — branch and hold itself up to branch, it deftly uses its
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — in the air. tail for balance.
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — EVOLUTION
and teach it Double Hit.

HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal

Or, level it up once it
Level it up to Lv. 32

knows Double Hit.

HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal

HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

Aipom Ambipom
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal
DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal
Beat Up Dark Physical 10 100 10 Normal —
Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Covet Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 191 Seed Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
1 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
5 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
9 Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
Grass 13 GrassWhistle Grass Status — 55 15 Normal —
17 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
21 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
25 Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
29 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
33 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
37 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
41 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
45 Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’00”
● WEIGHT: 4.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Coba Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●
● Solar Power DEFENSE ●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★☆☆☆☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★☆☆☆☆ JUMP ★★☆☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★☆☆☆☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold National Park (afternoon TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
only) TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver National Park (afternoon TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
only) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 204, Floaroma Town TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
side (use Poké Radar) TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl Route 204, Floaroma Town TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
side (use Poké Radar) TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 204 (use Poké Radar) TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It may plummet from It lives by drinking only
the sky. If attacked by a dewdrops from under the
SPEAROW, it will violently leaves of plants. It is said
shake its leaves. that it eats nothing else.

Use Sun Stone

Sunkern Sunflora EGG MOVES

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
GrassWhistle Grass Status — 55 15 Normal —
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
Nature Power Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 192 Sun Pokémon
1 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
5 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
9 Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self — Grass
13 GrassWhistle Grass Status — 55 15 Normal —
17 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
21 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
25 Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
29 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
33 Petal Dance Grass Special 90 100 20 1 Random
37 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
41 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
43 Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 18.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●●
● Solar Power DEFENSE ●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Use Sun Stone on Sunkern
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Use Sun Stone on Sunkern
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Use Sun Stone on Sunkern
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Pearl Use Sun Stone on Sunkern
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Use Sun Stone on Sunkern
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
It converts sunlight into In the daytime, it rushes
energy. In the darkness about in a hectic manner,
after sunset, it closes its but it comes to a complete
petals and becomes still. stop when the sun sets.

Use Sun Stone

Sunkern Sunflora

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 193 Clear Wing Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
5 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Bug Flying 9 Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
13 GrassWhistle Grass Status — 55 15 Normal —
17 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
21 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
25 Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
29 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
33 Petal Dance Grass Special 90 100 20 1 Random
37 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
41 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
43 Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 83.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Wide Lens Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Speed Boost ATTACK ●●●
● Compoundeyes DEFENSE ●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★ JUMP ★★★★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Route 35 TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 35 TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Pastoria Great Marsh (after TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond obtaining the National Poké- TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
dex/changes daily) TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pastoria Great Marsh (after TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Pearl obtaining the National Poké- TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
dex/changes daily) TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Pastoria Great Marsh HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

If it flaps its wings really Its large eyes can scan
fast, it can generate shock 360 degrees. It looks in
waves that will shatter all directions to seek out
windows in the area. insects as its prey.

teach it AncientPower. Or,
level it up once it knows
Level it up to Lv. 33 and


Yanma Yanmega

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 194 Water Fish Pokémon
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
5 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
9 Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —
15 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal Water Ground
19 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
23 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
29 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
33 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
37 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
43 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
43 Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
47 Muddy Water Water Special 95 85 10 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 12.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Larger gills on head Smaller gills on head

HP ●●
● Damp ATTACK ●●
● Water Absorb DEFENSE ●●

TM & HM MOVES Water 1

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Field
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Route 32 (night only)
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon SoulSilver Route 32 (night only)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Pastoria Great Marsh
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Pastoria Great Marsh
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Pastoria Great Marsh
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
This Pokémon lives in cold When it walks around
water. It will leave the wa- on the ground, it coats
ter to search for food when its body with a slimy,
it gets cold outside. poisonous film.


Lv. 20
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal Wooper Quagsire
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal
Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 195 Water Fish Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
5 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
Water Ground 9 Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —
15 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal
19 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
24 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
31 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
36 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
41 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
48 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
48 Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
53 Muddy Water Water Special 95 85 10 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 4’07”
● WEIGHT: 165.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Bigger fin on back Smaller fin on back

HP ●●●●
● Damp ATTACK ●●●●
● Water Absorb DEFENSE ●●●

Water 1
Field No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Route 27 (night only) TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 27 (night only) TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pokémon Diamond Pastoria Great Marsh TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Pastoria Great Marsh TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
Pokémon Platinum Pastoria Great Marsh TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
This carefree Pokémon Due to its relaxed and TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
has an easy-going nature. carefree attitude, it often TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
While swimming, it always bumps its head on boulders TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
bumps into boat hulls. and boat hulls as it swims. HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
EVOLUTION HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal

Lv. 20

Wooper Quagsire

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 196 Sun Pokémon
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
8 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
15 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal — Psychic
22 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
29 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
36 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
43 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
50 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
57 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
64 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
71 Morning Sun Normal Status — — 5 Self —
78 Power Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 58.4 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Synchronize ATTACK ●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal Level up Eevee with high
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold friendship between
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal 4:00 A .M. and 8:00 P.M.
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Level up Eevee with high
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver friendship between
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — 4:00 A .M. and 8:00 P.M.
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Level up Eevee with high
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond friendship between
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — 4:00 A .M. and 8:00 P.M.
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal Level up Eevee with high
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Pearl friendship between
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — 4:00 A .M. and 8:00 P.M.
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Level up Eevee with high
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum friendship between
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — 4:00 A .M. and 8:00 P.M.
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All — It uses the fine hair that
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
By reading air currents,
covers its body to sense it can predict things such
air currents and predict as the weather or its foe’s
its enemy’s actions. next move.

Level up Eevee with
Eevee high friendship in the
morning or afternoon
Vaporeon Umbreon
Use Water Stone
on Eevee Level up Eevee with
high friendship at night
Use Thunderstone
on Eevee Level up Eevee in
Eterna Forest*
Use Fire Stone on Eevee Glaceon
*Unable to evolve in Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver Version. Transfer from Level up Eevee on
Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum Version. Route 217*

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 197 Moonlight Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
8 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
Dark 15 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
22 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
29 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
36 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
43 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
50 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
57 Mean Look Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
64 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
71 Moonlight Normal Status — — 5 Self —
78 Guard Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 59.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —

HP ●●●●
● Synchronize ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★★ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
SKILL ★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
Level up Eevee with high TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold friendship between TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
8:00 P.M. and 4:00 A .M. TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Level up Eevee with high TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
friendship between TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
8:00 P.M. and 4:00 A .M. TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Level up Eevee with high TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond friendship between TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
8:00 P.M. and 4:00 A .M. TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
Level up Eevee with high TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
Pokémon Pearl friendship between TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
8:00 P.M. and 4:00 A .M. TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Level up Eevee with high TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Platinum friendship between TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
8:00 P.M. and 4:00 A .M. TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
When agitated, this When darkness falls, the
Pokémon protects itself rings on the body begin to
by spraying poisonous glow, striking fear in the
sweat from its pores. hearts of anyone nearby.

Level up Eevee with
Eevee high friendship in the
morning or afternoon
Vaporeon Umbreon
Use Water Stone
on Eevee Level up Eevee with
high friendship at night
Use Thunderstone
on Eevee Level up Eevee in
Eterna Forest*
Use Fire Stone on Eevee Glaceon
Level up Eevee on *Unable to evolve in Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver Version. Transfer from
Route 217* Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum Version.

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 198 Darkness Pokémon
1 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
1 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
1 DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal
1 Perish Song Normal Status — — 5 All —
27 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Dark Flying
37 Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal
48 Hyper Voice Normal Special 90 100 10 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 4.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal


Larger feather crest Smaller feather crest

HP ●●
● Insomnia ATTACK ●●●●
● Super Luck DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal PERFORMANCE
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Safari Zone (Swamp Area)
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Safari Zone (Swamp Area)
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Eterna Forest (night only)
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — Pokémon Pearl —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal Pokémon Platinum —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — It is said that when
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — Feared and loathed by
many, it is believed to chased, it lures its at-
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal tacker onto dark mountain
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — bring misfortune to all
those who see it at night. trails where the foe will
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal
get lost.

Use Dusk Stone

Murkrow Honchkrow

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 199 Royal Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Power Gem Rock Special 70 100 20 Normal —
1 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
1 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
1 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Water Psychic 1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
6 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
11 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
15 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
20 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
25 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
29 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
34 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
39 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
43 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
48 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
53 Trump Card Normal Special — — 5 Normal
57 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 6’07”
● WEIGHT: 175.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
ABILITIES STATS Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
HP ●●●● Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
● Oblivious ATTACK ●●●
● Own Tempo DEFENSE ●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
SKILL ★★★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
Link trade Slowpoke while it TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Pokémon HeartGold TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
holds the King’s Rock TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
Link trade Slowpoke while it TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
holds the King’s Rock TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Diamond — TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Link trade Slowpoke while it TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon Pearl TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
holds the King’s Rock TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Link trade Slowpoke while it TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
holds the King’s Rock TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
It has incredible intellect When its head was bitten, TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
and intuition. Whatever toxins entered SLOW- TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
the situation, it remains POKE’s head and unlocked TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal
calm and collected. an extraordinary power. TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal
EVOLUTION TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Lv. 37 TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
Slowbro TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
Have it hold TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Slowpoke King’s Rock Slowking TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
and trade it TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 200 Screech Pokémon
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Psywave Psychic Special — 80 15 Normal —
5 Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
10 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
14 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal — Ghost
19 Mean Look Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
23 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
28 Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
32 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
37 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
41 Perish Song Normal Status — — 5 All —
46 Grudge Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
50 Power Gem Rock Special 70 100 20 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 2.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★★★★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SKILL ★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — Mt. Silver Cave interior
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold
(night only)
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Mt. Silver Cave interior
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver
(night only)
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Eterna Forest (night only)
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — It loves to bite and yank
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — It likes playing mischie-
vous tricks, such as people’s hair from behind
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal — without warning, just
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — screaming and wailing to
startle people at night. to see their shocked
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — reactions.
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All — EVOLUTION
Use Dusk Stone

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Misdreavus Mismagius
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Imprison Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Memento Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100 30 Normal
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 201 Symbol Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’08”
● WEIGHT: 11.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA


HP ●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered UNOWN CHART

POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆☆☆
SKILL ★★☆☆

Pokémon HeartGold Ruins of Alph

Pokémon SoulSilver Ruins of Alph E F G H

Pokémon Diamond Solaceon Ruins

Pokémon Pearl Solaceon Ruins


Pokémon Platinum Solaceon Ruins

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Their shapes look like Its flat, thin body is always
hieroglyphs on ancient stuck on walls. Its shape M N O P
tablets. It is said that the appears to have some
two are somehow related. meaning.



Does not evolve


*The maximum Skill Performance for Unown ! and ? Y Z ! ?
is 1 star higher

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 202 Patient Pokémon
1 Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self
1 Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —
1 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
1 Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 4’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 62.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None


Blue lips Red lips

HP ●●●●●●
● Shadow Tag ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
SKILL ★★★☆☆


Pokémon HeartGold Dark Cave, Blackthorn

City side

Pokémon SoulSilver Dark Cave, Blackthorn

City side

Pokémon Diamond Lake Valor (use Poké Radar)

Pokémon Pearl Lake Valor (use Poké Radar)

Pokémon Platinum Lake Valor (use Poké Radar)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It hates light and shock. If To keep its pitch-black tail

attacked, it inflates hidden, it lives quietly in
its body to build up its the darkness. It is never
counterstrike. first to attack.


Lv. 15

Wynaut Wobbuffet

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 203 Long Neck Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Power Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
1 Guard Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
Normal Psychic 1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
5 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
10 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal
14 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
19 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
23 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
28 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
32 Double Hit Normal Physical 35 90 10 Normal
37 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
41 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
46 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 4’11”
● WEIGHT: 91.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Persim Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Larger dark section Smaller dark section Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Inner Focus ATTACK ●●●
● Early Bird DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Route 43 TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 43 TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Valor Lakefront TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Valor Lakefront TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Valor Lakefront TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Its tail has a small brain of TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Its tail, which also con- TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
its own. Beware! If you get tains a small brain, may TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
close, it may react to your bite on its own if it notices TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
scent by biting. an alluring smell. TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
EVOLUTION TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

Does not evolve

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
Beat Up Dark Physical 10 100 10 Normal —
Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal
Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —
Razor Wind Normal Special 80 100 10 2 Foes —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 204 Bagworm Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
6 Selfdestruct Normal Physical 200 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
9 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
12 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal Bug
17 Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal
20 Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self
23 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
28 Spikes Ground Status — — 20 2 Foes —
31 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
34 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
39 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
42 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
45 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 15.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●
● Sturdy ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — POWER ★★☆☆☆ JUMP ★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★☆
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal New Bark Town (use
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — New Bark Town (use
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon SoulSilver
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Route 203 (after obtaining
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — the National Pokédex, insert
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon Diamond
Pokémon Emerald into your
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Route 203 (after obtaining
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl the National Pokédex, insert
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Emerald into your
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal Route 203 (after obtaining
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal Pokémon Platinum the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon Emerald into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It likes to make its shell It hangs and waits for
thicker by adding layers of flying insect prey to come
tree bark. The additional near. It does not move
weight doesn’t bother it. about much on its own.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — Lv. 31
Pin Missile Bug Physical 14 85 20 Normal —
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self Pineco Forretress
Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
Toxic Spikes Poison Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Power Trick Psychic Status — — 10 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 205 Bagworm Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Toxic Spikes Poison Status — — 20 2 Foes —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
1 Selfdestruct Normal Physical 200 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Bug Steel 1 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
6 Selfdestruct Normal Physical 200 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
9 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
12 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
17 Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal
20 Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self
23 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
28 Spikes Ground Status — — 20 2 Foes —
31 Mirror Shot Steel Special 65 85 10 Normal —
33 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
38 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
45 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
50 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
55 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
62 Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
67 Zap Cannon Electric Special 120 50 5 Normal —

● SIZE COMPARISON Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 277.3 lbs.
● ITEMS: None
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
HP ●●●
● Sturdy ATTACK ●●●●


PERFORMANCE No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Pineco to Lv. 31 TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Pineco to Lv. 31 TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Diamond Level up Pineco to Lv. 31 TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Pineco to Lv. 31 TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Pineco to Lv. 31 TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Its entire body is shielded It remains immovably TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
rooted to its tree. It scat- TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
by a steel-hard shell. What TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
lurks inside this shell is a ters pieces of its hard shell
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
total mystery. to drive its enemies away. HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

Lv. 31

Pineco Forretress

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 206 Land Snake Pokémon
1 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal
5 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
9 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
13 Glare Normal Status — 75 30 Normal —
17 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal Normal
21 Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
25 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
29 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
33 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
37 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
41 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
45 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
49 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
53 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 4’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 30.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●●●
● Serene Grace ATTACK ●●●
● Run Away DEFENSE ●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Dark Cave, Violet City side
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon SoulSilver Dark Cave, Violet City side
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 208 (mass outbreak)
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon Pearl Route 208 (mass outbreak)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal Pokémon Platinum Route 208 (mass outbreak)
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal — When spotted, this Poké- If spotted, it escapes by
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — mon escapes backward by burrowing with its tail.
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — furiously boring into the It can float just slightly
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — ground with its tail. using its wings.
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal EVOLUTION
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal Does not evolve
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Trump Card Normal Special — — 5 Normal
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 207 FlyScorpion Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
5 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
9 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
12 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Ground Flying 16 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
20 Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
23 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
27 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
31 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
34 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
38 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
42 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal
45 Guillotine Normal Physical — 30 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 3’07”
● WEIGHT: 142.9 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Bigger tail stinger Smaller tail stinger

HP ●●
● Hyper Cutter ATTACK ●●●
● Sand Veil DEFENSE ●●●●
Bug No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Route 45 TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Route 206 (after obtaining TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
the National Pokédex, insert TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Emerald into your TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
Route 206 (after obtaining TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal
the National Pokédex, insert TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Emerald into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Route 206 TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal
It flies straight at its It usually clings to cliffs. TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
target’s face, then clamps When it spots its prey, TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal
down on the startled it spreads its wings and TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal —
victim to inject poison. glides down to attack. TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
EVOLUTION HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
up between 8:00 P.M.
Fang and then level

HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

Have it hold Razor

and 4:00 A .M.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal
Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal
Wooper Quagsire Razor Wind Normal Special 80 100 10 2 Foes —
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self
Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal
Cross Poison Poison Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Power Trick Psychic Status — — 10 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 208 Iron Snake Pokémon
1 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal Steel Ground
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Bind Normal Physical 15 75 20 Normal
6 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
9 Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90 15 Normal —
14 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal
17 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
22 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
25 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal
30 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
33 DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal —
38 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
41 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
46 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
49 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
54 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● SIZE COMPARISON
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ● HEIGHT: 30’02”
● WEIGHT: 881.8 lbs.
● ITEMS: Metal Coat
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal Two fangs One fang
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
HP ●●●
● Rock Head ATTACK ●●●●
● Sturdy DEFENSE ●●●●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Cliff Cave
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Cliff Cave
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon Diamond Iron Island B3F 1
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Iron Island B3F 1
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal Pokémon Platinum Iron Island B3F 1
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — Its body has been It’s said that if an ONIX
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — compressed deep under lives for 100 years, its
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal — composition becomes
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
the ground. As a result,
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — it is even harder than a diamondlike as it evolves
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — diamond. into a STEELIX.
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal — EVOLUTION
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
Have it hold Metal
Coat and trade it

HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal

HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal

Onix Steelix

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 209 Fairy Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
Normal 1 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
7 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
13 Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal
19 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
25 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
31 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal
37 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
43 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
49 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 17.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal

HP ●●●●
● Intimidate ATTACK ●●●
● Run Away DEFENSE ●●●●

Fairy No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Route 38 TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Route 38 TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Pokémon Diamond TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Route 209 (mass outbreak) TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 209 (mass outbreak) TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Route 209 (mass outbreak) TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Although it looks frighten- It has an active, playful TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
ing, it is actually kind and nature. Many women like TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
affectionate. It is very to frolic with it because of TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
popular among women. its affectionate ways. TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
EVOLUTION HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

Lv. 23
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snubbull Granbull Metronome Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
Present Normal Physical — 90 15 Normal —
Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
SmellingSalt Normal Physical 60 100 10 Normal
Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal
Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal
Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 210 Fairy Pokémon
1 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal — Normal
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
7 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
13 Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal
19 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
27 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
35 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal
43 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
51 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
59 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 4’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 107.4 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal

HP ●●●
● Intimidate ATTACK ●●●●●
● Quick Feet DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Level up Snubbull to Lv. 23
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Snubbull to Lv. 23
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Level up Snubbull to Lv. 23
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Level up Snubbull to Lv. 23
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Level up Snubbull to Lv. 23
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal — It is actually timid and eas- Because its fangs are too
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — ily spooked. If attacked, it heavy, it always keeps its
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — flails about to fend off its head tilted down. However,
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — attacker. its bite is powerful.
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal — EVOLUTION
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Lv. 23
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal Snubbull Granbull
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 211 Balloon Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Spikes Ground Status — — 20 2 Foes —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
9 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Water Poison 9 Minimize Normal Status — — 20 Self —
13 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
17 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
21 Toxic Spikes Poison Status — — 20 2 Foes —
25 Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
25 Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
29 Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
33 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
37 Pin Missile Bug Physical 14 85 20 Normal —
41 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
45 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
49 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
53 Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
57 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
● WEIGHT: 8.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Poison Barb Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●
● Poison Point ATTACK ●●●●
● Swift Swim DEFENSE ●●●

Water 2
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Route 32 (Good Rod/ TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Super Rod)
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Route 32 (Good Rod/ TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Super Rod)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Iron Island exterior (Super TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
Rod) TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Iron Island exterior (Super TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Pearl TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Rod) TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Iron Island exterior (Super TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Platinum TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Rod) TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
To fire its poison spikes, The small spikes covering HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
it must inflate its body by its body developed from HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal
drinking over 2.6 gallons scales. They inject a toxin
of water all at once. that causes fainting.


Does not evolve

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal
Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
Aqua Jet Water Physical 40 100 20 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 212 Pincer Pokémon
1 Bullet Punch Steel Physical 40 100 30 Normal
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
5 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
9 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal Bug Steel
13 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal
17 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
21 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal
25 Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
29 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
33 Razor Wind Normal Special 80 100 10 2 Foes —
37 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
41 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal
45 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal
49 Double Hit Normal Physical 35 90 10 Normal
53 Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
57 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
61 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 5’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 260.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self — Shorter abdomen Longer abdomen

HP ●●●
● Swarm ATTACK ●●●●●
● Technician DEFENSE ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★☆☆☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Link trade Scyther while it
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — Pokémon HeartGold
holds the Metal Coat
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Link trade Scyther while it
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver
holds the Metal Coat
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal Link trade Scyther while it
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond
holds the Metal Coat
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal — Pokémon Pearl —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Link trade Scyther while it
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal Pokémon Platinum
holds the Metal Coat
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — It swings its eye-pat- Its wings are not used for
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal — terned pincers up to scare flying. They are flapped
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal its foes. This makes it look at high speed to adjust its
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal like it has three heads. body temperature.
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

Have it hold Metal
Coat and trade it

Scyther Scizor

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 213 Mold Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Withdraw Water Status — — 40 Self —
1 Constrict Normal Physical 10 100 35 Normal
1 Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self
9 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
Bug Rock 14 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
22 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal
27 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
35 Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
40 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
48 Power Trick Psychic Status — — 10 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 45.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Berry Juice Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —

HP ●
● Sturdy ATTACK ●
● Gluttony DEFENSE ●●●●●●
SP. DEFENSE ●●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★☆☆☆ JUMP ★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
SKILL ★☆ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Cianwood City (use Rock TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Smash) TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Cianwood City (use Rock TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Smash) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Route 224 (after obtaining TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
Pokémon Diamond the National Pokédex, insert TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Emerald into your TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Route 224 (after obtaining TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
the National Pokédex, insert TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Pearl TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Emerald into your TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
Route 224 (after obtaining
Pokémon Platinum the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon Emerald into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

The berries it stores in its It stores berries inside its
vase-like shell decom- shell. To avoid attacks, it
pose and become a gooey hides beneath rocks and
liquid. remains completely still.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Does not evolve Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Acupressure Normal Status — — 30 1 Ally —
Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 214 Single Horn Pokémon
1 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Horn Attack Normal Physical 65 100 25 Normal
1 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Bug Fighting
7 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal
13 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
19 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
25 Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self
31 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
37 Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
43 Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal
49 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
55 Megahorn Bug Physical 120 85 10 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 4’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 119.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Pointed horn Rounded horn

HP ●●●
● Swarm ATTACK ●●●●●
● Guts DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★☆
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon HeartGold
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Azalea Town (use Headbutt)
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Azalea Town (use Headbutt)
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Occasionally appears if you
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond spread Honey on a sweet-
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — smelling tree
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Occasionally appears if you
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
spread Honey on a sweet-
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal smelling tree
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Occasionally appears if you
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum spread Honey on a sweet-
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — smelling tree
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal This powerful Pokémon It is usually docile, but if it
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal thrusts its prized horn is disturbed while sipping
under its enemies’ bellies, honey, it chases off the
then lifts and throws them. intruder with its horn.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Does not evolve
Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal
False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal
Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 215 Sharp Claw Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
8 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
Dark Ice 10 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
14 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
21 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal
24 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
28 Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
35 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
38 Beat Up Dark Physical 10 100 10 Normal —
42 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal
49 Ice Shard Ice Physical 40 100 30 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’11”
● WEIGHT: 61.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Grip Claw Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Quick Claw Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
Larger ear Smaller ear

HP ●●
● Inner Focus ATTACK ●●●●
● Keen Eye DEFENSE ●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Field TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Mt. Silver Cave interior TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Mt. Silver Cave interior TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 216 TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Pearl Route 216 TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 216 TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Its paws conceal sharp Vicious in nature, it TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
claws. If attacked, it sud- drives PIDGEY from their TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
denly extends the claws TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal
nests and scavenges any TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
and startles its enemy. leftovers it can find. TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
EVOLUTION TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
up between 8:00 P.M.
Claw and then level

TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Have it hold Razor

HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal

and 4:00 A .M.

HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —

HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
Sneasel Weavile EGG MOVES
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
Crush Claw Normal Physical 75 95 10 Normal
Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Double Hit Normal Physical 35 90 10 Normal
Punishment Dark Physical — 100 5 Normal
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
Ice Shard Ice Physical 40 100 30 Normal —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Assist Normal Status — — 20 Depends —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 216 Little Bear Pokémon
1 Covet Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal
1 Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — Normal
8 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal
15 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
22 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
29 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
36 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
43 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
43 Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
50 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random
57 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 19.4 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
HP ●●
● Pickup ATTACK ●●●
● Quick Feet DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self — POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon HeartGold —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 45
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Route 211, Eterna City side
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — (after obtaining the National
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Pokédex, insert Pokémon
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Emerald into your Nintendo
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal Route 211, Eterna City side
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal (after obtaining the National
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — Pokémon Pearl Pokédex, insert Pokémon
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Emerald into your Nintendo
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Route 211, Eterna City side
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — (after obtaining the National
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal Pokémon Platinum Pokédex, insert Pokémon
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal Emerald into your Nintendo
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal DS’s Game Pak slot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

If it finds honey, its crescent Before food becomes
mark glows. It always licks scarce in wintertime, its
its paws because they’re habit is to hoard food in
soaked with honey. many hidden locations.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA EVOLUTION
Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
Seismic Toss Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self Lv. 30
Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal
Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Teddiursa Ursaring
Cross Chop Fighting Physical 100 80 5 Normal
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal
Belly Drum Normal Status — — 10 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 217 Hibernator Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Covet Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal
Normal 1 Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
8 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal
15 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
22 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
29 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
38 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
47 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
49 Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
58 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random
67 Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90 10 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 5’11”
● WEIGHT: 277.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Shorter fur on shoulders Longer fur on shoulders Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
ABILITIES STATS Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
HP ●●●
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
● Guts ATTACK ●●●●●
● Quick Feet DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
SKILL ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold — TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Victory Road TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Route 216 (after obtaining TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon Diamond Pokémon Emerald into your
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
Route 216 (after obtaining TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl the National Pokédex, insert TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
Pokémon Emerald into your TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal
Route 216 (after obtaining TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
the National Pokédex, insert TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum Pokémon Emerald into your TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Although it is a good With its ability to distin- HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
climber, it prefers to snap guish any aroma, it unfail- HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
trees with its forelegs and ingly finds all food buried
eat fallen berries. deep underground.


Lv. 30

Teddiursa Ursaring

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 218 Lava Pokémon
1 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
1 Smog Poison Special 20 70 20 Normal —
8 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
11 Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90 15 Normal —
16 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self — Fire
23 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
26 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
31 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
38 Lava Plume Fire Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
41 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
46 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal
53 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
56 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 77.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●
● Magma Armor ATTACK ●●
● Flame Body DEFENSE ●●

TM & HM MOVES Amorphous

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal SKILL ★★☆
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Route 17
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 17
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Diamond Stark Mountain interior 1
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Stark Mountain interior 1
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

Pokémon Platinum Stark Mountain interior 1

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It never sleeps. It has to A common sight in volca-
keep moving because if it nic areas, it slowly slith-
stopped, its magma body ers around in a constant
would cool and harden. search for warm places.


Lv. 38

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Slugma Magcargo
Acid Armor Poison Status — — 40 Self —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Memento Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —
Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 219 Lava Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
1 Smog Poison Special 20 70 20 Normal —
1 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
1 Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90 15 Normal —
Fire Rock 8 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
11 Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90 15 Normal —
16 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
23 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
26 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
31 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
40 Lava Plume Fire Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
45 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
52 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal
61 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
66 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’07”
● WEIGHT: 121.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●
● Magma Armor ATTACK ●●
● Flame Body DEFENSE ●●●●●
Amorphous No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SPEED ★ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Slugma to Lv. 38 TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Slugma to Lv. 38 TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Stark Mountain interior 1 TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon Pearl Stark Mountain interior 1 TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
Pokémon Platinum Stark Mountain interior 1 TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
The shell on its back is just Its brittle shell occasion- TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
skin that has cooled and ally spouts intense TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
hardened. It breaks easily flames that circulate HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
with a slight touch. HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
throughout its body.


Lv. 38

Slugma Magcargo

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 220 Pig Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
4 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
8 Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100 25 2 Foes —
13 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — Ice Ground
16 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
20 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
25 Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
28 Ice Shard Ice Physical 40 100 30 Normal —
32 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
37 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
40 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
44 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
49 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 14.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —

HP ●●
● Oblivious ATTACK ●●
● Snow Cloak DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon HeartGold Ice Path
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — Pokémon SoulSilver Ice Path
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 217 (mass outbreak)
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Pearl Route 217 (mass outbreak)
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Route 217
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
It rubs its snout on the If it smells something
ground to find and dig up enticing, it dashes off
food. It sometimes headlong to find the
discovers hot springs. source of the aroma.

Teach it AncientPower
and level it up*

Lv. 33

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Swinub Piloswine Mamoswine
Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal *To teach Piloswine AncientPower, give a Heart Scale to
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — the Move Maniac in Blackthorn City or exchange 40 BP at
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal — the house in the Battle Frontier.
Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —
Icicle Spear Ice Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 221 Swine Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal
1 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
1 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
Ice Ground 1 Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100 25 2 Foes —
4 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
8 Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100 25 2 Foes —
13 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
16 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
20 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
25 Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
28 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal
32 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
33 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal
40 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
48 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
56 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
65 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 3’07”
● WEIGHT: 123.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Longer tusks Shorter tusks

HP ●●●●
● Oblivious ATTACK ●●●●
● Snow Cloak DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Swinub to Lv. 33 TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Swinub to Lv. 33 TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Swinub to Lv. 33 TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Swinub to Lv. 33 TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Platinum Route 217 (use Poké Radar) TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Because the long hair all If it charges at an enemy, TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
over its body obscures the hairs on its back stand HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
its sight, it just keeps up straight. It is very HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
charging repeatedly. sensitive to sound.

Teach it AncientPower
and level it up*

Lv. 33

Swinub Piloswine Mamoswine

*To teach Piloswine AncientPower, give a Heart Scale to

the Move Maniac in Blackthorn City or exchange 40 BP at
the house in the Battle Frontier.

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 222 Coral Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
4 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
8 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
13 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
16 Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self — Water Rock
20 Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
25 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
28 Lucky Chant Normal Status — — 30 2 Allies —
32 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
37 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
40 Spike Cannon Normal Physical 20 100 15 Normal —
44 Power Gem Rock Special 70 100 20 Normal —
48 Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —
53 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 11.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Hard Stone
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●●
● Hustle ATTACK ●●
● Natural Cure DEFENSE ●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Water 3
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
Pokémon HeartGold Route 34 (Good Rod/Super Rod,
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal morning and afternoon only)
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 34 (Good Rod/Super Rod,
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — morning and afternoon only)
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — Pokémon Diamond Route 230 (mass outbreak)
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Route 230 (mass outbreak)
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon Platinum Route 230 (mass outbreak)
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — It continuously sheds and In a south-sea nation, the
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — grows. The tip of its head people live in communities
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — is prized as a treasure that are built on groups of
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — because of its beauty. these Pokémon.
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

Does not evolve

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Barrier Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Icicle Spear Ice Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
Nature Power Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 223 Jet Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
6 Lock-On Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
10 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
14 Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Water 19 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
23 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
27 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
32 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
36 Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
40 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
45 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 26.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal

HP ●
● Hustle ATTACK ●●●
● Sniper DEFENSE ●●

Water 1
Water 2
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Route 44 (Good Rod/ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Super Rod)
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Route 44 (Good Rod/ TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Super Rod)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Route 213 (Good Rod) TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 213 (Good Rod) TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Platinum Route 213 (Good Rod) TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
It has superb accuracy. Using its dorsal fin as a HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal
The water it shoots out can suction pad, it clings to a
strike moving prey from MANTINE’s underside to
more than 300 feet away. scavenge for leftovers.


Lv. 25
Remoraid Octillery Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Octazooka Water Special 65 85 10 Normal —
Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal
Water Spout Water Special 150 100 5 2 Foes —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 224 Jet Pokémon
1 Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
1 Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
1 Constrict Normal Physical 10 100 35 Normal
1 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal — Water
1 Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 Normal —
6 Constrict Normal Physical 10 100 35 Normal
10 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
14 Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 Normal —
19 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
23 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
25 Octazooka Water Special 65 85 10 Normal —
29 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
36 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal
42 Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
48 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
55 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 62.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal Bigger suction cups Smaller suction cups

HP ●●●
● Suction Cups ATTACK ●●●●
● Sniper DEFENSE ●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

Water 1
Water 2
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Level up Remoraid to Lv. 25
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Remoraid to Lv. 25
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Route 213 (Super Rod)
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 213 (Super Rod)
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal Pokémon Platinum Route 213 (Super Rod)
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — It traps foes with the suc- It instinctively sneaks
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal — tion cups on its tentacles, into rocky holes. If it gets
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — then smashes them with sleepy, it steals the nest
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — its rock-hard head. of a fellow OCTILLERY.
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal


Lv. 25

Remoraid Octillery

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 225 Delivery Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Present Normal Physical — 90 15 Normal —

Ice Flying

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’11”
● WEIGHT: 35.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —

HP ●●
● Vital Spirit ATTACK ●●
● Hustle DEFENSE ●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold — TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Ice Path TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Diamond Route 216 (mass outbreak) TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Pearl Route 216 (mass outbreak) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Platinum Route 217 (mass outbreak) TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It carries food all day long. It nests at the edge of
There are tales about lost sharp cliffs. It spends all
people who were saved by day carrying food to its
its stored food. awaiting chicks.


Does not evolve

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal
Ice Ball Ice Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Ice Shard Ice Physical 40 100 30 Normal —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 226 Kite Pokémon
1 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
1 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
1 Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes — Water Flying
1 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
1 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
4 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
10 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
13 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
19 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
22 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal
28 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
31 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
37 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
40 Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal
46 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
49 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 6’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 485.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal — ABILITIES STATS
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal — HP ●●
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ● Swift Swim ATTACK ●●
● Water Absorb DEFENSE ●●●
SP. DEFENSE ●●●●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Route 41 (water surface)
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Put Remoraid in your party
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond
and level up Mantyke
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Put Remoraid in your party
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal Pokémon Pearl
and level up Mantyke
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Put Remoraid in your party
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum
and level up Mantyke
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal As it majestically swims, it Swimming freely in open
doesn’t care if REMORAID seas, it may fly out of the
attach to it for scavenging water and over the waves if
its leftovers. it builds up enough speed.

Level it up while Remo-
raid is in your party

EGG MOVES Mantyke Mantine

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal
Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —
Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 227 Armor Bird Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal
6 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
9 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Steel Flying 12 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
17 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal
20 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
23 Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
28 Spikes Ground Status — — 20 2 Foes —
31 Metal Sound Steel Status — 85 40 Normal —
34 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal
39 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —
42 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
45 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 5’07”
● WEIGHT: 111.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —

HP ●●
● Keen Eye ATTACK ●●●
● Sturdy DEFENSE ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 45 TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Diamond Route 227 TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Pearl Route 227 TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum Route 227 TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Its sturdy wings look heavy, After nesting in bramble TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
but they are actually hollow TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal
bushes, the wings of its TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
and light, allowing it to fly chicks grow hard from TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
freely in the sky. scratches by thorns. HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

Does not evolve

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Drill Peck Flying Physical 80 100 20 Normal
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Brave Bird Flying Physical 120 100 15 Normal
Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
Guard Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 228 Dark Pokémon
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
4 Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
9 Smog Poison Special 20 70 20 Normal —
14 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Dark Fire
17 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
22 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
27 Beat Up Dark Physical 10 100 10 Normal —
30 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal
35 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
40 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
43 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
48 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
53 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 23.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal

HP ●●
● Early Bird ATTACK ●●●
● Flash Fire DEFENSE ●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SKILL ★★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Route 7 (night only)
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Route 7 (night only)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Find its Egg at the Pokémon
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Day Care and hatch it
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum Route 214
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — It uses different kinds of To corner prey, they check
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — cries for communicating each other’s location using
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal with others of its kind and barks that only they can
for pursuing its prey. understand.


Lv. 24

EGG MOVES Houndour Houndoom

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —
Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal
Beat Up Dark Physical 10 100 10 Normal —
Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal
Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal
Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
Punishment Dark Physical — 100 5 Normal
Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 229 Dark Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
1 Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Dark Fire 1 Smog Poison Special 20 70 20 Normal —
4 Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
9 Smog Poison Special 20 70 20 Normal —
14 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
17 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
22 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
28 Beat Up Dark Physical 10 100 10 Normal —
32 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal
38 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
44 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
48 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
54 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
60 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 5’11”
● WEIGHT: 277.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal
Bigger horns Smaller horns

HP ●●●
● Early Bird ATTACK ●●●●
● Flash Fire DEFENSE ●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Houndour to Lv. 24 TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Houndour to Lv. 24 TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond — TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Pearl Route 214 (use Poké Radar) TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Houndour to Lv. 24 TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
If you are burned by the Upon hearing its eerie TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
flames it shoots from its howls, other Pokémon get TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
mouth, the pain will never the shivers and head TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
go away. straight back to their nests. TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

Lv. 24

Houndour Houndoom

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 230 Dragon Pokémon
1 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
1 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
1 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal — Water Dragon
4 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
8 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
11 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
14 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
18 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
23 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
26 Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
30 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
40 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
48 Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —
57 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 5’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 335.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal

HP ●●●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●●●●
● Sniper DEFENSE ●●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Dragon
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★☆☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Link trade Seadra while it
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold
holds the Dragon Scale
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Link trade Seadra while it
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver
holds the Dragon Scale
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal Link trade Seadra while it
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Diamond
holds the Dragon Scale
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Link trade Seadra while it
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl
holds the Dragon Scale
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — Link trade Seadra while it
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal Pokémon Platinum
holds the Dragon Scale

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It is said that it usu- It sleeps deep on the
ally hides in underwater ocean floor to build its
caves. It can create energy. It is said to cause
whirlpools by yawning. tornadoes as it wakes.

Have it hold Dragon
Scale and trade it

Lv. 32

Horsea Seadra Kingdra

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 231 Long Nose Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Ground 6 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal
10 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
15 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
19 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
24 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal
28 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
33 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
37 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
42 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
● WEIGHT: 73.9 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Passho Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Pickup ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Route 45 TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Diamond Route 207 (mass outbreak) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 207 (mass outbreak) TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
Pokémon Platinum Route 207 (mass outbreak)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It swings its long snout As a sign of affection,
around playfully, but it bumpswith its snout.
because it is so strong, However, it is so strong, it
that can be dangerous. may send you flying.


Lv. 25

Phanpy Donphan
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self
Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
Ice Shard Ice Physical 40 100 30 Normal —
Head Smash Rock Physical 150 80 5 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 232 Armor Pokémon
1 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Horn Attack Normal Physical 65 100 25 Normal
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self — Ground
1 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal
6 Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal
10 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
15 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
19 Magnitude Ground Physical — 100 30 2 Foes/1 Ally —
24 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal
25 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal
31 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
39 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
46 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
54 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 3’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 264.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Passho Berry
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal — Longer tusks Smaller tusks
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ABILITIES STATS
HP ●●●
● Sturdy ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Victory Road
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal Pokémon Diamond Level up Phanpy to Lv. 25
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Pearl Level up Phanpy to Lv. 25
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Level up Phanpy to Lv. 25
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
It has sharp, hard tusks The longer and bigger its
and a rugged hide. Its tusks, the higher its rank
tackle is strong enough to in its herd. The tusks take
knock down a house. long to grow.


Lv. 25

Phanpy Donphan

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 233 Virtual Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Conversion 2 Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Conversion Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Normal 7 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
12 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
18 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
23 Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
29 Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
34 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
40 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
45 Lock-On Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
51 Tri Attack Normal Special 80 100 10 Normal —
56 Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
62 Zap Cannon Electric Special 120 50 5 Normal —
67 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 71.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Trace ATTACK ●●●
● Download DEFENSE ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Link trade Porygon while it TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
holds the Up-Grade TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Link trade Porygon while it TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
holds the Up-Grade TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Link trade Porygon while it TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
holds the Up-Grade TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Link trade Porygon while it TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
holds the Up-Grade TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Link trade Porygon while it TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
holds the Up-Grade TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
This upgraded version of Further research enhanced TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
PORYGON is designed for its abilities. Sometimes, it TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
space exploration. It can’t may exhibit motions that TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
fly, however. were not programmed. TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Have it hold Dubious
Disc and trade it
Grade and trade it
Have it hold Up-

Porygon Porygon2 Porygon-Z

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 234 Big Horn Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
3 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
7 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
10 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
13 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal Normal
16 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
21 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
23 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
27 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
33 Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
38 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
43 Imprison Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
49 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
53 Me First Normal Status — — 20 Depends —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 4’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 157.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal
HP ●●●
● Intimidate ATTACK ●●●●
● Frisk DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Route 36
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon SoulSilver Route 36
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — Pokémon Diamond —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Route 207 (use Poké Radar)
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Route 207 (use Poké Radar)
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — The curved antlers subtly Those who stare at its
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — change the flow of air to antlers will gradually lose
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — create a strange space control of their senses and
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — where reality is distorted. be unable to stand.
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — EVOLUTION
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Does not evolve

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —
Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random
Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Megahorn Bug Physical 120 85 10 Normal

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 235 Painter Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Sketch Normal Status — — 1 Normal —
11 Sketch Normal Status — — 1 Normal —
21 Sketch Normal Status — — 1 Normal —
31 Sketch Normal Status — — 1 Normal —
Normal 41 Sketch Normal Status — — 1 Normal —
51 Sketch Normal Status — — 1 Normal —
61 Sketch Normal Status — — 1 Normal —
71 Sketch Normal Status — — 1 Normal —
81 Sketch Normal Status — — 1 Normal —
91 Sketch Normal Status — — 1 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 127.9 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA


HP ●●
● Own Tempo ATTACK ●
● Technician DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★
SKILL ★★★★★


Pokémon HeartGold Ruins of Alph (outside)

Pokémon SoulSilver Ruins of Alph (outside)

Pokémon Diamond Route 212, Hearthome City

side (use Poké Radar)

Pokémon Pearl Route 212, Hearthome City

side (use Poké Radar)

Pokémon Platinum Route 212, Hearthome City

side (use Poké Radar)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

A special fluid oozes from Once it becomes an adult,
the tip of its tail. It paints it has a tendency to let its
the fluid everywhere to comrades plant footprints
mark its territory. on its back.


Does not evolve

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 236 Scuffle Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
1 Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal
1 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 46.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ● MALE FORM

HP ●
● Guts ATTACK ●●
● Steadfast DEFENSE ●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★★
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Receive from the Karate King
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold
at Mt. Mortar B1F
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Receive from the Karate King
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal Pokémon SoulSilver
at Mt. Mortar B1F
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Route 211, Eterna City side
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Diamond
(use Poké Radar)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Route 211, Eterna City side
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal Pokémon Pearl
(use Poké Radar)
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

Pokémon Platinum Route 211, Eterna City side

(use Poké Radar)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It is always bursting with Even though it is small, it
energy. To make itself can’t be ignored because it
stronger, it keeps on fight- will slug any handy target
ing even if it loses. without warning.

Attack is
Lv. 20 higher than Hitmonlee

EGG MOVES Defense is

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Lv. 20 higher than Hitmonchan
Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal Tyrogue
Hi Jump Kick Fighting Physical 100 90 20 Normal
Mach Punch Fighting Physical 40 100 30 Normal Attack and
Mind Reader Normal Status — — 5 Normal — Lv. 20 Defense are Hitmontop
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally — the same
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Bullet Punch Steel Physical 40 100 30 Normal

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 237 Handstand Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
1 Rolling Kick Fighting Physical 60 85 15 Normal
6 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
10 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
Fighting 15 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
19 Triple Kick Fighting Physical 10 90 10 Normal
24 Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal
28 Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self
33 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
37 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
42 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
46 Detect Fighting Status — — 5 Self —
51 Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
55 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 4’07”
● WEIGHT: 105.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● MALE FORM Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal

HP ●●
● Intimidate ATTACK ●●●●
● Technician DEFENSE ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Make Tyrogue’s Attack and TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Defense equal, then level it TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
up to Lv. 20 TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Make Tyrogue’s Attack and TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Defense equal, then level it TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
up to Lv. 20 TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Make Tyrogue’s Attack and TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Defense equal, then level it TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
up to Lv. 20 TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Make Tyrogue’s Attack and TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Defense equal, then level it TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
up to Lv. 20 TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
Make Tyrogue’s Attack and
Pokémon Platinum Defense equal, then level it
up to Lv. 20

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

If you are enchanted by It launches kicks while
its smooth, dance-like spinning. If it spins at high
kicks, you may get a speed, it may bore its way
closer experience with into the ground.
one than you’d like.

Attack is
Lv. 20 higher than Hitmonlee

Defense is
Lv. 20 higher than Hitmonchan
Attack and
Lv. 20 Defense are Hitmontop
the same

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 238 Kiss Pokémon
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
5 Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal
8 Sweet Kiss Normal Status — 75 10 Normal —
11 Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100 25 2 Foes —
15 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal — Ice Psychic
18 Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
21 Mean Look Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
25 Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
28 Lucky Chant Normal Status — — 30 2 Allies —
31 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal
35 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
38 Copycat Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
41 Perish Song Normal Status — — 5 All —
45 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 13.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self — ● FEMALE FORM
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
HP ●●
● Oblivious ATTACK ●
● Forewarn DEFENSE ●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★☆☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Find its Egg at the Pokémon
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold
Day Care and hatch it
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Find its Egg at the Pokémon
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — Pokémon SoulSilver
Day Care and hatch it
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Lake Acuity (mass outbreak)
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Lake Acuity (mass outbreak)
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Snowpoint Temple1F
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — Its lips are the most It always rocks its head
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal sensitive part of its body. slowly backwards and
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
It always uses its lips first forwards as if it is
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All — to examine things. trying to kiss someone.


Lv. 30
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Smoochum Jynx
Meditate Psychic Status — — 40 Self —
Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Miracle Eye Psychic Status — — 40 Normal —
Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 239 Electric Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
7 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
10 Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
Electric 16 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
19 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
25 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
28 ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
34 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
37 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
43 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
46 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 51.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal

HP ●●
● Static ATTACK ●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★★ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Find its Egg at the Pokémon TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Day Care and hatch it
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Find its Egg at the Pokémon TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Day Care and hatch it
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Valley Windworks (after ob- TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
taining the National Pokédex, TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
insert Pokémon FireRed into TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
your Nintendo DS’s Game TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pak slot) TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Valley Windworks (after ob- TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
taining the National Pokédex, TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl insert Pokémon FireRed into TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
your Nintendo DS’s Game HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
Pak slot)

Pokémon Platinum Find its Egg at the Pokémon

Day Care and hatch it

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It rotates its arms to Even in the most vicious
generate electricity, but storm, this Pokémon plays
it tires easily, so it only happily if thunder rumbles
charges up a little bit. in the sky.

Electirizer and trade it

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Have it hold

Karate Chop Fighting Physical 50 100 25 Normal

Lv. 30 Barrier Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
Rolling Kick Fighting Physical 60 85 15 Normal
Meditate Psychic Status — — 40 Self —
Cross Chop Fighting Physical 100 80 5 Normal
Elekid Electabuzz Electivire Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
DynamicPunch Fighting Physical 100 50 5 Normal
Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 240 Live Coal Pokémon
1 Smog Poison Special 20 70 20 Normal —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
7 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
10 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
16 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal Fire
19 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —
25 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
28 Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal —
34 Lava Plume Fire Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
37 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
43 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
46 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 47.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —

HP ●●
● Flame Body ATTACK ●●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal SKILL ★★★
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Find its Egg at the Pokémon
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — Day Care and hatch it
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Find its Egg at the Pokémon
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Day Care and hatch it
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Route 227 (after obtaining
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — the National Pokédex, insert
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Pokémon LeafGreen into
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — your Nintendo DS’s Game
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pak slot)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Route 227 (after obtaining
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon Pearl Pokémon LeafGreen into
your Nintendo DS’s Game
Pak slot)

Pokémon Platinum Find its Egg at the Pokémon

Day Care and hatch it

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Each and every time it It is found in volcanic cra-
inhales and exhales, hot ters. Its body temperature
embers dribble from its is over 1,100 degrees
mouth and nostrils. Fahrenheit, so don’t
underestimate it.

Magmarizer and trade it

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

Karate Chop Fighting Physical 50 100 25 Normal
Have it hold

Mega Punch Normal Physical 80 85 20 Normal

Barrier Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal — Lv. 30
Cross Chop Fighting Physical 100 80 5 Normal
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Mach Punch Fighting Physical 40 100 30 Normal Magby Magmar Magmortar
DynamicPunch Fighting Physical 100 50 5 Normal
Flare Blitz Fire Physical 120 100 15 Normal
Belly Drum Normal Status — — 10 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 241 Milk Cow Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
3 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
5 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
8 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal
Normal 11 Milk Drink Normal Status — — 10 Self —
15 Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self
19 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
24 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal
29 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
35 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
41 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
48 Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
55 Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 166.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Moomoo Milk Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
● FEMALE FORM Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HP ●●●●
● Thick Fat ATTACK ●●●
● Scrappy DEFENSE ●●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Route 38 TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 38 TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Route 210, Solaceon Town TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon Diamond side (occasionally appears TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
when you use Poké Radar) TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Route 210, Solaceon Town TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl side (occasionally appears TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
when you use Poké Radar) TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Route 210, Solaceon Town TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum side (occasionally appears TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
when you use Poké Radar) TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Its milk is packed with If it is around babies, the TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
nutrition, making it the milk it produces contains TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
ultimate beverage much more nutrition than TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
for the sick or weary. usual. TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
EVOLUTION HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

Does not evolve EGG MOVES

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Present Normal Physical — 90 15 Normal —
Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal
Seismic Toss Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Dizzy Punch Normal Physical 70 100 10 Normal
Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90 10 Normal
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
Punishment Dark Physical — 100 5 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 242 Happiness Pokémon
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
5 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
9 Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
12 Softboiled Normal Status — — 10 Self — Normal
16 DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal
20 Minimize Normal Status — — 20 Self —
23 Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
27 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
31 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
34 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
38 Egg Bomb Normal Physical 100 75 10 Normal —
42 Healing Wish Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
46 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 4’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 103.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ● FEMALE FORM
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ABILITIES STATS
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal HP ●●●●●●
● Natural Cure ATTACK ●
● Serene Grace DEFENSE ●
SP. DEFENSE ●●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal PERFORMANCE
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SKILL ★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Chansey with high
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — friendship
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Chansey with high
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — friendship
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Chansey with high
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — friendship
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Chansey with high
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal friendship
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Level up Chansey with high
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — Pokémon Platinum
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Anyone who takes even It has a very compassion-
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — one taste of BLISSEY’s egg ate nature. If it sees a sick
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — becomes unfailingly caring Pokémon, it will nurse the
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends — and pleasant to everyone. sufferer back to health.
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
then level it up between

TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —

4:00 A .M. and 8:00 P.M.

TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal

Level up with high
Oval Stone and

TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Have it hold


TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal

TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — Happiny Chansey Blissey
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 243 Thunder Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
8 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
15 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Electric 22 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
29 Spark Electric Physical 65 100 20 Normal
36 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
43 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
50 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal
57 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
64 Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —
71 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
78 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
85 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 6’03”
● WEIGHT: 392.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —


HP ●●●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
After the encounter at the TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
Burned Tower in Ecruteak TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
City, it starts roaming the
Johto region TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
After the encounter at the TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Burned Tower in Ecruteak TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
City, it starts roaming the
Johto region TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond — TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl — TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum — TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
The rain clouds it carries A Pokémon that races HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
let it fire thunderbolts at across the land while
will. They say that it de- barking a cry that sounds
scended with lightning. like crashing thunder.


Does not evolve

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 244 Volcano Pokémon
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
8 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
15 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
22 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal — Fire
29 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal
36 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
43 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
50 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal
57 Lava Plume Fire Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
64 Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —
71 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
78 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
85 Eruption Fire Special 150 100 5 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 6’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 436.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —


HP ●●●●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal After the encounter at the
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Burned Tower in Ecruteak
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — City, it starts roaming the
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Johto region
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — After the encounter at the
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — Burned Tower in Ecruteak
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
City, it starts roaming the
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Johto region
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal — Pokémon Pearl —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal Volcanoes erupt when it A Pokémon that races
barks. Unable to contain across the land. It is said
its sheer power, it races that one is born every time
headlong around the land. a new volcano appears.


Does not evolve

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 245 Aurora Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
8 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
15 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Water 22 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
29 Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 Normal —
36 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
43 Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —
50 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal
57 Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
64 Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —
71 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
78 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
85 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 6’07”
● WEIGHT: 412.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
● GENDER UNKNOWN Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
Hill on east side of Route 25 TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
(after seeing Suicune at Ecru- TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Pokémon HeartGold TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
teak City’s Burned Tower and TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
all other places it appears) TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Hill on east side of Route 25 TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
(after seeing Suicune at Ecru- TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
teak City’s Burned Tower and
all other places it appears) TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond — TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Pearl — TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum — TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
Said to be the embodi- This Pokémon races across HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal
ment of north winds, it the land. It is said that HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
can instantly purify filthy, north winds will somehow
murky water. blow whenever it appears.


Does not evolve

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 246 Rock Skin Pokémon
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
5 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
10 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
14 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Rock Ground
19 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
23 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random
28 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
32 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
37 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
41 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
46 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
50 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 158.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —

HP ●●
● Guts ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Mt. Silver Cave interior
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Mt. Silver Cave interior
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Route 207 (use Poké Radar)
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self — Pokémon Pearl —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Route 206 (mass outbreak)
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal It feeds on soil. After it has It is born deep under-
eaten a large mountain, it ground. It can’t emerge
falls asleep so it can grow. until it has entirely con-
sumed the soil around it.


Lv. 30 Lv. 55

Larvitar Pupitar Tyranitar
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random
Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 247 Hard Shell Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
1 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Rock Ground 5 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
10 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
14 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
19 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
23 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random
28 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
34 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
41 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
47 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
54 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
60 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 335.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

HP ●●●
● Shed Skin ATTACK ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★☆☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
SKILL ★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Small chamber inside Mt. TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Silver Cave
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Small chamber inside Mt. TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Silver Cave
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Larvitar to Lv. 30 TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Pearl — TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Larvitar to Lv. 30 TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Its shell is as hard as Even sealed in its shell, it TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
sheet rock, and it is also can move freely. Hard and HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
very strong. Its thrashing fast, it has outstanding
can topple a mountain. destructive power.


Lv. 30 Lv. 55

Larvitar Pupitar Tyranitar

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 248 Armor Pokémon
1 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes — Rock Dark
1 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
1 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
5 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
10 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
14 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
19 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
23 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random
28 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
34 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
41 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
47 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
54 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
70 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 6’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 445.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ABILITIES STATS
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal — HP ●●●●
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal — ● Sand Stream ATTACK ●●●●●●
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal DEFENSE ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal PERFORMANCE
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Level up Pupitar to Lv. 55
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Pupitar to Lv. 55
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon Diamond Level up Pupitar to Lv. 55
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Pokémon Pearl —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Level up Pupitar to Lv. 55
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Extremely strong, it can
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Its body can’t be harmed
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — by any sort of attack, so it change the landscape.
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — is very eager to make chal- It has an insolent nature
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — lenges against enemies. that makes it not care
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal — about others.
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal EVOLUTION
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — Lv. 30 Lv. 55
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Larvitar Pupitar Tyranitar
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 249 Diving Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
1 Weather Ball Normal Special 50 100 10 Normal —
9 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
15 Dragon Rush Dragon Physical 100 75 10 Normal
Psychic Flying 23 Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —
29 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
37 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
43 Aeroblast Flying Special 100 95 5 Normal —
50 Punishment Dark Physical — 100 5 Normal
57 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
65 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
71 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
79 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
85 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
93 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
99 Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 17’01”
● WEIGHT: 476.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
ABILITIES STATS AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
HP ●●●● Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●●
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —
SP. DEFENSE ●●●●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
Appears in the Whirl Islands TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
(after entering the Hall of TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Fame and receiving the Silver
Wing in Pewter City) TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Appears in the Whirl Islands TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Diamond — TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
Pokémon Pearl — TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Platinum — TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
It is said that it quietly It is said to be the guardian TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
spends its time deep at the of the seas. It is rumored TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
bottom of the sea because to have been seen on the TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
its powers are too strong. TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
night of a storm. TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal
EVOLUTION TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
Does not evolve TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 250 Rainbow Pokémon
1 Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
1 Weather Ball Normal Special 50 100 10 Normal —
9 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
15 Brave Bird Flying Physical 120 100 15 Normal
23 Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal — Fire Flying
29 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
37 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
43 Sacred Fire Fire Physical 100 95 5 Normal —
50 Punishment Dark Physical — 100 5 Normal
57 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
65 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
71 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
79 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
85 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
93 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
99 Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 12’06”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 438.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ● GENDER UNKNOWN
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes — ABILITIES STATS
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal — HP ●●●●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●
SP. DEFENSE ●●●●●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Appears at Bell Tower
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Appears at Bell Tower (after
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon SoulSilver entering the Hall of Fame and
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — receiving the Rainbow Wing
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — in Pewter City)
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal Pokémon Pearl —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal Pokémon Platinum —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal — Legends claim this
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal A legend says that its body
Pokémon flies the world’s glows in seven colors. A
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
skies continuously on rainbow is said to form
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — its magnificent, seven- behind it when it flies.
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — colored wings.
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — EVOLUTION
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal Does not evolve

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 251 Time Travel Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
1 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
1 Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Psychic Grass 10 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
19 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
28 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
37 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
46 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
55 Heal Block Psychic Status — 100 15 2 Foes —
64 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
73 Healing Wish Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
82 Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —
91 Perish Song Normal Status — — 5 All —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 11.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
● GENDER UNKNOWN Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
STATS Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
HP ●●●● AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
● Natural Cure ATTACK ●●●● Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
DEFENSE ●●●● Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
SP. ATTACK ●●●● Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
Migrate it through the Pal TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
Pokémon HeartGold Park—cannot be obtained TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
through regular gameplay* TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Migrate it through the Pal TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Park—cannot be obtained TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
through regular gameplay* TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Migrate it through the Pal TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Park—cannot be obtained TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
through regular gameplay* TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Migrate it through the Pal TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Park—cannot be obtained TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
through regular gameplay* TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Migrate it through the Pal TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Park—cannot be obtained TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
through regular gameplay* TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
This Pokémon wanders When CELEBI disappears TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
across time. Grass and deep in a forest, it is said TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
trees flourish in the to leave behind an egg it TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
forests in which it has brought from the future. TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
appeared. HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○


Does not evolve

* Only available through distribution at special events and not through regular gameplay. Check for the latest news on how
to catch this Pokémon.

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 252 Wood Gecko Pokémon
1 Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
1 Constrict Normal Physical 10 100 35 Normal ○
5 Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
8 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
12 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self — Grass
15 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
19 Vine Whip Grass Physical 35 100 15 Normal ○
22 Bind Normal Physical 15 75 20 Normal ○
26 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
29 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
33 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
36 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
40 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
43 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
47 Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
50 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal ○
54 Power Whip Grass Physical 120 85 10 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 11.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●
● Overgrow ATTACK ●●

TM & HM MOVES Monster

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Dragon
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Receive from Steven at Silph
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Co. in Saffron City
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ (after defeating Red)
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Receive from Steven at Silph
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Co. in Saffron City
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — (after defeating Red)
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Pearl —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Small hooks on the bottom Small hooks on the bottom
of its feet catch on walls of its feet catch on walls
and ceilings. That is how it and ceilings. That is how it
can hang from above. can hang from above.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Lv. 16 Lv. 36
Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal — Treecko Grovyle Sceptile
DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal —
Crush Claw Normal Physical 75 95 10 Normal ○
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal ○
GrassWhistle Grass Status — 55 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —
Razor Wind Normal Special 80 100 10 2 Foes —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 253 Wood Gecko Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
Grass 6 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
11 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
16 Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
17 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
23 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
29 Leaf Blade Grass Physical 90 100 15 Normal ○
35 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
41 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
47 Detect Fighting Status — — 5 Self —
53 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
59 Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
● WEIGHT: 11.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Overgrow ATTACK ●●●

Monster TM & HM MOVES

Dragon No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Treecko to Lv. 16 TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Treecko to Lv. 16 TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond — TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl — TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum — TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
It leaps from tree branch It leaps from tree branch TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
to tree branch quite to tree branch quite TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
swiftly. It shows swiftly. It shows HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
astounding agility. astounding agility. HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○


Lv. 16 Lv. 36

Treecko Grovyle Sceptile

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 254 Forest Pokémon
1 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○ Grass
6 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
11 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
16 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
17 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
23 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
29 Leaf Blade Grass Physical 90 100 15 Normal ○
35 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
43 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
51 Detect Fighting Status — — 5 Self —
59 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
67 Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Frenzy Plant Grass Special 150 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 5’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 115.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○ ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●●
● Overgrow ATTACK ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

TM & HM MOVES Monster

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Dragon
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Level up Grovyle to Lv. 36
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Grovyle to Lv. 36
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — It agilely leaps about the
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
It agilely leaps about the
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — jungle and uses the sharp jungle and uses the sharp
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — leaves on its arms to leaves on its arms to
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ strike its prey. strike its prey.
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — EVOLUTION
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ Lv. 16 Lv. 36
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Treecko Grovyle Sceptile

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 255 Chick Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
7 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
10 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
Fire 16 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
19 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
25 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —
28 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
34 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
37 Mirror Move Flying Status — — 20 Depends —
43 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’04”
● WEIGHT: 5.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Small speck on rear No speck

HP ●●
● Blaze ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
SKILL ★★☆☆
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Receive from Steven at Silph TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Co. in Saffron City TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
(after defeating Red) TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Receive from Steven at Silph TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Co. in Saffron City TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
(after defeating Red) TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pokémon Diamond — TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl — TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum — HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Inside its body is a place Inside its body is a place
where it keeps a small where it keeps a small
flame. Hug it! It will be as flame. Hug it! It will be as
warm as a hot-water bottle. warm as a hot-water bottle.


Lv. 16 Lv. 36 Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
Torchic Combusken Blaziken Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
SmellingSalt Normal Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
Crush Claw Normal Physical 75 95 10 Normal ○
Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
FeatherDance Flying Status — 100 15 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 256 Young Fowl Pokémon
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
7 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self — Fire Fighting
13 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
16 Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal ○
17 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
21 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
28 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
32 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
39 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
43 Mirror Move Flying Status — — 20 Depends —
50 Sky Uppercut Fighting Physical 85 90 15 Normal ○
54 Flare Blitz Fire Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 43.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
Bigger crest Smaller crest
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
HP ●●
● Blaze ATTACK ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Level up Torchic to Lv. 16
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Torchic to Lv. 16
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — During a battle, the During a battle, the
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ hot flame in its body hot flame in its body
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ increases. Its kicks increases. Its kicks
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ have outstanding have outstanding
destructive power. destructive power.


Lv. 16 Lv. 36

Torchic Combusken Blaziken

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 257 Blaze Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Fire Fighting 1 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
7 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
13 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
16 Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal ○
17 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
21 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
28 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
32 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
36 Blaze Kick Fire Physical 85 90 10 Normal ○
42 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
49 Brave Bird Flying Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
59 Sky Uppercut Fighting Physical 85 90 15 Normal ○
66 Flare Blitz Fire Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Blast Burn Fire Special 150 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 6’03”
● WEIGHT: 114.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Longer horns and Shorter horns and Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
feathers feathers Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
HP ●●● Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
● Blaze ATTACK ●●●●● Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★☆☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★★★ TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
SKILL ★★★☆☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Combusken to Lv. 36 TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Combusken to Lv. 36 TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond — TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl — TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum — TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
It can clear a 30-story It can clear a 30-story TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
building in a leap. Its fiery building in a leap. Its fiery TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
punches scorch its foes. punches scorch its foes. TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
EVOLUTION TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
Lv. 16 Lv. 36

Torchic Combusken Blaziken

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 258 Mud Fish Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
6 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
10 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
15 Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self ○ Water
19 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
24 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
28 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
33 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
37 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
42 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
46 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 16.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○ ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Torrent ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Water 1
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Receive from Steven at Silph
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Co. in Saffron City
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — (after defeating Red)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Receive from Steven at Silph
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Co. in Saffron City
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — (after defeating Red)
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —

TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum —

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Its power can crush Its power can crush
boulders. It rests by boulders. It rests by
covering itself with mud covering itself with mud
at the bottom of a river. at the bottom of a river.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random — Lv. 16 Lv. 36
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
Ice Ball Ice Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○ Mudkip Marshtomp Swampert
Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Sludge Poison Special 65 100 20 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 259 Mud Fish Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
Water Ground 6 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
10 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
15 Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self ○
16 Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —
20 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
25 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
31 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
37 Muddy Water Water Special 95 85 10 2 Foes —
42 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
46 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
53 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 2’04”
● WEIGHT: 61.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
HP ●●●
● Torrent ATTACK ●●●●

Water 1 No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★★ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon HeartGold TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Level up Mudkip to Lv. 16
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Mudkip to Lv. 16 TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond — TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
— TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum — TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Living on muddy ground Living on muddy ground HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
that provides poor footing that provides poor footing
has made its legs sturdy. has made its legs sturdy.


Lv. 16 Lv. 36

Mudkip Marshtomp Swampert

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 260 Mud Fish Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
6 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — Water Ground
10 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
15 Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self ○
16 Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —
20 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
25 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
31 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
39 Muddy Water Water Special 95 85 10 2 Foes —
46 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
52 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
61 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
69 Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90 10 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Hydro Cannon Water Special 150 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 4’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 180.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○ ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
HP ●●●●
● Torrent ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Water 1
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★☆☆☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Level up Marshtomp to Lv. 36
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Marshtomp to Lv. 36
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond —
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — Pokémon Pearl
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —

TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Its arms are hard as rock. Its arms are hard as rock.
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — With one swing, it can With one swing, it can
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — break a boulder into break a boulder into
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — pieces. pieces.
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ EVOLUTION
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Lv. 16 Lv. 36

Mudkip Marshtomp Swampert

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 261 Bite Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
5 Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
9 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
13 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
Dark 17 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
21 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
25 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
29 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
33 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
37 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
41 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
45 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
49 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
53 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’08”
● WEIGHT: 30.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Pecha Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○


HP ●
● Run Away ATTACK ●●
● Quick Feet DEFENSE ●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Route 1 (mass outbreak) TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 1 (mass outbreak) TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Find its Egg at the Pokémon TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
Day Care and hatch it TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl — TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 214 (use Poké Radar) TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It chases its prey until It chases its prey until
the victim becomes the victim becomes
exhausted. However, it exhausted. However, it
turns tail if the prey turns tail if the prey
strikes back. strikes back.



Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
Poochyena Mightyena Poison Fang Poison Physical 50 100 15 Normal ○
Covet Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
Me First Normal Status — — 20 Depends —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 262 Bite Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
1 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
5 Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self — Dark
9 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
13 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
17 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
22 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
27 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
32 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
37 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
42 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
47 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
52 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
57 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
62 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 81.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○


HP ●●●
● Intimidate ATTACK ●●●●
● Quick Feet DEFENSE ●●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Level up Poochyena to Lv. 18
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Poochyena to Lv. 18
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Route 214 (use Poké Radar)
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Platinum Level up Poochyena to Lv. 18
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
It chases down prey in a It chases down prey in a
pack of around ten. They pack of around ten. They
defeat foes with perfectly defeat foes with perfectly
coordinated teamwork. coordinated teamwork.


Lv. 18

Poochyena Mightyena

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 263 TinyRaccoon Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
5 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
9 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Normal 13 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
17 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
21 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
25 Pin Missile Bug Physical 14 85 20 Normal —
29 Covet Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
33 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
37 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
41 Belly Drum Normal Status — — 10 Self —
45 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
● WEIGHT: 38.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Oran Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○
HP ●
● Pick Up ATTACK ●
● Gluttony DEFENSE ●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★☆☆☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Burned Tower in Ecruteak TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
City (Hoenn Sound) TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Burned Tower in Ecruteak TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
City (Hoenn Sound) TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 202 (mass outbreak) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 202 (mass outbreak) TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum Route 202 (mass outbreak) TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
It gets interested in It gets interested in HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
everything, which is why everything, which is why HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
it zigs and zags. It is good it zigs and zags. It is good HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
at finding items. at finding items.


Lv. 20
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Zigzagoon Linoone Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 264 Rushing Pokémon
1 Switcheroo Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○ Normal
5 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
9 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
13 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
17 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
23 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
29 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
35 Covet Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
41 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
47 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
53 Belly Drum Normal Status — — 10 Self —
59 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 71.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Oran berry
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○ Sitrus Berry
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○
HP ●●●
● Pick Up ATTACK ●●●
● Gluttony DEFENSE ●●
SPEED ●●●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Route 42 (Hoenn Sound)
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Route 42 (Hoenn Sound)
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Level up Zigzagoon to Lv. 20
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl Level up Zigzagoon to Lv. 20
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Level up Zigzagoon to Lv. 20
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○ When running in a straight When running in a straight
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — line, it can easily top 60 line, it can easily top 60
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — miles an hour. It has a tough miles an hour. It has a tough
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ time with curved roads. time with curved roads.
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ EVOLUTION

Lv. 20

Zigzagoon Linoone

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 265 Worm Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
5 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
15 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’00”
● WEIGHT: 7.9 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —


HP ●●
● Shield Dust ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
SKILL ★★★★☆


Pokémon HeartGold Pallet Town (use Headbutt)

Pokémon SoulSilver Pallet Town (use Headbutt)

Pokémon Diamond Eterna Forest

Pokémon Pearl Eterna Forest

Pokémon Platinum Route 204 (morning and

afternoon only)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It lives among the tall It lives among the tall
grass and in forests. It grass and in forests. It
repels attacks by raising repels attacks by raising
up the spikes on its rear. up the spikes on its rear.


Lv. 7 Lv. 10

Silcoon Beautifly


Lv. 7 Lv. 10

Cascoon Dustox

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 266 Cocoon Pokémon
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
7 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 22.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Wurmple
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —


HP ●●
● Shed Skin ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA


Bug-Catching Contest at the
Pokémon HeartGold National Park
(after obtaining the National
Pokédex / Thursday)

Bug-Catching Contest at the

Pokémon SoulSilver National Park
(after obtaining the National
Pokédex / Thursday)

Pokémon Diamond Eterna Forest

Level up Wurmple to Lv. 7

Pokémon Pearl (may evolve into Cascoon

Pokémon Platinum Route 205, Eterna City side

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Having wrapped silk Having wrapped silk
around the branches of a around the branches of a
tree, it quiescently tree, it quiescently
awaits evolution. awaits evolution.


Lv. 7 Lv. 10

Silcoon Beautifly


Lv. 7 Lv. 10

Cascoon Dustox

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 267 Butterfly Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
10 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
13 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
17 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
Bug Flying 20 Morning Sun Normal Status — — 5 Self —
24 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
27 Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
31 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
34 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
38 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
41 Bug Buzz Bug Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 62.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Shed Shell Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Larger red spots on wings Smaller red spots on wings

HP ●●
● Swarm ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★★ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Bug-Catching Contest at TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold National Park (after TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
obtaining the National TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokédex / Saturday) TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Bug-Catching Contest at TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver National Park (after TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
obtaining the National TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokédex / Saturday) TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 224 TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 224 TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 224 TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Vibrantly patterned wings Vibrantly patterned wings
are its prominent feature. are its prominent feature.
It sucks sweet flower It sucks sweet flower
nectar with its long mouth. nectar with its long mouth.


Lv. 7 Lv. 10

Silcoon Beautifly


Lv. 7 Lv. 10

Cascoon Dustox

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 268 Cocoon Pokémon
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
7 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 25.4 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —


HP ●●
● Shed Skin ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
SKILL ★☆☆☆


Bug-Catching Contest at the
Pokémon HeartGold National Park
(after obtaining the National
Pokédex / Saturday)

Bug-Catching Contest at the

Pokémon SoulSilver National Park
(after obtaining the National
Pokédex / Saturday)

Pokémon Diamond Level up Wurmple to Lv. 7 (may

evolve into Silcoon instead)

Pokémon Pearl Eterna Forest

Pokémon Platinum Route 205, Eterna City side

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It endures attacks with It endures attacks with
patience, because the more patience, because the more
pain before evolution, the pain before evolution, the
sturdier it becomes. sturdier it becomes.


Lv. 7 Lv. 10

Silcoon Beautifly


Lv. 7 Lv. 10

Cascoon Dustox

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 269 Poison Moth Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
10 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
13 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Bug Poison 20 Moonlight Normal Status — — 5 Self —
24 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
27 Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
31 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
34 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
38 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
41 Bug Buzz Bug Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 69.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Shed Shell Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Longer antennae Shorter antennae

HP ●●
● Shield Dust ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Bug-Catching Contest at the TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold National Park TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
(after obtaining the National TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokédex / Thursday) TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Bug-Catching Contest at the TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver National Park TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
(after obtaining the National TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokédex / Thursday) TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Cascoon to Lv. 10 TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Route 230 TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 224 TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
It scatters its fine dust all It scatters its fine dust all
over when it is attacked. over when it is attacked.
It is a nocturnal Pokémon. It is a nocturnal Pokémon.


Lv. 7 Lv. 10

Silcoon Beautifly


Lv. 7 Lv. 10

Cascoon Dustox

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 270 Water Weed Pokémon
1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
3 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
5 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
7 Nature Power Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
11 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies — Water Grass
15 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
19 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
25 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
31 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
37 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
45 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 5.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —


HP ●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●
● Rain Dish DEFENSE ●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Grass
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — PERFORMANCE
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Plains Area: if
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Water objects are placed,
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — may appear in tall grass)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Safari Zone (Plains Area: if
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Water objects are placed,
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ may appear in tall grass)
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Route 203 (after obtaining
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Diamond the National Pokédex, insert
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Sapphire into your
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Route 203 (after obtaining
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — the National Pokédex, insert
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon Pearl
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — Pokémon Sapphire into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Route 203 (after obtaining

Pokémon Platinum the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon Sapphire into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Its leaf grew too large for Its leaf grew too large for
it to live on land. That is it to live on land. That is
how it began to live how it began to live
floating in the water. floating in the water.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes — EVOLUTION
Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Use Water Stone

Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —

Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Lv. 14
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○

Lotad Lombre Ludicolo

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 271 Jolly Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
3 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
5 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
7 Nature Power Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
Water Grass 11 Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
15 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
19 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
25 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal ○
31 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal —
37 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
45 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 71.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●●
● Rain Dish DEFENSE ●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★☆☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
Safari Zone (Wetland Area: TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold if Grass objects are placed, TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
may appear in tall grass) or TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
level up Lotad to Lv. 14 TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Safari Zone (Wetland Area: TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
if Grass objects are placed, TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
may appear in tall grass) or TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
level up Lotad to Lv. 14 TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Route 212, Pastoria City side TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
(after obtaining the National TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Pokédex, insert Pokémon TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
Sapphire into your Nintendo TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
DS’s Game Pak slot) TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Route 212, Pastoria City side TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
(after obtaining the National TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Pokédex, insert Pokémon TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
Sapphire into your Nintendo TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
DS’s Game Pak slot) TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Route 212, Pastoria City side HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
(after obtaining the National HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Pokédex, insert Pokémon HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Sapphire into your Nintendo HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
DS’s Game Pak slot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It is nocturnal and It is nocturnal and
becomes active at nightfall. becomes active at nightfall.
It feeds on aquatic mosses It feeds on aquatic mosses
that grow in the riverbed. that grow in the riverbed.

Use Water Stone

Lv. 14

Lotad Lombre Ludicolo

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 272 Carefree Pokémon
1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
1 Nature Power Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
Water Grass

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 4’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 121.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — Thicker zigzag stripes Thinner zigzag stripes
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●●●
● Rain Dish DEFENSE ●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Grass
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★☆☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — Pokémon HeartGold Use Water Stone on Lombre
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Use Water Stone on Lombre
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Use Water Stone on Lombre
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Use Water Stone on Lombre
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Use Water Stone on Lombre
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
If it hears festive music, If it hears festive music,
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — it begins moving in it begins moving in
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — rhythm in order to amplify rhythm in order to amplify
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — its power. its power.
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ EVOLUTION
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
Use Water Stone

Lv. 14

Lotad Lombre Ludicolo

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 273 Acorn Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self ○
3 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
7 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
13 Nature Power Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
Grass 21 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
31 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
43 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’08”
● WEIGHT: 8.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —


HP ●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●
● Early Bird DEFENSE ●●

Grass No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆☆ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Viridian Forest TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
(use Headbutt) TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Viridian Forest TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
(use Headbutt) TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Route 203 (after obtaining TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond the National Pokédex, insert TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pokémon Ruby into your TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
Route 203 (after obtaining TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl the National Pokédex, insert TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Ruby into your HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Route 203 (after obtaining

Pokémon Platinum the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon Ruby into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It attaches itself to a tree It attaches itself to a tree
branch using the top of its branch using the top of its
head. Strong winds can head. Strong winds can
sometimes make it fall. sometimes make it fall.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Use Leaf Stone

Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —

Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Lv. 14 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
Razor Wind Normal Special 80 100 10 2 Foes —
Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
Seedot Nuzleaf Shiftry False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
Power Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 274 Wily Pokémon
1 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
3 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
7 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
13 Nature Power Normal Status — — 20 Depends — Grass Dark
19 Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
25 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
31 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
37 Razor Wind Normal Special 80 100 10 2 Foes —
43 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
49 Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 61.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○ ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Bigger leaf on head Smaller leaf on head

HP ●●●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●●
● Early Bird DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Grass
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★★
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Safari Zone (Meadow Area:
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold if Forest objects are placed,
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — may appear in tall grass)
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Safari Zone (Meadow Area:
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver if Forest objects are placed,
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Route 210, Solaceon Town
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — side (after obtaining the
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond National Pokédex, insert
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon Ruby into your
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○ Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Route 210, Solaceon Town
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
side (after obtaining the
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Pearl National Pokédex, insert
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Ruby into your
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Route 210, Solaceon Town
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — side (after obtaining the
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum National Pokédex, insert
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Ruby into your
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
It lives deep in forests. It lives deep in forests.
With the leaf on its head, it With the leaf on its head, it
makes a flute whose song makes a flute whose song
makes listeners uneasy. makes listeners uneasy.

Use Leaf Stone

Lv. 14

Seedot Nuzleaf Shiftry

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 275 Wicked Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
1 Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
1 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
1 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Grass Dark 49 Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 4’03”
● WEIGHT: 131.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Bigger leaves Smaller leaves Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
STATS Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
HP ●●● Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●●● Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
● Early Bird DEFENSE ●● Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
SP. ATTACK ●●●● Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
SP. DEFENSE ●● Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
SPEED ●●●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Use Leaf Stone on Nuzleaf TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Use Leaf Stone on Nuzleaf TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Use Leaf Stone on Nuzleaf TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Use Leaf Stone on Nuzleaf TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon Platinum Use Leaf Stone on Nuzleaf TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
It lives quietly in the deep It lives quietly in the deep TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
forest. It is said to create forest. It is said to create TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
chilly winter winds with chilly winter winds with TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
the fans it holds. the fans it holds. TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
EVOLUTION TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
Use Leaf Stone

HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Lv. 14

Seedot Nuzleaf Shiftry

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 276 TinySwallow Pokémon
1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
4 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
8 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
13 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal ○ Normal Flying
19 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
26 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
34 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
43 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
53 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 5.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Charti Berry
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —

HP ●
● Guts ATTACK ●●
SPEED ●●●●
TM & HM MOVES Flying
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ SKILL ★★☆
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Cherrygrove City (use Rock
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Climb to reach trees, then
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ use Headbutt)
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Cherrygrove City (use Rock
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon SoulSilver Climb to reach trees, then
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — use Headbutt)
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Find its Egg at the Pokémon
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Day Care and hatch it
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○

Pokémon Pearl Find its Egg at the Pokémon

Day Care and hatch it

Pokémon Platinum Find its Egg at the Pokémon

Day Care and hatch it

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

When it gets cold, they When it gets cold, they
migrate, flying over 180 migrate, flying over 180
miles a day. It hunts for miles a day. It hunts for
tasty prey. tasty prey.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○ Lv. 22
Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Mirror Move Flying Status — — 20 Depends —
Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Taillow Swellow
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —
Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Brave Bird Flying Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 277 Swallow Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Normal Flying 1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
4 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
8 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
13 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal ○
19 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
28 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
38 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
49 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
61 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’04”
● WEIGHT: 43.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —

HP ●●
● Guts ATTACK ●●●●
SPEED ●●●●●●
Flying TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★☆ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Taillow to Lv. 22 TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Taillow to Lv. 22 TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Route 213 (use Poké Radar) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 213 (use Poké Radar) TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Route 213 (use Poké Radar)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It dives at a steep angle It dives at a steep angle
as soon as it spots its as soon as it spots its
prey. It catches its prey prey. It catches its prey
with sharp claws. with sharp claws.


Lv. 22

Taillow Swellow

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 278 Seagull Pokémon
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
6 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
11 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal ○
16 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies — Water Flying
19 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
24 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
29 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
34 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
37 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
42 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
47 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 20.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —

HP ●
● Keen Eye ATTACK ●
SPEED ●●●●
TM & HM MOVES Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — Flying
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Vermilion City (mass
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ outbreak, water surface)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Vermilion City (mass
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ outbreak, water surface)
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Route 213
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 213
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum Route 213

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It soars on updrafts It soars on updrafts
without flapping its wings. without flapping its wings.
It makes a nest on sheer It makes a nest on sheer
cliffs at the sea’s edge. cliffs at the sea’s edge.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Lv. 25
Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self — Wingull Pelipper
Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 279 Water Bird Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
1 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
1 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal ○
Water Flying 6 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
11 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal ○
16 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
19 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
24 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
25 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
31 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
38 Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
38 Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
38 Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
43 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
50 Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
57 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 61.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
STATS Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —
HP ●●
● Keen Eye ATTACK ●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Flying TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Wingull to Lv. 25 TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Wingull to Lv. 25 TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Route 223 (water surface) TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Route 223 (water surface) TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 223 (water surface) TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
It protects its young in its It protects its young in its HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
beak. It bobs on waves, beak. It bobs on waves, HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
resting on them on days resting on them on days
when the waters are calm. when the waters are calm.


Lv. 25

Wingull Pelipper

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 280 Feeling Pokémon
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
6 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
10 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
12 Teleport Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
17 Lucky Chant Normal Status — — 30 2 Allies — Psychic
21 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
23 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
28 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
32 Imprison Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
34 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
39 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
43 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
45 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 14.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal — STATS
HP ●
● Synchronize ATTACK ●
● Trace DEFENSE ●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★☆☆☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★ JUMP ★★☆
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — SKILL ★★★☆☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Route 34 (mass outbreak)
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 34 (mass outbreak)
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Route 203 (use Poké Radar)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl Route 203 (use Poké Radar)
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Route 208
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — The horns on its head The horns on its head
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — provide a strong power provide a strong power
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — that enables it to sense that enables it to sense
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — people’s emotions. people’s emotions.
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All — EVOLUTION

Lv. 30

Lv. 20 Gardevoir
Use Dawn Stone on ♂

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal — Ralts Kirlia
Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
Mean Look Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Memento Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —
Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
Grudge Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 281 Emotion Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
1 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
1 Teleport Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Psychic 6 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
10 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
12 Teleport Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
17 Lucky Chant Normal Status — — 30 2 Allies —
22 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
25 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
31 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
36 Imprison Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
39 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
45 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
50 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
53 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 2’07”
● WEIGHT: 44.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
STATS Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
HP ●
● Synchronize ATTACK ●●
● Trace DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Ralts to Lv. 20 TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Ralts to Lv. 20 TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Route 203 (occasionally TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond appears when you use TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Poké Radar) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Route 203 (occasionally TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl appears when you use TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
Poké Radar) TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Route 212, TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Hearthome City side TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
It has a psychic power It has a psychic power TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
that enables it to distort that enables it to distort TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
the space around it and the space around it and TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
see into the future. see into the future. TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Lv. 30

Lv. 20 Gardevoir
Use Dawn Stone on ♂

Ralts Kirlia


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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 282 Embrace Pokémon
1 Healing Wish Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
1 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
1 Teleport Psychic Status — — 20 Self — Psychic
6 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
10 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
12 Teleport Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
17 Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
22 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
25 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
33 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
40 Imprison Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
45 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
53 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
60 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
65 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 5’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 106.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — STATS
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal — HP ●●●
● Synchronize ATTACK ●●●
● Trace DEFENSE ●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★★★
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Level up Kirlia to Lv. 30
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Kirlia to Lv. 30
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Level up Kirlia to Lv. 30
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Level up Kirlia to Lv. 30
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Level up Kirlia to Lv. 30
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ It unleashes psychokinetic It unleashes psychokinetic
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — energy at full power when energy at full power when
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — protecting a Trainer it has protecting a Trainer it has
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — bonded closely with. bonded closely with.
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — EVOLUTION
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Lv. 30
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Lv. 20 Gardevoir
Use Dawn Stone on ♂

Ralts Kirlia


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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 283 Pond Skater Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
10 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
13 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Bug Water 20 Moonlight Normal Status — — 5 Self —
24 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
27 Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
31 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
34 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
38 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
41 Bug Buzz Bug Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’08”
● WEIGHT: 3.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —

HP ●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●

Water 1 TM & HM MOVES

Bug No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
SKILL ★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Safari Zone (Forest Area: TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
if Water objects are placed, TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold may appear in tall grass; TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Wetland Area: if Grass TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
objects are placed, TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
may appear in tall grass) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Safari Zone (Forest Area: TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
if Water objects are placed, TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
may appear in tall grass; TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Wetland Area: if Grass
objects are placed, TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
may appear in tall grass) TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Lake Verity (mass outbreak)

Pokémon Pearl Lake Verity (mass outbreak)

Pokémon Platinum Route 229 (water surface)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It secretes a thick, sweet- It secretes a thick, sweet-
scented syrup from the scented syrup from the
tip of its head. It lives on tip of its head. It lives on
weed-choked ponds. weed-choked ponds.

EVOLUTION Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —
Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
Lv. 22 Mind Reader Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Surskit Masquerain

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 284 Eyeball Pokémon
1 Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
1 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
1 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
1 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All — Bug Flying
7 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
13 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
19 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
22 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
26 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
33 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
40 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
47 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —
54 Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
61 Bug Buzz Bug Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 7.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: SilverPowder
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —

HP ●●●
● Intimidate ATTACK ●●●

TM & HM MOVES Water 1

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Bug
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Meadow Area:
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold if Water objects are placed,
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — may appear in tall grass)
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Safari Zone (Meadow Area:
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver if Water objects are placed,
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Level up Surskit to Lv. 22
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Level up Surskit to Lv. 22
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Route 229 (water surface)
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It flaps its four wings to It flaps its four wings to
hover and fly freely in any hover and fly freely in any
direction--to and fro and direction--to and fro and
sideways. sideways.


Lv. 22

Surskit Masquerain

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 285 Mushroom Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
5 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
9 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
13 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
Grass 17 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
21 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
25 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
29 Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
33 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
37 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
41 Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
45 Spore Grass Status — 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
● WEIGHT: 9.9 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Kebia Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —


HP ●●
● Effect Spore ATTACK ●●
● Poison Heal DEFENSE ●●

Grass No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★ TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Viridian Forest TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
(use Headbutt) TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Viridian Forest TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
(use Headbutt) TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pastoria Great Marsh TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond (after obtaining the National TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pokédex / changes daily) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
Pastoria Great Marsh TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl (after obtaining the National TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokédex / changes daily)

Pastoria Great Marsh

Pokémon Platinum (after obtaining the National
Pokédex / changes daily)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

If it senses danger, it If it senses danger, it
scatters spores from scatters spores from
the top of its head to the top of its head to
protect itself. protect itself.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Lv. 23 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Shroomish Breloom Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 286 Mushroom Pokémon
1 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
1 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
5 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○ Grass Fighting
9 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
13 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
17 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
21 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
23 Mach Punch Fighting Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
25 Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
29 Force Palm Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
33 Sky Uppercut Fighting Physical 85 90 15 Normal ○
37 Mind Reader Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
41 Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
45 DynamicPunch Fighting Physical 100 50 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 3’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 86.4 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Kebia Berry
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Effect Spore ATTACK ●●●●●
● Poison Heal DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Grass
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal — SPEED ★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — Safari Zone (Wasteland Area:
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold if Forest objects are placed,
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ may appear in tall grass)
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Safari Zone (Wasteland Area:
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver if Forest objects are placed,
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Level up Shroomish to Lv. 23
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl Level up Shroomish to Lv. 23
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — Pokémon Platinum Level up Shroomish to Lv. 23
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — It scatters poisonous It scatters poisonous
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — spores and throws spores and throws
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ powerful punches while powerful punches while
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ its foe is hampered by its foe is hampered by
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ inhaled spores. inhaled spores.


Lv. 23

Shroomish Breloom

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 287 Slacker Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
7 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
13 Slack Off Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Normal 19 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
25 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
31 Covet Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
37 Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
43 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 2’07”
● WEIGHT: 52.9 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —

HP ●●
● Truant ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★ TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
SKILL ★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Route 25 (use Headbutt on TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Pokémon HeartGold TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
four trees in the northwest) TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 25 (use Headbutt on TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
four trees in the northwest) TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Eterna Forest TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon Diamond TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
(mass outbreak) TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Eterna Forest TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
(mass outbreak) TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Eterna Forest TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
(mass outbreak) TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
The way SLAKOTH lolls The way SLAKOTH lolls TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
around makes anyone around makes anyone TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
who watches it feel like who watches it feel like TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
doing the same. doing the same. TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Lv. 18 Lv. 36

Slakoth Vigoroth Slaking
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Crush Claw Normal Physical 75 95 10 Normal ○
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90 10 Normal ○
Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 288 Wild Monkey Pokémon
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
1 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
7 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal — Normal
13 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
19 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
25 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
31 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
37 Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
43 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
49 Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 4’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 102.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●●
● Vital Spirit ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○ PERFORMANCE
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self — SKILL ★★☆☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — Safari Zone (Peak Area: if
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Grass objects are placed,
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
may appear in tall grass)
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — Safari Zone (Peak Area: if
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon SoulSilver Grass objects are placed,
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ may appear in tall grass)
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Level up Slakoth to Lv. 18
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl Level up Slakoth to Lv. 18
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Level up Slakoth to Lv. 18
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Its stress level rises if it Its stress level rises if it
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — cannot keep moving cannot keep moving
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — constantly. Too much constantly. Too much
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — stress makes it feel sick. stress makes it feel sick.
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Lv. 18 Lv. 36

Slakoth Vigoroth Slaking

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 289 Lazy Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
1 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
1 Slack Off Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Normal 7 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
13 Slack Off Normal Status — — 10 Self —
19 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
25 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
31 Covet Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
36 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
37 Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
43 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
49 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
55 Punishment Dark Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
61 Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90 10 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 6’07”
● WEIGHT: 287.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●●●●●
● Truant ATTACK ●●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SKILL ★☆ TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Vigoroth to Lv. 36 TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Vigoroth to Lv. 36 TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Vigoroth to Lv. 36 TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Vigoroth to Lv. 36 TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Vigoroth to Lv. 36 TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
The world’s laziest Pokémon. The world’s laziest Pokémon. TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
It moves to another spot It moves to another spot TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
when there’s no food left when there’s no food left TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
within its reach. within its reach. TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
EVOLUTION TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Lv. 18 Lv. 36 HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Slakoth Vigoroth Slaking

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 290 Trainee Pokémon
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
5 Leech Life Bug Physical 20 100 15 Normal ○
9 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
14 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○ Bug Ground
19 Mind Reader Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
25 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
31 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
38 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
45 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 12.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —


HP ●
● Compoundeyes ATTACK ●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ SKILL ★★★☆
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Bug-Catching Contest at the
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — National Park (after obtaining
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
the National Pokédex /
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Thursday, Saturday)
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○ Bug-Catching Contest at the
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — National Park (after obtaining
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver
the National Pokédex /
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Thursday, Saturday)
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Eterna Forest
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — (use Poké Radar)
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○

Pokémon Pearl Eterna Forest

(use Poké Radar)

Pokémon Platinum Eterna Forest

(use Poké Radar)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It can sometimes live It can sometimes live
underground for more underground for more
than 10 years. It absorbs than 10 years. It absorbs
nutrients from the roots nutrients from the roots
of trees. of trees.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Lv. 22
Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ Ninjask
Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
space in your
Have at least

Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —

party and a
Poké Ball
one free

Bug Buzz Bug Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○ Nincada Shedinja

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 291 Ninja Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Leech Life Bug Physical 20 100 15 Normal ○
Bug Flying 1 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
5 Leech Life Bug Physical 20 100 15 Normal ○
9 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
14 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
19 Mind Reader Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
20 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
20 Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
20 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
25 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
31 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
38 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
45 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
52 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’07”
● WEIGHT: 26.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —

HP ●●
● Speed Boost ATTACK ●●●●
SPEED ●●●●●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★☆ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Nincada to Lv. 20 TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Nincada to Lv. 20 TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Level up Nincada to Lv. 20 TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Nincada to Lv. 20 TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Nincada to Lv. 20 TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Its cry leaves a lasting Its cry leaves a lasting HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
headache if heard for too headache if heard for too
long. It moves so quickly long. It moves so quickly
that it is almost invisible. that it is almost invisible.


Lv. 22 Ninjask
space in your
Have at least

party and a
Poké Ball
one free

Nincada Shedinja

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 292 Shed Pokémon
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
5 Leech Life Bug Physical 20 100 15 Normal ○
9 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
14 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○ Bug Ghost
19 Mind Reader Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
25 Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
31 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
38 Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
45 Grudge Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
52 Heal Block Psychic Status — 100 15 2 Foes —
59 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 2.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● GENDER UNKNOWN

HP ●
● Wonder Guard ATTACK ●●●●
TM & HM MOVES Mineral
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★★
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★☆☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Have at least one free space
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — in your party and one
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — Pokémon HeartGold
Poké Ball, then level up
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Nincada to Lv. 20
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Have at least one free space
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver in your party and one
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○ Poké Ball, then level up
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Nincada to Lv. 20
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ Have at least one free space
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond in your party and one
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Poké Ball, then level up
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Nincada to Lv. 20
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Have at least one free space
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl in your party and one
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ Poké Ball, then level up
Nincada to Lv. 20

Have at least one free space

Pokémon Platinum in your party and one
Poké Ball, then level up
Nincada to Lv. 20

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Its cry leaves a lasting Its cry leaves a lasting
headache if heard for too headache if heard for too
long. It moves so quickly long. It moves so quickly
that it is almost invisible. that it is almost invisible.


Lv. 22 Ninjask
space in your
Have at least

party and a
Poké Ball
one free

Nincada Shedinja

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 293 Whisper Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
5 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
11 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
15 Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Normal 21 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
25 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
31 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
35 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
41 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
41 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
45 Hyper Voice Normal Special 90 100 10 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 35.9 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Chesto Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Soundproof ATTACK ●●

Monster TM & HM MOVES

Field No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
SKILL ★★☆☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Route 30 (Hoenn Sound) TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 30 (Hoenn Sound) TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Find its Egg at the Pokémon TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Day Care and hatch it TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl Find its Egg at the Pokémon TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Day Care and hatch it TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Find its Egg at the Pokémon
Day Care and hatch it

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

If it senses danger, it If it senses danger, it
scares the foe by crying scares the foe by crying
out with the volume of a out with the volume of a
jet-plane engine. jet-plane engine.


Lv. 20 Lv. 40 EGG MOVES

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
Whismur Loudred Exploud Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —
SmellingSalt Normal Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90 10 Normal ○

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 294 Big Voice Pokémon
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
1 Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
5 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random — Normal
11 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
15 Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
20 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
23 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
29 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
37 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
43 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
51 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
51 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
57 Hyper Voice Normal Special 90 100 10 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 89.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●●
● Soundproof ATTACK ●●●

TM & HM MOVES Monster

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Field
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon HeartGold Level up Whismur to Lv. 20
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Whismur to Lv. 20
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Mt. Coronet exterior
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — (use Poké Radar)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Mt. Coronet exterior
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — (use Poké Radar)
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum Mt. Coronet exterior
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — (use Poké Radar)
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — It shouts loudly by inhaling It shouts loudly by inhaling
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ air, and then uses its air, and then uses its
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ well-developed stomach well-developed stomach
muscles to exhale. muscles to exhale.


Lv. 20 Lv. 40

Whismur Loudred Exploud

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 295 Loud Noise Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
1 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
1 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
Normal 1 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
1 Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
5 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
11 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
15 Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
20 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
23 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
29 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
37 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
40 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
45 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
55 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
55 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
63 Hyper Voice Normal Special 90 100 10 2 Foes —
71 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
● SIZE COMPARISON Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’11”
● WEIGHT: 185.2 lbs.
● ITEMS: None
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
STATS Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
HP ●●●●
● Soundproof ATTACK ●●●●



No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★★ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Loudred to Lv. 40 TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Loudred to Lv. 40 TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Loudred to Lv. 40 TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Loudred to Lv. 40 TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Loudred to Lv. 40 TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Its roar in battle shakes Its roar in battle shakes TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
the ground like a tremor-- the ground like a tremor-- TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
or like an earthquake or like an earthquake TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
has struck. has struck. TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
EVOLUTION HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
Lv. 20 Lv. 40

Whismur Loudred Exploud

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 296 Guts Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
4 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
7 Arm Thrust Fighting Physical 15 100 20 Normal ○
10 Vital Throw Fighting Physical 70 — 10 Normal ○ Fighting
13 Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
16 Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
19 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
22 SmellingSalt Normal Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
25 Belly Drum Normal Status — — 10 Self —
28 Force Palm Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
31 Seismic Toss Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
34 Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
37 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
40 Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
43 Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 190.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●●
● Thick Fat ATTACK ●●●
● Guts DEFENSE ●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Union Cave (Hoenn Sound)
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Union Cave (Hoenn Sound)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 225 (mass outbreak)
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Pokémon Pearl Route 225 (mass outbreak)
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Route 225 (mass outbreak)
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○ It toughens up by slamming It toughens up by slamming
into thick trees over and into thick trees over and
over. It gains a sturdy over. It gains a sturdy
body and dauntless spirit. body and dauntless spirit.


Lv. 24
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Makuhita Hariyama
Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Detect Fighting Status — — 5 Self —
Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Cross Chop Fighting Physical 100 80 5 Normal ○
Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
DynamicPunch Fighting Physical 100 50 5 Normal ○
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
Bullet Punch Steel Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 297 Arm Thrust Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
Fighting 1 Arm Thrust Fighting Physical 15 100 20 Normal ○
4 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
7 Arm Thrust Fighting Physical 15 100 20 Normal ○
10 Vital Throw Fighting Physical 70 — 10 Normal ○
13 Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
16 Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
19 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
22 SmellingSalt Normal Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
27 Belly Drum Normal Status — — 10 Self —
32 Force Palm Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
37 Seismic Toss Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
42 Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
47 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
52 Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
57 Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 7’07”
● WEIGHT: 559.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
ABILITIES STATS Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
HP ●●●●●●
● Thick Fat ATTACK ●●●●●
● Guts DEFENSE ●●

PERFORMANCE No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★☆☆☆ TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
SKILL ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Makuhita to Lv. 24 TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Makuhita to Lv. 24 TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Makuhita to Lv. 24 TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Makuhita to Lv. 24 TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Level up Makuhita to Lv. 24 TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
It loves challenging others It loves challenging others TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
to tests of strength. It has to tests of strength. It has TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
the power to stop a train the power to stop a train TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
with a slap. with a slap. HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Lv. 24

Makuhita Hariyama

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 298 Polka Dot Pokémon
1 Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
2 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
7 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
10 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
15 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○ Normal
18 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 0’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 4.4 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○ ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●●
● Thick Fat ATTACK ●
● Huge Power DEFENSE ●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Safari Zone (Savannah Area:
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold if Water objects are placed,
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ may appear in tall grass)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Safari Zone (Savannah Area:
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon SoulSilver if Water objects are placed,
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — may appear in tall grass)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon Diamond Pastoria Great Marsh
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Pastoria Great Marsh

Have at least one free space

Pokémon Platinum in your party and one
Poké Ball, then level up
Nincada to Lv. 20

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Its tail is packed full of the Its tail is packed full of the
nutrients it needs to grow. nutrients it needs to grow.

high friendship
Level up with

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Lv. 18
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self — Azurill Marill Azumarill
Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 299 Compass Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
7 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
13 Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90 15 Normal —
19 Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Rock 25 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
31 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
43 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
49 Power Gem Rock Special 70 100 20 Normal —
55 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
61 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
67 Zap Cannon Electric Special 120 50 5 Normal —
73 Lock-On Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
79 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 213.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Hard Stone Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
STATS Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
HP ● Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
● Sturdy ATTACK ●●
● Magnet Pull DEFENSE ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Meadow Area: TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold if Rock objects are placed, TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
may appear in tall grass) TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Meadow Area: TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver if Rock objects are placed, TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
may appear in tall grass) TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Route 206 (mass outbreak) TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl Route 206 (mass outbreak) TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Mt. Coronet TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

If two of these meet, If two of these meet,
they cannot get too close they cannot get too close
because their noses because their noses
repel each other. repel each other.

Mt. Coronet*

Level up at

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

Magnitude Ground Physical — 100 30 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Nosepass Probopass Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —

*Unable to evolve in Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver

Version. Transfer from Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, or
Platinum Version.

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 300 Kitten Pokémon
1 Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
4 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal — Normal
8 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
11 Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
15 DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal ○
18 Copycat Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
22 Assist Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
25 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
29 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
32 Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
36 Covet Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
39 Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
42 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
46 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 24.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Cute Charm ATTACK ●●
● Normalize DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Fairy
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — Hoenn Field
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold
Pokéwalker Route
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Hoenn Field
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver
Pokéwalker Route
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Route 222 (mass outbreak)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 222 (mass outbreak)
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Route 222 (mass outbreak)
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○ It’s adorable when it It’s adorable when it
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — chases its own tail. It’s chases its own tail. It’s
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — difficult to earn its trust. difficult to earn its trust.

Use Moon Stone

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Skitty Delcatty
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 301 Prim Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
1 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
1 Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
1 DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 3’07”
● WEIGHT: 71.9 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○

HP ●●●
● Cute Charm ATTACK ●●●
● Normalize DEFENSE ●●●

Fairy No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Use Moon Stone on Skitty TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Use Moon Stone on Skitty TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Use Moon Stone on Skitty TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Use Moon Stone on Skitty TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Use Moon Stone on Skitty TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
It dislikes dirty places. It dislikes dirty places. TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
It often searches for a It often searches for a TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
comfortable place comfortable place TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
in which to groom itself. in which to groom itself. TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Use Moon Stone

Skitty Delcatty

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 302 Darkness Pokémon
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
4 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
8 Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —
11 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○ Dark Ghost
15 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
18 Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
22 Detect Fighting Status — — 5 Self —
25 Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
29 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
32 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
36 Punishment Dark Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
39 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
43 Power Gem Rock Special 70 100 20 Normal —
46 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
50 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
53 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
57 Mean Look Normal Status — — 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 24.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All — STATS
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self — HP ●●
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — ● Keen Eye ATTACK ●●●
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● Stall DEFENSE ●●●
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — SP. ATTACK ●●●
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal — SP. DEFENSE ●●
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ EGG GROUPS SPEED ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○ PERFORMANCE
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Route 9 (mass outbreak)
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ Iron Island (after obtaining
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond the National Pokédex, insert
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Sapphire into your
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Iron Island (after obtaining
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Pearl the National Pokédex, insert
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Sapphire into your
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Iron Island (after obtaining
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum the National Pokédex, insert
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Sapphire into your
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○ It dwells in the darkness It dwells in the darkness
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — of caves. It uses its sharp of caves. It uses its sharp
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — claws to dig up gems to claws to dig up gems to
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — nourish itself. nourish itself.
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self — Does not evolve
Moonlight Normal Status — — 5 Self —
Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
Flatter Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 303 Deceiver Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
6 Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
11 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
16 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Steel 21 ViceGrip Normal Physical 55 100 30 Normal ○
26 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
31 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
36 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
41 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
46 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
51 Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
51 Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
51 Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
56 Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 25.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Occa Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○
STATS Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
HP ●●
● Hyper Cutter ATTACK ●●●●
● Intimidate DEFENSE ●●●


Fairy No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★★★ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 9 (mass outbreak) TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Iron Island (after obtaining TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
the National Pokédex, insert TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Ruby into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
Iron Island (after obtaining TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl the National Pokédex, insert TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
Pokémon Ruby into your TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Iron Island (after obtaining TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pokémon Platinum the National Pokédex, insert TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Ruby into your TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
It chomps with its gaping It chomps with its gaping TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
mouth. Its huge jaws are mouth. Its huge jaws are TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
actually steel horns that actually steel horns that HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
have been transformed. have been transformed. HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

EVOLUTION Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
Poison Fang Poison Physical 50 100 15 Normal ○
Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Does not evolve AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
Punishment Dark Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Guard Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 304 Iron Armor Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
4 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
8 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
11 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
15 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○ Steel Rock
18 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
22 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
25 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
29 Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
32 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
36 Metal Sound Steel Status — 85 40 Normal —
39 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
43 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
46 Metal Burst Steel Physical — 100 10 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 132.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Hard Stone
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○ ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self — ABILITIES STATS
HP ●●
● Sturdy ATTACK ●●●
● Rock Head DEFENSE ●●●●
TM & HM MOVES Monster
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Safari Zone (Rocky Beach
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Area: if Rock objects are
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — placed, may appear in
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — tall grass)
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ Safari Zone (Rocky Beach
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Area: if Rock objects are
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver
placed, may appear in
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — tall grass)
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Fuego Ironworks
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self — (use Poké Radar)
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Pokémon Pearl
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —

TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Fuego Ironworks
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ (use Poké Radar)
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
When it evolves, it sheds When it evolves, it sheds
the steel carapace that the steel carapace that
covered its whole body covered its whole body
and develops a new one. and develops a new one.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○ Lv. 32 Lv. 42
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
SmellingSalt Normal Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○ Aron Lairon Aggron
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Dragon Rush Dragon Physical 100 75 10 Normal ○
Head Smash Rock Physical 150 80 5 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 305 Iron Armor Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
1 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Steel Rock 4 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
8 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
11 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
15 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
18 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
22 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
25 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
29 Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
34 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
40 Metal Sound Steel Status — 85 40 Normal —
45 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
51 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
56 Metal Burst Steel Physical — 100 10 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 2’11”
● WEIGHT: 264.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Hard Stone Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
STATS Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
HP ●●
● Sturdy ATTACK ●●●●
● Rock Head DEFENSE ●●●●●
Monster TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Peak Area: TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold if Rock objects are placed, TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
may appear in tall grass) TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Peak Area: TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver if Rock objects are placed, TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
may appear in tall grass) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Level up Aron to Lv. 32 TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
— TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Aron to Lv. 32 TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

It loves iron ore. Groups of It loves iron ore. Groups of

them fight for territory by them fight for territory by
bashing one another with bashing one another with
their steel bodies. their steel bodies.


Lv. 32 Lv. 42

Aron Lairon Aggron

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 306 Iron Armor Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
1 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
4 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self — Steel Rock
8 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
11 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
15 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
18 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
22 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
25 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
29 Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
34 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
40 Metal Sound Steel Status — 85 40 Normal —
48 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
57 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
65 Metal Burst Steel Physical — 100 10 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 6’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 793.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○ STATS
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ HP ●●●
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○ ● Sturdy ATTACK ●●●●●
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○ ● Rock Head DEFENSE ●●●●●●
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○ SP. ATTACK ●●●
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal — SP. DEFENSE ●●
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal — SPEED ●●
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self — EGG GROUPS
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○ PERFORMANCE
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — Pokémon HeartGold
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
Level up Lairon to Lv. 42
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Lairon to Lv. 42
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Lairon to Lv. 42
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon Pearl —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Level up Lairon to Lv. 42
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — You can tell its age by the You can tell its age by the
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — length of its iron horns. It length of its iron horns. It
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — claims an entire mountain claims an entire mountain
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — as its territory. as its territory.
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ EVOLUTION
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — Lv. 32 Lv. 42
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Aron Lairon Aggron
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 307 Meditate Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self ○
4 Meditate Psychic Status — — 40 Self —
8 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
11 Detect Fighting Status — — 5 Self —
Fighting Psychic 15 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
18 Mind Reader Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
22 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
25 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
29 Force Palm Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
32 Hi Jump Kick Fighting Physical 100 90 20 Normal ○
36 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
39 Power Trick Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
43 Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
46 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 24.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Ears are higher on head Ears are lower on head Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
ABILITIES STATS Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
HP ●
● Pure Power ATTACK ●● Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
DEFENSE ●● Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

Human-Like TM & HM MOVES

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
PERFORMANCE TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★☆ TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
POWER ★★ JUMP ★★☆☆☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Sprout Tower (Sinnoh Sound) TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Sprout Tower (Sinnoh Sound) TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Route 211 TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 211 TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Route 211 TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
It meditates to heighten It meditates to heighten TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
its inner energy and to its inner energy and to TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
float in the air. It eats one float in the air. It eats one TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
berry a day. berry a day. TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Lv. 37
Meditite Medicham Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
DynamicPunch Fighting Physical 100 50 5 Normal ○
Power Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Guard Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Psycho Cut Psychic Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Bullet Punch Steel Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 308 Meditate Pokémon
1 Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
1 ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
1 Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
1 Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self ○
1 Meditate Psychic Status — — 40 Self — Fighting Psychic
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
1 Detect Fighting Status — — 5 Self —
4 Meditate Psychic Status — — 40 Self —
8 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
11 Detect Fighting Status — — 5 Self —
15 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
18 Mind Reader Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
22 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
25 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
29 Force Palm Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
32 Hi Jump Kick Fighting Physical 100 90 20 Normal ○
36 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
42 Power Trick Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
49 Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
55 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● SIZE COMPARISON
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○ ● HEIGHT: 4’03”
● WEIGHT: 69.4 lbs.
● ITEMS: None
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal — Bigger extensions Smaller extensions
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally — on head on head
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self — ABILITIES STATS
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — HP ●●
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● Pure Power ATTACK ●●●
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — DEFENSE ●●●
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal — SP. ATTACK ●●●
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ SP. DEFENSE ●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA PERFORMANCE
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○ SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★☆
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — POWER ★★ JUMP ★★☆☆☆
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★★★
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — Safari Zone (Wasteland Area:
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — Pokémon HeartGold if Forest objects are placed,
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ may appear in tall grass)
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Safari Zone (Wasteland Area:
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver if Forest objects are placed,
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — may appear in tall grass)
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 217
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 217
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum Mt. Coronet
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — It meditates to heighten It meditates to heighten
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — its inner energy and to its inner energy and to
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○ float in the air. It eats one float in the air. It eats one
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — berry a day. berry a day.
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ EVOLUTION
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Lv. 37

Meditite Medicham

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 309 Lightning Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
4 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
9 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
12 Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Electric 17 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
20 Spark Electric Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
25 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
28 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
33 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
36 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
41 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
44 Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self —
49 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 33.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —


HP ●
● Static ATTACK ●●
● Lightningrod DEFENSE ●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★☆☆ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Safari Zone (Rocky Beach TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Area: if Grass objects are
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
placed, may appear in TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
tall grass) TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Rocky Beach TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Area: if Grass objects are TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
placed, may appear in
tall grass) TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Valley Windworks TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
(mass outbreak) TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Pearl Valley Windworks TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
(mass outbreak) TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Valley Windworks
(mass outbreak)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It stores electricity in its It stores electricity in its
fur. It gives off sparks from fur. It gives off sparks from
all over its body in seasons all over its body in seasons
when the air is dry. when the air is dry.


Lv. 26 Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Electrike Menectric Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
Switcheroo Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 310 Discharge Pokémon
1 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self — Electric
4 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
9 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
12 Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
17 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
20 Spark Electric Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
25 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
30 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
37 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
42 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
49 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
54 Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self —
61 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 88.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —


HP ●●●
● Static ATTACK ●●●
● Lightningrod DEFENSE ●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — Safari Zone (Wasteland Area:
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold if Grass objects are placed,
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — may appear in tall grass)
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Safari Zone (Wasteland Area:
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver if Grass objects are placed,
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Electrike to Lv. 26
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Pearl Level up Electrike to Lv. 26
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum Level up Electrike to Lv. 26
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Its nest can be found Its nest can be found
where a thunderbolt hits. where a thunderbolt hits.
It is discharging It is discharging
electricity from its mane. electricity from its mane.


Lv. 26

Electrike Menectric

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 311 Cheering Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
3 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
7 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
10 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Electric 15 Spark Electric Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
17 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
21 Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
24 Copycat Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
29 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
31 Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
35 Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self —
38 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
42 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
44 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
48 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
51 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
● WEIGHT: 9.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Plus ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
POWER ★★ JUMP ★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Route 29 (Hoenn Sound) TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 29 (Hoenn Sound) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Trophy Garden at the Pokémon TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Mansion on Route 212 TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
(after obtaining the National TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Trophy Garden at the Pokémon TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Mansion on Route 212 TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
(after obtaining the National TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot)

Trophy Garden at the Pokémon

Pokémon Platinum Mansion on Route 212
(after obtaining the National
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It absorbs electricity from It absorbs electricity from
telephone poles. It shorts telephone poles. It shorts
out its body to create out its body to create
crackling noises. crackling noises.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Does not evolve Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
Sweet Kiss Normal Status — 75 10 Normal —
Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 312 Cheering Pokémon
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
3 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
7 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
10 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
15 Spark Electric Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○ Electric
17 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
21 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
24 Copycat Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
29 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
31 Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
35 Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self —
38 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
42 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
44 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
48 Trump Card Normal Special — — 5 Normal ○
51 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 9.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Minus ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★ JUMP ★★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Route 29 (Hoenn Sound)
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 29 (Hoenn Sound)
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — Trophy Garden at the Pokémon
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Mansion on Route 212
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — (after obtaining the National
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot)
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Trophy Garden at the Pokémon
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○ Mansion on Route 212
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
(after obtaining the National
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot)

Trophy Garden at the Pokémon

Pokémon Platinum Mansion on Route 212
(after obtaining the National
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Exposure to electricity Exposure to electricity
promotes blood circulation promotes blood circulation
and relaxes muscles. and relaxes muscles.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self — Does not evolve
Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
Sweet Kiss Normal Status — 75 10 Normal —
Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 313 Firefly Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
5 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
9 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Bug 13 Moonlight Normal Status — — 5 Self —
17 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
21 Tail Glow Bug Status — — 20 Self —
25 Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
29 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
33 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
37 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
41 Bug Buzz Bug Special 90 100 10 Normal —
45 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’04”
● WEIGHT: 39.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
STATS Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
HP ●●
● Illuminate ATTACK ●●●
● Swarm DEFENSE ●●

Human-Like No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★★★★ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
SKILL ★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Bug-Catching Contest at TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold the National Park (after TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
obtaining the National TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokédex / Thursday) TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Bug-Catching Contest at TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver the National Park (after TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
obtaining the National TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokédex / Thursday) TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 229 TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 229 TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 229 TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
It emits light from its tail It emits light from its tail TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
to communicate. It loves to communicate. It loves
the sweet aroma given off the sweet aroma given off

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Does not evolve Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
Bug Buzz Bug Special 90 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 314 Firefly Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
5 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
9 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
13 Moonlight Normal Status — — 5 Self —
17 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○ Bug
21 Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
25 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
29 Flatter Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
33 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
37 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
41 Bug Buzz Bug Special 90 100 10 Normal —
45 Covet Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 39.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally — ● FEMALE FORM
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
HP ●●
● Oblivious ATTACK ●●
● Tinted Lens DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Human-Like
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — POWER ★★ JUMP ★★★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — Bug-Catching Contest at
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold the National Park (after
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ obtaining the National
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokédex / Saturday)
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Bug-Catching Contest at
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver the National Park (after
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ obtaining the National
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokédex / Saturday)
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Route 229
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Route 229
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Route 229
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Its fragrance attracts a Its fragrance attracts a
swarm of VOLBEAT, so swarm of VOLBEAT, so
they draw over 200 they draw over 200
patterns in the night sky. patterns in the night sky.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal — Does not evolve
Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
Bug Buzz Bug Special 90 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 315 Thorn Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
4 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
7 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
10 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
Grass Poison 13 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
16 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
19 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
22 GrassWhistle Grass Status — 55 15 Normal —
25 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
28 Toxic Spikes Poison Status — — 20 2 Foes —
31 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
34 Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
37 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
40 Petal Dance Grass Special 90 100 20 1 Random ○
43 Aromatherapy Grass Status — — 5 All Allies —
46 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’00”
● WEIGHT: 4.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Poison Barb Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Smaller leaf on chest Larger leaf on chest

HP ●●
● Natural Cure ATTACK ●●●
● Poison Point DEFENSE ●●

Grass No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Safari Zone (Marshland Area: TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
if Forest objects are placed, TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
may appear in tall grass) TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Safari Zone (Marshland Area: TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver if Forest objects are placed, TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
may appear in tall grass) TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Diamond Route 212 TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Route 212 TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○

Pokémon Platinum Route 208

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

ROSELIA that drink ROSELIA that drink
nutritionally rich nutritionally rich
springwater are said to springwater are said to
reveal rare coloration reveal rare coloration
when they bloom. when they bloom.

4:00 A .M. and 8:00 P.M.
Level it up with high
friendship between

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

Use Shiny Stone

Spikes Ground Status — — 20 2 Foes —

Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Pin Missile Bug Physical 14 85 20 Normal —
Cotton Spore Grass Status — 85 40 Normal —
Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
Budew Roselia Roserade Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Mind Reader Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 316 Stomach Pokémon
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
6 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
9 Poison Gas Poison Status — 55 40 Normal —
14 Sludge Poison Special 65 100 20 Normal —
17 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self — Poison
23 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
28 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
34 Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
34 Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
34 Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
39 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
44 Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
49 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal ○
54 Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 22.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Big Pearl
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal — Longer yellow point Shorter yellow point

HP ●●●
● Liquid Ooze ATTACK ●●
● Sticky Hold DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal — SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 3 (mass outbreak)
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pastoria Great Marsh
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond (after obtaining the National
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends — Pokédex / changes daily)
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pastoria Great Marsh
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl (after obtaining the National
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — Pokédex / changes daily)
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ Pastoria Great Marsh
Pokémon Platinum (after obtaining the National
Pokédex / changes daily)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It has a small heart and It has a small heart and
brain. Its stomach brain. Its stomach
comprises most of its comprises most of its
body,with enzymes to body,with enzymes to
dissolve anything. dissolve anything.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
Acid Armor Poison Status — — 40 Self —
Smog Poison Special 20 70 20 Normal — Lv. 26
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
Gulpin Swalot

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 317 Poison Bag Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
1 Poison Gas Poison Status — 55 40 Normal —
1 Sludge Poison Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Poison 6 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
9 Poison Gas Poison Status — 55 40 Normal —
14 Sludge Poison Special 65 100 20 Normal —
17 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
23 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
26 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
30 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
38 Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
38 Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
38 Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
45 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
52 Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
59 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal ○
66 Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 5’07”
● WEIGHT: 176.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Longer whiskers Shorter whiskers Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●●●
● Liquid Ooze ATTACK ●●●
● Sticky Hold DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Gulpin to Lv. 26 TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Gulpin to Lv. 26 TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Gulpin to Lv. 26 TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Level up Gulpin to Lv. 26 TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
It gulps anything that HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
It gulps anything that HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
fi ts in its mouth. Its fi ts in its mouth. Its
special enzymes can special enzymes can
dissolve anything. dissolve anything.


Lv. 26

Gulpin Swalot

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 318 Savage Pokémon
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
6 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
8 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
11 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal — Water Dark
16 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
18 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
21 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
26 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
28 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
31 Aqua Jet Water Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
36 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
38 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 45.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○
HP ●●
● Rough Skin ATTACK ●●●●

Water 2
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SKILL ★★☆☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Warm Beach
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokéwalker Route
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Warm Beach
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokéwalker Route
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Pastoria Great Marsh /
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Super Rod)
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Pastoria Great Marsh /
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Super Rod)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum Pastoria Great Marsh /
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — Super Rod)
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
They form packs to attack They form packs to attack
boats and rip out their boats and rip out their
hulls to sink them. They hulls to sink them. They
live in rivers in the jungle. live in rivers in the jungle.


Lv. 30
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal — Carvanha Sharpedo
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 319 Brutal Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
1 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Water Dark 1 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
6 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
8 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
11 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
16 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
18 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
21 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
26 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
28 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
30 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
34 Aqua Jet Water Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
40 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
45 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
50 Skull Bash Normal Physical 100 100 15 Normal ○
56 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 5’11”
● WEIGHT: 195.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
ABILITIES STATS Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○
HP ●●●
● Rough Skin ATTACK ●●●●●

Water 2
PERFORMANCE No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★ TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Carvanha to Lv. 30 TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Carvanha to Lv. 30 TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 213 (Super Rod) TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 213 (Super Rod) TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Level up Carvanha to Lv. 30 TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
It can swim at speeds of It can swim at speeds of TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
75 mph by jetting sea 75 mph by jetting sea TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
water through its body. water through its body. TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
It is the bandit of the sea. It is the bandit of the sea. HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
EVOLUTION HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Lv. 30

Carvanha Sharpedo

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 320 Ball Whale Pokémon
1 Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
4 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
7 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
11 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
14 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — Water
17 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
21 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
24 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
27 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
31 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
34 Water Spout Water Special 150 100 5 2 Foes —
37 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
41 Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
44 Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
47 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 6’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 286.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○


HP ●●●●●
● Water Veil ATTACK ●●●
● Oblivious DEFENSE ●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Water 2
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Warm Beach
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokéwalker Route
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Warm Beach
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokéwalker Route
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Route 223 (Super Rod)
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 223 (Super Rod)
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Route 223 (Super Rod)
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It bounces playfully like It bounces playfully like
a ball. The more seawater a ball. The more seawater
it swallows, the higher it it swallows, the higher it
bounces. bounces.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Lv. 40
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○
Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Wailmer Wailord
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —
Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 321 Float Whale Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
1 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Water 4 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
7 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
11 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
14 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
17 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
21 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
24 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
27 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
31 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
34 Water Spout Water Special 150 100 5 2 Foes —
37 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
46 Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
54 Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
62 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 47’07”
● WEIGHT: 877.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○

HP ●●●●●●
● Water Veil ATTACK ●●●●
● Oblivious DEFENSE ●●


Water 2 No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
SKILL ★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Wailmer to Lv. 40 TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Wailmer to Lv. 40 TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 223 (Super Rod) TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl Route 223 (Super Rod) TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Route 223 (Super Rod) HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
It is the largest of all It is the largest of all
identified Pokémon. They identified Pokémon. They
jump as a pack to herd jump as a pack to herd
their prey. their prey.


Lv. 40

Wailmer Wailord

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 322 Numb Pokémon
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
5 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
11 Magnitude Ground Physical — 100 30 2 Foes/1 Ally —
15 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self — Fire Ground
21 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
25 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
31 Lava Plume Fire Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
35 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
41 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
45 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
51 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 52.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Rawst Berry
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —


Shorter hump Taller hump

HP ●●
● Oblivious ATTACK ●●●
● Simple DEFENSE ●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — SKILL ★★
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Ilex Forest (Hoenn Sound)
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Ilex Forest (Hoenn Sound)
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 227
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Pearl Route 227
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum Route 227
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

The flaming magma it The flaming magma it
stores in the hump on its stores in the hump on its
back is the source of back is the source of
its tremendous power. its tremendous power.


Lv. 33
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self — Numel Camerupt
Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 323 Eruption Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
1 Magnitude Ground Physical — 100 30 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Fire Ground 5 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
11 Magnitude Ground Physical — 100 30 2 Foes/1 Ally —
15 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
21 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
25 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
31 Lava Plume Fire Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
33 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
39 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
49 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
57 Eruption Fire Special 150 100 5 2 Foes —
67 Mist Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 6’03”
● WEIGHT: 485.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —


Shorter humps Taller humps

HP ●●●
● Magma Armor ATTACK ●●●●
● Solid Rock DEFENSE ●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Numel to Lv. 33 TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Level up Numel to Lv. 33 TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Route 227 TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 227 TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 227 TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
It lives in the crater of a It lives in the crater of a TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
volcano. It is well known volcano. It is well known TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
that the humps on its back that the humps on its back HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
erupt every 10 years. erupt every 10 years. HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○


Lv. 33

Numel Camerupt

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 324 Coal Pokémon
1 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
4 Smog Poison Special 20 70 20 Normal —
7 Withdraw Water Status — — 40 Self —
12 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
17 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal — Fire
20 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
23 Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal ○
28 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
33 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
36 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
39 Lava Plume Fire Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
44 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
49 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
52 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
55 Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 177.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —


HP ●●●
● White Smoke ATTACK ●●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ SKILL ★★☆
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Safari Zone (Savannah Area:
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold if Rock objects are placed,
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Safari Zone (Savannah Area:
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver if Rock objects are placed,
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon Diamond Route 227 (use Poké Radar)
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Pearl Route 227 (use Poké Radar)
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Route 227 (use Poké Radar)
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
You find abandoned coal You find abandoned coal
mines full of them. They mines full of them. They
dig tirelessly in search dig tirelessly in search
of coal. of coal.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Does not evolve
Eruption Fire Special 150 100 5 2 Foes —
Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Mist Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —
Skull Bash Normal Physical 100 100 15 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 325 Bounce Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
7 Psywave Psychic Special — 80 15 Normal —
10 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
14 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Psychic 15 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
18 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
21 Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
26 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
29 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
29 Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
34 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
41 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
46 Power Gem Rock Special 70 100 20 Normal —
48 Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’04”
● WEIGHT: 67.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Tanga Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Thick Fat ATTACK ●
● Own Tempo DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Ilex Forest (Hoenn Sound) TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Ilex Forest (Hoenn Sound) TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Route 214 (mass outbreak) TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Route 214 (mass outbreak) TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Route 214 (mass outbreak) TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
It bounces around on its tail It bounces around on its tail TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
to keep its heart pumping. to keep its heart pumping. TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
It carries a pearl from It carries a pearl from TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
CLAMPERL on its head. CLAMPERL on its head. TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Lv. 32
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Spoink Grumpig Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —
Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 326 Manipulate Pokémon
1 Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
1 Psywave Psychic Special — 80 15 Normal —
1 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
1 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
7 Psywave Psychic Special — 80 15 Normal — Psychic
10 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
14 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
15 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
18 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
21 Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
26 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
29 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
29 Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
37 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
47 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
55 Power Gem Rock Special 70 100 20 Normal —
60 Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 2’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 157.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
HP ●●●
● Thick Fat ATTACK ●●
● Own Tempo DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Level up Spoink to Lv. 32
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Spoink to Lv. 32
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Level up Spoink to Lv. 32
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Level up Spoink to Lv. 32
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Platinum
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
Level up Spoink to Lv. 32
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○ It can perform odd dance It can perform odd dance
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
steps to influence foes. Its steps to influence foes. Its
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
style of dancing became style of dancing became
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — hugely popular overseas. hugely popular overseas.
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — EVOLUTION
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Lv. 32
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Spoink Grumpig

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 327 Spot Panda Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
5 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
10 Copycat Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
14 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Normal 19 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
23 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
28 Dizzy Punch Normal Physical 70 100 10 Normal ○
32 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
37 Teeter Dance Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes/1 Ally —
41 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
46 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
50 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
55 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 3’07”
● WEIGHT: 11.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Chesto Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
STATS Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
HP ●● Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
● Own Tempo ATTACK ●●● Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
● Tangled Feet DEFENSE ●●

Human-Like No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Sprout Tower (Hoenn Sound) TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Sprout Tower (Hoenn Sound) TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 227 (mass outbreak) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 227 (mass outbreak) TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Route 227 (mass outbreak) TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
The chances of two The chances of two TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
SPINDA having identical SPINDA having identical TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
spot patterns is less spot patterns is less TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
than one in four billion. than one in four billion. TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Does not evolve EGG MOVES

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Assist Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
SmellingSalt Normal Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Psycho Cut Psychic Physical 70 100 20 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 328 Ant Pit Pokémon
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
9 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
17 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
25 Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
33 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Ground
41 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
49 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
57 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
65 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
73 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
81 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
89 Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 2’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 33.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Soft Sand
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —


HP ●●
● Hyper Cutter ATTACK ●●●●
● Arena Trap DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★☆
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Safari Zone (Desert Area:
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold if Rock objects are placed,
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — may appear in tall grass)
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Safari Zone (Desert Area:
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver if Rock objects are placed,
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — may appear in tall grass)
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Route 228 (occasionally
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond appears when you use
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Poké Radar)
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Route 228 (occasionally
Pokémon Pearl appears when you use
Poké Radar)

Pokémon Platinum —

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Its nest is a sloped, Its nest is a sloped,
bowl-like pit in the desert. bowl-like pit in the desert.
Once something has fallen Once something has fallen
in, there is no escape. in, there is no escape.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal — Lv. 35 Lv. 45
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal — Trapinch Vibrava Flygon

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 329 Vibration Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 SonicBoom Normal Special — 90 20 Normal —
1 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
1 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
1 Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
Ground Dragon 9 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
17 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
25 Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
33 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
35 DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal —
41 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
49 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
57 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 3’07”
● WEIGHT: 33.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
HP ●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Desert Area: TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold if Forest objects are placed, TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
may appear in tall grass) TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Safari Zone (Desert Area: TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver if Forest objects are placed, TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
may appear in tall grass) TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 228 (use Poké Radar) TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Pearl Route 228 (use Poké Radar) TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum — HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It vibrates its wings It vibrates its wings
vigorously, creating vigorously, creating
ultrasonic waves that ultrasonic waves that
cause serious headaches. cause serious headaches.


Lv. 35 Lv. 45

Trapinch Vibrava Flygon

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 330 Mystic Pokémon
1 SonicBoom Normal Special — 90 20 Normal —
1 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
1 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
1 Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
9 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal — Ground Dragon
17 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
25 Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
33 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
35 DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal —
41 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
45 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
49 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
57 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 6’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 180.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes — ABILITIES STATS
HP ●●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★☆
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Level up Vibrava to Lv. 45
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Vibrava to Lv. 45
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Level up Vibrava to Lv. 45
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl Level up Vibrava to Lv. 45
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal — Pokémon Platinum —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — It is nicknamed “The Desert It is nicknamed “The Desert
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Spirit” because the flapping Spirit” because the flapping
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ of its wings sounds like a of its wings sounds like a
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — woman singing. woman singing.
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Lv. 35 Lv. 45

Trapinch Vibrava Flygon

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 331 Cactus Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
5 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
9 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Grass 13 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
17 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
21 Pin Missile Bug Physical 14 85 20 Normal —
25 Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
29 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
33 Spikes Ground Status — — 20 2 Foes —
37 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
41 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
45 Needle Arm Grass Physical 60 100 15 Normal ○
49 Cotton Spore Grass Status — 85 40 Normal —
53 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
57 Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
● WEIGHT: 113.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Sticky Barb Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Sand Veil ATTACK ●●●●

Human-Like No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Safari Zone (Desert Area: TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pokémon HeartGold if Forest objects are placed, TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
may appear in tall grass) TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Safari Zone (Desert Area: TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver if Forest objects are placed, TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
may appear in tall grass) TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 228 TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Pearl Route 228 TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 228 TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It lives in arid locations. It lives in arid locations.
Its yellow flowers bloom Its yellow flowers bloom
once a year. once a year.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Lv. 32 GrassWhistle Grass Status — 55 15 Normal —
Acid Poison Special 40 100 30 2 Foes —
Teeter Dance Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes/1 Ally —
DynamicPunch Fighting Physical 100 50 5 Normal ○
Cacnea Cacturne Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
SmellingSalt Normal Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 332 Scarecrow Pokémon
1 Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
1 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
1 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self — Grass Dark
5 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
9 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
13 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
17 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
21 Pin Missile Bug Physical 14 85 20 Normal —
25 Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
29 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
35 Spikes Ground Status — — 20 2 Foes —
41 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
47 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
53 Needle Arm Grass Physical 60 100 15 Normal ○
59 Cotton Spore Grass Status — 85 40 Normal —
65 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
71 Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○ ● SIZE COMPARISON
● HEIGHT: 4’03”
● WEIGHT: 170.6 lbs.
BP MOVES ● ITEMS: Sticky Barb
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — Smaller markings on belly Larger markings on belly
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ ABILITIES STATS
HP ●●●
● Sand Veil ATTACK ●●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

TM & HM MOVES Human-Like
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Safari Zone (Savannah Area:
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold if Forest objects are placed,
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — may appear in tall grass)
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Safari Zone (Savannah Area:
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver if Forest objects are placed,
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Route 228
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 228
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Platinum Route 228
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ Packs of them follow Packs of them follow
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ travelers through the travelers through the
desert until the travelers desert until the travelers
can no longer move. can no longer move.


Lv. 32

Cacnea Cacturne

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 333 Cotton Bird Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
5 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
9 Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
Normal Flying 13 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
18 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
23 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
28 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
32 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
36 Mirror Move Flying Status — — 20 Depends —
40 Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
45 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
50 Perish Song Normal Status — — 5 All —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
● WEIGHT: 2.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —

HP ●●
● Natural Cure ATTACK ●●

Dragon No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Route 45 (mass outbreak) TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 45 (mass outbreak) TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Route 210, Celestic Town TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
side (use Poké Radar) TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Pearl Route 211, Celestic Town TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
side (use Poké Radar) TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Route 211, Celestic Town TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
side (use Poké Radar) HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Its wings bring cottony Its wings bring cottony
clouds to mind. It grooms clouds to mind. It grooms
with springwater with springwater
and loves to sit on heads. and loves to sit on heads.


Lv. 35 Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
Swablu Altaria Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
FeatherDance Flying Status — 100 15 Normal —
Dragon Rush Dragon Physical 100 75 10 Normal ○
Power Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 334 Humming Pokémon
1 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
1 Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal — Dragon Flying
5 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
9 Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
13 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
18 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
23 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
28 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
32 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
35 DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal —
39 Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —
46 Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
54 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
62 Perish Song Normal Status — — 5 All —
70 Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 3’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 45.4 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —
HP ●●●
● Natural Cure ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Dragon
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Level up Swablu to Lv. 35
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Swablu to Lv. 35
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Level up Swablu to Lv. 35
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl Level up Swablu to Lv. 35
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum Level up Swablu to Lv. 35
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — It flies gracefully through It flies gracefully through
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○ the sky. Its melodic the sky. Its melodic
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — humming makes you feel humming makes you feel
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○ like you’re in a dream. like you’re in a dream.
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○


Lv. 35

Swablu Altaria

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 335 Cat Ferret Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
5 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
9 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Normal 14 Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
18 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
22 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
27 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
31 Crush Claw Normal Physical 75 95 10 Normal ○
35 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
40 Detect Fighting Status — — 5 Self —
44 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
48 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
53 Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’03”
● WEIGHT: 88.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Quick Claw Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
HP ●●●
● Immunity ATTACK ●●●●●
EGG GROUPS SPEED ●●●● No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
Field TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Safari Zone (Rock Area: if TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Grass objects are placed, TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
may appear in tall grass) TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Safari Zone (Rock Area: if TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Grass objects are placed, TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
may appear in tall grass) TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Route 208 (after obtaining TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
the National Pokédex, insert TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Ruby into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Route 208 (after obtaining TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl the National Pokédex, insert TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
Pokémon Ruby into your TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Route 208 (after obtaining TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum the National Pokédex, insert TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Ruby into your TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Its fur would all stand on Its fur would all stand on TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
end if it smelled a SEVIPER end if it smelled a SEVIPER TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
nearby. Its sharp claws nearby. Its sharp claws TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
tear up its foes. tear up its foes. HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal ○
Does not evolve Razor Wind Normal Special 80 100 10 2 Foes —
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
Double Hit Normal Physical 35 90 10 Normal ○
Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 336 Fang Snake Pokémon
1 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
7 Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal ○
10 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
16 Poison Tail Poison Physical 50 100 25 Normal ○
19 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal — Poison
25 Glare Normal Status — 75 30 Normal —
28 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
34 Poison Fang Poison Physical 50 100 15 Normal ○
37 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
43 Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
46 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
52 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
55 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 8’10”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 115.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○

HP ●●●
● Shed Skin ATTACK ●●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Dragon
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — PERFORMANCE
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Safari Zone (Marshland Area:
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold if Grass objects are placed,
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Safari Zone (Marshland Area:
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver if Grass objects are placed,
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
may appear in tall grass)
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Route 208 (after obtaining
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond the National Pokédex, insert
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon Sapphire into your
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○ Route 208 (after obtaining
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl the National Pokédex, insert
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Sapphire into your
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Route 208 (after obtaining

Pokémon Platinum the National Pokédex, insert
Pokémon Sapphire into your
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

In battle, it uses its In battle, it uses its
bladed tail to counter any bladed tail to counter any
ZANGOOSE. It secretes ZANGOOSE. It secretes
EGG MOVES a deadly venom in its tail. a deadly venom in its tail.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self — EVOLUTION
Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○ Does not evolve
Switcheroo Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 337 Meteorite Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
9 Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90 15 Normal —
Rock Psychic 12 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
20 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
23 Psywave Psychic Special — 80 15 Normal —
31 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
34 Cosmic Power Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
42 Heal Block Psychic Status — 100 15 2 Foes —
45 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
53 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
56 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 370.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Moon Stone Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
● GENDER UNKNOWN Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
HP ●●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●

Mineral TM & HM MOVES

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
Safari Zone (Mountain Area: TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold if Rock objects are placed, TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
may appear in tall grass) TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Safari Zone (Mountain Area: TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
Pokémon SoulSilver if Rock objects are placed, TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
may appear in tall grass) TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Lake Verity (after obtaining TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond the National Pokédex, insert TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Sapphire into your TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Lake Verity (after obtaining TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl the National Pokédex, insert TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Sapphire into your TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Lake Verity (after obtaining TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum the National Pokédex, insert TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Sapphire into your TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot) TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
It was discovered at the It was discovered at the TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
site of a meteor strike site of a meteor strike TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
40 years ago. Its stare 40 years ago. Its stare
can lull its foes to sleep. can lull its foes to sleep.


Does not evolve

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 338 Meteorite Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
9 Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90 15 Normal —
12 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal — Rock Psychic
20 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
23 Psywave Psychic Special — 80 15 Normal —
31 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
34 Cosmic Power Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
42 Heal Block Psychic Status — 100 15 2 Foes —
45 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
53 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
56 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 339.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Sun Stone
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ ● GENDER UNKNOWN
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
HP ●●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●●●

TM & HM MOVES Mineral

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — SKILL ★★☆☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Safari Zone (Wasteland Area:
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold if Rock objects are placed,
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Safari Zone (Wasteland Area:
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — Pokémon SoulSilver if Rock objects are placed,
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Lake Verity (after obtaining
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond the National Pokédex, insert
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon Ruby into your
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal — Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal — Lake Verity (after obtaining
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl the National Pokédex, insert
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon Ruby into your
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self — Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Lake Verity (after obtaining
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal — Pokémon Platinum the National Pokédex, insert
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○ Pokémon Ruby into your
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — Nintendo DS’s Game Pak slot)
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — When it rotates itself, it When it rotates itself, it
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○ gives off light similar to gives off light similar to
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — the sun, thus blinding the sun, thus blinding
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — its foes. its foes.
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —


Does not evolve

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 339 Whiskers Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
6 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
6 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
10 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
Water Ground 14 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
18 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
22 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
26 Magnitude Ground Physical — 100 30 2 Foes/1 Ally —
31 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
31 Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
35 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
39 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
43 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
47 Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’04”
● WEIGHT: 4.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Oblivious ATTACK ●●
● Anticipation DEFENSE ●●

Water 2
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆☆ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Safari Zone (Marshland Area: TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold if Water objects are placed, TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
may appear if you fish with TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
the Super Rod) TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Marshland Area: TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
if Water objects are placed, TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
may appear if you fish with TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
the Super Rod) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Route 205, Eterna City side TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
(Good Rod)
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Route 205, Eterna City side HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
(Good Rod)

Pokémon Platinum Route 205, Eterna City side

(Good Rod)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

BARBOACH uses its BARBOACH uses its
whiskers to taste things whiskers to taste things
just as a person uses his or just as a person uses his or
her tongue to taste things. her tongue to taste things.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Lv. 30 Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random —
Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
Spark Electric Physical 65 100 20 Normal —
Barboach Whiscash Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal —
Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 340 Whiskers Pokémon
1 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
1 Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
1 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
1 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
1 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All — Water Ground
6 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
6 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
10 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
14 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
18 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
22 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
26 Magnitude Ground Physical — 100 30 2 Foes/1 Ally —
33 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
33 Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
39 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
45 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
51 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
57 Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 52.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○ ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●●●●
● Oblivious ATTACK ●●●
● Anticipation DEFENSE ●●●

Water 2
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon HeartGold Violet City
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ (mass outbreak, fishing)
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Violet City
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ (mass outbreak, fishing)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 205, Eterna City side
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — (Super Rod)
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl Route 205, Eterna City side
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — (Super Rod)
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 205, Eterna City side
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — (Super Rod)
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
It claims a large swamp to It claims a large swamp to
itself. If a foe comes near itself. If a foe comes near
it, it sets off tremors by it, it sets off tremors by
thrashing around. thrashing around.


Lv. 30

Barboach Whiscash

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 341 Ruffian Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
7 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
10 ViceGrip Normal Physical 55 100 30 Normal ○
13 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
Water 20 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
23 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
26 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
32 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
35 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
38 Crabhammer Water Physical 90 85 10 Normal ○
44 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
47 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
53 Guillotine Normal Physical — 30 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 25.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

HP ●●
● Hyper Cutter ATTACK ●●●
● Shed Armor DEFENSE ●●●

Water 1
Water 3 No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Rocky Beach TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Area: if Water objects are TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
placed, may appear if you TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
fish with the Super Rod) TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Rocky Beach TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Area: if Water objects are TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
placed, may appear if you TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
fish with the Super Rod) TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Celestic Town (Super Rod) TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl Celestic Town (Super Rod) TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Celestic Town (Super Rod) TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
It was originally a It was originally a HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon from afar that Pokémon from afar that HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
escaped to the wild. It can escaped to the wild. It can
adapt to the dirtiest river. adapt to the dirtiest river.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
Lv. 30 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Corphish Crawdaunt Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 342 Rogue Pokémon
1 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 ViceGrip Normal Physical 55 100 30 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
7 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self — Water Dark
10 ViceGrip Normal Physical 55 100 30 Normal ○
13 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
20 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
23 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
26 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
30 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
34 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
39 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
44 Crabhammer Water Physical 90 85 10 Normal ○
52 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
57 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
65 Guillotine Normal Physical — 30 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 72.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
HP ●●
● Hyper Cutter ATTACK ●●●●●
● Shed Armor DEFENSE ●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Water 3
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Level up Corphish to Lv. 30
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Corphish to Lv. 30
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Level up Corphish to Lv. 30
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Level up Corphish to Lv. 30
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — Pokémon Platinum Level up Corphish to Lv. 30
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — A brutish Pokémon that A brutish Pokémon that
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — loves to battle. It will loves to battle. It will
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — crash itself into any foe crash itself into any foe
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ that approaches its nest. that approaches its nest.
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ EVOLUTION

Lv. 30

Corphish Crawdaunt

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 343 Clay Doll Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
3 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
5 Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal ○
7 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Ground Psychic 11 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
15 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
19 Selfdestruct Normal Physical 200 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
25 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
31 Power Trick Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
45 Cosmic Power Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
53 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
61 Heal Block Psychic Status — 100 15 2 Foes —
71 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’08”
● WEIGHT: 47.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —

HP ●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●

Mineral TM & HM MOVES

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Route 3 (mass outbreak) TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pokémon Diamond Route 206 (use Poké Radar) TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Route 206 (use Poké Radar) TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon Platinum Route 206 (use Poké Radar) TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
It moves while spinning It moves while spinning TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
around on its single foot. around on its single foot. TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Some BALTOY have Some BALTOY have TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
been seen spinning on been seen spinning on TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
their heads. their heads. TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Lv. 36

Baltoy Claydol

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 344 Clay Doll Pokémon
1 Teleport Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal ○
3 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self — Ground Psychic
5 Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal ○
7 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
11 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
15 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
19 Selfdestruct Normal Physical 200 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
25 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
31 Power Trick Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
36 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
40 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
51 Cosmic Power Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
62 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
73 Heal Block Psychic Status — 100 15 2 Foes —
86 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 4’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 238.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — ● GENDER UNKNOWN
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —

HP ●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●●

TM & HM MOVES Mineral

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Level up Baltoy to Lv. 36
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — Pokémon Diamond Level up Baltoy to Lv. 36
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Level up Baltoy to Lv. 36
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon Platinum Level up Baltoy to Lv. 36
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○ It is said that it originates It is said that it originates
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — from clay dolls made by an from clay dolls made by an
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — ancient civilization. ancient civilization.
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — EVOLUTION
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Lv. 36
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Baltoy Claydol

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 345 Sea Lily Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
1 Constrict Normal Physical 10 100 35 Normal ○
8 Acid Poison Special 40 100 30 2 Foes —
15 Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
Rock Grass 22 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
29 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
36 Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
43 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
50 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
57 Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
57 Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
57 Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
64 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 52.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●
● Suction Cups ATTACK ●●

Water 3
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
SPEED ★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★☆ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Have the Root Fossil TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver restored at the Pewter TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Museum of Science TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
After obtaining the National TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
Pokédex, find the Root Fossil TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond in the Underground and have TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
it restored at the Oreburgh TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Mining Museum TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
After obtaining the National TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokédex, find the Root Fossil TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl in the Underground and have TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
it restored at the Oreburgh TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Mining Museum TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
After obtaining the National
Pokédex, find the Root Fossil
Pokémon Platinum in the Underground and have
it restored at the Oreburgh
Mining Museum

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It disguises its tentacles It disguises its tentacles
as flowers to attract and as flowers to attract and
catch prey. It became catch prey. It became
extinct in ancient times. extinct in ancient times.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Barrier Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —
Lv. 40 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal ○
Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Lileep Cradily

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 346 Barnicle Pokémon
1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
1 Constrict Normal Physical 10 100 35 Normal ○
1 Acid Poison Special 40 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
8 Acid Poison Special 40 100 30 2 Foes — Rock Grass
15 Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
22 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
29 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
36 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
46 Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
56 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
66 Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
66 Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
66 Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
76 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 4’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 133.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Suction Cups ATTACK ●●●

Water 3
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★ STAMINA ★★★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★☆
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Lileep to Lv. . 40
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Level up Lileep to Lv. . 40
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Level up Lileep to Lv. . 40
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum Level up Lileep to Lv. . 40
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — It lives in warm seas. Its It lives in warm seas. Its
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ heavy body weighs it down heavy body weighs it down
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ so it won’t get washed so it won’t get washed
away in rough weather. away in rough weather.


Lv. 40

Lileep Cradily

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 347 Old Shrimp Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
7 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
13 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
Rock Bug 19 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
25 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
31 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
37 Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
43 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
49 Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
55 Crush Claw Normal Physical 75 95 10 Normal ○
61 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’04”
● WEIGHT: 27.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

HP ●●
● Battle Armor ATTACK ●●●●

Water 3
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Have the Claw Fossil TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pokémon HeartGold restored at the Pewter TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Museum of Science TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
After obtaining the National TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
Pokédex, find the Claw Fossil TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pokémon Diamond in the Underground and have TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
it restored at the Oreburgh TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Mining Museum TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
After obtaining the National TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokédex, find the Claw Fossil TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl in the Underground and have TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
it restored at the Oreburgh TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
Mining Museum
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
After obtaining the National
Pokédex, find the Claw Fossil
Pokémon Platinum in the Underground and have
it restored at the Oreburgh
Mining Museum

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

An ancestral Pokémon An ancestral Pokémon
that lived in the ocean. that lived in the ocean.
Over time, its eight feet Over time, its eight feet
transformed into wings. transformed into wings.

EVOLUTION Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 100 40 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Lv. 40 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
Cross Poison Poison Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Anorith Armaldo Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 348 Plate Pokémon
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
7 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All — Rock Bug
13 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
19 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
25 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
31 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
37 Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
46 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
55 Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
67 Crush Claw Normal Physical 75 95 10 Normal ○
73 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 4’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 150.4 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○ ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
HP ●●●
● Battle Armor ATTACK ●●●●●

Water 3
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Level up Anorith to Lv. 40
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Level up Anorith to Lv. 40
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self — Pokémon Pearl Level up Anorith to Lv. 40
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum Level up Anorith to Lv. 40
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Its enormous, retractable Its enormous, retractable
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal — claws can cut through most claws can cut through most
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ anything. Its entire body is anything. Its entire body is
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ clad in sturdy plates. clad in sturdy plates.
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○


Lv. 40

Anorith Armaldo

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 349 Fish Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
15 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
30 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 16.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —


HP ●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●

Water 1
Dragon No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆☆☆ STAMINA ★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
SKILL ★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Quiet Cave Pokéwalker Route TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal ○
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Quiet Cave Pokéwalker Route TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Mt. Coronet B1F (Old Rod / TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
location changes daily) HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Mt. Coronet B1F (Old Rod /
location changes daily)

Pokémon Platinum Mt. Coronet B1F (Old Rod /

location changes daily)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It is the shabbiest It is the shabbiest
Pokémon of all. It forms in Pokémon of all. It forms in
schools and lives at the schools and lives at the
bottom of rivers. bottom of rivers.

Max out Feebas’s beauty
and level it up

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —
DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal —
Feebas Milotic Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 350 Tender Pokémon
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
1 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
5 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
9 Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
13 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — Water
17 Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
21 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
25 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
29 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
33 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
37 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
41 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
45 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
49 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 20’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 357.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○ ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Shorter tail fins Longer tail fins

HP ●●●●
● Marvel Scale ATTACK ●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Dragon
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Level up Feebas
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — with high beauty
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Feebas
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — with high beauty
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Level up Feebas
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○ with high beauty
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Pearl Level up Feebas
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — with high beauty
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon Platinum Level up Feebas
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — with high beauty
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It’s said that a glimpse of It’s said that a glimpse of
a MILOTIC and its beauty a MILOTIC and its beauty
will calm any hostile will calm any hostile
emotions you’re feeling. emotions you’re feeling.

Max out Feebas’s beauty
and level it up

Feebas Milotic

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 351 Weather Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
10 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
10 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
10 Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100 25 2 Foes —
Normal 20 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
20 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
20 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
30 Weather Ball Normal Special 50 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’00”
● WEIGHT: 1.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —



HP ●●●
● Forecast ATTACK ●●●


Amorphous No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Treehouse Pokéwalker Route TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Treehouse Pokéwalker Route TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Trophy Garden at the Pokémon TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Mansion on Route 212 TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
(after obtaining the National TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Trophy Garden at the Pokémon TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Mansion on Route 212 TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
(after obtaining the National TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot) TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Trophy Garden at the Pokémon TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum Mansion on Route 212 TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
(after obtaining the National TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot) TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

This Pokémon can change This Pokémon can change
its cells, taking different its cells, taking different
forms based on the forms based on the
temperature and humidity. temperature and humidity.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Does not evolve Lucky Chant Normal Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 352 Color Swap Pokémon
1 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
1 Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal ○
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○ Normal
4 Bind Normal Physical 15 75 20 Normal ○
7 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
10 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
14 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
18 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
22 Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
27 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
32 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
37 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
43 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
49 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
55 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 48.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○ ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ABILITIES STATS
HP ●●
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○ ● Color Change ATTACK ●●●●
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○ DEFENSE ●●●
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal — SP. ATTACK ●●●
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal — SP. DEFENSE ●●●●●
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Treehouse Pokéwalker Route
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Treehouse Pokéwalker Route
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Route 210, Celestic Town
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond
side (use Poké Radar)
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl —
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pastoria Great Marsh
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum (after obtaining the National
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — Pokédex / changes daily)
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○ It changes its shading to It changes its shading to
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○ match its surroundings so match its surroundings so
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self — it can sneak up on prey. it can sneak up on prey.
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Only its belly patterns Only its belly patterns
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — stay fixed. stay fixed.
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — EVOLUTION
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Does not evolve
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
Dizzy Punch Normal Physical 70 100 10 Normal ○
Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 353 Puppet Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
5 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
8 Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —
13 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Ghost 16 Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
20 Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
23 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
28 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
31 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
35 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
38 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
43 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
46 Grudge Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
50 Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 5.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Spell Tag Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●
● Insomnia ATTACK ●●●
● Frisk DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★☆☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★★★ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Safari Zone (Forest Area: TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold if Forest objects are placed, TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
may appear in tall grass) TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Safari Zone (Forest Area: TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver if Forest objects are placed, TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
may appear in tall grass) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Find its Egg at the Pokémon TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
Day Care and hatch it
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Find its Egg at the Pokémon TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Day Care and hatch it
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Find its Egg at the Pokémon TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Day Care and hatch it
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
It uses its horn to feed It uses its horn to feed TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
on envy and malice, or so on envy and malice, or so TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
it’s said. It’s very active it’s said. It’s very active TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
at night. at night.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Lv. 37 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Shuppet Banette Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
Imprison Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 354 Marionette Pokémon
1 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
1 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
1 Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —
1 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
5 Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal — Ghost
8 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
13 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
16 Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
20 Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
23 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
28 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
31 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
35 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
42 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
51 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
58 Grudge Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
66 Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 27.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Spell Tag
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●
● Insomnia ATTACK ●●●●●
● Frisk DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — Safari Zone (Marshland Area:
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold if Rock objects are placed,
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — Safari Zone (Marshland Area:
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver if Rock objects are placed,
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 225 (night only)
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Route 225 (night only)
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum Route 225 (night only)
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal — This Pokémon developed This Pokémon developed
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — from an abandoned doll from an abandoned doll
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — that amassed a grudge. It that amassed a grudge. It
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — is seen in dark alleys. is seen in dark alleys.
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Lv. 37

Shuppet Banette

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 355 Requiem Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —
6 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
9 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Ghost 14 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
17 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
22 Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
25 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
30 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
33 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
38 Mean Look Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
41 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
46 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’07”
● WEIGHT: 33.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Kasib Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★☆☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Swamp Area: TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold if Rock objects are placed, TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
may appear in tall grass) TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Swamp Area: TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver if Rock objects are placed, TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
may appear in tall grass) TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Route 224 (occasionally TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Diamond appears when you use TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Poké Radar) TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
Route 224 (occasionally TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl appears when you use TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
Poké Radar) TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 209 (night only) TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
If it finds bad children If it finds bad children
who won’t listen to their who won’t listen to their
parents, it will spirit them parents, it will spirit them
away--or so it’s said. away--or so it’s said.

Have it hold Reaper Cloth

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
and trade it

Imprison Psychic Status — — 10 Self —

Lv. 37 Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
Grudge Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
Duskull Dusclops Dusknoir Memento Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —
Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 356 Beckon Pokémon
1 Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
1 Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
1 ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
1 Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
1 Bind Normal Physical 15 75 20 Normal ○ Ghost
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —
1 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
6 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
9 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
14 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
17 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
22 Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
25 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
30 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
33 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
37 Shadow Punch Ghost Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
43 Mean Look Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
51 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
61 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○ ● HEIGHT: 5’03”
● WEIGHT: 67.5 lbs.
● ITEMS: Kasib Berry
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ABILITIES STATS
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal — HP ●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○ SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — Safari Zone (Mountain Area:
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold if Forest objects are placed,
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — may appear in tall grass)
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Safari Zone (Mountain Area:
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver if Forest objects are placed,
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
may appear in tall grass)
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 224 (use Poké Radar)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 224 (use Poké Radar)
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Sendoff Spring
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ Anyone who dares peer into Anyone who dares peer into
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — its body to see its spectral its body to see its spectral
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — ball of fire will have their ball of fire will have their
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — spirit stolen away. spirit stolen away.
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Have it hold Reaper Cloth

TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —

TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
and trade it

TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All — Lv. 37
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Duskull Dusclops Dusknoir

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 357 Fruit Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
7 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
11 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Grass Flying 17 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
21 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
27 Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
31 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
37 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
41 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
47 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —
51 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
57 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
61 Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 6’07”
● WEIGHT: 220.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —

HP ●●●●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●●
● Solar Power DEFENSE ●●●

Grass No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon HeartGold Big Forest Pokéwalker Route TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Big Forest Pokéwalker Route TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond — TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl — TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum Pastoria Great Marsh / TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
morning and afternoon only) TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
The bunch of fruit around The bunch of fruit around HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
its neck ripens twice a its neck ripens twice a HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
year and is delicious. year and is delicious. HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
It’s a highly favored It’s a highly favored
tropical snack. tropical snack.


Does not evolve Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
Razor Wind Normal Special 80 100 10 2 Foes —
Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
Nature Power Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Leaf Blade Grass Physical 90 100 15 Normal ○
Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 358 Wild Chime Pokémon
1 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
6 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
9 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
14 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
17 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random — Psychic
22 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
25 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
30 Psywave Psychic Special — 80 15 Normal —
33 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
38 Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
41 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
46 Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —
49 Healing Wish Psychic Status — — 10 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 2.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Colbur Berry
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
HP ●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●

TM & HM MOVES Amorphous

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — POWER ★★ JUMP ★★★★☆
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — SKILL ★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Safari Zone (Swamp Area:
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold if Forest objects are placed,
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — Safari Zone (Swamp Area:
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver if Forest objects are placed,
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
Sendoff Spring
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Sendoff Spring
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum Sendoff Spring
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — It uses the sucker on its It uses the sucker on its
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All — head to hang from a tree or head to hang from a tree or
from eaves. It an produce from eaves. It an produce
seven different tones. seven different tones.

8:00 P.M. and 4:00 A .M.
Level it up with high
friendship between

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — Chingling Chimecho
Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 359 Disaster Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
4 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
9 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
Dark 12 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
17 Razor Wind Normal Special 80 100 10 2 Foes —
20 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
25 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
28 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
33 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
36 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
41 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
44 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
49 Detect Fighting Status — — 5 Self —
52 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
57 Me First Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
60 Psycho Cut Psychic Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
65 Perish Song Normal Status — — 5 All —
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’11” Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
● WEIGHT: 103.6 lbs. Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
● ITEMS: None Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
ABILITIES STATS No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
HP ●●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●●● TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
● Super Luck DEFENSE ●● TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
SP. ATTACK ●●● TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SP. DEFENSE ●● TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
EGG GROUPS SPEED ●●● TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
Field TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
SKILL ★★★ TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Union Cave (Hoenn Sound) TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Union Cave (Hoenn Sound) TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 213 (mass outbreak) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Pearl Route 213 (mass outbreak) TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Mt. Coronet Peak 1 TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
It has the ability to foretell It has the ability to foretell TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
natural disasters. Its life natural disasters. Its life TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
span is over a hundred span is over a hundred TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
years. years. TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
EVOLUTION TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Does not evolve HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Mean Look Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Punishment Dark Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
Me First Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
Megahorn Bug Physical 120 85 10 Normal ○
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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 360 Bright Pokémon
1 Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
1 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
1 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
15 Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
15 Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self — Psychic
15 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
15 Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 30.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None


HP ●●●●
● Shadow Tag ATTACK ●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆
POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆
SKILL ★☆☆☆


Have Wobbuffet ♀ hold the

Pokémon HeartGold Lax Incense and leave it at
the Pokémon Day Care, then
find its Egg and hatch it

Have Wobbuffet ♀ hold the

Pokémon SoulSilver Lax Incense and leave it at
the Pokémon Day Care, then
find its Egg and hatch it

Have Wobbuffet ♀ hold the

Pokémon Diamond Lax Incense and leave it at
the Pokémon Day Care, then
find its Egg and hatch it

Have Wobbuffet ♀ hold the

Pokémon Pearl Lax Incense and leave it at
the Pokémon Day Care, then
find its Egg and hatch it

Have Wobbuffet ♀ hold the

Pokémon Platinum Lax Incense and leave it at the
Pokémon Day Care, then find
its Egg and hatch it

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It tends to move in a pack. It tends to move in a pack.
Individuals squash Individuals squash against
against one another to one another to toughen
toughen their spirits. their spirits.


Lv. 15

Wynaut Wobbuffet

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 361 Snow Hat Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100 25 2 Foes —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
4 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
10 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
Ice 13 Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
19 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
22 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
28 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
31 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
37 Ice Shard Ice Physical 40 100 30 Normal —
40 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
46 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 2’04”
● WEIGHT: 37.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○


HP ●●
● Inner Focus ATTACK ●●
● Ice Body DEFENSE ●●

Mineral No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Icy Mountain Rd. TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokéwalker Route TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Icy Mountain Rd. TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokéwalker Route TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 216 (use Poké Radar) TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 216 (use Poké Radar) TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Pokémon Platinum Route 216 (night only)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It’s said that if they are It’s said that if they are
seen at midnight, they’ll seen at midnight, they’ll
cause heavy snow. cause heavy snow.
They eat snow and ice to They eat snow and ice to
survive. survive.


Lv. 42 Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Glalie Spikes Ground Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
Use Dawn Stone on ♀ Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self ○
Snorunt Weather Ball Normal Special 50 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 362 Face Pokémon
1 Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100 25 2 Foes —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
4 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Ice
10 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
13 Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
19 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
22 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
28 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
31 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
37 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
40 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
51 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
59 Sheer Cold Ice Special — 30 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 4’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 565.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○ ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●●●
● Inner Focus ATTACK ●●●
● Ice Body DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Mineral
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Level up Snorunt to Lv. 42
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Snorunt to Lv. 42
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Level up Snorunt to Lv. 42
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl Level up Snorunt to Lv. 42
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum Level up Snorunt to Lv. 42
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — It can instantly freeze It can instantly freeze
moisture in the moisture in the
atmosphere. It uses this atmosphere. It uses this
power to freeze its foes. power to freeze its foes.


Lv. 42


Use Dawn Stone on ♀


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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 363 Clap Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
1 Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100 25 2 Foes —
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
Ice Water 7 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
13 Ice Ball Ice Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
19 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
25 Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 Normal —
31 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
37 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
37 Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
43 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
49 Sheer Cold Ice Special — 30 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 2’07”
● WEIGHT: 87.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○

HP ●●●
● Thick Fat ATTACK ●●
● Ice Body DEFENSE ●●

Water 1
Field No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
SKILL ★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal —
Safari Zone (Peak Area: TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold if Water objects are placed, TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
may appear in tall grass) TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Safari Zone (Peak Area: TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver if Water objects are placed, TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
may appear in tall grass) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Diamond — TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon Pearl Route 226 (water surface) HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Find its Egg at the Pokémon
Day Care and hatch it

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It crosses the oceans by It crosses the oceans by
rolling itself on drifting ice. rolling itself on drifting ice.
Fluffy fur keeps it warm Fluffy fur keeps it warm
when the temperature is when the temperature is
below freezing. below freezing.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
Lv. 32 Lv. 44 Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Spheal Sealeo Walrein Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 364 Ball Roll Pokémon
1 Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100 25 2 Foes —
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
1 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
7 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal — Ice Water
13 Ice Ball Ice Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
19 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
25 Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 Normal —
31 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
32 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
39 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
39 Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
47 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
55 Sheer Cold Ice Special — 30 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 3’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 1,93.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○ ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●●●
● Thick Fat ATTACK ●●●
● Ice Body DEFENSE ●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Field
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Safari Zone (Mountain Area:
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ if Water and Rock objects
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold
are placed, may appear in
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — tall grass)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Safari Zone (Mountain Area:
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver if Water and Rock objects
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal — are placed, may appear in
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — tall grass)
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Diamond —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon Pearl Route 226 (water surface)
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum Route 230 (water surface)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It has a very sensitive It has a very sensitive
nose. It touches new nose. It touches new
things with its nose to things with its nose to
examine them. examine them.


Lv. 32 Lv. 44

Spheal Sealeo Walrein

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 365 Ice Break Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
1 Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100 25 2 Foes —
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
Ice Water 1 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
7 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
13 Ice Ball Ice Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
19 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
25 Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 Normal —
31 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
32 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
39 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
39 Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
44 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
52 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
65 Sheer Cold Ice Special — 30 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 4’07”
● WEIGHT: 332.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○

HP ●●●●
● Thick Fat ATTACK ●●●
● Ice Body DEFENSE ●●●●

Water 1
Field No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Sealeo to Lv. 44 TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Sealeo to Lv. 44 TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond — TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Level up Sealeo to Lv. 44 TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Sealeo to Lv. 44 TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
It shatters drift ice with its It shatters drift ice with its HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
strong tusks. Its thick strong tusks. Its thick
layer of blubber repels layer of blubber repels
enemy attacks. enemy attacks.


Lv. 32 Lv. 44

Spheal Sealeo Walrein

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 366 Bivalve Pokémon
1 Clamp Water Physical 35 75 10 Normal ○
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
1 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
1 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 115.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Big Pearl
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —


HP ●
● Shell Armor ATTACK ●●●

TM & HM MOVES Water 1

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Route 19 (mass outbreak,
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ water surface)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 19 (mass outbreak,
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal — water surface)
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Diamond Route 219 (Super Rod)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon Pearl Route 219 (Super Rod)
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon Platinum —

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

When it evolves, it makes When it evolves, it makes
a mysterious pearl that a mysterious pearl that
amplifies psychic powers amplifies psychic powers
when it’s held. when it’s held.


Have it hold DeepSeaTooth

and trade it

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Clamperl
Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self — Have it hold DeepSeaScale
Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All — and trade it
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal — Gorebyss
Barrier Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
Muddy Water Water Special 95 85 10 2 Foes —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 367 Deep Sea Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
6 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
10 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
15 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
Water 19 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
24 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
28 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
33 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
37 Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
42 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
46 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
51 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 5’07”
● WEIGHT: 59.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★★ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Link trade Clamperl while it TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
holds the DeepSeaTooth TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Link trade Clamperl while it TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
holds the DeepSeaTooth TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Diamond Link trade Clamperl while it TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
holds the DeepSeaTooth TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl Link trade Clamperl while it TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
holds the DeepSeaTooth TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum — HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It lives deep in the It lives deep in the
pitch-dark sea. It attracts pitch-dark sea. It attracts
prey by moving its tail in prey by moving its tail in
mimicry of a small animal. mimicry of a small animal.


Have it hold DeepSeaTooth

and trade it


Have it hold DeepSeaScale
and trade it

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 368 South Sea Pokémon
1 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
6 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
10 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
15 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
19 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self — Water
24 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
28 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
33 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
37 Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
42 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
46 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
51 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 5’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 49.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○ ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Link trade Clamperl while it
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ holds the DeepSeaScale
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Link trade Clamperl while it
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — holds the DeepSeaScale
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Link trade Clamperl while it
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — holds the DeepSeaScale
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Link trade Clamperl while it
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends — holds the DeepSeaScale
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Its pink body becomes Its pink body becomes
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — more vivid with the rise of more vivid with the rise of
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — water temperatures in the water temperatures in the
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — springtime. springtime.
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — EVOLUTION
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All — Have it hold DeepSeaTooth
and trade it


Have it hold DeepSeaScale
and trade it

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 369 Longevity Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
8 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
15 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Water Rock 22 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
29 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
36 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
43 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
50 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
57 Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
64 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
71 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
78 Head Smash Rock Physical 150 80 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 51.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: DeepSeaScale Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
Larger jaw Smaller jaw

HP ●●●●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●●●●
● Rock Head DEFENSE ●●●●●

Water 1
Water 2 No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★☆☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Route 12 TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
(mass outbreak, fishing) TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 12 TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
(mass outbreak, fishing) TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Route 226 (Super Rod) TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Route 226 (Super Rod) TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 226 (Super Rod) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Discovered by chance Discovered by chance HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
during deep-sea during deep-sea HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
explorations, it has not explorations, it has not HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
changed since ancient changed since ancient HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
times. times.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Does not evolve
Magnitude Ground Physical — 100 30 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Skull Bash Normal Physical 100 100 15 Normal ○
Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Muddy Water Water Special 95 85 10 2 Foes —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 370 Rendezvous Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
4 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
7 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
9 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
14 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○ Water
17 Lucky Chant Normal Status — — 30 2 Allies —
22 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
27 Sweet Kiss Normal Status — 75 10 Normal —
31 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
37 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
40 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
46 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
51 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 19.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Heart Scale
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○


HP ●●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●

Water 2
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Route 27 (mass outbreak,
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — water surface)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Route 27 (mass outbreak,
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — water surface)
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Diamond Pokémon League (Super Rod)
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Pokémon League (Super Rod)
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Pokémon League (Super Rod)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Its heart-shaped body Its heart-shaped body
makes it popular. In some makes it popular. In some
places, you would give places, you would give
a LUVDISC to someone a LUVDISC to someone
you love. you love.


EGG MOVES Does not evolve

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
Aqua Jet Water Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 371 Rock Head Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
5 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
10 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
16 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Dragon 20 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
25 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
31 DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal —
35 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
40 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
46 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
50 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
55 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 92.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Dragon Fang Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —


HP ●●
● Rock Head ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Swamp Area: TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold if Rock and Forest objects TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
are placed, may appear in TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
tall grass) TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Swamp Area:
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver if Rock and Forest objects TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
are placed, may appear in TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
tall grass) TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond — TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Route 210, Celestic Town TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
side (use Poké Radar)
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
Route 210, Celestic Town HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
side (use Poké Radar)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Its well-developed neck Its well-developed neck
muscles and ironlike muscles and ironlike
head can smash boulders head can smash boulders
into pieces. into pieces.


Lv. 30 Lv. 50 Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○
Dragon Rage Dragon Special — 100 10 Normal —
Bagon Shelgon Salamence Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —
Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Dragon Rush Dragon Physical 100 75 10 Normal ○

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 372 Endurance Pokémon
1 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
5 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○ Dragon
10 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
16 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
20 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
25 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
30 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
32 DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal —
37 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
43 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
50 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
55 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
61 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 3’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 243.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Dragon Fang
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●●
● Rock Head ATTACK ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Safari Zone (Plains Area or
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Wetland Area: if Rock objects
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — are placed, may appear in
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — tall grass)
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Plains Area or
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Wetland Area: if Rock objects
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — are placed, may appear in
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — tall grass)
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Diamond —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Level up Bagon to Lv. 30
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum Level up Bagon to Lv. 30

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It surrounds its body in It surrounds its body in
an iron-hard shell to an iron-hard shell to
accumulate enough accumulate enough
power to evolve. power to evolve.


Lv. 30 Lv. 50

Bagon Shelgon Salamence

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 373 Dragon Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
1 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
1 Rage Normal Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
Dragon Flying 1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
5 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
10 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
16 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
20 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
25 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
30 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
32 DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal —
37 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
43 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
50 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
53 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
61 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
70 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● SIZE COMPARISON Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 4’11”
● WEIGHT: 226.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
ABILITIES STATS Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
HP ●●●● Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
● Intimidate ATTACK ●●●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★☆ TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★★★★ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Shelgon to Lv. 50 TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Shelgon to Lv. 50 TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond — TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Shelgon to Lv. 50 TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Shelgon to Lv. 50 TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
It’s uncontrollable if It’s uncontrollable if TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
enraged. It flies around enraged. It flies around TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
spouting flames and spouting flames and TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
scorching fields and scorching fields and HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
mountains. mountains. HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○


Lv. 30 Lv. 50

Bagon Shelgon Salamence

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 374 Iron Ball Pokémon
1 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Steel Psychic

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 209.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Metal Coat
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —


HP ●
● Clear Body ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆


Pokémon HeartGold Trade Forretress to Steven at

Silph Co. in Saffron City

Pokémon SoulSilver Trade Forretress to Steven at

Silph Co. in Saffron City

Pokémon Diamond Route 228 (mass outbreak)

Pokémon Pearl Route 228 (mass outbreak)

Pokémon Platinum Route 228 (mass outbreak)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

The magnetic force The magnetic force
generated by its body generated by its body
repels the ground’s repels the ground’s natural
natural magnetism, magnetism,
letting it float. letting it float.


Lv. 20 Lv. 45

Beldum Metang Metagross

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 375 Iron Claw Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
1 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
1 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
Steel Psychic 20 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
20 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
24 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
28 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
32 Bullet Punch Steel Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
36 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
40 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
44 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
48 Meteor Mash Steel Physical 100 85 10 Normal ○
52 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
56 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 446.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Metal Coat Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HP ●● Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
● Clear Body ATTACK ●●● Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
SKILL ★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Safari Zone (Mountain Area: TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold if Rock objects are placed, TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
may appear in tall grass) TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Safari Zone (Mountain Area: TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pokémon SoulSilver if Rock objects are placed, TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
may appear in tall grass) TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Beldum to Lv. 20 TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Beldum to Lv. 20 TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Beldum to Lv. 20 TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
When two BELDUM fuse When two BELDUM fuse HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
together, a magnetic together, a magnetic HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
nervous system places nervous system places HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
their brains in union. their brains in union.


Lv. 20 Lv. 45

Beldum Metang Metagross

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 376 Iron Leg Pokémon
1 Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
1 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
1 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
20 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○ Steel Psychic
20 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
24 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
28 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
32 Bullet Punch Steel Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
36 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
40 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
44 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
45 Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90 10 Normal ○
53 Meteor Mash Steel Physical 100 85 10 Normal ○
62 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
71 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 5’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 1,212.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self — ● GENDER UNKNOWN
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ HP ●●●
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — ● Clear Body ATTACK ●●●●●●
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self — DEFENSE ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Level up Metang to Lv. 45
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Metang to Lv. 45
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Level up Metang to Lv. 45
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon Pearl Level up Metang to Lv. 45
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Level up Metang to Lv. 45
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○ It folds its four legs when It folds its four legs when
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — flying. Its four brains are flying. Its four brains are
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — said to be superior to a said to be superior to a
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal — supercomputer. supercomputer.
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Lv. 20 Lv. 45

Beldum Metang Metagross

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 377 Rock Peak Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
1 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
9 Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90 15 Normal —
17 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Rock 25 Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
33 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
41 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
49 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
57 Lock-On Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
65 Zap Cannon Electric Special 120 50 5 Normal —
73 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
81 Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90 10 Normal ○
89 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 5’07”
● WEIGHT: 507.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
HP ●●●
● Clear Body ATTACK ●●●●
DEFENSE ●●●●●●

No Egg has ever TM & HM MOVES

been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond — TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl — TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Put the special Lv. 100 TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Regigigas in your party and TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
go to the cave on Route 228* TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
The same rocks that form The same rocks that form TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
its body have been found its body have been found TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
in ground layers around in ground layers around TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
the world. the world. HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Does not evolve

* The special Lv. 100 Regigigas is only available through special distribution events. Check for the latest information on
how to catch this Pokémon.

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 378 Iceberg Pokémon
1 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
1 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
9 Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
17 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
25 Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○ Ice
33 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
41 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
49 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
57 Lock-On Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
65 Zap Cannon Electric Special 120 50 5 Normal —
73 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
81 Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90 10 Normal ○
89 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 5’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 385.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○ ● GENDER UNKNOWN
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
HP ●●●
● Clear Body ATTACK ●●
SP. DEFENSE ●●●●●●

TM & HM MOVES No Egg has ever

been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond —
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ Put the special Lv. 100
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self — Pokémon Platinum Regigigas in your party
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○ and go to Mt. Coronet 1F*
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — It is said to have slept in It is said to have slept in
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — a glacier for thousands of a glacier for thousands of
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal — years. Its body can’t be years. Its body can’t be
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ melted, even by magma. melted, even by magma.
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Does not evolve

* The special Lv. 100 Regigigas is only available through special distribution events. Check for the latest information on
how to catch this Pokémon.

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 379 Iron Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
1 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
9 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
17 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Steel 25 Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
33 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
41 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
41 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
49 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
57 Lock-On Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
65 Zap Cannon Electric Special 120 50 5 Normal —
73 Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
73 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
81 Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90 10 Normal ○
89 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 6’03”
● WEIGHT: 451.9 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
HP ●●●
● Clear Body ATTACK ●●●
DEFENSE ●●●●●●
SP. DEFENSE ●●●●●●

No Egg has ever TM & HM MOVES

been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond — TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl — TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Put the special Lv. 100 TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Regigigas in your party TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
and go to Iron Island B3F* TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Its body is said to be Its body is said to be TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
harder than any kind of harder than any kind of TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
metal. A study has revealed metal. A study has revealed TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
that its body is hollow. that its body is hollow. TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Does not evolve

* The special Lv. 100 Regigigas is only available through special distribution events. Check for the latest information on
how to catch this Pokémon.

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 380 Eon Pokémon
1 Psywave Psychic Special — 80 15 Normal —
5 Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
10 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
15 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
20 DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal — Dragon Psychic
25 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
30 Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
35 Mist Ball Psychic Special 70 100 5 Normal —
40 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
45 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
50 Psycho Shift Psychic Status — 90 10 Normal —
55 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
60 Healing Wish Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
65 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
70 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 4’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 88.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally — ● FEMALE FORM
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ABILITIES STATS
HP ●●●
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○ ● Levitate ATTACK ●●●
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes — DEFENSE ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

TM & HM MOVES No Egg has ever

been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — Starts roaming the Kanto
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — region after you talk to
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies — Pokémon HeartGold
Steven at the Pokémon Fan
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Club in Vermilion City
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon Diamond —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum —
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal — It communicates using It communicates using
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○ telepathy. Its body is telepathy. Its body is
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ covered in down that covered in down that
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — refracts light to make it refracts light to make it
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — invisible. invisible.
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
Does not evolve
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 381 Eon Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Psywave Psychic Special — 80 15 Normal —
5 Heal Block Psychic Status — 100 15 2 Foes —
10 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
15 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
Dragon Psychic 20 DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal —
25 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
30 Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
35 Luster Purge Psychic Special 70 100 5 Normal —
40 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
45 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
50 Psycho Shift Psychic Status — 90 10 Normal —
55 Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —
60 Memento Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —
65 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
70 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 6’07”
● WEIGHT: 132.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
● MALE FORM Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
ABILITIES STATS Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
HP ●●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Starts roaming the Kanto TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
region after you talk to TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Steven at the Pokémon Fan
Club in Vermilion City TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond — TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pokémon Pearl — TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum — TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
It understands human TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
It understands human TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
speech and is highly speech and is highly TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
intelligent. It is a tender intelligent. It is a tender TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon that dislikes Pokémon that dislikes TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
fighting. fighting. TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
EVOLUTION TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Does not evolve HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 382 Sea Basin Pokémon
1 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
5 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
15 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
20 Muddy Water Water Special 95 85 10 2 Foes —
30 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self — Water
35 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
45 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
50 Water Spout Water Special 150 100 5 2 Foes —
60 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
65 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
75 Sheer Cold Ice Special — 30 5 Normal —
80 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
90 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 14’09”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 776.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ ● GENDER UNKNOWN
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●●
● Drizzle ATTACK ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●●
SP. DEFENSE ●●●●●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies — Encounter it at the
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Embedded Tower once you
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — have the Blue Orb
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond —
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — A mythical Pokémon said
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — A mythical Pokémon said
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ to have swelled the seas to have swelled the seas
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — with rain and tidal with rain and tidal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ waves. It battled with waves. It battled with
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ GROUDON. GROUDON.


Does not evolve

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 383 Continent Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —
5 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
15 Lava Plume Fire Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
20 Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90 10 Normal ○
Ground 30 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
35 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
45 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
50 Eruption Fire Special 150 100 5 2 Foes —
60 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
65 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
75 Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —
80 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
90 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 11’06”
● WEIGHT: 2,094.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
HP ●●●●
● Drought ATTACK ●●●●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Encounter it at the TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Embedded Tower once TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
you have the Red Orb TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond — TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl — TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum — TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Said to have expanded Said to have expanded TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
the lands by evaporating the lands by evaporating TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
water with raging heat. water with raging heat. TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
It battled titanically with TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
It battled titanically with TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
KYOGRE. KYOGRE. TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
EVOLUTION TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
Does not evolve HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 384 Sky High Pokémon
1 Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
5 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
15 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
20 Hyper Voice Normal Special 90 100 10 2 Foes —
30 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Dragon Flying
35 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —
45 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
50 Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
60 Dragon Dance Dragon Status — — 20 Self —
65 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
75 ExtremeSpeed Normal Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
80 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
90 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 23’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 455.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● GENDER UNKNOWN
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes — ABILITIES STATS
HP ●●●●
● Air Lock ATTACK ●●●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — Encounter it at the
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — Pokémon HeartGold Embedded Tower once
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ you have the Jade Orb
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — Encounter it at the
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon SoulSilver Embedded Tower once
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ you have the Jade Orb
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal — Pokémon Platinum —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
It flies in the ozone layer, It flies in the ozone layer,
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
way up high in the sky. way up high in the sky.
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal — Until recently, no one had Until recently, no one had
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○ ever seen it. ever seen it.
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — EVOLUTION
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Does not evolve
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 385 Wish Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
5 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
10 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Steel Psychic 15 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
20 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
25 Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
30 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
35 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
40 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
45 Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
50 Healing Wish Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
55 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
60 Cosmic Power Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
65 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
70 Doom Desire Steel Special 120 85 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’00”
● WEIGHT: 2.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
ABILITIES STATS Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
HP ●●●●
● Serene Grace ATTACK ●●●● Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
DEFENSE ●●●● AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
SP. ATTACK ●●●● Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
SP. DEFENSE ●●●● Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold — TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
Only obtainable through TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond special distribution events— TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
cannot be obtained through TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
regular gameplay* TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Only obtainable through TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
special distribution events— TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
cannot be obtained through TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
regular gameplay* TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Only obtainable through TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum special distribution events— TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
cannot be obtained through TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
regular gameplay* TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Generations have believed Generations have believed TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
that any wish written on a that any wish written on a TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
note on its head will come TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
note on its head will come
true when it awakens. TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
true when it awakens. TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
EVOLUTION TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Does not evolve

*Jirachi is only available through special distribution events. Check for the latest information on how to catch this Pokémon.

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 386 DNA Pokémon
Deoxys (Normal Forme)
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
9 Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —
17 Teleport Psychic Status — — 20 Self ○
25 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○ Psychic
33 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal —
41 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
57 Psycho Shift Psychic Status — 90 10 Normal —
65 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
73 Cosmic Power Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
81 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
89 Psycho Boost Psychic Special 140 90 5 Normal —
97 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 5’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 134.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal — ● GENDER UNKNOWN
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — ABILITIES STATS
HP ●●
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ ● Pressure ATTACK ●●●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — Pokémon HeartGold —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Only obtainable through
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond special distribution events—
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ cannot be obtained through
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — regular gameplay*
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Only obtainable through
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — special distribution events—
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
cannot be obtained through
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
regular gameplay*
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
DNA from a space virus DNA from a space virus
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
mutated and became a mutated and became a
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon. It appears Pokémon. It appears
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ where auroras are seen. where auroras are seen.
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — EVOLUTION
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○ Does not evolve
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

*Deoxys is only available through special distribution events. Check for the latest information on how to catch this Pokémon.

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 386 DNA Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

Deoxys (Attack Forme)

1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
9 Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —
17 Teleport Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Psychic 25 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
33 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
41 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
49 Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
57 Psycho Shift Psychic Status — 90 10 Normal —
65 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
73 Cosmic Power Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
81 Zap Cannon Electric Special 120 50 5 Normal —
89 Psycho Boost Psychic Special 140 90 5 Normal —
97 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 5’07”
● WEIGHT: 134.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Only obtainable through TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond special distribution events— TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
cannot be obtained through TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
regular gameplay* TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
Only obtainable through TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
special distribution events— TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
cannot be obtained through TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
regular gameplay* TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum — TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
DNA from a space virus DNA from a space virus TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
mutated and became a mutated and became a TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
Pokémon. It appears Pokémon. It appears TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
where auroras are seen. where auroras are seen. TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
EVOLUTION TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Does not evolve TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

*Deoxys is only available through special distribution events. Check for the latest information on how to catch this Pokémon.

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 386 DNA Pokémon
Deoxys (Defense Forme)
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
9 Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —
17 Teleport Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
25 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○ Psychic
33 Spikes Ground Status — — 20 2 Foes —
41 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
57 Psycho Shift Psychic Status — 90 10 Normal —
65 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
73 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
73 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
81 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
89 Psycho Boost Psychic Special 140 90 5 Normal —
97 Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
97 Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 5’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 134.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● GENDER UNKNOWN
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●
DEFENSE ●●●●●●
SP. DEFENSE ●●●●●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — Pokémon HeartGold —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Only obtainable through
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond special distribution events—
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ cannot be obtained through
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — regular gameplay*
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Only obtainable through
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — special distribution events—
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
cannot be obtained through
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
regular gameplay*
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
DNA from a space virus DNA from a space virus
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
mutated and became a mutated and became a
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon. It appears Pokémon. It appears
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ where auroras are seen. where auroras are seen.
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — EVOLUTION
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal — Does not evolve
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal

*Deoxys is only available through special distribution events. Check for the latest information on how to catch this Pokémon.

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 386 DNA Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

Deoxys (Speed Forme)

1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
9 Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —
17 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Psychic 25 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
33 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
41 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
49 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
57 Psycho Shift Psychic Status — 90 10 Normal —
65 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
73 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
81 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
89 Psycho Boost Psychic Special 140 90 5 Normal —
97 ExtremeSpeed Normal Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 5’07”
● WEIGHT: 134.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Only obtainable through TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond special distribution events— TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
cannot be obtained through TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
regular gameplay* TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
Only obtainable through TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
special distribution events— TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
cannot be obtained through TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
regular gameplay* TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum — TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
DNA from a space virus DNA from a space virus TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
mutated and became a mutated and became a TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
Pokémon. It appears Pokémon. It appears TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
where auroras are seen. where auroras are seen. TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
EVOLUTION TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Does not evolve TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

*Deoxys is only available through special distribution events. Check for the latest information on how to catch this Pokémon.

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 387 Tiny Leaf Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
5 Withdraw Water Status — — 40 Self —
9 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
13 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
17 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self — Grass
21 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
25 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
29 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
33 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
37 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
41 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
45 Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 22.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Overgrow ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Grass
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★☆
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Receive from Professor
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Rowan at the beginning of
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — the adventure
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Receive from Professor
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
Rowan at the beginning of
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — the adventure
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Receive from Professor
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum Rowan at the beginning of the
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○ adventure

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Photosynthesis occurs Photosynthesis occurs
across its body under the across its body under the
sun. The shell on its back sun. The shell on its back
is actually hardened soil. is actually hardened soil.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal — Lv. 18 Lv. 32
Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○ Turtwig Grotle Torterra
Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○
Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 388 Grove Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Withdraw Water Status — — 40 Self —
5 Withdraw Water Status — — 40 Self —
9 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
Grass 13 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
17 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
22 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
27 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
32 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
37 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
42 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
47 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
52 Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’07”
● WEIGHT: 213.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Overgrow ATTACK ●●●●

Grass No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★☆ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
SKILL ★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold — TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Turtwig to Lv. 18 TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Turtwig to Lv. 18 TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Turtwig to Lv. 18 TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

A GROTLE that lives in the A GROTLE that lives in the

forest is said to have its forestis said to have its
own secret springwater. own secret springwater.


Lv. 18 Lv. 32

Turtwig Grotle Torterra

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 389 Continent Pokémon
1 Smog Poison Special 20 70 20 Normal —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
7 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
10 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
16 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal Grass Ground
19 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —
25 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
28 Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal —
34 Lava Plume Fire Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
37 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
43 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
46 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 7’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 683.4 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —

HP ●●●●
● Overgrow ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Grass
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold —
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Level up Grotle to Lv. 32
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl Level up Grotle to Lv. 32
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Platinum Level up Grotle to Lv. 32
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Ancient people imagined Ancient people imagined
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — that beneath the ground, that beneath the ground,
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ a gigantic TORTERRA a gigantic TORTERRA
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ dwelled. dwelled


Lv. 18 Lv. 32

Turtwig Grotle Torterra

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 390 Chimp Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
7 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
9 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
Fire 15 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
17 Flame Wheel Fire Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
23 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
25 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
31 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
33 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —
39 Slack Off Normal Status — — 10 Self —
41 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
● WEIGHT: 13.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
ABILITIES STATS Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
HP ●●
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
● Blaze ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold — TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Receive from Professor TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Rowan at the beginning of TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
the adventure TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Receive from Professor TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Rowan at the beginning of TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
the adventure TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Receive from Professor TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Platinum Rowan at the beginning of TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
the adventure TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
The gas made in its belly The gas made in its belly HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
burns from its rear end. burns from its rear end. HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
The fire burns weakly The fire burns weakly HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
when it feels sick. when it feels sick.


Lv. 14 Lv. 36 Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Chimchar Monferno Infernape Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 100 30 Normal ○
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Blaze Kick Fire Physical 85 90 10 Normal ○
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
Assist Normal Status — — 20 Depends —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 391 Playful Pokémon
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
7 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
9 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — Fire Fighting
14 Mach Punch Fighting Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
16 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
19 Flame Wheel Fire Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
26 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
29 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
36 Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
39 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —
46 Slack Off Normal Status — — 10 Self —
49 Flare Blitz Fire Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 48.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ ABILITIES STATS
HP ●●
● Blaze ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Level up Chimchar to Lv. 14
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Level up Chimchar to Lv. 14
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — Pokémon Platinum Level up Chimchar to Lv. 14
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — A bigger fire on its tail and A bigger fire on its tail and
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○ a brighter blue pattern on a brighter blue pattern on
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○ its face means its rank in its face means its rank in
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — its pack is higher. its pack is higher.
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ EVOLUTION
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Lv. 14 Lv. 36

Chimchar Monferno Infernape

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 392 Flame Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
1 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
Fire Fighting 7 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
9 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
14 Mach Punch Fighting Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
17 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
21 Flame Wheel Fire Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
29 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
33 Punishment Dark Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
41 Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
45 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —
53 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
57 Flare Blitz Fire Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Blast Burn Fire Special 150 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 121.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
ABILITIES STATS Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
HP ●●●
● Blaze ATTACK ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

Human-like No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Monferno to Lv. 36 TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Level up Monferno to Lv. 36 TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Monferno to Lv. 36 TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
It tosses its enemies It tosses its enemies TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
around with agility. It uses around with agility. It uses TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
all its limbs to fight in its all its limbs to fight in its TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
own unique style. TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
own unique style. TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
EVOLUTION TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Lv. 14 Lv. 36 TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Chimchar Monferno Infernape HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 393 Penguin Pokémon
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
4 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
8 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
11 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
15 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○ Water
18 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
22 Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self ○
25 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
29 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
32 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
36 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
39 Drill Peck Flying Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
43 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 11.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —


HP ●●
● Torrent ATTACK ●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —

TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal — Receive from Professor
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Rowan at the beginning of
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — the adventure
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Receive from Professor
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Rowan at the beginning of
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○ the adventure
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Receive from Professor
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum Rowan at the beginning of
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — the adventure
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
It doesn’t like to be taken It doesn’t like to be taken
care of. It’s difficult to care of. It’s difficult to
bond with since it won’t bond with since it won’t
listen to its Trainer. listen to its Trainer.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Lv. 16 Lv. 36
Double Hit Normal Physical 35 90 10 Normal ○
Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal — Piplup Prinplup Empoleon
Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
FeatherDance Flying Status — 100 15 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 394 Penguin Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
4 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
8 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
Water 11 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
15 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
16 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
19 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
24 Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self ○
28 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
33 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
37 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
42 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
46 Drill Peck Flying Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
51 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’07”
● WEIGHT: 50.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —


HP ●●
● Torrent ATTACK ●●●

Water 1
Field No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold — TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Piplup to Lv. 16 TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Piplup to Lv. 16 TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Level up Piplup to Lv. 16 TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
It lives a solitary life. It lives a solitary life. Its HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Its wings deliver wicked wings deliver wicked blows HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
blows that can snap even that can snap even the HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
the thickest of trees. thickest of trees. HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○


Lv. 16 Lv. 36

Piplup Prinplup Empoleon

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 395 Emperor Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
4 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
8 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes — Water Steel
11 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
15 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
16 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
19 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
24 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
28 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
33 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
36 Aqua Jet Water Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
39 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
46 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
52 Drill Peck Flying Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
59 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Hydro Cannon Water Special 150 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 5’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 186.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

HP ●●●
● Torrent ATTACK ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Field
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold —
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Level up Prinplup to Lv. 36
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Level up Prinplup to Lv. 36
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum Level up Prinplup to Lv. 36
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — It avoids unnecessary dis- It avoids unnecessary dis-
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — putes, but it will decimate putes, but it will decimate
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○ anything that threatens anything that threatens
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — its pride. its pride.
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ Lv. 16 Lv. 36
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
Piplup Prinplup Empoleon

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 396 Starling Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
5 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
9 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal ○
Normal Flying 13 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
17 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
21 Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
25 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
29 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
33 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
37 Brave Bird Flying Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’00”
● WEIGHT: 4.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Yache Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Larger white marking Smaller white marking
on head on head

HP ●
● Keen Eye ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pewter City (use Headbutt
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold on two trees at the back of TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Route 2) TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
Pewter City (use Headbutt TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver on two trees at the back of TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Route 2) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 201 TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Route 201 HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○

Pokémon Platinum Route 201

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

They flock around moun- They flock around moun-
tains and fields, chasing tains and fields, chasing
after bug Pokémon.Their after bug Pokémon. Their
singing is noisy and singing is noisy and
annoying. annoying.


Lv. 14 Lv. 34 EGG MOVES

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
FeatherDance Flying Status — 100 15 Normal —
Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
Starly Staravia Staraptor Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 397 Starling Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
5 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
9 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal ○ Normal Flying
13 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
18 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
23 Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
28 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
33 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
38 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
43 Brave Bird Flying Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 34.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Larger gray marking Smaller gray marking
on head on head

HP ●●
● Intimidate ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★★★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Level up Starly to Lv. 14
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Starly to Lv. 14
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Diamond Route 209
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl Route 209
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○

Pokémon Platinum Route 209

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

They maintain huge flocks, They maintain huge flocks,
although fierce scuffles although fierce scuffles
break out between various break out between various
flocks. flocks.


Lv. 14 Lv. 34

Starly Staravia Staraptor

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 398 Predator Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
1 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal ○
Normal Flying 5 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
9 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal ○
13 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
18 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
23 Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
28 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
33 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
34 Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
41 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
49 Brave Bird Flying Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 54.9 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Larger white marking Smaller white marking Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —
on head on head

HP ●●●
● Intimidate ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★☆☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Staravia to Lv. 34 TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Staravia to Lv. 34 TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Level up Staravia to Lv. 34 TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Staravia to Lv. 34 TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Level up Staravia to Lv. 34

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

When STARAVIA evolve When STARAVIA evolve
into STARAPTOR, they into STARAPTOR, they
leave the flock to live leave the flock to live
alone. They have sturdy alone. They have sturdy
wings. wings.


Lv. 14 Lv. 34

Starly Staravia Staraptor

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 399 Plump Mouse Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
5 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
9 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
13 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
17 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○ Normal
21 Hyper Fang Normal Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
25 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
29 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
33 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
37 Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○
41 Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
45 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 44.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○ ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○
More tufts of fur on tail Fewer tufts of fur on tail

HP ●●
● Simple ATTACK ●●
● Unaware DEFENSE ●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Field
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — PERFORMANCE
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SPEED ★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★☆☆☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Route 30 (Sinnoh Sound)
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Route 30 (Sinnoh Sound)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 201
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 201
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Route 201
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — It lives in groups by
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ It lives in groups by
the water. It chews up the water. It chews up
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ boulders and trees
boulders and trees
around its nest with its around its nest with its
incisors. incisors.


Lv. 15
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Bidoof Bibarel
Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 400 Beaver Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
5 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
9 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Normal Water 13 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
15 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
18 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
23 Hyper Fang Normal Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
28 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
33 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
38 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
43 Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○
48 Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
53 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 69.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Marking on face is wider Marking on face is more Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
narrow Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○

HP ●●●
● Simple ATTACK ●●●●
● Unaware DEFENSE ●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★☆☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★☆☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Big Forest Pokéwalker Route TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Big Forest Pokéwalker Route TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 208 TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 208 TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Route 208 TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
It busily makes its nest It busily makes its nest TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
with stacks of branches with stacks of branches TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
and roots it has cut up and roots it has cut up TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
with its sharp incisors. with its sharp incisors. TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
EVOLUTION HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
Lv. 15

Bidoof Bibarel

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 401 Cricket Pokémon
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self ○
16 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’01”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 4.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Metronome
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○


Smaller collar Bigger collar

HP ●
● Shed Skin ATTACK ●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★
SKILL ★★★☆


Pokémon HeartGold Viridian Forest (mass


Pokémon SoulSilver Viridian Forest (mass


Pokémon Diamond Route 202 (morning and

night only)

Pokémon Pearl Route 202 (morning and

night only)

Pokémon Platinum Route 202 (morning and

night only)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

When its antennae hit When its antennae hit
each other, it sounds like each other, it sounds like
the music of a xylophone. the music of a xylophone.


Lv. 10

Kricketot Kricketune

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 402 Cricket Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self ○
10 Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
14 Leech Life Bug Physical 20 100 15 Normal ○
Bug 18 Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
22 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
26 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
30 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
34 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
38 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
42 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
46 Bug Buzz Bug Special 90 100 10 Normal —
50 Perish Song Normal Status — — 5 All —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 56.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Metronome Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Longer mustache Shorter mustache

HP ●●●
● Swarm ATTACK ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Bug-Catching Contest at the TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold National Park (after obtain- TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
ing the National Pokédex— TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Thursday, Saturday) TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Bug-Catching Contest at the TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
National Park (after obtain- TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
ing the National Pokédex—
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Thursday, Saturday) TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Route 206 TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 206 TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
Route 206 (morning and HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
night only)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

By allowing its cry to By allowing its cry to
resonate in the hollow of resonate in the hollow of
its belly, it produces its belly, it produces
a captivating sound. a captivating sound.


Lv. 10

Kricketot Kricketune

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 403 Flash Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
5 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
9 Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self —
13 Spark Electric Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
17 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○ Electric
21 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
25 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
29 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
33 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
37 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
41 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 20.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —


More fur on head and Less fur on head and paws

HP ●●
● Rivalry ATTACK ●●●
● Intimidate DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★☆☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Route 29 (Sinnoh Sound)
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 29 (Sinnoh Sound)
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 202
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Pearl Route 202
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum Route 202
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

The extension and The extension and
contraction of its muscles contraction of its muscles
generates electricity. generates electricity.
Its fur glows when it’s in Its fur glows when it’s in
trouble. trouble.


Lv. 15 Lv. 30
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Shinx Luxio Luxray
Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
Howl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 404 Spark Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
5 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
9 Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self —
Electric 13 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
18 Spark Electric Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
23 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
28 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
33 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
38 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
43 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
48 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’11”
● WEIGHT: 67.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —


More fur on head and paws Less fur on head and paws

HP ●●
● Rivalry ATTACK ●●●●
● Intimidate DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★★ TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
SKILL ★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Safari Zone (Savannah Area: TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold if Grass objects are placed, TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
may appear in tall grass) TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Safari Zone (Savannah Area: TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver if Grass objects are placed, TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
may appear in tall grass) TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Fuego Ironworks TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Pearl Fuego Ironworks TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Route 222

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

By gathering their tails to- By gathering their tails
gether, they collectively together, they collectively
generate powerful generate powerful
electricity from their electricity from their
claws. claws.


Lv. 15 Lv. 30

Shinx Luxio Luxray

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 405 Gleam Eyes Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self —
5 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
9 Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self — Electric
13 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
18 Spark Electric Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
23 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
28 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
35 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
42 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
49 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
56 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 92.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
More fur on head Less fur on head

HP ●●●
● Rivalry ATTACK ●●●●●
● Intimidate DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — SKILL ★★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Level up Luxio to Lv. 30
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Luxio to Lv. 30
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Level up Luxio to Lv. 30
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Level up Luxio to Lv. 30
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Level up Luxio to Lv. 30
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
LUXRAY’s ability to see LUXRAY’s ability to see
through objects comes in through objects comes in
handy when it’s scouting handy when it’s scouting
for danger. for danger.


Lv. 15 Lv. 30

Shinx Luxio Luxray

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 406 Bud Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
4 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
7 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
10 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
Grass Poison 13 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
16 Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
● HEIGHT: 0’08”
● WEIGHT: 2.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Poison Barb Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●
● Natural Cure ATTACK ●
● Poison Point DEFENSE ●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★☆ TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Ilex Forest (Sinnoh Sound) TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Ilex Forest (Sinnoh Sound) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Route 204 TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl Route 204 TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 204 TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

When it feels the sun’s When it feels the sun’s
warm touch, it opens its warm touch, it opens its
bud to release pollen. It bud to release pollen. It
lives alongside clear pools. lives alongside clear pools.

4:00 A .M. and 8:00 P.M.

Use Shiny Stone

friendship between
Level up with high

Budew Roselia Roserade Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Spikes Ground Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Pin Missile Bug Physical 14 85 20 Normal —
Cotton Spore Grass Status — 85 40 Normal —
Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Mind Reader Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —
Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 407 Bouquet Pokémon
1 Weather Ball Normal Special 50 100 10 Normal —
1 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
1 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
1 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
1 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Grass Poison

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 32.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Shorter cape Longer cape

HP ●●
● Natural Cure ATTACK ●●●
● Poison Point DEFENSE ●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Use Shiny Stone on Roselia
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Use Shiny Stone on Roselia
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Use Shiny Stone on Roselia
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Pearl Use Shiny Stone on Roselia
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Use Shiny Stone on Roselia
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
Its sweet aroma attracts Its sweet aroma attracts
prey. Then it spews poi- prey. Then it spews poison.
son. The more toxic it is, The more toxic it is, the
the sweeter its aroma. sweeter its aroma.

4:00 A .M. and 8:00 P.M.

Use Shiny Stone

friendship between
Level up with high

Budew Roselia Roserade

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 408 Head Butt Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
6 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
10 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
Rock 15 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
19 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
24 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
28 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
33 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
37 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
43 Head Smash Rock Physical 150 80 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’11”
● WEIGHT: 69.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
HP ●●
● Mold Breaker ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold — TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Get the Skull Fossil in the TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pokémon Diamond Underground and have it TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
restored at the Oreburgh TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Mining Museum TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl — TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Get the Skull Fossil in the TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Underground and have it TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
restored at the Oreburgh TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
Mining Museum TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
CRANIDOS toughen up CRANIDOS toughen up TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
their already rock-hard their already rock-hard TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
heads by headbutting one heads by headbutting one TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
another. another. TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
EVOLUTION HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random ○
Cranidos Rampardos Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90 10 Normal ○
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 409 Head Butt Pokémon
1 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
6 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
10 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
15 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○ Rock
19 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
24 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
28 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
30 Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
36 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
43 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
52 Head Smash Rock Physical 150 80 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 5’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 226.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○ ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal — ABILITIES STATS
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal — HP ●●●●
● Mold Breaker ATTACK ●●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○ PERFORMANCE
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon Diamond Level up Cranidos to Lv. 30
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — Pokémon Pearl —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum Level up Cranidos to Lv. 30
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Its skull withstands Its skull withstands
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal — impacts of any magnitude. impacts of any magnitude.
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○ As a result, its brain never As a result, its brain never
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ gets the chance to grow. gets the chance to grow.
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○ EVOLUTION
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Lv. 30
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
Cranidos Rampardos
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 410 Shield Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
6 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
10 Metal Sound Steel Status — 85 40 Normal —
Rock Steel 15 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
19 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
24 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
28 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
33 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
37 Metal Burst Steel Physical — 100 10 Self —
43 Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
● WEIGHT: 125.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

HP ●
● Sturdy ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold — TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond — TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Get the Armor Fossil in the TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Underground and have it TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl restored at the Oreburgh TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Mining Museum TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Get the Armor Fossil in the TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Underground and have it TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
Pokémon Platinum TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
restored at the Oreburgh
Mining Museum TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
It was generated from a It was generated from a TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
fossil dug out of a layer of fossil dug out of a layer of TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
clay that was older than clay that was older than TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
anyone knows. It has a anyone knows. It has a HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
sturdy face. sturdy face. HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○


Lv. 30 Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Shieldon Bastiodon Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 411 Shield Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
1 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
1 Metal Sound Steel Status — 85 40 Normal —
6 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — Rock Steel
10 Metal Sound Steel Status — 85 40 Normal —
15 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
19 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
24 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
28 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
30 Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
36 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
43 Metal Burst Steel Physical — 100 10 Self —
52 Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 329.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

HP ●●
● Sturdy ATTACK ●●
DEFENSE ●●●●●●
SP. DEFENSE ●●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SKILL ★☆☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Level up Shieldon to Lv. 30
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Level up Shieldon to Lv. 30
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○ When attacked, they form When attacked, they form
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — a wall. Their rock-hard a wall. Their rock-hard
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — faces serve to protect faces serve to protect
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — them from the attacks. them from the attacks.
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — EVOLUTION
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Lv. 30

Shieldon Bastiodon

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 412 Bagworm Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
10 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
15 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
20 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Plant Cloak Sandy Cloak Trash Cloak
● HEIGHT: 0’08”
● WEIGHT: 7.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —


HP ●
● Shed Skin ATTACK ●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
SPEED ★☆☆☆☆ STAMINA ★☆☆☆
POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆
SKILL ★☆☆☆☆
* Burmy’s Performance depends on its cloak


Route 38 (use Rock Climb

Pokémon HeartGold to reach trees, then use

Route 38 (use Rock Climb

Pokémon SoulSilver to reach trees, then use

Pokémon Diamond Spread Honey on a the

sweet-smelling tree

Pokémon Pearl Spread Honey on a the

sweet-smelling tree

Pokémon Platinum Spread Honey on a the

sweet-smelling tree

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It covers itself with a It covers itself with a cloak
cloak to shelter from the to shelter from the cold.
cold. When it’s hot, its When it’s hot, its cloak
cloak is thinner. is thinner.


Burmy ♀ Lv. 20 Wormadam

(Plant Cloak) (Plant Cloak)

Burmy ♀ Wormadam
(Sandy Cloak) Lv. 20 (Sandy Cloak)

Burmy ♀ Wormadam
(Trash Cloak) Lv. 20 (Trash Cloak)

Burmy ♂ Lv. 20 Mothim

*Sandy Cloak: Speed ★☆☆☆☆ Power ★☆☆☆ Skill ★☆☆☆ Stamina ★☆☆☆☆ Jump ★★☆
Trash Cloak: Speed ★☆☆☆ Power ★☆☆☆☆ Skill ★☆☆ Stamina ★☆☆☆☆ Jump ★★☆

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 413 Bagworm Pokémon
Wormadam (Plant Cloak)
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
10 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
15 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
20 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
23 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal — Bug Grass
26 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
29 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
32 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
35 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
38 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
41 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
44 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
47 Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 14.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○ ● FEMALE FORM
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Anticipation ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Level up Burmy (Plant Cloak)
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ ♀ to Lv. 20
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Burmy (Plant Cloak)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ ♀ to Lv. 20
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Level up Burmy (Plant Cloak)
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ ♀ to Lv. 20
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Level up Burmy (Plant Cloak)
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ ♀ to Lv. 20
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum Level up Burmy (Plant Cloak)
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — ♀ to Lv. 20
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — It is said that a WORM-
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — It is said that a WORM-
ADAM that evolves on ADAM that evolves on
a cold day will have a a cold day will have a
thicker cloak. thicker cloak.


Burmy ♀ Lv. 20 Wormadam

(Plant Cloak) (Plant Cloak)

Burmy ♀ Wormadam
(Sandy Cloak) Lv. 20 (Sandy Cloak)

Burmy ♀ Wormadam
(Trash Cloak) Lv. 20 (Trash Cloak)

Burmy ♂ Lv. 20 Mothim

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 413 Bagworm Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

Wormadam (Sandy Cloak)

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
10 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
15 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
20 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
Bug Ground 23 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
26 Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
29 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
32 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
35 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
38 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
41 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
44 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
47 Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’08”
● WEIGHT: 14.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
● FEMALE FORM Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —

HP ●●
● Anticipation ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Burmy (Sandy TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Cloak) ♀ to Lv. 20 TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Burmy (Sandy TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Cloak) ♀ to Lv. 20 TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Burmy (Sandy TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Cloak) ♀ to Lv. 20 TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Burmy (Sandy TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Cloak) ♀ to Lv. 20 TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Burmy (Sandy TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Cloak) ♀ to Lv. 20 TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
It is said that a WORM- It is said that a WORM-
ADAM that evolves on a ADAM that evolves on a
cold day will have a cold day will have a
thicker cloak. thicker cloak.


Burmy ♀ Lv. 20 Wormadam

(Plant Cloak) (Plant Cloak)

Burmy ♀ Wormadam
(Sandy Cloak) Lv. 20 (Sandy Cloak)

Burmy ♀ Wormadam
(Trash Cloak) Lv. 20 (Trash Cloak)

Burmy ♂ Lv. 20 Mothim

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 413 Bagworm Pokémon
Wormadam (Trash Cloak)
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
10 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
15 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
20 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
23 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal — Bug Steel
26 Mirror Shot Steel Special 65 85 10 Normal —
29 Metal Sound Steel Status — 85 40 Normal —
32 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
35 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
38 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
41 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
44 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
47 Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 14.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○ ● FEMALE FORM
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

HP ●●
● Anticipation ATTACK ●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Level up Burmy (Trash Cloak)
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — ♀ to Lv. 20
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Burmy (Trash Cloak)
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — ♀ to Lv. 20
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Burmy (Trash Cloak)
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ ♀ to Lv. 20
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Burmy (Trash Cloak)
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — ♀ to Lv. 20
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Burmy (Trash Cloak)
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — ♀ to Lv. 20
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
It is said that a WORM- It is said that a WORM-
ADAM that evolves on ADAM that evolves on
a cold day will have a a cold day will have a
thicker cloak. thicker cloak.


Burmy ♀ Lv. 20 Wormadam

(Plant Cloak) (Plant Cloak)

Burmy ♀ Wormadam
(Sandy Cloak) Lv. 20 (Sandy Cloak)

Burmy ♀ Wormadam
(Trash Cloak) Lv. 20 (Trash Cloak)

Burmy ♂ Lv. 20 Mothim

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 414 Moth Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
10 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
15 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
20 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
Bug Flying 23 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
26 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
29 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
32 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
35 Camouflage Normal Status — — 20 Self —
38 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
41 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —
44 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
47 Bug Buzz Bug Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’11”
● WEIGHT: 51.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
MALE FORM Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —

HP ●●●
● Swarm ATTACK ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Burmy ♂ to Lv. 20 TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Burmy ♂ to Lv. 20 TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Burmy ♂ to Lv. 20 TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Burmy ♂ to Lv. 20 TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Level up Burmy ♂ to Lv. 20 TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
It flutters around at night It flutters around at night TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
and steals honey from the and steals honey from the TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
COMBEE hive. COMBEE hive. TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —


Burmy ♀ Lv. 20 Wormadam

(Plant Cloak) (Plant Cloak)

Burmy ♀ Wormadam
(Sandy Cloak) Lv. 20 (Sandy Cloak)

Burmy ♀ Wormadam
(Trash Cloak) Lv. 20 (Trash Cloak)

Burmy ♂ Lv. 20 Mothim

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 415 Tiny Bee Pokémon
1 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
1 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
13 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○

Bug Flying

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 12.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Honey
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
No spot on forehead Red spot on forehead

HP ●
● Honey Gather ATTACK ●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★★★★


Bug-Catching Contest at the

Pokémon HeartGold National Park (after obtain-
ing the National Pokédex—
Thursday, Saturday)

Bug-Catching Contest at the

Pokémon SoulSilver National Park (after obtain-
ing the National Pokédex—
Thursday, Saturday)

Pokémon Diamond Spread Honey on a the

sweet-smelling tree

Pokémon Pearl Spread Honey on a the

sweet-smelling tree

Pokémon Platinum Spread Honey on a the

sweet-smelling tree

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

At night, COMBEE sleep in a At night, COMBEE sleep in a
group of about a thousand, group of about a thousand,
packed closely together packed closely together
in a lump. in a lump.


Lv. 21

Combee♀ Vespiquen

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 416 Beehive Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
1 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
3 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
7 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Bug Flying 9 Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
13 Defend Order Bug Status — — 10 Self —
15 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
19 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
21 Power Gem Rock Special 70 100 20 Normal —
25 Heal Order Bug Status — — 10 Self —
27 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
31 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
33 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
37 Attack Order Bug Physical 90 100 15 Normal —
39 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
43 Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 84.9 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Combee ♀ to Lv. 21 TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Combee ♀ to Lv. 21 TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Combee ♀ to Lv. 21 TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Combee ♀ to Lv. 21 TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Combee ♀ to Lv. 21 TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
It raises grubs in the holes It raises grubs in the holes
in its body. It secretes in its body. It secretes
pheromones to control pheromones to control


Lv. 21

Combee♀ Vespiquen

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 417 Elesquirrel Pokémon
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Bide Normal Physical — — 10 Self ○
5 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
9 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
13 Spark Electric Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○ Electric
17 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
21 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
25 Sweet Kiss Normal Status — 75 10 Normal —
29 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
33 Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○
37 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 8.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal — Longer stripe on head Shorter stripe on head
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ○
HP ●●
● Run Away ATTACK ●●
● Pickup DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ SKILL ★★★☆☆
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Safari Zone (Wetlands Area:
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold if Forest objects are placed,
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ may appear in tall grass)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Safari Zone (Wetlands Area:
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver if Forest objects are placed,
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — may appear in tall grass)
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Diamond Valley Windworks
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl Valley Windworks
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Valley Windworks

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It’s one of the kinds of It’s one of the kinds of

Pokémon with electric Pokémon with electric
cheek pouches. It shoots cheek pouches. It shoots
charges from its tail. charges from its tail.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Does not evolve
Covet Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Flatter Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 418 Sea Weasel Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 SonicBoom Normal Special — 90 20 Normal —
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
3 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
Water 6 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
10 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
15 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
21 Aqua Jet Water Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
28 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
36 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
45 Razor Wind Normal Special 80 100 10 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’04”
● WEIGHT: 65.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Wacan Berry Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —


More spots on back Less spots on back

HP ●●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆☆ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
POWER ★☆☆☆ JUMP ★★★ TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
SKILL ★★☆☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Route 30 (Sinnoh Sound) or TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Safari Zone (Wetland Area: TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
if Water objects are placed, TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
may appear in tall grass) TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Route 30 (Sinnoh Sound) or TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Safari Zone (Wetland Area: TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
if Water objects are placed, TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
may appear in tall grass) TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Valley Windworks TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Valley Windworks TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Valley Windworks HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It inflates its flotation It inflates its flotation sac,

sac, keeping its face keeping its face above
above water in order to water in order to watch for
watch for prey movement. prey movement.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Lv. 26 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Buizel Floatzel Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 419 Sea Weasel Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self —
5 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
9 Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self — Water
13 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
18 Spark Electric Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
23 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
28 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
35 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
42 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
49 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
56 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 73.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Wacan Berry
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —


More spots on back Fewer spots on back

HP ●●●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★☆☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Safari Zone (Swamp Area:
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold if Water objects are placed,
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Safari Zone (Swamp Area:
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver if Water objects are placed,
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Route 218
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 218
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Pokémon Platinum Route 218

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

With its flotation sac in- With its flotation sac in-
flated, it can carry people flated, it can carry people
on its back. It deflates the on its back. It deflates the
sac before it dives. sac before it dives.


Lv. 26

Buizel Floatzel

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 420 Cherry Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
7 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
10 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
13 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Grass 19 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
22 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
28 Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
31 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
37 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
40 Lucky Chant Normal Status — — 30 2 Allies —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
● HEIGHT: 1’04”
● WEIGHT: 7.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Miracle Seed Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —


HP ●●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★★☆ TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
National Park —use Rock TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Climb to reach trees, then TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
use Headbutt TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
National Park —use Rock TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Climb to reach trees, then TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
use Headbutt TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Spread Honey on a sweet- TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
smelling tree
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Spread Honey on a sweet-
smelling tree

Pokémon Platinum Spread Honey on a sweet-

smelling tree

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It evolves by sucking the It evolves by sucking the
energy out of the small energy out of the small ball
ball where it had been where it had been storing
storing nutrients. nutrients.



Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Cherubi Cherrim Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Nature Power Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
GrassWhistle Grass Status — 55 15 Normal —
Aromatherapy Grass Status — — 5 All Allies —
Weather Ball Normal Special 50 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 421 Blossom Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
7 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
10 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
13 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally — Grass
19 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
22 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
25 Petal Dance Grass Special 90 100 20 1 Random ○
30 Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
35 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
43 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
48 Lucky Chant Normal Status — — 30 2 Allies —

Overcast Form Sunshine Form
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 20.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —


HP ●●●
● Flower Gift ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Level up Cherubi to Lv. 25
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Cherubi to Lv. 25
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — Pokémon Diamond Level up Cherubi to Lv. 25
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Level up Cherubi to Lv. 25
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Cherubi to Lv. 25

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

During times of strong During times of strong
sunlight, its bud blooms, sunlight, its bud blooms,
its petals open fully, and it its petals open fully, and it
becomes very active. becomes very active.


Lv. 25

Cherubi Cherrim

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 422 Sea Slug Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
2 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
4 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
7 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
Water 11 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
16 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
22 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
29 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
37 Muddy Water Water Special 95 85 10 2 Foes —
46 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
West Sea East Sea
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’00”
● WEIGHT: 13.9 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
HP ●●●
● Sticky Hold ATTACK ●●
● Storm Drain DEFENSE ●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
SPEED ★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★☆☆☆ JUMP ★★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★☆☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Stormy Beach Pokéwalker TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Route TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Stormy Beach Pokéwalker TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
Route TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Diamond Valley Windworks (West TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Sea)—Route 213 (East Sea) TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon Pearl Valley Windworks (West HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
Sea)—Route 213 (East Sea)

Pokémon Platinum Valley Windworks (West

Sea)—Route 213 (East Sea)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Its shape and coloration Its shape and coloration
vary, depending on its vary, depending on its
habitat. habitat.


Lv. 30

Lv. 30
Shellos Gastrodon
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○
Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —
Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Memento Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —
Trump Card Normal Special — — 5 Normal ○
Sludge Poison Special 65 100 20 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 423 Sea Slug Pokémon
1 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
1 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
2 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All — Water Ground
4 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
7 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
11 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
16 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
22 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
29 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
41 Muddy Water Water Special 95 85 10 2 Foes —
54 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA East Sea
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○ West Sea
● HEIGHT: 2’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 65.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal — ● WEST SEA
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●●●
● Sticky Hold ATTACK ●●●●
● Storm Drain DEFENSE ●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Level up Shellos to Lv. 30
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Shellos to Lv. 30
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Route 218 (West Sea)—
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Route 224 (East Sea)
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl Route 218 (West Sea)—
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Route 224 (East Sea)
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum Route 218 (West Sea)—
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Route 224 (East Sea)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — When its natural enemy
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
When its natural enemy
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — attacks, it oozes purple attacks, it oozes purple
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ fluid and escapes. fluid and escapes.
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○


Lv. 30

Lv. 30

Shellos Gastrodon

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 424 Long Tail Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
Normal 4 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
8 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
11 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
15 Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
18 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
22 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
25 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
29 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
32 Double Hit Normal Physical 35 90 10 Normal ○
36 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
39 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
43 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 44.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Shorter fur tuft on head Longer fur tuft on head Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
ABILITIES STATS Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
HP ●●●
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
● Technician ATTACK ●●●●
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
● Pickup DEFENSE ●●●
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Level up Aipom to Lv. 32 TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
and have it learn Double Hit, TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
or level it up once it knows TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Double Hit TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Level up Aipom to Lv. 32 TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
and have it learn Double Hit, TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
or level it up once it knows
Double Hit TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Level up Aipom to Lv. 32 TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond and have it learn Double Hit, TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
or level it up once it knows TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Double Hit TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Level up Aipom to Lv. 32 TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
and have it learn Double Hit, TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
or level it up once it knows
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Double Hit TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Level up Aipom to Lv. 32 TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum and have it learn Double Hit, TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
or level it up once it knows TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Double Hit TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
They live on large trees. TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
They are said to communi- It is very difficult to dodge HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
cate by connecting their the consecutive strikes of HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
tails to those of others. its two tails. HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

level it up once it knows
Level it up to Lv. 32 and
teach it Double Hit. Or,

Double Hit.

Aipom Ambipom

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 425 Balloon Pokémon
1 Constrict Normal Physical 10 100 35 Normal ○
1 Minimize Normal Status — — 20 Self —
6 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
11 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
14 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self — Ghost Flying
17 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
22 Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
27 Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
27 Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
30 Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
33 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
38 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
43 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 2.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○ ABILITIES STATS
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal — HP ●●●
● Aftermath ATTACK ●●
● Unburden DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★ JUMP ★★★★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Valley Windworks (Friday
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — only)
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Valley Windworks (Friday
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal — only)
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Valley Windworks (Friday
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self — only)
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — It is whispered that any child It is whispered that any child
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — who mistakes DRIFLOON for who mistakes DRIFLOON for
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — a balloon and holds on to it a balloon and holds on to it
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — could wind up missing. could wind up missing.
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ EVOLUTION

Lv. 28

Drifloon Drifblim
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Memento Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
Weather Ball Normal Special 50 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 426 Blimp Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Constrict Normal Physical 10 100 35 Normal
1 Minimize Normal Status — — 20 Self —
1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
1 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
Ghost Flying 6 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
11 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
14 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
17 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
22 Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
27 Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
27 Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
32 Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
37 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
44 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
51 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 33.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
ABILITIES STATS Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
HP ●●●●●● Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
● Aftermath ATTACK ●●●
● Unburden DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Drifloon to Lv. 28 TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Drifloon to Lv. 28 TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Drifloon to Lv. 28 TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
It can generate and re- TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
It can generate and re- TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
lease gas within its body. lease gas within its body. TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
That’s how it can control That’s how it can control TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
the altitude of its drift. the altitude of its drift. TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
EVOLUTION TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal
Lv. 28

Drifloon Drifblim

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 427 Rabbit Pokémon
1 Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
1 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
6 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Normal
13 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
16 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
23 Jump Kick Fighting Physical 85 95 25 Normal
26 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
33 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
36 Dizzy Punch Normal Physical 70 100 10 Normal
43 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
46 Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal
53 Healing Wish Psychic Status — — 10 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 12.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Chople Berry
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal

HP ●●
● Run Away ATTACK ●●●
● Klutz DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Human-Like
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Route 25 (mass outbreak)
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Route 25 (mass outbreak)
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Eterna Forest
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Eterna Forest
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Platinum Eterna Forest
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal You can tell how it feels by You can tell how it feels by
the way it rolls its ears. the way it rolls its ears.
When it’s scared, both When it’s scared, both
ears are rolled up. ears are rolled up.

Level up with high

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Buneary Lopunny
Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
Sweet Kiss Normal Status — 75 10 Normal —
Double Hit Normal Physical 35 90 10 Normal
Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
Sky Uppercut Fighting Physical 85 90 15 Normal
Switcheroo Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 428 Rabbit Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —
1 Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
1 Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
Normal 1 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
1 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
6 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
13 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
16 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
23 Jump Kick Fighting Physical 85 95 25 Normal
26 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
33 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
36 Dizzy Punch Normal Physical 70 100 10 Normal
43 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
46 Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal
53 Healing Wish Psychic Status — — 10 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 73.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
ABILITIES STATS Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
HP ●●
ATTACK ●●● Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal
● Cute Charm Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
● Klutz DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Level up Buneary with high TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Level up Buneary with high TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Level up Buneary with high TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon Diamond TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Level up Buneary with high TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
friendship TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Level up Buneary with high TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
friendship TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
It sheds its fur twice a It sheds its fur twice a TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
year. Its winter fur is soft year. Its winter fur is soft TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
and fluffy. TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
and fluffy. TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
EVOLUTION HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
Level up with high

Buneary Lopunny

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 429 Magical Pokémon
1 Lucky Chant Normal Status — — 30 2 Allies —
1 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
1 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
1 Psywave Psychic Special — 80 15 Normal —
1 Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal — Ghost
1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 9.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★ JUMP ★★★★★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — Use Dusk Stone on
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Use Dusk Stone on
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon Diamond —
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal Pokémon Pearl Use Dusk Stone on
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — Misdreavus
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal Its cries sound like incan- Its cries sound like incan-
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — tations to torment the foe. tations to torment the foe.
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — It appears where you least
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — It appears where you least
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
expect it. expect it.
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — EVOLUTION
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
Use Dusk Stone

TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —

TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Misdreavus Mismagius

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 430 Big Boss Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
1 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
1 Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
1 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal
Dark Flying 25 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
35 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
45 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal
55 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’11”
● WEIGHT: 60.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —
HP ●●●●
● Insomnia ATTACK ●●●●●
● Super Luck DEFENSE ●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Use Dusk Stone on Murkrow TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Use Dusk Stone on Murkrow TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Use Dusk Stone on Murkrow TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Pearl — TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Platinum — TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
It is merciless by nature. It is merciless by nature. TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
It is said that it never It is said that it never TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
forgives the mistakes forgives the mistakes TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
of its MURKROW followers. TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
of its MURKROW followers. TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal
Use Dusk Stone

Murkrow Honchkrow

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 431 Catty Pokémon
1 Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal
5 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
8 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
13 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
17 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal Normal
20 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal
25 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
29 Assist Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
32 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
37 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
41 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 8.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●●
● Limber ATTACK ●●
● Own Tempo DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SKILL ★★☆☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon Diamond —
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal Pokémon Pearl Route 218
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal Pokémon Platinum —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — When it’s happy, GLAM- When it’s happy, GLAMEOW
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — EOW demonstrates beauti- demonstrates beautiful
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — ful movements of its tail,
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal movements of its tail, like
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
like a dancing ribbon. a dancing ribbon.
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal

Lv. 38

EGG MOVES Glameow Purugly

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 432 Tiger Cat Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
6 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
10 Metal Sound Steel Status — 85 40 Normal —
Normal 15 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
19 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
24 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
28 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
33 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
37 Metal Burst Steel Physical — 100 10 Self —
43 Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 96.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

HP ●●●
● Thick Fat ATTACK ●●●
● Own Tempo DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold — TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond — TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 222 TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum — TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
It would claim another It would claim another TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon’s nest as its TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Pokémon’s nest as its TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
own if it finds a nest suf- own if it finds a nest suf- TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
ficiently comfortable. ficiently comfortable. TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
EVOLUTION HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Lv. 38

Glameow Purugly EGG MOVES

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal ○
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 433 Bell Pokémon
1 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal
6 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
9 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
14 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
17 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random — Psychic
22 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 0’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 1.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Colbur Berry
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ABILITIES STATS
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — HP ●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★☆
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — SKILL ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Union Cave (Sinnoh Sound)
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Union Cave (Sinnoh Sound)
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Route 211
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 211
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Route 211
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal It emits high-frequency It emits high-frequency
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — cries that people can’t cries that people can’t
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — hear. Once it starts, it hear. Once it starts, it
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All — can cry for an awfully can cry for an awfully
long time. long time.

8:00 P.M. and 4:00 A .M.
friendship between
Level up with high

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self — Chingling Chimecho
Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
Wish Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 434 Skunk Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
4 Poison Gas Poison Status — 55 40 Normal —
7 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Poison Dark 10 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal
14 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
18 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
22 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
27 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
32 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal
38 Memento Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —
44 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’04”
● WEIGHT: 42.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —


HP ●●
● Stench ATTACK ●●●
● Aftermath DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold — TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Diamond Route 206 TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
— TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Platinum — TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
The foul fluid from its rear is The foul fluid from its rear is TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
so revolting that it can make so revolting that it can make HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
people feel queasy up to a people feel queasy up to a HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
mile and a quarter away. mile and a quarter away.


Lv. 34

Stunky Skuntank Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
Smog Poison Special 20 70 20 Normal —
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
Punishment Dark Physical — 100 5 Normal
Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 435 Skunk Pokémon
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Focus Energy Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Poison Gas Poison Status — 55 40 Normal —
4 Poison Gas Poison Status — 55 40 Normal —
7 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal — Poison Dark
10 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal
14 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
18 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
22 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
27 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
32 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal
34 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
42 Memento Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —
52 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 83.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —


HP ●●●●
● Stench ATTACK ●●●●
● Aftermath DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SKILL ★★☆☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold —
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon Diamond Route 221
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal Pokémon Pearl —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal Pokémon Platinum —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — It attacks by spraying a
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — It attacks by spraying a
repugnant fluid from its repugnant fluid from its
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — tail, but the stench dulls tail, but the stench dulls
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — after a few squirts. after a few squirts.
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal EVOLUTION

Lv. 34

Stunky Skuntank

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 436 Bronze Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
10 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
15 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
20 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
Steel Psychic 23 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
26 Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
29 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
32 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
35 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
38 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
41 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
44 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
47 Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’08”
● WEIGHT: 133.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: Metal Coat Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —

HP ●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●
● Heatproof DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Union Cave (Sinnoh Sound) TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Union Cave (Sinnoh Sound) TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Wayward Cave TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Wayward Cave TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Wayward Cave TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Ancient people believed Ancient people believed
that the pattern on BRON- that the pattern on BRON-
ZOR’s back contained a ZOR’s back contained a
mysterious power. mysterious power.


Lv. 33

Bronzor Bronzong

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 437 Bronze Bell Pokémon
1 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
1 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
1 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal — Steel Psychic
1 Imprison Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
7 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
12 Imprison Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
14 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
19 Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —
26 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
30 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
33 Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
38 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
43 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
50 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
61 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
67 Heal Block Psychic Status — 100 15 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 4’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 412.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Metal Coat
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal — ● GENDER UNKNOWN
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●●●
● Heatproof DEFENSE ●●●●●

TM & HM MOVES Mineral

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — Safari Zone (Forest Area:
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon HeartGold if Rock and Forest objects
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal are placed, may appear in
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — tall grass)
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Safari Zone (Forest Area:
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — if Rock and Forest objects
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — Pokémon SoulSilver
are placed, may appear in
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal tall grass)
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Mt. Coronet 2F
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal Pokémon Pearl Mt. Coronet 2F
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Mt. Coronet 2F
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Ancient people believed Ancient people believed
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — that petitioning BRON- that petitioning BRON-
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — ZONG for rain was the way ZONG for rain was the way
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal to make crops grow. to make crops grow.
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal — EVOLUTION
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
Lv. 33

Bronzor Bronzong

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 438 Bonsai Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Fake Tears Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
1 Copycat Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
6 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal
9 Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
Rock 14 Rock Throw Rock Physical 50 90 15 Normal —
17 Mimic Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
22 Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
25 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
30 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
33 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
38 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal
41 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
46 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 1’08”
● WEIGHT: 33.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal

HP ●●
● Sturdy ATTACK ●●●
● Rock Head DEFENSE ●●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
SKILL ★☆☆ TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pokémon HeartGold Big Forest Pokéwalker Route TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Big Forest Pokéwalker Route TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Trophy Garden at the Poké- TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
mon Mansion on Route 212
Pokémon Diamond (after obtaining the National
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Pearl Route 209 TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Trophy Garden at the Poké-
Pokémon Platinum mon Mansion on Route 212
(after obtaining the National
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

In order to adjust the In order to adjust the
level of fluids in its body, level of fluids in its body,
it exudes water from its it exudes water from its
eyes. This makes it appear eyes. This makes it appear
to be crying. to be crying.

teach it Mimic. Or, level it up
Level it up to Lv. 17 and

once it knows Mimic.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Selfdestruct Normal Physical 200 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Drifloon Drifblim Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 439 Mime Pokémon
Mime Jr.
1 Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
1 Barrier Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
4 Copycat Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
8 Meditate Psychic Status — — 40 Self — Psychic
11 Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
15 DoubleSlap Normal Physical 15 85 10 Normal
18 Mimic Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
22 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
22 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
25 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
29 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
32 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
36 Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
39 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
43 Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
46 Baton Pass Normal Status — — 40 Self —
50 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 28.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●
● Soundproof ATTACK ●
● Filter DEFENSE ●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★☆☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆☆
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Sinnoh Field Pokéwalker
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Sinnoh Field Pokéwalker
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — Pokémon Diamond Route 209
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Trophy Garden at the Poké-
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — mon Mansion on Route 212
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl
(after obtaining the National
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot)
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends — Trophy Garden at the Poké-
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — mon Mansion on Route 212
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum
(after obtaining the National
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot)
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — In an attempt to confuse In an attempt to confuse
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — its enemy, it mimics the its enemy, it mimics the
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — enemy’s movements. Then enemy’s movements. Then
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — it wastes no time in making it wastes no time in making
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — itself scarce! itself scarce!
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — EVOLUTION
teach it Mimic. Or, level it
up once it knows Mimic.
Level it up to Lv. 18 and

TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
Mimic Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — Mime Jr. Mr. Mime
Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
Teeter Dance Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Healing Wish Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 440 Playhouse Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
5 Copycat Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
9 Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Normal 12 Sweet Kiss Normal Status — 75 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 53.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
● FEMALE FORM Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal
HP ●●●●
● Natural Cure ATTACK ●
● Serene Grace DEFENSE ●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Have Chansey or Blissey hold TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold the Luck Incense and leave TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
it at the Pokémon Day Care, TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
then find its Egg and hatch it TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Have Chansey or Blissey hold TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver the Luck Incense and leave TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
it at the Pokémon Day Care, TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
then find its Egg and hatch it TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Trophy Garden at the Poké- TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond mon Mansion on Route 212 TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
(after obtaining the National TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot) TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Trophy Garden at the Poké- TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl mon Mansion on Route 212 TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
(after obtaining the National TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot) TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal
Trophy Garden at the Poké- TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum mon Mansion on Route 212 TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
(after obtaining the National
Pokédex, talk to Mr. Backlot)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It carefully carries a It carefully carries a
round, white rock that round, white rock that
it thinks is an egg. It’s it thinks is an egg. It’s
bothered by how curly its bothered by how curly its
hair looks. hair looks. EGG MOVES
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Present Normal Physical — 90 15 Normal —
EVOLUTION Metronome Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
then level it up between
4:00 A .M. and 8:00 P.M.

Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —

Level up with high

Aromatherapy Grass Status — — 5 All Allies —

Oval Stone and
Have it hold

Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —


Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self

Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Happiny Chansey Blissey Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 441 Music Note Pokémon
1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal
5 Growl Normal Status — 100 40 2 Foes —
9 Mirror Move Flying Status — — 20 Depends —
13 Sing Normal Status — 55 15 Normal —
17 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal Normal Flying
21 Chatter Flying Special 60 100 20 Normal —
25 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
29 Mimic Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
33 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
37 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
41 FeatherDance Flying Status — 100 15 Normal —
45 Hyper Voice Normal Special 90 100 10 2 Foes —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 4.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Metronome
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Keen Eye ATTACK ●●●
● Tangled Feet DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Sprout Tower (Sinnoh Sound)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Sprout Tower (Sinnoh Sound)
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Route 222 (morning and
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — afternoon only)
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 222 (morning and
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal afternoon only)
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal Pokémon Platinum Route 213 (morning and
afternoon only)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It mimics the cries of other It mimics the cries of other
Pokémon to trick them Pokémon to trick them
into thinking it’s one of into thinking it’s one of
them. This way they won’t them. This way they won’t
attack it. attack it.


Does not evolve

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Encore Normal Status — 100 5 Normal —
Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —
Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 442 Forbidden Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
1 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
1 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
1 Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Ghost Dark 1 Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100 30 Normal
7 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
13 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
19 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
25 Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
31 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
37 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
43 Memento Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —
49 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 238.1 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Quiet Cave Pokéwalker Route TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Quiet Cave Pokéwalker Route TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Broken stone tower on TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Diamond TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Route 209* TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Broken stone tower on TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Pearl TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
Route 209* TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
Broken stone tower on TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Route 209* TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
It was formed by uniting It was formed by uniting TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
108 spirits. It has been 108 spirits. It has been TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
bound to the Odd Keystone bound to the Odd Keystone TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
to keep it from doing any to keep it from doing any TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
mischief. mischief. TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —


Does not evolve

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
*After you place the Odd Keystone in the broken stone Imprison Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
tower, making it into the Hallowed Tower, greet 32 people Grudge Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100 30 Normal
in the Underground. Afterward, touch the Hallowed Tower
and press the A Button to encounter Spiritomb.

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 443 Land Shark Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
3 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
7 Dragon Rage Dragon Special — 100 10 Normal —
13 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
15 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal Dragon Ground
19 Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
25 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
27 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal
31 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
37 Dragon Rush Dragon Physical 100 75 10 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal — ● SIZE COMPARISON
● HEIGHT: 2’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 45.2 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Haban Berry
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Notched dorsal fin No notch on dorsal fin

HP ●●
● Sand Veil ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Safari Zone (Rocky Beach
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Area: if Grass and Rock
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — objects are placed, may
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — appear in tall grass)
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Safari Zone (Rocky Beach
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Area: if Grass and Rock
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — objects are placed, may
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — appear in tall grass)
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal Pokémon Diamond Wayward Cave B1F (beneath
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal — Cycling Road)
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Pokémon Pearl Wayward Cave B1F (beneath
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Cycling Road)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum Wayward Cave B1F (beneath
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal Cycling Road)
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
It nests in horizontal holes It nests in horizontal holes
warmed by geothermal warmed by geothermal
heat. Foes who get too close heat. Foes who get too close
can expect to be pounced can expect to be pounced on
on and bitten. and bitten.

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal —
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random Lv. 24 Lv. 48
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal Gible Gabite Garchomp
Thrash Normal Physical 90 100 20 1 Random
Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal
Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Mud Shot Ground Special 55 95 15 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 444 Cave Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
3 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
7 Dragon Rage Dragon Special — 100 10 Normal —
Dragon Ground 13 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
15 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
19 Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
28 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
33 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal
40 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
49 Dragon Rush Dragon Physical 100 75 10 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● SIZE COMPARISON Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 4’07”
● WEIGHT: 123.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Notched dorsal fin No notch on dorsal fin

HP ●●●
● Sand Veil ATTACK ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Level up Gible to Lv. 24 TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pokémon SoulSilver TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Level up Gible to Lv. 24 TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Level up Gible to Lv. 24 TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Gible to Lv. 24 TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum Victory Road 1F TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
As it digs to expand its As it digs to expand its HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
nest, it habitually digs up nest, it habitually digs up HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
gems that it then hoards gems that it then hoards HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
in its nest. in its nest. HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal


Lv. 24 Lv. 48

Gible Gabite Garchomp

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 445 Mach Pokémon
1 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
1 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
1 Dragon Rage Dragon Special — 100 10 Normal —
1 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — Dragon Ground
3 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
7 Dragon Rage Dragon Special — 100 10 Normal —
13 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
15 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
19 Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
28 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
33 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal
40 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
48 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
55 Dragon Rush Dragon Physical 100 75 10 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 6’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 209.4 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Notched dorsal fin No notch on dorsal fin

HP ●●●●
● Sand Veil ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal Level up Gabite to Lv. 48
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Gabite to Lv. 48
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Pokémon Diamond Level up Gabite to Lv. 48
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal Pokémon Pearl Level up Gabite to Lv. 48
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal Pokémon Platinum Level up Gabite to Lv. 48
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Its body is covered in fine Its body is covered in fine
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — scales that reduce drag, scales that reduce drag,
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — enabling it to fly at high enabling it to fly at high
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — speeds. speeds.
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — EVOLUTION
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal Lv. 24 Lv. 48
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal

Gible Gabite Garchomp

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 446 Big Eater Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Metronome Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
1 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
4 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Normal 9 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
12 Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal
17 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
20 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
25 Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
28 Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
33 Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal
36 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
41 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
44 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
49 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’00”
● WEIGHT: 231.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
ABILITIES STATS Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
HP ●●●●●
● Pickup ATTACK ●●●●
● Thick Fat DEFENSE ●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★☆☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Quiet Cave Pokéwalker Route TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon SoulSilver Quiet Cave Pokéwalker Route TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Occasionally appears if you TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond spread Honey on a sweet- TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
smelling tree TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Occasionally appears if you TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Pearl spread Honey on a sweet- TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
smelling tree TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Occasionally appears if you TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum spread Honey on a sweet- TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
smelling tree TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
It conceals food under It conceals food under TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
the long fur on its body. the long fur on its body. HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
It carts around this food It carts around this food HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
stash and swallows it stash and swallows it HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
without chewing. without chewing. HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal

high friendship
Level up with

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal
Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Munchlax Snorlax Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 447 Emanation Pokémon
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
1 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
1 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
6 Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self
11 Force Palm Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal Fighting
15 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
19 Reversal Fighting Physical — 100 15 Normal
24 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
29 Copycat Normal Status — — 20 Depends —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 44.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ABILITIES STATS
HP ●
● Steadfast ATTACK ●●●
● Inner Focus DEFENSE ●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★☆☆☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Safari Zone (Meadow Area:
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold if Rock and Forest objects
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal are placed, may appear in
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal tall grass)
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Safari Zone (Meadow Area:
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver if Rock and Forest objects
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — are placed, may appear in
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — tall grass)
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Hatch the Egg you receive
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal from Riley at Iron Island
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — Pokémon Pearl Hatch the Egg you receive
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — from Riley at Iron Island
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Hatch the Egg you receive
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal from Riley at Iron Island
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
They communicate with They communicate with
one another using their one another using their
auras. They are able to auras. They are able to run
run all through the night. all through the night.

4:00 A .M. and 8:00 P.M.
friendship between
Level up with high

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Cross Chop Fighting Physical 100 80 5 Normal
Detect Fighting Status — — 5 Self —
Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
Mind Reader Normal Status — — 5 Normal — Riolu Lucario
Sky Uppercut Fighting Physical 85 90 15 Normal
Hi Jump Kick Fighting Physical 100 90 20 Normal
Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
Blaze Kick Fire Physical 85 90 10 Normal
Bullet Punch Steel Physical 40 100 30 Normal
Follow Me Normal Status — — 20 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 448 Aura Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal
1 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
1 Detect Fighting Status — — 5 Self —
Fighting Steel 1 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal
6 Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self
11 Force Palm Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
15 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
19 Bone Rush Ground Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
24 Metal Sound Steel Status — 85 40 Normal —
29 Me First Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
33 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
37 Aura Sphere Fighting Special 90 — 20 Normal —
42 Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
47 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
51 ExtremeSpeed Normal Physical 80 100 5 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 119.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
ABILITIES STATS Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal
HP ●●●
● Steadfast ATTACK ●●●●●
● Inner Focus DEFENSE ●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

Human-Like No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Level up Riolu with high TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold friendship between 4:00 A .M. TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
and 8:00 P.M. TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Level up Riolu with high TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver friendship between 4:00 A .M. TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
and 8:00 P.M. TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Level up Riolu with high TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Diamond friendship between 4:00 A .M. TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
and 8:00 P.M. TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
Level up Riolu with high TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl friendship between 4:00 A .M. TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
and 8:00 P.M. TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal
Level up Riolu with high TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
Pokémon Platinum friendship between 4:00 A .M. TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
and 8:00 P.M. TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
It’s said that no foe can re- It’s said that no foe can re- TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
main invisible to LUCARIO, main invisible to LUCARIO, TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
since it can detect auras. since it can detect auras. TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
Even foes it could not Even foes it could not TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
otherwise see. otherwise see. TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
EVOLUTION HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
4:00 A .M. and 8:00 P.M.
friendship between

HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal

Level up with high

Riolu Lucario

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 449 Hippo Pokémon
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal —
1 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
7 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal —
13 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
19 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal — Ground
19 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal —
25 Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
31 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
37 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
44 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal —
50 Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 2’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 109.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —


Beige face Brown face

HP ●●●
● Sand Stream ATTACK ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal —
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal — Safari Zone (Desert Area: if
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Rock objects are placed, may
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — appear in tall grass)
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Safari Zone (Desert Area: if
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Rock objects are placed, may
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — appear in tall grass)
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Pokémon Diamond Ruin Maniac Cave/Maniac
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Tunnel
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Ruin Maniac Cave/Maniac
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal — Tunnel
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal —

Pokémon Platinum Ruin Maniac Cave/Maniac


Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It shrouds itself in sand to It shrouds itself in sand to
ward off germs. It travels ward off germs. It travels
easily through the sands easily through the sands
of the desert. of the desert.



Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self — Hippopotas Hippowdon
Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
Slack Off Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Body Slam Normal Physical 85 100 15 Normal —
Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 450 Heavyweight Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal
Ground 1 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
1 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
7 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
13 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
19 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal
19 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
25 Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 70 15 Normal —
31 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
40 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
50 Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal
60 Fissure Ground Physical — 30 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 6’07”
● WEIGHT: 661.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —


Tan body Gray body

HP ●●●●
● Sand Stream ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Hippopotas to Lv. 34 TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Hippopotas to Lv. 34 TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Route 228 TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 228 TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Platinum Route 228 TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
It brandishes its gaping It brandishes its gaping
mouth in a display of mouth in a display of
fearsome strength. It raises fearsome strength. It raises
vast quantities of sand vast quantities of sand
while attacking. while attacking.


Lv. 34

Hippopotas Hippowdon

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 451 Scorpion Pokémon
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
1 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
6 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
12 Pin Missile Bug Physical 14 85 20 Normal — Poison Bug
17 Acupressure Normal Status — — 30 1 Ally —
23 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
28 Toxic Spikes Poison Status — — 20 2 Foes —
34 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
39 Poison Fang Poison Physical 50 100 15 Normal
45 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
50 Cross Poison Poison Physical 70 100 20 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 26.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Poison Barb
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal


HP ●
● Battle Armor ATTACK ●●
● Sniper DEFENSE ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Water 3
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal Safari Zone (Wasteland Area:
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold if Rock objects are placed,
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Safari Zone (Wasteland Area:
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver if Rock objects are placed,
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — may appear in tall grass)
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal Pastoria Great Marsh
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond
(changes daily)
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pastoria Great Marsh
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — Pokémon Pearl
(changes daily)
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal Pastoria Great Marsh
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Platinum
(changes daily)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal It burrows under the sand It burrows under the sand
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal to lie in wait for prey. to lie in wait for prey. Its
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal tail claws can inject
Its tail claws can inject
its prey with a savage its prey with a savage
poison. poison.


Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
Lv. 40
Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal Skorupi Drapion
Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Whirlwind Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 452 Ogre Scorp Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal
1 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
Poison Dark 1 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
6 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
12 Pin Missile Bug Physical 14 85 20 Normal —
17 Acupressure Normal Status — — 30 1 Ally —
23 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
28 Toxic Spikes Poison Status — — 20 2 Foes —
34 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
39 Poison Fang Poison Physical 50 100 15 Normal
49 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
58 Cross Poison Poison Physical 70 100 20 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 4’03”
● WEIGHT: 135.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal


HP ●●●
● Battle Armor ATTACK ●●●●
● Sniper DEFENSE ●●●●

Water 3
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Skorupi to Lv. 40 TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Skorupi to Lv. 40 TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pastoria Great Marsh (after TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
Pokémon Diamond obtaining the National Poké- TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
dex—changes daily) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal
Pastoria Great Marsh (after TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl obtaining the National Poké- TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
dex—changes daily) TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Pastoria Great Marsh (after TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon Platinum obtaining the National Poké- TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
dex—changes daily) TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
It attacks people and It attacks people and TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon that cross Pokémon that cross TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
the desert. This has the desert. This has HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
only furthered its bad only furthered its bad HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
reputation. reputation. HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal


Lv. 40

Skorupi Drapion

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 453 Toxic Mouth Pokémon
1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
3 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
8 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
10 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
15 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal Poison Fighting
17 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
22 Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
24 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
29 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
31 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
36 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
38 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
43 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
45 Flatter Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 2’04”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 50.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: Black Sludge
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally — Higher stripes Lower stripes
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — on abdomen on abdomen
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal — ABILITIES STATS
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal HP ●●
Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal ● Anticipation ATTACK ●●●
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ● Dry Skin DEFENSE ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self — SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★☆☆
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Safari Zone (Marshland Area:
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold if Forest objects are placed,
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal — Safari Zone (Marshland Area:
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver if Forest objects are placed,
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — may appear in tall grass)
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Pastoria Great Marsh
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal (changes daily)
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Pastoria Great Marsh
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — (changes daily)
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum Route 212, Pastoria City side
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Fluid squeezed from its
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
Fluid squeezed from its
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — finger, albeit poisonous, finger, albeit poisonous,
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — is a significant ingredient is a significant ingredient
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal in remedies for lower- in remedies for lower
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal back pain. back pain.
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Lv. 37
Me First Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
DynamicPunch Fighting Physical 100 50 5 Normal Croagunk Toxicroak
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Meditate Psychic Status — — 40 Self —
Fake Out Normal Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
SmellingSalt Normal Physical 60 100 10 Normal
Cross Chop Fighting Physical 100 80 5 Normal
Bullet Punch Steel Physical 40 100 30 Normal
Counter Fighting Physical — 100 20 Self

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 454 Toxic Mouth Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal
1 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
1 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
3 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Poison Fighting 8 Poison Sting Poison Physical 15 100 35 Normal —
10 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
15 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal
17 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
22 Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal
24 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
29 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
31 Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
36 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
41 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
49 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
54 Flatter Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal
● HEIGHT: 4’03”
● WEIGHT: 97.9 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Larger throat sac Smaller throat sac Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
ABILITIES STATS Gunk Shot Poison Physical 120 70 5 Normal —
HP ●●● Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal
● Anticipation ATTACK ●●●● Super Fang Normal Physical — 90 10 Normal
● Dry Skin DEFENSE ●●●
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Croagunk to Lv. 37 TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Croagunk to Lv. 37 TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pastoria Great Marsh (after TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond obtaining the National Poké- TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
dex—changes daily) TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
Pastoria Great Marsh (after TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
Pokémon Pearl obtaining the National Poké- TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
dex—changes daily) TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
Pastoria Great Marsh (after TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
Pokémon Platinum obtaining the National Poké- TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
dex—changes daily) TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Swaying and dodging the Swaying and dodging the TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
attacks of its foes, it weaves attacks of its foes, it weaves TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
its flexible body in close, then its flexible body in close, then TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal
lunges out with its poisonous lunges out with its poisonous TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
claws. claws. TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal
EVOLUTION HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal

Lv. 37

Croagunk Toxicroak

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 455 Bug Catcher Pokémon
1 Bind Normal Physical 15 75 20 Normal
1 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
7 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal
11 Vine Whip Grass Physical 35 100 15 Normal
17 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Grass
21 Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
27 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal
31 Stockpile Normal Status — — 20 Self —
31 Spit Up Normal Special — 100 10 Normal —
31 Swallow Normal Status — — 10 Self —
37 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal
41 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal
47 Power Whip Grass Physical 120 85 10 Normal

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 4’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 59.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Gastro Acid Poison Status — 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Ilex Forest (Sinnoh Sound)
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver Ilex Forest (Sinnoh Sound)
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Pastoria Great Marsh
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — (changes daily)
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Pastoria Great Marsh
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — (changes daily)
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Pastoria Great Marsh
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal (changes daily)
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
It walks around on its It walks around on its
tentacles in search of a tentacles in search of a
tree branch where it tree branch where it
can dangle down and can dangle down and
ambush prey. ambush prey.


Does not evolve

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 456 Wing Fish Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
6 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
10 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
13 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Water 17 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
22 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
26 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
29 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
33 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
38 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
42 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
45 Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal
49 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
● WEIGHT: 15.4 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Bottom lobes of tail fins Bottom lobes of tail fins Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal
are smaller are larger
HP ●●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●●
● Storm Drain DEFENSE ●●

Water 2
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆☆ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Pokémon HeartGold Stormy Beach Pokéwalker TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
Route TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver Stormy Beach Pokéwalker TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Route TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Route 218 (Good Rod) TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Route 218 (Good Rod) TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Route 218 (Good Rod) TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal
Swimming and fluttering Swimming and fluttering
its two tail fins, it looks its two tail fins, it looks
like a BEAUTIFLY. At night, like a BEAUTIFLY. At night,
the patterns on its tail fins the patterns on its tail fins
softly shine. softly shine.


Lv. 31
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Finneon Lumineon
Sweet Kiss Normal Status — 75 10 Normal —
Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 457 Neon Pokémon
1 Pound Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal
1 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
1 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
6 Water Gun Water Special 40 100 25 Normal —
10 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Water
13 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
17 Gust Flying Special 40 100 35 Normal —
22 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
26 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
29 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
35 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
42 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
48 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
53 Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal
59 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 3’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 52.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal Bottom lobes of tail fins Bottom lobes of tail fins
are shorter are longer
HP ●●●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●●●
● Storm Drain DEFENSE ●●●

Water 2
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal Pokémon HeartGold Level up Finneon to Lv. 31
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Finneon to Lv. 31
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Route 218 (Super Rod)
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 218 (Super Rod)
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Route 218 (Super Rod)
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal LUMINEON swimming in LUMINEON swimming in
the darkness of the deep the darkness of the deep
sea look like stars shining sea look like stars shining
in the night sky. in the night sky.


Lv. 31

Finneon Lumineon

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 458 Kite Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
4 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
10 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
Water Flying 13 Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
19 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
22 Wing Attack Flying Physical 60 100 35 Normal ○
28 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
31 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
37 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
40 Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
46 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
49 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 143.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○

HP ●●
● Swift Swim ATTACK ●
● Water Absorb DEFENSE ●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Have Mantine ♀ hold the TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Wave Incense and leave it at TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
the Pokémon Day Care, then TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
find its Egg and hatch it TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Route 223 (water surface) TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Route 223 (water surface)

Pokémon Platinum Route 223 (water surface)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

When it swims close to When it swims close to
the surface of the ocean, the surface of the ocean,
people aboard ships are people aboard ships are
able to observe the pattern able to observe the pattern
on its back. on its back.

Level it up while Remo-
raid is in your party

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
Mantyke Mantine Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —
Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
Splash Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 459 Frost Tree Pokémon
1 Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100 25 2 Foes —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
5 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
9 Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
13 GrassWhistle Grass Status — 55 15 Normal — Grass Ice
17 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
21 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
26 Ice Shard Ice Physical 40 100 30 Normal —
31 Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
36 Wood Hammer Grass Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
41 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
46 Sheer Cold Ice Special — 30 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 111.3 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Shorter white section Longer white section

HP ●●
● Snow Warning ATTACK ●●●

TM & HM MOVES Monster

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Grass
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — PERFORMANCE
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal — SPEED ★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Icy Mountain Rd. Pokéwalker
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — Route
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver Icy Mountain Rd. Pokéwalker
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Route
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Route 216
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Route 216
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Platinum Route 216
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
During cold seasons, it During cold seasons, it
migrates to the mountain’s migrates to the mountain’s
lower reaches. It returns to lower reaches. It returns to
the snow-covered summit in the snow-covered summit in
the spring. the spring.



Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal — Snover Abomasnow
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
Double-Edge Normal Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
Skull Bash Normal Physical 100 100 15 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 460 Frost Tree Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
1 Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100 25 2 Foes —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Grass Ice 1 Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
5 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
9 Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
13 GrassWhistle Grass Status — 55 15 Normal —
17 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
21 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
26 Ice Shard Ice Physical 40 100 30 Normal —
31 Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
36 Wood Hammer Grass Physical 120 100 15 Normal ○
47 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
58 Sheer Cold Ice Special — 30 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 7’03”
● WEIGHT: 298.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Shorter fur on chest Longer fur on chest Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Snow Warning ATTACK ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★ TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Level up Snover to Lv. 40 TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Level up Snover to Lv. 40 TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Mt. Coronet Peak 1 TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Mt. Coronet Peak 1 TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Mt. Coronet Peak 1 TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
It lives a quiet life on It lives a quiet life on TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
mountains that are per- mountains that are per- TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
petually covered in snow. petually covered in snow. TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
It hides itself by whipping It hides itself by whipping TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
up blizzards. up blizzards. TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
EVOLUTION TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
Lv. 40

Snover Abomasnow

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 461 Sharp Claw Pokémon
1 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
1 Revenge Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
1 Assurance Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
1 Scratch Normal Physical 40 100 35 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes — Dark Ice
1 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
8 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
10 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
14 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
21 Fury Swipes Normal Physical 18 80 15 Normal ○
24 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
28 Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
35 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
38 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
42 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
49 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 75.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Longer ears Shorter ears

HP ●●●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★☆☆
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — Have Sneasel hold the Razor
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — Pokémon HeartGold Claw and level it up between
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
8:00 P.M. and 4:00 A .M.
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Have Sneasel hold the Razor
Pokémon SoulSilver Claw and level it up between
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — 8:00 P.M. and 4:00 A .M.
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Have Sneasel hold the Razor
Pokémon Diamond Claw and level it up between
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — 8:00 P.M. and 4:00 A .M.
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Have Sneasel hold the Razor
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Claw and level it up between
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
8:00 P.M. and 4:00 A .M.
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — Have Sneasel hold the Razor
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum Claw and level it up between
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○ 8:00 P.M. and 4:00 A .M.
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — It lives in snowy regions. It lives in snowy regions.
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — It carves patterns in trees
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal — It carves patterns in trees
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
with its claws as a signal with its claws as a signal
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — to others. to others.
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
and then level up between

TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —

Have it hold Razor Claw

8:00 P.M. and 4:00 A .M.VV

TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —

TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Sneasel Weavile

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 462 Magnet Area Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —
1 Barrier Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
1 Metal Sound Steel Status — 85 40 Normal —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
Electric Steel 1 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
1 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
6 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
11 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
14 SonicBoom Normal Special — 90 20 Normal —
17 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
22 Spark Electric Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
27 Lock-On Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
30 Magnet Bomb Steel Physical 60 — 20 Normal —
34 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
40 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
46 Mirror Shot Steel Special 65 85 10 Normal —
50 Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
54 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
60 Zap Cannon Electric Special 120 50 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
● HEIGHT: 3’11”
● WEIGHT: 396.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —

HP ●●●
● Magnet Pull ATTACK ●●●
● Sturdy DEFENSE ●●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★ JUMP ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Make Magneton level up on TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Mt. Coronet
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Make Magneton level up on TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Mt. Coronet
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
Make Magneton level up on TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Mt. Coronet
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Exposure to a special Exposure to a special
magnetic field changed magnetic field changed
MAGNETON’s molecular MAGNETON’s molecular
structure, turning it into structure, turning it into

Level up at Mt.

Lv. 30

Magnemite Magneton Magnezone

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 463 Licking Pokémon
1 Lick Ghost Physical 20 100 30 Normal ○
5 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
9 Defense Curl Normal Status — — 40 Self —
13 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
17 Wrap Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○ Normal
21 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
25 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
29 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
33 Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
37 Me First Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
41 Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self —
45 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
49 Power Whip Grass Physical 120 85 10 Normal ○
53 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal ○
57 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 5’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 308.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○

HP ●●●●
● Own Tempo ATTACK ●●●●
● Oblivious DEFENSE ●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○ PERFORMANCE
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — Level up Lickitung to Lv. 33
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ and have it learn Rollout,
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
or level it up once it knows
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — Rollout
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Level up Lickitung to Lv. 33
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ and have it learn Rollout,
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver
or level it up once it knows
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Rollout
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — Level up Lickitung to Lv. 33
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond and have it learn Rollout,
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — or level it up once it knows
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — Rollout
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Level up Lickitung to Lv. 33
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
and have it learn Rollout,
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl or level it up once it knows
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Rollout
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Level up Lickitung to Lv. 33
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — and have it learn Rollout,
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon Platinum
or level it up once it knows
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM74 Gyro Ball Steel Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — Its saliva can decompose It has space in its throat
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — anything. It wraps its long to store saliva. It can
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — tongue around things
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
also roll up its tongue and
to coat them with its store it in the same spot.
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — sticky saliva.
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
teach it Rollout. Or, level it

up once it knows Rollout.
Level it up to Lv. 33 and

HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Lickitung Lickilicky

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 464 Drill Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
1 Horn Attack Normal Physical 65 100 25 Normal ○
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
Ground Rock 1 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
9 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
13 Fury Attack Normal Physical 15 85 20 Normal ○
21 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
25 Rock Blast Rock Physical 25 80 10 Normal —
33 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
37 Horn Drill Normal Physical — 30 5 Normal ○
42 Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 100 90 10 Normal ○
45 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
49 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
57 Megahorn Bug Physical 120 85 10 Normal ○
61 Rock Wrecker Rock Physical 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 7’10”
● WEIGHT: 623.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Longer upper horn Shorter upper horn Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
ABILITIES STATS Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HP ●●●● Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
● Lightningrod ATTACK ●●●●●● Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
● Solid Rock DEFENSE ●●●●● Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
SP. ATTACK ●● AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
SP. DEFENSE ●● Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Field No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★☆☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Link trade Rhydon while it TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
holds the Protector
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Link trade Rhydon while it TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
holds the Protector
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Link trade Rhydon while it TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
holds the Protector
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
Link trade Rhydon while it TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
holds the Protector
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Link trade Rhydon while it TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
holds the Protector
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
From holes in its palms, From holes in its palms, TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
it fires out GEODUDE. Its it fires out GEODUDE. Its TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
carapace can withstand carapace can withstand TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
volcanic eruptions. volcanic eruptions. TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
EVOLUTION TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Have it hold Protec-

TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —

tor and trade it

TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —

TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Lv. 42 TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Rhyhorn Rhydon Rhyperior TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 465 Vine Pokémon
1 Ingrain Grass Status — — 20 Self —
1 Constrict Normal Physical 10 100 35 Normal ○
5 Sleep Powder Grass Status — 75 15 Normal —
8 Absorb Grass Special 20 100 25 Normal —
12 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self — Grass
15 PoisonPowder Poison Status — 75 35 Normal —
19 Vine Whip Grass Physical 35 100 15 Normal ○
22 Bind Normal Physical 15 75 20 Normal ○
26 Mega Drain Grass Special 40 100 15 Normal —
29 Stun Spore Grass Status — 75 30 Normal —
33 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
36 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
40 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
43 Slam Normal Physical 80 75 20 Normal ○
47 Tickle Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
50 Wring Out Normal Special — 100 5 Normal ○
54 Power Whip Grass Physical 120 85 10 Normal ○
57 Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 6’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 283.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal — ● MALE FORM ● FEMALE FORM
Hands are partly red Hands are completely red

HP ●●●●
● Chlorophyll ATTACK ●●●●
● Leaf Guard DEFENSE ●●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Level up Tangela to Lv. 33
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold and teach it AncientPower,
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — or level it up once it knows
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — AncientPower
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal — Level up Tangela to Lv. 33
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — and teach it AncientPower,
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver
or level it up once it knows
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ AncientPower
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl —
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Level up Tangela to Lv. 33
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self — Pokémon Platinum and teach it AncientPower,
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — or level it up once it knows
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — AncientPower
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○ When it remains still, it ap- Its vines grow so pro-
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — pears to be a large shrub. fusely that, in the warm
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Unsuspecting prey that season, you can’t even
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○ wander near get ensnared see its eyes.
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ by its vines.
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

teach it AncientPower. Or,
level it up once it knows
Level it up to Lv. 33 and


Tangela Tangrowth

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 466 Thunderbolt Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Electric 1 Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
7 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
10 Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
16 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
19 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
25 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
28 ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
37 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
43 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
52 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
58 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
67 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 5’11”
● WEIGHT: 305.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●●
● Motor Drive ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Link trade Electabuzz while TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
it holds the Electirizer TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Link trade Electabuzz while TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
it holds the Electirizer TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Link trade Electabuzz while TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
it holds the Electirizer TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Link trade Electabuzz while TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
it holds the Electirizer TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Link trade Electabuzz while TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
it holds the Electirizer TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
As its electric charge As its electric charge TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
amplifies, blue sparks amplifies, blue sparks TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
begin to crackle between begin to crackle between TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
its horns. its horns. TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
EVOLUTION TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Have it hold Electi-
rizer and trade it

HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
Lv. 30

Elekid Electabuzz Electivire

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 467 Blast Pokémon
1 ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
1 Smog Poison Special 20 70 20 Normal —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
1 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Fire
7 Ember Fire Special 40 100 25 Normal —
10 SmokeScreen Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
16 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
19 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —
25 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
28 Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
37 Lava Plume Fire Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
43 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
52 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
58 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
67 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 5’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 149.9 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

HP ●●●
● Flame Body ATTACK ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○ PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Link trade Magmar while it
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — holds the Magmarizer
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver Link trade Magmar while it
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — holds the Magmarizer
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Link trade Magmar while it
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — holds the Magmarizer
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Link trade Magmar while it
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — holds the Magmarizer
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Link trade Magmar while it
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — holds the Magmarizer
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
It blasts fireballs of over It blasts fireballs of over
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — out of its arms. Its breath out of its arms. Its breath
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — also sears and sizzles. also sears and sizzles.
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ EVOLUTION
Have it hold Magma-

HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

rizer and trade it

Lv. 30

Magby Magmar Magmortar

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 468 Jubilee Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —
1 ExtremeSpeed Normal Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
1 Aura Sphere Fighting Special 90 — 20 Normal —
1 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —
Normal Flying

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’11”
● WEIGHT: 83.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
FORM HAVE SAME FORM Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Larger white marking Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
on head Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
ABILITIES STATS Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
HP ●●● AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
● Hustle ATTACK ●● Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
● Serene Grace DEFENSE ●●●● Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —

Fairy No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Use Shiny Stone on Togetic TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Use Shiny Stone on Togetic TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Use Shiny Stone on Togetic TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Use Shiny Stone on Togetic TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Use Shiny Stone on Togetic TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
As everyone knows, it As everyone knows, it TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
visits peaceful regions, visits peaceful regions, TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
bringing them gifts of bringing them gifts of TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
kindness and sweet kindness and sweet TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
blessings. blessings. TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
EVOLUTION TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM88 Pluck Flying Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Use Shiny Stone
high friendship

TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Level up with

HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○

HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Togepi Togetic Togekiss

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 469 Ogre Darner Pokémon
1 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
1 Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
1 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○ Bug Flying
1 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
6 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
11 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
14 SonicBoom Normal Special — 90 20 Normal —
17 Detect Fighting Status — — 5 Self —
22 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
27 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
30 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
33 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
38 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
43 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
46 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
49 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
54 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —
57 Bug Buzz Bug Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● SIZE COMPARISON
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 6’03”
● WEIGHT: 113.5 lbs.
● ITEMS: None
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
String Shot Bug Status — 95 40 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — ABILITIES STATS
HP ●●●
● Speed Boost ATTACK ●●●
● Tinted Lens DEFENSE ●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★☆☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal — Level up Yanma to Lv. 33 and
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold have it learn AncientPower,
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — or level it up once it knows
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — AncientPower
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Level up Yanma to Lv. 33 and
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver have it learn AncientPower,
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — or level it up once it knows
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — AncientPower
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self — Level up Yanma to Lv. 33 and
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond have it learn AncientPower,
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal — or level it up once it knows
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ AncientPower
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — Level up Yanma to Lv. 33 and
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Pearl have it learn AncientPower,
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — or level it up once it knows
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — AncientPower
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Level up Yanma to Lv. 33 and
Pokémon Platinum have it learn AncientPower,
or level it up once it knows

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

This six-legged Pokémon The beat of its wings is so
is easily capable of trans- powerful that it acciden-
porting an adult in flight. tally dislodges full-grown
The wings on its tail help it trees when it takes off
stay balanced. in flight.

Level it up to Lv. 33 and
teach it AncientPower.

knows AncientPower.
Or, level it up once it

Yanma Yanmega

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 470 Verdant Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
8 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
Grass 15 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 55 95 25 2 Foes —
22 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
29 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
36 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
43 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
50 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
57 GrassWhistle Grass Status — 55 15 Normal —
64 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
71 Leaf Blade Grass Physical 90 100 15 Normal ○
78 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 3’03”
● WEIGHT: 56.2 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —
HP ●●
● Leaf Guard ATTACK ●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆ TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○

TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○

TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Level up Eevee in Eterna TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Forest (interior) near the TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
moss-covered rock TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Level up Eevee in Eterna TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Forest (interior) near the TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
moss-covered rock TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Level up Eevee in Eterna TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Forest (interior) near the TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
moss-covered rock TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
When you see LEAFEON When you see LEAFEON HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
asleep in a patch of sun- asleep in a patch of sun-
shine, you’ll know it is using shine, you’ll know it is using
photosynthesis to produce photosynthesis to produce
clean air. clean air.

Level up Eevee with
Eevee high friendship in the
morning or afternoon
Vaporeon Umbreon
Use Water Stone
on Eevee Level up Eevee with
high friendship at night
Use Thunderstone
on Eevee Level up Eevee in
Eterna Forest*
Use Fire Stone on Eevee Glaceon
Level up Eevee on *Unable to evolve in Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver Version. Transfer from
Route 217* Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum Version.

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 471 Fresh Snow Pokémon
1 Tail Whip Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
8 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
15 Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes — Ice
22 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
29 Bite Dark Physical 60 100 25 Normal ○
36 Ice Shard Ice Physical 40 100 30 Normal —
43 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
50 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
57 Mirror Coat Psychic Special — 100 20 Self —
64 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
71 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
78 Barrier Psychic Status — — 30 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 2’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 57.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM

HP ●●
● Snow Cloak ATTACK ●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆☆
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — Pokémon HeartGold —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Level up Eevee on Route 217
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — near the ice-covered rock
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl Level up Eevee on Route 217
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○ near the ice-covered rock
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Level up Eevee on Route 217
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — near the ice-covered rock
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
It causes small ice crys- It causes small ice crys-
tals to form by lowering tals to form by lowering
the temperature of the the temperature of the
surrounding atmosphere. surrounding atmosphere.

Level up Eevee with
Eevee high friendship in the
morning or afternoon
Vaporeon Umbreon
Use Water Stone
on Eevee Level up Eevee with
high friendship at night
Use Thunderstone
on Eevee Level up Eevee in
Eterna Forest*
Use Fire Stone on Eevee Glaceon
Level up Eevee on
Route 217*
*Unable to evolve in Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver Version. Transfer from
Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum Version.

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 472 Fang Scorp Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
1 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
1 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
1 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
Ground Flying 1 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
1 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
5 Sand-Attack Ground Status — 100 15 Normal —
9 Harden Normal Status — — 30 Self —
12 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
16 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
20 Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
23 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
27 Screech Normal Status — 85 40 Normal —
31 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
34 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
38 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
42 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
45 Guillotine Normal Physical — 30 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
● SIZE COMPARISON Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 6’07”
● WEIGHT: 93.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Sky Attack Flying Physical 140 90 5 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Hyper Cutter ATTACK ●●●●
● Sand Veil DEFENSE ●●●●●

PERFORMANCE No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Have Gligar hold the Razor TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Pokémon HeartGold Fang and level up between TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
8:00 P.M. and 4:00 A .M. TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Have Gligar hold the Razor TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Fang and level up between TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
8:00 P.M. and 4:00 A .M. TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
Have Gligar hold the Razor TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl Fang and level up between TM51 Roost Flying Status — — 10 Self —
8:00 P.M. and 4:00 A .M. TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Have Gligar hold the Razor TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Fang and level up between TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
8:00 P.M. and 4:00 A .M. TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Its flight is soundless. It Its flight is soundless. It TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
uses its lengthy tail to uses its lengthy tail to TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
carry off its prey... Then carry off its prey... Then TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
its elongated fangs do its elongated fangs do TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
the rest. TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
the rest. TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
and then level up between

TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Have it hold Razor Fang

8:00 P.M. and 4:00 A .M.

HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○

HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Gligar Gliscor

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 473 Twin Tusk Pokémon
1 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
1 Peck Flying Physical 35 100 35 Normal ○
1 Odor Sleuth Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
1 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
1 Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100 25 2 Foes — Ice Ground
4 Mud Sport Ground Status — — 15 All —
8 Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100 25 2 Foes —
13 Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
16 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
20 Mud Bomb Ground Special 65 85 10 Normal —
25 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
28 Ice Fang Ice Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
32 Take Down Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
33 Double Hit Normal Physical 35 90 10 Normal ○
40 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
48 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
56 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
65 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 8’02”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 641.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal — Longer tusks Shorter tusks
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —

HP ●●●●
● Oblivious ATTACK ●●●●●
● Snow Cloak DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All — SPEED ★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★☆
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — Teach Piloswine Ancient-
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold
Power and level it up*
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○ Teach Piloswine Ancient-
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon SoulSilver
Power and level it up*
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Teach Piloswine Ancient-
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond
Power and level it up*
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Teach Piloswine Ancient-
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl
Power and level it up*
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○ Teach Piloswine Ancient-
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Power and level it up*
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — A frozen MAMOSWINE It flourished worldwide
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — was dug from ice dating during the ice age but its
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ population declined when
back 10,000 years. This
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ the masses of ice began to
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
Pokémon has been around
a long, long, long time. dwindle.

Teach it AncientPower
and level it up*

Lv. 33

Swinub Piloswine Mamoswine

*To teach Piloswine AncientPower, give a Heart Scale to the

Move Maniac in Blackthorn City. Or, exchange 40 BP at a
house in the Battle Frontier.

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 474 Virtual Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
1 Conversion 2 Normal Status — — 30 Self —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Conversion Normal Status — — 30 Self —
Normal 1 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
7 Psybeam Psychic Special 65 100 20 Normal —
12 Agility Psychic Status — — 30 Self —
18 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
23 Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
29 Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
34 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
40 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
45 Lock-On Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
51 Tri Attack Normal Special 80 100 10 Normal —
56 Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
62 Zap Cannon Electric Special 120 50 5 Normal —
67 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 2’11”
● WEIGHT: 75.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Adaptability ATTACK ●●●
● Download DEFENSE ●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★☆☆☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Link trade Porygon2 while it TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
holds the Dubious Disc TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Link trade Porygon2 while it TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
holds the Dubious Disc TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Link trade Porygon2 while it TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
holds the Dubious Disc TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Link trade Porygon2 while it TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
holds the Dubious Disc TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Link trade Porygon2 while it TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
holds the Dubious Disc TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Its programming was TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Its programming was TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
modified to enable it to travel modified to enable it to travel TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
through alien dimensions. through alien dimensions. TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
Seems there might have Seems there might have TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
been an error... been an error... TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Have it hold Dubious Disc
Have it hold Up-Grade
and trade it

and trade it

Porygon Porygon2 Porygon-Z

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 475 Blade Pokémon
1 Leaf Blade Grass Physical 90 100 15 Normal ○
1 Night Slash Dark Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
1 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Psychic Fighting
1 Teleport Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
6 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
10 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
12 Teleport Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
17 Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
22 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
25 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
31 Psycho Cut Psychic Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
36 Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
39 Feint Normal Physical 50 100 10 Normal —
45 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○
50 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
53 Close Combat Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 5’03”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 114.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Vacuum Wave Fighting Special 40 100 30 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal — ● MALE FORM
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ABILITIES STATS
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — HP ●●●
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal — ● Steadfast ATTACK ●●●●●
Low Kick Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ DEFENSE ●●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○ PERFORMANCE
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self — POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — Pokémon HeartGold Use Dawn Stone on Kirlia ♂
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon SoulSilver Use Dawn Stone on Kirlia ♂
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Use Dawn Stone on Kirlia ♂
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Use Dawn Stone on Kirlia ♂
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Use Dawn Stone on Kirlia ♂
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends — Because it can sense Because it can sense
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal — what its foe is thinking, what its foe is thinking,
TM54 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 100 40 Normal ○ its attacks burst out first,
its attacks burst out first,
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
fast, and fierce. fast, and fierce.
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self — EVOLUTION
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal — Lv. 30
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Lv. 20 Gardevoir
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Use Dawn Stone on ♂

TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○

TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Ralts Kirlia
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Gallade
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 476 Compass Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
1 Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
1 Tackle Normal Physical 35 95 35 Normal ○
1 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
Rock Steel 1 Magnet Bomb Steel Physical 60 — 20 Normal —
1 Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
7 Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
13 Magnet Bomb Steel Physical 60 — 20 Normal —
19 Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
25 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
31 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
43 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
49 Power Gem Rock Special 70 100 20 Normal —
55 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
61 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
67 Zap Cannon Electric Special 120 50 5 Normal —
73 Lock-On Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
79 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
● SIZE COMPARISON Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’07”
● WEIGHT: 749.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
ABILITIES STATS AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
HP ●● Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
● Sturdy ATTACK ●● Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
● Magnet Pull DEFENSE ●●●●●● Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
SP. DEFENSE ●●●●●●

PERFORMANCE No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★☆☆☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond Level up Nosepass at TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Mt. Coronet TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Level up Nosepass at TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Mt. Coronet TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Level up Nosepass at TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Mt. Coronet TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
It controls three units It controls three units TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
called Mini-Noses using called Mini-Noses using TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
magnetic force. With them, magnetic force. With them, TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
it can attack the foe from it can attack the foe from HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
three directions. three directions. HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

Level up at Mt. Coronet*

Nosepass Probopass

*Unable to evolve in Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver Version. Transfer from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum Version.

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 477 Gripper Pokémon
1 Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
1 Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
1 ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
1 Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
1 Bind Normal Physical 15 75 20 Normal ○ Ghost
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Night Shade Ghost Special — 100 15 Normal —
1 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
6 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
9 Foresight Normal Status — — 40 Normal —
14 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
17 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
22 Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
25 Pursuit Dark Physical 40 100 20 Normal ○
30 Curse ??? Status — — 10 Normal/Self —
33 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
37 Shadow Punch Ghost Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
43 Mean Look Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
51 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
61 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● SIZE COMPARISON
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○ ● HEIGHT: 7’03”
● WEIGHT: 235.0 lbs.
● ITEMS: None
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — ABILITIES STATS
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal — HP ●●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●●
SP. DEFENSE ●●●●●●


No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○ SPEED ★☆ STAMINA ★★★★
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★★★
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — Link trade Dusclops while it
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
holds the Reaper Cloth
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Link trade Dusclops while it
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon SoulSilver
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
holds the Reaper Cloth
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Link trade Dusclops while it
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
holds the Reaper Cloth
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — Link trade Dusclops while it
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
holds the Reaper Cloth
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Pokémon Platinum Link trade Dusclops while it
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal — holds the Reaper Cloth
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — This feared Pokémon is said This feared Pokémon is said
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — to travel to worlds unknown. to travel to worlds unknown.
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal — Some even believe that Some even believe that
TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal — it takes lost spirits along
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
it takes lost spirits along
with it. with it.
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — EVOLUTION
Have it hold Reaper Cloth

TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —

TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
and trade it

TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —

TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — Lv. 37
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All — Duskull Dusclops Dusknoir
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 478 Snow Land Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Powder Snow Ice Special 40 100 25 2 Foes —
1 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Ghost 4 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
10 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
13 Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
19 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
22 Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
28 Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
31 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
37 Ice Shard Ice Physical 40 100 30 Normal —
40 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
51 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
59 Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’03”
● WEIGHT: 58.6 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
● FEMALE FORM Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Rollout Rock Physical 30 90 20 Normal ○
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —
HP ●●●
● Snow Cloak ATTACK ●●●

Mineral No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★☆ TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Use Dawn Stone on TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
Pokémon HeartGold TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Snorunt ♀ TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Use Dawn Stone on
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Snorunt ♀ TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Use Dawn Stone on TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Snorunt ♀ TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Pearl Use Dawn Stone on TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal —
Snorunt ♀ TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Use Dawn Stone on TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
Snorunt ♀ TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
Legends in snowy regions Legends in snowy regions TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
say that a woman who was say that a woman who was TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
lost on an icy mountain lost on an icy mountain TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
was reborn as FROSLASS. was reborn as FROSLASS. TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
EVOLUTION TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —

Lv. 42


Use Dawn Stone on ♀


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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 479 Plasma Pokémon
1 Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
1 Astonish Ghost Physical 30 100 15 Normal ○
1 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
1 ThunderShock Electric Special 40 100 30 Normal —
1 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal — Electric Ghost
8 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
15 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
22 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal — ● SIZE COMPARISON
29 Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
36 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
43 Charge Electric Status — — 20 Self —
50 Discharge Electric Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —

● HEIGHT: 1’00”
● WEIGHT: 0.7 lbs.
● ITEMS: None
Heat Rotom
Move ● Overheat
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Wash Rotom
Move ● Hydro Pump

Frost Rotom
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Move ● Blizzard
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○ Fan Rotom
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal — Move ● Air Slash
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random — Mow Rotom
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal — Move ● Leaf Storm
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal —

HP ●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●

No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — SKILL ★★★☆☆
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○ Check the TV in the Old
TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends — Chateau between 8:00 P.M.
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond
and 4:00 A .M. (after obtaining
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal — the National Pokédex)
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Check the TV in the Old
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Chateau between 8:00 P.M.
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal — and 4:00 A .M. (after obtaining
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — the National Pokédex)
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — Check the TV in the Old
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Chateau between 8:00 P.M.
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — and 4:00 A .M. (after obtaining
the National Pokédex)

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

Research continues on Research continues on
this Pokémon, which could this Pokémon, which could
be the power source of a be the power source of a
unique motor. unique motor.
*Rotom’s Performance depends on its form:
Heat Rotom .............Speed ★★★☆ Power ★★★★ Skill ★★★☆
Stamina ★★★☆ Jump ★★★★ EVOLUTION
Wash Rotom............Speed ★★★ Power ★★★ Skill ★★★☆
Stamina ★★★★ Jump ★★☆☆
Frost Rotom ............Speed ★★★☆ Power ★★☆ Skill ★★★★☆ Does not evolve
Stamina ★★★ Jump ★★★☆
Fan Rotom ...............Speed ★★★☆☆ Power ★★★☆☆ Skill ★★★
Stamina ★★☆ Jump ★★★★★
Mow Rotom .............Speed ★★★ Power ★★★ Skill ★★★★★
Stamina ★★★☆ Jump ★★☆☆

*Put Rotom in your party and take the elevator in Saffron City’s Silph Co. It changes by checking out appliances. It learns one move when
it transforms but will forget it after it returns to normal.

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 480 Knowledge Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
6 Imprison Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
16 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Psychic 21 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
31 Yawn Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
36 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
46 Amnesia Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
51 Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —
61 Flail Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal ○
66 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
76 Memento Dark Status — 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’00”
● WEIGHT: 0.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
ABILITIES STATS Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
HP ●●● Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
● Levitate ATTACK ●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Lake Acuity TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
(inside Acuity Cavern) TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Lake Acuity TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
(inside Acuity Cavern) TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Lake Acuity TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
(inside Acuity Cavern) TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
According to some sources, According to some sources, TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
this Pokémon provided this Pokémon provided TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
people with the intelligence people with the intelligence TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
necessary to solve various necessary to solve various TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
problems. problems. TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
EVOLUTION TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Does not evolve TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 481 Emotion Pokémon
1 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
6 Imprison Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
16 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
21 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes — Psychic
31 Lucky Chant Normal Status — — 30 2 Allies —
36 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
46 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
51 Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —
61 Copycat Normal Status — — 20 Depends —
66 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
76 Healing Wish Psychic Status — — 10 Self —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 0.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally — ● GENDER UNKNOWN
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal — ABILITIES STATS
HP ●●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★★
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — Pokémon HeartGold —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — After you meet Mesprit at
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Lake Verity (inside Verity
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Pokémon Diamond
Cavern), it starts roaming
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — the Sinnoh region
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All — After you meet Mesprit at
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Lake Verity (inside Verity
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon Pearl
Cavern), it starts roaming
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
the Sinnoh region
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal — After you meet Mesprit at
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Lake Verity (inside Verity
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Cavern), it starts roaming
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self — the Sinnoh region
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — This Pokémon is said to This Pokémon is said to
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — have endowed the human have endowed the human
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — heart with emotions, such heart with emotions, such
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — as sorrow and joy. as sorrow and joy.
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ EVOLUTION
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Does not evolve

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 482 Willpower Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
6 Imprison Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
16 Detect Fighting Status — — 5 Self —
Psychic 21 Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
31 Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
36 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
46 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
51 Extrasensory Psychic Special 80 100 30 Normal —
61 Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
66 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
76 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 1’00”
● WEIGHT: 0.7 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
ABILITIES STATS Role Play Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
HP ●●● Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
● Levitate ATTACK ●●●●● Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
SPEED ★★★★ STAMINA ★★☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★★☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond Lake Valor TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
(inside Valor Cavern) TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Lake Valor TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
(inside Valor Cavern) TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Platinum Lake Valor TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
(inside Valor Cavern) TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
This Pokémon is said to This Pokémon is said to TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
have endowed humans have endowed humans TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally —
with the determination with the determination TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
needed to face any of life’s needed to face any of life’s TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
difficulties. difficulties. TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
EVOLUTION TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
Does not evolve TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 483 Temporal Pokémon
1 DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal —
1 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
6 Metal Claw Steel Physical 50 95 35 Normal ○
10 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
15 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Steel Dragon
19 Power Gem Rock Special 70 100 20 Normal —
24 Metal Burst Steel Physical — 100 10 Self —
28 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
33 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
37 Aura Sphere Fighting Special 90 — 20 Normal —
42 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
46 Roar of Time Dragon Special 150 90 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 17’09”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 1,505.8 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Magnet Rise Electric Status — — 10 Self —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○ ● GENDER UNKNOWN
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
HP ●●●●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ PERFORMANCE
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self — POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★★☆☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — Bring the Arceus you received
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, or
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies — Pokémon HeartGold
Platinum to the Ruins of Alph
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ to receive Dialga*
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal — Bring the Arceus you received
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally — Pokémon SoulSilver in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, or
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Platinum to the Ruins of Alph
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○ to receive Dialga*
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Diamond Spear Pillar on Mt. Coronet
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Pearl —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal — Spear Pillar on Mt. Coronet—
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Platinum (after entering the Hall
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal — of Fame)
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — This Pokémon completely This Pokémon completely
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — controls the flow of time. controls the flow of time.
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — It uses its power to travel It uses its power to travel
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes — at will through the past at will through the past
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — and future. and future.
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
Does not evolve

*Arceus is only available through special distribution events. Check for the latest information on how to catch this
Pokémon. (You can choose only one from Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina.)

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 484 Spatial Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal —
1 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
6 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
10 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Water Dragon 15 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
19 Power Gem Rock Special 70 100 20 Normal —
24 Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
28 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
33 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
37 Aura Sphere Fighting Special 90 — 20 Normal —
42 Hydro Pump Water Special 120 80 5 Normal —
46 Spacial Rend Dragon Special 100 95 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 13’09”
● WEIGHT: 740.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
● GENDER UNKNOWN Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —

HP ●●●
● Pressure ATTACK ●●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆ TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★☆☆ TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★★ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting Status — — 20 Self —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
Bring the Arceus you received TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, or TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
Pokémon HeartGold TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
Platinum to the Ruins of Alph
to receive Palkia* TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
Bring the Arceus you received TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, or TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
Platinum to the Ruins of Alph TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
to receive Palkia* TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond — TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
Pokémon Pearl Spear Pillar on Mt. Coronet TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Spear Pillar on Mt. Coronet— TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum (after entering the Hall TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
of Fame) TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Its total control over the Its total control over the TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
boundaries of space enable boundaries of space enable TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
it to transport itself to it to transport itself to TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
faraway places or even faraway places or even TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
other dimensions. other dimensions. TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
EVOLUTION TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
Does not evolve
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○

*Arceus is only available through special distribution events. Check for the latest information on how to catch this
Pokémon. (You can choose only one from Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina.)

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 485 Lava Dome Pokémon
1 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
9 Leer Normal Status — 100 30 2 Foes —
17 Fire Fang Fire Physical 65 95 15 Normal ○
25 Metal Sound Steel Status — 85 40 Normal —
33 Crunch Dark Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ Fire Steel
41 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
49 Lava Plume Fire Special 80 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
57 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 70 15 Normal —
65 Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
73 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
81 Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
88 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
96 Magma Storm Fire Special 120 70 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 5’07”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 948.0 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Bug Bite Bug Physical 60 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self — ● MALE/FEMALE HAVE SAME FORM
Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —

HP ●●●
● Flash Fire ATTACK ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold —
TM28 Dig Ground Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Stark Mountain interior
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — (talk to Buck in the Survival
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond
Area after exploring Stark
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Mountain)
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Stark Mountain interior
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal — (talk to Buck in the Survival
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl
Area after exploring Stark
TM64 Explosion Normal Physical 250 100 5 2 Foes/1 Ally — Mountain)
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ Stark Mountain interior
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal — (talk to Buck in the Survival
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes — Pokémon Platinum
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
Area after exploring Stark
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal — Mountain)
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Boiling blood, like magma,
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Boiling blood, like magma,
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal — circulates through its circulates through its
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ body. It makes its dwelling body. It makes its dwelling
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○ place in volcanic caves. place in volcanic caves.
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○


Does not evolve

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 486 Colossal Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
1 Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
1 ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
1 Mega Punch Normal Physical 80 85 20 Normal ○
Normal 1 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
1 Confuse Ray Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
1 Stomp Normal Physical 65 100 20 Normal ○
25 Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
50 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
75 Crush Grip Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○
100 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 12’02”
● WEIGHT: 925.9 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
ThunderPunch Electric Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Ice Punch Ice Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Block Normal Status — — 5 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Superpower Fighting Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
ABILITIES STATS Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
HP ●●●●
● Slow Start ATTACK ●●●●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SPEED ★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★☆☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Snowpoint Temple B5F TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond (put Regirock, Regice, and TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
Registeel in your party) TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
Snowpoint Temple B5F TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl (put Regirock, Regice, and TM69 Rock Polish Rock Status — — 20 Self —
Registeel in your party) TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
Snowpoint Temple B5F TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum (put Regirock, Regice, and TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
Registeel in your party) TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
It is believed to have It is believed to have HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
and REGISTEEL out of clay, and REGISTEEL out of clay,
ice, and magma. ice, and magma.


Does not evolve

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 487 Renegade Pokémon
Giratina (Altered Forme)
1 DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal —
1 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
6 Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
10 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
15 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Ghost Dragon
19 Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
24 Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
28 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
33 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
37 Aura Sphere Fighting Special 90 — 20 Normal —
42 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
46 Shadow Force Ghost Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 14’09”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 1,653.5 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All — ● GENDER UNKNOWN
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal — ABILITIES STATS
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal — HP ●●●●●●
Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes — ● Pressure ATTACK ●●●●
Pain Split Normal Status — — 20 Normal — DEFENSE ●●●●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ PERFORMANCE
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal — SPEED ★★ STAMINA ★★★★★
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★☆
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SKILL ★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies — Bring the Arceus you received
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, or
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold
Platinum to the Ruins of Alph
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal — to receive Giratina*
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Bring the Arceus you received
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, or
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Platinum to the Ruins of Alph
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — to receive Giratina*
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond Turnback Cave
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Pearl Turnback Cave
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal — Turnback Cave (if you defeat
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal — Giratina Origin Forme or flee
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal — Pokémon Platinum
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
from the battle in the
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○ Distortion World)
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — This Pokémon is said to live This Pokémon is said to live
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal — in a world on the reverse in a world on the reverse
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — side of ours, where common side of ours, where common
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — knowledge is distorted and knowledge is distorted and
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — strange. strange.
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○ EVOLUTION
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
Does not evolve

*Arceus is only available through special distribution events. Check for the latest information on how to catch this
Pokémon. (You can choose only one from Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina.)

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 487 Renegade Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

Giratina (Origin Forme)

1 DragonBreath Dragon Special 60 100 20 Normal —
1 Scary Face Normal Status — 90 10 Normal —
6 Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
10 AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Ghost Dragon 15 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
19 Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
24 Destiny Bond Ghost Status — — 5 Self —
28 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
33 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
37 Aura Sphere Fighting Special 90 — 20 Normal —
42 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
46 Shadow Force Ghost Physical 120 100 5 Normal ○

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
● HEIGHT: 22’08”
● WEIGHT: 1,433.0 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
ABILITIES STATS Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
HP ●●●●●●
Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
● Levitate ATTACK ●●●●●
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●
SP. DEFENSE ●●●● Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★☆☆ TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
POWER ★★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆☆ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
SKILL ★★★☆☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Bring the Arceus you received TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, or TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
Platinum to the Ruins of Alph
to receive Giratina* TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
Bring the Arceus you received TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, or TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Platinum to the Ruins of Alph TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
to receive Giratina* TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond — TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM47 Steel Wing Steel Physical 70 90 25 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl — TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Distortion World TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
This Pokémon is said to live This Pokémon is said to live TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
in a world on the reverse in a world on the reverse TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
side of ours, where common TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
side of ours, where common
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
knowledge is distorted and knowledge is distorted and TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
strange. strange. TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
EVOLUTION HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○
Does not evolve

*Arceus is only available through special distribution events. Check for the latest information on how to catch this
Pokémon. (You can choose only one from Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina.)

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 488 Lunar Pokémon
1 Confusion Psychic Special 50 100 25 Normal —
1 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
11 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
20 Mist Ice Status — — 30 2 Allies —
29 Aurora Beam Ice Special 65 100 20 Normal — Psychic
38 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
47 Slash Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
57 Moonlight Normal Status — — 5 Self —
66 Psycho Cut Psychic Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
75 Psycho Shift Psychic Status — 90 10 Normal —
84 Lunar Dance Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
93 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 4’11”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 188.7 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All — ● FEMALE FORM
Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●●●
● Levitate ATTACK ●●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self — PERFORMANCE
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★★
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold —
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — After you meet it at Fullmoon
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Diamond Island, it starts roaming the
TM45 Attract Normal Status — 100 15 Normal — Sinnoh region
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal — After you meet it at Fullmoon
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — Pokémon Pearl Island, it starts roaming the
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self — Sinnoh region
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal — After you meet it at Fullmoon
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — Pokémon Platinum Island, it starts roaming the
TM78 Captivate Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Sinnoh region
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal — Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Those who sleep holding Those who sleep holding
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — CRESSELIA’s feather are CRESSELIA’s feather are
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All — assured of joyful dreams. assured of joyful dreams.
It is said to represent the It is said to represent the
crescent moon. crescent moon.


Does not evolve

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 489 Sea Drifter Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
9 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
16 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal —
Water 24 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
31 Acid Armor Poison Status — — 40 Self —
39 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
46 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
54 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
61 Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
69 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
● WEIGHT: 6.8 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random —
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
ABILITIES STATS Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○
HP ●●●
● Hydration ATTACK ●●●

Water 1
Fairy No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
PERFORMANCE TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★☆☆ TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
POWER ★☆ JUMP ★★☆ TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
SKILL ★★★☆☆ TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Leave Manaphy and Ditto TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold together at the Pokémon Day TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Care, then find its Egg and TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
hatch it* TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
Leave Manaphy and Ditto TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon SoulSilver together at the Pokémon Day TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Care, then find its Egg and TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
hatch it* TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
Leave Manaphy and Ditto TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Diamond together at the Pokémon Day TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Care, then find its Egg and TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
hatch it* HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
Leave Manaphy and Ditto HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Pearl together at the Pokémon Day
Care, then find its Egg and
hatch it*
Leave Manaphy and Ditto
Pokémon Platinum together at the Pokémon Day
Care, then find its Egg and
hatch it*

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

When the water warms, When the water warms,
they inflate the flotation they inflate the flotation
sac on their heads and sac on their heads and
drift languidly on the sea drift languidly on the sea
in packs. in packs.


Does not evolve

*Manaphy is only available through special distribution events. Check for the latest information on how to catch
this Pokémon.

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 490 Seafaring Pokémon
1 Tail Glow Bug Status — — 20 Self —
1 Bubble Water Special 20 100 30 2 Foes —
1 Water Sport Water Status — — 15 All —
9 Charm Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
16 Supersonic Normal Status — 55 20 Normal — Water
24 BubbleBeam Water Special 65 100 20 Normal —
31 Acid Armor Poison Status — — 40 Self —
39 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
46 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
54 Aqua Ring Water Status — — 20 Self —
61 Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
69 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
76 Heart Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

● HEIGHT: 1’00”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 3.1 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Helping Hand Normal Status — — 20 1 Ally —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Uproar Normal Special 50 100 10 1 Random — ● GENDER UNKNOWN
Heal Bell Normal Status — — 5 All Allies —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
Bounce Flying Physical 85 85 5 Normal ○ ABILITIES STATS
HP ●●●●
● Hydration ATTACK ●●●●

Water 1
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA Fairy
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★☆
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal — POWER ★★☆ JUMP ★★★
TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All — Only obtainable through
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
special distribution events:
Pokémon HeartGold check for the
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal — latest updates on how to
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal — catch this Pokémon
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self — Only obtainable through
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies — special distribution events:
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon SoulSilver check for the
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — latest updates on how to
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic Status — — 10 Normal —
catch this Pokémon
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal — Only obtainable through
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal — special distribution events:
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal — Pokémon Diamond check for the
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self — latest updates on how to
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ catch this Pokémon
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal — Only obtainable through
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — special distribution events:
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — Pokémon Pearl check for the
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○ latest updates on how to
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — catch this Pokémon
TM89 U-turn Bug Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — Only obtainable through
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 100 15 2 Foes/1 Ally — special distribution events:
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal — Pokémon Platinum check for the
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○ latest updates on how to
catch this Pokémon

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

It starts its life with a It starts its life with a
wondrous power wondrous power
that permits it to bond that permits it to bond
with any kind with any kind
of Pokémon. of Pokémon.


Does not evolve

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 491 Pitch-Black Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

1 Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
1 Disable Normal Status — 80 20 Normal —
11 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
20 Hypnosis Psychic Status — 60 20 Normal —
Dark 29 Faint Attack Dark Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
38 Nightmare Ghost Status — 100 15 Normal —
47 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
57 Haze Ice Status — — 30 All —
66 Dark Void Dark Status — 80 10 2 Foes —
75 Nasty Plot Dark Status — — 20 Self —
84 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
93 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 4’11”
● WEIGHT: 111.3 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Knock Off Dark Physical 20 100 20 Normal ○
Sucker Punch Dark Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Spite Ghost Status — 100 10 Normal —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —

HP ●●●
● Bad Dreams ATTACK ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM01 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 150 100 20 Normal ○
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★ TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆☆ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
SKILL ★★★★☆ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM12 Taunt Dark Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon HeartGold — TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
Pokémon SoulSilver — TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
Pokémon Diamond — TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl — TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM41 Torment Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Only obtainable through TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
special distribution events: TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Platinum check for the TM46 Thief Dark Physical 40 100 10 Normal ○
latest updates on how to TM49 Snatch Dark Status — — 10 Depends —
catch this Pokémon TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM56 Fling Dark Physical — 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM60 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 60 100 5 Normal ○
It chases people and It chases people and TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
Pokémon from its Pokémon from its TM63 Embargo Dark Status — 100 15 Normal —
territory by causing territory by causing TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
them to experience deep, them to experience deep, TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
nightmarish slumbers. nightmarish slumbers. TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
EVOLUTION TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Does not evolve TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA No. 492 Gratitude Pokémon
Shaymin (Land Forme)
1 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
10 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
19 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
28 Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
37 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes — Grass
46 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
55 Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
64 Aromatherapy Grass Status — — 5 All Allies —
73 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
82 Sweet Kiss Normal Status — 75 10 Normal —
91 Healing Wish Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
100 Seed Flare Grass Special 120 85 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
● HEIGHT: 0’08”
BP MOVES ● WEIGHT: 4.6 lbs.
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA ● ITEMS: None
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Endeavor Normal Physical — 100 5 Normal ○ ● GENDER UNKNOWN
Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●●
● Natural Cure ATTACK ●●●●

No Egg has ever

TM & HM MOVES been discovered
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal — PERFORMANCE
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★☆☆ JUMP ★★★☆☆
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SKILL ★★★★☆
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies — MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ Pokémon HeartGold —
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal — Pokémon SoulSilver —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○ Pokémon Diamond —
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends — Pokémon Pearl —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal — Only obtainable through
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self — special distribution events:
Pokémon Platinum check for the
latest updates on how to
catch this Pokémon

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

The blooming of Gracidea The blooming of Gracidea
flowers confers the power flowers confers the power
of flight upon it. Feelings of of flight upon it. Feelings of
gratitude are the message gratitude are the message
it delivers. it delivers.


Does not evolve

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
No. 492 Gratitude Pokémon Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA

Shaymin (Sky Forme)

1 Growth Normal Status — — 40 Self —
10 Magical Leaf Grass Special 60 — 20 Normal —
19 Leech Seed Grass Status — 90 10 Normal —
28 Quick Attack Normal Physical 40 100 30 Normal ○
Grass Flying 37 Sweet Scent Normal Status — 100 20 2 Foes —
46 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
55 Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
64 Air Slash Flying Special 75 95 20 Normal —
73 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
82 Sweet Kiss Normal Status — 75 10 Normal —
91 Leaf Storm Grass Special 140 90 5 Normal —
100 Seed Flare Grass Special 120 85 5 Normal —

Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○

● HEIGHT: 1’04”
● WEIGHT: 11.5 lbs. BP MOVES
● ITEMS: None Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Air Cutter Flying Special 55 95 25 2 Foes —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Synthesis Grass Status — — 5 Self —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
● GENDER UNKNOWN Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2 Allies —
Worry Seed Grass Status — 100 10 Normal —
Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Seed Bomb Grass Physical 80 100 15 Normal —

HP ●●●●
● Serene Grace ATTACK ●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
PERFORMANCE TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★ TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
POWER ★★★★ JUMP ★★★★★ TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
SKILL ★★★☆ TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
Pokémon HeartGold Use Gracidea flower on TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
Shaymin (Land Forme)* TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver Use Gracidea flower on TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
Shaymin (Land Forme)* TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Pokémon Diamond Use Gracidea flower on TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
Shaymin (Land Forme)* TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
Pokémon Pearl Use Gracidea flower on TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
Shaymin (Land Forme)* TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
Pokémon Platinum Use Gracidea flower on TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
Shaymin (Land Forme)*

Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver

The blooming of Gracidea The blooming of Gracidea
flowers confers the power flowers confers the power
of flight upon it. Feelings of of flight upon it. Feelings of
gratitude are the message gratitude are the message
it delivers. it delivers.


Does not evolve

* Shaymin is only available through special distribution events. Check for the latest information on how to catch
this Pokémon.

Protected by copyright. Unauthorized or unlawful copying or downloading expressly prohibited.

Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves

No. 493 Alpha Pokémon


The type of Arceus changes depending on the type of Plate it holds. There
are 16 Plates altogether, and you can get one a day when you talk to the
Captain of the Fast Ship S.S. Aqua. (You won’t get a Plate on your first visit
to the ship.)


● HEIGHT: 10’06”
● WEIGHT: 705.5 lbs.
● ITEMS: None



HP ●●●●●
● Multitype ATTACK ●●●●●
SP. ATTACK ●●●●●

No Egg has ever

been discovered
█ Normal, Fire, Ground, Rock
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★★★☆
SKILL ★★★★☆
█ Water, Electric, Psychic
SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★☆
█ Grass
SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★
POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★
SKILL ★★★★☆
█ Ice
SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★★★☆
SKILL ★★★★☆
█ Fighting, Dark
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★★★☆
Lv. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA SKILL ★★★★★
1 Seismic Toss Fighting Physical — 100 20 Normal ○ █ Poison, Steel
1 Cosmic Power Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
1 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★★
1 Punishment Dark Physical — 100 5 Normal ○ POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★☆
10 Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All — SKILL ★★★★★
20 Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal — █ Flying, Bug
30 Hyper Voice Normal Special 90 100 10 2 Foes — SPEED ★★★★★ STAMINA ★★★★☆
40 ExtremeSpeed Normal Physical 80 100 5 Normal ○ POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★
50 Refresh Normal Status — — 20 Self — SKILL ★★★★☆
60 Future Sight Psychic Special 80 90 15 Normal —
█ Ghost
70 Recover Normal Status — — 10 Self —
80 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal — SPEED ★★★★☆ STAMINA ★★★★☆
90 Perish Song Normal Status — — 5 All — POWER ★★★★☆ JUMP ★★★★★
100 Judgment Normal Special 100 100 10 Normal — SKILL ★★★★★
█ Dragon
SPEED ★★★☆☆ STAMINA ★★★★★
POWER ★★★★★ JUMP ★★★★★
SKILL ★★★★★
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Headbutt Normal Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
Draco Meteor* Dragon Special 140 90 5 Normal —
*Can be taught if Arceus holds the Draco Plate and has high enough friendship

See next page for the TM & HM MOVES and MAIN WAYS TO OBTAIN 

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves
Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Dive Water Physical 80 100 10 Normal ○
Pokémon HeartGold — Fury Cutter Bug Physical 10 95 20 Normal ○
Icy Wind Ice Special 55 95 15 2 Foes —
Ominous Wind Ghost Special 60 100 5 Normal —
Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 80 90 15 Normal ○
Pokémon SoulSilver — Trick Psychic Status — 100 10 Normal —
Snore Normal Special 40 100 15 Normal —
Last Resort Normal Physical 130 100 5 Normal ○
Arceus is only available Swift Normal Special 60 — 20 2 Foes —
through special distribution Tailwind Flying Status — — 30 2Allies —
Pokémon Diamond events. Check Gravity Psychic Status — — 5 All —
for the latest information on Magic Coat Psychic Status — — 15 Self —
how to catch this Pokémon. Mud-Slap Ground Special 20 100 10 Normal —
Iron Head Steel Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
Arceus is only available
Aqua Tail Water Physical 90 90 10 Normal ○
through special distribution Outrage Dragon Physical 120 100 15 1 Random ○
Pokémon Pearl events. Check AncientPower Rock Special 60 100 5 Normal —
for the latest information on Signal Beam Bug Special 75 100 15 Normal —
how to catch this Pokémon. Earth Power Ground Special 90 100 10 Normal —
Arceus is only available Twister Dragon Special 40 100 20 2 Foes —
through special distribution Iron Defense Steel Status — — 15 Self —
Pokémon Platinum Heat Wave Fire Special 100 90 10 2 Foes —
events. Check
for the latest information on
how to catch this Pokémon. TM & HM MOVES
No. Name Type Kind Pow. Acc. PP Range DA
Pokémon HeartGold Pokémon SoulSilver TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM03 Water Pulse Water Special 60 100 20 Normal —
According to the legends According to the legends TM04 Calm Mind Psychic Status — — 20 Self —
of Sinnoh, this Pokémon of Sinnoh, this Pokémon TM05 Roar Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
emerged from an egg emerged from an egg TM06 Toxic Poison Status — 85 10 Normal —
and shaped all there is in and shaped all there is in TM07 Hail Ice Status — — 10 All —
this world. this world. TM09 Bullet Seed Grass Physical 10 100 30 Normal —
TM10 Hidden Power Normal Special — 100 15 Normal —
TM11 Sunny Day Fire Status — — 5 All —
TM13 Ice Beam Ice Special 95 100 10 Normal —
EVOLUTION TM14 Blizzard Ice Special 120 70 5 2 Foes —
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal Special 150 90 5 Normal —
TM16 Light Screen Psychic Status — — 30 2 Allies —
TM17 Protect Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM18 Rain Dance Water Status — — 5 All —
Does not evolve TM19 Giga Drain Grass Special 60 100 10 Normal —
TM20 Safeguard Normal Status — — 25 2 Allies —
TM21 Frustration Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM22 SolarBeam Grass Special 120 100 10 Normal —
TM23 Iron Tail Steel Physical 100 75 15 Normal ○
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM25 Thunder Electric Special 120 70 10 Normal —
TM26 Earthquake Ground Physical 100 100 10 2 Foes/1 Ally —
TM27 Return Normal Physical — 100 20 Normal ○
TM29 Psychic Psychic Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM31 Brick Break Fighting Physical 75 100 15 Normal ○
TM32 Double Team Normal Status — — 15 Self —
TM33 Reflect Psychic Status — — 20 2 Allies —
TM34 Shock Wave Electric Special 60 — 20 Normal —
TM35 Flamethrower Fire Special 95 100 15 Normal —
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM37 Sandstorm Rock Status — — 10 All —
TM38 Fire Blast Fire Special 120 85 5 Normal —
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 50 80 10 Normal —
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying Physical 60 — 20 Normal ○
TM42 Facade Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal ○
TM43 Secret Power Normal Physical 70 100 20 Normal —
TM44 Rest Psychic Status — — 10 Self —
TM50 Overheat Fire Special 140 90 5 Normal —
TM52 Focus Blast Fighting Special 120 70 5 Normal —
TM53 Energy Ball Grass Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM55 Brine Water Special 65 100 10 Normal —
TM57 Charge Beam Electric Special 50 90 10 Normal —
TM58 Endure Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM59 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 90 100 10 Normal —
TM61 Will-O-Wisp Fire Status — 75 15 Normal —
TM62 Silver Wind Bug Special 60 100 5 Normal —
TM65 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 70 100 15 Normal ○
TM66 Payback Dark Physical 50 100 10 Normal ○
TM67 Recycle Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM68 Giga Impact Normal Physical 150 90 5 Normal ○
TM70 Flash Normal Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM71 Stone Edge Rock Physical 100 80 5 Normal —
TM72 Avalanche Ice Physical 60 100 10 Normal ○
TM73 Thunder Wave Electric Status — 100 20 Normal —
TM75 Swords Dance Normal Status — — 30 Self —
TM76 Stealth Rock Rock Status — — 20 2 Foes —
TM77 Psych Up Normal Status — — 10 Normal —
TM79 Dark Pulse Dark Special 80 100 15 Normal —
TM80 Rock Slide Rock Physical 75 90 10 2 Foes —
TM81 X-Scissor Bug Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
TM82 Sleep Talk Normal Status — — 10 Depends —
TM83 Natural Gift Normal Physical — 100 15 Normal —
TM84 Poison Jab Poison Physical 80 100 20 Normal ○
TM85 Dream Eater Psychic Special 100 100 15 Normal —
TM86 Grass Knot Grass Special — 100 20 Normal ○
TM87 Swagger Normal Status — 90 15 Normal —
TM90 Substitute Normal Status — — 10 Self —
TM91 Flash Cannon Steel Special 80 100 10 Normal —
TM92 Trick Room Psychic Status — — 5 All —
HM01 Cut Normal Physical 50 95 30 Normal ○
HM02 Fly Flying Physical 90 95 15 Normal ○
HM03 Surf Water Special 95 1 15 2 Foes/1 Ally —
HM04 Strength Normal Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM05 Whirlpool Water Special 15 70 15 Normal —
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 40 100 15 Normal ○
HM07 Waterfall Water Physical 80 100 15 Normal ○
HM08 Rock Climb Normal Physical 90 85 20 Normal ○

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves

Pokémon Moves
Move Effect
Absorb Restores HP equal to half of damage inflicted on the target.

Acid There is a 10% chance of lowering the target’s Sp. Defense by 1. The attack power
decreases in Double Battles.
Acid Armor Raises user’s Defense by 2.

Acupressure Raises a random stat by 2.

Aerial Ace Always strikes the target.

Aeroblast High critical-hit rate.

Agility Raises user’s Speed by 2.

Air Cutter High critical-hit rate. The attack is weaker in Double Battles.

Air Slash This move has a 30% chance of making the target flinch (target cannot use moves for that
Amnesia Raises user’s Sp. Defense by 2.

AncientPower Has a 10% chance of raising Attack, Defense, Sp. Attack, Sp. Defense, and Speed by 1.

Aqua Jet Move always attacks first (if both opponents use this move, the one with the higher
Speed goes first).
Aqua Ring Gradually restores HP with every turn.

Aqua Tail Regular attack.

Arm Thrust Attacks 2–5 times in a row in a single turn.

Aromatherapy Heals status ailments of all ally Pokémon in your party.

Assist Uses a random move from one of the non-participating Pokémon in your party.

Assurance Does twice the damage if the target has already taken damage that turn.

Astonish This move has a 30% chance of making the target flinch (target cannot use moves for that
Attack Order High critical hit rate.

Attract This move has a 50% chance of making the target unable to attack. Only works if the user
and target are different genders.
Aura Sphere Always strikes the target.

Aurora Beam This move has a 10% chance of lowering the target’s Attack by 1.

Avalanche This move deals double the damage if the user has already received damage from the
target that turn.
Barrage Attacks 2–5 times in a row in a single turn.

Barrier Raises user’s Defense by 2.

Baton Pass Swaps out with an ally Pokémon, passing along any stat changes.

Beat Up Attacks according to the number of Pokémon in your party, including the user,
but not Pokémon that have fainted.
Belly Drum Halves the user’s HP, but raises its Attack to the maximum.

Bide Counter-inflicts twice the damage received in the next 2 turns.

Bind Inflicts damage over 2–5 turns. Target cannot escape during that time.

Bite This move has a 30% chance of making the target flinch (target cannot use moves
for that turn).
Blast Burn Cannot move on the next turn. If the target is afflicted with the Frozen condition, this move
melts the ice.
Blaze Kick This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Burned condition on the target. If the target is
afflicted with the Frozen condition, this move melts the ice.
Blizzard This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Frozen condition on the target. The attack power
decreases in Double Battles.
Block This move prevents the target from escaping. If used in a Trainer battle, the Trainer cannot
switch Pokémon.
Body Slam This move has a 30% chance of inflicting the Paralysis condition on the target.

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Bone Club This move has a 10% chance of making the target flinch (target cannot use moves
for that turn).
Bone Rush Attacks 2–5 times in a row in a single turn.

Bonemerang Attacks twice in a row in a single turn.

Bounce Flies into the air on first turn, then attacks on the second. This move has a 30% chance of
inflicting the Paralysis condition on the target.
Brave Bird User takes 1/3 of the damage inflicted on the target.

Brick Break This move breaks through Reflect and Light Screen.

Brine This move delivers twice the damage if the target has less than half its maximum HP.

Bubble This move has a 10% chance of lowering the target’s Speed. The attack is weaker in Double
BubbleBeam This move has a 10% chance of lowering the target’s Speed by 1.

Bug Bite Eats and uses the effects of opponent’s Berry in battle.

Bug Buzz This move has a 10% chance of lowering the target’s Sp. Defense by 1.

Bulk Up Raises the user’s Attack and Defense by 1.

Bullet Punch This move always attacks first. (If both opponents use this move, the one with the higher
Speed goes first.)
Bullet Seed Attacks 2–5 times in a single turn.

Calm Mind Raises the user’s Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense by 1.

Camouflage Changes user’s type in accordance with the terrain. Tall grass/water puddle: Grass type.
Sandy ground/marsh: Ground type. Rocky ground/cave: Rock type. Water surface: Water
type. Snowy/icy ground: Ice type. Floor: Normal Type.
Captivate Lowers Sp. Attack by 2. Only works if the user and target are opposite genders.

Charge Doubles attack power of an Electric-type move used on following turn. Raises user’s Sp.
Defense by 1.
Charge Beam This move has a 70% chance of raising the user’s Sp. Attack by 1.

Charm Lowers the target’s Attack by 2.

Chatter May Confuse the target—likelihood depends on the volume of the sound you recorded
(Chatot only).
Clamp Inflicts damage for 2–5 turns. Target cannot escape during that time.

Close Combat Lowers user’s Defense and Sp. Defense by 1.

Comet Punch Attacks 2–5 times in a single turn.

Confuse Ray Inflicts the Confused condition on the target.

Confusion This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Confused condition on the target.

Constrict This move has a 10% chance of lowering the target’s Speed by 1.

Conversion Changes user’s type to that of one of its moves.

Conversion 2 Changes user’s type to type that is strong against foe’s last-used move.
Copycat Uses the last move executed.

Cosmic Power Raises user’s Defense and Sp. Defense by 1.

Cotton Spore Lowers the target’s Speed by 2.

Counter If user is attacked physically, this move counter-inflicts twice the damage. Always
strikes last.
Covet If the target has an item and user has none, the user steals the target’s item.

Crabhammer High critical-hit rate.

Cross Chop High critical-hit rate.

Cross Poison High critical-hit rate. This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the
Poison condition on the target.
Crunch This move has a 20% chance of lowering the target’s Defense by 1.

Crush Claw This move has a 50% chance of lowering the target’s Defense by 1.

Crush Grip If the target has high HP remaining, the damage of the move is increased (max attack
power: 120).

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Curse Lowers user’s Speed by 1 and raises its Attack and Defense by 1. If used by a Ghost-type
Pokémon, it halves user’s HP, but lowers the target’s HP by 1/4 of maximum every turn.
Cut Regular attack.

Dark Pulse There is a 20% chance of making the target flinch (target cannot use moves
for that turn).
Dark Void Inflicts the Sleep condition on the target.

Defend Order Raises the user’s Defense and Sp. Defense by 1.

Defense Curl Raises the user’s Defense by 1.

Defog Lowers the target’s evasion by 1. Nullifies the effects of the target’s Light Screen,
Reflect, Safeguard, Mist, Spikes, or Toxic Spikes, and nullifies the Fog
weather condition.
Destiny Bond When executed, if the user faints due to damage from the target, the target
faints as well.
Detect Protects against a move used by the target on that turn. Chance of failure increases with
each successive use.
Dig User burrows underground on the first turn, and then attacks on the second.

Disable Prevents the target from using the last move it used for several turns.

Discharge This move has a 30% chance of inflicting the Paralysis condition on the target. The attack
power decreases in Double Battles.
Dive Dives underwater on the first turn, then attacks on the second.

Dizzy Punch This move has a 20% chance of inflicting the Confused condition on the target.

Doom Desire Attacks the target after 2 turns. Inflicts damage regardless of the target’s type.

Double Hit Attacks twice in a row in a single turn.

Double Kick Attacks twice in a row in a single turn.

Double Team Raises user’s evasion by 1.

Double-Edge User takes damage equal to 1/3 of damage inflicted on the target.

DoubleSlap Attacks consecutively 2–5 times.

Draco Meteor Lowers the user’s Sp. Attack by 2.

Dragon Claw Regular attack.

Dragon Dance Raises the user’s Attack and Speed by 1.

Dragon Pulse Regular attack.

Dragon Rage Deals a fixed 40 points of damage.

Dragon Rush This move has a 20% chance of making the target flinch (target cannot use moves for
that turn).
DragonBreath This move has a 30% chance of inflicting the Paralyzed condition on the target.

Drain Punch Restores HP equal to 1/2 the damage dealt to the target.

Dream Eater Restores HP equal to 1/2 the damage inflicted on the target. Only works when the target
is asleep.
Drill Peck Regular attack.

DynamicPunch This move has a 100% chance of inflicting the Confused condition on the target.

Earth Power Has a 10% chance of lowering the target’s Sp. Defense by 1.

Earthquake Regular attack. Does double damage to foes using Dig. Attack power is lower in Double
Egg Bomb Regular attack.

Embargo The target is unable to use items for 5 turns. Trainer cannot use items on that Pokémon
Ember This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Burned condition on the target. If the target
is Frozen, this move melts the ice.
Encore Forces the target to use its last move again. Works for 2–6 turns.

Endeavor Inflicts damage equal to the target’s HP minus user’s HP.

Endure Leaves the user with 1 HP even after moves that deliver a KO hit. The chance of failure
rises with each successive use.
Energy Ball This move has a 10% chance of lowering the target’s Sp. Defense by 1.

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Eruption If the user’s HP is low, this attack’s power is decreased. If the target is afflicted with the
Frozen condition, this move melts the ice. The attack power decreases in Double Battles.
Explosion User faints after using. This move deals damage as if the target’s Defense were halved
and has lower attack power in Double Battles.
Extrasensory This move has a 10% chance of making the target flinch (cannot use a move
for this turn).
ExtremeSpeed Move always attacks first (if both opponents use this move, the one with the higher
Speed goes first).
Facade This move inflicts twice the damage if user has the Poison, Paralyzed, or
Burned condition.
Faint Attack Always strikes the target.

Fake Out Always strikes first, with 100% chance of making the target flinch. Only works on the turn
where user is sent out.
Fake Tears Lowers the target’s Sp. Defense by 2.

False Swipe Leaves the target with 1 HP remaining, even when hit with KO moves.

FeatherDance Lowers the target’s Attack by 2.

Feint Only hits targets using Protect or Detect, and eliminates the effects from
those moves.
Fire Blast This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Burned condition on the target. If the target
is Frozen, this move melts the ice.
Fire Fang This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Burned condition or making the target flinch.
If the target is afflicted with the Frozen condition, this move melts the ice.
Fire Punch This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Burned condition on the target. If the target
is afflicted with the Frozen condition, this move melts the ice.
Fire Spin Inflicts damage and prevents the target from fleeing for 2–5 turns. If the target is
afflicted with the Frozen condition, this move melts the ice.
Fissure It KOs the foe in one move. This move doesn’t work if the target’s level is higher than the
user’s, and is more accurate the higher the user’s level compared
to the target’s.
Flail If the user’s HP is low, this move does greater damage to the target.

Flame Wheel This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Burned condition on the target. If the target
is afflicted with the Frozen condition, this move melts the ice. If the user is Frozen, this
also melts its ice.
Flamethrower This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Burned condition. If foe is Frozen, this move
melts its ice.
Flare Blitz User takes 1/3 of the damage inflicted. There is a 10% chance of inflicting the Burn condition
on the target. If the target is afflicted with the Frozen condition, this move melts its ice. This
move can also be used if the user is Frozen and will melt its ice.
Flash Lowers the target’s accuracy by 1.

Flash Cannon This move has a 10% chance of lowering the target’s Sp. Attack by 1.

Flatter Confuses the target but raises its Sp. Attack by 1.

Fling Attacks by throwing user’s held item at the target. Power and effect depend on item
Fly User flies into the air on the first turn, then attacks on the second.

Focus Blast This move has a 10% chance of lowering the target’s Sp. Defense by 1.
Focus Energy Raises critical-hit rate for next move.

Focus Punch Strikes last. If the target lands a hit before this move lands, then this move misses.

Follow Me Draws all the target’s attacks to the user.

Force Palm This move has a 30% chance of inflicting the Paralysis condition on the target.

Foresight Hits the target regardless of the target’s evasion stat. Makes Ghost-type Pokémon
vulnerable to Normal- and Fighting-type moves.
Frenzy Plant User cannot use a move on the next turn.

Frustration If the user’s friendship level is low, this move’s attack power increases.

Fury Attack Attacks 2–5 times in a row in a single turn.

Fury Cutter This move doubles in power every time it strikes (up to 5 times). Power returns to normal
once it misses.
Fury Swipes Attacks 2–5 times in a row in a single turn.

Future Sight Attacks the target after 2 turns. Inflicts damage regardless of the target’s type.

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Gastro Acid Nullifies the target’s Ability.

Giga Drain Restores HP equal to half the damage inflicted on the target.

Giga Impact The user cannot move on the next turn.

Glare Inflicts the Paralysis condition on the target.

Grass Knot Has higher attack power against heavier targets.

GrassWhistle Inflicts the Sleep condition on the target.

Gravity Raises the accuracy of all Pokémon in battle for 5 turns. Makes Flying-type Pokémon
and Pokémon with the Ability Levitate vulnerable to Ground-type moves. Prevents use
of Fly, Splash, Bounce, and Magnet Rise. Pulls any airborne Pokémon to the ground.
Growl Lowers the target’s Attack by 1.

Growth Raises user’s Sp. Attack by 1.

Grudge If the user faints because of an enemy’s move, that move’s PP drops to 0.

Guard Swap Swaps Defense and Sp. Defense differences between user and the target.

Guillotine It KOs the foe in one move. This move doesn’t work if the target’s level is higher than the
user’s, and is more accurate the higher the user’s level compared to the target’s.
Gunk Shot This move has a 30% chance of inflicting the Poison condition on the target.

Gust Regular attack. This does twice the damage if the target is using Fly or Bounce when it
Gyro Ball If the target has a higher Speed stat than the user, the damage of the move is increased
(max attack power 150).
Hail Changes the weather condition to Hail for 5 turns, damaging all Pokémon except Ice types
every turn.
Hammer Arm Lowers user’s Speed by 1.

Harden Raises user’s Defense by 1.

Haze Restores user’s and target’s stats to their original state.

Head Smash User takes 1/2 the damage inflicted on the target.

Headbutt This move has a 30% chance of making the target flinch (cannot use a move for that turn).

Heal Bell Heals status ailments for all ally Pokémon in your party.

Heal Block Target cannot use moves to recover HP for 5 turns.

Heal Order Restores half of maximum HP.

Healing Wish Makes user faint, but completely heals the HP and status of the next Pokémon
you send out.
Heart Swap Swaps all stat changes between user and the target.

Heat Wave This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Burned condition on the target. If the target
is Frozen, it melts the ice. The attack power decreases in Double Battles.
Helping Hand Strengthens ally’s attack power by 1.5 times.

Hi Jump Kick If this attack misses, user takes 1/2 of the damage that would have been inflicted.

Hidden Power Type and power will change depending on the user.

Horn Attack Regular attack.

Horn Drill It KOs the foe in one move. This move doesn’t work if the target’s level is higher than the
user’s, and is more accurate as the difference between the target’s level and user’s level
Howl Raises user’s Attack by 1.

Hydro Cannon User cannot use a move on the next turn.

Hydro Pump Regular attack.

Hyper Beam Cannot use a move on the next turn.

Hyper Fang This move has a 10% chance of making the target flinch (target cannot use moves for that turn).

Hyper Voice Regular attack. The attack power decreases in Double Battles.

Hypnosis Inflicts the Sleep condition on the target.

Ice Ball Attacks consecutively for 5 turns or until it misses. Damage rises with each strike. Use
Defense Curl first to double the damage.
Ice Beam This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Frozen condition on the target.

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Ice Fang This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Frozen condition on the target or making it flinch.

Ice Punch This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Frozen condition on the target.

Ice Shard Move always attacks first (if both opponents use this move, the one with higher Speed
goes first).
Icicle Spear Attacks 2–5 times in a row in a single turn.

Icy Wind Has a 100% chance of lowering target’s Speed by 1. The attack power decreases in Double
Imprison Makes target unable to use a move if the user knows it as well.

Ingrain Restores a little HP each turn. User cannot be switched out after using this move. Flying-type
Pokémon and Pokémon with the Levitate Ability become vulnerable to Ground-type moves.
Iron Defense Raises user’s Defense by 2.

Iron Head This move has a 30% chance of making the target flinch (target cannot use moves for that turn).

Iron Tail This move has a 30% chance of lowering the target’s Defense by 1.

Judgment Regular attack. Type changes according to the Plate Arceus is holding.

Jump Kick If this attack misses, user takes 1/2 of the damage that would have
been inflicted.
Karate Chop High critical-hit rate.

Kinesis Lowers the target’s accuracy by 1.

Knock Off Foe loses its held item for the duration of the battle.

Last Resort Damage is inflicted only if user has executed each of its other moves at least once.

Lava Plume There is a 30% chance of inflicting the Burned condition on the target. If the target is
afflicted with the Frozen condition, this move melts the ice. The attack power decreases
in Double Battles.
Leaf Blade High critical-hit rate.

Leaf Storm Lowers the user’s Sp. Attack by 2.

Leech Life Restores HP equal to half the damage inflicted on the target.

Leech Seed Steals HP from the target every turn. Effect lasts even if the user switches out.

Leer Lowers the target’s Defense by 1.

Lick This move has a 30% chance of inflicting the Paralysis condition on the target.

Light Screen Halves damage from the target’s special moves for 5 turns. Effect lasts for 5 turns even if
user is switched out. Effect is weaker in Double Battles.
Lock-On Attack on the subsequent turn is a guaranteed hit.

Lovely Kiss Inflicts the Sleep condition on the target.

Low Kick Has higher attack power against heavier targets.

Lucky Chant Target cannot land critical hits for 5 turns.

Lunar Dance Knocks out the user, but completely restores the PP and status of the next Pokémon you
send out.
Luster Purge This move has a 50% chance of lowering the target’s Sp. Defense by 1.
Mach Punch Move always attacks first (if both opponents use this move, the one with higher Speed
goes first).
Magic Coat Reflects moves with effects like Leech Seed or those that inflict the Sleep, Poison,
Paralysis, or Confused conditions.
Magical Leaf Always strikes the target.

Magma Storm Inflicts damage and prevents the target from fleeing for 2–5 turns. If the target is
afflicted with the Frozen condition, this move melts the ice.
Magnet Bomb Always strikes the target.

Magnet Rise Nullifies Ground-type moves for 5 turns.

Magnitude Attack power shifts between 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, and 150. This move deals double
damage against targets using Dig and has lower power in Double Battles.
Me First Copies the foe’s chosen move and uses it with increased power. Fails if it does not strike first.

Mean Look This move prevents the target from escaping. If used in a Trainer battle, the Trainer
cannot switch Pokémon.
Meditate Raises the user’s Attack by 1.

Mega Drain Recovers HP equal to 1/2 the damage inflicted on the target.

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Mega Kick Regular attack.

Mega Punch Regular attack.

Megahorn Regular attack.

Memento User faints, but the target’s Attack and Sp. Attack are lowered by 2.

Metal Burst Inflicts damage on the target equal to 1.5 times the damage last received from the target
in that same turn.
Metal Claw This move has a 10% chance of raising the user’s Attack stat by 1.

Metal Sound Lowers the target’s Sp. Defense by 2.

Meteor Mash This move has a 20% chance of raising user’s Attack by 1.

Metronome Uses one move randomly chosen from all possible moves.

Milk Drink Restores half of user’s maximum HP.

Mimic Allows opponent’s last-used move to be copied by user (copied move has a PP of 5).

Mind Reader The user’s next attack will have perfect accuracy.

Minimize Raises user’s evasion by 1.

Miracle Eye Hits the target regardless of the target’s evasion stat. Makes Dark-type Pokémon
vulnerable to Psychic-type attacks.
Mirror Coat Returns double the damage received from a special move delivered by the target.

Mirror Move Uses the last move that the target just used.

Mirror Shot This move has a 30% chance of lowering the target’s accuracy by 1.

Mist For 5 turns, this move protects against stat-lowering moves and side effects.

Mist Ball There is a 50% chance of lowering the target’s Sp. Attack by 1.

Moonlight Restores HP, the amount of which is based on the weather. Sunny weather condition:
recovers 2/3 of HP (normally recovers 1/2). Rain/Sandstorm/Hail/Fog weather
condition: recovers 1/4 of HP.
Morning Sun Restores HP by an amount determined by the weather. Sunny weather condition:
recovers 2/3 of HP (normally recovers 1/2). Rainy/Sandstorm/Hail/Fog weather
condition: recovers 1/4 of HP.
Mud Bomb This move has a 30% chance of lowering the target’s accuracy by 1.

Mud Shot This move has a 100% chance of lowering the target’s Speed by 1.

Mud Sport Halves the power of Electric-type moves as long as user is in play.

Muddy Water This move has a 30% chance of lowering the target’s accuracy by 1. The attack power
decreases in Double Battles.
Mud-Slap This move has a 100% chance of lowering the target’s accuracy by 1.

Nasty Plot Raises the user’s Sp. Attack by 2.

Natural Gift Type and attack power change according to the Berry held by user.

Nature Power Move varies depending on terrain. Tall grass/puddle: Seed Bomb. Sand: Earthquake.
Rocks/cave: Rockslide. Swamp: Mud Bomb. Water: Hydro Pump. Snow: Blizzard. Ice: Ice
Beam. Floor: Tri Attack.
Needle Arm This move has a 30% chance of making the target flinch (target cannot use moves for that
Night Shade Deals fixed damage equal to user’s level.

Night Slash High critical-hit rate.

Nightmare Lowers the target’s HP by 1/4 of maximum every turn. Fails if the target is
not asleep.
Octazooka This move has a 50% chance of lowering the target’s accuracy by 1.

Odor Sleuth Always hits, regardless of the target’s evasion stat. Makes Ghost-type Pokémon
vulnerable to Normal- and Fighting-type moves.
Ominous Wind This move has a 10% chance of raising all of the user’s stats by 1. Weaker in Double
Outrage Attacks consecutively for 2–3 turns. If attack is interrupted, the user
becomes Confused.
Overheat Lowers user’s Sp. Attack by 2. If foe is Frozen, this move also melts the ice.

Pain Split Averages user’s HP and the target’s HP.

Payback This move delivers twice the damage if the user strikes after the target strikes.

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Payday Increases the amount of prize money received after battle (level multiplied by number of
attacks, multiplied by five).
Peck Regular attack.

Perish Song All Pokémon in battle will faint after 3 turns, unless switched out.

Petal Dance Attacks 2–3 turns in succession. If attack is interrupted, the user becomes Confused.

Pin Missile Attacks 2–5 times in a row in a single turn.

Pluck Eats and uses the effects of opponent’s Berry in battle.

Poison Fang This move has a 30% chance of inflicting the Badly Poisoned condition on the target.
Damage from being Badly Poisoned increases with every turn.
Poison Gas Inflicts the Poison condition on the target.

Poison Jab This move has a 30% chance of inflicting the Poison condition on the target.

Poison Sting This move has a 30% chance of inflicting the Poison condition on the target.

Poison Tail This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Poison condition on the target. High critical-
hit rate.
PoisonPowder Inflicts the Poison condition on the target.

Pound Regular attack.

Powder Snow This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Frozen condition on the target. The attack
power decreases in Double Battles.
Power Gem Regular attack.

Power Swap Swaps any changes to Attack and Sp. Attack between the user and the target.

Power Trick Swaps original Attack and Defense stats (does not swap changes made
to the stats).
Power Whip Regular attack.

Present Attack power varies: 40 (40% chance), 80 (30%), 120 (10%). Has 20% of healing foe by 1/4
max HP.
Protect Protects against moves used by the target on that turn. Chance of failure increases with
each successive use.
Psybeam This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Confused condition.

Psych Up Gives the target’s stat changes to user.

Psychic This move has a 10% chance of lowering foe’s Sp. Defense by 1.

Psycho Boost Lowers user’s Sp. Attack by 2.

Psycho Cut High critical-hit rate.

Psycho Shift Transfers user’s Poison, Badly Poisoned, Sleep, Paralysis, or Burned status to foe,
healing the user.
Psywave Inflicts damage equal to user’s level multiplied by a random number between 0.5 and 1.5.

Punishment Has higher attack power if the target has elevated stats.

Pursuit Does twice the damage against a target Pokémon that’s switching out.
Quick Attack Move always attacks first (if both opponents use this move, the one with higher Speed
goes first).
Rage Attack power rises as user takes hits from the target.

Rain Dance Changes the weather condition to Rain for 5 turns, thus strengthening
Water-type moves.
Rapid Spin Releases user from Bind, Wrap, Leech Seed, or Spikes.

Razor Leaf High critical-hit rate. The attack power decreases in Double Battles.

Razor Wind Builds power on the first turn and attacks on the second turn. High critical-hit rate. The
attack power decreases in Double Battles.
Recover Restores half of maximum HP.

Recycle Makes a used held item useable again.

Reflect Halves damage from the target’s physical moves for 5 turns. Effect lasts for 5 turns even
if user is switched out. Effect is weaker in Double Battles.
Refresh Heals the Poison, Paralysis, and Burned conditions.

Rest Completely restores HP, but user is asleep for 2 turns.

Return If the user’s friendship level is high, this move’s attack power increases.

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Revenge This move deals double the damage if the user has already received damage from the
target that turn.
Reversal If user’s HP is low, this move does more damage to the target.

Roar Ends wild Pokémon battles. In Trainer battles, this move forces the opponent to swap
Roar of Time User cannot move on the next turn.

Rock Blast Attacks 2–5 times in a single turn.

Rock Climb This move has a 20% chance of inflicting the Confused condition on the target.

Rock Polish Raises the user’s Speed by 2.

Rock Slide This move has a 30% chance of making the target flinch (target cannot use moves for that
turn). The attack is weaker in Double Battles.
Rock Smash This move has a 50% chance of lowering the target’s Defense by 1.

Rock Throw Regular attack.

Rock Tomb This move has a 100% chance of lowering the target’s Speed by 1.

Rock Wrecker The user cannot use a move on the next turn.

Role Play Copies the target’s Ability (cannot copy Wonder Guard).

Rolling Kick There is a 30% chance of making the target flinch (target cannot use moves for that turn).

Rollout Attacks consecutively over 5 turns or until it misses. Inflicts greater damage with every
successful hit, and inflicts twice the damage if used after Defense Curl.
Roost Restores half of maximum HP, but pulls the Flying-type Pokémon to the ground.

Sacred Fire This move has a 50% chance of inflicting the Burned condition on the target. If the target
is inflicted with the Frozen condition, this move melts the ice. If the user is Frozen, this
also melts the ice.
Safeguard Protects against status conditions for 5 turns. Effects last even if the user switches
Sand Tomb Inflicts damage over 2–5 turns. Target cannot escape during that time.

Sand-Attack Lowers the target’s accuracy by 1.

Sandstorm Changes the weather condition to Sandstorm for 5 turns. All Pokémon but Rock, Steel, and
Ground types take damage every turn.
Scary Face Lowers the target’s Speed by 2.

Scratch Regular attack.

Screech Lowers the target’s Defense by 2.

Secret Power Regular attack with a 30% chance of one of the following side effects, depending on the
terrain: Tall grass/water puddle: Sleep condition. Sandy ground: lowers accuracy by 1. Rocky
ground/cave: target flinches. Marsh: lowers Speed by 1. Water surface: lowers Attack by 1.
Snowy/icy ground: Frozen condition. Floor: Paralysis condition.
Seed Bomb Regular attack.

Seed Flare This move has a 40% chance of lowering the target’s Sp. Defense by 2.

Seismic Toss Deals fixed damage equal to user’s level.

Selfdestruct User faints after using. This move deals damage as if the target’s Defense were halved
and has lower attack power in Double Battles.
Shadow Ball This move has a 20% chance of lowering the target’s Sp. Defense by 1.

Shadow Claw High critical hit rate.

Shadow Force Makes user invisible on the first turn, then attacks on the second. Strikes the target even
if it’s using Protect or Detect.
Shadow Punch Always strikes the target.

Shadow Sneak This move always attacks first. (If both opponents use this move, the one with the higher
Speed goes first.)
Sharpen Raises user’s Attack by 1.

Sheer Cold It KOs the foe in one move. This move doesn’t work if the target’s level is higher than the
user’s, and is more accurate the higher the user’s level compared to the target’s.
Shock Wave Always strikes the target.

Signal Beam This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Confused condition on the target.

Silver Wind This move has a 10% chance of raising Attack, Defense, Speed, Sp. Attack, and Sp.
Defense by 1.

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Sing Inflicts the Sleep condition on the target.

Sketch Copies the last move used by the target. User then forgets the Sketch and learns the new
Skill Swap Swaps Abilities between the user and target (except for Wonder Guard).

Skull Bash Powers up on the first turn and attacks on the second turn. On the first turn, this move
raises user’s Defense by 1.
Sky Attack Builds power on the first turn and attacks on the second turn and has a high critical-hit
rate. This move has a 30% chance of making the target flinch (target cannot use moves
for that turn).
Sky Uppercut Deals damage even to targets using Fly or Bounce.

Slack Off Restores 1/2 of maximum HP.

Slam Regular attack.

Slash High critical-hit rate.

Sleep Powder Inflicts the Sleep condition on the target.

Sleep Talk Randomly executes one of user’s moves. Only works when user is asleep.

Sludge There is a 30% chance of inflicting the Poison condition on the target.

Sludge Bomb There is a 30% chance of inflicting the Poison condition on the target.

Shadow Ball This move has a 20% chance of lowering the target’s Sp. Defense by 1.

Shadow Claw High critical hit rate.

Shadow Force Makes user invisible on the first turn, then attacks on the second. Strikes the target even
if it’s using Protect or Detect.
Shadow Punch Always strikes the target.

Shadow Sneak This move always attacks first. (If both opponents use this move, the one with the higher
Speed goes first.)
Sharpen Raises user’s Attack by 1.

Sheer Cold It KOs the foe in one move. This move doesn’t work if the target’s level is higher than the
user’s, and is more accurate the higher the user’s level compared to the target’s.
Shock Wave Always strikes the target.

Signal Beam This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Confused condition on the target.

Silver Wind This move has a 10% chance of raising Attack, Defense, Speed, Sp. Attack, and Sp.
Defense by 1.
Sing Inflicts the Sleep condition on the target.

Sketch Copies the last move used by the target. User then forgets the Sketch and learns the new
Skill Swap Swaps Abilities between the user and target (except for Wonder Guard).

Skull Bash Powers up on the first turn and attacks on the second turn. On the first turn, this move
raises user’s Defense by 1.
Sky Attack Builds power on the first turn and attacks on the second turn and has a high critical-hit
rate. This move has a 30% chance of making the target flinch (target cannot use moves
for that turn).
Sky Uppercut Deals damage even to targets using Fly or Bounce.

Slack Off Restores 1/2 of maximum HP.

Slam Regular attack.

Slash High critical-hit rate.

Sleep Powder Inflicts the Sleep condition on the target.

Sleep Talk Randomly executes one of user’s moves. Only works when user is asleep.

Sludge There is a 30% chance of inflicting the Poison condition on the target.

Sludge Bomb There is a 30% chance of inflicting the Poison condition on the target.

SmellingSalt This move does twice the damage against targets with Paralysis, but heals
this condition.
Smog This move has a 40% chance of inflicting the Poison condition on the target.

SmokeScreen Lowers the target’s accuracy by 1.

Snatch Steals the effects of recovery or stat-altering moves used by the target on
that turn.

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Snore Only works when user is asleep. Has a 30% chance of making the target flinch.

Softboiled Restores half of maximum HP.

SolarBeam Powers up on the first move, then attacks on the second. Can attack without charging
in a Sunny weather condition. Attack power is halved in Rain, Sandstorm, Hail, and Fog
weather conditions.
SonicBoom This move deals a fixed 20 points of damage.

Spacial Rend High critical-hit rate.

Spark This move has a 30% chance of inflicting the Paralysis condition on the target.

Spider Web This move prevents the target from escaping. If used in a Trainer battle, the Trainer
cannot switch Pokémon.
Spike Cannon Attacks 2–5 times in a row in a single turn.

Spikes Damages the target as it switches out. Power rises with each use, up to 3 times.
Ineffective against Flying-type Pokémon and Pokémon with the Levitate Ability.
Spit Up Deals damage, the amount of which is determined by how many times the user performed
Stockpile (does not work if user has not used Stockpile first). Nullifies Defense and Sp.
Defense stat increases caused by Stockpile.
Spite Takes 4 points from the PP of the target’s last move used.

Splash No effect.

Spore Inflicts the Sleep condition on the target.

Stealth Rock Target takes damage when sending out Pokémon. Damage is subject to type matchups.

Steel Wing This move has a 10% chance of raising the user’s Defense by 1.

Stockpile Raises user’s Defense and Sp. Defense by 1. Can be used up to 3 times.

Stomp This move has a 30% chance of making the target flinch (target cannot use moves for that
turn). It deals twice the damage if the target is using Minimize.
Stone Edge High critical-hit rate.

Strength Regular attack.

String Shot Lowers the target’s Speed by 1.

Struggle This move becomes available when all other moves are out of Power Points. User takes
1/4 of its maximum HP as damage. Inflicts damage regardless of type compatibility.
Stun Spore Inflicts the Paralysis condition on the target.

Submission User takes 1/4 of the damage inflicted on foe.

Substitute Uses 1/4 of maximum HP to create a copy of the user.

Sucker Punch This move attacks first and deals damage if the target’s chosen move is an attack move.

Sunny Day Changes the weather condition to Sunny for 5 turns, strengthening Fire-type moves.

Super Fang Halves the target’s HP.

Super Power Lowers user’s Attack and Defense by 1.

Supersonic Inflicts the Confused condition on the target.

Surf Regular attack. Does double the damage to foes using Dive. The attack power decreases
in Double Battles.
Swagger Confuses target but raises its Attack by 2.

Swallow Restores HP, the amount of which is determined by how many times the user performed
Stockpile (does not work if user has not used Stockpile first). Nullifies Defense and Sp.
Defense stat increases caused by Stockpile.
Sweet Kiss Inflicts the Confused condition on the target.

Sweet Scent Lowers the target’s evasion by 1.

Swift Always strikes the target. Has lower attack power in Double Battles.

Switcheroo Swaps items between the user and the target.

Swords Dance Raises user’s Attack by 2.

Synthesis Restores HP by an amount determined by the weather. Sunny weather condition:

recovers 2/3 of HP (normally recovers 1/2). Rain/Sandstorm/Hail/Fog weather
condition: recovers 1/4 of HP.
Tackle Regular attack.

Tail Glow Raises the user’s Sp. Attack by 2.

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Tail Whip Lowers the target’s Defense by 1.

Tailwind Doubles user’s and ally’s Speed for 3 turns.

Take Down User takes damage equal to 1/4 of the damage inflicted on the target.

Taunt Prevents the target from using anything other than attack moves for 2–4 turns.

Teeter Dance Inflicts the Confused condition on the target.

Teleport Ends wild Pokémon battles.

Thief If the target has an item and the user has none, the user steals the target’s item.

Thrash Attacks 2–3 times consecutively, then the user becomes Confused.

Thunder This move has a 30% chance of inflicting the Paralyzed condition on a target. It is 100%
accurate in the Rain weather condition and 50% accurate in the Sunny weather condition.
It can also hit foes using Fly or Bounce.
Thunder Fang This move has a 10% chance of paralyzing a target or making it flinch (target cannot use
moves for that turn).
Thunder Wave Inflicts the Paralyzed condition on the target.

Thunderbolt This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Paralysis condition on the target.

ThunderPunch This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Paralysis condition on the target.

ThunderShock This move has a 10% chance of inflicting the Paralysis condition on the target.

Tickle Lowers the target’s Attack and Defense by 1.

Torment Target cannot use same move twice in a row.

Toxic Badly poisons the target. Damage from being Badly Poisoned increases with every turn.

Toxic Spikes Lays a trap of poison spikes that inflict the Poison condition on foes that switch into
battle. Using Toxic Spikes twice will inflict the Badly Poisoned condition. Ineffective
against Poison-type Pokémon. Ineffective against Flying-type Pokémon and Pokémon
with the Levitate Ability.
Transform User transforms into the target. User has the same moves and Ability as the target (all
moves have 5 PP).
Tri Attack This move has a 20% chance of inflicting the Paralysis, Burned, or Frozen condition on the
Trick Swaps items between user and the target.

Trick Room For 5 turns, the Pokémon with lower Speed strikes first. First-strike moves still go first. If
performed again by user while still in play, it cancels the effect.
Triple Kick Attacks 3 times in a row in a single turn. Power rises from 10 to 20 to 30 as long as it
continues to hit.
Trump Card If this move has low PP, its attack power is increased.

Twineedle Attacks twice in a row in a single turn. There is also a 20% chance of inflicting the Poison
condition on the target.
Twister This move has a 20% chance of making the target flinch (the target cannot use moves
for that turn). Deals double the damage to targets using Fly or Bounce. The attack power
decreases in Double Battles.
Uproar User is in an uproar for 2-5 turns. During that time, neither Pokémon can fall asleep.
U-turn After attacking, user switches out with the next Pokémon in the party.

Vacuum Wave Move always attacks first (if both opponents use this move, the one with higher Speed
goes first).
ViceGrip Regular attack.

Vine Whip Regular attack.

Vital Throw Strikes last, but always hits.

Volt Tackle User takes 1/3 of the damage inflicted on the target. There is a 10% chance of inflicting
the Paralysis condtion on the target.
Wake-Up Slap Deals twice the damage against sleeping targets, but awakes them from the Sleep condition.

Water Gun Regular attack.

Water Pulse There is a 20% chance of inflicting the Confused condition on the target.

Water Sport Halves the power of Fire-type moves for as long as the user is in play.

Water Spout If the user’s HP is low, this move has lower attack power. Attack power is also lower in
Double Battles.
Waterfall This move has a 20% chance of making the target flinch (target cannot use moves for that turn).

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Weather Ball Move type changes in special weather conditions. Sunny weather condition: Fire type.
Rain weather condition: Water type. Hail weather condition: Ice type. Sandstorm weather
condition: Rock type. Has double attack power in the above weather conditions.
Whirlpool Inflicts damage over 2–5 turns. Target cannot flee during that time. Does double damage
if the target is using Dive when attacked.
Whirlwind Ends wild Pokémon battles. In Trainer battles, this move forces the opponent to swap
Will-O-Wisp Burns the target.

Wing Attack Regular attack.

Wish Restores 1/2 of maximum HP at the end of the next turn. Works even if the user has
switched out.
Withdraw Raises user’s Defense by 1.

Wood Hammer User takes 1/3 of the damage inflicted on the target.

Worry Seed Changes the target’s Ability to Insomnia. Does not work against Pokémon with the Truant Ability.

Wrap Inflicts damage and prevents the target from fleeing for 2-5 turns.

Wring Out If the target has high HP remaining, the damage of the move is increased (max attack
power: 120).
X-Scissor Regular attack.

Yawn Inflicts the Sleep condition on the target on the next turn. No effect if the target switches
out before then.
Zap Cannon This move has a 100% chance of inflicting the Paralysis condition on the target.

Zen Headbutt This move has a 20% chance of making the target flinch (target cannot use moves for that turn).

Moves that can be used in the field

Move Field effect
Cut Cuts down small trees so your party may pass.
Defog Dispels fog so you can see.
Dig Pulls you out of spaces like caves, returning you to the last entrance you went through.
Flash Illuminates dark caves.
Fly Whisks you instantly to a town or city you’ve visited before.
Milk Drink Distributes part of user’s own HP among teammates.
Rock Climb Lets you climb up and down craggy rock faces.
Rock Smash Smashes cracked rocks so your party may pass.
Softboiled Distributes part of user’s own HP among teammates.
Strength Moves large rocks so your party may pass.
Surf Lets you move across water.
Sweet Scent Attracts wild Pokémon and makes them appear.
Teleport Transports you to the last Pokémon Center you used (cannot be used in caves or similar
Waterfall Lets you climb up waterfalls.
Whirlpool Lets you pass over whirlpools in the water.

Moves taught by people

Move Field effect
Blast Burn Pokémon move house in Blackthorn City (Ultimate Move Tutor)
Draco Meteor Pokémon move house in Blackthorn City (Grandma Wilma)
Frenzy Plant Pokémon move house in Blackthorn City (Ultimate Move Tutor)
Headbutt Large boy in Ilex Forest
Hydro Cannon Pokémon move house in Blackthorn City (Ultimate Move Tutor)

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Moves taught in exchange for BP

Technical Moves
Move BP Move BP
Air Cutter 48 Knock Off 40
Bug Bite 32 Ominous Wind 48
Dive 40 Sucker Punch 40
Fire Punch 64 Thunderpunch 64
Fury Cutter 32 Trick 48
Ice Punch 64 Vacuum Wave 48
Icy Wind 48 Zen Headbutt 64
Influential Moves
Block 32 Spite 40
Gravity 32 String Shot 32
Heal Bell 48 Swift 40
Helping Hand 40 Synthesis 40
Last Resort 48 Tailwind 48
Magic Coat 32 Uproar 48
Magnet Rise 40 Worry Seed 32
Snore 32
Powerful Moves
Ancient Power 40 Mud-Slap 32
Aqua Tail 40 Outrage 48
Bounce 32 Pain Split 64
Earth Power 40 Rollout 32
Endeavor 64 Seed Bomb 40
Gastro Acid 32 Signal Beam 40
Gunk Shot 32 Sky Attack 64
Heat Wave 48 Super Fang 40
Iron Defense 40 Super Power 48
Iron Head 40 Twister 40
Low Kick 32

No. Move Ways to obtain Price
1 Focus Punch Win at Cianwood Gym. —

2 Dragon Claw Route 27 or Goldenrod City Department Store drawing 1st prize (Sunday) —

3 Water Pulse Win at Cerulean Gym —

4 Calm Mind Receive for 48 BP at the Battle Frontier —

5 Roar Receive from young man on Route 32 (HM Cut required) —

6 Toxic Receive for 32 BP at the Battle Frontier. —

7 Hail Win at Mahogany Gym/Obtain on the Poké Walker —

8 Bulk Up Receive for 48 BP at the Battle Frontier —

9 Bullet Seed Route 32 —

10 Hidden Power Receive from a man at the house northwest of the Lake of Rage, obtain on the —
Pokéwalker, or Celadon Game Corner prize (6,000 Coins)
11 Sunny Day Receive from a girl at Goldenrod Radio Tower 3F (after freeing the tower) or —
obtain on the Pokéwalker.
12 Taunt Burned Tower B1F (HM Strength required) or Celadon Department Store 3F 1,500

13 Ice Beam Goldenrod Game Corner prize (10,000 Coins) or Seafoam Islands B4F —

14 Blizzard Goldenrod City Department Store 5F 5,500

15 Hyper Beam Goldenrod City Department Store 5F or obtain on the Pokéwalker 7,500

16 Light Screen Goldenrod City Department Store 5F 2,000

17 Protect Goldenrod City Department Store 5F 2,000

18 Rain Dance SLOWPOKE Well B2F (HM Strength required) or obtain on the Pokéwalker —

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19 Giga Drain Win at Celadon Gym —

20 Safeguard Celadon Department Store 3F 2,000

21 Frustration Receive from a lady on Goldenrod City Department Store 5F (if your lead Pokémon 1,000
has a low friendship level) on Sunday or Celadon Department Store 3F
22 SolarBeam Goldenrod City Department Store 5F 3,000

23 Iron Tail Win at Olivine Gym —

24 Thunderbolt Goldenrod Game Corner prize (10,000 Coins) or Cerulean Cave 2F —

25 Thunder Goldenrod City Department Store 5F 5,500

26 Earthquake Victory Road 2F, Pickup Ability, or receive for 80 BP at the Battle Frontier —

27 Return Receive from a lady on Goldenrod Department Store 5F (if your lead Pokémon has 1,000
a high friendship level) on Sunday or Celadon Department Store 3F
28 Dig National Park or Celadon Department Store 3F 2,000

29 Psychic Celadon Game Corner prize (10,000 Coins) or receive from Mr. Psychic in —
Saffron City
30 Shadow Ball Win at Ecruteak Gym or receive for 64 BP at the Battle Frontier —

31 Brick Break Receive for 40 BP at the Battle Frontier —

32 Double Team Celadon Game Corner prize (4,000 Coins) —

33 Reflect Goldenrod City Department Store 5F 2,000

34 Shock Wave Win at the Vermilion Gym —

35 Flamethrower Goldenrod Game Corner prize (10,000 Coins) or Route 28 —

36 Sludge Bomb Receive from Route 43 gate attendant (after defeating Team Rocket) or receive —
for 80 BP at the Battle Frontier
37 Sandstorm Receive from old lady in house on Route 27 (if lead Pokémon has high —
friendship) or obtain on the Pokéwalker
38 Fire Blast Goldenrod City Department Store 5F 5,500

39 Rock Tomb Union Cave B1F —

40 Aerial Ace Receive for 40 BP at the Battle Frontier —

41 Torment Route 8 or Celadon Department Store 3F 1,500

42 Facade Goldenrod Department Store drawing 1st prize (Friday) —

43 Secret Power Lake of Rage —

44 Rest Deliver Spearow to the large boy on Route 31 or Goldenrod Game Corner prize —
(6,000 Coins)
45 Attract Win at the Goldenrod Gym or receive for 32 BP at the Battle Frontier —

46 Thief Team Rocket HQ B2F —

47 Steel Wing Receive from a retired Idol hiding at the house on Route 28 —

48 Skill Swap Win at Saffron Gym —

49 Snatch Team Rocket HQ B3F —

50 Overheat Win at Cinnabar Island Gym (in the Seafoam Islands) —

51 Roost Win at Violet Gym —

52 Focus Blast Goldenrod City Department Store 5F 5,500

53 Energy Ball Receive for 64 BP at the Battle Frontier —

54 False Swipe Goldenrod City Department Store 5F or Dark Cave (Blackthorn side) 2,000

55 Brine Route 19 or Celadon Department Store 3F 3,000

56 Fling Rock Tunnel 1F or Pickup Ability —

57 Charge Beam Olivine City or Goldenrod Department Store drawing 1st prize (Wednesday) or —
receive from the Power Plant's manager (after delivering the Machine Part)
58 Endure Celadon Game Corner prize (2,000 Coins) —

59 Dragon Pulse Receive from Clair at Dragon’s Den (after winning at the Blackthorn Gym) or —
receive for 80 BP at the Battle Frontier

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60 Drain Punch Route 39 or Goldenrod City Department Store drawing 1st prize (Thursday) —
61 Will-O-Wisp Receive for 32 BP at the Battle Frontier —

62 Silver Wind Goldenrod Department Store drawing 1st prize (Saturday) or Route 6 —
63 Embargo Route 34 —

64 Explosion Receive for a RageCandyBar from a man in the Underground Path connecting —
Routes 5 and 6
65 Shadow Claw Route 42 or Goldenrod City Department Store drawing 1st prize (Monday) —

66 Payback Route 35 —

67 Recycle Celadon City —

68 Giga Impact Obtain on the Pokéwalker or Celadon Game Corner prize (15,000 Coins) —
69 Rock Polish Route 10 —

70 Flash Defeat the Elder on Sprout Tower 3F or Goldenrod City Department Store 5F 1,000
71 Stone Edge Receive for 80 BP at the Battle Frontier —

72 Avalanche Ice Path B2F or Celadon Department Store 3F 3,000

73 Thunder Wave Receive for 32 BP at the Battle Frontier —

74 Gyro Ball Celadon Game Corner prize (10,000 Coins) —

75 Swords Dance Goldenrod Game Corner prize (4,000 Coins) —

76 Stealth Rock Mt. Silver Cave or Celadon Department Store 3F 2,000

77 Psych Up Viridian Forest —

78 Captivate Goldenrod Game Corner or Celadon Department Store 3F 2,500

79 Dark Pulse Victory Road 3F or Celadon Department Store 3F 3,000

80 Rock Slide Win at the Pewter Gym —

81 X-Scissor Receive for 64 BP at the Battle Frontier —

82 Sleep Talk Goldenrod Tunnel B2F —

83 Natural Gift Goldenrod City Department Store 5F or receive from the farmer lady at Moomoo 2,000
Farm on Route 39 (after helping Miltank)
84 Poison Jab Win at Fuchsia Gym —

85 Dream Eater Receive from a man in Viridian City —

86 Grass Knot Route 11 or Pickup Ability —

87 Swagger Lighthouse in Olivine City or Celadon Department Store 3F 1,500

88 Pluck Route 40 —

89 U-turn Win at Azalea Gym or receive for 40 BP at the Battle Frontier —

90 Substitute Goldenrod Game Corner prize (2,000 Coins) —

91 Flash Cannon Route 9 or Goldenrod Department Store drawing 1st prize (Tuesday) —
92 Trick Room Win at Viridian Gym —

No. Move Ways to obtain Price
1 Cut Receive from the Charcoal Man in Ilex Forest (after catching both Farfetch’d) —
2 Fly Receive from Chuck’s wife in Cianwood City (after winning in Cianwood Gym) —
3 Surf Receive from the Gentleman in Ecruteak Dance Theater (after saving the —
Kimono Girl from Team Rocket)
4 Strength Receive from the Hiker who comes out of Mt. Mortar on Route 42 —
5 Whirlpool Receive from Lance at Team Rocket HQ (after the Double Battle) —
6 Rock Smash Receive from the large boy on Route 36 —
7 Waterfall Obtain on Ice Path 1F —
8 Rock Climb Receive from Professor Oak in Pallet Town (after obtaining eight Kanto Badges) —

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Getting Started Pokémon Index Pokémon Moves

Official Pocket Version



The Pokémon Company International Claire Samuels
333 108th Ave NE, Suite 1900
Bellevue, WA 98004 DESIGN & PRODUCTION
Prima Games
TM, ® & © The Pokémon Company Mario De Govia
International 2010 Shaida Boroumand
All rights reserved. Melissa Smith
Jamie Knight
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Stephanie Sanchez
Michael G. Ryan
ISBN: 978-0-307-46949-6
Kellyn Ballard Published in the United States using
Blaise Selby materials from the Pokémon HeartGold and
SoulSilver Official Complete Clear Guide
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Johto Adventure and Johto Pokédex and
Colin Palmer the Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
Yasuhiro Usui Official Complete Clear Guide Kanto
Katherine Fang Adventure and National Pokédex. Published
Cris Silvestri in Japan 2009 by Media Factory, Inc.
Kazuya Kitamura
Eve Eschenbacher Editor: Shusuke Motomiya and ONEUP, Inc.
Hollie Beg Design & Layout: RAGTIME CO., LTD., and
Eoin Sanders SUZUKIKOUBOU, Inc.

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