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Use the past unless a time marker indicates otherwise.

I We They The teacher
hair door house us
cut repair paint do
yesterday last week green many exercises

Board Game
burglar alarm
last month

My father I The principal We We
the butler
never two teeth me that problem our dog
bring you
me pull apologize sort out put down
some milk
drive his car yesterday for being rude by next week last week

make let I I

Causative Verbs
Jeeves my sister
my car window
polish drive
yesterday get the silverware my car

have last night yesterday

It’s been How

a long time since can
my wallet my car
I parents
steal wash
my eyes their children
last week every week
check to read more

My parents
Some bullies Our boss I had my hair cut yesterday. Jane
my friend often her son
cry us I’ll get someone to do that go to bed
yesterday do overtime as soon as possible. his medicine
before 10.30

The movie I
She We My parents John
was so sad him
her hair grass will not the documents
it to fetch
dye cut me send over
me you
green before winter have a pet next week.
cry some coffee

I We I
My brother My sister my secretary
my dog house the windows
his computer her nose fax
neuter break into clean
upgrade do the documents
last week last year yesterday.
straight away.
The teacher
I’ll have the We had the door They had their
I had my hair had (made) us
mechanic fix the repaired last house painted
cut yesterday. do many
car tomorrow. week. green.

I had a
Use the past

Board Game
burglar alarm
unless a time marker
indicates otherwise. last month.

My father never The principal We’ll have that I’ll have the
I had two teeth We had our dog
lets me drive his made me problem sorted butler bring you
pulled put down last
car. apologize for out by next some milk
yesterday. week.
being rude. week. immediately.

make let
I had my car I had Jeeves

Causative Verbs
I let my sister
window smashed polish the
drive my car
yesterday. silverware last
get night.

It’s been a long How can
I have my car
I had my wallet time since I parents make
washed every
stolen last week. had my eyes their children
checked. to read more?

Some bullies Our boss often I had my hair cut yesterday. My parents
Jane had ser son
made my friend has (makes) us always make me
take his
cry yesterday. do overtime. I’ll get someone to do that go to bed before
as soon as possible. 10.30.

John will have

The movie was I’ll get him We’ll have the My parents
She had her hair the documents
so sad it made to fetch you grass cut before won’t let me
dyed green. sent over next
me cry. some coffee. winter. have a pet.

I’ll have my
My brother had We had our I had the
I had my dog My sister had secretary fax
his computer house broken windows cleaned
neutered last her nose done. the documents
upgraded. into last year. yesterday.
week. straight away.

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