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Peer Engagement and Collaboration Planning Template

Admissions Counselor Onboarding


DB Forum Title HBU 10 Pillars Discussion Week #1

Purpose/Goal This module will introduce you to the concept and importance of
helping our students by delivering accurate information about HBU
and its programs and understanding the impact of admissions with
other departments. Additionally, you will begin to immerse yourself
in the HBU mission, values, and vision to prepare yourself for the
questions you will encounter as you assist potential HBU online

Parameters Initial Thread Word Count*: 200-300 words

# of Replies Required*: 2 replies
Replies Word Count*: Each reply must be 150–200 words in length
and be substantive in content, adding meaningful insights to the
discussion at hand.
References: N/A
Writing Style: APA format
Formality: You should compose your intial thread as well as your
replies in a professional format, including complete sentences, and
should demonstrate your ability to apply the basic rules of grammar
within the professional settings.

Prompt Initial Thread Prompt: After reviewing this week’s study materials,
think about how your conversations with students can impact their
progress in gaining admission to their chosen program.

Create your thread by articulating your favorite HBU Pillar from the
10 Pillars link and explain how you can share your insights with your
students. Elaborate on the meaning of the pillars and how it provides
confidence in choosing HBU Online as their university of choice.
Include references to the HBU mission and goals and how your
chosen pillar relates to the admission process at HBU Online.

Please upload your completed discussion board intitial thread within

the assignment submission area by Thursday of Week/Module 1.

Replies Prompt: In Discussion Board Forum for week 1, please

review as many classmates’ discussion board threads as as possible.

Please share your reflections regarding at least two colleagues’

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forums by Sunday of Week/Module 1.


DB Forum Title HBU Program Information Discussion Board Week #2

Purpose/Goal This module will introduce you to the details of the online programs
and certificates available to online applicants. Having a solid
foundation of this information will enable you to effectively engage
with applicants to steer them in the right direction.

While creating this thread, you will also begin to create a resource
document that you can refer back to, explaining the similarities and
differences in each program, level, and modality offerings.

Parameters Initial Thread Word Count*: 200-300 words

# of Replies Required*: 2 replies
Replies Word Count*: Each reply must be 150–200 words in length
and be substantive in content, adding meaningful insights to the
discussion at hand.
References: N/A
Writing Style: APA format
Formality: You should compose your intial thread as well as your
replies in a professional format, including complete sentences, and
should demonstrate your ability to apply the basic rules of grammar
within the professional settings.

Prompt Initial Thread Prompt: You will create a 200-300 word document
defining the number of online programs available at each level,
including certificate options. Document any variables that you need
to convey to applicants as they inquire on the available programs and

Please upload your completed discussion board intitial thread within

the assignment submission area by Thursday of Week/Module 2.

Replies Prompt: In Discussion Board Forum for week 2, please

review as many classmates’ discussion board threads as as possible.

Please share your reflections regarding at least two colleagues’

forums by Sunday of Week/Module 2.

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DB Forum Title NA

Parameters Initial Thread Word Count*:

# of Replies Required*:
Replies Word Count*:
Writing Style:

Prompt Initial Thread Prompt:

Replies Prompt:


DB Forum Title HBU Online Call Scripting Discussion Board Week #4

Purpose/Goal This module will enhance your knowledge of effectively managing
calls through the dialer system and receiving calls with unidentified
purpose. This week, you will create a thread to illustrate your
understanding of the systems.

Parameters Initial Thread Word Count*: 200-300 words

# of Replies Required*: 2 replies
Replies Word Count*: Each reply must be 150–200 words in
length and be substantive in content, adding meaningful insights to
the discussion at hand.
References: N/A
Writing Style: APA format
Formality: You should compose your intial thread as well as your
replies in a professional format, including complete sentences, and
should demonstrate your ability to apply the basic rules of grammar
within the professional settings.

Prompt This assignment will provide the opportunity to present your

understanding of the call flow scripting and system procedures. You
will create a 200-300 word thread to discuss the systems used and the
scripting for the types of calls in an admissions call. Provide details
of the variations in inbound and outbound calls, illustrating how you
would adapt the scripts to each one.

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Please upload your completed discussion board intitial thread within
the assignment submission area by Sunday of Week/Module 4.

Replies Prompt: In Discussion Board Forum for week 4, please

review as many classmates’ discussion board threads as as possible.

Please share your reflections regarding at least two colleagues’

forums by Thursday of Week/Module 4.


DB Forum Title HBU Financial Aid and Admissions Discussion Board Week #5
Purpose/Goal This module will provide you with continued knowledge of the
internal procedures necessary to accurately handle all types of
contacts to the admissions department. You will learn the initial
communications necessary to relay financial aid information to

Parameters Initial Thread Word Count*: 200-300 words

# of Replies Required*: 2 replies
Replies Word Count*: Each reply must be 150–200 words in length
and be substantive in content, adding meaningful insights to the
discussion at hand.
References: N/A
Writing Style: APA format
Formality: You should compose your intial thread as well as your
replies in a professional format, including complete sentences, and
should demonstrate your ability to apply the basic rules of grammar
within the professional settings.

Prompt Initial Thread Prompt: Throughout this module, you have learned
more about financial aid and chat communication as well as the
details within the academic catalog.

You will create a 200-300 word thread identifying the impact of the
types of financial aid available to online students, and what steps they
need to take to successfully obtain their award. This thread may
include outside scholarship information as well.

Please upload your completed discussion board intitial thread within

the assignment submission area by Sunday of Week/Module 5.

Replies Prompt: In Discussion Board Forum for week #5, please

review as many classmates’ discussion board threads as as possible.

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Please share your reflections regarding at least two colleagues’
forums by Thursday of Week/Module 5.


DB Forum Title NA

Parameters Initial Thread Word Count*:

# of Replies Required*:
Replies Word Count*:
Writing Style:

Prompt Initial Thread Prompt:

Replies Prompt:


DB Forum Title NA

Parameters Initial Thread Word Count*:

# of Replies Required*:
Replies Word Count*:
Writing Style:

Prompt Initial Thread Prompt:

Replies Prompt:


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DB Forum Title Admissions Counselor Collective Vision Discussion Board for week
Purpose/Goal This module will effectively incorporate the knowledge obtained
from modules 1 through 7 to demonstrate your readiness to interact
with live, active applicants.

Parameters Initial Thread Word Count*: 200-300 words

# of Replies Required*: 2 replies
Replies Word Count*: Each reply must be 150–200 words in length
and be substantive in content, adding meaningful insights to the
discussion at hand.
References: N/A
Writing Style: APA format
Formality: You should compose your intial thread as well as your
replies in a professional format, including complete sentences, and
should demonstrate your ability to apply the basic rules of grammar
within the professional settings.

Prompt Initial Thread Prompt: This assignment will give you the
opportunity to present your accumulated learning of the material by
detailing key takeaways that you believe will make you a dynamic
admissions counselor. You may include any or all modules and
learning material in your explanation of your preparedness.

Please upload your completed discussion board intitial thread within

the assignment submission area by Sunday of Week/Module 8.

Replies Prompt: In Discussion Board Forum for week 8, please

review as many classmates’ discussion board threads as as possible.

Please share your reflections regarding at least two colleagues’

forums by Friday of Week/Module 8.

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