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Activity 1: See the Beauty

Instruction: Look around you. Walk around your house up to your garden. Bring with
you a paper and a pen and write all things that made you wonder.

Note: Don’t go out from your compound to secure your safety.

What have you listed?

What have you use to observe these things in your surroundings?

Did you try to find out the answers to things that made your wonder?

In the activity you were able to use your senses to observe and see your
surroundings. You saw, touch, smell, feel and hear to explore and discover the things
around you. This is how people in the ancient times do in search of new knowledge.

In the ancient times, people tend to study the world around them by merely
using their senses. In the time of Thales, who is regarded as the father of greek science
and mathematics, challenged the notions about the universe in the influence of deities:
gods and goddesses. He was able to build connection between the unexplainable
mythology and the world of reasons. In the sixth century, he was also able to accurately
predict the occurrence of an eclipse by merely studying both the Egyptian and
Babylonian records. He further believed that the earth is like a log that floats on top of
the waters (Whitlock, L. n.d.)

Though in our modern times, we already knew that the planet where we live at is
an oblate spheroid. And we owe it to Isaac Newton who first suggested that the earth is
flat on the poles and swollen on the equator, thus its shape is oblate spheroid (Choi, C.,
2007). This is only one of the facts that made a massive impact in our lives and
contribute to a body of knowledge that continues to grow through observation and
experimentation, which we now call Science.

Science comes from the Latin word scire, which means “know”. Later on it
became scientia, and eventually turned into science, which is an old French word
(Oxford Dictionary, n.d.). It is a system of knowledge that deals with the physical world
and the phenomena that happens in it. It also involves fair and honest observation as
well as systematic testing or experimentation (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2020).

Through time science exist more than just a field of study, because it became
the reason behind almost everything. It had grew larger and stronger much like a tree
that branch out into other types of sciences. On top of this, science is divided into two:
Social Science and Natural Science. Natural science is also divided into two: Pure
Science and Applied Science. Pure Science is further divided into two: Physical Science
and Biological Science. To familiarize yourself more on these branches exert efforts in
warming yourself up with the activity on the next page.

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