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Name: Jordan Nicole C. Maguyon

Section: BS Criminology

Activity 1: What I know Chart Part 1

What is the importance of On - the - Job training?

● What I know: the importance of the on - the - job training is that it gives the student the
overview of the real situation in the workplace of their chosen career

● What I Learned: on - the - job training is beneficial because it allows them to learn new
skill or qualification within their field of work in a timely manner. During on - the - job
training, they are engaged in the real process instead of the simulated process

What is Community Immersion Program?

● What I know: it is where the students interact with the community and learned the real
situation within the community

● What I learned: community immersion program is designed to get prospective or existing

college or university students acquainted with issues in their local communities or
abroad. Students usually do some volunteer work on service projects that deal with
environmental, social or economic issues the community faces

What is immersion and its importance?

● What I know: the importance of immersion is that the students will know the expectations
when working and can have its overview in the real world situation

● What I learned: it is the process of staying and living together with the people in the
community and experience their way to life. It is an essential strategy in community
organizing work that entails understanding of the different community concerns, process,
dynamics and lifestyle through exposure and engaging in different activities

Activity 2: Content Notes

Activity 3:Skill - building activities

● 3.1: Informal discussions with individuals and groups

● 3.2: The importance of the OJT is that it teaches the students not only about their
chosen career but also to show the realities of working. It teaches them the skills,
knowledge, and competencies that are needed for employees to perform a specific job
within the workplace and the environment. Lastly, OJT is able to learn how to accept
mistakes no matter if it may be small or big.

● 3.3: Geographical Community

Activity 4: What I know chart part 2

What you now learned
● Importance of on - the - job training: aside from the fact that I know that the importance
of OJT is to have a real expectation about the work that we will be doing in the future.
During my readings, I also figured that OJT will also give me a chance to enhance and
acquire new skill and knowledge to prepare me for the upcoming challenges in the
workplace in the future

● Community immersion program: I learned that it is not only mingling with the community
but it is also learning within the community and realizing the problems facing by the

● Immersion program and its importance: in immersion, you get to live within the
community. It is not just having a background but it is also making connection within the
community, it get to experience their way of life
Activity 5: Check your understanding
1. A - Community
2. C - Family
3. A - Community Immersion
4. A - Geographical Community
5. B - Functional Community
6. C - Demographics
7. D - History
8. A - Culture
9. B - Economy
10. D - Structure

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