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● 2 or more person bind themselves
● Contribute money, property, or industry to a. Money- Currency;(x) Checks, derafts,
a common fund. promissory notes, payable and other
● Intention to/dividing the profits among mercantile documents. They are only
themselves representative of money.
● 22 or more person may form partnership for b. Property- real, personal, tangible, or
exercise of a profession, intangible. Credit such as promissory note
or other evidence of obligation or even
Characteristics elements of partnership mere goodwill may be contributed as it is
considered property.
1. Consensual (perfected by mere consent) c. Industry- “worked or service of party
2. Nominate (special name/designation in law) associated” it may be “intellectual” or “
3. Bilateral (2 or more person) personal manual effort.”
4. Onerous (Benefit so they give something) Note: Limited partner in a limited partnership, cannot
5. Commutative contribute mere industry or services.
6. Principal (doesn’t depend for its existence or
validity contract) Legality of Object
7. Preparatory (profits dividing among themselves) 1. Effect of Illegality- No partnership can arise as the
contract is void if the object is unlawful, when it
Essential Features of Partnership contracts to law morals, goods customs, public
1. Valid Contract order, or public policy.
2. Legal Capacity to enter into the contract 2. Businesses partnership not permitted to engage
3. Mutual contribution of money, property, industry to in- a partnership may be organize for any purpose
a common fund. except that it may not engage in an enterprise for
4. Object must be lawful which the law requires a specific form of business
5. Purpose or primary purpose must obtain and divide organization.
the same among the partners. Intention to realize and divide profits.
Note: Articles of partnership must not be kept secret among 1. Very reason for existence of partnership- idea of
members. obtaining pecuniary profit or gain (distinguished
Delectus Personae- choice of the person. church).
2. Sufficient if obtaining profit principal purpose
Limited Partnership- cannot be created by mere voluntary Sharing of profits
agreement legal capacity of parties enter into the contract. 1. Not necessarily in equal shares- SC “ there must be
GR: Before there can be a valid contract of partnership, a joint interest in the profits”
it is essential that the contracting parties have the necessary 2. NOt conclusive evidence of partnership.
legal capacity to enter into the contract. Consequently, Sharing of Losses.
person who cannot legally give consent to a contract cannot 1. Necessary corollary of sharing in profits- under 1767
be a partner. Ff. refers to “ profits” only and is silent as to “ Losses”
● Unemancipated minors object of partnership is primarily the sharing of
● Insane or demented person profits.
● Deaf- mutes who do not know to write 2. Agreement not necessary- it is not necessary for the
● Suffering from civil interdiction parties to agree upon a system of sharing.
● Incompetents under guardianship
EXPNs: Cannot enter into universal partnership, people ART 1788
who are giving each other any donation or advantage ● Partnership has a juridical personality:
cannot. Married women can enter into partnership. Even ● Separate and distinct from that of each
without her husband's consent. partner
Partnership, Juridical person
Mutual Contribution to a common fund ● Under the law
1. Proprietory of financial interest- w/o the element ● Partnership may acquire and possess
of mutual contribution to a common fund, there property of all kinds, incur obligations and
can be no partnership. bring civil or criminal action.
2. Form of contribution:

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