LISTENING Handout 1 - Facts & Opinions (Track 5)

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Practice 1 (Track 5)
Listen to the short texts. As you listen, fill in the blanks in the text given.

International Student Lifestyle Survey

A survey was conducted by (0) Soxo Consultancy to investigate how UK

students compared with their contemporaries in other countries. A total of (1) 4000

students from six countries: the US, China, India, Spain, Italy and the UK were

involved in this survey.

It was found that UK students were more (2) interested In overall student

experience and were more likely to select a university based on social and non-

academic factors. They expect to have a good (3) social experience at university.

The survey result showed that 38% of UK students selected ‘good social

facilities’, compared to only (4) 32% globally. They study also revealed some

similarities among students all over the world. Globally, the students placed

importance on an (5) attractive and friendly campus.

My Student Life

Janice Tan is a final year medical student at university. According to Janice,

her student life is one of the best life experiences. At first, she thought that she

would hate her university life and (6) miss home. But she changed her mind

as she grew to love her surroundings.

She loves sitting on the university lawn with a book in (7) front lawn .

Janice is impressed by the modern university facilities. In her opinion, (8) social

life on campus is the best of all. The student association organises many social

activities, such as hikes camps, (9) parties and dinners which are usually

held at the end of an examination or a (10) semester when the students are


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