Exam in Practical Research 2

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Anthony’s Academy of Gonzaga

Paradise, Gonzaga, Cagayan
First Quarter Examination in Practical Research 2

I. Modified True or False

Direction: Write T if the statement is true otherwise write F then encircle the word/s that makes the statement
erroneous and change the word/s to make it right.
F- Beautiful 1. Our teacher in Practical Research is absent-minded.
______________1. Quantitative methods cannot be repeated because it can weakens the validity of findings.
______________2. Quantitative Research is based on mere intuition and guesses.
______________3. There must be a plan or method of collection of data.
______________4. The main problem and sub – problems are stated clearly and are all answered in the end of
the research.
______________5. In Quantitative Research, it is SMART; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Recommendable,
and Time- Bound.
______________6. Quantitative Research has a very commendable summary, conclusion and recommendation.
______________7. The best thing about quantitative research is that it is easy to measure, analyze and interpret
because it uses words and interviews to respect certain degrees of meaning.
______________8. It can gather more data faster from many respondents because if its nature.
______________9. In gathering of data, it requires a small sample size depending on how the population vary.
______________10. The researchers doesn’t know in advance what they are looking for. They are clueless in
what might happen in the end of their research.


Directions: Read and analyze carefully the statements below and choose the best answer. Write your answer on
the space provided.
_______11. Which of the following is NOT right about research title construction?
a. Specific b. Measurable c. Attainable d. Limitless
_______12. The following are weaknesses of quantitative research, EXCEPT:
a. It is costly. B. It requires a larger number of respondents.
c. Sensitive information is hard to gather. D. It can easily be interpreted.
_______13. Bryan, a grade 12 ICT student, would like to find out if the result of his research as regards the
causes why some students in government schools violate rules and regulations would have the same results if
the respondents would be students from private schools. What characteristic of quantitative research is referred
a. Future outcome b. replication c. Large sample size d. numerical data
_______14. Qualitative research expresses its results through words while quantitative research results are
expressed and measured through numbers; hence it is more specific. What characteristic of quantitative research
is referred to?
a. Subjective b. observable c. wordy d. objective
_______15. Which of the following BEST describe quantitative research?
a. Research that is exploratory.
b. The collection of non- numerical data.
c. Research that attempts to generate a new theory.
d. An attempt to confirm the researchers’ hypotheses.
_______16. This kind of research aims to assess the effects, impacts, or outcomes of practices.
a. Correlational b. Causal- Comparative c. Evaluation d. Experimental
_______17. Conduciveness of a classroom learning atmosphere can be best measured through what kind of
a. Correlational b. Evaluation c. Descriptive d. Survey
Refer to the following for items 18-20:
a. Objective b. Numerical Data c. Replication d. Large Sample Size
_______18. Data are in the form of statistics.
_______19. It is not based on guesswork.
_______20. It is done to check the correctness and verify the findings of the study.
_______21. Savannah plans to conduct a study that involves cosmetics. She wanted to know the reference of
cosmetic use among adolescents, young adults, middle adults and the late adult women. The research design of
her study would be:
a. Descriptive b. Correlational c. Qualitative d. Evaluation
_______22. Freya wanted to know the relationship between the level of anxiety experience during examinations
and the exam performance among the level 2 student nurses of Colegio San Agustin Bacolod. The type of
research design utilized is:
a. Experimental b. Descriptive c. Correlational d. Causal- Comparative
______23. Alfred randomly grouped the participants into two and tested the effects of his new product on their
endurance. His study uses this type of research design:
a. Correlational b. Survey c. Experimental d. Causal- comparative
______24. If the researcher wanted to know more about the cause and effect relationship; however, the cause
already exists and cannot be manipulated, the type of research design appropriate for this is:
a. Experimental b. Survey c. Correlational d. Causal- comparative
______25. The researcher wanted to know about the cause and effect relationship between variables, where the
cause is being manipulated, and respondents are chosen by choice, not by chance.
a. Descriptive b. Experimental c. Correlational d. Survey
______26. This kind of research aims to assess the effects, impacts, or outcomes of practices.
a. Correlational b. Causal-Comparative c. Evaluation d. Experimental
______27. Conduciveness of a classroom learning atmosphere can be best measured through what kind of
a. Correlational b. Evaluation c. Descriptive d. Survey
______28. Tiara wanted to conduct research that will delve into knowing the effects of post-traumatic stress
disorder on the academic performance of teenagers during the first grading of the academic yea 2012-2013. The
type of research design most suited towards her study would be:
a. Causal-comparative b. Experimental c. Evaluation d. Correlational
______29. Vincent conducts a study that will further get to know the frequency of scrub cases between the
north and south affiliated hospitals of their school. What is the type of research design to be used in his study?
a. Descriptive b. Correlational c. Causal- Comparative d. Experimental
______30. Members of the health team introduce a new admission system and wish to study the efficiency of its
implementation as compared to the previous admission system, which is still being practiced in other
departments. In this study, it is not feasible to conduct randomization. What type of research design is used?
a. Experimental b. Causal- comparative c. Survey d. Correlational


Directions: Identify the following variables as either Continuous or Discrete then classify which specific
category they belong.

CONTINUOUS or Interval, Ratio, Nominal,

Nationality Discrete Nominal
31. Good, better, best
32. Temperature
33. Height and weight
34. Attitude
35. Hair color

Directions: Identify the independent and dependent variables in each research title. Write your answer under
the right column.

Research Title Dependent Variable Independent Variable

The Effect of Pandemic on
Behavior and Economic
Behavior and Economic Pandemic
36. The Effect of Music on
Learning and Behavior
37. Diet and Exercise
Techniques for Different
Kinds of Sports
38. Anti- diabetic Properties
of Common Philippine Herbs
39. Effectiveness of Organic
and Inorganic Fertilizer to
Vegetable Production
40. 21st Century Skills of
Pre- Service Teacher in
Higher Educational

“Always remember to keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.”

Prepared by: Checked by:

Abigail F. Gumabay, LPT Carlina T. Abella, MAEM
Subject Teacher School Principal

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