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Neuroscience and Education: An Ideal Partnership

for Producing Evidence-Based Solutions
to Guide 21st Century Learning
Thomas J. Carew1,* and Susan H. Magsamen2,*
1Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Department of Education,

University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697, USA

2Johns Hopkins University School of Education, Baltimore, MD 21030, USA

*Correspondence: (T.J.C.), (S.H.M.)

DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2010.08.028

Neuro-Education is a nascent discipline that seeks to blend the collective fields of neuroscience, psychology,
cognitive science, and education to create a better understanding of how we learn and how this information
can be used to create more effective teaching methods, curricula, and educational policy. Though still in its
infancy as a research discipline, this initiative is already opening critical new dialogs between teachers,
administrators, parents, and brain scientists.

There is no question that learning—and lenges in education exist around the more and more useful information,
teaching—are intricately intertwined with world, and exciting programs have been data, and perspectives on important
brain function. Yet for many years, developed in a number of countries to learning topics are being generated by
researchers in both education and neuro- address this critical issue. The Interna- new research, exploration, and inquiry.
science have worked far apart in silos— tional Mind, Brain, and Education Society While much of this knowledge is shared
often within sight of each other across has fostered a growing number of global through academic circles, for the
a university campus, but worlds away in initiatives that have brought together most part it has not been widely
forming hypotheses about how people many interested countries. In addition, shared and used outside of disciplines
learn, investigating those learning pro- since 1999, the Organization for Eco- to inform larger issues. In fact, the ‘‘trans-
cesses, and finally, translating findings nomic Co-operation and Development lational’’ potential of this work is often
into practice. Thankfully, that is changing. has had a Neuroscience and Education not discovered, explored, or further
There are now exciting new opportunities program that brokered a variety of evaluated.
for informing the practice of teaching productive collaborations. In the United The field of neuroscience is ripe for
and learning within the broad discipline Kingdom, Cambridge University has expanding its translational reach. ‘‘Neuro-
of neuroscience. This is good news, founded an educational neuroscience Education’’ is still a relatively new and
because more than ever, we need to program, and under the guidance of developing area. Last summer, one of us
figure out how to teach our children how Hirokazu Tanaka, Japan is currently (T.J.C.) created a presidential initiative,
to learn. building a strong Mind, Brain, and Educa- a Neuroscience Research in Educa-
tion research program. Likewise, in tion Summit (Society for Neuroscience,
An International Concern Shanghai, East Normal University has 2009), for his year as president of the
The U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne recently founded a neuroeducation Society for Neuroscience. This gave rise
Duncan, called the state of education in effort. Finally, a European organization to a working group that has formed into
America a national public health crisis. on learning research (EARLI) held its first a Neuro-Education Leadership Coalition
American children are not excelling. Test meeting in Zurich in 2010, focusing on that is working together to further the
grades show it. Innovation and creative learning and the brain. Thus, a global development and strategic integration of
thinking are not being taught, practiced, initiative is on the march, which promises this nascent field. It seeks to blend the
or nurtured in children’s lives. Industry extraordinary opportunities for interna- collective fields of neuroscience, psy-
and business are concerned that we are tional collaboration. chology, cognitive science, and educa-
not producing engineers, mathemati- tion to create more effective teaching
cians, scientists, and physicists. Some- How Can Neuroscience Help? methods and curricula and, ultimately, to
thing must be done to prepare our chil- What can neuroscientists do about any inform and transform educational policy.
dren for a 21st century future, and here of this? After all, research is about well- Though still in its infancy as a research
we propose that Neuro-Education may defined problems, not big societal discipline, this initiative is already opening
provide one critical element toward issues. Well—not really. It is not news critical new dialogs between its primary
a solution. that neuroscience and related fields partners—teachers, parents, and brain
And this is not simply a national have done an extraordinary job of creating researchers—through the development
problem: it is global. Comparable chal- vast amounts of knowledge. Every day of a common language. While this will

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take time and is a complex task, the more Gaining Traction physicians. She says that in education,
each discipline approaches its work with Research findings in many disciplines, like medicine, vital knowledge too often
common terminology, new traditions, from psychology and genetics to neuro- remains with researchers and is inacces-
and learning outcomes in mind, the faster science and engineering, are already sible to people who are in positions to
and stronger a new community and field converging to inform curricula and policy. help our children—that is, teachers and
will be formed. For example, neuroscientists know a great parents (Brabeck, 2008).
deal about attention, stress, memory,
Why Does It Matter? exercise, sleep, and music—and all are There Are Some Barriers Too
The stakes are high and the rewards well-studied topics that can readily trans- The neuroscience community, educators,
worthwhile. Imagine being able to share late to the classroom. Some educators and parents also have to confront false
what we know about multisensory learn- are beginning to capitalize on these and preconceptions about brain-based peda-
ing to new mothers. What could be said other findings, with promising results. For gogy. These ‘‘neuromyths’’—for example,
about the effects of an enriched environ- example, The Johns Hopkins University that children are either ‘‘right-brain’’ or
ment on brain development? Imagine School of Education has developed the ‘‘left-brain’’ learners—exist in the class-
explaining to a high school teacher what Neuro-Education Initiative, which empha- room and thrive under the misnomer of
executive function is and how it might sizes the importance of professional ‘‘brain-based teaching’’ (Society for
influence judgment as they create mean- development, research, communications, Neuroscience, 2009). But this is just the
ingful lessons in ethics. Imagine being and outreach ( beginning. Journalists, educators, and
able to use what we know about the rules nei). parents all need to communicate with
of learning to design a classroom that In addition, institutions are creating one another about topics that relate
actually made kids smarter. Imagine using innovative new Neuro-Education partner- learning and the brain to better under-
our knowledge about brain function to ships. Kurt Fischer at the Harvard Grad- stand what is and is not accurate.
help prevent, reverse, or stop damage to uate School of Education promotes A critical component of this endeavor is
the brain through neglect, abuse, or ‘‘usable knowledge’’ to bridge the gap that tangible financial resources must
even malnutrition with at-risk children. between research and practice. He aims materialize for progress to be made,
Or imagine a school day that incorporated to educate a cadre of researchers with from the local university level all the way
our understanding of the biological fac- a novel skill set, combining the study of up to the federal government. Less than
tors of stress and sleep on children’s biological and cognitive sciences with one-half of one percent of the federal
ability to learn and remember. We could educational pedagogy. His department education budget is spent on research,
continue to imagine a million things offers master’s and doctoral degrees in compared with about 20% of the fed-
that are all possible when fueled by ‘‘brain, mind, and education.’’ Interdisci- eral health budget (U.S. Department of
evidence-based rigorous neuroscience plinary graduate degrees such as this Education, Fiscal Year 2008–FY 2010
research that can be translated to prac- open up intriguing new career paths for State Tables for the U.S. Department of
tical application and tested for their effi- young educators—and for young neuro- Education:
cacy through the creation of research scientists (Harvard Graduate School of overview/budget/statetables/). Increased
schools, informal learning testing, and Education, ‘‘Mind, Brain and Education’’ private funding will also play a critical role.
other measures. These game-changers [
for education and learning are within our masters/mbe/]). Informed Solutions to Practical
reach. Mary Brabeck, Dean of New York Uni- Problems Are Essential
Advances in techniques, relentless versity’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Teachers and parents have much to gain
inquiry, and innovative practitioners, Education, and Human Development, from this comprehensive effort. Greater
curious about how the mind and brain believes that, in this growing new field, exposure to scientists and high-quality
work, are creating significant findings a parity relationship between educators research will help educators become
and new knowledge about the brain, and researchers is integral to make gains more informed and critical consumers of
from memory and learning to executive in educational outcomes (Brabeck, 2008). science and make it easier for them to
function, emotions, autism, literacy, lan- Educators must pull research findings out avoid non-research-based fads. The
guage motor skills, and more. And we of the lab and put them to use in the class- translational value of some cognitive
know that educators, parents, and child room, and researchers need to distill their studies is obvious. For example, creative
service providers are reading everything results for teachers’ purposes. Effective work from Henry Roediger’s laboratory
they can get their hands on about this changes in teaching practices must then showed that testing not only measures
work. Why? Because the problems and be communicated back to scientists. knowledge, but actually strengthens it
issues our children face today are like no Consistent and quantitative feedback, (Karpicke and Roediger, 2010). The
other generation before them. And those both for what works and what doesn’t, take-home message: retrieval is not a
of us enlisted in the nurturing and devel- is crucial for improvement, Brabeck passive process, but rather is a critical
opmental support of our most precious believes. In her efforts to promote ‘‘trans- means of fortifying memory. This result
national resource, our children, need lational research’’ from the lab to the has the potential to alter a fundamental
information, ideas, conversation, and classroom, Brabeck likens this gap to structure of classroom learning. More-
useable knowledge. that between health researchers and over, since memory retrieval and the

686 Neuron 67, September 9, 2010 ª2010 Elsevier Inc.



consolidation of learning are basic com- Michael Zigmond and colleagues have describes studies revealing that atten-
ponents of education and are deeply shown that physical activity can aid in tion-focusing art forms significantly
explored topics in neuroscience, what recovery after neural damage (Zigmond improve listening skills and concentration
a great place to start building bridges to et al., 2009). With dance classes, recess, (Posner, 2004). Neuro-Education initia-
span the two disciplines. and outdoor playtime slashed along with tives can help frame issues and make
Another example of how our knowledge school budgets, these kinds of findings the case for far-sighted education policies
can enhance learning derives from our can hopefully inform education and policy that make evidence-based sense for chil-
understanding of the cognitive benefits leaders as they prioritize the most critical dren’s development.
of music. Nina Kraus and colleagues components for learning. The bottom line is everyone wins.
have shown that musical experience Finally, stress, particularly chronic As psychologists, cognitive scientists,
significantly limits the negative effects stress, undermines learning by impairing neuroscientists, educators and parents
of competing background noise (Kraus students’ ability to concentrate. Students continue to overcome challenges, chil-
et al., 2007), and Gottfried Schlaug and functioning in a more relaxed environ- dren must remain the clear motivation
collaborators have found that people ment, who feel less overwhelmed, have for action and should form the basis for
who regularly practiced a musical instru- better brain function (Dias-Ferreira et al., a compelling drive to sustain and grow
ment when young display better sound 2009). An important study by Conor this movement. For each young mind
recognition as well as enhanced levels Liston, Bruce McEwen, and B.J. Casey served by Neuro-Education knowledge,
of memory and attention compared to (Liston et al., 2009) compared how all societies have the opportunity to regain
nonmusicians (Forgeard et al., 2008). highly stressed and relatively nonstressed lost ground—and build the potential
Educators, parents, and the public-at- medical students performed on tasks for better academic achievements and
large should know that musical training that required that they shift their attention opportunities for both young people and
is likely to enhance both verbal skills and from one visual stimulus to another. society at large. Moreover, if successful,
nonverbal abilities, and how this is Their results showed that the extremely it also highlights that science can collabo-
possible (Hyde et al., 2009). stressed students scored lower on tests rate best with society when we bring to
Neuro-Education reaches down to and had reduced processing in certain the table what we do know—our scientific
even the most basic human functions, brain regions, implying that chronic stress expertise—and a dose of humility about
such as sleep. The role of sleep and its disrupts the brain’s ability to shift atten- what we don’t know—in this case, what
impact on memory is a richly explored tion, a function certainly necessary for works best in a classroom, at home, and
topic among neuroscientists; a good classroom learning. in the community.
night’s sleep is not just restful, it triggers In the end, Neuro-Education provides
brain changes that help improve memory. If Not Now, What Price Will We Pay a paradigm for how science can inform
Animal studies show that memory is In 10 Years? broader social policies by being inclusive
greater after sleep than after wakefulness International test-score comparisons, and collaborative with other established
and that the brain works to consolidate intractable achievement gaps, and static disciplines. And when the collaboration
memory during its rest period (Gilestro U.S. graduation rates clearly indicate bears fruit, we will have children who can
et al., 2009). And studies in humans rein- that now is the time to act. To main- learn better, which in turn yields a society
force the same basic point. For example, tain (and expand) any technologically better equipped for the future.
Elizabeth Kensinger and her colleagues advanced society, cultivating generations
have found that sleep preferentially of science, technology, engineering, and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
enhances memory for emotional compo- math disciples is required. Much has
nents of visual scenes (Payne et al., 2008). been written about slumps in science We thank Nicholas Spitzer for his thoughtful
This knowledge clearly makes an impact ‘‘literacy’’; American students clearly comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript.
This work was supported in part by NIH Grants
on children and their ability to learn. require a new approach to spark or R01 MH14-10183 and MH 081151, and NSF
Lack of sleep can lead to developmental, reenergize their sense of curiosity, pas- Grant IOB-0444762 (T.J.C.), and a grant from the
attentional, and emotional problems, all of sion, and competition. And the same is Johns Hopkins Medicine Brain Science Institute
which are reflected in classroom perfor- true for students around the globe.
mance. These findings could ultimately Neuro-Education may help prevent
impact the time children start their school counterproductive actions in tough times.
day or the number of hours of sleep Dwindling school budgets have led to
Brabeck, M. (2008). Putting Clinical Findings to
parents recommend for their child. anemic arts programs, which have Work in the Classroom (Bethesda, MD: Education
What about exercise? Both human and reduced children’s access to dance, Week).
animal studies on exercise and the brain music, theater, creative writing, and the Dias-Ferreira, E., Sousa, J.C., Melo, I., Morgado,
show that physical exertion promotes visual arts (see Lehrer, 2009). These pro- P., Mesquita, A.R., Cerqueira, J.J., Costa, R.M.,
mental health (Kramer et al., 2006). Exer- grams are far from superfluous; current and Sousa, N. (2009). Science 325, 621–625.
cise protects certain types of brain cells research supports the view that they are Forgeard, M., Winner, E., Norton, A., and Schlaug,
and improves motor function, adding to conduits for problem-solving, motivation, G. (2008). PLoS ONE 3, e3566.
a growing body of research that reveals collaboration, and innovative thinking. Gilestro, G.F., Tononi, G., and Cirelli, C. (2009).
its benefit for young brains. Moreover, In his seminal book, Michael Posner Science 324, 109–112.

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Winner, E., Evans, A.C., and Schlaug, G. (2009). York School District ( Research in Education Summit: The Promise
J. Neurosci. 29, 3019–3025. bb/education/jan-june09/peekskill_02-09.html). of Interdisciplinary Partnerships Between Brain
Sciences and Education (
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