Module 6 9 Local and Global Communication in Multicultural Settings

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Module 6-9 Local and Global Communication in Multicultural

BSBA Financial Management (Bicol University)

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Local and Global Communication in Multicultural

Module 6-9: Local and Global Communication in Multicultural


At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify the local and global communication in multicultural settings, and

2. Enumerate the varieties and registers of spoken and written language.

Local and Global Communication in Multicultural Settings

It is indeed a challenge to communicate to a person with cultural diversity because a context may
differ depending on the person’s perception of word meaning in relation to their culture. The
culture shapes so much of the way a person interacts with each other, and then when you think
about language barriers and vocabulary used by different generations, it is easy to see where
miscommunication can happen.

Barriers to Local and Global Communication in Multicultural Setting

Some of the barriers to effective communication are language, medium of communication,

personality and culture. Culture became a barrier to an effective communication when a person has
different language bearing, and they have different interpretation to such words. Example of which
is the “ok sign” done by everyone.

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One gesture has a lot of interpretation. In US, the ok sign means “ok”, while in Brazil it means an
insult when you do the “ok sign”. The picture above clearly states the different meaning of a hand
gesture. It goes to show that when the culture is different from someone else, misunderstanding will
likely to occur. The best way to avoid such things is to learn other‘s culture and to set an awareness
as to how one will react and behave when such situation arise.

It is also relevant to know and understand the importance of verbal and non-verbal
communication and how it takes place to multicultural setting. It is advised to know and learn the
culture beforehand to avoid misconception. Upon learning the culture, expect differences. A person
with different culture from you has different language or may speak at different volumes, less or
direct in showing emotion or may or may not engage in small talks. Be wary of how you deliver your
words or show your gesture because it may lead to a lot of misconception. It is important to use
formal words in order to not offend others despite of cultural differences. This is the best way to
deal in multicultural setting locally and globally.

Varieties and Registers of Spoken and Written Language

Registers are the style of language spoken and writing that is appropriate for a certain situation.
It could be formal, informal or neutral.

In writing discipline, the language registers determines the vocabulary, structure, and some
grammar in writing.

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Local and Global Communication in Multicultural

There are different language registers for different types of writing that everyone uses, just as
the language everyone spoken. Communication depends on how you communicate with different


To your brother: What's up? Good thing you came to visit!

To the President: Good morning, Mr. President. Thank you for visiting.

Formal Language Register

In academic writing, formal writing is required but said to be the most difficult because it
uses formal language and formal structures of grammar. Common examples are essays, business
letters and reports among others.

Informal Language Register

This is written in a manner of talking to a closest someone such as friends and family. We
used informal language in this type of writing because it shows how we know them very well.

Informal writing includes:

 Personal e-mails
 Phone texts
 Short notes
 Friendly letters
 Most blogs
 Diaries and journals

Neutral Language Register

In neutral writing, it does not necessarily formal or informal, and it is incorporated with non-
emotional topics. It is not positive or negative but also delivers facts.

 Reviews
 Articles

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 Some letters
 Some essays
 Technical writing

In one prominent model, Martin Joos (1961) describes five styles in spoken

Frozen: Also referred to as static register. Printed unchanging language, such

as Biblical quotations, often contains archaisms. Examples are the Pledge of Allegiance of the United
States of America and other "static" vocalizations. The wording is exactly the same every time it is

Formal One-way participation; no interruption; technical vocabulary or exact definitions are

important: ; includes presentations or introductions between strangers.

Consultative: Two-way participation; background information is provided – prior knowledge is not

assumed. "Back-channel behavior" such as "uh huh", "I see", etc. is common. Interruptions are
allowed. Examples include teacher/student, doctor/patient, expert/apprentice, etc.

Casual: In-group friends and acquaintances; no background information

provided; ellipsis and slang common; interruptions common. This is common among friends in a
social setting.

Intimate: Non-public; intonation more important than wording or grammar; private vocabulary.
Also includes non-verbal messages. This is most common among family members and close friends.

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Local and Global Communication in Multicultural

References and Supplementary Materials

Perceptions on Diversity in a Multicultural Setting May 16,

IFLA -- Defining "Multiculturalism",

Dec 23, 2016

Effective Communication in Multicultural Group Settings

2jr1/effective-communication-in-multicultural-group-settings/ December 5, 2013

How to Communicate Well With People from Other Cultures,

Language Registers,, February 11,


Language Register,

Course Module

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