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Paragraph 1: introduction
Paragraph 2:Where did the corona come from?
Paragraph 3:When did the corona start to spreads?
Paragraph 4:Conclusion


What is the danger of the virus this year?

Corona,corona virus is a dangerous virus in the world,it could kill more than thousands of people. If
this virus is inside our body,we will feel very ill.The coronavirus in our body is going to have a dry
cough,tiredness,and felt fever.But some common less symptoms is:sore throat,
Cannot taste or smell.

Where did the corona come from?

Corrona was discovered in Wuhan, China.China was been infected by the first time,it cause
from animals of Bats and pigs,Some of the people there ,and other countries loves to eat pigs
and bats.Most,of the foods that they mostly likes to eat is pigs.The thing that they love is making
pigs as a delicious food and they also think that pigs are healthy,but the fact is pig has a lot of
germs,and it also has a worm inside.If humans ate lots of pigs they became fat,and inside their
fat may has lots of tapeworm( taenia solium ).

When did the corona start to spread?

Outside of China there are lots of countries that get infected such as :France,Vietnam,South
Korea,Malaysia,Singapore,Taiwan,US( United States ),Canada,and indonesia. Some of the countries
have been locked down and everyone should stay inside,except if those people need to buy something
important for their daily lives they could get outside.But they also need to wear a mask every time they
go.People thinks that Corona is actually non important virus so they kept on disobeying the rules and
more thousands of people died from this virus.

When Is Corona Going to be End?

The Corona virus will take a longer month to end.It needs vaccination and protocol health so that the
virus is not easily spread .People in the country also needs to do a protocol also,they must wash their
hands every time they wanted to ate foods and keep social disatancting every time they go.And , the thing
that they cannot forgot the most important is wearing their masks.


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