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Prayer: ELWIN

What have we discussed the last time we met?

Joseph: It was about syntax,

Very good. Thank you 😊

Before we proceed to the discussion proper, I want you to give a brief idea on the picture I will be

VEA: What can you say about the picture?

JOSEPH: the picture shows a child with a book on its back being tossed by a big hand

Okay thank you Joseph, other idea?

VEA: Yes, Noriel?

NORIEL: I think this shows that the child is helped by the teacher to fly and soar and be
successful through education.
Okay that’s very good.

VEA: Let’s compare the ideas that each had, Joseph had just stated the things that he saw
directly from the picture right? While Noriel has more elaborate understanding of the picture,
their answers are both correct because in looking at meaning we have what we call

Literal and Figurative language

VEA: What is literal language?

Elwin: these are direct meaning of something

VEA: Very good, what about figurative language?

TRANIE: these are more elaborate than the literal language because it uses deeper
understanding of something.

VEA: Very good.

VEA: Now, to know more of the difference between literal and figurative language let’s fill out
the Venn diagram here with the information you will see on the next slide.

VEA: You will just identify whether statement 1 is for literal or figurative , so on and so forth. Let
us start with number 1

Yes tranie

TRANIE: 1, 2 and 3 ma’am I think belongs to literal language.

ELWIN: 4, 5, 7 and 8 maam is for figurative language

JOSEPH: 6 maam is for literal language

NINA: 9 is appropriate for both

TRANIE: 10 is literal maam and 11 is figurative

VEA: Okay let’s see if your answers are correct

Very good so most of your answers are correct.

VEA: Let’s now proceed to the next activity.

VEA: This time you’ll have to create your literal and figurative perspective of the picture given.
I’ll be asking somebody to share to us their answers.

VEA: Thank you very much. For others, you may just send your answers later.

VEA: Let’s sum up, our discussion today.

ELWIN: Our discussion today is about the literal and figurative language, literal language are
used in usual and everyday conversation, and is easy to understand while figurative language is
more elaborate and is therefore kind of difficult to understand, it is also used in literary works
such as poem, novels etc.

Thank you Elwin.

Now for your task. It is posted on the screen, submission of it is until next week and the
presentation of task 2 will be done the week after next. Rubrics will be sent later in our group
chat. Any questions on our discussion today?

None. Okay, so I will meet you again tomorrow goodbye everyone 😊

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