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“The school that builds character”
GRADE LEVEL: Senior High School Grade 11 WEEK: 1
SUBJECT: English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Lesson 1: The Nature and Characteristics of an Academic Text

Objectives: At the end of this module, you are expected to:

A. Differentiate academic texts from non-academic texts;

B. Examine an academic text to establish its nature and characteristics;
C. Recognize the characteristics of language used in academic texts;
D. Analyze academic texts according to its language use; and
E. Evaluate academic texts based on its use of language.

Lesson Proper:

Nature and Characteristics of an Academic Text

An academic text is a reading material that provides information which include concepts
and theories that are related to the specific discipline. The following are considered as academic
texts: Research Paper, Conference Paper, Feasibility Study, Thesis/Dissertation,
Reviews, Essay, Academic Journals, and Reports.

Characteristics Academic Text Non-academic Text

Audience Academia Mass public

Purpose Inform the readers with solid Inform, entertain or persuade
evidence the readers
Style Formal and impersonal Personal, impressionistic,
emotional or subjective
Structure Standard structure No rigid structure
Language Formal language avoids Informal and casual language,
colloquialisms may contain
Subject/Content Shared historical events or Personal life and everyday
literature or other forms of events
Academic Language

Academic Language refers to the oral, written, auditory, and visual language proficiency required
to learn effectively in schools and academic programs. It is also the language used in classroom
lessons, books, tests, and assignments. It is the language that students are expected to learn and
achieve fluency in.

Why is academic language so important?

Students who master academic language are more likely to be successful in academic and
professional settings

What is difference between academic language and social language?

Social language is the simple, informal language we use when talking face
to face with family members and friends. It allows us to use contemporary or
slang terms like “cool,” “awesome,” or “dude.” We can also communicate feelings,
needs, and wants using symbolic hand gestures for drink, eat, hot, cold, hurt, or
tired. Social language also includes writing emails, friendly letters, and texts or
retelling stories.

Academic language is different from everyday social language. It is the

vocabulary students or adults must learn to succeed in the classroom or in the
workplace. We use academic language to describe and comprehend complex
ideas, process higher-order thinking, and understand abstract concepts.
Academic language is what students read in textbooks and on tests and what
they hear during instruction in the classroom. Students with limited or low
academic language skills are more than likely to have low academic performance
in classroom settings.

Social Language Academic Language

repetition of words variety of words, more sophisticated
sentences start with “and” and “but” sentences start with transition words, such as
“however,” “moreover,” and “in addition”
use of slang: “guy,” “cool,” and “awesome” No slang

Characteristics Of Academic Language

It should not be conversational and casual. Avoid colloquial and idiomatic
expressions, slang, and contractions.

Formal X dig in
X cup of tea
X dude
X don’t
Do not refer to yourself as the performer of actions. Do not use personal
“It is commonly said that”… instead of “Many of my friends and colleagues say
that…” “Research revealed that…” instead of “I discovered that”
The facts are presented accurately. The choice of words are appropriate. The use
of technical terms to achieve precision is applied.
For example: “85% of the population”, “The results are okay (satisfactory).”,
asphyxiation (medical term)
It is unbiased, based on facts and is not influenced by personal feelings.
For example: “The essay on… is distressing.” instead of “I do not like the essay”
GRADE LEVEL: Senior High School Grade 11 WEEK: 2
SUBJECT: English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Lesson 1: Text Structure

Objectives: At the end of this module, you are expected to:

A. Identify the main pattern of organization used in the given paragraphs;

B. Arrange information in the text with accords to its key points;
C. Appreciate the benefits of understanding concepts in text structure in developing one’s
comprehension skill.

Lesson Proper:

Text Structure - is the organizational structure used within paragraphs or longer texts,
appropriate to genre and purpose

Text structure is one specific type of prior (or

background) knowledge that skilled readers possess.
Good readers can identify important information in a text
and are aware of how other textual information relates to
the important propositions. They can do this even when,
as often happens, the text is not well organized.

These readers are applying cognitive patterns—

rhetorical structures—that they have already acquired, first via their oral language experience and
later via their reading. These patterns guide them to the recognition that (for example) a given text
compares two entities, or that it presents a problem and a solution to that problem. Readers who
can identify the structure of a text are better able to locate the information they need for successful

What are the types of Text Structures?

1. Sequence (Process) Structure—in this pattern, steps or phases of a process or project are
specified without cause-effect relationships being implied; a recipe or procedure for a science
investigating would be examples of differing complexity.

Examples: During flooding, one thing that may probably save your life is an improvised flotation
device. You can make one using your pants. First, knot off the leg holes of your pants. Then, hold
the open waist and swing the pants around to fill the legs with air. Promptly knot the waist to trap
the air and hold the pants underwater so that the air would not escape.

2. Time order/Chronology—this pattern is found in most narrative texts, where the plot unfolds
over time; more complex texts use literary devices, such as flashback and foreshadowing to
implicitly establish time order.

Example: Ondoy began to develop from an active low-pressure area to a tropical cyclone on
September 24, 2009. The following day, PAGASA raised storm signals all over the Philippine
archipelago. At that point, signal no. 2 was raised in Catanduanes and other parts of Luzon. By
Saturday morning, reports of flooding started to pour in. Meanwhile, President Arroyo declared
a state of calamity in Metro Manila. Immediately after President Arroyo’s declaration,
various government agencies began the rescue and relief operations. As soon as Typhoon Ondoy
exited the Philippines, more and more relief and rescue operations were conducted.

3. Events/Enumeration/Description Structure—this pattern usually covers a larger piece of

writing rather than a single paragraph. An introductory paragraph is provided which states the
topic and facilitates the listing or elaboration of important descriptions, characteristics,
or attributes.
4. Definition Structure—typically this pattern includes a “definition” and examples of class
membership/type, attributes, and functions; It may also include the parts and the relationship
between the parts or structure and function; in some instances, it will include ways something is
similar to or different from other things.

Example: Social engineering is defined as any method which tricks people to share personal
information through the use of technology. The “social” component in this scheme means that
there is reliance on various psychological tricks and on the gullibility of users rather than
technical hacking. Social engineering also refers to various malicious acts online, such as phishing,
spamming, and pretexting.

5. Compare-Contrast Structure—this pattern shows similarities and dissimilarities

between objects, actions, ideas, or processes; headings and subheadings generally provide extra
support/signals to readers about this structure; often one paragraph is dedicated to similarities
and another to differences.

Example: Are you not sure yet which phone to buy? To help you decide, this review will help you
inspect the basic similarities and differences of the flagship phones of two giant companies: Apple’s
iPhone 6 and Samsung’s Galaxy S5. Both brag to be the best smart phones in market to
date. While these state-of-the art phones have similarities in the form of their sleek design,
multi-touch screen, and multimedia features, they have their distinctive features as well.

6. Cause-Effect (Antecedent-Consequence) Structure—unlike the sequence pattern, this

pattern carries the implication that the effect is produced by a specific cause or that the
consequences follow from the specified antecedents; this might be found in a discussion of science
investigation results or historical articles linking multiple causes and effects.

7. Problem Solution (Hypothetical) Structure—this pattern may follow a number of different

forms; at one extreme, the problem and solution are labelled as such; at the other extreme, the
pattern is a series of questions and answers that may or may not lead to a resolution of the
problem or issue.

8. Proposition-Support (Persuasion)—this is similar to problem/solution, although arguments

and counter arguments are both presented in support of a thesis statement.

9. Judgmental/Critique Structure—this pattern uses a set of criteria to evaluate information or

ideas that have been presented; often discourse style (e.g., humor,satire) affects the complexity and
understanding of this type of text.

10. Inductive/Deductive Structure—there are subtle differences between these two structures,
which apply elements of enumeration and definition structures:

A deductive structure first presents a generalization/definition and then follows it with

specific examples; conversely, an inductive structure presents illustrations and examples
and then moves the reader to draw conclusion from the examples; these structures are often
embedded within cause/effect, proposition/support, and judgment/critique structures.

In an inductive text the writer starts with observations, suggestions, and unanswered
questions, building up information and ideas layer by layer.

GRADE LEVEL: Senior High School Grade 11 WEEK: 3
SUBJECT: English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Lesson 1: Techniques in Summarizing Academic Texts

Objectives: At the end of this module, you are expected to:

A. Identify the basic rules in summarizing;

B. Apply the various techniques in summarizing academic texts;
C. State the importance of summarizing academic texts; and
D. Summarize academic texts using the appropriate summarizing technique.

Lesson Proper:

Definition, Purpose, Rules and Techniques in Summarizing Academic Texts

Buckley (2004), in her popular writing text Fit to Print,

defines summarizing as reducing text to one-third or one-
quarter its original size, clearly articulating the author’s
meaning, and retaining main ideas. Diane Hacker (2008), in A
Canadian Writer’s Reference, explains that summarizing
involves stating a work’s thesis and main ideas “simply, briefly,
and accurately” (p. 62).

Summarizing is also essential skill that is needed in the

workplace and in the community. In some cases, writing a
summary is an excellent learning strategy that allows students
to monitor their own progress in learning course material.

in Summarizing Academic Texts

A. Erase things that don’t matter. Delete trivial material that is unnecessary to understanding.

B. Only write down important points. If it is not something that will help you understand or
remember, then don’t write it down. Think of it this way . . . If you had to pay money for every
word you write down, which words would you choose to include in your notes?

C. Erase things that repeat. Delete redundant material. In note taking, time and space are
precious. If a word or phrase says basically the same thing you have already written down, then
don’t write it again!

D. Trade, general terms for specific names. Substitute superordinate terms for lists (e.g., flowers
for daisies, tulips for roses). Focus on the big picture. Long, technical lists are hard to remember. If
one word will give you the meaning, then less is more.

E. Use your own words to write the summary. Do not just copy the sentences from the original
text. However, do not inject your opinion in your summary.

in Summarizing Academic Texts

1. Outlining. An outline is a map of your essay. It shows what information each section or
paragraph will contain and in what order.

I. Main Idea
A. Supporting Details
B. Supporting Details
II. Main Idea
A. Supporting Details
B. Supporting Details
2. Somebody Wanted But So Then. Each word represents a key question related to a text’s
essential elements:

Somebody—Who is the text about?

Wanted—What did the main character want?
But—What was the problem encountered?
So—How was the problem solved?
Then—How did it end?

3. SAAC Method. This method is particularly helpful in learning the format of a summary.
This includes the title and author’s name.

State— The name of the article, book, movie

Assign—the name of the author
Action—what the author is doing (ex. Tells, explains)
Complete—complete the sentence or summary with keywords and important details

4. 5W’s, 1 H. This technique relies on six crucial questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why,
How. These questions make it easy to identify the main character, important details and
main idea. Your summary may not necessarily follow this order as long as it contains all of
these information.

5. First Then Finally. This technique helps summarize events or steps in chronological
order or in sequence.
First– What happened first?
Then– What key details took place during the event/action?
Finally– What were the results of the event/action?

Changing the structure Changing the words

It can be easy to spot when someone
of a sentence has copied directly from a textbook. We
all have different styles of writing and
1. Read the original text a number of
yours will be different to the authors you
times and make sure you understand are reading.
the main ideas.
1. Once you understand the main ideas of
2. Write down the main ideas from the original text look for specialized
memory. words – these words may be retained
in the paraphrased version, as they are
3. Check what you have written against
key to the meaning of the sentence.
the original text – make sure you have
retained the original ideas and that 2. Look for words or phrases that can be
your version is different. changed.

3. Use a thesaurus or dictionary to find

GRADE LEVEL: Senior High School Grade 11 WEEK: 4
SUBJECT: English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Lesson 1: Thesis Statement and Reading Outline

Objectives: At the end of this module, you are expected to:

A. Distinguish a strong thesis statement from weak ones;

B. Identify thesis statements from academic texts; and
C. Create an outline of the text being read.

Lesson Proper:

Thesis Statement: Definition

A thesis statement is the claim or stand that you will develop in your paper. It is the
controlling idea of your essay.

A strong thesis statement usually contains an element of

uncertainty, risk or challenge (Ramage, Bean, and Johnson
2006:34). This means that your thesis should offer a debatable
claim that you can prove or disprove in your essay. The claim
should be debatable enough to let your readers agree or
disagree with you. Also, you will have to gather evidence in
order for you to back up your thesis statement.

Guidelines on writing an effective thesis statement

Avoid making overly-opinionated stands Avoid making announcements

While a thesis statement needs to reveal your Sometimes, it is easier to tell your reader
attitude toward the topic, be careful not to go to what you intend to write about. However,
the extremes and write a thesis statement with sometimes it makes a weak thesis
an exaggerated claim. This is because you need statement for it lacks your attitude or stand
to prove your thesis first, and avoid imposing in a particular topic.
your opinion on the reader, lest you affect their
disposition toward you.

Avoid stating facts alone

If you rely only on facts in your thesis

statements, you will not have much room for
discussion, because facts are generally not as
debatable as opinions.

Outline: An outline is a summary that gives the essential features of a text. It shows how
the parts of a text are related to one another as parts that are of equal importance, or
sections that are subordinate to a main idea.

The are two kinds of outlines: the reading outline and writing outline. A reading outline is
used to get the main ideas of a text that is already written. It helps you understand the text’s
structure more critically because you will have to find the text’s thesis statement and supporting
details. You will better understand how a writer connects and sequences the information in the
reading text.
Steps in creating a reading outline

1. Read the entire text first. Skim the text afterward. Having an
overview of the reading’s content will

help you follow its structure better.

2. Locate the thesis statement.

3. Look for the key ideas in each paragraph of the essay.

4. Look at the topic sentence and group related ideas together.

5. Arrange the contents according to chronological order, spatial order, and general to specific order.

6. Go back to the text and make sure you have not miss any important information.

Rules for outlining

1. Subdivide topics by a system of numbers and letters, followed by a period. In a formal

outline, Roman numerals can be used to represent paragraphs. Capital letters can be used to
represent supporting details for the paragraphs.

2. Each heading and subheading must have at least two parts.

3. Use either brief phrases or complete sentences. Do not use both in one essay.

Types of Outlines:

1. Topic outline—the headings are given in sing words or brief phrases

2. Sentence outline– all headings are expressed in complete sentences

Note: The use of roman numerals, capital letters, numbers and lower case letters will
vary depending on the length of the section or paragraph.
GRADE LEVEL: Senior High School Grade 11 WEEK: 5
SUBJECT: English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Lesson 1: Outline Reading Text in Various Disciplines

Objectives: At the end of this module, you are expected to:

A. Outline reading texts in various disciplines

Lesson Proper:

“The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr. Seuss

Before, you were told to make an outline prior to writing an essay or text (pre-writing). In this
sense, the outline serves as your guide or blueprint in writing to ensure organization of your ideas;
it is called as writing outline. In this lesson you will make an outline after you read a text (post-
reading), it is called as reading outline. That means the outline will reflect the summary or
abstract of the text.

Therefore, you need to read and comprehend the text before you could make an outline. Now,
let’s have a detailed grasp of this lesson. An outline is a summary that gives the essential features
of a text. It shows how the parts of a text are related to one another as parts that are of equal
importance, or sections that are subordinate to a main idea (Valdriz, 2017).

Steps in creating a reading outline

1 Read the entire text first. Skim the text afterward.

2 Locate the thesis statement of the whole text.

3 Look for key phrases in each paragraph of the text.

4 Locate the topic sentence of each paragraph.

5 Look at the topic sentences and group these with related ideas together.

6 Arrange the contents according to levels.

7 Evaluate the supporting details.

8 Go back to the text to check whether you have followed the sequence closely and you have
not missed any important information.

When preparing an outline, you can either use a decimal outline or alphanumeric outline. A
decimal outline only uses numbers as labels while an alphanumeric outline uses both letters and
numbers as labels (Barrot, 2016).
Mechanics of Outlining (for Alphanumeric Outline)

1. Indicate main headings and subheadings using Roman numerals and capital letters.
To divide the subheadings further, Arabic numbers are used. Fourth degree ideas are indicated by
numbers and small letters followed by a close parenthesis.

The descending parts of an alphanumeric outline are labelled in the following order:

I. _________________________
A. ________________________
1. _______________________
a. ______________________
1) _____________________
b) _____________________

2. Place a period after each number and letter heading and subheading.

3. Do not place a period after each number or letter with close parenthesis.

4. Do not place a period after each item unless it is a complete sentence.

5. Begin each item with a capital letter.

6. Be sure that corresponding main divisions are of the same level of importance and

that corresponding sub-divisions are of the same level of importance also.

7. Use parallel grammatical structure for headings.

8. Avoid the use of the words “Introduction”, “Body”, “Conclusion” to substitute headings.

Study the sample outlines, Outline A and Outline B, below.

GRADE LEVEL: Senior High School Grade 11 WEEK: 6
SUBJECT: English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Lesson 1: Writing a Balanced Review/Reaction Paper/Critique

Objectives: At the end of this module, you are expected to:

A. Distinguish the characteristics of a good review/reaction paper/ critique;

B. Compare and contrast sample reviews;
C. Evaluate a review/reaction paper/critique; and
D. Write a balanced review/reaction paper/critique

Lesson Proper:

What is a reaction paper?

A reaction paper is a written assignment that provides a personal opinion

regarding a given piece of work. The paper should include a short summary of
the work, but the main focus is your thoughts, feelings and rationalizations
about what's discussed in the original text. This requires analysis of the given
work on your part, followed by a focused, well-thought-out reaction backed by
outside sources, where applicable.

Your reaction paper should consist of four main parts:

1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusions
4. List of citations and sources

Guidelines for Writing the Reaction Paper/Review/Critique

1. Value Communicated

a. Sound critical judgment

b. A fair and balanced assessment of situations or events, people and things

2. Basic Content

a. Ranges from an off-hand gut reaction, favorable or unfavorable, merely expressive of

emotion to a more rational impersonal critical analysis that seriously communicates some
value, ethical or moral, some hidden or forgotten truth, and some aesthetic delight

b. May take the form of a reflection, an appeal, a protest, a tribute or denunciation, a


c. In general, the content would include the following topics:

2.1. For human situations:

a.) A brief description of the event

b.) People involved, their roles and contributions

c.) Other driving forces, in the open or hidden and unsuspected

d.) Implications and consequences

e.) Assessment and prognostication

f.) Some offered solutions

2.2. For cultural affairs, people, works, performances:

a.) The central purposes of the event or product

b.) The means, devices, strategies employed to achieve the purposes

c.) An evaluation of the achievement: success or failure

d.) The significance (if any) beyond mere entertainment of the event or
product in ethical and/or aesthetic terms, its timeliness and/or timelessness

3. Modes of Ordering (Any of the following):

a. From the event/performance/artifact/work presented and described/narrated in

themselves to the writer’s critical evaluation of the entire event, show or work in a
sequence of its elements

b. Discussion that intersperses critical comments between mention or description of the

details of the event, show or work

c. From a cover statement giving an over-all judgment of the event, show or piece to a
discussion of each angle, aspect or element of the event, show or work illustrating or
providing evidence for the evaluative cover statement

4. Basic qualities of a Good Reaction Paper

a. Gives a fair and balance social commentary

b. Provides relevant and accurate factual information on the situation

c. Exhibits by means of thorough and in-depth analysis an appreciation of context

(including time, place, people, involvement, their motivation, and actuations)

d. Makes a clear distinction, through language, between what is actual and what is
probable or possible

e. Exhibits a deep sense of humanity and an understanding of the human situation even
while expressing disapproval or disagreement most intensely.

Format of reaction paper (continued)

A reaction paper adopts different formats depending on the instructions

given. A reaction paper is divided into several parts. To organize your
work, you have to understand every part of the essay and what it entails.
In a reaction paper, just like in any other essay format, there is the
introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Besides the three main parts,
a reaction paper constitutes the citation list.

THE INTRODUCTION – the introduction is the face of your paper and

therefore as a writer you have to make sure that it looks attractive and
increases the urgency of the reader to proceed to your body paragraphs. In the introduction, you
have to give a small description of the author and the main problems and ideas on the story. It
should not be too long, as it will be boring to the reader; a good introduction should have three to
four sentences. Immediately after the introduction, you should write a thesis statement which
should be clear and brief.

THE BODY is the main section, where all the ideas for your essay are explained. In your body
paragraphs, you should start each one with a topic sentence. The topic sentence should reflect the
idea to be described in the section. You should include appropriate sources to back up your opinions.
In the body, you can add theoretical evidence to support your statement.

THE CONCLUSION – in writing your conclusion you should link your thesis statement with a
summary of the ideas in the body paragraphs. A good way of encrypting your conclusion is by
touching on the major points in summary then wrapping up everything by clarifying your opinion.

LIST OF CITATIONS – while writing a reaction paper you have to include the citation for the
sources you have used within your paper. The sources used should be credible and scholarly so that
they can persuade the reader.
GRADE LEVEL: Senior High School Grade 11 WEEK: 7&8
SUBJECT: English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Lesson 1: Ways to Elucidate a Concept

Objectives: At the end of this module, you are expected to:

A. Identify the ways to elucidate a concept;

B. List down words related to the following words: concept, definition, explication, and
C. Determine the technique/s used in developing the concept of a particular essay;
D. Use any of the techniques to elucidate a concept; and
E. Write a mini-concept paper about your chosen topic.

Lesson Proper:

Ways to Elucidate a Concept

The concept paper defines an idea or a concept and explains its essence in order to
clarify the “whatness” of that idea or concept. It answers the questions: what is it and
about it (Dadufalza 1996:183). A concept paper starts with a definition, either formal or
informal, of the term or the concept and proceeds with an expanded definition and an
analytic description of the aspects of the concept.


1. To clarify meaning of words, or to correct misinterpretations, or misuse of a term.

2. To stipulate the meaning of a term by limiting, extending, or redirecting the sense in which a
term is usually understood; to use a term, borrowed from another field of knowledge, in a
special way.

Three ways of elucidating a concept:

1. Definition - is a logical technique by which the meaning of a term is revealed. Definition is important
because it clarifies the meaning of a word or a concept and it also limit the scope of that particular word
or concept. Limiting the scope controls and avoids misinterpretations, ague notions, and/or broad ideas.

1. Formal – follows a pattern or equation: term + genus + differentia (differentiating
Ex. A robot is a machine that looks like a human being and performs complex acts of a human
being (Webster)
2. By synonym- using a word or phrase that shares a meaning with the term being defined.
Ex: Hashish – marijuana.
3. By origin or semantic history – Ex. Yoga comes from the Sanskrit “to join”
4. By Illustration – Ex: Known for their shedding their leaves in the fall, deciduous trees include
oaks, maples, and beeches.
5. By function – Ex: A thermometer measures temperature change.
6. By analysis (Breaking down wholes into parts, aspects into levels, and a process into steps) Ex:
The republican form of government has three branches: the executive, the legislative, and the
7. By contrast- use of opposites Ex: Unlike those of gas, the particles of plasma are electrically
8. By negation – stating what a term is not. Ex: Wild rice, an American delicacy, is not rice at all
but the seed of a tall aquatic grass.

2. Explication– is an attempt to reveal the meaning by calling attention to implications, such as the
connotations of words and the tone conveyed by the brevity or length of a sentence. An explication is a
commentary that makes explicit what implicit.
Explication is a method of explanation in which sentences, verses, quotes, or phrases are taken
from a literary or academic work then interpreted and explained in a detailed way. You may begin by
analyzing how the text was constructed and end with a concise conclusion by restating your major
arguments. Explication not only illuminates a piece of literature, but also serves to remind the readers
about its historical setting and formal properties of style and language.

3. Clarification- it is a method of explanation in which the points are organized from a general abstract
idea to specific and concrete examples. The analysis of the concept is done by looking at the examples and
specifying its characteristics.

In elucidating a concept you can also use conjunctions to make your statement strong and sound.

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Read and understand all the instructions given and write
your answers in one whole yellow pad. Label your yellow pad accordingly and arrange
from Week 1 – Week 8, respectively.

WEEK 1: Activity

Using a bullet form, list down 5 similarities and differences of Academic Text from
Non-academic Text (2 points each)

WEEK 1: Assessment

Using a bullet form, list down 5 similarities and differences of Academic Language from Social
Language (2 points each)

WEEK 2: Activity

Write a short article (at least 150-200 words; choose your own topic) using One of the types of text

WEEK 2: Assessment
Copy and Answer. Read each passage and identify the text structure used. (Right x 2 points)
1. Before you begin to bake chocolate chip cookies, remember to gather all the ingredients. Next,
turn the oven and preheat it. Then, you are ready to begin measuring and mixing the dough.
2. It is dark as night in the deepest parts of the ocean. Most fish would find it very difficult or
impossible to see, but the lantern fish has solved this problem. It carries its own flashlight.
3. Eels are long and thin like snakes. Trying to hold onto an eel is like trying to hold onto a snake.
4. Because a plate of grapes was out in the hot sun, they turned into raisins within several days.
5. Carol forgot to add yeast to the dough when she was baking. Therefore, wheat bread did not
rise, and she was not able to eat it.

WEEK 3: Activity & Assessment

Read the following texts. Write a 3-5 sentence summary of the following text using Outlining.
(20 Points; 10pts for Act and 10pts for Assessment)
It is important to enjoy the food you eat. And eating in a healthier way may even be
cheaper! Some traditional beliefs of what makes up a healthy diet may be really good, such as
eating home-preserved vegetables, but other traditional beliefs are disease-promoting, e.g. eating
large quantities of fatty meat daily. Recent evidence has shown that eating too much meat with
animal fat is risky to our health. Only very small amounts of lean meat are needed – and not
every day. In fact, the less meat and animal fat we eat the better!

Eating too much animal fat is a main cause of ill health. Our bodies need very little but
most of us eat too much. You may have heard of SATURATED FATS. These are found mainly in
the meat of cows, pigs and sheep and in products which include their meat and fat, such as
sausages, meat pies and beef burgers. Eating too much saturated fat can lead to coronary heart
disease and being overweight. UNSATURATED FATS, however, are found in oily fish, chicken,
eggs, turkey, duck, beans and lentils and foods made from these. Unsaturated fat may be better
for you, but eating TOO MUCH FAT of any type can increase your weight. It is better to buy a
small amount of lean meat rather than fatty meat or solid fat. It is even better to EAT MORE
FISH of all kinds.

And don’t forget to increase your IRON intake by eating liver. Traditional meals using
peas, beans and lentils provide good nourishment. Remember to cut down on any animal fat used
in cooking, e.g. in soups do not add fat and do not fry food for. Where FAT is involved, LESS IS
WEEK 4: Activity & Assessment
Instruction: Read critically the texts below. Identify the thesis statement and make a TOPIC
OUTLINE for this essay. (20 Points; 10pts for Act and 10pts for Assessment)


In an increasingly complex and competitive business world, how is a company to generate
the creative ideas needed for ongoing success? Many managers believe that forming teams with
cross-functional diversity is the answer (Sethi et al., 2002), and this is becoming increasingly
common (Mu & Gnyawali, 2003). However, while diversity in group membership may lead to the
diversity of ideas needed for innovative problem solving, it is argued here that that managers
need to be aware that there are many ways that diversity can in fact hinder team performance,
though there are strategies that both teams and their managers can use to reduce the potential
negatives and enhance the potential positives.

Aside from the cross-functional diversity, many other types of diversity can have effects on
team performance and some of these types of diversity can have inherently negative effects. For
example, any negative stereotyping by group members resulting from diversity in terms of
gender, age or ethnicity will reduce team social cohesion and hence group performance (Fiske &
Neuberg, 1990, as cited in Harrison et al., 2002) because a certain amount of social cohesion has
been found to be correlated with effective group performance (Harrison et al., 2002). Other
aspects of diversity, such as in attitudes towards the group’s tasks, in values, and in time
management styles, can also negatively affect group social cohesion and hence group performance
(Fiske & Neuberg, 1990, as cited in Harrison et al., 2002).

The sorts of diversity that are most likely to be beneficial to group performance, such as
diversity in relevant knowledge, experience and skills (Harrison et al., 2002), can unfortunately
also cause problems for group performance. Having too many diverse views and opinions to
coordinate can, for example, cause cognitive overload amongst group members and so impede its
decision making processes (Mu & Gnyawali, 2003; Sethi et al., 2002). This is especially likely to
be a problem when the team has a limited amount of time to complete its tasks (Mu & Gnyawali,
2003). The cross-functional diversity mentioned above can also cause problems if group members
have difficulty understanding and coordinating the differing world views and values of group
members from different functional areas (Colbeck et al., 2000 and Gallos, 1989, as cited in Mu &
Gnyawali, 2003).

Given all the above-mentioned problems associated with diversity, are there strategies
that a team and its managers can implement to reduce the potential negatives and enhance the
potential positives? Regard-ng cognitive overload, evidently a team needs to be given an adequate
amount of time to complete its task. Scheduling frequent collaboration can also be used to build
social cohesion and overcome the potential negative impacts of stereotypes (Harrison et al., 2002)
provided “team psychological safety” is fostered in the group (Mu & Gnyawali, 2003). And since
too much social cohesion can cause teams to avoid the robust debate needed to generate the best
thinking in order to protect social relationships, management encouragement of the group to be
“venturesome” in its work can also be helpful (Sethi et al., 2002).

In conclusion, it appears that if managers wish to create especially effective teams, they
should seek to minimize diversity in terms of task and time management values, while looking to
maximize differences in relevant knowledge and skills. They should further aim to foster as much
collaboration as possible so as to develop team social cohesion, have rules about interactions
which foster team psychological safety, and encourage the team to be venturesome. Unless these
things are done, managers will likely find diversity more a hindrance than a help for group
WEEK 5: Activity & Assessment
Instruction: Read the text below and complete the topic outline that follows. Write the
answer on a sheet of paper. (35points for activity; 35points for assessment)
Origins of Writing
Ancient civilizations attributed the origins of writing to the gods. For the ancient
Egyptians, their god Thoth was the creator of writing and, in some stories, also the creator of
speech. The ancient Sumerians and Assyrians also believed that writing originated with certain
gods, as did the ancient Maya. In Chinese mythology, the creation of writing is attributed to an
ancient sage and was used for communication with the gods. Clearly, writing was highly valued
even by ancient peoples.
Humans began painting pictures on cave walls 25,000 years ago or more; but writing systems did
not develop until groups of people began settling in farming communities. Scholars say that
writing systems developed independently in at least three different parts of the world:
Mesopotamia, China, and Mesoamerica.

The oldest known writing system developed among the ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia
around 3000 B.C. Along with the rise of agricultural societies carne the development of property
ownership and the need to keep records of it. In early agricultural societies, property consisted
largely of land, livestock such as cattle, and grain. Originally, clay tokens of various shapes were
used to count these possessions. From this developed a system of impressing the shapes onto clay
tablets. One of the earliest clay tablets of this type was found in excavations in Mesopotamia and
dates from the time of the Sumerian culture. Scribes then began using reeds instead of tokens to
mark the clay, developing a system of wedge-like shapes to represent the tokens. This system of
writing using wedge shapes is known as cuneiform. It was later adopted by other cultures and
became the basis for other writing systems. Originating in a system that used pictures to
represent objects, cuneiform writing eventually developed into systems that used symbols to
represent the sounds of language.

The oldest form of Chinese writing dates from around 1500 B.C. It is called oracle bone script
because it was carved on animal bones and shells that were used for predicting the future. At a
later period, Chinese writing appeared on bronze vases and later still developed into a system
that was used to record government affairs. The Chinese writing system was also the original
basis for both the Japanese and Korean writing systems.

In Mesoamerica, a region that encompasses parts of Mexico and Central America, it is the
ancient Mayans who are famous for the writing they inscribed on temple walls and other
religious structures. However, scholars believe that writing in that part of the world may have
begun before the rise of the Mayan civilization. The Zapotec culture, centered on Oaxaca, Mexico,
was already using writing around 400 B.C., or possibly earlier. The Olmec culture may have
developed a writing system even earlier than that.

Recent discoveries show that the Mayans may have begun writing around 2,300 years ago. They
used a system of symbols that represented words and syllables to record information about the
deeds of their rulers as well as information connected to their calendar and astronomy. Their
system of writing survived until the time of the Spanish
Conquest in the 1500s.

In ancient times, only specialized people such as scholars, priests, or government officials used
writing. Today, close to three-quarters of the world's adult population can read and write, and
literacy is considered a basic skill necessary to function in the modern world.

>>>Transfer the outline below and fill-in the blanks with the correct answer<<<
Origins of Writing
Thesis Statement: The origin of writing systems can be attributed to ancient civilizations of
Mesopotamia, China, and Mesoamerica.
I. Ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia
A. Recording of property ownership
1. Clay tokens
2. ________________
3. ________________
4. ________________
II. Oldest form of Chinese writing
A. ________________
1. Used for predicting the future
B. ________________
1. Basis for Japanese and Korean writing systems
III. Writing systems in Mesoamerica
A. ________________
1. Temple walls and religious structures inscriptions
2. Used a system of symbols
B. Zapotec Culture
1. Writing around 400 B.C.
C. ________________
1. Developed earlier a writing system
WEEK 6: Activity & Assessment (30 points for activity; 30 points for assessment)
Instruction: Write a 300-500 word critique/review/reaction paper on the government’s
fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Make sure to follow the correct guidelines and format
of reaction paper. Use the outline below as your guide:

by: (Your Name)



WEEK 7&8: Activity & Assessment (25 points for activity; 25 points for assessment)
Instruction: Read and analyze the text below. Then, answer the comprehension questions that

(1) “Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally—either
directly or through elected representatives—in the proposal, development, and creation of laws.
(2) It encompasses social, economic, and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal
practice of political self-determination.
(3) The term originates from the Greek δημοκρατία (dēmokratía) “rule of the people,” which was
coined from δήμοϚ (dêmos) “people” and κράτϚ (kratos) “power) or “rule” in the 5th century BCE
to denote the political systems then existing in Greek city-states, notably Athens.
(4)The term is an antonym to άριοτοκρατíα (aristokratia) “rule of an elite.”
(5) While theoretically these definitions are in opposition, in practice, the distinction has been
blurred historically.
(6) The political system of Classical Athens, for example, granted democratic citizenship to an
elite class of free men and excluded slaves and women from political participation.
(7) In virtually all democratic governments throughout ancient and modern history, democratic
citizenship consisted of an elite class until full enfranchisement was won for all adult citizens in
most modern democracies through the suffrage movements of the 19th and 20th centuries.
(8) The English word dates to the 16th century, from the older Middle
French and Middle Latin equivalents.
(9) Democracy contrasts with forms of government where power is either held by one person, as in
a monarchy, or where power is held by a small number of individuals, as in an oligarchy.
(10) Nevertheless, these oppositions, inherited from Greek philosophy, are now ambiguous
because contemporary governments have mixed democratic, oligarchic, and monarchic elements.
(11) Karl Popper defined democracy in contrast to dictatorship or tyranny, thus focusing on
opportunities for the people to control their leaders and to oust them without the need for a
revolution.” (Project Gutenberg Self Publishing Press)
Copy and Answer the following comprehension questions:

1. What is the concept being presented?

2. What technique/s is used to develop the concept?
3. Is/Are the technique/s used effective in explaining the concept? Why do you say so?
4. Does the development of the concept emphasized only relevant information?
5. Is the concept discussed clearly that it can be easily related to experience?

Sources: Softcopy of EAPP SLM from Department of Education– Region VII, Division of Cebu Province (Q1-Q7)
EAPP by DepEd Central Office. First Edition, 2016

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