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Ø Linear momentum is a vector.It has the same
direction as the direction of velocity of the body.
SI unit: kg m s-1 , CGS unit: g cm s-1
Inertia : Ø D.F: MLT-1
Ø It is the inability of a body to change its state of Change in momentum of a body in
rest or of uniform motion or its direction by itself.
Ø Mass is a measure of inertia in translatory motion
different cases
Ø Consider a body of mass m moving with velocity
Ø Heavier the mass, larger the inertia & vice–versa. ur r
Types of inertia: There are three types of inertia. vi and momentum Pi . Due to a collision (or) due
(i) Inertia of rest (ii) Inertia of motion and (iii)Inertia to the action of a force on it suppose its velocity
of direction. uur r
changes to v f and momentum changes to Pf in a
Ø Inertia of rest: It is the inability of a body to change
its state of rest by itself . small time interval Dt .
r r r
Ex:When a bus is at rest and starts suddenly moving Change in momentum of body = DP = Pf - Pi
forward the passengers inside it will fall back.
Inertia of motion: It is the inability of a body to Where Pi = initial momentum
change its state of uniform motion by itself.
Pf = final momentum
Ex: Passengers in a moving bus fall forward, when
r uur ur
brakes are applied suddenly. DP = mv f - mvi
Inertia of direction: It is the inability of a body to r r r
change its direction of motion by itself . DP = Pf - Pi = Pf2 + Pi 2 - 2 Pf Pi cos q
Ex:When a bus takes a turn, passengers in it experience r r
an outward force. where q = angle between Pf and Pi
Ø A person sitting in a moving train, throws a coin Consider a body of mass ‘m’ moving
vertically upwards, then r
with velocity ‘ v ’along a straight line
i) it falls behind him, if the train is accelerating
ii) it falls infront of him, if the train is retarding Ø Case (i) : If it hits a wall and comes to rest,
iii) it falls into the hand of the person, if the train is Change in momentum of the body
moving with uniform velocity.
iv) It falls into the hand of the person if the train is at
Newton's First Law ( law of Inertia) v
Ø Every body continues to be in its state of rest (or)
uniform motion in a straight line unless it is acted
upon by a net external force to change its state
Ø ur r r r
D P = Pf - Pi = 0 - (mv ) iˆ
It defines inertia,force and mechanical equilibrium.
Ø If the net external force on an object is zero , then
r ur
= -mviˆ ; DP = mv , along the normal and
acceleration of object is zero.
Linear momentum :
Ø Linear momentum is the product of the mass of a away from the wall.
r r Ø Case(ii) : If the body rebounds with same speed
body and its velocity. p = mv
‘ v ’ then q = 1800


Ø Case(v) : In the above case if q is the angle made

with wall then D P = 2 mv sin q , along the nor-
m v
mal and away from the wall.
Ø Case(vi) : Projectile motion :

ur r r
r r r
D P = Pf - Pi = éê-(mv ) iˆùú - éê(mv )iˆùú = -(2mv )iˆ
ë û ë û r
ur u
\ D P = 2mv , along the normal and away from
the wall.
Ø Case (iii) : If the body hits a rigid wall normally u sinθ

with speed v1 and rebounds with speed v2 then

θ = 180 0 , θ ucos θ
u cosθ r
usinθ u

a)In case of projectile motion the change in

m v1 momentum of a body between highest point and
point of projection is
v2 Pi = ( mu cos θ ) iˆ + ( mu sin θ ) ˆj
uur uuur
ur r r Pf = ( mu cos θ ) iˆ + 0 , ∆P = - ( mu sin θ ) ˆj
D P = P f - Pi b) The change in momentum of the projectile be-
r r
= − ( mv2 ) iˆ − ( mv1 ) iˆ , tween the striking point and point of projection is
ur Pi = ( mu cos θ ) iˆ + ( mu sin θ ) ˆj
DP = m (v2 + v1 ) , along the normal and a w a y uur
from the wall. Pf = ( mu cos θ ) iˆ − ( mu sin θ ) ˆj
Ø Case (iv) : A body of mass ‘m’ moving with speed uuur
‘ v ’ hits a rigid wall at an angle of incidence q and ∆P = - ( 2mu sinθ ) ˆj
rebounds with same speed ‘ v ’ Ø A particle of mass ‘m’ is moving uniformly with a
ur speed ‘ v ’ along a circular path of radius ‘r’. As it
∆P ur
is along the normal,away from the wall
moves from a point A to another point B, such that
∆ P x = − mv cos θ i − mv cos θ i
ur the arc AB subtends an angle θ at the centre, then
∆ P y = mv sin θ j − mv sin θ j the magnitude of change in momentum is 2 m v sin(θ /
ur ur ur
∆ P = ∆ P x + ∆ P y = 2mv cos θ ( −i ) 2) and is directed towards the centre of the circle.
D P = 2mv cos q Pf


mv cos θ mv cos θ Newton's second law:
Ø The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly
proportional to the resultant (or) net external force
mv sin θ acting on the body and takes place along the
direction of force.
mv sin θ


ur r
ur ( )
dp ur d mv B r r r
Ø F net = (or) F net = F1 + F2 + F3 = 0
dt dt r r r
Ø In a system if only velocity changes and mass remain
θ (
F1 = − F2 + F3 )
ur r F + F = F1
2 2
dv 2 3

constant , F net = m = ma A
Ø In a system, if only mass changes and velocity Obviously if F1 is removed then the mass will have
ur r dm F22 + F32 F1
remians constant F net = v acceleration, a =
( or ) a =
Ø Force is a vector and the acceleration produced in W.E-3:A body of mass m=3.513 kg is moving along
the body is in the direction of net force, the x-axis with a speed of 5ms-1.The magnitude
Ø SI unit : newton (N). CGS unit :dyne. of its momentum is recorded as (AIEEE - 2008)
Sol. m=3.513kg,v=5ms-1 momentum,
Ø One newton = 105 dyne.
p = mv=3.513×5 =17.565kgms-1
Ø D.F=MLT-2 W.E-4:A very flexible chain of length L and mass
Gravitational units of force: Kilogram weight M is vertically suspended with its lower end
(kg wt) and gram weight (gm wt); 1 kg.wt = 9.8 just touching the table. If it is released so that
N, 1 gm.wt= 980 dyne. each link strikes the table and comes to rest.
Ø A metallic plate of mass ‘M’ is kept held in mid air What force the chain will exert on the table
by firing ‘n’ bullets in ‘t’ seconds each of mass ‘m’ at the moment ‘y’ part of length falls on the
with a velocity ‘v’ from below. table ?
(a) If the bullet falls dead after hitting the plate then Sol. Since chain is uniform , the mass of ‘y’ part of the
M 
mnv chain will be  L y . When this part reaches the
= Mg
t table, its total force exerted must be equal to the
(b) If the bullet rebounds after hitting the plate with weight of y part resting on table + Force due to the
2m n v momentum imparted
same velocity then = Mg M 
t  dy 2 gy Mg M
F = yg +  L 
M = y + v. 2 gy
W.E-1: A force produces an acceleration16 ms −2 L dt L L
 dy 
Q = v  =
in a mass 0.5 kg and an acceleration 4 ms −2 Mg M My
y+ 2 gy . 2 gy = 3 g
 dt  L L L
in an unknown mass when applied separately.
W.E-5: A body of mass 8kg is moved by a force
If both the masses are tied together, what will
F =(3x)N, where x is the distance covered.
be the acceleration under same force?
Initial position is x = 2 m and final position
Sol. Force F=ma=0.5×16=8Ν when both masses are
joined and same force acts, acceleration is given is x =10m. If initially the body is at rest, find
the final speed. [2014E]
F 8
by a =
= = 3.2ms −2 dv dv dx
m + m 0.5 + (8 / 4)
Sol: F=ma ⇒ F=m ⇒ 3 x =m
dt dx dt
W.E-2:When the forces F1 , F2 , F3 are acting on a
3x = 8 v ⇒ 3xdx = 8vdv
particle of mass m such that F2 and F3 are dx
mutually perpendicular, then the particle re- 10 v 10 v
 2  2
main stationary. If the force F1 is now removed, ∫
2 0

3 xdx = 8 vdv ⇒ 3  x  = 8  v 
 2 2  2 0
then find the acceleration of the particle .
Sol. If mass 'm' is stationary under three forces, 3 × 96
3[100-4]=8 v ⇒ v = = 36 ⇒ v =6ms-1
2 2


W.E-6:Sum of magnitudes of the two forces acting time.

at a point is 16 N. If their resultant is normal v t
F F0 − bt dv F0 − bt ⇒ dv = F0 e −bt dt
to the smaller force, and has a magnitude 8N, a= = e ⇒
m m
= e
dt m
∫0 ∫0 m
then the forces are ( 2012E)
t 0
Sol. F1 + F2 = 16 ——(1) Resultant force is perpen- F  1   F 1  
⇒ v =  0   e −bt  =  0   e− bt 
dicular to F1, then F22 − F12 = F 2  m  −b   0 m b  t

F2 2 − F12 = 82 ⇒ ( F2 − F1 )( F2 + F1 ) = 64 =
F0 0 − bt
e −e ) =
( )
1 − e −bt

( F2 − F1 ) ×16 = 64 ————(2) So, velocity increases continuously and attains a

Solving(1) &(2),we get F1 = 6 N , F2 = 10 N maximum value, vmax = 0 Ans: 3
ur br W.E-9:A bus moving on a level road with a velocity
W.E-7:A particle is at rest at x=a. A force F = − 2 i
x v can be stopped at a distance of x , by the
begins to act on the particle. The particle starts application of a retarding force F. The load
its motion, towards the origin, along X–axis. on the bus is increased by 25% by boarding
Find the velocity of the particle, when it the passengers. Now, if the bus is moving with
reaches a distance x from the origin. the same speed and if the same retarding force
b d b is applied, the distance travelled by the bus
Sol. F = − ⇒ ( p) = − 2
x 2
dt x before it stops is [2014E]
d b dv dx b Sol :By using equations of motion v - u2 = 2as
( mv) = − 2 ⇒ m = − 2
dt x dx dt x F F
v 2 − u 2 = −2   s −u 2 = −2   s
b b m m
mv dv = − 2
dx ⇒ vdv = − 2 dx
x mx Fs 2Fs m1 s1
v x
b v2 b  1 
x u2 = 2 ⇒ m= 2 ⇒m∝s ⇒ m = s
∫ v dv =∫ −
0 a mx 2
dx ⇒ =
2 m  x  a
m u
Given s1 = x ,m1 = m, and
2 2

b 1 1
25 m 5m
= −
2 m  x a  ∴v =
2b  a − x 
 
m2 = m + ( m) = m + =
m  xa  100 4 4
m x 5x
⇒ 5m / 4 = s ⇒ s2 = = (1.25x ) m
W.E-8:A particle of mass m is at rest at the origin
at time t=0. It is subjected to a force 2 4
F(t)= F0 e − bt in the X-direction. Its speed V(t) Applications of variable mass :
is depicted by which of the following curves. Ø When a machine gun fires ‘n’ bullets each of mass
(AIEEE-2012) ‘m’ with a velocity v in a time interval ‘t’ then
F0 F0b force needed to hold the gun steadily is F =
mb m Ø When a jet of liquid coming out of a pipe strikes a
wall normally and falls dead , then force exerted
1) v(t) 2) v(t) by the jet of liquid on the wall is F=Adv2 A = Area
t t of cross section of the pipe v = Velocity of jet d =
density of the liquid
F0b F0 Ø If the liquid bounces back with the same velocity
m mb then the force exerted by the liquid on the wall is
F = 2 Adv 2
3) v(t) 4) v(t) Ø If the liquid bounces back with velocity v ' then
t t the force exerted on the wall is F = Adv(v + v′)
Sol: As the force is exponentially decreasing, its Ø When a jet of liquid strikes a wall by making an
acceleration, i.e,rate of increase of velocity will angle 'θ ' with the wall with a velocity ‘ v ’ and
decrease with time.Thus, the graph of velocity will rebounds with same velocity then force exerted by
be an increasing curve with decreasing slope with the water jet on wall is F = 2 Adv 2 sin θ


Ø If gravel is dropped on a conveyor belt at the rate W.E-12:A flat plate moves normally with a speed
dm v1 towards a horizontal jet of water of uniform
of ,extra force required to keep the belt moving area of cross section. The jet discharges water
dt at the rate of volume V per second at a speed of
 dm  v2 . The density of water is r . Assume that water
with constant velocity ' u ' is F = u  
 dt  splashes along the surface of the plate at right
W.E-10:A gardener is watering plants at the rate angles to the original motion. The magnitude
0.1litre/sec using a pipe of cross- sectional area of the force acting on the plate due to the jet is
dp dm
1 cm2. What additional force he has to exert Sol. Force acting on the plate F = = ur
if he desires to increase the rate of watering dt dt
two times? dm V
Since Av2 = V ⇒ = A(v1 + v2 )ρ = (v1 + v2 ) ρ
dt v2
( Av )
Sol :F = Ad v 2 = . If rate of watering of ( ur = v1 + v2 = velocity of water coming out of jet
plant (A v ) is doubled, it means that the amount of w.r.t plate)
water poured/sec is doubled which is possible only F = (v1 + v2 ). (v1 + v2 ) ρ = (v1 + v2 )2 ρ N
if velocity is doubled. Hence, force is to be made 4 v2 v2
times. ur
Impulse ( J ) :
∴ Additional force = 3 times initial force
Ø It is the product of impulsive force and time of act
( Av )
ion that produces a finite change in momentum of
= 3 Adv 2
=3 d body.
Ø J=Ft = m(v-u) = change in momentum. SI unit: Ns
3 × 0.1× 0.1×103 (or)K g -m s-1; DF: MLT-1
= −4
= 3 ×105 N Ø It is a vector directed along the force
Ø change in momentum and Impulse are always in
W.E-11: A liquid of density ρ flows along a the same direction.
horizontal pipe of uniform cross – section A Ø For constant force, J=Ft,
with a velocity v through a right angled bend Ø Impulsive force is a variable, then
as shown in Fig. What force has to be exerted ur
ur d p t2
at the bend to hold the pipe in equilibrium? F= J = ∫ Fdt
Sol :Change in momentum of mass ∆m of liquid as it dt , t1

passes through the bend Ø The area bounded by the force-time graph
measures Impulse.
45° F

t1 t2
dP = Pf − Pi = 2d ∆mv ∆t
= 2 v ( )
; [ as dm = ρ AdL ]
Application of Impulse :
a) shock absorbers are used in vehicles to reduce
the magnitude of impulsive force.
( ρ . AdL ) ;
F = 2v [ as dL / dt = v] b) A cricketer lowers his hands, while catching the
ball to reduce the impulsive force.
F = 2 ρ Av 2
W.E-13:Find the impulse due to the force W.E-16:A bullet is fired from a gun. The force on
F = ai$ + bt $j , where a=2 N and b=4 Ns-1 if this a bullet is, F = 600 − 2 × 105 t newton. The
force acts from ti=0 to tf=0.3s force reduces to zero just when the bullet
ur 0.3 leaves barrel.Find the impulse imparted to the
Sol: J = Fdt = (ai$ + bt $j )dt
∫ ti
∫ 0
Sol. F = 600 – 2 × 105 t , F becomes zero as soon as
0.3 the bullet leaves the barrel.
t2 
0.3 0.3
J = a ∫ dt $i + b ∫ t dt $j = a [ t ]0 $i + b   $j
0 = 600 – 2 × 105 t ⇒ 600 = 2 × 105 t
0 0  2 0 t

( 0.3) × $j = $
t = 3 × 10–3 s ⇒ Impulse = ∫ Fdt
= 2 × 0.3 × $i + 4 × 0.6i + 0.18 $j NSec 0

2 3×10 −3
 t2 
W.E-14:A ball falling with velocity
∫ (600 − 2 × 10 t ) = 600t − 2 × 105 
= dt
r  2 0
v i = (−0.65$i − 0.35 $j ) ms-1 is subjected to a net

= 600 × 3 × 10–3 – 105 × 9 × 10–6 = 0.9Ns

impulse I = 0.6$i + 0.18 $j Ns. If the ball has ) Equilibrium: The necessary and sufficient
conditions for the translational equilibrium of the
a mass of 0.275kg, calculate its velocity rigid body.
immediately following the impulse
r ∑ F = 0 ; ∑ Fx = 0 , ∑ Fy = 0, ∑ Fz = 0 For
r r r r r I rotational equilibrium
Sol: mv f − mvi = I ; v f = vi +
m ∑ τ = 0 ; ∑ τ x = 0 , ∑ τ y = 0, ∑ τ z = 0
r 0.6iˆ + 0.18 ˆj r
v f = −0.65iˆ − 0.35 ˆj +
0.275 Ø As for, F = 0 mar = 0 (or) m ( dv / dt ) = 0
v f = −0.65iˆ − 0.35 ˆj + 2.18iˆ + 0.655 ˆj
= 0 (or) vr =constant or zero
r as m ± 0,
v f = 1.53iˆ + 0.305 ˆj m s − 1 ) dt
W.E-15:A body of mass 2kg has an initial speed 5 Ø If a body is in translatory equilibrium it will be either
at rest or in uniform motion.If it is at rest, the
ms −1 . A force acts on it for some time in the equilibrium is called static,otherwise dynamic.
direction of motion. The force–time graph is Ø If ‘ n ’coplanar forces of equal magnitudes acting
shown in figure. Find the final speed of the body simultaneously on a particle at a point, with the angle
between any two adjacent forces is ‘ θ ’ and keep
it in equilibrium, then θ =
Lami’s Theorem :
2.5 Ø If an object O is in equilibrium under three
F G H E uur uur uur
O 2 4 4.5 6.5
concurrent forces F1 , F2 and F3 as shown in
t → (sec) F1 F F
figure. Then, = 2 = 3
1 sin α sin β sin γ
Sol. Area of OAF = × 2 × 4 = 4
Area of ABG F = 2 × 4 = 8 F2
Area of BGHC = ( 4 + 2.5) × 0.5 = 1.625
Area of CDEH = 2 × 2.5 = 5
Total area under F-t graph = Change in momentum α γ
⇒ m(v – u) = 18.625 F1
⇒ v= + 5 = 14.25ms −1 F3

Ø If the bob of simple pendulum is held at rest by WE-18:A mass M is suspended by a weightless
applying a horizontal force ‘F’ as shown in fig string. The horizontal force required to hold
the mass at 600 with the vertical is (2013E)
Sol :
T T cos θ θ l T cosθ
θ T θ
T sin θ T sin θ
mg Mg

If body is in equilibrium F = T sin θ - - - - - (1)

T sin θ = F , T cosθ = mg , Mg = T cos θ - - - - - (2)
Dividing Eq.(1) and Eq.(2)
F = mg tan θ , F 2 + (m g ) = T

F T sin θ
= ; F = Mg tan θ
x l l −x 2 2
Mg T cos θ
= =
F T mg
F = Mg tan 600 ; F = 3Mg
WE-17:A mass of 3kg is suspended by a rope of W.E.19:A chain of mass 'm' is attached at two
length 2m from the ceiling. A force of 40N in points A and B of two fixed walls as shown in
the horizontal direction is applied at midpoint the figure. Find the tension in the chain near
P of the rope as shown. What is the angle the the walls at point A and at the mid point C.
rope makes with the vertical in equilibrium
and the tension in part of string attached to A B
the ceiling? (Neglect the mass of the rope, θ θ
g = 10m/s2)
Sol :Resolving the tension T1 into two mutually
perpendicular components, we have C
T1 cos θ = W = 30 N T1 sin θ = 40 N i) At point A
T sin θ T sin θ
4 4
∴ tan θ = (or) θ = tan −1   = 530
3 3 2T sin θ

T1cos? θ θ
T1 T cos θ θ T cos θ
θ θ θ T cos θ
T cos θ
T1sin? P
T 40 N
1m 2 1
2T sin θ = mg ⇒ T = mg cos ecθ
w ii) Tension along horizontal direction is same ev-
Q(no external force is acting on it in horizontal di-
30 N rection.)
At point C
The tension in part of string attached to the ceiling
mg cos θ mg cot θ
T1 = W 2 + F 2 = 302 + 402 = 50 N T 1 = T cosθ = =
2sin θ 2

Newton's third law: Ø When the body lies on a horizontal surface N = mg

Ø For every action there is always an equal and N
opposite reaction
Ø Action and reaction do not act on the same body
and they act on different bodies at same instant of
Ø Action and reaction, known as pair of forces, are
equal in magnitude and opposite in directions acting mg
on different bodies in interaction. So they never
cancel each other Ø When the body lies on an inclined surface
Ø Newton’s third law is not applicable to pseudo N = mg cos ? .
forces. N
Ø Newton’s third law defines nature of force and gives
the law of conservation of linear momentum.
Ø When we walk on a road we push the road θ mg sinθ
mg cosθ mg
backwards and road applies equal (in magnitude) θ
and opposite force on us, so that we can move Free Body Diagram:- When several bodies
forward. are connected by strings, springs, surfaces of
Ø When we swim on water we push water backward contact, then all the forces acting on a body are
and water applies equal (in magnitude) and opposite
considered and sketched on the body under
force on us,so that we can move forward.
Ø A bird is in a wire cage hanging from a spring consideration by just isolating it . Then the diagram
balance. When the bird starts flying in the cage, so formed is called Free Body Diagram (FBD).
the reading of the balance decreases. Some examples:
Ø If the bird is in a closed cage (or) air tight cage and i) A block is placed on a table and the table is kept
it hovers in the cage the reading of the spring on earth.Assuming no other body in the universe
balance does not change. exerts any force on the system,make the FBD of
Ø In the closed cage if the bird accelerates upward block and table.
the reading of the balance is R = Wbird + ma m1
Limitations of newton’s third law:-
Ø Newton’s third law is not strictly applicable for the
interaction between two bodies separated by large
distances, of the order of astronomical units.
Ø It does not apply strictly when the objects move
with velocity nearer to that of light FBD of block, N1 = m1 g
Ø It does not apply where the gravitational field is
FBD of table
Normal reaction/force : Normal force acts N 2 = N1 + m2 g = m1 g + m2 g = ( m1 + m2 ) g
perpendicular to the surfaces in contact when one N1
body tries to press on the surface of the second
body.In this way second body tries to push
away the first body.
A m2g
ii) A block of mass M is suspended from the ceiling
A A by means of a uniform string of mass m.Find the
tension in the string at points A,B and C. B is the
B B B B mid point of string. Also find the tensions at A,B
and C if the mass of string is negligible or it is

d) Equation of motion of mass ‘m’ moving with

acceleration ‘a’ relative to an observer in an inertial
frame is ∑ Freal = ma
B m
1) A lift at rest,
2) Lift moving up(or)down with constant velocity,
3) Car moving with constant velocity on a straight
M road.
Real Force : Force acting on an object due to
Tension at any point will be weight of the part its interaction with another object is called a real
below it. force.
Ex: Normal force, Tension, weight, spring force,
m 
So, TA = ( M + m) g,TB =  + M  g,TC = Mg .
muscular force etc.
2  a) All fundamental forces of nature are real.
b) Real forces form action, reaction pair.
Now if the string is massless: m=0 then
Non-Inertial frames :
TA = TB = TC = Mg . So in a massless string, a) Frames of reference in which Newton Laws are
tension is the same at every point. not applicable are called non-inertial frames.
b) Accelerated frames move with either uniform
(iii) Find the tension in the massless string
acceleration or non uniform acceleration.
connected to the block accelerating upward. c) All the accelerated and rotating frames are non-
T inertial frames of reference.
a d) Examples:
m m 1) Accelerating car on a road.
2) Merry go round.
mg mg 3) Artificial satellite around the earth.
Net force : Pseudo force :
a) In non-inertial frame Newton’s second law is
Fnet = T − mg Now apply Fnet = ma not applicable. In order to make Newton’s second
law applicable in non-inertial frame a pseudo force
⇒ T − mg = ma ⇒ T = mg + ma = m ( g + a )
is introduced.
Note: If ‘a’ is downward, then replace a with b) If a is the acceleration of a non-inertial frame,
the pseudo force acting on an object of mass m, as
-a; we get T = m ( g − a ) measured by an observer in the given non-inertial
ur r
In free fall a=g then T=0. frame is F Pseudo = −ma
Frames of Reference: i.e. Pseudo force acts on an object opposite to the
direction of acceleration of the non-inertial frame.
Ø A system of coordinate axes which defines the c) Pseudo forces exist for observers only in non-
position of a particle or an event in two or three inertial frames, such forces have no existence relative
dimensional space is called a frame of reference. to an inertial frame.
There are two types of frames of reference d) Equation of motion relative to non-inertial frame
ur ur ur
is ∑ ( F real + F Pseudo ) = ma′
a) inertial or unaccelerated frames of reference
b) non-inertial or accelerated frames of reference
Inertial frames of reference : Where a′ is the acceleration of body as measured
a) Frames of reference in which Newton’s Laws in non-inertial frame.
of motion are applicable are called inertial frame. e) Earth is an inertial frame for an observer on the
earth but it is an accelerated frame for an observer
b) Inertial frames of reference are either at rest or
at centre of earth (or) in a satellite.
move with uniform velocity with respect to a fixed
imaginary axis. Examples : (i) Centrifugal force and deflection
of pendulum relative to accelerating car.(ii) Gain or
c) In inertial frame, acceleration of a body is caused loss of weight experienced in an accelerating
by real forces. elevator.


Apparent weight of a body in a moving elevator Case (iv) : If lift is in freely falling, Then a=g ,
Weight of a body on a surface comes due to the So mg − R = mg i.e., R = 0 . So, Wapp = 0
reaction of a supporting surface, i.e.,Apparent
weight of a body in a lift v v
Wapp = Reaction of supporting surface. Consider Satellite
a person standing on a spring balance , or in a lift.
The following situations are possible: Planet
Case(i) :If lift is at rest or moving with constant a=g
velocity then the person will be in translatory
( a) (b) (c)
equilibrium. So, R = mg
( a ) Freely falling lift
∴ Wapp = mg [as Wapp = R ]
( b ) Satellite motion
or Wapp = W0 [as W0 = mg = true weight] ( c ) Projectile motion
i.e., apparent weight of a freely falling body is zero.
R R R Ø This is why the apparent weight of a body is zero,
or body is weightless if it is in a (i) lift whose cable
has broken, (ii) orbiting satellite.
W.E.20-: A mass of 1kg attached to one end of a
70 kg 80 kg 60 kg string is first lifted up with an acceleration
mg mg mg 4.9m/s 2 and then lowered with same
(a) (b) (c) acceleration. What is the ratio of tension in
i.e., apparent weight (reading of balance) will be string in two cases.
equal to true weight. Sol :When mass is lifted up with acceleration 4.9m/s2
Case(ii) : If lift is accelerated up or retarding down
with acceleration a from Newton's II law we have T1 = m( g + a) =1 (9.8 + 4.9)=14.7N
R − mg = ma or R = m ( g + a ) When mass is lowered with same acceleration
T2 = m( g − a) =1(9.8 – 4.9)=4.9 N
or Wapp = m ( g + a )
T1 14.7
 a  a ∴ = = 3 :1
= mg 1 +  = W0 1 +  or Wapp >W0 T2 4.9
 g  g
i.e., apparent weight (reading of balance) will be W.E.21:The apparent weight of a man in a lift is
more than true weight. W1 when lift moves upwards with some
Case (iii) : If lift is accelerated down or retarding acceleration and is W2
up with acceleration ‘a’ mg − R = ma i.e., when it is accelerating down with same
R = m ( g − a) acceleration. Find the true weight of the
man and acceleration of lift.
 a
or Wapp = m ( g − a ) [as Wapp = R ] = mg 1 − g  Sol :(a) W1 = m( g + a), W2 = m( g − a)
 
W1 + W2 = 2mg ⇒ W1 + W2 = 2W (QW = mg )
 a
i.e., Wapp = W0 1 −  Wapp <W0 W1 + W2
 g =W

i.e., apparent weight (reading of balance) will be 2
lesser than true weight. W1 m( g + a) g + a
Note: If a > g ,Wapp will be negative; negative (b) W = m( g − a ) = g − a
weight will mean that the body is pressed against
g W1 + W2  W − W2 
the roof of the lift instead of floor (as lift falls more = ⇒a = g 1 
faster than the body) and so the reaction will be a W1 − W2  W1 + W2 
downwards, the direction of apparent weight will
be upwards.


Connecting Bodies: T2
Ø If masses are connected by strings then acceleration
of system and tension in the strings on smooth
horizontal surface are M1
T2 = T1 + M 1 g ............(2)
T M2 T1

Free body diagram for M2 M1g

T=M2a .....(1) From (1) and (2), T2 = F + (M 1 + M 2 ) g

T M2
WE.22: Three blocks connected together by strings
Free body diagram for M1 are pulled along a horizontal surface by
applying a force F. If F= 36N, What is the
F M1 T F-T=M1a ....(2) tension T2?
from (1) and (2) 1kg
T1 T2
F M 2F
a= and T = F
( M1 + M 2 ) ( M1 + M 2 ) Sol :Suppose the system slides with acceleration ‘a’.
T1 T1 T2 T2
b) F M M3 m1 = 1kg , m2 = 8kg , m3 = 27 kg
M1 2

F − T2 = m3 a , T2 − T1 = m2 a , T1 = m1a
F (M 2 + M3 ) F
a= ; T1 = Solving the above equations ,we get
M1 + M2 + M 3 (M1 + M2 + M3 )
M3F a=
T2 = m1 + m2 + m3
( M1 + M 2 + M 3 )
36 36
Ø If masses are connected by a string and suspended = = = 1 ms −2
1 + 8 + 27 36
from a support then tension in the string when force
F is applied downwards as shown in the figure From the above equation, T2 = F − m3 a

T2 T2 = 36 − 27 × 1 =9 N
Contact Forces : When two objects are in contact
M1 with each other, the molecules at the interface
T1 interact with each other. This interaction results in
a net force called contact force. The contact force
M2 can be resolved into two components.
(a) Normal force (N): Component of the contact
force along the normal to the interface. Normal
Free body diagram for M2 force is independent of nature of the surfaces in
(b) Friction (f): Component of the contact force
along the tangent at the interface. Friction depends
on the roughness of the surfaces in contact. This
component can be minimised by polishing the
T1 = F + M 2 g ............(1)
F Ø The tension and contact forces are self adjustable
M2g forces. Their magnitude and direction change when
other forces involved in a physical arrangement
Free body diagram for M1


Ø Masses are in contact on a smooth horizontal

f2 f1
M1 M2 T T

f1=f M2
M2 M1

(M 1 − M 2 ) g
contact force f1= f2= f = M2a Acceleration of the system, a = M1 + M 2
free body diagram forM1
 2M M 
Tension in the string , T =  M + M  g
1 2
F f2=f
M1  1 2 

 4M M 
Thrust on the pulley , 2T =  M + M  g
1 2
F-f = M1a .........(1)  1 2 
free body diagram for M2 r
Ø If the pulley begins to move with acceleration a
f1=f then
M2 i) If the pulley accelerates upward , then
 M − M2   2M1M2 
f = M2a ...........(2) anet =  1  (g + a) and Tnet =  ( g + a)
 M1 + M2   M1 + M2 
From (1) and (2)
ii) If the pulley accelerates downward, then
a= ; contact force, f=  M − M2 
(M1 + M 2 ) M1 + M 2 anet =  1  ( g − a ) and
Ø Contact forces are as shown in the figure  M1 + M 2 
 2M 1M 2 
Tnet =   ( g − a)
F  M1 + M 2 
M1 M2 M3 Ø Thrust on the pulley when it comes downward with
4 M1 M 2
a) Acceleration of system, acceleration ‘a’ is T = ( M + M ) ( g − a)
1 2
a= W.E-23:The maximum tension a rope can
(M 1 + M 2 + M 3 ) withstand is 60 kg-wt.The ratio of maximum
b) Contact force between M 1 and M 2 acceleration with which two boys of masses
f = (M2+M3)a 20kg and 30kg can climb up the rope at the
same time is (2011E)
c) Contact force between M2 and M3, f 1 = M3a
Atwood’s Machine : Sol. m1 = 20kg , m2 = 30kg , T = 60kgwt = 600 N

Ø Masses M1 and M 2 ( M1 > M 2 )are tied to a string For ‘ m1 ’; T − m1 g = m1a1

, which passes over a frictionless light pulley The 600 − 20 ×10 = 20 × a1 ⇒ a1 = 20ms −2
string is light and inextensible.
For ‘ m2 ’; T − m2 g = m2 a2
600 − 30 ×10 = 30 × a2 ⇒ a2 = 10ms −2
a1 : a2 = 20:10 = 2:1


W.E-24:Figure shows three blocks of mass ‘m’ each

hanging on a string passing over a pulley.
Calculate the tension in the string connect-
ing A to B and B to C?
Sol. Net pulling force = 2 mg – mg = mg
Total mass = m+ m + m = 3m T T

T1 T1
B a
a A Sol. we know that Normal reaction = scale reading
T2 For man , T = Mg − R
mg C a

mg T
m R
mg g
Acceleration, a = =
3m 3
T2 T1 Mg

For box : T = mg + R
a C a A
Mg − R = mg + R ; 2 R =(M –m)g
(60 - 30)´10
R= = 150 N
mg mg 2
W.E.26:Two unequal masses are connected on two
sides of a light string passing over a light and
smooth pulley as shown in figure. The system
Considering block A, is released from rest. The larger mass is
T1 − mg = ma ; T1 = mg + ma stopped for a moment, 1sec after the system is
g 4 set into motion. Find the time elapsed before
T1 = mg + m   ⇒ T1 = mg the string is tight again . (g = 10 m/s2)
3 3
Considering block C,
mg − T2 = ma ⇒ T2 = mg − ma
mg 2
⇒ T2 = mg − = mg .
3 3
W.E-25:A man of mass 60 kg is standing on a
weighing machine kept in a box of mass 30 1kg
kg as shown in the diagram. If the man man-
ages to keep the box stationary, find the read-
ing of the weighing machine. 2kg


Sol. Net pulling force = 2g – 1g = 10N Mass being M 2 g − T = M 2 a and T = M1a

pulled = 2 + 1 = 3 kg M2g
Acceleration of the system is a =
m / s2 Velocity ( 1 + M2 )
of both the blocks at t = 1 s will be M 1 M2 g
T = M 1a =
 10  10 ( M1 + M 2 )
v0 = at =  3
 (1) = m/s. Now, at this moment
3 Ø Acceleration and Tension in the string when bodies
velocity of 2kg block becomes zero, while that of are connected as shown in the figure if
10 M1 > M3.
1kg block is m/s upwards. Hence, string becomes
3 T2 T1
tight again when displacement of 1 kg block =
displacement of 2 kg block.
1 2 1 2
v0t − gt = gt ⇒ gt 2 = v0 t T2 T1
2 2
v (10 / 3) 1 a M3 M1 a
t= 0 = = s
g 10 3
W.E.27:In the figure, if m 1 is at rest, find the relation
among m1 , m2 and m3 ? M 1 g − T1 = M 1a ; T1 − T2 = M 2 a
Sol. m1 is at rest ⇒ point B does not move, m2 and m3
move with acceleration T2 − M 3 g = M 3a

( M1 − M 3 ) g
( M1 + M 2 + M 3 )
M 3 g (2M 1 + M 2 ) M g (2M 3 + M 2 )
T2 = T1 = 1
M1 + M 2 + M 3 ; M1 + M2 + M3

Ø Masses are attached to a string passing through
m1 m2 m3
the pulley attached to the edge of an inclined plane,
acceleration of system and tension in the string if
 m − m2  M2 moves down
a= 3
 m 2 + m 3 
g ; m3 > m2
 M − M 1 sinθ 
a= 2 g;
2m2 m3 g
T= m +m ; T 1 = 2T =
4m2 m3 g  M1 + M 2 
m2 + m3
 M M (1 + sin θ ) 
2 3

4 1 1 T = 1 2 g
m1 g =
4 m 2 m3 g
= +  (M1 + M 2 ) 
m2 + m3 m1 m2 m3
Ø Two blocks are connected by a string passing over
a pulley fixed at the edge of a horizontal table then
the acceleration of system and tension in the string
( M 2 > M1 ) M1 T
θ M2
Thrust on the pulley : Resultant Tension =
M2 a
Tg = T 2 + T 2 + 2T 2 cos(90 − θ )
Tg = 2T 2 (1 + sin θ ) = T 2(1 + sin θ )


W.E.28:By what acceleration the boy must go up so

that 100 kg block remains stationary on the wedge. a

Thewedge isfixed and issm ooth.(g = 10m /s2) M2

180−(α+ β)

0 kg
M α β
50 kg
Ø If M2 slides down then M1 moves up on smooth
inclined planes then the acceleration of system and
tension in the string are given by, acceleration ,
Sol :For the block to remain stationary,
 M 2 sin β − M 1 sin α 
T = Mg sin θ = 100 × 10 × sin 53 a=  g
 M1 + M 2 
= 100 × 10 × = 800N M 1 M2 g
Tension T = ( M + M ) (sin α + sin β )
For man ; T – mg = ma 1 2
T = m(g + a ) ⇒ 800 = 50 (10 + a ) a = 6m/s2 Resultant Tension
W.E.29:The system as shown in fig is released from TR = T 2 + T 2 + 2T 2 cos [180 − (α + β )]
rest. Calculate the tension in the strings and
force exerted by the strings on the pulley. = 2T 2 1 − cos (α + β ) 
Assuming pulleys and strings are massless
3 kg
Note:- If M 2 sin β = M1 sin α ⇒ a = 0
⇒ System does not accelerate
W.E.30:In the adjacent fig, masses of A, B and C
2 kg 1 kg are 1kg, 3kg and 2kg respectively. Find a)
the acceleration of the system b) tension in
Sol: T1-1g=1a — (1) the string (g = 10m/s2)
T2-T1=3a — (2)
2g- T2=2a —(3)
Solving the above equations,
B 90°
g C
we get , a = m / s

P2 T2 T2 T1 T1 A
3kg P1
60° 30°
T2 T1
T2 F2 F1 Sol .a) In this case net pulling force
2 kg 1 kg = mA g sin 600 + mB g sin 600 − mC g sin 300
3  3 1
2g 1g
=(1)(10) +(3)(10)  2  -(2)(10)  2  =24.64N
2    
7g 5g
T1 = N , T2 = N Total mass = 1 + 3 + 2 = 6kg
6 3 ∴ Acceleration of the system
Force on pulley P1 is F1 = T12 + T12 24.64
a= = 4.1 m / s 2
7g 6
= 2T1 = N b) For the tension in the string between A and B.
3 2
FBD of Body A
Force on pulley P2 is F2 = T22 + T22 T1
5 2g
= 2T2 =
3 a A
Ø If position of masses is interchanged,then the tension
in the string and acceleration remains unchanged.
Acceleration and Tension in the string when bodies mAg sin 60
are connected as shown in the figure.


mA g sin 60 − T1 = m Aa General Constraints:

i) A body placed on floor : The floor acting as
T1 = mA g sin 60 − m Aa = mA ( g sin 60 − a ) a constraint restricts the kinematical quantities in
 3  the downward direction such that
T1 = (1) 10 × − 4.1 = 4.56 N m
 2  x
For the tension in the string between B and C
FBD of body C y
T2 y = 0 ; v y = 0 and a y = 0 for the body placed
on the floor.
C ii) Two bodies connected with a string or rod.
inextensible string inextensible rod

mcg sin 30 A B A B

T2 − mC g sin 300 = mC a ; T2 = mC ( g sin 30 + a )

0 a b
The string / rod is inextensible.
∴ Displacements of A and B are equal in horizontal
 1  direction ⇒ s A = s B
T2 = 2 10   + 4.1  = 18.2 N
 2  Differentiating w.r.t time,
Ø A force F is applied on the massless pulley as shown ds A dsB
in the figure and string is connected to the block on = ⇒ v A = vB
smooth horizontal surface. Then dt dt
Again differentiating
dv A dvB
T T = ⇒ a A = aB
dt dt
T T F iii)Two bodies in contact with each other
m Ø Displacement of A and B are equal in horizontal
F= 2T and T = mablock
Ø If the block moves a distance ‘x’ the pulley moves B
x/2 (Total length of the string remains constant)
a ⇒ s A = sB
Therefore acceleration of the pulley = block
2 By differentiating, we will get
F /2 F
= .
v A = vB and a A = aB in horizontal direction
2m 2m 4m Pulley Constraints:
Constrained Motion: Ø For example, the motion of block A is downwards
Ø (a) Constraint : Restriction to the free motion along the inclined plane in fig. will cause a
of body in any direction is called constraint. corresponding motion of block B up the other
(b) Constrained Body : A body, whose inclined plane.Assuming string AB length is
displacement in space is restricted by other bodies, inextensible, i.e., length of AB is constant.
either connected to or in contact with it, is called a
constrained body.
(c) Kinematic Constraints : These are
equations that relate the motion of two or more xA A B xB
(d) Types of Constraints : A B
i) General constraints ii) Pulley constraints α β
iii) Wedge constraints iv) Mixed constraints |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||


∴ The displacements of A ( x A ) and B ( xB ) are

equal ∴ x A = xB
Differentiating w.r.t. time, ⇒ v A = vB
Once again differentiating w.r.t. time, ⇒ a A = aB 2)
i.e., if one body (A) moves down the inclined plane
with certain acceleration, then the other body will A B
move up inclined plane with an equal acceleration
(magnitude). x A = xB ⇒ v A = v B ⇒ a A = a B
Alternate Method : First specify the location Mixed constraints :
of the blocks using position co-ordinates S A and Ring sliding on a smooth rod :
SB. Ø Consider a ring of mass m connected through a
string of length L with a block of mass M. If the
SA SB ring is moving up with acceleration am and aM is the
O acceleration of block. As the length of the string is
A B L = d 2 + y2 + x
α β
From the fig. the position co-ordinates are related
by the equation s A + lCD + sB = L θ
where lCD = the length of the string over arc m x
CD = constant L = total length of the string =
constant Differentiating w.r.t. time, we get
ds A dsB
+ = 0 ⇒ vB = −v A M
dt dt
The negative sign indicates that when block A has
a velocity downward, i.e., in the direction of positive Since, L is constant, differentiating with respect to
s A , it causes a corresponding upward velocity of time t, we get
block B, i.e., B moves in the negative s B direction. dL 1 2y  dy  dx
Again differentiating w.r.t. time, =  + =0
 dt  dt
(d )
dt 2
dvB dv
+y 2 2

=− A ⇒ aB = −a A
dt dt
dy dx
Similarly Since = vm and = vM and
a dt dt
A cosθ = so vM = −vm cosθ .
d 2 + y2
By differentiating, relation between am and aM can
1) be obtained, however, while doing so remember
that cosθ is not constant, but it is variable.
Two blocks connected with pulley : If the
blocks are connected as shown in fig, then the
x A = xB ⇒ v A = v B ⇒ a A = a B length of the string is

d d W.E-32:In the fig, find the acceleration of mass

y Sol: l1 + 2l 2 = constant
θ θ x on differentiating
v1 + 2v2 = 0
Again differentiating
1 2 a1 + 2a2 = 0 ⇒ a1 = −2a2

L = 2 d 2 + y2 + x |||||||||||||||||||
Since, L is constant, differentiating with respect to
time t, we get T
T T l
dL 2× 2y  dy  dx

=  + =0 l2 T

2( d + y  dt  dt
dt 2 2 2 T
⇒ 2v1 cosθ + v2 = 0 ; v 2 = − 2 v1 cos θ
W.E.31:A rod of length ‘ l ’is inclined at an angle 2T
‘ θ ’with the floor against a smooth vertical
wall.If the end A moves instantaneously with m2

velocity v1 ,what is the velocity of end B at

'- ve' sign indicates that the accelerations are in
the instant when rod makes ‘ θ ’ angle with
the horizontal. opposite direction.Suppose acceleration of m2 is
Sol: Let at any instant,end B and A are at a distance x a2 downward and then acceleration of m1 will be
and y respectively from the point ‘O’.
y a1 upwards.
A T − m1 g = m1a1
v1 T = m1 g + m1a1
y m2 g − 2T = m2 a2

θ a1
O x B v2 x T 2T

Thus we have, x 2 + y 2 = l 2 .............(1) m1 m2

Here l is the length of the rod,which is constant. a2
Differentiating eq (1) with respect to time,we get m1g m2g

d 2 d dx dy m2 g − 2(m1 g + m1a1 ) = m2 a2
( x + y 2 ) = (l 2 ) ; 2 x + 2 y =0
dt dt dt dt m2 g − 2m1 g = m2 a2 + 4m1a2 (∴ a1 = 2a2 )
dx dy
If = v2 and = −v1 '–' sign should not be substituted
dt dt
( m2 − 2m1 ) g
x(v2 ) + y (−v1 ) = 0 a2 = ms −2
4m1 + m2
 y
⇒ v2 =   v1 = v1 tan θ

W.E-33:In the fig, find the acceleration of m1 and m2 Sol : T sin θ = ma0 ...... ( i ) ; T cos θ = mg ...... ( ii )
m1 ||||||||||||||
a1 a0
T dividing (i)&(ii) tan θ =
−1 a 
l1 ∴The string is making an angle θ = tan  g0  with
T l2  
T the vertical at equilibrium
Squaring and adding (i) and (ii)
2T T 2 sin 2 θ + T 2 cos 2 θ = m 2 ( a02 + g 2 )
a2 T = m a02 + g 2
m2g W.E.35: For what value of ‘a’ the block falls freely?
Sol. l 1 + 2l 2 = constant m1 T
a1 = 2a2 ; T = m1a1
m2 g − 2T = m2 a2 ; m2 g = 2m1a1 + m2 a2
m2 θ
m2 g = 2m1 ( 2a2 ) + m2 a2 a2 x
Sol :In the time the wedge moves a distance ‘x’ towards
m2g left with an acceleration a the block falls from a
m2 g 2m2 g height ‘h’ with acceleration ‘g’
a2 = , a1 = a
4m1 + m2 4m1 + m2 x=
1 2 1 x a
at , h = gt 2 ⇒ = , ⇒ cot θ = ⇒ a = g cot θ
W.E.34:A pendulum is hanging from the ceiling 2 2 h g g
of a car having an acceleration a 0 with respect W.E.36:A block of mass m is placed on a smooth
to the road. Find the angle made by the string wedge of inclination q . The whole system is
with vertical at equilibrium. Also find the accelerated horizontally so that the block does
tension in the string in this position.
not slip on the wedge.Find the i) Acceleration
of the wedge ii) Force to be applied on the wedge
θ iii) Force exerted by the wedge on the block.
Sol. (i). For an observer on the ground :
R cos θ


R sin θ
T cos θ
mg a
M θ
T R sin θ = ma, R cos θ = mg
⇒ a = g tan θ
ma0 ii) F = (M + m)a = (M + m) g tan q
T sin θ
iii) Force exerted by the wedge on the block
⇒ R= or R = mg sec θ
cos θ
Note :If inclination is given as 1 in x, sin θ =
mg x


ma cos θ
tan q =
1 xq 1 a
x 2 -1
ma θ
Þ Acceleration a = g tan q = mg sin θ
x -1 2
ma sin θ θ
W.E.37:Two fixed frictionless inclined planes mg
making an angles 300 and 600 with the verti- mg cos θ
cal are shown in the figure. Two blocks A and
B are placed on the two planes. What is the W.E.39:A solid sphere of mass 2kg rests inside a
relative vertical acceleration of A with respect cube as shown. The cube is moving with ve-
to B? (AIEEE-2010) r
locity υ = (5ti$ + 2tj)ms
ˆ −1
where 't' is in sec
and ' u ' is in m/s. What force does sphere exert
B on cube?

60° 30°
Sol: mg sin θ = ma ⇒ a = g sin θ
where a is along the inclined plane
∴ vertical component of acceleration is g sin 2 θ
ar = a AB = a A − aB Sol. As given, υ = 5ti$ + 2t $j ;
∴ relative vertical acceleration of A with respect
dυ x dυ y
∴ ax = = 5, a y = =2
to B is g ( sin 60 − sin 30 ) = = 4.9 ms
2 0 2 0 g −2
dt dt
(in vertical direction)
W.E.38:For what value of 'a' block slides up the
plane with an acceleration 'g' relative to the
inclined plane.


Sol. When cube is moving with above accelerations

along x and y-axes, the forces that exert on cube
Fnet = ma cos θ − mg sin θ
ma′ = ma cos θ − mg sin θ
Fx = − max = −2 × 5 = −10 N
If a′ = g , mg = ma cos θ − mg sin θ
 1 + sin θ 
( )
Fy = − mg + ma y = − ( 20 + 2 × 2 ) = −24 N
a cos θ = g + g sin θ ⇒ a = g  
 cos θ  Net force, F= ( Fx )2 + ( Fy )

⇒ a = g (sec θ + tan θ )
= (10) 2 + ( 24) 2 = 26N


W.E.40:A block is placed on an inclined plane

moving towards right with an acceleration
a0 = g. The length of the inclined plane is l0 . a0
All the surfaces are smooth. Find the time
taken by the block to reach from bottom to θ
ma cos θ L
Sol. Let us solve the problem in the elevator frame. The
free body diagram is shown. The forces are
30° N
mg sin θ
30° a0
Sol. ma = ma0 cos300 − mg sin 300 ma0sinθ mg
ma cos300 − mg sin300 mgsinθ
a= 0 θ
m (i) N normal reaction to the plane,
- mg
1 æ 3 -1÷ö (ii) mg acting vertically downwards,
= g ççç ÷
a= 2 2 çè 2 ÷÷ø (iii) ma0 ( pseudo force).acting vertically down
m If a is acceleration of the body with respect to
1 2 1
from s = ut + at ; l 0 = at 2 inclined plane, taking components of forces
2 2 parallel to the inclined plane.
1 æ 3 -1÷ö 2
l 0 = g ççç ÷÷ t 4l 0 mg sin θ + ma0 sin θ = ma ∴ a = ( g + a0 ) sin θ
2 çè 2 ÷ø ⇒ t =
g 3 -1
) This is the acceleration with respect to the elevator
W.E.41:A pendulum of mass m hangs from a sup- L
The distance travelled is . If ‘t’ is the time for
port fixed to a trolley. The direction of the cos θ
string when the trolley rolls up a plane of reaching the bottom of inclined plane
inclination a with acceleration a0 is
= 0 + ( g + a0 ) sin θ .t 2
L 1
a0 cos θ 2
1 1
T cos θ T θ  2L 2  4L 2
T sin θ t=  = 
 ( g + a0 ) sin θ cos θ   ( g + a0 ) sin 2θ 
Sol. mg sin α
α Law of conservation of momentum:
ma0 cos Ø When the resultant external force acting on a system
mg α
T sin q = ma0 + mg sin a -------------(1) is zero, the total momentum (vector sum) of the
system remains constant. This is called “law of
T cos q = mg cos a -------------(2)
conservation of linear momentum”.
a + g sin a
tan q = 0 Ø
1 Newton’s third law of motion leads to the law of
2 ⇒ g cos a conservation of linear momentum.
é a + g sin a ù Ø Walking, running, swimming, jet propulsion, motion
q = tan -1 ê 0 ú
êë g cos a úû of rockets, rowing of a boat, recoil of a gun etc.,
W.E.42:A block slides down from top of a smooth can be explained by Newton’s third law of motion.
Ø Explosions, disintegration of nuclei, recoil of gun,
inclined plane of elevation q fixed in an
collisions etc., can be explained on the basis of the
elevator going up with an acceleration a 0.The
law of conservation of linear momentum.
base of incline has length L. Find the time
taken by the block to reach the bottom.

r r
Ø When a shot is fired from a gun, while the shot (π − α ) = angle between P3 , P1
moves forwards, the gun moves backwards. This
motion of gun is called recoil of the gun. When a P2 sin θ
tan α =
gun of mass ‘M’ fires a bullet of mass ‘m’ with a P1 + P2 cos θ
muzzle velocity ‘v’, the gun recoils with a velocity Explosion of a shell travelling in a
‘V’ given by V = mv/M. parabolic path at its highest point:
Ø When a bullet of mass ‘m’ moving with a velocity (into two fragments)
‘v’ gets embedded into a block of mass M at rest Ø Consider a shell of mass M as a projectile with
and free to move on a smooth horizontal surface,
velocity u and angle of projection θ . Suppose
then their common velocity` V = mv/ (M + m).
Ø the shell breaks into two fragments at maximum
A boy of mass ‘m’ walks a distance ‘s’ on a boat ur uur
of mass ‘M’ that is floating on water and initially at height and their initial velocities are v1 and v2
rest. If the boat is free to move, it moves back a M = m1 + m2
distance d = ms / (M + m).
u (m1 + m2)u cos θ
Explosion of Bomb
Ø A shell of mass ‘M’at rest explodes into two
fragments and one of masses ‘m’ moves out with a θ
velocity ‘ v ’ the other piece of mass (M– m) moves
Total momentum of the two parts is constant just
in opposite direction with a velocity of V = m v / before and just after the explosion.
(M – m). r r r
Ø Suppose a shell of mass m at rest explodes into [ m1 + m2 ] u cos θ i = m1v1 + m2 v2
three pieces of masses m1 , m2 and m3 , moving Case : (i) If the fragments travel in opposite direc-
ur uur ur tion after explosion then
r r r
with velocities v1 , v2 and v3 respectively..
r r r r r r
( m1 + m2 ) u cosθ i = m1v1i − m2 v2 i
m1v1 = p1 ; m2 v2 = p2 ; m3 v3 = p3 Case : (ii) If one fragment retraces its path and
r r r ur uur ur falls at the point of projection
p1 + p2 + p3 = m1 v1 + m2 v2 + m3 v3 = 0 r r r
r r r ( m1 + m2 ) u cos θ i = − m1u cos θ i + m2 v2
(as shell is at rest initially) ∴ p3 = − ( p1 + p2 )
Case:(iii) If one fragment falls freely after explosion
So the third piece moves with the same magnitude r r
of the resultant momentum of the other two pieces ( m1 + m2 ) u cos θ i = m1 0 + m2v2
r r
but in opposite direction. ( m1 + m2 ) u cos θ i = m2v2
P2 W.E.43:A bomb moving with velocity(40i+50j-25k)m/s
explodes into two pieces of mass ratio1:4.After
explosion the smaller piece moves away with
velocity(200i+70j+15k)m/s.The velocity
of larger piece after explosion is (EAM-2010)
θ Sol: From Law of conservation of linear momentum
P1 Mu = m1v1 + m2v2 ; M = 5 x, m1 = x, m2 = 4 x
u = 40$i + 50 $j − 25kms
$ −1 ;

( )
v1 = 200$i + 70 $j + 15k$ ms −1
here v2 is the velocity of the larger piece

P3 = P12 + P22 + 2 P1 P2 cos θ

( )
5 x 40$i + 50 $j − 25k$ =

r r
θ = angle between P1 , P2
( )
x 200$i + 70 $j + 15k$ + 4 x ( v2 )

On simplification, we get v2 = 45 $j − 35k$


W.E.44:A particle of mass 4 m explodes into three r r r r r

Pf = Pi (along x-axis) ; mu + MV = 0
pieces of masses m,m and 2m. The equal
masses move along X-axis and Y- axis with x1 = forward distance moved by the block along
velocities 4ms-1 and 6 ms-1 respectively . The X-axis.
magnitude of the velocity of the heavier mass x2 = backward distance moved by the wedge along
is (E - 2009)
r r
Sol: M=4 m ,u=0, m1 = m, m2 = m, m3 = 2m mu = − MV ;
x x
v1 = 4ms −1 , v2 = 6ms −1 , v3 = ? m 1 =M 2
According to law of conservation of momentum, t t
ur ur ur ML M l cos θ
P1 + P2 + P3 = 0 mx1 = Mx2 , x1 = =
ur ur ur ur ur ur M +m M +m
( )
P 3 = − P1 + P 2 , P 3 = P1 + P 2
mL ml cos θ
x2 = =
P3 = P12 + P2 2 + 2 P1 P2Cosθ M +m M +m
W.E.47: A bomb of 1 kg is thrown vertically up
P1 and P2 are perpendicular to each other
with speed 100 m/s. After 5 seconds, it
P3 = P12 + P22 , m3v3 = (m1v1 ) 2 + (m2 v2 ) 2 explodes into two parts. One part of mass
400gm goes down with speed 25m/s. What will
2mv3 = (m × 4)2 + ( m × 6 )
happen to the other part just after explosion
2v3 = 16 + 36 ⇒ v3 = 13ms −1 Sol :After 5 sec, velocity of the bomb,
v = u + at
v = u $j – gt $j = (100 – 10 x 5) $j = 50 $j m/s
W.E.45:A rifle of 20kg mass can fire 4 bullets/s.
The mass of each bullet is 35 ×10−3 kg and its
m = 1kg , m1 = 0.4kg , m2 = 0.6kg , v1 = 25ms −1
final velocity is 400ms −1 . Then, what force According to law of conservation of
must be applied on the rifle so that it does not momentum mv = m1v1 + m2 v2
move backwards while firing the bullets? 1 × 50 $j = −0.4 × 25 $j + 0.6v2
Sol :Law of conservation of momentum MV + 4mv = 0 ⇒ v = 100 $j = v = 100ms −1 ,vertically upwards
2 2
4mv 4 × 35 × 10 × 400
⇒V = − M = − = -2.8 ms −1 W.E-48:A particle of mass 2m is projected at an
20 angle 450 with horizontal with a velocity of
Force applied on the rifle
MV 20 × 2.8 20 2 m/s. After 1sec, explosion takes place
F= =− = -56 N and the particle is broken into two equal
t 1 pieces. As a result of explosion one part comes
W.E.46:All surfaces are smooth.Find the to rest. The maximum height attained by the
horizontal displacements of the block and the other part from the ground is (g = 10m/s2)
wedge when the block slides down from top to Sol : M = 2m, θ = 450 , u = 20 2ms −1
u x = u cos θ = 20 2 × = 20 ms − 1
m 2
u y = u sin θ = 20 2 × = 20 ms −1
h l 2
But height attained before explosion , H1
M θ 1 2 1
= ut − gt = 20 × 1 − × 10 × 12 = 15 m
2 2
Sol : When the block slides down on the smooth wedge, After 1sec, v x = 20 ms −1
the wedge moves backwards. In the horizontal
r v y = u y − gt = 20 − 10 = 10ms −1
direction there is no external force ; Fx = 0
r Due to explosion one part comes to rest,
∴ Px =constant


m1 = m2 = m, v1 = 0 frictional force on the rear wheels will be in the

direction of motion and on the front wheels in the
M ( v x i + v y j ) = m1 v1 + m 2 v 2 opposite direction of motion
2 m (20 i + 10 j ) = m (0) + m v 2 Note-iii:In cycling ,the force exerted by rear wheel
v 2 = 40 i + 20 j
on the ground makes the force of friction to act on
it in the forward direction. Front wheel moving by
v y1 = 20ms −1 itself experience force of friction in backward
Height attained after explosion = Note-iv: If the pedaling cycle is accelarating on
the horizontal surface, then the forward friction on
H2 =
(v )
1 2

20 × 20
= 20m the rear wheel is greater than the backward friction
2g 2 ×10 on the front wheel.
H TOT = H1 + H 2 = 15 + 20 = 35m Note-v:When pedaling is stopped,the frictional
force is in backward direction for both the wheels.
Friction: If we slide or try to slide a body over
another surface, the motion of the body is resisted Laws of Friction:
by bonding between the body and the surface.This Ø Friction is directly proportional to the normal
resistance is called friction. reaction acting on the body.
Ø The force of friction is parallel to the contact surfaces Ø The law of static friction may thus be written as
and opposite to the direction of intended or relative f s α N . ⇒ ( f s )max = µ s N = fl
Ø There are three types of frictional forces Generally 0 ≤ static friction ≤ f l
i. Static friction ii. Dynamic friction
iii. Rolling friction Where the dimensionless constant µ s is called the
Ø If a body is at rest and no pulling force is acting on coefficient of static friction and N is the magnitude
it,force of friction on it is zero. of the normal force.
Ø If a force is applied to move the body and it does
not move,the friction developed is called static ( fs )max = fl = µsN ;
f l = Limiting friction
friction, which is equal in magnitude and opposite Ø Coefficient of static friction ( µ s) depends on the
in direction to the applied force (static friction is nature of the two surfaces in contact and is
self adjusting force). independent of the area of contact.
Ø If a force is applied to move the body and it
moves,then the friction developed is called dynamic Ø Static friction is independent of the area of contact
or kinetic friction. between the two surfaces
Ø When a body rolls on the surface of another fk
body friction developed is called as rolling Ø Coefficient of kinetic friction ( µ k) = .
friction. It is independent of velocity of the body.
Ø It is due to the deformation at the point of contact
and depends on area of contact. Ø Coefficient of rolling friction ( µ R ) =
Ø Rolling friction depends on the area of the
A surfaces in contact.
B Note : µ S > µ K > µ R
Frictional force

Static friction

State of Friction depends on the nature of the two surfaces



in contact i.e., nature of materials, surface finish,



temperature of the two surfaces etc.



Pulling Angle of Friction:

O D C force Ø Angle made by the resultant of f and N with the
Note-i: If you are walking due east, then the friction normal reaction N is called angle of friction.
on the feet is due east and the friction on the surface Ø Friction is parallel component of contact force to
is due west. the surfaces.
Note-ii: Engine is connected to rear wheels of a Ø Normal force is perpendicular component of
car. When the car is accelerated, direction of contact force to the surfaces.

N F1ext − fk
R a= Here F 1ext > f l
φ Ø If the block slides with an acceleration ‘ a ’under
the influence of applied force ‘F’,
FR = F − f k ; ma = F − fk
f mg F − f k F − µk mg
∴a = = ( f k = µ K N = µ K mg )
m m
R= f 2 + N2 N
Ø When the block is static tan φ = ; φ ≤ φs
Ø When the block is in impending state, fk
µN |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
tan φs = s = µs
Where φs → maximum angle of friction. mg
Bodies in contact with vertical surfaces:
µk N Ø
Ø When block is sliding, tan φk = = µk A block of mass m is pressed against a wall
N without falling, by applying minimum horizontal
Since µ s > µk , it follows that φs > φk . mg
force F. Then F = µ
FR = fl + N = ( µs N ) + N = N µ +1
2 2 2 2 2
s s
FR = mg tan 2 φs + 1 (∴ µs = tan φs )

FR = mg sec φs
Motion on a horizontal rough surface:
Consider a block of mass ‘m’ placed on a N
horizontal surface with normal reaction N. F
Case (i) :If applied force F = 0, then the force of
friction is also zero.
force) mg
As the body is in vertical equilibrium
f m f s = mg ; µ s N = mg
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| mg
Case (ii) :If applied force F < ( f s ) max , the block µ s F = mg (Q N = F ) ⇒ F = µ
does not move and the force of friction is fs = F Ø A block is pressed between two hands without
falling, by applying minimum horizontal force
Case (iii) : If applied force F = ( f s ) max block just
ready to slide and frictional force ‘F’ by each hand. Then F = 2 µ
( f s ) max = fl = µ s N s

fs fs
F = µ s mg (Q N = mg ) ; (at time t=0 )


Case(iv) : If the above applied force continues to

act ( t > 0 ) the body gets motion, static friction
converts as kinetic friction and body possesses F F
F − fk f − fk
a = ext = l = ( µs − µk ) g
m m
Case (v) :If the applied force is greater than limiting
friction the body starts moving and gets
acceleration mg

mg 1) The maximum acceleration of the truck for which

W=2 fs, ; mg = 2 µs F ⇒ F = 2µ block does not slide on the floor of the truck is
a = µs g
Note : Here in the above two cases, by applying
any amount of horizontal force ‘F’, the frictional 2) If a < µs g block does not slide and frictional
force f s can never be greater than ' mg ' force on the block is f=ma.
Sliding block on a horizontal rough surface 3) If a > µs g block slips or slides on the floor the
coming to rest : acceleration of the block relative to the truck is
N a′ = a − µk g
4) If l is the distance of the block from rear side
v=0 of the truck, time taken by the block to cover a
u 2l
fk distance l . t=
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| a - µkg
4) Acceleration of the block relative to ground is
a′′ = µk g
mg Body placed in contact with the front
a) The acceleration of the block is a = − µ k g surface of accelerated truck:
Ø When a block of mass ‘m’ is placed in contact with
b) Distance travelled by the block before coming the front face of the vehicle moving with acceleration
u2 ‘a’ then a pseudo force ‘Fpf ‘ acts on the block in a
to rest is S = 2µ g direction opposite to the direction of motion of the
c) Time taken by the block to come to rest is fl
mk g a
Ø An insect is crawling in a hemispherical bowl of N
radius ‘r’. Maximum height upto which it can
crawl is
fs=µs N
θ mg
r r sin θ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
h θ Under equilibrium, fl = mg; N = ma
mg cos θ g
mg sin θ µ S N = mg ⇒ µ S ma = mg ⇒ amin = µ
mg W.E.49:A man of mass 40 kg is at rest between the
walls as shown in the figure. If ‘ m ’ between
 1  the man and the walls is 0.8, find the normal
h = r (1- cosθ ) = r  1 − 
 µs + 1 
2 reactions exerted by the walls on the man.
 Sol. Since man is at rest,
Maximum angular displacement upto which it can µN1 µN2
crawl is ‘ ? ’. Then µ s = tan θ
Ø A block is placed on rear horizontal surface of a
truck moving along the horizontal with an
acceleration ‘a’. Then F2
mg N2

F1 N1


W.E.52:A block on table shown in figure is just on

N1 − N 2 = 0 ( horizontal equilibrium )
the edge of slipping. Find the coefficient of
\ N1 = N2 = N , F1 = F2 = F (say) static friction between the block and table
T cos 30
\ 2m N = mg ( vertical equilibrium ) O
30 T
= 2´ 0.8´ N = 400 \ N = 250N
W.E.50:A 2 kg block is in contact with a vertical T sin 30
wall having coefficient of friction 0.5
between the surfaces. A horizontal force of
40N is applied on the block at right angles
to the wall. Another force of 15N is applied,
on the plane of the wall and at right angles
to 40N force. Find the acceleration of the 80N
block. Sol.
fl = T sin θ
µ mg = T sin θ

80 = T cos θ ...........(2)
F=15N T sin 30 0 µ mg
15N = ;
T cos30 0 80
F=40N F=40N
20N µ 40 1 µ 2
25N=FR Tan 300 = ; = ⇒µ= = 1.15
80 3 2 3
WE.53:When a car of mass 1000 kg is moving with
a velocity of 20ms-1 on a rough horizontal road,
its engine is switched off. How far does the
Resultant of W=20N and 15N car move before it comes to rest if the
coefficient of kinetic friction between the road
FR = 20 2 + 152 = 25N and tyres of the car is 0.75 ?
frictional force f = m N = 0.5 x 40 = 20N Sol. Here v = 20ms −1 , µk = 0.75, g = 10ms −2
This acts in a direction, opposite to 25N force.
\ Net force acting on the block, Fnet = 25–20=5 Stopping distance S = = 26.67m
2 µk g
\ acceleration of the block a = = 2.5ms–2 W.E.54:A horizontal conveyor belt moves with a
constant velocity V. A small block is projected
W.E.51:A block of mass 4 kg is placed on a rough
with a velocity of 6 m/s on it in a direction
horizontal plane. A time dependent
opposite to the direction of motion of the belt.
horizontal force F = kt acts on the block (k =
The block comes to rest relative to the belt in
2 N/s). Find the frictional force between the
a time 4s. µ = 0.3 , g = 10 m/s2. Find V
block and the plane at t = 2 seconds and t = 5 ur
seconds (µ = 0.2) Sol. V b,c = Vb + Vc = 6 + V
Sol. Given F = kt f = µmg = 0.3 × m × 10 = 3m
When t = 2sec ; F = 2(2)=4N ..... case (i)
F 3m
f ms = ms mg = 0.2 × 4 × 10 = 8N Retardation a = = = 3m / s 2
m m
Here F < f ms ∴ friction = applied force=4N ur = 6 + V,Vr = 0, t = 4 sec , ar = - 3ms -2
When t = 5 sec ; F = 2 (5) =
F > f ∴ frictional force < 8N Vr = ur + ar t , 0 = (6+V) – 3 x 4,V = 6 m/s


WE.55:The rear side of a truck is open. A box of N

40 kg mass is placed 5m away from the open L−
end as shown in figure. The coefficient of fs |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
friction between the box and the surface is
0.15. On a straight road, the truck starts from  m
rest and accelerating with 2 m/s2. At what m− g
 n
distance from the starting point does the box
fall off the truck? (Ignore the size of the box).
N m
Fpf Weight of the chain lying on the table =
fk a = 2m/s 2
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| mg  1
mg − = mg  1 − 
5m n  n
When the chain is about to slide from edge of the
The weight of the hanging part of the chain =
frictional force between the chain and the table
Sol :Because of the acceleration of the truck the pseudo surface.
force on the box = m x a = 40 x 2 = 80N.
mg  1
This force acts opposite to the acceleration of the = µ s mg  1 − 
truck. The frictional force on the truck which acts n  n 1
∴ µs =
in the forward direction f k = µ N = 0.15 x 40g ⇒
mg  n −1 
= µ s mg   ( n − 1)
n  n 
= 58.8N Since pseudo force is greater than frictional
force, the block will accelerate in backward If l is the length of the hanging part, then
direction relative to truck with a magnitude
80 − 58.8 n= Substituting this in the above expression we
a= = 0.53 m / s 2 l
l L µs + 1
The time taken by box to cover the distance 5m is get, µ s = L − l ( or ) n = l = µ
given by s

∴The maximum fractional length of chain

1 2s
s = 0 + at 2 ⇒ t = = 4.34sec hanging from the edge of the table in
2 a
l µs
The distance travelled by truck in this time equilibrium is L = µ + 1
is , a ′ = 2 ms − 2
Ø Fractional length of chain on the table
1 1
s′ = a′t 2 = × 2 × (4.34)2 = 18.87 m L−l 1
2 2 =
Sliding of a chain on a horizontal table: L µs + 1
Ø Consider a uniform chain of mass “m” and length Connected Bodies :
“L” lying on a horizontal table of coefficient of Ø A block of mass m1 placed on a rough horizontal
surface, is connected to a block of mass m2 by a
friction “ µ s ”. When 1/nth of its length is hanging
string which passes over a smooth pulley.The
from the edge of the table, the chain is found to be
about to slide from the table. Weight of the hanging coefficient of friction between m1 and the table is
part of the chain =

a W.E.57:A block of mass ‘m’ is placed on a rough
N x3
surface with a vertical cross section of y = . If
T 6
the coefficient of friction is 0.5, the maximum
height above the ground at which the block
m1g T a can be placed without slipping is(JEE MAIN -2014)

For body of mass m2
m2 g − T = m2 a ————— (i) x
For body of mass m1
T − f k = m1a ⇒ T − µk N = m1a —— (ii)
Solving Eqs (i) and (ii), we get
 m − µk m1  m1m2 g
a= 2 g; T = (1 + µ )
Tanθ =
dy d x3
= ( ) ⇒ Tanθ =
 1m + m 2  m 1 + m2 dx dx 6 2
WE.56:A block of mass 10kg is pushed by a force F x2
on a horizontal rough plane is moving with At limiting equilibrium,we get µ = Tanθ ⇒ 0.5 =
acceleration 5ms −2 . When force is doubled, x 2 = 1 ⇒ x = ±1
its acceleration becomes 18ms −2 .Find the x3
Now putting the values of ‘ x ’in y = , we get
coefficient of friction between the block and 6
1 1
rough horizontal plane. ( g = 10ms ) .
−2 When x = 1 ⇒ y = ; x = −1 ⇒ y = −
6 6
Sol : So the maximum height above the ground at which
N 1
a the block can be placed without slipping is y = m
Motion of a body on an inclined plane :
F Case (i) :Body sliding down on a smooth
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| inclined plane :
Let us consider a body of mass ‘m’ kept on a
mg smooth inclined plane. .
On a rough horizontal plane, acceleration of a block Ø Normal reaction N = mg cos θ
of mass ‘m’ is given by a = − µ k g ..........(i) Ø Acceleration of sliding block a = g sin θ
Ø If l is the length of the inclined plane and h is the
Initially, a = 5 ms −2 height. The time taken to slide down starting from
− µk (10 ) ............ ( ii ) (Q m = 10kg ) rest from the top is t =
1 2h
When force is doubled a = 18 ms −2 . g sinθ sinθ g
 h 
Q l =
18 = − µ k (10 ) .......... ( iii ) 
10  sin θ 
Multiplying Eq(ii) with 2 and subtracting from Eq.(iii) Ø Sliding block takes more time to reach the bottom
8 than to fall freely in air from the top of the inclined
8 = µ k (10 ) ⇒ µ k = = 0.8 plane to the ground.

When θ 2 = α and ( t > 0 ) the same inclination is
Velocity of the block at the bottom of the inclined
plane is same as the speed attained if block falls 3.
freely from the top of the inclined plane. continued the block moves downwards with
V = 2 gl sin θ = 2 gh accleration a.
Case(ii) :Body projected up on a mg sin θ 2 > µk mg cos θ 2 acceleration
smooth inclined plane : mg sin θ 2 − µ k mg cos θ 2
v=0 m
B µ s mg cos θ 2 − µ k mg cos θ 2
a= = g cos θ 2 ( µs − µk )
s h
u 4. When θ > α , the body slides f k = µk mg cos θ
A θ C The resultant force acting on the body down the
Ø If a block is projected up the plane with a velocity plane is FR = mgsinθ -f K ,
u, the acceleration of the block is a = − g sin θ
FR = mg ( sin θ − µk cos θ )
Ø Distance travelled by the block up the plane before
u2 The acceleration of the body a = g ( sin θ − µk cos θ )
its velocity becomes zero is S = 2 g sin θ N A
u=0 fk
Ø Time of ascent t = g sin θ mg sinθ
θ mg cosθ
Case (iii) Motion of a body down the
rough inclined plane: h
Ø Let a body of mass ‘m’ be sliding down a rough B
inclined plane of angle of inclination ? and coefficient θ
of kinetic friction µ k. Ø Velocity of the body at the bottom of the plane
fk V = 2 g ( sin θ − µk cos θ ) l
Ø If ‘t’is the time taken to travel the distance ‘l’ with
θ initial velocity u = 0 at the top of the plane,
mg sinθ mg mg cosθ
θ 2l
Angle of Repose ( α ) : Angle of repose is the g (sin θ − µk cosθ )
minimum angle of the rough inclined plane for Ø The time taken by a body to slide down on a rough
which body placed on it may just start sliding inclined plane is ‘n’ times the time taken by it to
down. It is numerically equal to the angle of friction. slide down on a smooth inclined plane of same
Ø Let ? be the angle of inclination of a rough inclined inclination and length, then coefficient of friction is....
plane, α be the angle of repose, m be the mass
of the body and µ be the coefficient of friction. 2l
At limiting equilibrium (about to slide) trough g (sin θ − µ k cos θ )
n= =
mg sin α = µs mg cosα ⇒ tan α = µs ⇒ α = tan −1 ( µs ) tsmooth 2l
1. When θ1 < α ; the block remains at rest on the g sin θ
inclined plane. Frictional force mg sin θ1 (self sin θ
n2 =
adjusting), acceleration a=0 sin θ − µ k cos θ
2. When θ 2 = α ; the block remains at rest on inclined
⇒ n 2 sin θ − n 2 µ k cos θ = sin θ
plane or impending state of motion is achieved.
mg sin θ 2 = µ s mg cos θ 2 (at time t=0)  1
⇒ µk = Tanθ 1 − 2 
 n 
Here θ 2 > θ1 and f s = fl acceleration a=0


Body projected up a rough inclined plane: Time taken with friction is

If a body is projected with an initial velocity ‘u’to
2l T1 sin θ − µ cos θ
slide up the plane, the kinetic frictional force acts T2 = ⇒ =
down the plane and the body suffers retardation g ( sin θ − µ cos θ ) T2 sin θ
due to a resultant force
sin θ
FR =(mg sin θ +fk ) T2 = T1
sin θ − µ cos θ
Ø acceleration a = - g(sin ? + µ k cos ? )
Ø Time taken to stop after travelling a distance l along
sin 450
the plane, t = g (sin θ + µ k cos θ )
sin 450 − (0.5) cos 450
Ø Force required to drag with an acceleration ‘a’ is (1/ 2)
F = ( µ k mg cos ? + mg sin ? + m a ) =2 = 2 × 2 = 2.828s
(1/ 2) − (0.5)(1/ 2)
WE.58:A body is moving down a long inclined
WE.60:Two blocks of masses 4 kg and 2 kg are in
plane of angle of inclination ‘ θ ’for which the
contact with each other on an inclined plane
coefficient of friction varies with distance x
of inclination 300 as shown in the figure.
as µ ( x ) = kx , where k is a constant. Here x is The coefficient of friction between 4 kg mass
the distance moved by the body down the and the inclined plane is 0.3, where as
plane. The net force on the body will be zero between 2 kg mass and the plane is 0.2. Find
at a distance x0 is given by the contact force between the blocks.

Sol :

mg sinθ mg cosθ


F = mg sin θ − f
N = mg cos θ ; f = µ N = µ mg cos θ
Sol :The acceleration of 4 kg mass,
F = mg sin θ − µ mg cos θ
If θ = 300 , µk = 0.3
F = mg ( sin θ − kx cos θ )
1 3 −2
a4 = g (sin θ − µ k cos θ ) = 10  − 0.3 ×  = 2.6ms
tan θ  2 2 
If F = 0 ; sin θ − kx0 cos θ = 0 ⇒ x0 =
k The acceleration of 2 kg mas
WE.59:A body of mass ‘m’ slides down a smooth
inclined plane having an inclination of 450 1 3 −2
a2 = 10  − 0.2 ×  = 3.27 ms
with the horizontal. It takes 2s to reach the 2 2 
bottom. If the body is placed on a similar plane ∴ a2 > a4
having coefficient of friction 0.5 Then what is
the time taken for it to reach the bottom? Thus, there will be contact force between the blocks
and they move together. If ‘a’ is the common
Sol : Mass = m, θ =450, µ =0.5 Time taken by the body acceleration,
to reach the bottom without friction is
(m1 + m2 )a =
T1 = (m1 + m2 ) gsin θ − ( µ1 m1 + µ2 m2 ) g cos θ
g sin θ = 2sec

WE.63:In the given figure, the wedge is acted upon by

1 3
6a = 6 × 10 × − (0.3 × 4 + 0.2 × 2) ×10 × a constant horizontal force 'F'. The wedge is
2 2 moving on a smooth horizontal surface. A ball of
6a = 30 − 13.856 ⇒ a = 2.7 ms −2 mass 'm' is at rest relative to the wedge. The ratio
of forces exerted on 'm' by the wedge when 'F' is
For, 4 kg mass; mg sin θ + f contact − f friction = ma acting and 'F' is withdrawn assuming no friction
between the edge and the ball,is equal to
1 3
4´10´ + f c - 0.3´10´10 ´ = 4 x 2.7
2 2 F
fc = 10.8 + 10.4 – 20 Þ f c = 1.2N
WE.61:A 30kg block is to be moved up an inclined
plane at an angle 300 to the horizontal with a Sol.
velocity of 5ms–1 . If the frictional force
retarding the motion is 150N, find the θ
horizontal force required to move the block up
the plane. (g=10ms–2.) When Force F is applied
ma cosθ
Sol. N

P θ

ma sinθ
The force required to move a body up an inclined plane is mg sinθ
mg cosθ
F = mg sin q + f k
N1 = mgcos θ + Fsin θ
f k = µk ( mg cos θ + P sin θ ) = 150 N
( F cos θ = mg sin θ ⇒ F = mg tan θ )
= 30(10) sin 300 +150 = 300N. N F sin θ
If F=0 ; N2 = mgcos θ , N = 1 + mg cos θ
If P is the horizontal force, F = P cos q 2

F 300 300´ 2 N1 mg tan θ sin θ

P= = = = 200 3 = 346 N =1+
cos q cos300 mg cos θ = 1 + tan q = sec q
2 2
3 N2
WE.62: A body is sliding down an inclined plane Ø Two blocks of mass m and M are placed on a rough
having coefficient of friction 0.5. If the normal inclined plane as shown, when (θ > α )
reaction is twice that of resultant downward force
i)Minimum value of M for which m slides upwards is
along the inclined plane, then find the angle
between the inclined plane and the horizontal M = m ( sin θ + µs cosθ )
Sol : µ = 0.5 , N = mg cos θ
N = 2 F , F = mg (sin θ − µ cos θ )
N = 2 mg ( sin θ − µ cos θ )
mg cos θ = 2 mg ( sin θ − µ cos θ )
mg sinθ
c os θ = 2 cos θ ( tan θ − µ )
1 1 Mg
= tan θ − ⇒ tan θ = 1 ⇒ θ = 450
2 2 mg


ii) Maximum value of M for which m slides N

downwards: M = m ( sin θ − µs cosθ ) F
Ø A body is released from rest from the top of an
inclined plane of length ‘L’ and angle of inclination θ F cos θ
‘ θ ’. The top of plane of length ( n > 1) is fr ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
smooth and the remaining part is rough. If the F sin θ
body comes to rest on reaching the bottom of the
plane then find the value of coefficient of friction of
rough surface mg
N Ø When a lawn roller is pushed by a force ‘F’,which
makes an angle θ with the horizontal, then
Ø Normal reaction N = mg + F sin θ .
mg sinθ Ø Frictional force f r = µr N = µr ( mg + F sin θ )
θ mg cosθ
∴The net horizontal pushing force is given by
L mg
F1= F(cos θ – sin θ ) – µ rmg
n ii) A Lawn Roller on a Horizontal Surface
 n −1 Pulled by an Inclined Force
 n L
θ   N
For smooth part : F sin θ F
Using v 2 − u 2 = 2as ; V = 2a1 ,

n θ
F cos θ
a1 = g sin θ , a2 = g (sin θ − µ cos θ )
 n −1  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
For rough part 0 − V 2 = 2a2  L fr
 n 
L  n −1 
2a1 = −2a2  L mg
n  n  Ø Let a lawn roller be pulled on a horizontal road by
a force ‘F’, which makes an angle θ with the
g sin θ = − g [sin θ − µ cosθ ] ( n − 1) horizontal.
 n  Ø Normal reaction N =mg – Fsin θ
µ = Tanθ   Ø Frictional force fr = µrN = µr(mg – Fsin θ )
 n − 1 Ø The net horizontal pulling force is
Ø A body is pushed down with velocity ‘u’ from the
top of an inclined plane of length ‘L’ and angle of F2 = F (cos θ + sin θ )-µ r mg Pulling is easier than
inclination ‘ θ ’. The top of plane of length Pushing.
L Applying an Inclined Pulling Force :
( n > 1) is rough and the remaining part is smooth. Let an inclined force F be applied on the body so
If the body reaches the bottom of the plane with a as to pull it on the horizontal surface as shown in
velocity equal to the initial velocity ‘u’, then the the figure.
value of coefficient of friction of rough plane N
is µ K = n ( tan θ ) F sin θ F
Note : If the top surface is smooth and the remaining
 n−2 F cos θ
is rough, then µ k = tan θ  
 n −1 
Pushing & Pulling of a Lawn Roller : |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
i) A Roller on Horizontal Surface Pushed by
an Inclined Force : mg

The body is in contact with the surface,and j u s t The body is in contact with the surface, and just
ready to move ready to move, N=mg+Fsinθ
N + F sinθ =mg ⇒ N = mg - F sin θ
frictional force f l = Fcos θ
frictional force f r = F cos θ
Fcosθ = µr N ,Fcosθ = µr (mg - F sinθ ) Fcosθ = µs N ⇒ Fcosθ = µs ( mg + Fsinθ )
µr mg µs mg
F= F=
( cos θ + µr sinθ ) ( cos θ − µs sinθ )
cos (θ − φ ) (Q Tanφ = µr )
F= (Q Tanφ = µs )
cos (θ + φ )
For F to be minimum cos (θ − φ ) should be For F to be minimum θ = 0
maximum ⇒ cos (θ − φ ) = 1 ⇒θ − φ = 0, θ = φ mg sin φ
∴ Fmin = = mg tan φ = µ mg
φ = angle of friction. cos φ s

(since µ s = tan φ )
WE.64: A block of mass m kg is pushed up against a
wall by a force P that makes an angle ‘ θ ’ with
µ2r + 1 the horizontal as shown in figure. The coefficient
of static friction between the block and the wall
is µ . The minimum value of P that allows the
φ block to remain stationary is
P sin θ
1 P
∴ Fmin = mgsinθ = mgsinφ From the figure, f

µr µ mg θ
sinφ = , Fmin = r N P cos θ
µr + 1
µr2 + 1 Sol : θ
Minimum horizontal pulling force, whenθ = 0
cos ( 0 − φ ) = cos φ mg
mg sin φ At equilibrium, P sin θ + f = mg N = P cos θ ,
F= = mg tan φ
cos φ
N = P cos θ f = ( mg − P sin θ)
Applying an Inclined Pushing Force :
Let an inclined force F is applied on the body so µN = ( mg − P sin θ)
as to push it on the horizontal surface as shown in µPcos θ = mg − Psin θ ; P [ sin θ + µ cos θ ] = mg
the figure.
N ( sin θ + µ cos θ)
Block on Block:
Ø Case I: Bottom block is pulled and there is no
friction between bottom block and the horizontal
θ surface.
f mu
mB F
mg Ø When the bottom block is pulled upper block is


accelerated by the force of friction acting upon it. hence they have different accelerations.The
Ø The maximum acceleration of the system of two mu
blocks to move together without slipping is acceleration of the bottom block is aB = µ K m g
amax = µ s g , where µs is the coefficient of static
and the acceleration of the upper block is
friction between the two blocks. The maximum
F − µ k mu g
applied force for which both the blocks move au =
together is Fmax = µs g ( mu + mB )
Ø A number of blocks of identical masses m each
Ø If a < µs g blocks move together and applied force are placed one above the other. Force required
is F = (m B + mu )a In this case frictional force to pull out N th block from the top is
F = (2N–1) µ mg
between the two block f = mu a . WE.65:A block of mass 4kg is placed on another
Ø If a > µs g , blocks slip relative to each other and block of mass 5kg, and the block B rests on a
smooth horizontal table, for sliding the block
have different accelerations. The acceleration of A on B, a horizontal force 12N is required to
the upper block is au = µ k g and that for the bottom be applied on it .How much maximum
horizontal force can be applied on ‘B’ so that
F − µk mu g both A and B move together? Also find out
block is aB = mB the acceleration produced by this force.
Ø Case - II:Upper block pulled and there is no M1 A
friction between bottom block and the horizontal
surface. F M2 B
mu F Sol: Here M 1 =4kg and M 2 =5kg
Limiting friction between the blocks is flim
mB Acceleration of system is
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| F F F
a= = = m / s2
Ø When the upper block is pulled, bottom block is M1 + M 2 4 + 5 9
accelerated by the force of friction acting on it. Because of this acceleration the block A
Ø The maximum acceleration of the system of two experiences a pseudo force of magnitude
blocks to move together without slipping is F
Fpseudo = M1a = 4 ×
mu 9
amax = µs
mB where , µs =coefficient of static
friction between the two blocks The maximum force M1 A
for which both blocks move together is 12N
mu M2
Fmax = µs g ( mu + m B )
As block A move together with B, Fpseudo ≤ flim For
Ø If a < a , blocks move together and frictional maximum value of applied force
force between the two blocks is f = mB a The Fpseudo = f lim ; = 12 ⇒ F = 27 N
applied force on the upper block is 27
The acceleration of blocks = = 3m / s 2
F = (m B + mu )a 9
Ø If a > amax blocks slide relative to each other and

WE.66:Two blocks of masses ‘m’ and ‘M’ are
arranged as shown in the figure. The F = µ R1 + µ R2 = 3 + 0.25 ( 4 ) = 4 N
coefficient of friction between the two blocks (c) In this situation for dynamic equilibrium of B
is ‘ µ ’, where as between the lower block and
the horizontal surface is zero. Find the force F = µ R1 + µ R2 + T ...........(i)
‘F’ to be applied on the upper block, for the While for the uniform motion of A,
system to be under equilibrium?
F T = µ R2 ............(ii)
m Substituting T from eqn (ii) in (i) we
M get F = µ R1 + 2 µ R2 = 3 + 2 × 1 = 5 N
Uniform circular motion
F m T Ø When a particle moves in a circular path with con-
Sol :
µ mg stant speed then it is said to be in uniform circular
motion. In this case the acceleration of the particle
m T
µ mg v2
is a = v ( ω ) = = rω 2 ,Where v, r & ω are linear
On the upper block, r
F=T+f=T+ µ N; F = T + µ mg ……(1) velocity, radius and angular velocity of the particle.
On the lower block T = µ mg ……… (2) In uniform circular motion
from (1) and (2), we get, F = 2 µ mg (a) magnitude of linear velocity does not change
W.E-67 : Block A weighs 4N and block B weighs (b) direction of linear velocity changes
8N.The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.25 (c) Linear velocity changes
for all surfaces.Find the force F to slide B at (d) Angular velocity is constant
a constant speed when (a) A rests on B and (e) Linear momentum changes
moves with it (b) A is held at rest and (c) A and (f) Angular momentum w.r.t to centre does not
B are connected by a light cord passing over a change
smooth pulley as shown in fig (a),(b) and (c) Centripetal force ( FC ):
respectively Ø It is the force required to keep the body in uniform
circular motion. This force changes the direction of
linear velocity but not its magnitude
R2 f2
F F mv 2
R1 f1 B
( v = rω )
B R1 f1
FC = = mrω 2 = mvω
S S r
(a) (b) Ø Direction of centripetal force is always perpendicu-
T lar to the direction of linear velocity. The work done
f2 R2
f2 by centripetal force is always zero, as it is perpen-
F dicular to velocity and instantaneous displacement
B R1 T Ex1: When an electron moves around the nucleus
S f1 in a circular orbit, the electrostatic force of attrac-
(C) tion between the electron and nucleus is the cen-
tripetal force.
Sol :(a) When A moves with B the force opposing the Ex2: If an electron of mass m and charge e moves
motion is the only force of friction between B and around the nucleus of atomic number Z in a circu-
S the horizontal and as velocity of system is lar orbit of radius r , centripetal force on it is
constant, mv 2 1 Ze 2
F = f1 = µ R1 = 0.2 ( 4 + 8 ) = 3 N r 4πε 0 r 2
(b) When A is held stationary, the friction opposing the Ex3: When planet of mass m moves around the
motion is between A and B. So sun in a circular orbit of radius r , centripetal force


Ø Let θ be the angle through which the outer edge is

mv 2 GMm
on it is = 2 raised relative to the inner edge. This angle is also
r r called “angle of banking”. The normal reaction N
Ex4: When a stone is whirled round in horizontal exerted by the road on the vehicle is directed nor-
circle by attaching it at the end of string, tension in mal to the surface as shown in the figure.
the string provides the centripetal force. N cos θ balances the weight of the vehicle.
mv 2 N cos θ = mg
r N sin θ is directed towards the centre of the cir-
Centrifugal force: cular path. Which provides the centripetal force.
Ø The Pseudo force which acts radially outward on mv 2
the body moving along a circle is called centrifugal N sin θ =
From the above equations, we get
Even though centripetal and centrifugal forces are
equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, they v2
tan θ = (or) v = rg tan θ .
do not form action - reaction pair because they act rg
on the same body in two different frames. Motion of a vehicle on a rough banked road:
Circular turning on roads: Ø If friction is present between the road and the
Ø The necessary centripetal force while taking a cir-
tyres,the components of friction and normal reac-
cular turn is being provided to a vehicle by follow-
tion provide the centripetal force.
ing three ways
1) by friction only mv 2
2) by banking of roads only Case-I:If N sin θ > ,the vehicle possesses
3) by both friction and banking of roads
the tendency to slip down the plane. The minimum
Ø Friction only:
In this case the necessary centripetal force is pro- speed for avoiding slipping down the plane can be
vided by static friction obtained by taking friction up the plane.
r N cos θ
N f sin θ
o f f
N sin θ θ f cos θ
v ≤ µs gr ; vmax = µ s gr
Ø For a given radius of curvature and coefficient of
friction, the safe maximum velocity of the vehicle is
given by vmax = µ s rg
fig - (i)
Ø Banking of roads only:
To find minimum speed we can use fig (i),
N cos θ
θ N sin θ − f cos θ = .... (1)
N cos θ + f sin θ = mg.... ( 2 ) (f = µN )
N sin θ From (1) and (2) we get
rg ( sin θ − µ cos θ ) rg (tan θ − µ )
θ Mg vmin = =
O X ( cos θ + µ sin θ ) (1 + µ tan θ )


radius 18m without the danger of

mv 2
Case-II:If N sin θ < ,the vehicle possesses skidding.The coefficient of friction between
r the tyres of the car and the surface of the
the tendency to skid up the plane. The safe maxi- curved path is 0.2. What is the maximum
mum speed for avoiding skidding can be obtained speed in kmph of the car for safe driving? (g=10
by taking friction acting down the plane. ms −2 )

N N cos θ Sol : Maximum speed. v = µ s gr

θ v = 0.2 ×10 ×18 = 36 = 6ms −1

N sin θ W.E.70:A point P moves in a counter clock wise
f cos θ θ direction on a circular path as shown in fig.
f f sin θ The movement of ‘P’ is such that it sweeps
out a length S=t3+5, where ‘S’ is in metres
θ mg
and ‘t’ is in seconds. The radius of the path
fig - (ii) is 20m. The acceleration of ‘P’ when t=2s is
nearly. (AIEEE - 2010)
To find maximum safe speed, we have to consider
figure (ii).
mv 2
N sin θ + f cos θ = max .... (1) P(x, y)
N cos θ − f sin θ = mg .........(2)

From (1) and (2) we get

rg ( sin θ + µ cos θ ) rg (tan θ + µ )
vmax = = dS
( cosθ − µ sin θ ) (1 − µ tan θ ) Sol: S = t + 5 ⇒ v =

= 3t 2

Ø A cyclist is taking a turn of radius r with speed v For t=2s, v = 3 × 4 = 12ms −1

then he should bend through an angle θ with the
v2 Tangential acceleration, at = = 6t
vertical such that tan θ =
rg For t=2s, at = 12ms −2
W.E.68:Two cars of masses m 1 and m 2 are moving Centripetal acceleration
in circles of radii r1 and r2 respectively. Their
v 2 144
speeds are such that they make complete circle ac = = = 7.2ms −2
in the same time t. The ratio of their R 20
centripetal acceleration is (AIEEE - 2012)
net acceleration = at 2 + ac 2 ≈ 14ms −2
Sol :As their time period of revolution is same,angular
speed is also same.centripetal acceleration is WE.71:A turn of radius 20m is banked for the
vehicle of mass 200kg going at a speed of
a = ω 2r ;
10m/s. Find the direction and magnitude
a1 ω 2 r1 r1 of frictional force acting on a vehicle if it
= =
a2 ω 2 r2 r2 moves with a speed a) 5 m/s b) 15 m/s
Assume that friction is sufficient to
WE.69: A car is driven round a curved path of
prevent slipping (g=10m/s2)


Sol : v = 10m/s g tan θ

(10 ) = 1
v 2
1 r
tan θ = = ⇒ θ = tan−1  
rg ( 20 )(10 ) 2 2 2π
but r = l sin θ and ω = T ( T0 is the time period
Now, as speed is decreased, force of friction 0

f acts upwards. Using the equations of pendulum)

N sin θ − f cos θ = ; N cos θ + f sin θ = mg Time period of the pendulum is T0 = 2π
l cos θ
r g
−1  1  Ø For the coin not to fly off on the turn table, the
Substituting θ = tan   , v = 5m/s, m=200kg
 2 condition is
and r = 20m, in the above equations, we get
f = 300 5 N ω
b) In the second case force of friction f will act
mv 2
N sin θ + f cos θ = ; N cos θ − f sin θ = mg
−1 1
Substituting θ = tan   , v = 15m/s,
 2
m=200kg and r = 20m, in the above
equations, we get f = 500 5 N
Conical pendulum:
A bob of mass M is given a horizontal push a little
through angular displacement θ and arranged such mv 2
⇒ ≤ µ s mg
that the bob describes a horizontal circle of radius r
‘ r’ with uniform angular velocity ω in such a way
Ø Motion of a Cyclist in a Death Well:
that the string always makes an angle θ with the
vertical and T is the tension in the string. For equilibrium of cyclist in a death well, as shown
Suppose the body is in rotational equilibrium,then in the figure, the normal reaction N provides the
centripetal force needed and the force of friction
T cos θ = Mg ------(1)
balances his weight mg.
T sin θ = Mrω 2 ----(2)
mv 2
rω 2 Thus, N=
From (1) and (2) tan θ = r
and f = µ N = mg
⇒ Vmax =
θ µ
T cos θ T

r mv 2 f
T sin θ r mg

Mg r

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