Lesson 1

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Lesson 1 – Digital Signal Processing


These are carriers of information, both useful and unwanted. It is defined as any physical quantity that
varies with time, space or any other independent variable or variables.


It is an operation design for extracting, enhancing, storing, and transmitting useful information.


The signal that varies continuously in time and amplitude, are processed using electrical networks
containing active and passive circuit elements.


Radio and Television Receivers

It can also be processed using Digital Hardware using adders, multipliers, and logic elements or using
special-purpose microprocessors.

PrF - Prefilter
ADC - Analog to Digital Converter
DSP - Digital Signal Processor
DAC - Digital to Analog Converter
PoF - Postfilter


1. Systems using DSP approach can be developed using software running on a general purpose
computer. Therefore, DSP is relatively convenient to develop and test, and the software is
2. DSP operations are based solely on additions and multiplications, leading to extremely stable
processing capability – for example, stability independent of temperature.
3. DSP operations can easily be modified in real time, often by simple programming changes, or by
reloading of registers.
4. DSP has lower cost due to VLSI technology, which reduces costs of memories, gates,
microprocessors and so forth.


1. Signal Analysis - This task deals with the measurement of signal properties. It is generally
a frequency-domain operation. Some of its applications are:
a. Spectrum (frequency and phase analysis)
b. Speech recognition
c. Speaker verification
d. Target detection
2. Signal Filtering - This task is characterized by the signal-in signal-out situation. The
system that perform this task are generally called as filters.
It is usually a time domain operation.
a. Removal of unwanted background noise
b. Removal of interference
c. Separation of frequency bands
d. Shaping of the signal spectrum

I. Introduction
Discrete-Time Signals and Systems
Discrete Time Signals
Discrete Time Systems
Analysis of Discrete-Time Linear Time-Invariant Systems
Discrete-Time and Systems Described by Difference Equations
Implementation of Discrete Time Systems
Correlation of Discrete Time Signals


1. Speech and Audio
a. Speech recognition
b. Digital Audio
c. Equalization
2. Image/Video
a. Enhancement
b. Coding for storage and transmission
c. Robotic vision
d. Animation
3. Military/Space
a. Radar Processing
b. Secure Communication
c. Missile Guidance
d. Sonar Processing
4. Biomedical/Health Care
a. Scanners
b. ECG Analysis
c. X-ray Analysis
d. EEG Brain Mappers
5. Consumer Electronics
a. Cellular/Mobile Phones
b. Digital Television
c. Digital Camera
d. Internet Voice/Music/Video
e. Interactive Entertainment Systems

Example: Typical Application of MUSIC

Musical Sound Processing

Stage One: Sound from individual instrument or performer recorded into acoustically inert
studio on a single track of a multi-track recording device.
Stage Two: Stored signal from each track are digitally processed by the sound engineer by
adding special effects and combined into studio recording, which is then
made available on a CD or as an audio file.

The artificial effects are artificially generated using various signal processing techniques
 echo generation
 reverberation (concert hall effect)
 flanging
 chorus effect
 phasing
Echo Generation
x[n] = y[n] + αy[n – D]
x[n] – resulting signal
α – model attenuation of direct sound
y[n] – direct sound
D - Echo

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