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Ben Salazar Exam #2:

a. Socialization is the process in which people are taught to be proficient members of
society. This matters in society so that people are taught how to be exceptional
humans and contribute to society in their successes. Not only that, but also how they
can pass their information to the next generation, and maintain a constant cycle of
b. Household: Teaches basic skills (Walking, sitting, talking, eating…) and develops a
sense of manners and personality. School: Explores more complex, problem-solving
skills that add to the child’s future, and help them contribute to society. Workplace:
c. I see schools as the most influential socialization places, due to the amounts of
knowledge and credibility that one obtains from said places. Not only that, schools
allow the interaction of many kids, allowing them to develop a sense of personality
and personal likes and dislikes.
d. Even though families are the ones who practically build someone up, there’s the risk
that they’ll push their ideals, beliefs and practices onto their off-spring, prohibiting
any form of originality from that child, therefore, hindering their own personal
a. Racialized Organizations are meso-level structures that limit the personal agency and
collective efficacy of subordinate racial groups while magnifying the agency of the
dominant racial group.
b. Tenet 1: Racialized organizations enhance or diminish the agency of racial groups; 2:
Racialized organizations legitimate the unequal distribution of resources; 3:
Whiteness is a credential; 4: Decoupling is racialized.
c. To me, the 1st tenant is the most important, as the agency to promote these groups
standing against racism is important and needed in today’s society. Organizations that
diminish the agency and position of racial groups are adding to the disruption within
today’s society, and will continue to disrupt the peace as long as it continues to
silence the minority.
a. An ideal type is a conception or a standard of something in its highest perfection.
b. An instrumental leader is one who is goal-oriented and mostly focused with
accomplishing set tasks, while expressive leaders are more concerned with promotion
emotional strength and health, and making sure that people feel supported.
c. Democratic leaders encourage group participation in all decision making. The danger
of this is that groups will pick sides and entrench themselves into opposing factions
rather than solving problems. A laissez-faire leader is hands-off, allowing group
members to self-manage and make their own decisions. While this is progressive and
a great style of leading, it can create group dissolution and a lack of progress.
Authoritarian leasers issue orders and assign specific tasks. However, this style risks
alienating the workers.
d. Systems of Stratification include Caste System (Static system that prevents
individuals from changing their status), a Class System (Open system that is
determined by social factors and individual achievement) and a Meritocracy (System
rooted in idealism that thinks of stratification as the result of merit or innate personal
e. A system of meritocracy might help promote a more ideal way of living, because
society has never existed where social rank was based solely on merit. This could
help encourage a more progressive way of thinking and acting within society if
everything is based off merit. However, the complex structure of societies and the
realities of economic standings, social standing is influenced by multiple factors. This
style of stratification would hinder those who practice it, allowing them to become
blind to the other important, realistic factors that contribute to the bigger picture. Not
only that, but everyone has different merits. One person set of merits could be
completely subjective and irrelevant to another who believes in something completely
different. This could also cause a split in control and power in society, and create
opposing sides.

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