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I’ve tried starting this letter about 10 times now. There’re so many things that I want to
say to you in regards to college. (I’m also typing this because my hand writing is poo-poo)
Watch out for this, do this, don’t do that, but in reality, it’s for the best for you to find your own
experience in your next chapter of your life. Take it by the horns and don’t take any moment for
granted. You never know when it might be the last time you share a moment with someone.
Though it won’t be the last time I see or hang out with you, it’s still rough for me to say,
“see you later”. I’ve shared so many memories and moments with you that have left such a
positive impact on my life. Your kindness, open-mind, contagious laughter and absolute talent
continues to amaze me on the daily. You have a spark inside of you that many people don’t have.
It’s individuals like yourself that are going places. I knew that from the get-go when I met you,
but it was further solidified when I saw you in Little Women. The way you controlled the stage
is astounding. Your dedication, energy, and passion show on that stage, and I’ll be dammed if I
don’t see you in a show again.
I know things may get tough with whatever may come your way, but I hope out of all the
things I’ve told you, this one remains lodged in your head. You are strong. You are so strong.
You’ve endeavored the trivial trail of Sheyenne High School. You experienced heavy hardships
and challenges that tested you physically and mentally. You worked your ass off to get what you
wanted. YOU SURVIVED TITANIC THE MUSICAL. If any of those don’t show your strength,
I don’t know what will. Just those feats alone show the inner strength you contain...so if you ever
feel down, read this passage again. I will always be here to support you and bring you up.
Doesn’t matter where I am, I will be there.
Next, I want to highlight all my favorite moments from each show we’ve shared
together :)
Phantom: We never really talked, but I loved your energy and humor and wished we had more
time together.
Remember, that script was your idea. And it was fucking genius.
Reeling: I felt our bond was strengthened by this show, again, even though we didn’t share a lot
of stage time.
Dinner at 8: Not gonna lie, this show is kinda hazy for me. I think we can leave it at that.
Peter: Ok, HERE WE GO. This show I appreciated you so much and I really felt connected to
you and your passion. This was just an overall fun show that I was a glad to be a part of with
Titanic: Oof. Even though the show was shit, one of my favorite theatre memories is the glass
breaking on stage and all of use trying to stay in character. That moment made me feel so relaxed
and joyful inside.
Mary Poppins: I fricken miss this show, and it felt like an actual show, if that makes any sense. I
miss hangin with you, Anthony and the goon squad as we tapped.
Mamma Mia: Yuh holy shit this show was a fucking blast. I’m sad I didn’t get to do another
show with you before you left, but I’m glad that this was the last one :) dancing and singing our
hearts out…I truly felt alive during this show.

Now, your gift. I wanted to be something special, yet enlightening. So, I got you my 3
favorite poetry books. Maybe not the most exciting thing, but hopefully they provide some
insight and thoughts. I also wanted to give you something personal of mine. I don’t know about
you, but whenever I’m performing, I personalize my own experiences into physical sources.
These items carry memories, feelings, emotions, and help me replicate an emotion. So, whenever
you get into another show, I want to give you a source that not only have I used myself, but
relates back to you. I’m giving you the cup I broke on-stage during our last performance. Not
only was it a hilarious moment, it also carries so much love that I shared with you and other cast
mates. Even if you don’t use it to act, use it to remember me, and the times we all shared as
young, naïve high schoolers. It’s those moments that I took for granted, and I wish I hadn’t.
I wish there was more time for us to have. But I cherish the times we’ve shared and I
can’t wait to see what you achieve in your future. I hope you don’t forget about me. I’ll always
be here for you, and I hope you don’t have too much fun in college ;) I fricken love you so much
Emma Holder. Stay golden.

Your Best Friend,

Benjamin Salazar

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