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BUS 517 Strayer University Initial Project Proposal Paper

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BUS 517 Strayer University Initial Project Proposal Paper

You have been selected to be the Project Manager for a project of your choice. The project you
decide to use must be one of a professional nature and must last for at least twelve months. In
addition, the project should meet the key criteria of a project, such as:

1. Has a beginning and an end.

2. Results in something being delivered to someone.

3. Requires a series of activities that must be done to complete the project

4. Requires resources (e.g., people, materials) to complete the work. Note: You are prohibited
from using projects that can be found on the Internet, including projects found in places like

All project submissions are submitted to SafeAssign for review. Instructions Write a 2–3 page
paper in which you define the scope of your chosen project. In your paper you must: 1. Provide a
brief summary of your chosen project. 2. Describe at least three project goals and three project
objectives. 3. Identify the key customer(s) and at least two stakeholders for your project.
Remember, you are delivering the project to your customer(s); however, there are others
(stakeholders) who have a vested interest in your project. 4. Describe at least three key
milestones and/or deliverables for your project. 5. Describe a high-level timeline that includes
key tasks and deadlines. 6. Estimate the project’s overall cost and any key staffing and non-
staffing resources needed. 7. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note:
Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources. This course requires the use
of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing
Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any
additional instructions.

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