My EX (Repaired)

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Class Student ID DƯƠNG Surname

NGUYỄN Name Fullname Date of birth Gender

K55I1 19D140001 DUY Anh 27/Mar/2001 Male
K55I1 19D140002 NGUYỄN QUỲNH 06/01/2001 Nữ
K55I1 19D140003 NGUYỄN THỊ MAI 24/04/2001 Nữ
K55I1 19D140004 TRẦN HOÀNG 21/05/2001 Nữ
K55I1 19D140005 VŨ THỊ QUỲNH 06/05/2001 Nữ
K55I1 19D140006 PHAN THỊ LINH 09/05/2001 Nữ
K55I2 19D140092 DƯƠNG THU 07/08/2001 Male
K55I2 19D140093 VÕ THỊ 16/Sep/2001 Male
K55I2 19D140094 ĐỖ DUY 15/10/2001 Nữ
K55I2 19D140095 NGUYỄN THỊ THÚY 26/08/2001 Nữ
K55I2 19D140096 DƯƠNG THÙY 28/02/2001 Nữ
K55I2 19D140097 LÊ HẢI 19/04/2001 Nữ
K55I2 19D140098 PHẠM HOÀI 08/02/2001 Male
K55I2 19D140099 ĐỖ THỊ 19/08/2001 Male
K55I2 19D140100 ĐỖ THỊ KHÁNH 05/10/2001 Nữ
K55I2 19D140101 CHU DUY 08/10/2001 Nữ
K55I2 19D140102 NGÔ THỊ 02/10/2001 Nữ
K55I2 19D140103 DOÃN BÍCH 31/07/2001 Nữ
K55I3 19D140162 ĐỖ THỊ THU 28/12/2001 Nữ
K55I3 19D140163 ĐỖ THU 28/05/2001 Nữ
K55I3 19D140164 PHẠM NGỌC 03/03/2001 Nữ
K55I3 19D140165 NGUYỄN THANH 07/11/2001 Male
K55I3 19D140166 NGÔ DIỆU 01/09/2001 Male
K55I3 19D140182 TRẦN THỊ THANH 05/09/2001 Nữ
K55I3 19D140183 NGUYỄN PHƯƠNG 09/10/2001 Nữ
K55I3 19D140184 VƯƠNG THU 02/04/2001 Male
K55I4 19D140247 NGUYỄN THỊ 29/10/2001 Nữ
K55I4 19D140248 NGUYỄN THẾ 09/03/2001 Nữ
K55I4 19D140249 LÊ THU 06/07/2001 Nữ
K55I4 19D140250 TÔ THỊ NHƯ 12/Nov/2000 Nữ
K55I5 19D140288 BÙI THỊ HẢI 06/07/2001 Nữ
K55I5 19D140289 ĐỖ THỊ 20/01/2001 Nữ
K55I5 19D140290 NGUYỄN THÁI 02/09/2001 Male
K55I5 19D140291 NGÔ THỊ 18/09/2001 Male
K55I5 19D140292 PHẠM TRÀ 09/05/2001 Male
K55I5 19D140293 VĂN THỊ THU 31/01/2001 Nữ
K55I5 19D140294 NGUYỄN THỊ HỒNG 23/02/2001 Nữ
K55I5 19D140295 ĐỖ THỊ THU 07/04/2001 Nữ
K55S1 19D190055 ĐỖ THANH 2/Dec/2001 Nữ
K55S1 19D190056 TRỊNH THỊ THANH 18/07/2001 Nữ
K55S2 19D190114 TRỊNH THỊ 15/05/2001 Nữ
K55S2 19D190115 CAO TIẾN 30/06/2001 Nữ
K55S2 19D190116 DƯƠNG THANH 9/Apr/2001 Male
K55SD1 19D191027 BÙI THỊ NHƯ 16/10/2001 Nữ
K55SD1 19D191028 NGUYỄN BÌNH 07/11/2001 Nữ
K55SD1 19D191029 PHẠM THỊ 16/Oct/2001 Nữ
K55SD1 19D191030 PHẠM HÀ 2/Sep/2001 Nữ
K55SD1 19D191031 NGUYỄN THỊ TÚ 21/12/2001 Nữ
K55SD1 19D191032 LƯƠNG THỊ BÍCH 21/05/2001 Nữ
K55SD2 19D191082 ĐINH KHÁNH 06/10/2001 Nữ
K55SD2 19D191083 MAI THỊ THÙY 29/12/2001 Nữ
K55SD2 19D191084 ĐOÀN THỊ 19/02/2001 Nữ
K55SD2 19D191085 HOÀNG TUẤN 29/06/2001 Nữ
K55SD2 19D191086 VŨ THỊ HUYỀN 01/09/2001 Nữ
K55SD3 19D191170 NGUYỄN THỊ HÀ 22/04/2001 Nữ
K55SD3 19D191171 ĐỖ MINH 13/04/2001 Nữ
K55SD3 19D191172 HOÀNG BẢO 23/09/2000 Nữ
K55SD 19D191173 NGUYỄN THỊ NGỌC 01/08/2001 Nữ
3 Total
Change the data in Gender column: Nam will be "Male", Nữ will be "Female"
Create the Fullname column and then Change the fullname of Students like this Rule: Dương Nguyễn Duy Anh
Calculate total scores of those students and then display the word "Pass" or "Fail" under the Desciption column (next to Total column). Students who pass
By using if function, determine the student's scholarship based on the following rules:
Students who have Total score >=35 and component score is not smaller than 7 then scholarship Excellence,
Students who have 30>total score>=28 and component score is not smaller than 6 then scholarship Good.
Show only students who are in SD class.
Show only students who have total score greater than 20
Show only students who have total score smaller than 25 and greater than 18
Show the list of students who are female and the list of students who are male.
Show only students whose name start with "V" letter.
Show only students whose surname start with "NGUYỄN".
Show only students whose fullname have "MINH"
Show students who doesn’t have english scores.
Highlight the student who has the highest score.
Highlight the student who has the lowest score.
Highlight the students who have total score greater than 25
Caculate the age of the students and highlight the name of student who is youngest or oldest.
Count the number of students whose name is YẾN.
In this worksheet, find the word "Caculate" and Replace with "Calculate"
Create the down-drop list
Phone number Math Physical Chemistry English Total Pass/Fail Scholarship Gift
0974935375 9 9 9 9 36
0377144335 8 8 8 9 33
0383230425 8 8 8 8 32
0941619650 8 8 8 8 32
0384562411 8 8 8 8 32
0974979963 8 8 8 8 32
0972793955 8 8 8 7 31
0349539260 8 8 8 6 30
0945027569 6 6 9 9 30
0774221818 8 8 8 6 30
0973253055 8 7 6 8 29
0379994043 8 7 8 6 29
0327308762 8 8 8 5 29
0352091393 7 8 6 8 29
0974757223 9 6 9 5 29
0345710330 7 6 7 9 29
0971762557 7 9 7 6 29
0962395620 7 6 7 8 28
0336044126 9 5 9 5 28
0384310908 9 9 9 27
0984173391 5 5 9 8 27
0912150912 7 7 7 5 26
0332477396 7 5 7 7 26
0395821275 7 7 7 5 26
0392120376 6 7 6 7 26
0911283829 8 8 2 7 25
0987784719 6 6 7 6 25
0349957675 6 5 6 8 25
0929697712 6 8 6 5 25
0974757223 7 7 3 7 24
0986092725 7 7 5 5 24
0989451731 5 5 5 9 24
0346596092 6 4 6 8 24
0392270380 8 5 8 3 24
0911444509 7 7 2 7 23
0385524413 6 6 3 8 23
0583545265 6 4 6 7 23
0353969694 6 3 6 8 23
0904851668 7 7 8 22
0962092322 8 8 6 22
0379629376 6 6 6 4 22
0962112382 5 7 5 5 22
0369303968 5 5 6 5 21
0357871851 6 6 7 2 21
0943398154 7 7 7 21
0962421887 4 4 6 5 19
0396871549 3 3 6 7 19
0376780074 5 5 3 6 19
0966522105 4 4 5 6 19
0943514712 4 4 6 5 19
0334547435 5 4 5 5 19
0967906977 6 6 6 18
0362646046 4 4 7 3 18
0978868065 3 5 3 6 17
0354548504 3 6 3 3 15
0355078201 3 3 5 2 13
0359708433 3 7 3 13
0335683480 2 7 2 11

n). Students who pass need to have total score greater than or equal

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