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Last lecture in a nutshell

Reflectance & Lighting • Need for lenses (blur from pinhole)

• Thin lens equation
• Distortion and aberrations
• Vignetting
Computer Vision I
Lecture 6

CSE 252A, Winter 2006 CS252A, Winter 2006 Computer Vision I

Radiometry Solid Angle

• By analogy with angle (in
• Read Chapter 4 of Ponce & Forsyth radians), the solid angle
subtended by a region at a
• Homework 1 Assigned point is the area projected
on a unit sphere centered at
Outline that point
– Solid Angle
• The solid angle subtended
– Irradiance by a patch area dA is given
– Radiance by
– BRDF dA cos θ
– Lambertian/Phong BRDF dω =

CSE 252A, Winter 2006 CSE 252A, Winter 2006

Radiance (θ, φ)
Radiance (θ, φ)
• Power is energy per unit time • Power is energy per unit time
dω dω
• Radiance: Power traveling at • Radiance: Power traveling at
some point in a specified some point in a specified
direction, per unit area direction, per unit area
perpendicular to the direction x perpendicular to the direction x
of travel, per unit solid angle of travel, per unit solid angle
dA dA
• Symbol: L(x,θ,φ) • Symbol: L(x,θ,φ)
• Units: watts per square meter • Units: watts per square meter L=
per steradian : w/(m2sr1) per steradian : w/(m2sr1) (dA cos θ )dω
Power emitted from patch, but radiance in
direction different from surface normal
CSE 252A, Winter 2006 CSE 252A, Winter 2006

Radiance transfer
What is the power received by a small area dA2 at Irradiance
distance r from a small area dA1 emitting radiance L? • Crucial property:
• How much light is arriving at a Total Irradiance arriving at the
surface? surface is given by adding
From definition of radiance • Units of irradiance: Watts/m2 irradiance over all incoming angles
• This is a function of incoming angle. Total irradiance is
L= • A surface experiencing radiance E( x) = ∫ L(x,θ ,φ )cosθdω
(dA cos θ )dω L(x,θ,φ) coming in from solid angle
dω experiences irradiance:
2ππ / 2

From definition of solid angle dE ( x) = L( x, θ , φ ) cos θdω = ∫ ∫ L(x,θ ,φ ) cosθ sinθdθdφ

0 0
dA cos θ
dω = φ
r2 N
P = LdA1 cos θ1dω1− > 2 L(x,θ,φ) θ
L x x
= dA1dA2 cos θ1 cos θ 2
CSE 252A, Winter 2006 r2 CSE 252A, Winter 2006

Intermezzo: Radiometry of thin lenses

Camera’s sensor
• Measured pixel intensity is a function of irradiance
integrated over
– pixel’s area
– over a range of wavelengths
– For some time

I = ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ E ( x, y, λ , t ) s ( x, y )q(λ )dydxdλ dt
t λ x y
What is image irradiance E for a
• Ideally, it’s linear to the radiance, but the camera response radiance L emitted from a point P?
C(.) may not be linear

⎛ ⎞
I = C ⎜ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ E ( x, y, λ , t ) s ( x, y ) q(λ )dydxdλ dt ⎟
⎜ ⎟
CSE 252A, Winter 2006 ⎝t λ x y ⎠ CSE 252A, Winter 2006

Radiometry of thin lenses Radiometry of thin lenses

δA δA

δA’ δA’

δA' cos α δA cos β δA cos α ⎛ z ⎞
Let δω be the solid angle subtended by δA (or δA’) δω = = = ⎜ ⎟
(z ' / cos α )2 (z / cos α )2 δA' cos β ⎝ z ' ⎠
from the center of the lens
δA' cos α δA cos β
δω = = Let Ω be the solid angle subtended by the lens from P.
(z ' / cos α )2 (z / cos α )2
π d 2 cos α π ⎛d ⎞
δA cos α ⎛ z ⎞
2 Ω= = ⎜ ⎟ cos α 3
= ⎜ ⎟ 4 (z / cos α )2 4 ⎝ z ⎠
δA' cos β ⎝ z ' ⎠
CSE 252A, Winter 2006 CSE 252A, Winter 2006

Radiometry of thin lenses Radiometry of thin lenses

δA δA

δA’ δA’

δA' cos α δA cos β δA cos α ⎛ z ⎞

δA' cos α δA cos β δA cos α ⎛ z ⎞
⎡π ⎛ d ⎞2 ⎤
δω = =
(z ' / cos α )2 (z / cos α )2
⎜ ⎟
δA' cos β ⎝ z ' ⎠ δω = =
(z ' / cos α )2 (z / cos α )2
⎜ ⎟
δA' cos β ⎝ z ' ⎠ E = ⎢ ⎜ ⎟ cos 4 α ⎥ L
π d 2 cos α π ⎛d ⎞
π d 2 cos α π ⎛d ⎞
2 ⎢⎣ 4 ⎝ z ⎠ ⎥⎦
Ω= = ⎜ ⎟ cos α 3 Ω= = ⎜ ⎟ cos α 3
4 (z / cos α )2 4 ⎝ z ⎠ 4 (z / cos α )2 4 ⎝ z ⎠ E: Image irradiance
The power δP emitted from the patch δA π ⎛d ⎞
L: emitted radiance
δP = LΩδA cos β = ⎜ ⎟ LδA cos 3 α cos β
with radiance L and falling on the lens is: 4⎝z⎠ d : Lens diameter
2 2
π ⎛d ⎞ δP π ⎛ d ⎞ δA Z: depth
δP = LΩδA cos β = ⎜ ⎟ LδA cos α cos β
E= = ⎜ ⎟ L cos 3 α cos β
CSE 252A, Winter 2006 4⎝z⎠ δA' Winter
CSE 252A, δA'
4 ⎝2006
z⎠ α:Image
Angle Irradiance
of patch from optical axis

Light at surfaces BRDF

With assumptions in previous slide
Many effects when light strikes a Assume
Assumethat that • Bi-directional Reflectance
surface -- could be: •• surfaces Distribution Function
fluoresce ρ(θin, φin ; θout, φout)
• transmitted –– e.g.
– Skin, glass •• surfaces
(i.e. • Ratio of incident irradiance to (θin,φin)
• reflected are
emitted radiance ^
– mirror •• all
pointisis • Function of
• scattered due
dueto tothat
that – Incoming light direction:
point θin , φin
– milk
– Outgoing light direction:
• travel along the surface and
θout , φout
leave at some other point
• absorbed Lo ( x;θ out , φout )
ρ ( x;θ in , φin ;θ out , φout ) =
– sweaty skin Li ( x;θ in , φin ) cos θ in dω
CSE 252A, Winter 2006 CSE 252A, Winter 2006

Properties of BRDFs
1. Non-negative: ρ(θin, φin ; θout, φout) ≥ 0

2. Helmholtz Reciprocity Principle:

ρ(θin, φin ; θout, φout) = ρ(θout, φout ; θin, φin)

3. Total energy leaving a surface must be less than total

energy arriving at the surface

∫ Li ( x,θ i , φi ) cos θ i dωi ≥ ∫ ⎡ ∫ ρ (θ i , φi ;θ 0 , φo )Li ( x,θ i , φi ) cos θ i dωi ⎤ cos θ o dωo

Ωi Ωo ⎢
⎣ Ωi ⎥⎦

CSE 252A, Winter 2006 CSE 252A, Winter 2006

Isotropic BRDF
Surface Reflectance Models
Common Models Arbitrary Reflectance
• Lambertian
• Phong
• Physics-based
– Specular
[Blinn 1977], [Cook-Torrance 1982],
[Ward 1992]
– Diffuse
[Hanrahan, Kreuger 1993] • Non-parametric model
– Generalized Lambertian • Anisotropic From Hertzmann & Seitz, CVPR’03
[Oren, Nayar 1995]
• Non-uniform over surface
– Thoroughly Pitted Surfaces
[Koenderink et al 1999] • BRDF Measurement [Dana et
• Phenomenological al, 1999], [Marschner ]
[Koenderink, Van Doorn 1996]
CSE 252A, Winter 2006 CSE 252A, Winter 2006

Anisotropic BRDF
Lambertian (Diffuse) Surface
• BRDF is a constant called the
albedo a
• Emitted radiance is NOT a
function of outgoing direction
– i.e. constant in all directions.
• For lighting coming in single
direction, emitted radiance is
proportional to cosine of the
angle between normal and
From Hertzmann & Seitz, CVPR’03 light direction

Lr = aN . ωι
CSE 252A, Winter 2006 CSE 252A, Winter 2006

Lambertian reflection Specular Reflection: Smooth Surface

• Lambertian N
• Matte
• Diffuse

Light is radiated equally in all directions

CSE 252A, Winter 2006 CSE 252A, Winter 2006

Rough Specular Surface

Phong Lobe

CSE 252A, Winter 2006 CSE 252A, Winter 2006

Non-Lambertian reflectance Surface Reflectance Models
Common Models Arbitrary Reflectance
z Lambertian
z Phong
z Physics-based
– Specular
[Blinn 1977], [Cook-Torrance
1982], [Ward 1992]
– Diffuse z Non-parametric model
[Hanrahan, Kreuger 1993]
z Anisotropic
– Generalized Lambertian
[Oren, Nayar 1995] z Non-uniform over surface
– Thoroughly Pitted Surfaces z BRDF Measurement
[Koenderink et al 1999] [Dana et al, 1999]
z Phenomenological
CSE 252A, Winter 2006
[Koenderink, Van Doorn 1996]
,© David Kriegman

General BRDF: e.g. Velvet Gonioreflectometers

• For an isotropic BRDF
Portrait of Sir Thomas • Three degrees of freedom spread among light
More, Hans Holbein source, detector, and/or sample
the Younger, 1527

CSE 252A, Winter 2006 [ After Koenderink et al, 1998 ] CSE 252A, Winter 2006

Gonioreflectometers Gonioreflectometers

• Three degrees of freedom spread among light

source, detector, and/or sample • Can add fourth degree of
freedom to measure
anisotropic BRDFs

CSE 252A, Winter 2006 CSE 252A, Winter 2006

Ward’s BRDF Measurement Setup Ward’
Ward’s BRDF Measurement Setup

• Collect reflected light with hemispherical (should be

ellipsoidal) mirror [SIGGRAPH 92] • Result: each image captures light at all
exitant angles

CSE 252A, Winter 2006 CSE 252A, Winter 2006

Marschner’s Image-
BRDF Not Always Appropriate
BRDF Measurement

• For uniform BRDF, capture 2-D slice

corresponding to variations in normals

CSE 252A, Winter 2006 CSE 252A, Winter 2006 (Jensen, Marschner, Levoy, Hanrahan)

Light sources and shading

• How bright (or what colour) are objects?

• One more definition: Exitance of a source is
– the internally generated power radiated per
unit area on the radiating surface
• Similar to irradiance

CSE 252A, Winter 2006

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