Homework Advanced Lesson 2

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1. Short-staffed / Short-handed (adj): thiếu hụt nhân lực
Many of my coworkers have quit their jobs, so my company has become short-staffed in recent
2. Maternity leave: nghỉ phụ sản
When I was on maternity leave, Lisa and other staff members helped me with my work.
3. Take up the post of something: bắt đầu làm một vị trí nào đó
I took up the post of designer in a Korean company after I graduated from university.
4. Move up the ladder: thăng tiến trong công việc
Thanks to my determination and perseverance, I could move up the ladder much faster than my
5. Take on/ blow off responsibility: đảm nhận/ thoái thác trách nhiệm
I am not the kind of person who blow off my responsibilty. I am willing to take on responsibilty.
6. Livelihood: kế sinh nhai, nguồn thu nhập
I come from Quang Ngai province, where local people’s livelihood mostly derives from the
fishing industry.
7. Land a new job: tìm kiếm được một công việc mới
Having been equipped with soft skills and good qualifications, I could land a good job as soon
as I graduated from college.
8. Work unsocial hours: làm ngoài giờ, làm vào dịp lễ
Having to work unsocial hours over many months, I am exhausted and stressed now.
9. A daunting task: một nhiệm vụ khó khăn, dễ nản lòng
It is a daunting task to finish all of those reports by the end of this week
10. Take industrial action / go on strike: đình công
Many people who are not satisfied with the company’s new policy are taking industrial action in
order to claim for more benefit.
11. Lay off: tinh giản biên chế
My company has decided to lay off a number of workers
12. Unhealthy competition: sự canh tranh không lành mạnh
We avoid unhealthy competition when our targeted sales figures.

Exercise 1: Filling sentences with above collocations
1. Because two of my coworkers were taking _____________, I had to do all of their
2. My elder brother has _____________HR manager and he is facing a lot of pressure
3. Without hark work and a sense of responsibility, I couldn’t have ____________ so
4. I really admire Kendy because he always ___________________ even when his
staff members are to blame for the problem.
5. The closedown of my father’s restaurant chain threatened ___________ of
thousands of workers.
6. After leaving his previous company, Kenny could quickly ______________ in a much
bigger enterprise with higher salaries.
7. He had to _____________to pay for my tuition fees at university.
8. Encouraging people to use public transport instead of private vehicles still remains
9. Many workers in the early 90s_______________ in order to oppose the expansion of
French companies in their homeland.
10. When I consider applying for a job, I prioritize a working environment where there is
no _________________

Exercise 2: Filling sentences with words in their correct form.
1. The implementation of this policy has led to many employees
____________________ (take industrial action).
2. There are twenty women ______________ (take maternal leave) in my company this
month, which causes it ____________ (short-staffed).
3. That my department is short-handed at the moment ______________ (result in)
many staff members _________________ (work unsocial hours)
4. The closure of those factories _____________ (lead to) a massive number of
workers ___________ (lose) their livelihood.
5. Technology has replaced human beings in many parts of the production process,
___________ (result in) a lot of employees ____________ (be laid off)
Exercise 3: Filling sentences with words in their correct form
1. ______________ can take care of children better than men. (woman)
2. I know her, ____________ that would sacrifice her youth and marriage for her
career. (person)
3. When my boss recruits new _____________, one of the most important
____________ is their industriousness. (employee / thing)
4. I love going to crowded ____________ because I’m an extrovert. (place)
5. A number of ______________ will be moved to the outskirts to make room for new
__________ and _________ (company / school / hospital)
6. This position can attract very few ___________ because its salary is low (applicant).
7. When I and my brother were young, we wanted to become ___________
8. There is _____________ and two supermarkets in the west of the map. (office)
9. The percentage of female _______________ in this company has seen a surge
while that of ___________ has decreased (worker / male).
10. The number of ___________ applying for this job is not high because most of them
are non-graduate _____________ (graduate / applicant)

Exercise 4:
1. Số lượng người nộp đơn vào công ty A giảm mạnh vào năm 2000, trước khi tăng lên
200 vào năm 2010.

2. Số lượng phòng học trong trường ABC giữ nguyên không đổi trong vòng 10 năm,
nhưng vào năm 2010, con số này tăng lên 200 phòng.

3. Có 200 căn phòng trong trường ABC vào năm 2010. Sau 5 năm, 10 căn phòng nữa đã
được xây thêm.

4. Có một sự tăng đáng kể trong tỷ lệ phần trăm học sinh nữ trong trường học này vào
năm 2000.

5. Nhân viên trong công ty tôi đồng ý làm việc ngoài giờ vì họ đang cần tiền.
6. Ngày nay, có rất ít công ty đồng ý thuê học sinh - những người có ít kinh nghiệm làm

7. Tôi không thích làm việc trong văn phòng, vì thế tôi đã nghỉ việc ở công ty cũ và đi tìm
công việc mới.

8. Tính kiên nhẫn là rất cần thiết nếu chúng ta muốn thăng tiến trong công việc và trở
thành người thành công trong sự nghiệp.

9. Sự chăm chỉ cũng là một trong những yếu tố quan trọng đóng góp vào sự thành công
của một người trong cuộc sống.

10. Nguồn thu nhập chủ yếu của tôi đến từ việc bán sách. Tuy nhiên, người trẻ bây giờ
không đọc sách nhiều.

Exercise 5: Building sentences with provided phrases (change word form if necessary)
1. Livelihood / people in my hometown / fishing / selling fish
2. My company / policy / avoid / short-staffed
3. Coronavirus / employee / quit their job / make / company / short-handed
4. To make sure / unhealthy competition / not take place / many regulations / be
imposed / on the market
5. His career orientation / clear / he / move up the career ladder / quick
6. A great number of / factory / build / in my hometown / a lot of / job opportunity /
create / for local people
7. The number of / international / business / in the region / increase / dramatic / over
the past few years.
8. The percentage of / foreign / employee / in my company / see / slight / decrease /
in 2000.
9. Female / employee / be preferred / there / be / more / female / than / male / in my
10. Read / book / provide / benefit / be helpful / for my job.


Exercise 1: Filling sentences with above collocations

1. Maternity leave
2. Taken up the post of
3. Moved up the ladder
4. Take (on) the responsibility.
5. Livelihood
6. Land a new job
7. Work unsocial hours
8. A daunting task
9. Take industrial action.
10. Unhealthy competition
Exercise 2: Filling sentences with words in their correct form.

1. Taking industrial action.

2. Taking maternal leave / to be short-staffed
3. results in / working unsocial hours
4. leads to / losing
5. resulting in / being laid off
Exercise 3: Filling sentences with words in their correct form

1. Women
2. A person
3. Employees / things
4. Places
5. Companies/ schools / hospitals
6. Applicants
7. Policemen
8. An office
9. Workers / males
10. Graduates / applicants

Exercise 4:

1. The number of applicants in / people applying for company A decreased dramatically in

2000 before increasing to 200 in 2010.

2. The quantity of classrooms in school ABC remained unchanged for 10 years, but in
2010, this figure increased to 200 rooms
3. There were 200 rooms in school ABC in 2010. 5 years later, 10 more rooms were built /
4. There was a considerable rise in the percentage of female students in this school in
5. Employees in my company agree to work unsocial hours as they are in need of money
6. Nowadays, very few companies agree to hire students who have little work experience
7. I don’t like working in offices so I have quit my job in my previous company and seek a
new job.
8. Patience is necessary if we want to move up the (career ladder) and become successful
people at work / in our career
9. Industriousness / hard work is also one of the important factors that contribute to the
success of a person in their life.
10. My main livelihood mainly derives from selling books. However, young people today do
not read many books
Exercise 5: Building sentences with provided phrases (change word form if necessary)

1. The livelihood of people in my hometown is mainly from fishing and selling fish / In my
hometown, people’s livelihood is mainly from fishing and selling fish
2. My company has introduced / carried out some policies to avoid being short-staffed
3. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, many employees have quit their job, which makes
companies short-handed.
4. To make sure that unhealthy competition does not take place, many regulations have
been imposed on the market
5. Because his orientation is clear, he can move up the career ladder quickly
6. A great number of factories have been built in my hometown, so a lot of job opportunities
have been created for local people
7. The number of international businesses in the region has increased dramatically over
the past few years.
8. The percentage of foreign employees in my company saw a slight decrease in 2000.
9. Female employees are preferred because there are more females than males in my
10. Reading books provides a lot of benefits which are helpful for my job

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