The Billionaire

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The Billionaire, also known as Top Secret: Wai Roon Pan Lan, this movie is a Thai biographical film and
was directed by Songyos Sugmakanan, produced by Nadao Bangkok and released by  GMM Tai Hub. It
was released on October 20,2011 in Thailand and later on released in different countries. The movie
became successful and earned 38,796,264 baht.
The casts of The Billionaire are:
Walanlak Kumsuwan as LIN
Somboonsuk Niyomsiri as TOP’S UNCLE
Poraporn Jangkamol as 7-ELEVEN EXECUTIVE/ MISS PAM
Thanom Assawarunggru as TOP’S FATHER
If you think you succeed, you will be succeed.
The film conveys the true meaning of success, without hard work, success is impossible. If we have a
passion in everything that we do, it will be possible to achieve our goals. Ideas not just stays in our mind we
need to make it happen. The film also shows the benefits of failures: if we fail we learn who doesn’t work
and not for us, failure gives us an opportunity to discover new things. Patience and perseverance leads Top
to be a youngest entrepreneur.
On the first part of the film you can see the eagerness of Top to loan a money in a loaning company. His
eyes are full of passion and eagerness to build a factory. And when the man ignores him and ask him how
can he get his attention. Top immediately think a way by getting a piece of paper and tells him that ignore
what in his front and just listen to his story and by that he got the attention of a man. You can see that Top
can do anything just to loan a money for his business. And when he began to tell his story, It’s start when
Top playing a video game you can see the desire of Top to earn money and to be successful. At first, a
large amount of money entered his uncles book account (because he borrowed it.) and later on when he
discovered that he can earn more he uses online games not just to have fun or entertainment purposes but
also to use it as a business later on a huge amount of money continuously entering his account. He is wise
when it comes to money when he put how much amount of money to his play mate you can see his great
critical thinking about that. At the very young age of 16 he already buys a car. Top was become aggressive
about having a huge amount money he discovered that having a business is a good idea and he should
think different ways to earn money. Also the funny part about this movie is when his mother tells him to
study, he got a book and I thought he is really going to study but instead he uses it as a mouse pad you
can see the witty side of a writer by putting that scene. Because top has an ardent desire for business he
tried to sell DVDs but got deceived by a store owner of a DVD player. He’s savings are broke and he can’t
even buy his own food. When he was in the road he saw an event that introducing different ways of making
food business since Top is a wise teenager he went there and ask a question to the front person of each
store and got a free taste of their food. You can see that Top is really wise and practical. Being broke in
money doesn’t stop Top, he tried another business by being a nut peddler by a help of his uncle.
His second business doesn’t go well at first, when they are in the market, he tried to write a tips on how will
his business grow that tactic of Top is also take note for me as he writing in his notebook, I am encouraged
also to take down notes because his notes are really useful. His first note is to have a giveaway, second is
discount pricing, next is charity but as I also take notes about it, he erased it and the funny about that is I
also erased it as he replaced it with location. These tips are take notes for those aspiring entrepreneur.
Top’s ability to be an observant is a best trait for him to call him smart. His business doing well at first but at
the times goes by his Tao Kae Noi Chestnut face problem and later on he closed it. When he discovers his
family’s debt he was more eager to have a successful business so e did not go together with his parents in
china, and finally when his girlfriend brought seaweed snack for him, he was inspired to produce the same
seaweed snack with different packaging. He started his third business but it’s not just easy. He faced
different problems before his business become successful. He asked the professor to help him how to
produce his seaweeds, had to sell his computers and some appliances, had wasted lot of uncooked
seaweed crackers, wasted time for getting the right taste for it and his uncle had an accident because of
the wet floor on the kitchen due to cooking too much seaweeds. These obstacles did not stop Top to be a
youngest entrepreneur. We can conclude that Top is really had passion by becoming a youngest
entrepreneur and he is really destined to be a successful at first he faced different obstacles and we can
conclude that at first our patience will be tested on how far we can go and if we passed that, God will
provide the rest all we need to do is just wait for the result of our hard work. Top had successfully passed
the different obstacles that’s why he become what he is today.
Top’s characteristics is really inspiring but let’s tackle the good and bad character of Top. On the first part
of movie we can see Top doesn’t have an interest in studying. He found education boring, that attitude of
Top is really off because education is a key in becoming successful not just in academically but also in
business that’s also the reason why he got deceived quickly because he lacks enough education. Being
wise and business minded is not enough to be an entrepreneur. Education can also help us in doing our
strategies in marketing and when it come to technicality in business, education is needed in able the
business will function. We can’t predict our future and we can’t control our fate, the one thing for sure if you
study is you can have a job in the future, you can use education as an asset of to yourself. Next is when
Top got a huge amount of money from the online games, he became aggressive and careless. He is
aggressive when he immediately buys a car without telling his parents and become careless by leaving his
car and inside on it is his girlfriend in the middle of the road to buy a lot of food for Lin. He became boastful
because of that, he tried to bribe his school’s principal for him to escape his punishment for illegal parking.
Top doesn’t listen to his parents, as a teenager this is a stage that we are still gullible so a parent’s
guidance is really needed and we should follow it because we are living with their rules. That’s why he is
easily deceived by what he just saw he didn’t think twice his decisions and his innocence is taken for
granted by the people. Top also think that he can do it by himself. Where in fact he needs his parents to
become successful. He also doesn’t have friends because he focused too much by being a youngest
entrepreneur he doesn’t enjoy his youth at all. There is also a part in the movie that he pushes away his
girlfriend who is there for her whenever he has a problem even if he do not always contact her she will do
anything just to see him. That character of Top irritates me, Humans can’t live by themselves, we need a
help of others and also a companion you can share problems with. At the age of nineteen Top dropout from
school which make him broke his promises to his parents, that’s what his parents only wish for him but he
didn’t do it. He can study something that is related to the business if that’s what he really wants.
Let’s go on what I like the most in Top. At the first part of movie, you can see Top is really amazing. At the
age of 16 he already produced a huge amount of money and already buys a car. He is wise by negotiating
with his opponents in an online game. Top at the younger age already think of becoming successful in
business, that mind set of Top brings him in a successful life. When he doesn’t have money and become
hungry he thinks a way of how he can eat and go to the food exhibit to eat free taste. That strategy of s Top
is really brainy. At the age of seventeen years old he become a nut peddler, Top undying hard work and
patience will continue because he is really willing to do anything just to become successful. Top is also an
observant person he’s observing his environment, the people around the market, the different strategies
they use in selling their own business and he summed it up all and tried to applied it on his business. Top’s
good qualities should be the traits of every business man like Top who is resourceful who can provide
anything for his products, a sharp-witted, ambitious and clever person. If he doesn’t like a one thing he will
not do it, that has advantage and disadvantage. It is advantage because he can show what he really wants
and prove it that what he believes will come true and the disadvantage of it is the people around him will
call him stubborn and will have a bad impression to him. He also wants to earn money to pay for his family
even if he doesn’t listen to them he still cares for his parents. And at the age of 19 years old, he created the
seaweeds snack ‘Tae Kae Noi’ who is very unusual for his age to accomplish three business in an earliest
part of his life. A lot of people will not believe you but one of the good qualities of Top is he doesn’t listen to
those negative feedbacks from people, he doesn’t let anyone pressure and rush him with the timelines of
others. He also listens to his inner voice even if his girlfriend and his parents tried to stop him for what he’s
doing, he followed the voice inside his heart and he trusted his own guts and ability and become what he is
today. At first he doesn’t know what’s will be going to happen but he still risk and did a trial and error
because that’s the purpose of business and life to find which is fit for you and which is not. Top always
hope, believe and trust to his own guts and ability.
There are conflicts in this movie. First is Top’s parents, they don’t want him to be a business man instead
they want him to focused in studying which Top is not interested. The problem in this is they don’t listen to
their child, they don’t believe on what he can do and they don’t support him on what he loves. But you can
see the support of his mom by helping Top when he was selling chestnuts but when he didn’t finish the
paint on a ceiling her mom loses hope and want Top to stop his business and migrate with them in china.
Parents support is always important, having a supportive parent can increase your confidence and can help
you to achieve your dream. Next problem is when everybody told him to stop and give up. When he tried
reselling DVDs and got deceive by an owner of a shop his parents become disappointed they scold him
and told him to take an entrance exam. When he’s selling chestnuts and his girlfriend told him to go to
college when he obviously doesn’t want to study anymore. When his uncle told him there is no hope
because they wasted too much seaweeds, when his parents pressured him from china on how’s the school
where in fact he broke his promise that he will go to a university. When his uncle met an accident and no
one can help him now already. When the executive manager of 7/11 underestimate and tells him that his
business will not be sell in their company. They all told him to give up and that’s the one of the major
conflict in this movie. Achieving your dreams is not easy, especially when everybody telling you to stop,
when no one is believing in your abilities and the most crucial about that is when even your own family,
girlfriend and friends stop believing in you. When you still want to push through but they leave you anymore
and dragged you down by their hurtful words. Being with your loved ones in your success is a best feeling,
the best feeling when your they supporting and there for you in your achieving your dreams. Last conflict in
this movie is Top in himself. As I mentioned on his bad qualities, Top’s character that always do decisions
that there is no assurance, easy to deceive by the people who take for granted his innocence and his
aggressiveness and being a careless person caused him a big problem. He’s easily to get irritate and
stubborn at the same time. Example for this is the scene when he got deceive by a DVDs seller and he is
fighting against his parents and his girlfriend.
But all of this obstacles and challenges are successfully conquer by Top. From his parents, we are
absolutely sure that he already paid their family’s debt and I’m sure his parents are very proud of him
because he is now a successful man. Even if he doesn’t go to a university, but he tried to study by the
recording tape that has a lesson of their teacher that given by a friend, he listened to it many times and
tried his best to understand and apply it in his situation. He somehow fulfilled his promises to his parents.
Top conquer his problem in everyone by not minding what others told to him and not be afraid to continue
and proving them that they are wrong, and he is right by believing himself that he can achieve his dreams.
Also he successfully conquers fear, doubts and loosing hope in himself, he conquers the biggest problem
and the best enemy of our life which is—ourselves. It’s hard when you slowly loosing everybody to believe
on you, but it’s harder when you in yourself start loose hope too. There is a scene when Top wait for how
many hours at the 7-11 company but didn’t get any response from the manager, he started loose hope and
just give the newly package seaweed to those workers there. The real problem and enemy in this is
yourself, it’s hard when the negative surrounds your mind and the sadness eat you up. But Top faced his
problems bravely, he’s friends, family and surely his ex-girlfriend now is very proud of him. Top also learn to
have patience and learned his lesson that every decisions is important and should be taken seriously and
wisely. Because for every wrong decision that we have made there is consequences that we need to face.
Also the best feeling is when you proved to the people who dragged you down in your journey for being
successful that they are wrong and the best response for those people is not getting a revenge or backing
out but continue soaring high and be confident while achieving your goals in your life. And if you achieve
the success that you wanted don’t forget to thank those people who stayed and believe for you. Like his
uncle who sacrifice so much for him from helping to sell chestnuts to cooking a seaweed and smiling for
him and supporting and his girlfriend who introduce him the seaweed crackers, but don’t forget also to
thank those who doesn’t believe in you because
Without them you don’t learn the lesson in life that makes you a better person and you do not discover new
things or abilities that are hidden in yourself and every failure there is a new opportunity. They are also the
reason why you are when finally, the 7-11 accept their offer in selling their products in all branches of 7-11
in the whole country of Thailand. And later on have their ‘Tae Kae Noi’ in the branches of 7-11 in the other
The way the movie connects to people especially for those youths that wants to be successful, is really
much appreciated this is the best movie for the aspiring entrepreneurs. As a youth this movie really touched
my heart even if your dream is not for business. Every single scene also relates to the challenges that a
youth facing and the journey to achieves goals and dreams. On the first problem that Top facing where he’s
not interested in studying, many students also relates with that especially for those subjects that you really
have a hard time doing it the reason is just like Top. Students doesn’t have an interest in a particular
subject because their interest and hobbies is in the others, but the film doesn’t want to give you the wrong
idea. The film trying to convey is if you really have a passion in business you can be successful like Top
and any other personalities like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Another is when Top’s parents don’t support
him, many youths also experiencing that. Parents tend to give orders to the child and don’t consider asking
them what they want and they also didn’t listen to their children. This is one of the reason why the children
are depressed and slowly loosing hope in achieving their dreams. Next is when Top got addicted in video
games it also related to the teenagers nowadays, the popular game now is a mobile legends and many
children and teenagers spend their most of their time playing video games. And social media in this
generation are very powerful, some of the youths depend their life in social media and they use social
media to bully and make fun of someone when in fact the intention of it is to be connected to others in a
good way. Next is when Top is having a relationship at an early age, teenagers nowadays tend to have an
immature relationship because they’re taking it seriously just like Top his relationship to his girlfriend Lin, is
not that stronger they are not so open to others and Lin is easily to get jealous there are the scene in the
market when Lin suspected Top that he has another girl talking to the phone. Next is when Top is still
gullible and easy to deceived. Teenagers nowadays doesn’t think much and always made a decision
without knowing what will happen if they choose the decision that can be cause harm to them. And they will
regret and cry for the consequences that they will face when in fact that’s their fault.
But aside from this is, Top’s ability here is very powerful. Just like youths today, this generation are very
powerful they are more aware in their talents and they’re expressing it in a creative and excellent way. They
are more freely expressing their selves. Top also is a very independent person, and also youths today can
now stand up for their own. Many students are working and at the same time studying but this has
advantages and disadvantage. Youths can make themselves be trained by being an independent and they
will be stronger for the incoming challenges that they still need to face. For example, when Top’s parents
migrate in china and become independent to raise himself and pays his family’s debt. But youth nowadays
thinks that they can do it all on their own and they tend to raise their pride and become boastful. Example
is, when top got a huge amount of money in a videogame and immediately buys a car and tried to bribe his
principal for him to not receive any punishment, he became boastful in this scene. Also, the dream of
youths nowadays is high they are soaring and dreaming high for them to become what they dream. This
movie is much recommended for the aspiring entrepreneurs. They can get a lot of lessons, tips, what they
will do to face the obstacles that will come and how to become successful. And even not for the business
related students, the connectivity of the movie especially of Top in the youths in this generation can affect
the beliefs and mindset of the youths that are slowly loosing hope. This movie is very inspirational and
really affect me as a student who experiencing challenges and doubting the capabilities in achieving

Top Secret: Wai Roon Pan Lan also known as ‘The Billionaire’ was direct by Songyos Sugmakanan and
behind this great movie is the producers and writers of this movie. Without them this movie will not come
this far, they did their best to made this movie great and they also did their best to deliver the message of
the movie to the viewers. Director Songyos Sugmakanan together with staffs make sure that this movie will
be blockbuster and they will able to convey the message of the movie. Writers and editors in this movie
able to create good storyline and all the scripts and scenes that happen in the movie are also base on the
true story, it was interpret by Itthipat Kulapongvanich. The writers and editors also did a great job in
creating lines that really inspired and encourage me and the plot also are simple yet beautiful. The
sequence of the movie is very clear from the start where Top is just starting by his online games to his
almost first business and to his chestnut business and the seaweed snack which the product become
successful it’s like similar to the line “from ragged to riches” in a literal way, Top is not that poor but he
started with just a teenager who’s just dreaming and to a youth that is now successful. Director and
assistant directors made this possible, they guide the actors and actresses to deliver their line and act their
scenes in an excellent way. The producers, make-up artist, designers and all the technical staff should be
recognized their hard work to this movie results in being a blockbuster movie and was able to earned
38,796,264 baht. The casts of the film also did a great job. Start with Pachara Chirathivat who
portrayed Itthipat Kulapongvanich or Top, he is truly good artist. He was able to portrayed Top very well,
from the characteristics of Top, his traits, mindset and beliefs. You can see that he worked hard for it and
the directors doesn’t chose an artist that is not excellent because I felt like while watching the movie that he
is the real Top, I am convince by his acting skills. The other casts also did a great job in portraying their
own characters.
There is a lot of unforgettable lines in the movie that will touch the heart of the people who going to watch
this film. First line that makes me stop and realize something is when Top’s dad told him: “Welcome to the
real world, when you lose you can lose everything.” In reality you can’t do anything you want without
thinking the impact of it, it’s hard to take a risk if there are no accurate results and in just one single
mistake, you can lose everything. Next is when the professor telling the student’s that: “If you think you will
be rich. You will be rich.” And “If you think you succeed, you will be succeed.” If you believe in your ability
you can be successful what the professor had said is really meaningful. It’s just all about the mindset of the
person, how he or she believe that they can achieve their dreams. If your mind is full of negativity you can’t
be successful. In life positivity has a big effect in achieving your dreams you just need to be positive that
you can do it and everything will be fall into right places and negativity has no place in a success if you
really want to be successful. But sometimes we are experiencing downfall and by that time our mind will be
full of negativity but after that we should stand up and we must encourage ourselves to be positive. The last
line in the movie that really motivates me and surely the person who will watch it will realize something is
when Top said this inspirational line: “Don’t lose courage no matter what. If we give in the game is over.”
The journey of our life is like a game that has a lot levels. In the first level which we slowly encountered
obstacles, we will realize that this is the reality of life, there is no such thing that fairytale that someone will
save you in an agony and if you think that this is the hardest, the second level will come. In the second
level is the problems will get harder and if you reached the last level, you will slowly loose hope you will
think negative and wanted to give up BUT if you reached the last level you don’t have the reason to stop,
don’t lose courage no matter what, if you give in then all of your efforts and hard work will be nothing. The
last line was pertaining to the game, which the film started when Top is playing a game. That means Top
started at first level when he was just starting business and end also in a scene that he won the game. That
means that Top reached the last level and successfully faced the obstacles that he encountered. He
doesn’t lose courage no matter what happen, he uses his failures to discover new opportunities and he let
his ideas happen. There’s a lot of factors that will affect your success but let’s all become Top, be a unique
and wise person don’t let the challenges be a hindrance. Just like Top for being the youngest entrepreneur
in the world.

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