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1. The house owner has decided to make samll gardens ……on the roof and balconies
a. Never b, whether c, both d, either
2. After all the applications have been submitted , the president…………the marketing manager
within internal candidates by next Wednesday
A, has chosen b, will choose c, was choosing d, choose
3. We request that the audience …………refrain from using cellular phones during the movie
A, kind b, kinder c, kindly d, kindier
4. If you have any ideas for a new project you would like to ….please submit it at the weekly
A, propose b, acquaint c, practice d, employ
5. In order for the agreement to be …… , it must be in writing and signed by both interested
A, validate b, validates c, validity d, valid
6. The new microwave is selling so well that all the ……models have been discountinued
A, precise b, previous c, forward d, away
7. After 10 years in business , Chang’s Hair Salon…………..provides the excellent styling services that
every customer desires
A, once b, soon c, still d, later
8. Participants at the annual meeting have discussed ways to enhance …..among the business
around the world
A, cooperative b, cooperate c, cooperated d, cooperation
9. Before Ms. Murray and Ms Porter finished the training period , both of ……had been in
temporaray office space
A, their b, them c, theirs d, themselves
10. The session on sales strategies was especially ……for the new employees because the speakers
explained the detailed clearly
A, useful b, cooperative c, exact d, capable
11. In an effort to contribute to the community , Maxton technology ……holds public workshops for
businesses to provide information regarding new technologies
A, approximately b, frequently c, spaciously d, originally
12. Everyone registered for the event …….an invitation two weeks ago containing the detailed
A, was sent b, was sending c, would send d, will send
13. JH Software Co. has a reputation for training workers to produce goods
A, efficiently b, effciencies c, efficient d , effciency
14. It is important ….. managers make sure employees follow safety regulations to minimize their
risk of injuries
A, to b, should c, that d, upon
15. The president of Wilson Media Company has officially announced …….decision to appoint Shawn
Harris to the position of director of Human Resources Department
A, his b, ours c, these d, us
16. Either Mr. Griffin ……….Ms Hill will be in the office to receive orders by phone and notify the
shipping department
A, or b, then c, but d, although
17. The million – selling novel is……remarkable when you realize that the author was a notice writer
at the moment he worked on it
A, many more b, all the more c, most of d, too much
18. HCN Parts Co. sent an ……to Dae Chang Motors for upgrading the assembly line.
A, estimate b, estimates c, estimated d, estimating
19. At first as an office assistant, Ms Kennedy was given the task of restocking the closet with office
A, supplies b, supplying c, supplier d, supplied
20. The fire alarms under our management are checked … ensure that they work properly in
case of an emergency
A, recently b, almost c, every d, regularly
21. Mr . Nicholas has received an award for his ….contributions to the field of the computer
A, impressed b, impress c, impressive d, impressively

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