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Site Details

Site & Company name Address Business Type SAQ Details

PT Serena Indopangan Industri Jl. HM. Ashari No.35, Goods Providers Last Updated: 22/12/2020
ZC413238093 Cibinong, Bogor, 04:57
PT Serena Indopangan Industri West Java, Indonesia Completion: 100.0%
ZS413260928 N/A

Primary Site Secondary Site Do you use labour Does the number of workers
Activity Activity providers? you employ fluctuate across
the year because of seasonal
variation in work?

Manufacture of Yes No
bakery products

(local) (local) (migrant)(migrant)(total) (total)

Permanent 263 216 0 0 263 216 479

On Site - all 263 216 0 0 263 216 479

Total workers - all 263 216 0 0 263 216 479

SAQ Results
Introduction Question Answer

ZQQ409102273 Who is completing this form? Please enter your Tigin Puspitasari, QC/QA Manager,
name, job title and email.
Policies Question Answer

ZQQ409102351 Which of the below written policies are in place Human Resources Policies Child
throughout the enterprise? Please select all labour Discipline Health and Safety
applicable options. Working conditions (e.g. wages,

ZQQ409102353 Please upload your Human Resource and Labour HR Policies.pdf

Standards policies.

ZQQ409102354 Please upload your Health and Safety policies. MANAGEMENT POLICY 2.pdf

ZQQ409102361 Is your business required by law to publish a No

statement containing information relating to social,
environmental, or human rights matters?

ZQQ409110506 Please enter your total staff numbers here. If none,

please enter 0.

ZQQ409110510 Number of female administrators 24

ZQQ409110509 Number of male administrators 10

ZQQ409110508 Number of female managers 3

ZQQ409110507 Number of male managers 11

ZQQ409102369 Do you have specialist staff responsible for Human Yes


ZQQ409102370 How many staff do you have responsible for Human 4


ZQQ409102371 Do you have specialist staff responsible for Health Yes

and Safety?

ZQQ409102372 How many staff are responsible for Health and 64


ZQQ409102373 Do you have specialist staff responsible for Yes

Environmental impact?

ZQQ409102374 How many staff are responsible for Environmental 2


ZQQ409102375 Do you have staff responsible for achieving No

customer Ethical Trade requirements at your

ZQQ409102377 Is there a person responsible for managing supplier No

adherence to your Code of Conduct?
Monitoring Question Answer
and Data

ZQQ409102927 Do you collect or monitor any Key Performance Yes

Indicator (KPI) information or other data?

ZQQ409102928 From the following list, please select the relevant Water use Worker turnover /
data collected. retention rates Worker Absenteeism
Recruitment and promotions Air
emissions / pollution Energy use
Wage data Working hours Health and
safety e.g. accidents and injuries

ZQQ409102968 How much water is used per year, on average? 49104000

Please enter amount in litres.

ZQQ409102969 Do you have percentage reduction targets for water No

in place?

ZQQ409102932 Percentage worker turnover in the past year for all 12


ZQQ409102933 Percentage worker turnover in the past year for 10

female workers:

ZQQ409102934 Percentage worker turnover in the past year for 2

male workers:

ZQQ409102938 Percentage absenteeism in past year for female 8


ZQQ409102939 Percentage absenteeism in the past year for male 3


ZQQ409102937 Percentage absenteeism in last year for all workers: 11

ZQQ409102940 Number of male workers promoted within the last 2


ZQQ409102941 Number of female workers promoted within the last 0


ZQQ409102942 Number of new male permanent workers recruited 4

in the past 12 months:

ZQQ409102943 Number of new female permanent workers 3

recruited in the past 12 months:

ZQQ409102975 What quantity of greenhouse gas emissions are you 4714

emitting per year? Please enter amount in tonnes of
CO2 equivalent.

ZQQ409102976 Do you have percentage reduction targets for No

greenhouse gas emissions in place?
Monitoring Question Answer
and Data

ZQQ409102971 How much energy is used per year, on average? 7693314

Please enter amount in kWh.

ZQQ409102972 What percentage of energy used comes from 0

renewable sources?

ZQQ409102973 Do you have percentage reduction targets for No

energy in place?

ZQQ409102965 Percentage of workers that work on average more 0

than 60 total hours per week in the last 12 months:

ZQQ409102949 Number of accidents and injuries, however minor, 3

recorded in last 12 months:

ZQQ409102950 Number of serious accidents (i.e. requiring hospital 1

treatment) and fatalities:

ZQQ409102951 Of the total, how many were recorded for female 0


ZQQ409102952 Of the total, how many were recorded for male 1


ZQQ409102953 What is the number of lost day work cases per 100 3
workers (lost days due to work accidents and work
related injuries)?

ZQQ409102954 Number of workers that received fire safety training 53

this year:

ZQQ409102955 Number of male workers that received fire safety 41

training this year:

ZQQ409102956 Number of female workers that received fire safety 12

training this year:

ZQQ409102920 How are working hours monitored for workers? We have a system in place for
monitoring hours

ZQQ409102921 Please explain your system for monitoring working fingerprint reader & HR information
hours. system (employee database and
payroll processing)

ZQQ409102924 What is the legal maximum working week (including 58

overtime) for an employee/worker? Please enter the
number of hours.

ZQQ409102925 How many hours does an employee/worker work in 40

a standard working week?
Monitoring Question Answer
and Data

ZQQ409102926 What is the maximum number of hours (including 58

overtime) that an employee/worker works in a

Training Question Answer

ZQQ409102842 Do you provide the following training? Please select Ongoing regular refresher training
all applicable answers. Health and Safety Company induction
Job related skills training Labour
standards or labour policy

ZQQ409110826 Please enter the number of staff and workers that

have received training on Health and Safety in the
past year:

ZQQ409110971 Managers total 14

ZQQ409110970 Managers female 3

ZQQ409110969 Managers male 11

ZQQ409110968 Supervisors total 59

ZQQ409110967 Supervisors female 12

ZQQ409110966 Supervisors male 47

ZQQ409110965 Workers total 479

ZQQ409110964 Workers female 216

ZQQ409110963 Workers male 263

ZQQ409110809 Please enter the number of staff and workers that

have received training on Labour Standards/Human
Resources policies in the past year:

ZQQ409110810 Workers male 263

ZQQ409110811 Workers female 216

ZQQ409110812 Workers total 479

ZQQ409110813 Supervisors male 47

ZQQ409110814 Supervisors female 12

ZQQ409110815 Supervisors total 59

Training Question Answer

ZQQ409110816 Managers male 11

ZQQ409110817 Managers female 3

ZQQ409110818 Managers total 14

ZQQ409102851 Have you worked with any brands, non- Yes, Health and Safety
governmental organisations (NGOs) or experts to
improve in the past 2 years? If yes, please select the
relevant focus areas.

ZQQ409102855 Please list the companies you have worked with on PT. Sistem Prima Solusindo
improvement projects.

ZQQ409110859 Please complete information about the Health and

Safety project:

ZQQ409110860 What is the project name? SMK3 certification

ZQQ409110861 Where was the project located? Factory

ZQQ409110862 What was the project focus? Health & safety certification from

ZQQ409110863 Were any other organisations involved? yes

ZQQ409110864 Is performance being monitored following this work related accidents

project? (please list the indicators)

ZQQ409110865 What results were achieved? workers now aware of health & safety

ZQQ409110866 Total number of workers reached: 479

ZQQ409110867 Total number of male workers reached: 263

ZQQ409110868 Total number of female workers reached: 216

ZQQ409110869 Is this project still currently in progress? yes

ZQQ409102905 What are the key next steps to improve to adjust overtime amount for
performance on Labour Standards and Rights or workers to adhere to current labor
Human Resources this year? (Action 1) law

ZQQ409102906 What are the key next steps to improve improve worker competency and its
performance on Labour Standards and Rights or measurements
Human Resources this year? (Action 2)

ZQQ409102907 What are the key next steps to improve improve training materials
performance on Labour Standards and Rights or
Human Resources this year? (Action 3)
Training Question Answer

ZQQ409102908 What are the key next steps to improve Health and continue training and
Safety performance this year? (Action 1) implementation

ZQQ409102909 What are the key next steps to improve Health and Health and safety certification
Safety performance this year? (Action 2)

ZQQ409102910 What are the key next steps to improve Health and complete HS related equipment
Safety performance this year? (Action 3)

ZQQ409102911 What are the key next steps to improve waste water utilization
Environmental performance this year? (Action 1)

ZQQ409102912 What are the key next steps to improve N/A

Environmental performance this year? (Action 2)

ZQQ409102913 What are the key next steps to improve N/A

Environmental performance this year? (Action 3)

ZQQ409102914 What are the key next steps to improve Business N/A
Ethics performance this year? (Action 1)

ZQQ409102915 What are the key next steps to improve Business N/A
Ethics performance this year? (Action 2)

ZQQ409102916 What are the key next steps to improve Business N/A
Ethics performance this year? (Action 3)

ZQQ409102917 What are the key next steps to improve supplier we will do a supplier audit
performance this year? (Action 1)

ZQQ409102918 What are the key next steps to improve supplier N/A
performance this year? (Action 2)

ZQQ409102919 What are the key next steps to improve supplier N/A
performance this year? (Action 3)

Feedback Question Answer

ZQQ409102983 Would you like support from customers to help No

improve Health and Safety, Labour Standards or
Environmental performance?

ZQQ409102985 Which job functions/departments have been HR, Engineering, General affair,
consulted to complete this questionnaire? Procurement, PPIC, Production.

ZQQ409118851 Would you like to upload any further information No

about any of the questions asked in this SAQ?
Supply Question Answer

ZQQ409102767 How many different suppliers do you currently 291

source from?

ZQQ409102768 Which suppliers do you source from? Both

ZQQ409102769 Do you have a process for selecting new suppliers of We visit potential suppliers

ZQQ409102774 What actions are taken to support suppliers of No action is taken

goods to make improvements on labour practices?

ZQQ409102776 Do you monitor working conditions at service No

provider suppliers?

ZQQ409102777 Do you have a process for selecting new suppliers of We visit potential suppliers

ZQQ409102780 What actions are taken to support suppliers of No action is taken

services to make improvements on labour practices?

ZQQ409102785 Does the business consider the impact of We provide suppliers with long term
purchasing practices when purchasing from forecasting where possible

ZQQ409102796 Do you subcontract products or services to other No


ZQQ409102515 How many different countries do you source from? 6-10

ZQQ409102516 Which countries do you source from? Please select China Brazil New Zealand
all applicable answers. Netherlands Malaysia Japan Italy
Indonesia India Austria United
Kingdom United States Belgium
Denmark Germany Australia

ZQQ409110547 Please select the product(s) and services that you

purchase from each country.

ZQQ409102518 Are any of these minerals present in any of the None of the above
products that your site manufactures or supplies?

Processes Question Answer

ZQQ409102399 Is there a process, organisation or arrangement Yes - through collective bargaining

workers can use to input into company decision
making? Please select all that apply.

ZQQ409102401 Are you aware of trade unions having worker Yes

representatives among the workforce?
Processes Question Answer

ZQQ409102404 Have there been any strikes, work stoppages or No

industrial actions in the past two years?

ZQQ409102406 How can workers report any violations of Labour Through the Health and Safety
Standards, Health and Safety, or any other Committee Anonymous suggestion
grievances? Please select all that apply. box Raise directly to employer
Through trade unions

ZQQ409102380 Are you certified by or do you have signed Food Product Certifications (Halal,
agreement/membership to any of the below? Please Kosher) ISO 22000
select all that apply.

ZQQ409102383 Health and Safety: Please upload any relevant Certificate ISO 22000 PT. Serena
certifications from the selected standards or Indopangan Industri.pdf

ZQQ409102383 Health and Safety: Please upload any relevant Certificate ISO 22000 PT. Serena
certifications from the selected standards or Indopangan Industri.pdf

ZQQ409102487 What pollution risks result from your business Atmospheric Water Noise pollution
operations? Please select all that apply. Waste

ZQQ409102489 How do you manage pollution created by your We have a pollution discharge permit
business activities? Please select all that apply. We capture data related to pollution
levels We ensure pollution levels
meet all local laws

ZQQ409102491 How do you use and/or consume water? We take water directly from a natural
source (self-supplied) We use a third
party water provider

ZQQ409102493 How do you manage your wastewater? Other (please explain)

ZQQ409102494 Please explain. we have wastewater treatment

plant to process wastewater before
discharging them into our drainage

ZQQ409102495 What do you do to manage water use and impact of We hold a licence/permit for
your business on local water quality? Please select discharge We measure the water
all that apply. quality within surrounding natural
resources We reuse and recycle water
e.g. rainwater, greywater, treated
sewage Wastewater is treated before
it is discharged into the natural
environment Other (please explain)

ZQQ409102496 Please explain. we construct several infiltration wells

in our factory
Processes Question Answer

ZQQ409102497 What type of waste is produced by your business? Recyclable waste Biodegradable
Please select all that apply. waste Gaseous waste Wastewater
Hazardous waste

ZQQ409102499 How do you manage waste handling and disposal? An authorised business collects and
Please select all that apply. disposes of waste We keep hazardous
waste disposal records We work
within legal guidelines on waste
handling and disposal

ZQQ409102501 Do you consider the disposal of your products and We do not consider this
packaging after use? Please select all that apply.

ZQQ409102503 What biodiversity impacts have been identified from Pollution of local environment Water
your business activities? Please select all that apply. quality and availability

ZQQ409102505 What do you do to manage your impact on We do not manage our impact on
biodiversity? Please select all that apply. biodiversity

ZQQ409102505 What do you do to manage your impact on We do not manage our impact on
biodiversity? Please select all that apply. biodiversity

ZQQ409102507 What is your main energy source? Natural Gas

ZQQ409102508 What is your secondary energy source? Electricity (from the grid)

ZQQ409102509 How is the electricity you use generated? Our contract does not specify a fuel

ZQQ409102510 What percentage of your costs are spent on energy Less than 3%
(electricity and other fuels)?

ZQQ409102511 What do you do to manage your energy use? Please We measure and capture data
select all that apply. related to energy consumption We
are implementing energy efficient
upgrades of our equipment/buildings
e.g. changing older equipment to
newer equipment that requires less
energy to run.

ZQQ409102513 How do you manage your impact on raw material We do not manage the environmental
extraction? Please select all that apply. impact of raw material extraction. We
recover and recycle materials where
possible to reduce demand on raw

ZQQ409102388 How do you understand Labour Standards risks Workers report issues directly to
within your business? Please select all that apply. management We research local laws
We work closely with trade union
representatives We have a designated
Human Resources Manager/team

ZQQ409102390 How do you understand Health and Safety risks We conduct regular risk assessments
within your business? Please select all that apply. We work with consultants and
Processes Question Answer
experts to get training and/or support
We research local laws We have a
Health and Safety committee in place
Workers report issues directly to

ZQQ409102392 How do you understand Environmental risks within We research local laws
your business? Please select all that apply.

ZQQ409102394 How do you understand Business Ethics risks within We research local laws
your business? Please select all that apply.

ZQQ409102484 Do you manage workers transportation to and from Workers manage their own
the site/office? transportation

ZQQ409102485 How do you manage Business Ethics/bribery and We have processes in place to
corruption within your business? Please select all manage this
that apply.

ZQQ409102443 What methods are used to pay workers? We pay workers through digital
payments e.g. to a bank account

ZQQ409102449 Which currency would you like to use for completing Rupiah
the following set of questions? Please select.

ZQQ409102450 Please select the payment period you would like to Bi-weekly wage
use for completing the following set of questions.

ZQQ409102445 How are directly hired workers paid? Please select Other (please explain)
all applicable options.

ZQQ409102446 Please explain. twice a month

ZQQ409102447 How are indirectly hired workers paid? Please select Other (please explain)
all applicable options.

ZQQ409102448 Please explain. we do not have indirectly hired


ZQQ409110529 What was the lowest wage paid to directly hired

workers last month? Please consider each contract
type and enter the wage by gender against each
contract type used.

ZQQ409110535 Temporary - Female 0

ZQQ409110534 Temporary - Male 0

ZQQ409110533 Lowest wage for all temporary workers 0

ZQQ409110532 Permanent - Female 4795050

ZQQ409110531 Permanent - Male 4795050

ZQQ409110530 Lowest wage for all permanent workers 4795050

Processes Question Answer

ZQQ409102452 Are directly hired workers paid an overtime Yes


ZQQ409102453 Please enter the overtime premium (%). 150

ZQQ409110540 What was the lowest wage paid to indirectly hired

workers last month?

ZQQ409110541 All workers - enter number 0

ZQQ409110542 Male workers - enter number 0

ZQQ409110543 Female workers - enter number 0

ZQQ409102463 Are indirectly hired workers paid an overtime No


ZQQ409102468 Do any workers live in accommodation provided by No, workers find their own
your business or a third party? accommodation

ZQQ409102417 What activities do the labour providers that you use Other (please explain)
carry out? Please select all that apply.

ZQQ409102430 Please explain. we do not use labour providers

ZQQ409102428 Do you review the practices of the labour providers Other (please explain)
that you use?

ZQQ409102429 Please explain. we do not use labour providers

ZQQ409102410 Do all workers have written contracts? None

ZQQ409102411 Which of these contract types are in use at your site? None of the above

About Your Question Answer

ZQQ409102342 How many buildings are located on the site? 6

ZQQ409102343 How many floors are there in the tallest building? 3

ZQQ409102344 How many of the buildings are shared with other 0


ZQQ409102345 Have any floors been added since the original No

construction of the building?

ZQQ409102347 Was the site used as a residential building before No

converted into an industrial site?

ZQQ409102348 What facilities are provided on site? Please select all Washing/shower facilities Rest area
that apply.

ZQQ409102350 Are washing facilities separated by gender? Yes

About Your Question Answer

ZQQ409102284 How many different nationalities of workers are 1

hired by the site?

ZQQ409102290 Please select the most common nationality of Indonesia


ZQQ409102291 Please enter the total number of workers with this 479

ZQQ409102311 Which languages are spoken by workers at the site? Indonesian

Please list all languages spoken.

ZQQ409102314 Do you have workers on site who do not fluently No

speak the same language as other workers and

ZQQ409110500 This section asks for information on indirectly hired

workers. Please complete the following information
about your workforce.

ZQQ409110504 Number of workers who are apprentices, trainees or 0


ZQQ409110503 Number of young workers (aged 15 - 17) 0

ZQQ409110502 Number of workers below 15 years of age 0

ZQQ409110501 What is the age of the youngest worker? 19

ZQQ409102335 Do workers have access to or use chemicals that are Yes

hazardous to health?

ZQQ409102336 Please explain which chemicals workers have access Sulfuric acid for protein analysis.
to and how they are hazardous.

ZQQ409102337 Do workers have access to machines and/or vehicles Yes

that could cause risk to their health or safety?

ZQQ409102338 Please explain which machines and/or vehicles may Forklifts, reach trucks, trucks, steam
cause risk to workers' health and safety. boiler, elevators, power generators,
air compressors, tunnel ovens,
mixers, sandwiching & packaging

ZQQ409102339 How many shifts are in operation at this site? 3 or more shifts

ZQQ409110488 This section asks for information on directly hired

workers. Please complete the following information
about your workforce.

ZQQ409110499 Number of part-time female workers 0

ZQQ409110498 Number of part-time male workers 0

About Your Question Answer

ZQQ409110497 Number of female supervisors 12

ZQQ409110496 Number of male supervisors 47

ZQQ409110495 Number of workers who are apprentices, trainees or 0


ZQQ409110494 Number of workers aged 50+ 56

ZQQ409110493 Number of young workers (15-17) female 0

ZQQ409110492 Number of young workers (15-17) male 0

ZQQ409110491 Number of young workers (15-17) 0

ZQQ409110490 Number of workers below 15 years of age 0

ZQQ409110489 What is the age of the youngest worker? 19

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