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Các dạng Writing hay thi và cách viết thư cho từng dạng:

Trong bài viết thư (writing part 4 thường có các tình huống như tăng giá clb, đổi lịch họp, khách mời
vắng mặt, đăng ký khoá học nhưng không học được, tìm nhà…)

Cô gửi các em mẫu viết thư cho từng form nhé. Lưu ý, các em viết đúng form, chỉ đoạn nào cần
paraphrase thì mới lấy thông tin từ đề bài xuống, tránh tự nghĩ ra ý rồi viết => dễ bị sai ngữ pháp
3 dạng tăng giá, đổi lịch, khách mời vắng mặt có form gần giống nhau nên cô sẽ gộp lại nhé 

1. Thư informal (thân mật) - 50 từ.

1. Dear/ Hi/ Hey…

2. Chào hỏi: How's it going?/ how are you?/….
3. I am writing this email to share unpleasant news with you.
4.  Do you know the notice from (the ... club) about:... (bạn đã nghe thông báo từ clb… về)
the absence of …..( sự vắng mặt của….)
the increasing membership fee  (tăng giá phí thành viên) 
the recent change of schedule of next club meeting (thay đổi lịch họp clb)/ upcoming exam (thay đổi
lịch thi). 
the cancellation of…. (việc huỷ buổi họp, huỷ chuyến đi…. tuỳ bài các em lấy từ đề bài xuống)
5. paraphrase lại đề bài (nhớ đổi ngôi)
5. I feel so sad and disappointed (có các câu bày tỏ sự thất vọng cô đã gửi các em có thể tham
khảo, cô khuyên chỉ chọn 1 cái để nhớ thôi, tránh học nhiều mà loạn khi thi lại viết sai tùm
5.  I will write a complaining letter to them.
5. How about your new job? Miss you! (cô cũng đã gửi các câu kết thúc để các em tham khảo
rồi, lời khuyên chỉ chọn 1 để nhớ chắc chắn)
5. Ký tên
Cô thấy nhiều bạn vẫn viết sai form và tự sáng tạo nhưng bị sai lỗi ngữ pháp. Các em cố gắng làm
chuẩn theo form này điểm sẽ cao.

2. Thư formal (trang trọng) - 120 từ

Form chung (ghi nhớ ko viết tắt trong dạng thư này nhé):
1. Dear...
2. Giới thiệu bản thân: 
I am... - one member of your ... club.
My name is…. and I have been a club member since 2018 
(có thể chọn 1 trong 2 cách gt bản thân như trên)
3. I am writing this email to express my feelings about… (Tôi viết email này để nói cảm giác của
tôi về…)
the absence of …..( sự vắng mặt của….)
the increasing membership fee  (tăng giá phí thành viên) 
the recent change of schedule of next club meeting (thay đổi lịch họp clb)/ upcoming exam (thay đổi
lịch thi). 
the cancellation of…. (việc huỷ…. (có thể huỷ buổi họp, huỷ chuyến đi…. tuỳ bài - các em lấy từ đề
bài xuống)

4. According to the news,..... (paraphrase lại đề bài (lưu ý đổi ngôi))

4. Bày tỏ sự thất vọng:
Honestly, I am really sad and disappointed to hear the news.
6. Nói lý do:
Because, I want to meet him/ her and also prepared several questions to ask him/her (khách vắng
Because I do not have enough money to pay. (tăng giá)
Because I would have to go on my business trip in…. (SG, ĐN, Huế…) at this time. Therefore, I will
not participate in this exam (this meeting)
Because I had worked very hard to prepare for this fantastic meeting/ trip better. I spent whole week
for it. I have been looking forward to it for a long time. (với bài bị huỷ cuộc họp hoặc chuyến đi)
7. Đưa ra gợi ý 
I think you should invite another famous expert instead of the former one (mời 1 vị khách khác thay vì
cố định 1 người)
I think you should consider raising membership fee only by 5% (not 20%). (bạn chỉ nên tăng phí 5%
chứ ko phải 20%)
I hope you will keep the plan occurring as usual. If not, you should ask other members to make sure
there are as many participants as possible (tôi hi vọng bạn sẽ giữ kế hoạch như cũ. Nếu ko, bạn nên
hỏi các thành viên khác để chắc chắn có nhiều người tham gia nhất có thể)
I hope you will keep the plan occurring as usual. If not, you should hold an urgent appointment for us
to discuss another meeting/ trip instead. 

8. I believe that a lot of members have the same thoughts as me.

9. Looking forward to hearing from you soon if my request is acceptable.
10. Yours sincerely/ Best regards/ Your faithfully...
Ký tên

Dạng tìm nhà và dạng đăng ký khoá học nhưng ko học đc đơn giản hơn nên cô gửi các em bài tham
khảo để đọc nhé.

Thư thân mật tìm nhà (50 từ)

Hi Thang
I hope you and your family are well.
I am writing to share pleasant news with you. I have found an apartment on a renting house website.
The house has 3 bedrooms and 1 kitchen and a small garden. I feel really happy and satisfied. Do
you want to visit my house next Sunday?  
How about your new job? Miss you!

Dear Nam
How's life? I hope you and your family is also well. It has been a long time since we met. I am going
to move to a new house/ location/ apartment. I am writing this letter to ask you to find a new house
for me. I need a house with 3 bedrooms and 1 kitchen with a small garden. Please write me as soon
as you can find it. 
It’s time to go now, hope to hear from you 
Lots of love
Thư trang trọng hỏi chủ nhà và hẹn gặp mặt (120 từ)

Hi sir

My name is Dat. I am student at Ha Noi University of science and technology.

I have read your advertisement about house renting on the website. I am writing this email to ask for
more information about this house.
First, I wonder how much money I pay per month. Because I am a student at University, so we have
a limit budget. I want to ask If the house is well-furnished or not because we do not have much
Final, I want to you send some picture of your house to me. And I want to visit your house on next
week and view this house and discuss about the rent.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon If my request is acceptable.
Thank you!
Bài tham khảo 2
Dear sir
My name is Nam. I am a student in Ha Noi. I have read your advertisement about house renting on
the website. I am writing this email to ask for more information about the house.  
First, I wonder how much money I should pay per/a month. Moreover, I want to ask if the house is
well-furnished (được trang bị đủ đồ) or not because I do not have much furniture. 
Next, because I live with three roommates, I want to know how many rooms are there in your house
to make sure we have enough space to live. Besides, I am raising a dog, therefore I would love that
your house has a garden for him to play. 
(Có thể chọn 3 trong 4 ý này) 
I would like to visit your house on next week to view it and discuss about the rent.
I look forward to receiving your response
Your faithfully 

Thư thân mật giới thiệu khóa học cho bạn (50 từ)

Hi Thang,

I hope you and your family are well.

I am writing this email to share pleasant news to you.
I have taken part in the English course at ABC center. After two months, I find this course is very
effective and useful. Do you know more about this course? I will send more information about this
course to you next email.
How is your news job? Miss you.

Do you want to take in the English course in ABC center?

Hi Thang

I hope you and your family are well.

I have taken part in the English course in the ABC center. After study for two month I find this course
effective and useful.
Do you want to take part in the English course in ABC center? I will send you more information on the
next email.
How about your new job? Miss you!
Thank you.
Dear Nam
I have taken part in the english course in ABC center. I think it’s very useful and helps me improve
my english skill. Do you want to participate in this language course/ know more about this course. I
want send you more information in the next email.
Well, it’s time to go 
Thư trang trọng: Đã đăng ký khóa học nhưng bận nên không tham gia được, viết thư thông

Hi sir,
My name is Dat. I am a student at Ha Noi University of science and technology.
I am writing this Email to let you know about I will not attend the English course of your center
because personal region.
I have registered the English course of your center but I do not arrange the time to attend this course
because I will visit to da lat on next week.
I am very sad and disappointed because I believe this course very useful for me. It helps me find
another job with higher salary.
I wan to reschedule my course for next week. If not you can refund to me. And I am sorry very much.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon If my request is acceptable.
Thank You.
Best Regards
Dat Hoang Trong

Hi sir
My name is Dat. I am a student at HUST in HN. I am writing this email to let you know that I will not
attend the course because personal reasons.
I have registered the course at your center, but I could not arrange time to attend this course because
I will visit to Da Nang on next week.
I feed sad because I believe this course useful to me and help me find another job higher salary.
Therefore, I would like you reschedule my course for next month. If not you could give me refund. I
am sorry about this cancellation.
I am looking forward to hearing from you if my request is acceptable.
Thank you!
Một số dạng thư nên tham khảo. Tuy nhiên chưa thấy ai thi vào các dạng này:

Write a thank-you letter to your friend for coming to your wedding. (with answer)

Hi Kent,
Thank you for your coming to our wedding party! We know you are very busy working in your
company, but you can still spend your valuable time on having fun with us. Anyway, my husband said
to me that he was very pleased to welcome you at our home in the nearest days. So, let’s me know if
you can. By the way, give my greeting to your parents! 
Keep in touch,
Write a thank you letter for a wonderful dinner party you attended in your friends’ house
named Marry and Tom.

Hi Marry and Tom,

Thank you for such wonderful dinner party at your house! I not only had lots of fun there but was also
enjoyed many delicious food, especially fried chicken and barbecues. I wish I could make either of
them. By the way, are you free on Sunday morning, Marry? 
Write me soon,


Write a letter to say sorry to your girl-friend for not coming to the date. 

How’re you? I hope you’re in good mood. I’m terribly sorry for not coming to the date. You know my
grandma is getting weaker and weaker, so her health isn’t really good. Yesterday, she felt hard to
breathe so I took her to see the doctor. Why don’t you visit her? I beg my grandma will be very
pleased to see you. Let me know if you can come.

Your close friend is going to have wedding party next week. Unfortunately, it is your exam
day. Write a letter apologizing for not attending your friend’s party.
Hi Thuong,
Thank you for your inviting me to your wedding party! You know I’m eager to attend your wedding,
but I suppose I can’t come because I’ll have an exam next week. Anyway, I wish you always happy,
beautiful and successful. Be the way, please give my best wishes to your honey and your family.

Write a letter to your friend asking him/her advice about how to earn money for your holiday

Hi Jerwin,
How have you been lately? I hope you are in good mood. 
Today, a piece of good news has come to me. My teacher tells me that our school is going to hold a
holiday summer in Nha Trang after our final examinations have already been finished. You know I’m
so excited with this school trip because I’ve ever dreamt of travelling to Nha Trang for such a long
time. However, I was wondering if my parents could able to give me enough money. 
 You know I’m totally free in the evening so I really want to look for a part time job. Can you give me
some advice? 
Thank you in advance!
Write to me soon,

PART 4.1: You order a laptop from the store online. However, it was delivered late and you received
the wrong one.
Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would like to do. Write about 50
words. You have 10 minutes.

Dear Nam
How's life? It has been a long time since we met. I am writing this email to share an unpleasant
news with you. I order a laptop from the store online. However, it was delivered late and I received
the wrong one. I feel so sad and disappointed. I will write a complaining letter to them.
It’s time to go now, hope to hear from you 
Miss you

Write an email to the store manager.  Write about your feelings suggest possible alternatives Write
120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.

Dear Mr. Alex,

I am Jenny. I am writing this email to express my feelings about your confusion.

Honestly, I am really sad and shocked when I received the laptop.  I also feel disappointed about the
way you manage. I order a laptop from your store online. However, it was delivered late and I
received the wrong one. I must have been waiting for the laptop so long. Moreover, I cannot accept
the laptop you delivered. It has some technical problems. That’s why I would like to ask you whether
the laptop can be changed or not. 

I suggest you look this problem is seriously. 

Looking forward to hearing from you soon if my request is acceptable.

Yours sincerely,


PART 4.2: You bought a laptop from the store. After you have used it for one year, there are some
technical problems while you used it. You called the store to get it repaired but you have been waiting
for two weeks without any feedback.
Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would like to do. Write about 50
words. You have 10 minutes.

      Dear Nam
How's it going? It has been a long time since we met. I am writing this email to share an
unpleasant news with you. I bought a laptop from the store. After I have used it for one year, there
are some technical problems while I used it. You called the store to get it repaired but I have been
waiting for two weeks without any feedback.I feel so sad and disappointed. I will write a complaining
letter to them.
It’s time to go now, hope to hear from you 
Miss you

Write an email to the store manager.  Write about your feelings suggest possible alternatives Write
120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.

      Dear Mr. Alex,

I am Jenny. I am writing this email to express my feelings about the laptop I bought from your

Honestly, I am really sad and uncomfortable when I use the laptop.  I also feel disappointed about the
way you manage. After I have used it for one year, there are some technical problems while I used it.
I called the store to get it repaired but I have been waiting for two weeks without any feedback. You
know, my job needs laptop very much and I can not do anything when my laptop broken.

That’s why I would like to ask you whether the laptop can be repaired or not. 
I suggest you look this problem is seriously. 
Looking forward to hearing from you soon if my request is acceptable.

Yours sincerely,



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