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TEST 1: TRAVEL CLUB ( câu lạc bộ du lịch)

PART 2: You are a member of the travel club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences. Use 20 – 30 words.
You have 7 minutes in total. 
Please write some reasons why you are interested in travel.( viết lý do tại sao bạn thích đi du lịch)
I like travelling because I feel not only happy but also comfortable. Of course I will have a lot
of new friends.
PART 3: You are a member of a travel club. You are talking to some other members in the travel club
chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 30 – 40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes in
total. ( trả lời 3 câu hỏi của 3 người)
Sam: Hi! Welcome to the club. Can you remember the first time you went on a journey by yourself?
What was it like? (chào mừng bạn đến với clb, bạn có nhớ lần đầu tiên đi du lịch 1 mình? Bạn đã
thích nó ntn?
Hi Sam, I’m happy to become a member of the club. Sure, I remember the first time I went on a
journey, it was when I was sixteen years old.
I went to Ha Long Bay. I loved it so much. It has a breathtaking view (one of 7 wonders in the world).
I met a lot of new friends from many countries in the world.  
Miguel: Welcome! What are the most interesting places to visit in your country? ( những địa điểm mà
bạn thích nhất ở đất nước bạn là gì
The most interesting places to visit in my country are Ha Long Bay, Ho Chi Minh City, Sword
lake and Sam Son beach… but I love Ha Long bay the most because it is so beautiful.
Michelle: What is the most exciting journey you’ve been on? ( cuộc hành trình thú vị nhất của bạn là
My most exciting journey is travelling alone in Bali, Indonesia after I graduated. I stayed with
one local woman and went around the island by motorbike. I felt really satisfied.

PART 4: You are a member of the travel club. You received this email from the club,
Dear Members, 
We are writing to tell you that the famous travel writer Mr. David Price will unfortunately not be able to
attend our next club meeting. Although Mr. Price will not be there to sign copies of his new book
Around the World in Eighty Ways, members of the club will be able to buy a copy at the price of
twenty-five pounds. If you would like to reserve a copy of the book, please contact the club secretary.
( chúng tôi viết cho bạn để nói cho bạn rằng nhà  văn du lịch nổi tiếng MR,,, sẽ không may mắn đến
tham dự……….)
Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would like to do. Write about 50
words. You have 10 minutes.
Hi Tom,
How is it going? I am writing this email to share unpleasant news with you. Do you know the
famous travel writer Mr. David Price who wrote the famous book Around the world in Eighty days?
Unfortunately, he will not be able to attend next club meeting.  Because I really want to meet him, I
feel so sad and disappointed. I will write a complaining letter to them.
How about your new job? Miss you!
Write an email to the secretary of the club. Write about your feelings and what you would like to do.
Write 120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.
Dear Mr. Alex,
I am Summer - one member of your travel club. I am writing this email to express my feelings
about the recent change of the meeting with Mr. David Price. 
Honestly, I am really sad and disappointed to hear the news that he will not be able to attend next
club meeting. Although Mr. Price will not be there to sign copies of his new book Around the World in
Eighty Ways, members of the club will buy a copy at the price of twenty-five pounds! Because I want
to meet him and also prepared several questions to ask him, I think buying a copy at the price of
twenty-five pounds without Mr.David Price’s presence is pretty high. 
That’s why I would like to ask you whether the book price can be reduced or not. And I believe that a
lot of members has the same question as me.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon if my request is acceptable.
Yours sincerely,


( I can meet new friends who have the same interests as me : tôi có thể gặp những người bạn
mới, người có cùng sở thích với tôi)  
I decided to join,,,,clb ,,,,because…. : tôi quyết định tham gia …..
PART 2: You are a member of the book club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences. Use 20 – 30 words.
You have 7 minutes in total.
Please tell us about the days and times you can come for meetings and books you would like to
discuss.( Vui lòng cho chúng tôi biết về những ngày và thời gian bạn có thể đến cho các cuộc họp và
sách bạn muốn thảo luận.)
Sure, for meetings and books discussion, I am available on Monday, Wednesday and
Thursday after 5.30PM. The best time is between 6 and 8pm.
PART 3: You are a member of a book club. You are talking to J in the chat room. Talk to J using
sentences. Use 30 – 40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes in total.
J: Hi! I hear you are a new member of our club. I have been a member for about 6 months after my
friend gave me a year’s membership as a gift. Why did you join? 
Hi J, I’m so happy to become a member of our book club. I decided to join the club because I
love reading books and I can meet a lot of new friend, who have the same interests as me.
( người có cùng sở thích với tôi) 
J: How do you feel about the club?
From the first day I joined the club, I feel not only fun but also happy because I can see that
other members are very positive and making jokes all the time. I love the environment!
J: What do you think about the new meeting room?
I think because the weather is very hot in the summer, the new meeting room is a bit small
and stuffy. Maybe you should install a new air-conditioner. But I really love the design. Very
cozy and creative. 

PART 4: You are a member of the book club. On your last visit to the club, you saw the notice below”
Dear Members, 
We are sorry to tell you that next month membership fees will go up by 20%. Also, we are starting
renovation of the club meeting room and during the next month, club meetings will be held in the
back room of the bookshop every Monday from 18.00 to 20.00.
Feel free to email us at
( chúng tôi xin lôĩ để nói với bạn rằng tháng sau phí thành viên sẽ tăng lên 20%.  Do vậy chúng tôi
đang cải thiện phòng họp trong suốt tháng tới. clb sẽ hỗ trợ phòng họp sau hiệu sách mỗi thứ 2…
Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would like to do. Write about 50
words. You have 10 minutes.
Hi Tom,
How is it going? I am writing this email to share unpleasant news with you. Do you know that
next month membership fees of my book club will go up by 20%? And they are having the meeting
room renovated. I feft sad and worried because I don’t have much money to pay. I’m going to write
an email to the manager to complain about that.
How is your new job? Tell me bro,
Write an email to the manager. Write about your feelings and what you would like to do. Write 120-
150 words. You have 20 minutes.
Hi Mr. Andrew,
I am Summer - one member of your book club. I’m writing this email to express my feelings
about the recent change of the next month membership fees. 
According to the news, it will go up by 20%. Also, there is a starting renovation of the club meeting
room and during the next month, club meetings will be held in the back room of the bookshop every
Monday from 18.00 to 20.00 without asking opinion from us. To be honest, I feel disappointed about
the way you manage and a bit shocked to hear the price. As a student like most members in our book
club, we do not have much money to pay for that. 
I think you should consider raising membership fees only by 5% (not 20%). One alternative is to
implement the fee increase after you have completed renovation. 
I look forward to hearing from you soon if my recommendation is acceptable. If not, I will look
to another book club for my membership.
Thanks and Best regards,


PART 2: You are a member of the yoga club. Write a short statement in reply to the post below. Write
in sentences. Use 20 – 30 words. You have 7 minutes in total.

PART 3: You are a member of Yoga4all. You are talking to Erica in the chat room. Talk to Erica using
sentences. Use 30 – 40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes in total.
Hey! I see you have joined the new yoga group. I joined as I am new to the area and wanted to do
something new, why did you join?  

How did you hear about the club? I found it on the community chat room 
I really like the videos that the teacher puts here after the classes. What do you like? 

PART 4: You are a member of the yoga club. You have just received the following email from your
Dear Yogis, 
I must write to inform you that unfortunately the guest teacher, Nathan, won’t be able to come this
weekend.we know that many of you have worked hard to help organize the yoga marathon but we
are going to have to cancel it I’m afraid.
Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would like to do. Write about 50
words. You have 10 minutes.

Write an email to Michaela. Write about your feelings about the cancellation and suggest possible
alternatives Write 120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.


PART 2: You are a member of the computer club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences. Use 20 – 30
words. You have 7 minutes in total.
Please write some reasons why you are interested in computers. 
PART 3: You are a member of the computer club. You are talking to some other members in the chat
room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 30 – 40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes in total.
Jane: Hi! Welcome to the club. What do you use your computer for? 

Herbert: Welcome! Can you remember the first computer you used? What was it like? 
Ahmed: What would you like to learn from the computer club? 
PART 4: You are a member of the computer club. You have just received the following email from
your teacher.
Dear Members, 
We are sorry to tell you that next month membership fees will go up by 20%. Also, we are starting
renovation of the club meeting room and during the next month, club meetings will be held in the
back room of the computer lab every Monday from 18.00 to 20.00.

Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would like to do. Write about 50
words. You have 10 minutes.
Write an email to Michaela. Write about your feelings about the cancellation and suggest possible
alternatives Write 120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.


PART 2: You are a member of the film club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences. Use 20 – 30 words.
You have 7 minutes in total.
Please write some of your favorite films and why do you like watching them? 

PART 3: You are a member of the film club. You are talking to some other members in the chat
room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 30 – 40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes in total.
Jane: Hi! Welcome to the club. How often do you watch film? 
Herbert: Welcome! Can you remember the first film you watched What was it like? 
Ahmed: What would you like to learn from the film club?
PART 4: You are a member of the film club. You have just received the following email from the
club’s president
Dear Members, 
We are writing to tell you that the guest actor, James Mc Avoy, will unfortunately not be able to give a
talk at our next club meeting due to personal reasons. He has requested we reschedule the talk for
the next year in either January or March. Please contact the club secretary if you have a preference
for one of the two months. Our meeting will take place as usual with a discussion on the advantages
and disadvantages of learning on the Internet.
Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would like to do. Write about 50
words. You have 10 minutes.

Write an email to secretary of the club.  Write about your feelings suggest possible alternatives Write
120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.


PART 2: You are a member of the club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences. Use 20 – 30 words. You
have 7 minutes in total.
Please tell us why you are interested in joining the club. 

PART 3: You are talking to the club’s president. Talk to him using sentences. Use 30 – 40 words per
answer. You have 10 minutes in total.
Hi! I heard that you have attended a club meeting this afternoon. How do you feel about the meeting?
We have weekly meetings on Saturday afternoons. What topic are you expecting us to talk about

We are thinking of holding some games next week. Can you suggest some? 

PART 4: You are a member of the club. You have just received the following email from your teacher.
Dear Members, 
We are sorry to inform you that the Talk show has been cancelled as the guests are unexpectedly
busy. We do not have any back-up plan, so there will be no meeting this week. We will inform you the
re-open of the Talk show as soon as we can. We are sorry for the inconvenience. 
Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would like to do. Write about 50
words. You have 10 minutes.
Write an email to the president of the club.  Write about your feelings suggest possible alternatives
Write 120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.

PART 2: Please answer the following question to complete the survey. Write in sentences. Use 20 –
30 words. You have 7 minutes in total.
Please tell how often you go shopping in our store. 
PART 3: Answer our questions using sentences.. Use 30 – 40 words per answer. You have 10
minutes in total.
What do you think about the staff’s attitude? 

What is your opinion about our goods’ quality? 

What do you think about our customer care service?  
PART 4.1: You order a laptop from the store online. However, it was delivered late and you received
the wrong one. 
Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would like to do. Write about 50
words. You have 10 minutes.

Write an email to the store manager.  Write about your feelings suggest possible alternatives Write
120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.

PART 4.2: You bought a laptop from the store. After you have used it for one year, there are some
technical problems while you used it. You called the store to get it repaired but you have been waiting
for two weeks without any feedback.
Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would like to do. Write about 50
words. You have 10 minutes.
Write an email to the store manager.  Write about your feelings suggest possible alternatives Write
120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.


PART 2: Please answer the following question to complete the survey. Write in sentences. Use 20 –
30 words. You have 7 minutes in total.
Please tell why you would like to join our club. 

PART 3: Answer our questions using sentences. Use 30 – 40 words per answer. You have 10
minutes in total.
What sports are you good at( giỏi) and what sports do you want to play in the club
How often and what time can you play in the club

What do you think about the services given by the club? 

PART 4.1 You received this email from the club.

Dear Members, 
We would like to announce that membership fees will go up by 50% next month. That means you
have to pay 40 dollars instead of 20 dollars. 
Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would like to do. Write about 50
words. You have 10 minutes

Write an email to the club manager.  Write about your feelings suggest possible alternatives Write
120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.
PART 2: Please answer the following question to complete the survey. Write in sentences. Use 20 –
30 words. You have 7 minutes in total.
Please tell why you would like to join our club. 
PART 3: Answer our questions using sentences. Use 30 – 40 words per answer. You have 10
minutes in total.
What sports are you good at and what sports do you want to play in the club? 
How often and what time can you play in the club? 
What do you think about the services given by the club

PART 4.1 You received this email from the club.

Dear Members, 
We would like to announce that membership fees will go up by 50% next month. That means you
have to pay 40 dollars instead of 20 dollars. Furthermore, we are going to close the gym from
Monday to Wednesday due to maintenance plan. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to
contact us.
Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would like to do. Write about 50
words. You have 10 minutes.

Write an email to the store manager.  Write about your feelings suggest possible alternatives Write
120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.


PART 2: Please tell us why you joined our association and what you think our priorities should be. 
Write in sentences. Use 20 – 30 words. You have 7 minutes in total.
PART 3: You have recently joined an Environmental Protection society and you are talking to some
of the other society members in a chat room. Answer their questions using complete sentences. Use
3-40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes to complete all 3 answers.
Hi! I see you are new to the site. I joined last year because I want to help protect the planet. Why did
you join? 
The company I work for has many special environment protection projects. What about the company
you work with? Are there any special projects you are involved with?

I think recycling is a great but simple way we can help save the planet. What do you think about
. PART 4. You saw this note on the Association website about an Environment Protection
Competition for schools.
Dear Members,
We are writing to inform you that the Environment Protection Competition for primary and secondary
schools has been cancelled due to lack of sponsorship. We are very sorry to disappoint Association
members and we hope to have another competition soon.
Write an email to a friend. Tell him/her what you think about the cancellation and suggest other ways
of making students aware of how important it is to protect the environment. Write about 50 words.
You have 10 minutes.  

Write an email to the organization secretary.  Write about your feelings suggest possible alternatives
Write 120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.
PART 2: Please tell us why you joined our association and what do you think our main problems
might be with crime in this area. (20-30 words)
PART 3: You have recently joined community watch group in your neighborhood and you are talking
to some of the other watch members in a chat room. Answer their questions using complete
sentences. Use 3-40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes to complete all 3 answers.
Hi! I see you are new to the neighborhood and to the community watch. How do you find the

The last place I lived didn’t have a community watch and we did have some crime; do you think the
crime rate will be reduced here with the help of this watch group?
I think that this type of scheme will bring the people of the neighborhood together, do you agree?
PART 4 You saw this note on community watch website about a new street light system that was to
be installed in the area.
Dear residents,
I am writing to inform you that the plan to erect ten new street lights along the area of DFT will be
delayed for some time due to government funding. We apologize for the delay and hope to inform
you of any progress in this matter soon.
Mike Patton,
DFT Community Watch support officer
Write an email to a friend. Tell him/her what you think about the delay and suggest other alternatives
to the street lights. Write about 50 words. You have 10 minutes.  
Write an email to the DFT Community Watch support officer. Explain your feelings and make
suggestions. Write 120 -150 words. You have 20 minutes.


PART 2: You are a member of the cooking club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences. Use 20 – 30
words. You have 7 minutes in total.
Please tell us about the days and time you can come and the food you enjoy cooking and eating.
PART 3: You are a member of the club. You are talking to J in the cooking chat room. Talk to J using
sentences. Use 30 – 40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes in total.
Hi! I hear you’ve just started taking cooking classes. I’ve been a member for about two years
because my children want me to get better at cooking. Why did you join? 
I go once or twice a week. How often do you think you’ll go?
OK. What do you think about the price of the classes?
You are a new member of a catering club. You are talking to M. in the customer chat room. Talk to M
using complete sentences. Use 30-40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes to complete all 3
M: Hello. I see you're new to our club. I've been a member for nearly a year now. Why did you decide
to join? *
Maximum 40 words, 3 minutes

M: So what dishes do you enjoy cooking? *

Maximum 40 words, 3 minutes

M: Apparently the club is going to start posting members' favourite dishes on the website. What do
you think of this idea?
Maximum 40 words, 3 minutes

PART 4: You are a member of the club. You received this email from the club’s manager.
Dear Members, 
I am writing to inform you that next week’s cooking classes will be cancelled because your teacher is
on holiday. Extra classes may be available when the teacher returns. I am sorry if this creates any
difficulties for you. Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer you a refund at this stage.
Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would like to do. Write about 50
words. You have 10 minutes.
Write an email to the manager. Write about your feelings and what you would like to do. Write 120-
150 words. You have 20 minutes.

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