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World Streets Weekly - Edition of 28 March 2011

Weekly Edition of 28 March 2011

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Honk! OpenStreetMap: Visualizing spatial data

Eric Britton, editor | 26 March 2011 at 13:21 | Categories: cities, collaboration, contributors, mapping, Space |

Going into our third year of publication, World Streets thus far offers to our readers
close to one thousand easily retrievable original articles and twice as many illustrative
graphics on a broad range of tools, measures and topics that relate in some useful way
to the up-hill push to sustainable transport policy and practice in and around cities,
worldwide. But until now we have not published a single article on OpenStreetMap.
This is a significant oversight of an important tool which we would now like to remedy.

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Interview with British Transport Secretary / Attitudes towards the car

Eric Britton, editor | 26 March 2011 at 05:34 | Categories: Network Dispatches, UK | URL:

From: Simon Field [] The Guardian interviewed

Philip Hammond last week: you can read Andrew Sparrow's piece in full
here: Throughout the interview you will see that Hammond refers to carbon
as the problem, largely ignoring or dismissing other concerns about the car.

Read More via Network Dispatches

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Wor ld Str e et s. Mon d ay , 28 Ma rch , 2 01 1 1 | Pa g e

World Streets Weekly - Edition of 28 March 2011
Managing Two and Three-Wheelers in Asia
Eric Britton, editor | 25 March 2011 at 15:19 | Categories: Global South, M2W | URL:

Drivers of two-and three-wheelers are vulnerable to road accidents and deaths, and are exposed to high
levels of air pollution. Two and three-wheelers remain important modes of transport in many Asian countries
and cities now and in the future, and contribute to a large share of GHG emissions, air pollution and traffic
congestion. The project aims to encourage greater inclusion of two and three-wheelers in national plans and
policies for urban planning, transport and environment, to address these issues.

Download full report here.

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Op-Ed. Time to put a stake in the ground

Eric Britton, editor | 24 March 2011 at 15:03 | Categories: Global South | URL:

Our friend and occasional contributor from Lahore Pakistan, Hassaan

Ghazali, is a very severe critic not only of transport policy and practice in
his country, but also of the many cultural and political facts of life which
form the fundamental bedrock of the decisions which shape (or
misshape) the sector (and with it our day-to-day lives). Bad decisions,
very bad decisions in our sector, are rarely just accidents or one-off
occurrences. They are deeply embedded, almost invisible to most, and there are entrenched reasons behind
them, whether in Pakistan, Paris or Peoria. Here he explores man/car/technology relationships which can be
seen in many places around the world. In short, most of us have a problem with the car. But it's not the car
that is the problem. It's us. That's the first thing we need to come to grips with. All of us in fact. Read on.

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BMW enters the one-way carsharing market

Eric Britton, editor | 22 March 2011 at 09:38 | Categories: cars auto industry, carshare, Europe, new project | URL:

Those premium German car companies must know something we don't!

BMW announced it was getting into the one-way carsharing business in
Munich, with a fleet of 300 BMW 1-series and Minis, starting in April;
followed by 500 vehicles in Berlin. They're calling it "Premium Carsharing".
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Wor ld Str e et s. Mon d ay , 28 Ma rch , 2 01 1 2 | Pa g e

World Streets Weekly - Edition of 28 March 2011

The Battle for the Streets of New York City

Eric Britton, editor | 21 March 2011 at 10:44 | Categories: anger, bike bicycle, cyclist, debate, Governance,
pedestrian, social media, Street sharing, USA | URL:

What was the song? "If you can do it here you can do it anywhere. New York New
York"? Well there just may be something to that. Here is some of the latest on
how the proponents of more and safer biking in New York City are using social
media to gain support from the citizen base, while at the same time an irate lobby
is doing its best to keep the streets as they were and, as they hope, ever shall be.
Amen Sister. (BTW, this is by no means a unique conflict. It could be your city.)

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This we will have to do together. So now all that remains to be done is to get you
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