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Climate Action Summit 2019

During the Climate Action Summit in New York, 23 September, a New Leadership Group
launched in order to turn the gas emitting industries to a low-carbon economy. India and
Sweden with several countries and companies from all over the world agreed to be joining a
Leadership Group for Industry Transition that has the mission in hard-to-decarbonize and
energy-intensive sectors. This movement received some positive responses from several
world organization.
The Swedish Prime Minister said that climate crisis must be solved together, and this
movement is bringing many parties to transform the heavy industry. The Indian Prime
Minister said that the climate crisis must be overcome based on each capability and he hoped
that this movement will help the developing countries in overcoming the climate crisis.
An effort must be taken in the form of international collaboration between countries and
industrial parties in order to create some changes like an investment in low carbon
infrastructure. Reducing emission in an instant period is mandatory while trying to
accomplish net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
The Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum said that his
organization is supporting this international partnership to distribute the technology and
model to solve the carbon emission problem that the world faces. There is also a massive
enthusiasm from the private sector to work together with the government and partners to
work on this issue.
Initiation of Developing Zero-Emissions Vessels (ZEV)
Shipping decarbonization can lead to green development across the world since international
shipping is massively contributing to global emissions. The partnership between the Global
Maritime Forum, the Friends of Ocean Action, and the World Economic Forum are making a
move to reduce decarbonization named The Getting to Zero Coalition. It works with the
shipping value chain issues that involved several parties. It is receiving a positive response
from the leaders across the several industrial sectors and it leads to Poseidon Principles, a
framework that works on climate problems in shipping.
Zero-emissions vessels (ZEV) must enter the shipment world by 2030, to reduce 50 percent
emissions by 2050. The coalition will help to make this happened by:
• Establish transparent and transformative leadership.
• Deliver the knowledge of decarbonization pathways.
• Investment on ZEV developments.
• Boost the practical implementation to speed up the distribution of ZEVs.

Establishing Pledge Aligned with 1.5°C Trajectory

A new pledge named “Business Ambition for 1.5°C – Our Only Future” is also declared in
the summit. This coalition is working on climate issues by setting scientific targets along with
a 1.5°C trajectory for a net-zero future since it needs action from the business and
government sectors. It is the project of the UN Global Compact, Science Based Targets
Initiative and the We Mean Business coalition. There are 87 companies shows their
enthusiasm towards zero-emission and they are declaring their involvement today. They also
committed to working on this issue.

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