Nursing Programs: Philosophy of PHD Nursing in India by Inc

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To prepare nurses to function in super speciality areas who are required in tertiary care
institutions, entrusting limited Public Health functions to nurses after providing adequate
training and increase the ratio of degree holding vis-a-vis diploma holding nurses. There is an
acute shortage of Nursing faculty in under graduate and Post Nursing program in India.
Doctoral education is essential to prepare Nursing scholars to improve the quality of Nursing
Education and practice in India. Doctoral education builds upon and extends competence
acquired at the under graduate and post graduate levels, emphasizes theory development and
research skills.


 To assume leadership roles in complex health care and education systems.

 To develop a theoretical and empirical base for nursing practise in both current and
emerging health care systems.
 To conduct nursing research and participate in developing health care policies
 To evidence based practice for clinical effectiveness.

To prepare Nurse scholars who will contribute both to the development and application of
knowledge in nursing for enhancing quality of nursing education, nursing research, nursing
practice and dissemination of nursing knowledge.

 Conduct research relevant to nursing
 Develop nursing theories and nursing sciences
 To synthesize knowledge from nursing and other allied sciences
 To develop and test theory that affects health status
 To demonstrate the leadership skills in nursing practice, nursing education and nursing
 To disseminate the results of theory development and research.

The master of science in nursing program is offered by institutions of higher education and is
built upon Bachelor’s curriculum in nursing, recognized by INC. The program prepares
nurses for leadership positions in nursing and health fields who can function as specialists
nurse practitioners, consultants, educationists, Administrators and Investigators in a wide
variety of professional setting in meeting the National priorities and changing the needs of the


On Completion of the two year M.Sc Nursing programme, the graduate will be able to:-

1. Utilize/apply the concepts, theories and principles of nursing science

2. Demonstrate advance competence in practice of nursing
3. Practice as a nurse specialist.
4. Demonstrate leadership qualities and function effectively as nurse educator and manager.
5. Demonstrate skill in conducting nursing research, interpreting and utilizing the findings
from health related research.
6. Demonstrate the ability to plan and effect change in nursing practice and in the health care
delivery system.
7. Establish collaborative relationship with members of other disciplines
8. Demonstrate interest in continued learning for personal and professional advancement.

A candidate seeking admissions shall have:
 Passed B.Sc. nursing(basic) or post basic B.Sc. nursing or post certificate
B.Sc. nursing.
 Minimum of 1 year of experience after obtaining B.Sc. nursing(basic), in a
hospital or in nursing educational institution or in community health
setting. For candidate with Post Basic B.Sc. in nursing degree no such
experience is needed after graduation.
 Registered in state nursing Council as a registered nurse and registered


The selection shall be based on merit judged on the basis of aggregate of
marks obtained in the university examination from first year to final year
B.Sc.(basic) Nursing or Post Basic B.Sc. in nursing and marks obtained in
the selection test.
M.Sc. (N)
If parent hospital is super-speciality hospital like cardio-thoracic hospital/cancer with annual
intake 10 M.Sc(N) in cardio thoracic/cancer
Professor cum coordinator 1
Reader / Associate Professor 1
Lecturer 2
The above faculty shall perform dual role
B.Sc.(N) and M.Sc.(N)
Annual intake of 60 students in B.Sc.(N) and 25 students for M.Sc.(N) programme
Professor-cum-Principal 1
Professor-cum-Vice Principal 1
Reader / Associate Professor 5
Lecturer 8
Tutor / Clinical Instructor 19
Total 34
Teacher Student Ratio = 1 : 10 for M.Sc.(N) programme.


Sr. No. Post Qualification Experience
1 Professor-cum-Principal - Masters Degree in nursing
- 14 years experience after M.Sc. (N) in
college of nursing
- 3 years experience in administration (Years of
experience is relaxable if suitable candidate
is not available) (If a candidate is not
available, minimum 5 years of experience in college of nursing, with an aggregate of 14
years teaching experience)
2 Professor-cum-Vice
- Masters Degree in Nursing
- 14 years experience after M.Sc. (N) in College of
Nursing .
- 3 years experience in administration (Years of
experience is relaxable if suitable candidate is
not available) (If a candidate is not available, minimum 5 years of experience in college of
nursing, with an aggregate of 14 years teaching experience)

The course of study shall be for two academic years.
First year
Sr Subject Theory Practical Total
no. hrs hours hrs
1 Advanced concepts of health and 150 90 240
2 Biological and psychological
foundations of nursing
Sec A; genetics, embryology, patho
Sec B; psychosocial foundation of 120 12
nursing and epidemiology 0
3 Education and nursing education 200 100 30
4 Biostatistics and research 150 50 20
methodology and nursing research 0
5 Nursing speciality I 100 275 37

Second year
1. Administration and nursing 200 100 30
administration 0
2 Nursing speciality II 100 275 3
Dissertation 250 2
Total 1020 1140 21

 A candidate pursuing M.Sc. Nursing course shall study in the concerned department of
the institution for the entire period as a full time student. No candidate should join any
other course of study or appear for any other examination conducted by any other
university in India or abroad during the period of registration.
 Every student shall attend symposia, seminars, conferences, journal review meetings and
lectures during each year as prescribed by the department/ college / university and not
absent without valid reasons.
 Candidate who has put in a minimum of 80% of attendance in the theory and practical
assignments separately shall be permitted to appear for M.Sc. Nursing examination,
provided she/he has completed the course and has shown satisfactory progress mentioned
in the log book.
 Any student who fails to complete the course in the manner stated above shall not be
permitted to appear for the University examinations.
 The principal should notify in the college notice board attendance details at the end of
each term without fail under intimation to the university.


There shall be continuous internal assessment. The marks for internal assessment set apart for
theory and practical in each subject. Theses shall be a minimum of two tests and two
assignments in each subject, the average of which shall form the marks for internal
assessment. The principal should notify on the notice board the internal assessment marks of
the students at the end of each term without fail under intimation to the university. The
principal of the colleges shall send the internal assessment marks of the candidates both in
theory and practicals to the university. A student must secure at least 50% of total marks for
internal assessments in a particular subject in order to be eligible to appear in University
examination in that subject.
Every candidate shall maintain a logbook and records of her/his participation in the training
program conducted by the department such as journal reviews, seminars, etc. the faculty
members and peers will assess the presentation using relevant checklists given M.Sc. nursing
logbook. The presentations made by the candidate should be mentioned in the logbook. The
logbook shall be scruitinized and certified by the HOD and the Head of the Institution and
presented in the university practical examination.


The university has prescribed log book, it may be got printed by all the nursing colleges
having M.Sc. nursing course. The format given in the logbook shall be followed by all the PG

Each candidate pursuing M.Sc. nursing course is required to carry out work on selected
research project under the guidance of a recognized post graduate teacher. The results of such
work shall be submitted in the form of dissertation. The dissertation is aimed to train a
graduate student in research methods and techniques. It includes identification of problem,
formulation of hypothesis, search and review of literature, getting acquainted with recent
advances, designing of a research study, collection of data, critical analysis, interpretation of
results and drawing conclusions.
Every candidate shall submit to the Registrar ( Academic) of the University in the prescribed
proforma, a synopsis containing particulars of proposed dissertation work within six months
from the date of commencement of the course on or before the date notified by the university.
The synopsis shall be sent through the proper channel.
The dissertation should be written under the following headings:
 Introduction
 Aims or objectives of study
 Review of literature
 Material and methods
 Results
 Discussion
 Conclusion
 Summary
 References
 Tables
 Annexure
A declaration by the candidate for having done the work should also be included, and
certified by the guide, HOD and Head of the institution. Four copies of dissertation shall be
submitted to the Registrar(evaluation) through proper channel, along with a soft copy (CD),
three months before the final examination. Acceptance of the dissertation is a pre requisite for
a candidate to appear for final examination.

Theory Subject Duration University exam

paper (hrs) marks
1 Advanced concepts of health and 3 80
2 Biological and psycho social 3
foundation of nursing
Sec A; genetics- embryology and 40
patho physiology
Sec B; psycho social foundation of 40
nursing and epidemiology
3 Education and nursing education 3
Sec A ; education 40
Sec B ; nursing education 40
4 Biostatistics, research methodology 3
and nursing research
Sec A; biostatistics 40
Sec B; research methodology and 40
nursing research
5 Nursing speciality I 3 80
Sub total theory 400
Nursing speciality I practical 80
Total 480


To be declared as pass in the M.Sc. 1 st year, a candidate has to pass in all the prescribed
subjects for the 1st year. A candidate shall secure in each of the common subjects not less than
50% marks prescribed for University examination (40 out of 80) in theory papers (exclusive
of internal assessment marks). A candidate shall secure not less than 50% of marks
prescribed for university examination separately in theory (40 out of 80) and practical
examination (40 out of 80), exclusive of internal assessment marks.
A candidate who has passed in any of the three subjects,but has failed in any two subjects, is
permitted to proceed to the II. However, such a candidate shall have to pass all the failed
subjects before becoming eligible to appear for II year M.Sc. (N) University examination.
The university examination consists of dissertation, written papers (theory), practical
examination and viva voce examination.
Practical- there shall be no practical examination in nursing administration. There shall one
practical examination for nursing II in the subject speciality chosen.
Viva voce- 60 marks, the distribution of marks shall be –component 1:50 marks and
component 2:10 marks.
Component 1- 50 marks, all examiners will conduct viva voce jointly on candidate’s
comprehension, analytical approach, expression, interpretation of data, communication skills
and knowledge of all components of course contents of nursing speciality subjects chosen by
the candidate. It includes presentation and discussion on dissertation also.
Component 2- pedagogy (teaching skills) 10 marks, a topic will be given to the candidate at
the beginning of practical examination. She/he is asked to make a presentation on the topic
for 8-10 minutes.

Theory paper subject Duration (hrs) University exam

1 Administration and 3 80
2 Nursing speciality II 3 80
Sub total theory 2 160
Practical- I 80
Viva voce 60
Total 300


To be declared pass in the M.Sc. II year a candidate has to pass in all the prescribed subjects
for the II year fulfilling the common and speciality subject criteria, and secure total aggregate
of marks of 150/300 in the university examination.
 Common subjects: a candidate shall secure in the common subject not less than 50%
marks prescribed for the university examination (40 out of 80) in theory paper, exclusive
of internal assessment marks.
 Nursing speciality subject: a candidate shall secure not less than 50% of marks prescribed
for university examination, separately in theory (40/80) and practical including viva voce
(70/140) examination. The internal assessment marks shall not be added to any
 A candidate having appeared in all the subjects in the same examination and passes that
examination in the first attempt and secures75% of marks or more of grand total marks
prescribed will be declared to have passed the examination with distinction.
 A candidate having appeared in all the subjects in the same examination and passes that
examination in the first attempt and secures 65% of marks or more but less than 75% of
grand total marks prescribed will be declared to have passed the examination in first
A candidate shall have passed in all subjects of M.Sc. I year and II year to be eligible for the
award of degree.
The grand total marks prescribed for I year is 600 marks( internal assessment
marks(120) + university examination marks 480) and for II year it is 360 marks
( internal assessment marks(60) + university examination marks 300).



Nursing shares with the whole university a main focus of preparing its students for service
and assisting them to achieve a meaningful philosophy of life. The student is encouraged to
develop judgement and wisdom in handling knowledge and skills and achieve mastery of
problem solving and creative thinking.


The objectives of the M.Phil degree programme in nursing are;

 To strengthen the research foundation of the nurses for encouraging research attitudes and
problem solving capabilities.
 To improve basic training required for research in understanding doctoral work.
The duration of the full time M.Phil programme will be one year and the part time M.Phil
will be two years.
The student admitted to the M.Phil programme will be required to attend no tless than 2/3 rd of
the total number of lectures, seminars, practical separately in each course.


A two year degree course in nursing is offered in several universities in india. This course
was specially designed to provide higher educational opportunities for practising nurses. The
entry requirement is that they should have completed the general nursing course and XII
(usually with science). Most places also ask for 1 year after completing the diploma course.
Two exams are conducted by the universities – one at the end of the 1 st year and other at the
end of second year.

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