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1. The cell division which brings about vegetative growth.
Ans: Mitosis
2. The structure which initiates cell division in animal cell.
Ans: Centrosome
3. The longest phase of cell cycle.
Ans: Interphase
4. The structure that attaches chromosomes to the spindle during metaphase of mitosis.
Ans: Centromere
5. The stage of mitosis during which nuclear membrane and nucleolus reappears.
Ans: Telophase
6. The repeating components of each DNA strand lengthwise.
Ans: Nucleotides
7. The points where crossing over occurs.
Ans: Chiasmata
8. The phase of cell cycle during which the cell grows.
Ans: G1 phase
9. The division of the nucleus.
Ans: Karyokinesis
10.  The stage when sister chromosomes separate from the paired condition.
Ans: Anaphase
11. The kind of division normally seen at the tip of root and shoot system
Ans: Mitosis
12. The complex structure consisting of DNA strand and a core of histones. 
Ans: Chromatid
13. The type of bond which joins the complementary nitrogenous bases. 
Ans: Hydrogen Bond
14. The three components of nucleotide. 
Ans: Phosphate, Sugar and Nitrogenous base.
15.  Acts a bearer of heredity units.
Ans: Chromosomes
16. A region of plant body where cell divisions occur very actively.
Ans: Growing points such as tips of root and stem.
17. The phase in which Chromosomes appear thread like.
Ans: Telophase
18. The type of cell division which occurs in the cells of the reproductive organs.
Ans: Meiosis
19. The type of cell division which occurs during formation of pollen grains.
Ans: Meiosis
20. The type of cell division which occurs during repair of worn-out tissues.
Ans: Mitosis
21. The cell division in which the chromosome number does not change.
Ans: Mitosis
22. The stage of cell division that initiates duplication of chromatin material.
Ans: Prophase
23. The technical term used for the division of nucleus that occurs during cell division.
Ans: Karyokinesis
24. The membrane that surrounds the nucleus.
Ans: Nuclear membrane
25. The process of nuclear division in which the daughter cell receives the same number of chromosomes
as that of the mother cell.
Ans: Mitosis
26. The process that leads to the division of the cytoplasm following the division of nucleus
Ans: Cytokinesis
27. The point at which the sister chromatids of chromosome are connected.
Ans: Centromere
28. The stage of cell division where the chromosomes arrange themselves at the equatorial plate.
Ans: Metaphase
29. The stage of cell division where the sister chromatids split longitudinally into two separate halves.
Ans: Anaphase
30. The stage of cell division at which the nucleolus reappears, the nuclear membrane encloses the
chromatin network and two daughter nuclei are formed.
Ans: Telophase
31. A specific part of chromosome that determines hereditary characteristics.
Ans: DNA
32. The type of cell division that takes place in anthers of flowering plants to produce pollen grains.
Ans: Meiosis
33. The thread-like bodies which appear at metaphase of mitosis.
Ans: Spindle fibres
34. The stage at which centromere attaching the two chromatids divide
Ans: Anaphase
35. The number of chromosomes present in a nerve cell of a human being
Ans: 46
36. The type of bond which joins the nitrogenous bases in DNA
Ans: Hydrogen bond
37. The components of nucleotides
Ans: Pentose sugar, Phosphate and Nitrogenous bases
38. Type of bond between the complementary bases
Ans: Hydrogen bond
38. A pair of corresponding chromosomes of the same size and shape, one from each parent
Ans: Homologous chromosomes
39. Four nitrogenous bases in a DNA molecule
Ans: Adenine, Guanine, Thymine and Cytosine
40. The type of cell division occurring in the cells of injured parts of the body
Ans: Mitosis
41. A structure formed with histone protein and DNA together
Ans: Nucleosome
42. Point of contact of two chromatids in a chromosome
Ans: Centromere
43. The complementary nitrogenous base for Cytosine in a nucleic acid
Ans: Guanine
44. The type of protein that form the core of a nucleosome
Ans: Histone protein
45. The complex structure formed by the combination of DNA strand and a core of histone proteins
Ans: Nucleosome
46. The cell division that occurs during the formation of gametes
Ans: Meiosis
47. The exchange of chromatid parts between the maternal and paternal chromatids of a pair of
homologous chromosomes during meiosis
Ans: Crossing over
48. Point of attachment of the sister chromatid with the spindle fibres
Ans: Centromere
49. The double helix structure of DNA was proposed by
Ans: Watson and Crick
50. Division of cytoplasm
Ans: Cytokinesis


1. The chromosome number in our skin cell is __________.
Ans: 46
2. The spindle fibres are made up of __________.
Ans: Microtubules
3. The process by which gametes are formed is called __________.
Ans: Gametogenesis (Meiosis)
4. The direct cell division is called as __________.
Ans: Amitosis
5. In meiosis the parent cell is diploid whereas the daughter cell is ________.
Ans: Haploid
6. By the end of prophase, chromosomes are seen as thick rods each having two rods called _______
Ans: Sister
7. The chromosomes which are exactly similar and bear same genes at same loci are called
___________ chromosomes.
Ans: Homologous
8. The chromosome number is ______________ in meiosis.
Ans: Halved
9. The process by which cell multiplies is called _______________.
Ans: Cell division
10. The chromosomes move to the opposite poles in _______________ stage.
Ans: Anaphase
11. Meiosis I is also known as _______________ division.
Ans: Reductional
12. Mitosis occurs in our __________ cells.
Ans: Somatic cells/Vegetative cells
13. Mitosis produces two daughter cells whereas meiosis produces ___________ daughter cells.
Ans: 4
14. Meiosis occurs only in ______________ cells.
Ans: Reproductive
15. Centromere is a part of _________.
Ans: Chromosome
16. Exchange of genetic material between non sister chromatids is called_______________.
Ans: Crossing over
17. The two non-sister chromatids of a paired chromosome are attached to each other at _________ during
the process of crossing over.
Ans: Chiasmata
18. Modern humans have 46 chromosomes. Their sperms and eggs will have ___________ chromosomes
Ans: 23
19. Meiosis takes place in the ________, while mitosis takes place in the ________ cells of the body.
Ans: Reproductive cells, Somatic cells
20. If a cell with two nuclei is spotted under a microscope, the cell is in _____ stage of cell division.
Ans: Telophase
21. Duplication of DNA occurs in the ___________ stage of cell cycle.
Ans: Prophase
22. In plant cells, the cytokinesis is ____________.
Ans: Centrifugal
23. During the pairing of chromosomes in meiosis, the _______ chromosomes come to lie side by side.
Ans: Non-sister chromatids
24. Highly coiled and condensed chromatin fibers are ___________.
Ans: Chromosome
25. The nitrogenous base that pairs with adenine in a DNA molecule is __________.
Ans: Thymine


(Choose the best option out of the four alternatives a, b, c and d) 
1. The chromatin material is formed of 
(a) DNA only (b) DNA and Histones (c) Histones only (d) Nucleotides 
Solution: (b) DNA and Histones Chromatin material is formed of DNA about 40% and Histones 60%.
2. The term “chromosomes” literally means 
(a) Inherited bodies (b) Twisted threads (c) Coloured bodies (d) Shining
Solution: (c) Coloured bodies Chroma means coloured and soma means body.
3. The number of chromosomes in a certain type of cell division is halved. This kind of cell division occurs
(a) only testis (b) only ovary (c) both ovary and testis (d) all body cells 
Solution: (c) both ovary and testis
4. In which one of the following options the stages of mitosis have been given in correct sequence? 
(a) Prophase, metaphase, telophase, anaphase 
(b) Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase 
(c) Anaphase, telophase, prophase, metaphase 
(d) Telophase, anaphase, prophase, metaphase 
Solution: (b) Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
5. Synthesis phase in the cell cycle is called so for the synthesis of more of 
(a) RNA (b) RNA and proteins (c) DNA (d) Glucose 
Solution: (c) DNA
6. Correct sequence of stages in the cell cycle is
(a) G1, S, G2, M (B) G1, G2, S, M (C) M, S, G1, G2 (D) G2, G1, S, M
Solution: (a) G1, S, G2, M
7. Chromosome replication occurs in
(a) Interphase (b) Prophase (c) Telophase (d) Metaphase
Solution: (b) Prophase

8. Chromosomes arrange at equatorial plate of spindle division in

(a) Prophase (b) Metaphase (c) Anaphase (d) Telophase

Solution: (b) Metaphase

9. A phase which is the reverse of prophase is

(a) Metaphase (b) Interphase (c) Telophase (d) Anaphase

Solution: (c) Telophase

10. After mitotic cell division, a female human cell will have

(a) 44 + xx chromosome (b) 44 + xy chromosome

(c) 22 + x chromosome (d) 22 + y chromosome

Solution: (a) 44 + xx chromosome

11. The genetic material in the form of very long, thick and dark staining is called

(a) Centriole (b) Chromatin (c) Chromatid (d) Centromere

Solution: (b) Chromatin

12. Each chromosome consists of two symmetrical structures called

(a) Chromatids (b) Centromere (c) Chromatin fibres (d) Arms

Solution: (a) Chromatids

13. Pentose sugar, phosphate and nitrogenous base together form a 

(a) DNA strand (b) Gene (c) Nucleotide (d) Chromosome

Solution: (c) Nucleotide

14. A cell has five pairs of chromosomes. After mitotic division, the number of chromosomes in the daughter
cell will be

(a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 20 (d) 40

Solution: (b) 10

15. In a human male, a sperm will contain

(a) Both X and Y chromosomes (b) Only Y chromosome

(c) Only X chromosome (d) Either X or Y chromosome

Solution: (d) Either X or Y chromosome

16. Duplicated chromosomes are joined at a point termed

(a) Centrosome (b) Centromere (c) Centriole (d) Chromatid

Solution: (b) Centromere

17. Chromosomes are composed of

(a) Proteins only (b) DNA and proteins (c) DNA only (d) RNA only

Solution: (b) DNA and proteins

18. Function of centrosome is
a. Initiation of cell division
b. Inhibition of cell division
c. To provide site for protein synthesis
d. None of these
 Solution: (a) Initiation of cell division
19. Cross like structures formed when non sister chromatid of a pair of homologous chromosomes overlap is
a. Chiasmata
b. Centromeres
c. Chromomeres
d. Aster
Solution: (a) Chiasmata
20. Parts of cells associated with formation of spindle fibers in animal cells are
a. Microtubules
b. Golgi bodies
c. Microbodies
d. Centrioles
Solution: (d) Centrioles
21. The chromatin material is formed of
a. DNA and histones
b. DNA only
c. Histones only
d. Nucleotides
Solution: (a) DNA and histones
22. Duplicated chromosomes align themselves on Equatorial plane
a. prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Anaphase
d. Telophase
Solution: (b) Metaphase
23. The number of daughter cells formed at the end of meiosis from a cell is
a. 2 haploid cells
b. 2 diploid cells
c. 4 haploid cells
d. 4 diploid cells
Solution: (c) 4 haploid cells
25. Interphase of cell cycle is also called
a. Mitosis
b. Meiosis
c. Non dividing phase
d. Cytokinesis

Solution: (c) Non dividing phase

26. The region where crossing over takes place is called 
a. Chiasmata
b. Cell plate
c. Spindle fibers
d. Chromosome
Solution: (a) Chiasmata
27. In which among the following does the nuclear membrane disappears completely
a. Prophase 
b. Metaphase
c. Anaphase
d. Telophase
Solution: (b) Metaphase
28. Synthesis phase in the cell cycle is called so for the synthesis of more of
a. RNA
b. RNA and proteins
c. DNA
d. Glucose
Solution: (c) DNA
29. If there are 46 chromosomes in a cell then during interphase inside the nucleus there will be
a. 23 chromatin fibers
b. 23 chromosomes
c. 46 chromatin fibers
d. 46 chromosomes
Solution: (a) 23 Chromatin fibres
30. Parts of cells associated with formation of spindle fibers in plant cells are
a. Microtubules
b. Golgi bodies
c. Microbodies
d. Centrioles
Solution: (a) Microtubules


1. Anaphase - Stage in cell division initiated by separation of sister chromatids
2. Cell cycle - The repeating sequence of growth and division of cells
3. Chromosomes – Thick, rod like structures that are visible in the cell no clear at the time of cell division
these are the carriers of hereditary information inside a cell
4. Cytokinesis - Division of the cytoplasm during the M phase of the cell cycle
5. DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid the barrier of hereditary information
6. Haploid - Having only one set of chromosomes in contrast to deployed
7. Karyokinesis - Division of a cell nucleus during mitosis
8. Meiosis - Cell division during production of gametes with haploid number of chromosomes
9. Metaphase - Stage in cell division when the chromosomes become aligned on the equator off the spindle
and attached to the spindle fibres by means of centromeres
10. Mitosis - Cell division during which the parent cell divides to form 2 daughter cells each of which
contain the same number of chromosomes as in the parent cell
11. Nucleotide - A single unit of nucleic acid composed of phosphate 5 carbon sugar and purine or
pyrimidine base
12. Telophase - Stage in cell division in which sister chromatid reach the poles of spindle fibres.


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