About Us: National Savings As It Stands Today Is One of The Primeval Institutions in The Country With A

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About Us
National Savings as it stands today is one of the primeval institutions in the country with a
legacy of more than 140 years that came into existence with the promulgation of Government
Savings Bank Act in 1873. During the World Wars I and II, the British Government used this
channel to raise funds to meet war related expenditures. Given the effectiveness and net benefits
of these initiatives, the idea of institutionalizing the savings culture was materialized by setting
up a National Savings Bureau (NSB) in 1943-44 as an attached department of the undivided
Government of India. Since acquiring independence in 1947, this organization remained
operational in Pakistan in various forms. The Bureau was renamed as Central Directorate of
National Savings (CDNS) in 1953 with its functions and responsibilities in line with the NSB.

In September 1960, it was decided to rejuvenate the structure of CDNS by declaring the status of
an Attached Department of the Ministry of Finance with the powers to formulate policies and
execute various National Savings Schemes (NSS). These continuous advancements made it
essential for the Government to reposition the CDNS as a Technical Department and conferring
all powers of a Head of the Department to the Director General (DG) working in BPS-21.
The year 1972 came as a turning point in the long journey of National Savings whereby the
organization was made responsible for all policy matters and execution of various NSS.
However, the operations of National Savings before December 1971 were limited to publicity
and promotion of the investment schemes it offered.
So far, CDNS has not only remained successful in promoting financial savings in the economy
but has also generated requisite funds for the Government to finance the budgetary deficit and
infrastructure projects. As a custodian of the nation’s savings, today the National Savings is the
largest investment and financial institution in Pakistan with a portfolio of over Rs. 3.4 trillion
and more than 04 million valued investors are being served through a large network of 376
branches nationwide controlled by 12 Regional Directorates of National Savings (RDNS).
To promote and inculcate the habit of thrift for mobilization of Savings.
To be the preferred institution for small savers in facilitating the objective of financial inclusion
and extending social security net to all the deserving section of society.

Defence Savings Certificates

To meet the financial needs of long term category investors and provide them with the opportunity to take maximum benefit of
their savings, the Government of Pakistan introduced Defence Savings Certificates (DSCs) scheme in the year 1966. The scheme
has specifically been designed to meet the future requirements of the depositors with a maturity period of 10 years.
These Certificates are available in the denominations of:
 500/-, Rs.1000/-, Rs. 5,000/-, Rs. 10,000/-, Rs. 50,000/, Rs. 100,000/-, Rs. 500,000/-, Rs. 1,000,000/-
Who Can Invest?
All Pakistani Nationals as well as Overseas Pakistanis can purchase DSCs being an adult singly, a minor with guardian and two
adults jointly, where the payments can be received either by both jointly or any one of the holders. An adult can also purchase
DSC on behalf of a single minor, two minors jointly or as a joint with a minor.

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